I can t bare the pain
Is it bear with me or bare with me? (here's the answer)
Homophones are one of the trickiest things in the English language. They sound the same but mean two totally different things and have two different spellings. There is a lot to learn. Furthermore, bare and bear are also homographs, which means they each have multiple, different meanings for the one spelling.
Between the two spellings, you have a noun, an adjective, and two verbs! Do not worry, in this article we are going to break it down completely and by the time you are done, you will know precisely which bear/bare you should use.
- Bear
- Bare
- Common phrases
Bear can be broken down into a few different meanings. First of all, bear is a noun . It is a large furry creature that comes in various forms such as polar bear, brown bear, Banda bear, and grizzly bear. 🐻
This is probably one of the most common/well-known usages of the words bear/bare because it is taught to kids from a very young age, before any of the other definitions. For that reason, it is probably not the version that you do not know or understand, but if it is, remember that a bEAR has EARs.
The second definition of the word bear is to tolerate or endure something hard. Now, this is where you might start getting confused. If you know the first definition of bear (as mentioned above), you can use this to help you remember the spelling. Bears are strong creatures, and you have to be strong to bear something. Of course, that is only one trick. If you think of something that works better for you, use it!
Bare also has two meanings, but they are related, which makes it easier. First of all, bare can be used as an adjective that means naked, minimal, without supplies, or uncovered.
If you say “bare butt” you are talking about a naked butt, however, if you say “bear butt” you are talking about a large, furry butt that you probably want to stay away from, and finally, if you say “bare bear butt” you are talking about a naked bear butt. A good way to remember this definition is to think that you need a BAR of soap to wash your BARe body.
Bare can also be used as a verb. It means to open or reveal something. Someone may bare their heart, their feelings, etc. They may also bare their bare butt. Unfortunately, there are not a lot of tricks to remember this definition. You can try to memorize a short sentence like, “I do not want to bare my bare butt.” But of course, that only works if you can remember the other definition of bare.
Common phrases
I know that this may still seem complicated. You now know the different definitions, but it may still seem daunting to memorize them all. But, practice makes perfect, so let’s look at a few common phrases with bare/bear and talk through them. By the time we break down all these sentences, you should be feeling more confident in your knowledge.
Bear/bare with me
When you ask someone to bear/bare with you, you are asking them to do something with you, so we know this should be a verb.
What are they asking their audience to do? Stick with them! This works with the second definition of bear, so the correct answer is bear with me.
Example: Please bear with me to the end, I promise it gets better.
Bear/bare the cost
Once again, this phrase is asking a person to do something; therefore, you should be looking at only the verb definitions: to reveal or to endure. Typically, people do not use this phrase to ask someone to “reveal the cost” but rather to take on or endure the cost. Therefore, the correct version of this phrase is, “bear the cost.”
Example: I was going to sue the company, but I cannot bear the cost if I lose.
Bear/bare minimum
Bear/bare in this sentence describing the minimum, it is an adjective. That narrows it down pretty fast to bare, meaning naked, minimal, uncovered, etc. This phrase is talking about the lowest minimum possible; nothing added on.
Example: I was tired last night, so I only did the bare minimum to prepare for today.
Bear/bare in mind
Once again, we are looking at the verb forms of the words. This phrase means to keep in mind, which is not directly related to either definition, but it is most closely associated with bear, and bear is the correct spelling. With phrases like this, you can usually assume it will be the bear spelling if you are not sure, as that is usually the more common.
Example: Bear in mind that this is my first day, and I do not know what I am doing.
Bear/bare the pain
This bear/bare is a verb. When someone uses this phrase, they are asking (or telling) someone to endure or tolerate the pain; therefore, the correct phrase is bear the pain.
Example: You have to bear the pain of your decisions.
Bear/bare feet
Are you talking about a bear’s feet or feet without shoes? If you are talking about a bear’s feet, you should use the word paws and the spelling b-e-a-r. However, if you are talking about feet without shoes or socks, you are talking about naked feet, and the correct spelling is b-a-r-e.
Example: I love having bare feet in the summer.
Bear/bare fruit
This is another weird phrase that does not work perfectly with either definition, but it means to produce a result and should use the b-e-a-r spelling. As mentioned above, most weird phrases use this spelling.
Example: Working hard bears good fruit.
Bear/bare cabinets
When something is bare/bear, it is empty or naked; therefore, the correct version of this phrase is bare cabinets.
Example: The cabinets are bear because I have not been able to get to the store.
Okay, now you have all the information you need to use the homophones bear and bare. As mentioned at the beginning, it is one of the trickier English phenomena, but it is not impossible. You can do it!
- http://www.magickeys.com/books/riddles/words.html
- https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/bear
- https://www.merriam-webster.
- https://www.spellzone.com/blog/Commonly_Confused_Words_Bear_vs_Bare.htm
i can't bear the pain definition | English definition dictionary
bear 1]
vb , bears, bearing, bore, borne mainly tr
1 to support or hold up; sustain
2 to bring or convey
to bear gifts
3 to take, accept, or assume the responsibility of
to bear an expense
4 past participle born in passive use except when foll by: by to give birth to
to bear children
5 also intr to produce by or as if by natural growth
to bear fruit
6 to tolerate or endure
she couldn't bear him
7 to admit of; sustain
his story does not bear scrutiny
8 to hold in the conscious mind or in one's feelings
to bear a grudge, I'll bear that idea in mind
9 to show or be marked with
he still bears the scars
10 to transmit or spread
to bear gossip
11 to render or supply (esp. in the phrase bear witness)
12 to conduct or manage (oneself, the body, etc.)
she bore her head high
13 to have, be, or stand in (relation or comparison)
his account bears no relation to the facts
14 intr to move, be located, or lie in a specified direction
the way bears east
15 to have by right; be entitled to (esp. in the phrase bear title)
16 ♦
bear a hand to give assistance
17 ♦
bring to bear to bring into operation or effect
he brought his knowledge to bear on the situation See also →
bear down →
bear off →
bear on →
bear out →
bear up →
bear with →
(Old English beran; related to Old Norse bera, Old High German beran to carry, Latin ferre, Greek pherein to bear, Sanskrit bharati he carries)
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bear, Bear, bear arms, ant bear
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what to do if you are tired of back pain
What problems do people usually visit a neurologist for and why?
First of all, with complaints of pain in the back, neck, chest and headache. In addition, a neurologist should be consulted if depression has begun and neuroses, obsessive-compulsive states and anxiety have appeared.
Still, back pain is one of the most common complaints. Sedentary lifestyle, nervous tension, psycho-emotional experience. All this is not the best way to affect the health of our spine.
Top five back problems treated?
The main symptom is pain, that is, the back can hurt about the same with slight differences: pulling, holding down, throbbing, and so on. But the disease that this symptom symbolizes can be different. An MRI will help in making an accurate diagnosis.
The first thing patients come to is a violation of the structure of the intervertebral disc. Pain occurs due to the fact that the fibrous ring that holds the disc is affected.
The second problem is very similar to the first. This is when the nucleus pulposus protrudes and tears the intervertebral disc, and then presses down on the nerve.
The third problem that patients often turn to is a spasm of the deep muscles that are located near the spinal column.
The quadruple problem may include microcirculation disturbance, which leads to the spasm described above.
And the classic trouble is problems in the joints of the spine itself, when they become inflamed and hurt. This is called spondylarthrosis.
How can a problem be diagnosed at an early stage?
The problem can be diagnosed by contacting a doctor at the first concern. To make an accurate diagnosis, the doctor will already prescribe the necessary type of MRI, which will allow a detailed analysis of structural disorders.
Who is at risk for back problems?
First of all, these are people with low physical activity, that is, with a sedentary lifestyle. In simple terms, when a person spends a lot of time without movement, he claims to become our patient. This is because the intervertebral disc does not have a direct blood supply and receives nutrients only through passive diffusion. In simple terms, the movement of the spine while walking. I recommend walking for at least an hour and a half.
Is it possible to sit for a week and then run all Saturday?
This is even worse. This lifestyle will lead to injury. In scientific terms, the fibers of the fibrous ring have experienced a lack of nutrients and are securely fixed, and then crack under unexpected stress. A simple example. You can sit on the twine without preparation, but then it will be very difficult to move.
Are tall and short people in the same risk group?
If you sit without moving, then everyone is in the same group. And so, the number of vertebrae is the same for everyone, the difference is only in length. When a tall person leans over, the load on the lower lumbar region is greater. If you go into details, then hypothetically tall people have more problems than short people.
Is back pain worth it?
Many people endure pain for various reasons. It is the first symptom of danger in the body. To endure pain that is repeated systematically or it is difficult to stop is not worth it. This does not mean that you immediately need to stuff yourself with painkillers. It is worth contacting a specialist.
Some people with back pain do not go to a neurologist, but to a massage therapist. This is right?
This practice exists. As a result, all these people end up with a neurologist. Massage is one of the stages of rehabilitation and slightly replaces the treatment. However, the patient, choosing a massage therapist, avoids the basic basic share of all diagnostic and therapeutic processes. It's like reading a book from the end, which is wrong. Most often it turns out that massage helps out the first time, then it doesn’t help much and in the end there is no effect at all.
Massage is good, right and necessary. But this is a method of treatment, not diagnostics. If you need a massage, the doctor will definitely tell you about it. In the "MLC" you can take a course of medical massage. But sometimes massage is even contraindicated, so you should not do it without a doctor's prescription, so as not to harm.
What bad habits directly affect back pain?
Definitely smoking, because it contributes to the disruption of the microcirculation of the whole organism, as we talked about earlier. In addition, chronic poisoning begins. This bad habit accelerates the development of all degenerative-dystrophic processes in general.
How often should I see a neurologist?
It would be ideal if patients never went to the doctor and did not get sick. If a person is healthy, but he is restless, I think one visit per year will be enough. But I advise athletes and office workers to be examined every six months.
Gabarova Svetlana Makhsudovna
Medical experience since 1985
Enduring pain is dangerous for health
Tolerate pain is dangerous for health
Why is it important to relieve acute pain syndrome in time and how not to harm yourself when taking analgesics?
Not every pain can be relieved with a pill. Meanwhile, to endure is not an option. Sometimes the pain syndrome harms the body no less than its cause. In recent years, Russian healthcare has begun to pay attention to the issues of specialized pain treatment. Arkhangelsk was no exception.
Take care of your spine
Four years ago, a pain treatment service was established at the First City Clinical Hospital named after EE Volosevich. Its main tasks are to provide timely and effective pain relief for patients in the pre- and postoperative period, as well as to help those who suffer from chronic pain syndromes. Three doctors are involved in this: two anesthesiologist-resuscitator and a neurologist, as well as two nurses.
The service was created with the support of the President of the Estonian Society for the Treatment of Pain, Boris Gabovich, who is considered one of the best specialists in this field. Arkhangelsk doctors at different times were trained by him. At the end of last year, for example, neurologist Irina Popova was trained in one of the clinics in Tallinn. Ivan Portnyagin, one of the founders of the Association for Interventional Pain Treatment, is also considered their mentor in the pain treatment service of the First City Hospital. The advanced experience of colleagues undoubtedly helps our doctors in practice.
- The main flow is neurological patients who have problems with the spine or headaches. Quite often, myotonic syndrome is a neuromuscular disorder that manifests itself in difficult relaxation of the muscles after their contraction. As a result, people have severe pain in the shoulders, neck, and head. Myotonic syndrome develops in those who lead a sedentary lifestyle or constantly driving, who have an incorrect posture. In such situations, it is necessary to remove the pain syndrome with blockades and drugs. And of course, in the future, a person needs to fight the cause - move more, swim in the pool, do special exercises, - says Ilya Nasonov, head of the pain treatment service. – In addition, we have many patients with oncopathology, there are patients after severe injuries, fractures.
In total, 1294 patients were treated here in 2018. Someone was given blockades, someone was selected for systemic therapy, someone was simply consulted.
When it hurts, wounds heal worse
Doctors call blockades the last step in the treatment of pain syndromes. First of all, they seek to select the appropriate drug therapy to improve the patient's quality of life. And only if all the methods have been exhausted, intervention methods are used, which include blockades. During this procedure, the drug is “delivered” directly to the source of pain and blocks the pain syndrome.
– The effects of ordinary injections are systemic, they affect the entire body: the drug is absorbed into the blood, and that's it, – explains Ilya Yakovlevich. - The blockade has a targeted effect. We bring the needle under ultrasound or X-ray navigation to the nerve ending or plexus where the point of application of pain is. We must try to block it. We get a lasting effect - it's great if it's temporary - we understand that we hit the target, but we strengthen the therapy with other methods. Sometimes a patient needs not only medical and invasive treatment, but also psychotherapeutic help.
If the acute pain syndrome is not stopped in a timely manner, there is a risk that it will pass into the chronic stage, and this is already a serious condition, fraught with mental disorders, the development of depression. It is very difficult to “pull out” a patient from it. So the removal of acute pain is, among other things, the prevention of its chronicity.
For example, there are situations when a person has some pain, he goes to doctors, takes tests and does examinations, but the cause cannot be identified. The case may be in chronic pain syndrome - such a kind of "echo of the past."
- Once upon a time there was a sharp point of application of pain, for example, after the operation they did not anesthetize in a good way, it healed - but the sensations remained. To put it quite simply: you pricked your finger - there are receptors on it that transmit the corresponding signal to the brain, and the body responds with a protective reaction. When chronic pain occurs, the reverse mechanism works: the cause is gone, and the body continues to protect itself. The same thing happens after the operation. If the pain syndrome is not stopped, these mechanisms are triggered, wounds heal worse, suppuration or asthenic pneumonia may begin. That is why we started the development of our service with the treatment of acute pain. This is the main way to reduce the number of patients with chronic pain, - emphasizes our interlocutor.
See a doctor for an appointment, not the Internet
Pain is unbearable – this thought should be a refrain for everyone. But the uncontrolled intake of analgesics, chosen on the advice of friends or with the help of advertising, is fraught with serious problems.
- Each drug has its pros and cons, - says Ilya Yakovlevich. - We regret to state that our society has an insufficiently developed culture of health. The biggest trouble is that many people use the Internet and the advice of friends to diagnose themselves and prescribe treatment.