Spelling of narcissist

Narcissist Definition & Meaning | Dictionary.com

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[ nahr-suh-sist ]

/ ˈnɑr sə sɪst /

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a person who is overly self-involved, and often vain and selfish.

Psychiatry. a person who has narcissistic personality disorder.

Psychoanalysis. a person who experiences or exhibits narcissism, deriving erotic gratification from admiration of their own physical or mental attributes.


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Where Did The Word "Narcissist" Come From?

In conversation, we tend to use this word casually to mean "a person who is overly self-involved, and often vain, and selfish," but "narcissist" actually has a pretty sordid history.




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Question 1 of 7

Fill in the blank: I can’t figure out _____ gave me this gift.

Also nar·cist [nahr-sist] /ˈnɑr sɪst/ .

Origin of narcissist

First recorded in 1915–20; narciss(ism) + -ist

Words nearby narcissist

Narbada, Narbonne, narc, narceine, narcissism, narcissist, narcissistic, narcissistic personality, narcissistic personality disorder, narcissus, narco

Dictionary. com Unabridged Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2023

Words related to narcissist

boaster, braggart, egocentric, egoist, egomaniac

How to use narcissist in a sentence

  • It’s about Anna, the eldest child, only daughter and family narcissist.

    In ‘The Living Sea of Waking Dreams,’ last-ditch medical interventions are their own horror story|Jake Cline|May 31, 2021|Washington Post

  • All told, the subject reads as a textbook narcissist—which is only a problem because the beauty and significance of his designs remain largely unexplored.

    Netflix's Lush, Disappointing Halston Struggles to Say Something New About the Legendary Fashion Designer|Judy Berman|May 14, 2021|Time

  • If there’s one idea that pervades Tina Fey’s humor, it’s that the fishbowl of society distorts us all into cartoons of ourselves, making us a nation of selfish, solipsistic narcissists who treat each other as stereotypes.

    NBC’s Mr. Mayor Is a Fascinating Mix of Ted Danson’s Charm and Tina Fey’s Pith|Judy Berman|January 7, 2021|Time

  • Unfortunately, because they also exude confidence and have enormous faith in their own vision, narcissists can often talk their way up the chain at an organization and develop a loyal following.

    How a narcissistic leader infects company culture|Lila MacLellan|October 21, 2020|Quartz

  • He describes the president in derisive terms — a narcissist who does not understand the military, cares only about his political fortunes and is unqualified to be president, the people said.

    Former Pence aide says she will vote for Biden because of Trump’s ‘flat out disregard for human life’ during pandemic|Josh Dawsey|September 17, 2020|Washington Post

  • Charles Krauthammer has told Fox News that President Obama is a narcissist.

    Why the Right Thinks Obama’s a Narcissist—and Why They’re Wrong|John McWhorter|September 18, 2014|DAILY BEAST

  • Or he could be a narcissist, motivated by the glory of seeing his name in print.

    The Mind of Leaker Edward Snowden: An Armchair Analysis|Christine Pelisek|June 11, 2013|DAILY BEAST

  • She turned around and became a mother who was a complete narcissist because she had never had enough attention.

    Why I Choose to Be Child-Free: Readers Share Their Stories|Harry Siegel|February 27, 2013|DAILY BEAST

  • Good thing there is no chance of this baby becoming a narcissist.

    11 Funny Twitter Reactions to the Kimye Baby|The Daily Beast|December 31, 2012|DAILY BEAST

  • Abramoff derides Senator John McCain as a “classic narcissist.”

    David’s Book Club: ‘Capitol Punishment’|David Frum|March 23, 2012|DAILY BEAST

Narcissistic personality Definition & Meaning

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[ nahr-suh-sis-tik pur-suh-nal-i-tee ]

/ ˌnɑr səˈsɪs tɪk ˌpɜr səˈnæl ɪ ti /

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noun Psychiatry.

narcissistic personality disorder.



Smoothly step over to these common grammar mistakes that trip many people up. Good luck!

Question 1 of 7

Fill in the blank: I can’t figure out _____ gave me this gift.

Origin of narcissistic personality

First recorded in 1960–65

Words nearby narcissistic personality

narc, narceine, narcissism, narcissist, narcissistic, narcissistic personality, narcissistic personality disorder, narcissus, narco, narcoanalysis, narcodiagnosis

Dictionary.com Unabridged Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2023

How to use narcissistic personality in a sentence

  • And, especially when it comes to the middle, personality counts.

    Why This Liberal Hearts Huckabee|Sally Kohn|January 6, 2015|DAILY BEAST

  • “We won the war,” the Fox News personality proclaimed last week.

    Why I’m for the War on Christmas|Asawin Suebsaeng|December 23, 2014|DAILY BEAST

  • “He was an absolutely gray and insignificant personality,” says Kurnosova.

    Russians Plot Exiled Government in Kiev|Anna Nemtsova|December 16, 2014|DAILY BEAST

  • “I have a very disruptive personality for the industry,” he says.

    The Hot Designer Who Hates Fashion: VK Nagrani Triumphs His Own Way|Tom Teodorczuk|December 1, 2014|DAILY BEAST

  • The sharply tailored blazer and weighty jewelry that cling to her body hints at the dominant personality she possesses.

    Whip It: Secrets of a Dominatrix|Justin Jones|November 25, 2014|DAILY BEAST

  • However, on reaching Spain, the magic of the Emperor's personality soon restored the vigour and prestige of the French arms.

    Napoleon's Marshals|R. P. Dunn-Pattison

  • It represents an engaging personality, in which vivacity and sensibility are distinctly indicated.

    Women in the fine arts, from the Seventh Century B. C. to the Twentieth Century A.D.|Clara Erskine Clement

  • Jean Baptiste possessed great personality, and to be near one was to effect that one with it.

    The Homesteader|Oscar Micheaux

  • The new monarch, with his striking personality and good looks, at once captivated the hearts of his fickle Southern subjects.

    Napoleon's Marshals|R. P. Dunn-Pattison

  • She had expected personality, magnetism, as a compensation for nature's external economies.

    Ancestors|Gertrude Atherton

Numbing Narcissus | About the life of words

When answering the question, where did the name of the plant Narcissus come from, they usually recall the famous ancient Greek myth. The river god Cephis and the nymph Liriope had a son named Narcissus - a beautiful young man with a cold and proud disposition, a clever and courageous hunter. He considered only himself worthy of admiration and loved only himself. Many girls dreamed of seeing Narcissus as their beloved, even the nymphs yearned for the impregnable young man - but he rejected everyone. This fate did not escape the unfortunate nymph Echo. nine0005

Narcissus' narcissism, his indifference and contempt for others angered the goddess of love, Aphrodite. She decided to punish the one who dared to oppose her power. The goddess fulfilled the curse of one of the nymphs: she wished Narcissus to love, but never wait for reciprocity. It is unlikely that the nymph guessed how unexpectedly this wish would come true...

Once, while hunting in the forest, Narcissus was tired and thirsty. He leaned towards the stream and saw his beautiful reflection in it. Here the punishment of Aphrodite overtook him: the young man was seized by an all-consuming love for the one whom he saw in the water. For the first time, he needed someone other than himself; the more grief he experienced, realizing that in front of him was only his own reflection. Narcissus could not get away from the stream: he sat there, as if speechless over a water mirror, forgetting about drinking, eating and sleeping. Finally he died. nine0005

Echo and other nymphs mourned the unfortunate man and wanted to bury him, but they could not: the body of Narcissus had disappeared. In its place on the bank of the stream grew a beautiful plant with a white corolla and a magical aroma. This flower of death was named after a dead young man...

Here we will finish our excursion into ancient Greek mythology and turn to etymology.

In fact, the name of the flower Narcissus does not come from the name of a person or a Greek deity. As is usually the case, the myth was invented much later than the word it explains appeared in the language. Greek plant name Narcissos ( νά ρκισος ) dates back to the noun Narke ( νά ρκ ) in the meaning of ‘Humanness, numbness; dream'. As you might guess, the name of the fragrant spring flower is related in origin to the words anesthesia, drug, drug addiction .

But how was the flower associated with torpor? What is the motivation behind this name? nine0005

Possibly caused by the intoxicating aroma of the plant: some sensitive people can get a headache from the smell of narcissus. But it is even more likely that the flower is named "numb" because of its poisonous properties. Its bulbs contain alkaloids that are dangerous to humans and animals. These substances in large doses can cause a real stupor - paralysis and even death.

From the Greek language the word νά ρκισσος got into Latin: narcissus . From there it began to spread throughout Europe and beyond. For example, in German, the name of the flower, which came from Latin, received the form Nar zisse ; in the 17th century, this word was borrowed from German by Russian. As often happens, the spelling of a new borrowing did not immediately settle down: in the sources of the 17th-18th centuries. there are options narcissus, narcissus and even narcissus . Peter I, mentioning the character of the Greek myth in one of his letters, passes his name as Nartsits .

The modern spelling appears in the 18th century and is initially used along with the above variants. nine0005

Thanks to the Greek myth , narcissists are also called narcissists.



Etymological dictionary of the Russian language / Ed. A. F. Zhuravleva. - Issue. 11. - M., 2014.

Chernykh P. Ya. Historical and etymological dictionary of the modern Russian language. - T. 1. - M., 1999.

Kun N. A. Legends and myths of Ancient Greece. - M., 1954.

Spelling of dictionary words | SPODILO


Dictionary words are words whose spelling does not follow the rules of the Russian language. They can only be checked in a dictionary, and worked out only in practice, for example, using a dictionary dictation.

Vocabulary words can be divided into the following groups:

  1. words with an unchecked vowel: vinaigrette, coat, gradation;
  2. words with a double consonant: Saturday, appetite, kilogram;
  3. words with unpronounceable consonants: feeling, hello peer;
  4. words with b: courier, subject, conjunctivitis;
  5. words with prefixes pre- and pre-: privilege, preamble, prerogative;
  6. words that are written with a hyphen: uphill, alpha rays, exactly the same;
  7. words that are written separately: without restraint, at close range, not in a hurry;
  8. words that are spelled together: up, skipping, inside out. nine0004

Here is a list of the most popular vocabulary words found in the school curriculum.

A : lampshade, abbreviation, paragraph, subscription, native, abstract, avant-garde, adventure, autograph, freeway, agency, lawyer, adequate, adjutant, excitement, iceberg, academy, watercolor, acclimatization, almanac, abstract, anomaly, antagonism, apartments, applause, appeal.

B : baggage, badminton, bazaar, ballad, ballon, barricade, velvet, swimming pool, battalion, careless, useless, rubbish, mezzanine, concrete, biography, boycott, diamond, bulletin. nine0005

B : all-in, vacancy, mitten, cheesecake, eloquent, veranda, vermicelli, vernissage, vestibule, veterinarian, vinaigrette, cello, in an embrace, tight-fitting, reins, in a hurry.

G : dimensions, wardrobe, garrison, genealogy, hygiene, hyperbole, horizon, gradation, gram, grapefruit, flu, group, gouache.

D : deserter, declaration, deficit, dictation, dilettante, directive, thesis, dissonance, praise, thoroughly, attraction. nine0005

E : heretic.

W : jacket, jasmine, gelatin, jockey, juggler, ground beetle, jury.

З : married, familiar, comma, health, hello, zodiac.

AND : Ivan da Marya, ignore, idyll, idiom, hieroglyph, dependent, illusion, illumination, illustration, intelligent, injection, skillful, surreptitiously.

K : quotation marks, pun, kaleidoscope, calendar, calligraphy, calculator, closet, carnival, box office, catastrophe, insidious, conjure, column, colonnade, overalls, commentary, competent, compose, compromise, conference, burner, luminary. nine0005

L : labyrinth, landscape, linoleum.

M : magnolia, major, mayonnaise, waste paper, tangerine, manipulation, masquerade, massage, medallion, meridian, metal, metamorphosis, metaphor, philanthropist, million, motivate, mayor's office.

N : obsession, backwards, sobbing, by heart, obliquely, racing, daffodil, fiction, unbearable, neologism, insignificant, nostalgia.

O : oasis, obelisk, accusatory, object, take possession, ozone, occupation, greenhouse, original, spelling, spelling, orthoepy. nine0005

P : pavilion, front garden, panorama, fern, paragraph, paradox, parachute, passenger, landscape, periphery, minnow, pessimist, under the arm, foam rubber, preliminary, press, prestige, fastidious, privilege, primitive, priority, parable , propaganda.

R : refinery, rehabilitation, regulations, residence, remark, restore.

C : seminar, certificate, lilac, scholarship, strive, sovereignty.

T Key words: toastmaster, dancer, temperament, theory, stew, ink.

U : county, university, hurricane, tamp.

F : fireworks, courier, festival, philharmonic, philosopher, fountain.

X : robe, whip, biting.

C : cellophane, cellulose, value, centner, cyclone, gypsy, poof, chicken.

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