Intimate questions to ask your husband
32 Questions for Intimacy That Deepen Your Relationship
Over the years, I’ve come to prefer (and have worked tirelessly to perfect), a laid-back but romantic dinner at home as opposed to a night out. The process is simple, and it starts by setting the mood. You know the drill: dim the lights, put a favorite record on, and prep a mouthwatering meal to roast in the oven. After that? Prepare for presence. To make any night with your partner more meaningful, I’ve curated a list of 32 questions for intimacy that will help guide your conversation and help you both get deep.
While ambiance is key to an intimate evening at home, without enticing conversation, even the most beautiful setting can fall flat. So let go of the stress of the day or the week, and come to the table with intentional questions that’ll help you grow deeper in your relationship.
Because here’s an important PSA to keep in mind: dating your partner can be more than an overpriced dinner or bouquet of flowers. With the right mindset, intention, and questions, setting aside these special moments can deepen your love and bring a fresh and renewed perspective to your relationship.
Feature image by Michelle Nash.
Image by Michelle NashSubscribe
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Take a look at these questions and jot down your faves. May the conversations they inspire bring you to exciting places with your loved one. Because however you decide to spend your Friday evening, that’s really the goal, isn’t it?
The Best Questions for Intimacy and Connection With Your Partner
- What are three qualities about me that you were first attracted to?
- What’s a question you’ve always wanted to ask me but never have?
- What do you remember from when we were falling in love?
- How do you like to be shown love?
- How do you like to show love?
- What makes you feel the most loved?
- Would you like to be famous?
- If you could, what would you have changed about your childhood?
- What is one thing that you’re afraid to tell anyone else?
- What would the perfect day look like to you? How would you spend it?
- If we met again for the first time, but with all the knowledge of our relationship up to now, what would you want to say to me?
- Share a time you felt embarrassed.
- When have you felt the most proud of me?
- Who was the last person you cried in front of? Why?
- What is your biggest regret?
- Out of the five senses, which is the most sensual to you?
- What do you think your younger self would think of our relationship?
- If you could relive one day together, which would it be?
- Is there anything you’re afraid to accomplish that I can help you with?
- Is our relationship physical enough for you? What would make it better in your eyes?
- How and where do you like to be touched?
- Do you have any fantasies you would like fulfilled?
- What is the closest you’ve ever felt to me?
- What is the best part of our relationship?
- My sexiest feature is… ?
- What song always makes you think of me?
- Is there anything we haven’t tried that you’d like to?
- What movie do you think would reflect our relationship?
- How and when did you know we’d make it as a couple?
- If you didn’t have to work, what would you do with your life?
- What is the best way I can make you feel loved?
- What’s your favorite memory of us?
Have you and your partner tried asking intentional questions for intimacy and connection? We’d love to hear how it influenced your relationship in the comments.
This post was originally published on February 14, 2022, and has since been updated.
101 Sexy Questions to Ask Your Partner
In This Article
Most people desire intimate connections with their partners, and these 101 intimate questions to ask your partner can help you to get to know each other better.
Intimate questions for couples can also help you to connect and build a trusting relationship, making these questions to ask your significant other part of the foundation of a happy, lasting partnership.
What keeps couples together?
Intimacy is a part of what keeps couples together because it helps them to develop a sense of trust and connection to each other. Ultimately, this builds relationship satisfaction and prevents couples from growing apart over time.
Research even shows that intimacy can keep couples together.
According to the authors of a 2020 study in the European Journal of Investigation in Health, Psychology, and Education, emotional intimacy is particularly important because it contributes strongly to relationship satisfaction and is perhaps even more important than sexual intimacy.
This is not surprising, given the fact that intimacy leads to feelings of closeness as well as loving behaviors and a strong degree of trust in relationships.
The same study found that low levels of emotional intimacy in relationships were linked to relationship dissatisfaction and uncertainty about the relationship, which in turn increased the risk of infidelity.
This shows just how important intimacy is for keeping couples together and why you should be interested in 101 intimate questions to ask your partner.
The science of intimacy
Since intimate questions can be important for building a connection and keeping couples together, it is also helpful to understand the stages of intimacy in a relationship.
According to experts, there are three stages of intimacy in relationships:
- The dependent stage
During this first stage, partners come to depend upon each other for emotional support, assistance with parenting, sexual intimacy, and finances. It is probably during this stage that intimate questions become important because they help you and your partner to connect and feel safe depending upon each other for emotional support.
The progression to the next stage of intimacy involves two people coming together to share a life and equitably divide the duties in the relationship. For instance, both partners contribute to finances and to parenting roles. Intimate questions continue to be critical during this stage, as without a deep connection, the passion and desire for each other may begin to fade. During this stage, such questions for couples can keep the passion alive.
- Intimate communion
In the final stage of intimate relationships, couples begin to actually practice love, which teaches them that they cannot fall out of love, but instead, with intimacy, care, and connection, they can engage in the act of loving each other.
Other relationship experts have described a different set of three stages of intimacy in relationships:
- General traits
This stage involves learning about someone’s personality traits, such as whether they are introverted or extroverted.
- Personal concerns
The next stage is a little deeper, and it is during this stage that couples learn about each other’s goals, values, and attitudes about life.
- Self-narrative
This final stage of intimacy occurs when partners truly understand each other and know how each other makes sense of their life story.
Intimate questions can help couples to connect and stay connected at each stage of intimacy.
Also Try: Do You Feel That You Understand Each Other Quiz
10 tips for how to ask intimate questions
While asking questions is important, you may be unsure of how to get about asking them. The following ten tips can help you feel more comfortable or even serve as intimate conversation starters for couples:
- Find a place and time where you will not be interrupted by outside distractions or obligations.
- Have a conversation using intimate questions during dinner or during a car ride when you are sitting down together.
- Take the time to listen to each other, and give each person plenty of time to speak and answer questions.
- Maintain eye contact when asking questions; this is important for building empathy and emotional connection.
- Use intimate conversation starters, such as asking questions about your partner’s hobbies or bucket list.
- Find a relaxed environment for asking intimate questions, and if your partner seems uncomfortable, choose a different question or find another time or setting for the conversation.
- Try asking some funny questions to lighten the mood and create intimate conversation starters.
- Begin with questions that are easier to answer, and then move on to deeper questions.
- If you and your partner are not comfortable with asking questions face-to-face, you may begin by asking these questions via text message, especially if you are in the first stage of intimacy.
- Avoid reacting with anger or judgment when your partner answers questions, and remember that some of their answers may surprise you.
Related Reading: Ways to Have an Intimate Conversation with Your Partner
101 intimate questions to ask your partner
Once you understand the importance of intimacy and how to initiate a conversation that includes intimacy, you are ready to explore potential questions you may ask. There are several categories of intimate questions:
Basic attraction questions to ask your partner
Asking basic attraction questions can help understand why your partner felt attracted to you. You can identify the qualities that they like about you and they can learn more about you.
- What did you notice about me first?
- Is physical attraction an important part of whether you pursue a romantic relationship with someone?
- Do you usually have a type? How did I fit with this type?
- When you tell other people about me, what do you say?
- What would you want me to tell other people about you?
- What traits about me are special to you?
- When you see me, what is the first thought that generally comes to your mind?
- Do you ever look at people of the opposite sex?
- How would you react if my appearance changed considerably overnight, such as if I dyed my hair a new color?
- How would you feel if my appearance changed over time, such as if I put on weight?
Related Reading: Questions to Ask a Guy
Intimate questions about the past
Learning about your partner’s past experiences through intimate questions is a great way to strengthen your bond. However, what you must be careful of is to not judge them for their failures and not allow jealousy to affect your relationship.
- Have you ever cheated on someone in a past relationship?
- Has there ever been a time you were close to cheating but decided against it?
- How many serious relationships have you had in the past?
- Have you been in love in the past?
- What was going through your mind on our first date?
- Were you looking for a relationship when we found each other?
- Did you debate asking me on a date? What would have made you not ask me?
- When did you realize you were in love with me?
Related Reading: Significant Questions Happy Couples Ask Each Other
Questions about future
Many relationships fall apart because the couples were not on the same page about their future.
It is essential to ask questions about future and find out what your partner expects from the future and see if their aspirations or goals are aligned with yours.
- Where do you think this relationship will go in the next year?
- Where do you see us five years from now?
- Is marriage important to you?
- What is your opinion on having children?
- How would you feel if we were unable to have children?
- What are your goals for your career?
- Where would you like to live during retirement?
- How do you think a day would look for us when we are married with kids?
- What would your plans be for our elderly parents if they could no longer live on their own?
- What are your goals for saving for retirement?
Related Reading: Questions to Ask Your Partner Before Marriage
Intimate questions about love
Intimacy is an important part of any serious relationship, in the bedroom and outside of it. So don’t be shy. If you want to know something and build intimacy, just ask intimate questions about love.
- Do you think true soul mates exist?
- What do you think about love at first sight?
- What can I do for you that shows my love for you?
- Do you have any doubts about our love lasting?
- Would you rather receive a gift or have someone do something nice for you to show their love?
- Do you prefer thoughtful gifts or something more practical?
- How do you like to be complimented?
- How do you personally express your love for your partner?
- Has there been a time in the past when you were so hurt you doubted the existence of true love?
Related Reading: Sexy Texts for Her to Drive Her Wild
Fun Sexual questions to ask
When it comes to sex there’s more to discover than you might think. Ask these fun sexual questions and learn about you and your partner’s preferences, and how you can bring those together to create the best intimate partnership possible.
- Is there anything sexual we have not tried that you would like to try?
- Where and how do you like to be touched?
- Are you satisfied with the physical aspects of our relationship?
- What would make our sexual relationship better for you?
- In a perfect world, how often would you like to have sex?
- Do you have any sexual fantasies you think about often?
- How can I keep the physical intimacy between us strong throughout the day, outside of the bedroom?
Related Reading: Best Love Memes for Him
Also, watch this TED talk where researcher Douglas Kelley shares six themes related to the cultivation of intimacy in human relationships, and their role in developing the pathway to the true self.
Funny, intimate questions to spice things up
Asking each other funny intimate questions can be a great way to get to know what a new partner likes, plus how to turn them on, and for longtime couples, a great game to spice things up.
- Would you rather give up coffee or sweets?
- What’s the dumbest thing you’ve ever done?
- How often do you take selfies?
- Have you ever kissed someone of the same sex?
- What would you do if you won a million dollars?
- What is the weirdest thing you’ve ever eaten?
- What would you eat if you could only eat meals from Wendy’s for a whole week?
- If today were your last day to live, what would you eat?
- If you were going to be stranded on an island for a month, what three things would you take with you?
- If you could choose to bring one fictional character to life, who would you choose and why?
- What is the craziest dream you can remember?
- Would you strip for $100?
- If you could be any age you wanted for the rest of your life, what age would you choose?
- Do you want to live to be 100 or older? Why or why not?
- What is the strangest thing you have searched on Google in the past week?
- What car would you choose if you could only drive one type of vehicle for the rest of your life?
Related Reading: Best Love Memes for Her
Intimate questions you can ask via text
Sometimes, you might not be comfortable asking intimate questions in person, or you may want to connect via text when away from your partner. These intimate questions are appropriate for text messaging:
- What is something you have always wanted to tell me but couldn’t?
- What is the biggest thing you miss about me now?
- Where do you like me to kiss you?
- When was the time you’ve felt the closest to me?
- The next time we are together, what is one thing you’d like me to do to you?
- What is one thing I can do to be a better boyfriend/girlfriend to you?
Related Reading: Sexy Texts for Him to Drive Him Wild
Other intimate questions to ask
Beyond the specific categories mentioned above, there are some additional intimate questions that can keep the conversation going. These intimate questions to ask your girlfriend, boyfriend, or spouse are as follows:
- What is your number one fear?
- What is something I do that annoys you?
- What was the last thing I did to make you feel truly appreciated?
- What is your favorite thing to do with me?
- Are you more introverted or extroverted?
- If you could go back in time and change one decision you’ve made throughout your life, what would it be?
- What’s your favorite memory from our relationship?
- When you are upset, do you want to talk about it, or would you prefer I give you space?
- What is something you admire about me?
- What accomplishment from your life makes you most proud?
- Is there anything you regretted from when you were younger?
- What part of our relationship makes you happiest?
- What is one thing that you think is unforgivable in a relationship?
- Were there any beliefs your parents had that you grew to reject as an adult?
- What is one deep thing you have learned from me?
- What stands out as something good that has happened to you within the past month?
- If your house were on fire and your loved ones were safe, but you had time to save one possession from home, what would you choose?
- What is one skill you do not have that you would like to have?
- Is there anything you seem to dream about over and over again?
- Is there anything you do not know how to do that embarrasses you?
Related Reading: Romantic Questions for Couples
- When was the last time you cried, and why?
- If you could describe me in three words, what would you say?
- If you could describe yourself in three words, what would you say?
- What is the most attractive part of my personality?
- What is something that people do that you think is rude?
- Are you someone who resists change, or are you open to it?
- Did you ever get nervous around me when we started dating?
- If I had a life-changing career opportunity across the country, would you pack up your life and move with me?
- What do you think is the biggest strength in our relationship?
- What is the biggest area for improvement in our relationship?
- What is your first memory of me?
- What are the three main things you think we have in common?
- What is your biggest insecurity about your physical appearance?
- Do you tend to go with your gut instinct, or do you think through decisions rationally before arriving at a conclusion?
- What is one thing you would never want to change about yourself?
Related Reading: Sexy Questions to Ask Your BoyfriendConclusion
Intimacy is important in relationships because it brings couples together, builds trust, and keeps them satisfied with the relationship.
Asking intimate questions can keep your relationship strong and help you stay together. These intimate questions for couples are great ways to start a conversation and get to know each other on a deeper level.
Intimate questions for a guy: 43 top questions
Acquaintance through correspondence is both easy and difficult, on the one hand there is no place for embarrassment, on the other hand it is difficult to feel the interlocutor's reaction to questions and topics. When communicating live, it is even more difficult to ask intimate questions to a guy, it is important to choose the right moment and circumstances. This article will offer the best options for intimate questions that do not cross the boundaries of what is permitted.
Material content
- List: 43 intimate questions for a guy
- Why ask such questions?
- How and in what situation is it better to ask intimate questions?
- Conclusion
List: 43 intimate questions for a guy
Most girls prefer to ask questions to a guy on an intimate topic during correspondence due to the fact that it is shameful and not always appropriate to talk face to face on topics below the belt. Prepared ready-made options for sexually suggestive questions can also be asked in person, thanks to them you can learn more about the interlocutor.
#1 What part of the female body do you like best? And in me?
#2 If you were giving me a massage, what part of your body would you pay attention to first?
#3 What color underwear do you like, what would you like me to wear?
#4 Have you ever thought about tearing my clothes?
#5 Does "dirty sex" turn you on? Ready to teach me a lesson in "dirty sex"?
#6 What do you prefer on me - skinny jeans or a short dress?
#7 Do you like proactive girls?
#8 What is your favorite sexual position?
#9 Do girls with long hair or short hair turn you on?
#10 What are three words you would use to describe my body?
#11 I often come home from work tired, how would you take the pressure off me?
#12 Do you have nude selfies?
#13 In what unusual places have you had sex and where would you like to have it?
#14 Do you ask girls for nude photos?
#15 Do you prefer to sleep naked?
#16 Have you ever had sex with a stranger?
#17 How do you feel about experiments in sex?
#18 How often do you think about sex?
#19 When did you have your first kiss, your first sex?
#20 Are you a brutal male in sex or a romantic lover?
#21 Do you have erotic depraved dreams? Often?
#22 Have you ever been attracted to a guy?
#23 What sexual fantasies would you like to have with me?
#24 How are you usually in bed?
#25 Do you watch erotic movies or porn? Do you like such films?
#26 Would you like to try a threesome? With me and another man or with two girls?
#27 What kinds of sex have you practiced and would like to try?
#28 Have you ever spied on other people's sex?
#29 Do you like small or large female breasts?
#30 Are you squeamish about sex? What can cause disgust?
#31 Do you prefer experienced or inexperienced girls in bed?
#32 How do you feel about oral sex?
#33 How many postures from the Kamasutra have you already practiced?
#34 Rough sex - are you for or against?
#35 Have you ever tried role-playing games? What game will you play with me?
#36 Could you be the main character in a pornographic film?
#37 How many sexual acts do you think a young guy should have?
#38 Is it important to you that your partner cums during sex, or is your orgasm in the first place in terms of importance?
#39 Have you ever had sex with a prostitute?
#40 Do you accept masturbation? Do you practice? Often?
#41 What was the longest time you had sex?
#42 Sexy girl, what do you think she is?
#43 Have you seen the movie 50 Shades of Grey? How do you feel about this practice in sex?
Why ask such questions?
Issues of an intimate nature are performed immediately by a whole range of functions in communication and building relationships. Namely:
- the opportunity to learn about human physiology, interests, preferences, limits and limits;
- forbidden topics excite consciousness and fantasy, making communication lively, intriguing and emotionally filled;
- many intimate questions make it possible to understand the essence of a man;
- studying each other in terms of sex for the correspondence assessment of the compatibility of partners;
- in relationships, such questions help to learn a lot and expand boundaries;
- a way to diversify bored monotonous communication;
- one of the ways to flirt with a man and seduce him;
- direct allusions to the girl's readiness for intimacy.
Expert opinion
Elena Milkova
28 years old, psychologist, sexologist. I consider myself an expert in dating and relationship development.
Intimate questions can be divided into two groups - bold and personal questions. The former are usually intriguing, the latter are appropriate for close and confidential communication.
Many girls are simply embarrassed to ask about a man's desires, fantasies, dreams and tastes regarding sex. For each person, the concept of intimacy is different, for some, some questions are too personal, others believe that any of the above questions can be asked without a shadow of hesitation.
How and in what situation is it better to ask intimate questions?
Regardless of the nature of the interlocutors, concepts and principles, intimate questions are appropriate only in certain cases and circumstances. Before a girl thinks about what question to ask to change the subject into a more intimate turn, it is worth choosing a convenient time for this.
Did you ask dirty questions to your boyfriend?
Yes! No!
It is possible to ask intimate questions in correspondence only if the stage of flirting in a relationship has begun . And only if the girl herself is ready for revelations, you need to expect the same from a man. If questions will be asked in person, this should be a secluded place away from prying ears. Well, if it will be a table in a cafe, bar or restaurant in the evening.
Personal questions can only be asked if the girl is ready to get close to a man or there is a sufficiently trusting relationship between them. Intimate topics are a good way to flirt, as well as a great opportunity to get to know a guy better from all sides. The article offers interesting options for what kind of intimate questions a girl can ask a man.
Tags: Help for girls, Questions, Vulgar, Sex
What vulgar and intimate questions you can ask a guy ✔
Article content . Romance gradually disappears, emotions and feelings that partners receive from relationships, lose their former sharpness and attractiveness. To avoid the appearance of a guy's indifference, loss of his interest, you can spice up communication with sexual, exciting questions. Vulgar questions to a guy will be a woman's best weapon against a tedious life, everyday problems in relationships, family, bed. You just need to learn how to ask correctly.
- How to seduce a guy with dirty questions.
- Intimate questions that can be asked by correspondence.
- Thrill list of veiled questions.
- What naughty questions to ask while traveling or traveling.
- How to create an atmosphere of romance through intimate questions.
- What intimate questions are better not to ask.
Vulgar topics of communication require a conscious approach from a girl. After all, not every representative of the opposite sex can be asked. In order not to get into an unpleasant situation, so that later you do not have to blush from what has been said, it is important to consider the following factors. Firstly, you can not raise such an intimate topic in communication with unfamiliar men. Such a step will lead to the fact that the guy will get the wrong impression about the girl. Secondly, it is important to carefully think over a frank question in advance so that in no way can he hurt the guy, in any way offend or humiliate his dignity.
Read more: What questions to ask a guy: top interesting and new ones
How to seduce a guy with dirty questions
- How big and powerful is he?
- I'm sure you'll last a long time. How many women have you driven insane in bed?
- Do you watch explicit films? Do you want to feel like the main character of such a film, and I will be the main character?
- Do you like to watch a woman caress herself?
- Have you ever watched a man and a woman making love?
- You are so smart. Do you know where the G-spot is?
- How to quickly make your friend wake up and declare himself?
- What kind of sex do you dream about? Do you want to realize your dreams with me?
- Do you talk to your penis?
- How long can you go without sex?
- When you meet a beautiful girl, do you imagine her naked?
- Do you like getting blowjobs? Do you want to know how I can do it?
- Do mature ladies run after you, trying to get you into bed.
I'm sure they only dream of someone like you.
- What item in a woman's wardrobe can excite you?
- Do you say dirty words while making love?
- Have women scratched your back in a fit of passion? Do you have battle scars?
- What are you willing to do to get the woman you like into bed?
- Have you ever fantasized about having sex with me?
- What do you like better: when a woman has a clean and neat shaved between her legs or when there is pubic hair?
- Do you want to know how I look between my legs?
- Have you ever tasted a girl's secretions?
- What do you think about when you finish?
- What words make you lose your head during sex?
- Can you deliberately delay orgasm in order to achieve more thrills?
- Does an intimate tattoo turn you on?
- What genre of explicit films do you search for the most?
- Do you resort to telephone sex?
- Have you had any funny moments during intimacy?
- Do you get embarrassed when you buy protective equipment during sex?
- What do you think or imagine when you are self-pleasuring?
- Do you often masturbate?
- How far are you willing to go to sleep with a seductive beauty?
- Do you have sex while drunk?
- How would you react if the girl with whom you are sitting in a restaurant suddenly caresses you under the table?
- Do you remember the first girl you wanted to have sex with?
- Maximum how many days can you go without sex?
- Have you ever spied on your neighbor while in the men's room?
- Have you ever had sex on public transport?
- Does it turn you on when a woman has a lot of clothes on or when she doesn't?
- Would you be able to make love to your wife when the children were still awake?
- Do you like kissing a girl between her legs?
- Would you like to try sex in an elevator?
- Have you ever desired a girl so much that you felt physical pain from your desire?
- Would you like to watch explicit films with your partner?
Read more: Pros and cons of men: what are the pros and cons of a man? These are questions for the seduction and seduction of a man, so they should only be asked if the girl has definitely decided for herself that she wants intimacy with a guy. Tip: Be sincere when asking the young man and don't pressure him. If you noticed during a frank conversation with him that he was not ready to answer your question, was embarrassed or nervous, it is better to leave this topic for a while and return to it later. Also, do not interrogate the guy. You need to ask gradually, asking 1-2 questions in a suitable situation.
- I would really like to greet your friend in person. Will you let me do this?
- Do you like a woman's tongue? They say he and the head of the male penis quickly become best friends. Do you want to check if friendship between my tongue and your friend's head is possible?
- What images of women excite you? What can I become for you, so that you constantly moan and wriggle next to me?
- In what positions would you like to fuck me?
- Did you play in the hospital as a child? Do you want to be my doctor? But keep in mind that you will only have 1 tool - your penis.
- How do you feel about sex during your period? Have you had such an experience? Do you want to try?
- Would you like to masturbate with me?
- It's already wet between my legs.
Do you want to check?
- Do you play with sex toys?
- Do you want us to film our sex on camera and then watch our own porn movie?
- What country would you like to make love to?
- Do you like to please your partner with oral sex? Are you friends with the clitoris?
- Are you excited about topics about sex?
- How do you feel about swingers?
- Do you like it when your partner swallows sperm?
- Have you ever masturbated with a girl?
- Have you ever been intimate with a foreigner?
- Is it true that after a quarrel intimacy brings much more thrills?
- Do you believe that a girl's ability to achieve orgasm depends on the size of her clitoris?
- Do you like it when a girl lightly bites your dignity?
- How do you feel about women who cry after intercourse?
- What color should my underwear be to make you aroused?
- Do men often have erections?
- Have you ever possessed a sleeping woman?
Intimate questions that can be asked by correspondence
Vulgar and intimate questions for a guy Now young people most often get to know each other in VKontakte, WhatsApp and other instant messengers, social networks. Communication between them gradually becomes more and more trusting, often it turns into an intimate channel. Below is the top vulgar questions for a man, which you can ask by correspondence. It is important to remember that sexual communication on the Internet can lead to very unpleasant consequences, for example, your correspondence with a guy can become public, not to mention very naughty photos. Therefore, a list of vulgar questions for a man who will be lower will be useful only to those of the fair sex who are confident in their young man.
Questions to find out a guy's preferences. | Questions that can turn a man on by correspondence. |
How do you feel about group sex? Have you had a similar experience? | Do you enjoy watching two women make love? Would you like to join them? |
Tell me about the first woman in your bed? What was she like? Are you satisfied with your first sexual experience? | Have you ever had virtual sex? Do you want to try it with me? |
Do you turn to prostitutes for satisfaction? | Have you ever masturbated while looking at a photo of an unknown girl vk? |
How do you feel about sex with a stranger? | What position turns you on in bed? |
In what unusual places have you been intimate with a woman? | Do you shave between your legs? |
Do you like long preludes before intimacy? | Have you ever taken off your manhood and sent it to girls? Will you send me? |
Have you had sexual partners who are much older or younger than you? | How to punish a wayward girl in bed? |
Are you interested in role play in bed? What role would you like to play? | Do you read the Kama Sutra? |
How do you feel about virgins? Have you had intimacy with a virgin? | How do you like sex accompanied by erotic music? |
How do you feel about women who consider themselves the bosses in bed? Who should dominate? | Do you want to make love with the public watching? |
How would you react if your partner suddenly wanted to chain you to the bed and possess you? | What types of sex do you dream about, and what have you not tried yet? |
What do you think about female breasts? | When was the last time you enjoyed watching porn? |
What can destroy your excitement in sex? | Would you have sex right on the kitchen table? |
Is it right to fall asleep immediately after intimacy? | Tell us about the craziest sex of your life? |
How do you feel about swearing while making love? | Would you like to be in a relationship with a girl who walks around the house only in the nude? |
If your woman buys a vibrator, will you be offended? | Can't have too much sex? Do you agree with this? Do you dream of a nymphomaniac? |
How do you feel about sex during pregnancy? | Did you have morning sex? |
How many times a night are you ready to have sex? | Do you fantasize about me? |
How do you feel about girls who like to talk a lot in bed? | Did you know that a woman can experience not only vaginal but also clitoral orgasm? |
How do you feel about girls who fake orgasms? | Have you ever reached the highest point of pleasure at the same time as your partner? |
Have you ever had partners with various sexual complexes? | How do you feel about an intimate haircut? |
Do you sleep with former partners? | Would you like to cum on my face? |
Which zodiac sign do you consider the hottest? | How do girls punish you in bed? |
Is it necessary for a man and a woman to have similar temperaments in order to feel good in bed? | How do you feel about lovers of deep penetration? |
- Do you agree that all men are polygamous beings who cannot have only 1 sexual partner?
- Can you be a "bad boy"?
- Do you believe that sex helps you lose weight?
- Should a woman take a shower every time she has sex?
- Should a woman fulfill all the sexual whims of her husband?
- Would you agree to be patient until marriage if your significant other asks you to give up intimacy before marriage?
- How often should a husband and wife have sexual intercourse with each other?
- What time of day do you like to make love?
- Is it normal to have spontaneous sex, for example, visiting mutual friends or in the morning before going to work.
- What do you think is the most unsuitable place in the house for intimacy?
- Is it possible to force a wife to have sex if she does not want it?
- Have you met frigid girls?
- Do you think women watch porn and how often can they do it?
- Who masturbates more often: men or women?
- How do you feel about sex at a resort or intimacy at work?
- If your boss offers you a promotion but asks you to sleep with her in return, would you agree?
- Have you ever texted a girl with erotic content?
- Did you have sex or masturbate at home when your parents were at home?
- What do you think is the sexiest thing about me?
- Would you like to try sex with your eyes closed?
- Why does the male sex love lecherous women so much?
- Is it okay to tell friends about your sexual adventures and problems in sex?
- Do you often have casual sex?
Read more: What to do if there is no boyfriend - advice from professionals
It is a mistake to believe that intimate questions can be useful only to those ladies who want to seduce a man and end up in his bed. The top vulgar questions for a guy, given above, can strengthen trust between partners. Sex is an important part of the lives of both men and women, so this topic should be approached with all responsibility. The following table provides examples of dirty phrases that can be used while chatting with guys.
A list of vulgar phrases for a man by correspondence. | What can you say in person? |
My soul constantly asks for a body, in particular, yours. | Arrest me, punish the bad girl. |
A smart woman doesn't yell at a man, she yells at a man. | Touch me there, I so want to feel your hands in me. |
When I see you in this photo, dressed in sexy pants, it gets wet between my legs. | He is so powerful and huge. |
I just put on a short skirt just for you. | Let me feel your brave hero. |
Would you like to know what is hidden under my T-shirt? | I want to take your handsome man into my mouth.![]() |
Take me as much as you want and how you want. | I want to know what your friend tastes like? |
I want you yesterday, today and tomorrow. | Do whatever you want with me. |
I have a fire burning between my legs. I'm waiting for my fireman. | When you look at me with those eyes, I lose my head. |
You and I will make the perfect dish - sausage in dough. | I agree to be your sex slave all my life. Take me as a slave |
You turn me into a nymphomaniac. | I'll do this to your proud friend when we're alone. |
Advice: remember that it is easier and more interesting to seduce, win over a guy using certain gestures along with questions, so watch your behavior. Play with your eyes, touch your hair while talking, pretend to straighten your clothes, lick your lips, touch your earlobe, touch the guy's arms, shoulders, back.
A list of veiled questions for thrills
Many girls are not so confident and liberated that they are ready to directly ask questions about sex to a guy. They want to touch on vulgar topics in communication, but they are afraid that they will put themselves in the wrong light, that they will spoil the relationship with the young man with such a step. For such ladies, there are interesting sexual issues in which the topic of intimacy is veiled. Such questions can excite a guy and make him want a girl. What to say to a vulgar guy so as not to blush later, but, on the contrary, be proud of his quick wits and courage? How to get a man with hints?
- What do you think is the most exciting word starting with the letter "o"?
- What do you associate with strawberries?
- What do you think when you hear the woman from the apartment next door moaning loudly?
- When do you turn off the sound while watching something on the Internet or on TV?
- What can be hot but tea, soup, sun, sand?
- Is this the main member?
- How is the dignity of a man measured?
- How do you behave when a woman has done wrong to you? Can you spank her?
- Card debts are considered sacred, but marital debts?
- I bought a new nightgown, but I can't figure out if it suits me or not? You will not evaluate my choice objectively?
- What kind of perfume do you use, it reminds me of a particular scent.
- Do you like being massaged?
- What should you do to get butterflies in your stomach?
- How do you feel about girls who like to play different games and often buy interesting toys?
- How do you feel about girls who like to be riders?
- I love different kinds of experiments. How do you feel about girls who like to try new things?
- Yesterday I got caught in the rain and got wet. Agree that rain is not the most attractive way to get wet?
- Do you like different sounds in the house? For example, I love how the bed creaks.
- Do you know that I can cheer up well, and not only mood?
- Did you know before that if a woman feels the approach of a cold, she needs to sweat properly at night?
- Do you like to communicate with girls who don't mind being naughty and mischievous sometimes?
- What is your favorite part of your wardrobe? For example, I can't live in stockings.
- Do you play wish cards? I enjoy playing, but I always lose.
Read more: Men don't like me, what should I do? Top Tips
What naughty questions to ask when traveling or traveling
Traveling or traveling with a guy is a great way to be alone with him, get to know him better and get into his bed. The following are vulgar questions for a guy that you can safely ask during a joint trip, for example, out of town. Tricky, sexy, sensual and emotional questions are used to seize a guy's heart and seduce him.
Intimate phrases for a man driving. | Tempting questions while on holiday with a boyfriend. |
Can an orgasm while driving lead to accidents? Do you want to know the answer to this question? | Have you had sex in a hotel or hotel? |
I'm hot. Could you stop and cool me down a bit? | Have you ever been intimate with a woman on the beach? |
Do you take everything you need with you when you go on a trip with a beautiful girl? Like condoms? | Have you ever combined drugs with sex? |
I'm all wet.![]() | Would you like intimacy in the pool? |
Do you want to play mistress and her sexy driver? | Why men are not indifferent to anal sex? |
Did you know that I don't have brakes, unlike your car? Do you want to check it out? | How do you feel about non-committal sex on the train? |
Have you ever made love in the back of a car or on the hood? | In what country do you think the most loving women live in the world? |
It is important for girls to follow the rules listed below. Vulgar questions require a sensual atmosphere and a special mood. They should not be asked without analyzing the specific situation. Ask a guy intimate questions if you are alone in a quiet, secluded place where no one can disturb you. It is important to consider the environment of the room in which such questions will be asked. For example, if a girl invited a young man to her place, you can turn on light music, get wine and put on a movie with spicy scenes.
How to create an atmosphere of romance with intimate questions
- Do you like it when a girl slowly undresses in front of you?
- Have you tried sex in the bathroom?
- Have you ever watched a girl wash or shower?
- What kind of erotic dreams do you have?
- Have you ever had an erotic massage?
- Is it hard to turn you on?
- What is more important in the relationship between a woman and a man: the proximity of bodies or souls?
- Do you have many erogenous zones?
- What words do you use to describe the place between a woman's legs?
- Have you experienced failures in bed?
- Can a man insist on some experiment in sex if the woman does not want it or is afraid of it?
- How do you feel about the fact that during foreplay, a man and a woman cover each other with cream, and then lick it all?
- Is friendship acceptable?
- Would you like to have sex in a standing position?
- Where can I kiss you to get you excited?
- Will you do everything a woman asks you to do in bed?
- Should a man and a woman discuss problems in bed?
- Who is better: a wild lioness in bed or a modest little cat?
- What should ideal sex be like?
- What caresses can bring you to the extreme degree of excitement?
- Can you dance an erotic dance for your girlfriend?
- How to deal with men who are selfish in bed?
- What do you think is the most seductive and attractive place for having sex?
- Do you want to make love to me in the sea?
- What sex position do you never try?
- What smell excites you the most?
- What to feed you before sex to go crazy with you in bed?
- Do you like it when a girl sighs loudly, moans and screams your name during intimacy?
- Can you have sex for money with a very rich but very unpleasant person?
- Have you ever been turned on by the occasional touch of a girl?
- Is the size of a woman's breasts important to you?
- What can I wear that would make you want to rip off my clothes right now and possess me right here?
- Should sex be hard or, on the contrary, tender and touching?
- Are there things in sex that you would never try under any pretext?
- Did you make love to a girl who was on her period that day?
- Would you like to make love in the fitting room?
- Do you like it when girls hit on you?
- They say that sharp and rude girls are the best and most skillful mistresses.
Do you agree with such a statement?
You can forget about sex in a romantic setting if a girl criticizes man's dignity, speaks in such a way about a man and his abilities in bed that he feels humiliated. In no case should you show a guy that you doubt him. When he sees that a woman considers him a real man in every sense, he will want to rise even more in her eyes, to prove to the lady of the heart that her ideas about him are not wrong. But here it is important to feel the boundary. Tip: if problems arise in bed with a loved one, discuss them, do not be afraid that an intimate question to a guy can create a wrong idea about a girl in him. Do not be ashamed to ask, because a question asked in time can prevent the collapse of relationships and solve many problems.
What intimate questions are better not to ask
- Are you trying to increase the size of your dignity?
- Do you use any drugs to increase potency?
- How many minutes do you have?
- How often do you change your underwear?
- Do you shave your private parts before sex?
- How often do you have a fiasco?
- How do you get out of a situation when you can't get excited?
- Have you thought about wanting to rape someone?
- Do you want to sleep with a man?
- Do you resort to masturbation as the only way to satisfy your natural needs?
- Are you a fast shooter?
- How many girls have you slept with before me?
- Do you have a certificate stating that you are free from contagious diseases?
Read more: Average height and weight of girls: what is the norm for women
When asking a young man questions, you need to put yourself in his place and analyze your own words. If they do not cause a negative reaction and they can be answered without any difficulties, then you can safely ask. Below are exemplary dialogues between a girl and a guy, in which intimate topics are raised.
- How do you feel about girls who like to play pranks on their own?
- I love these rascals. And how do you feel about guys who can be grateful viewers?
- I love these guys. Spectators can sometimes keep company with beautiful ladies. Both are more fun.
- You have a very impressive household. How do you deal with it? You need the help of a selfless and hardworking girl like me. With me, your household will never be empty.
- It is with great pleasure that I accept your selfless help and hasten to inform you that my household needs perfect weather. It loves when inside it is wet and hot.
- Have you ever dreamed of making love to your teacher?
- There were also such sins. I was crazy about English. He was a very disobedient student.