How to undo bad luck
Reversing one's fortune by pushing away bad luck
. 2014 Jun;143(3):1171-84.
doi: 10.1037/a0034023. Epub 2013 Aug 12.
Yan Zhang 1 , Jane L Risen 2 , Christine Hosey 2
- 1 School of Business.
- 2 Booth School of Business, University of Chicago.
- PMID: 23937176
- DOI: 10.1037/a0034023
Yan Zhang et al. J Exp Psychol Gen. 2014 Jun.
. 2014 Jun;143(3):1171-84.
doi: 10.1037/a0034023. Epub 2013 Aug 12.
Yan Zhang 1 , Jane L Risen 2 , Christine Hosey 2
- 1 School of Business.
- 2 Booth School of Business, University of Chicago.
- PMID: 23937176
- DOI: 10.
Across cultures, people try to "undo" bad luck with superstitious rituals such as knocking on wood, spitting, or throwing salt. We suggest that these rituals reduce the perceived likelihood of anticipated negative outcomes because they involve avoidant actions that exert force away from one's representation of self, which simulates the experience of pushing away bad luck. Five experiments test this hypothesis by having participants tempt fate and then engage in avoidant actions that are either superstitious (Experiment 1, knocking on wood) or nonsuperstitious (Experiments 2-5, throwing a ball). We find that participants who knock down (away from themselves) or throw a ball think that a jinxed negative outcome is less likely than participants who knock up (toward themselves) or hold a ball. Experiments 3 and 4 provide evidence that after tempting fate, engaging in an avoidant action leads to less clear mental representations for the jinxed event, which, in turn, leads to lower perceived likelihoods. Finally, we demonstrate that engaging in an avoidant action-rather than creating physical distance-is critical for reversing the perceived effect of the jinx. Although superstitions are often culturally defined, the underlying psychological processes that give rise to them may be shared across cultures.
PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2014 APA, all rights reserved.
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Broken Mirror Superstition - How to Avoid 7 Years of Bad Luck!
Breaking a mirror will give you seven years of bad luck!
We all know this, but what can you do about it?
I have seven fast techniques that can save your soul. Keep in mind, these should be used as quickly as possible, before your luck runs out.
Table of Contents
“The reflection in a mirror represents not just ones physical appearance, but also ones soul”
Some might not understand the relevance that breaking a mirror holds, or the origin of its importance. Breaking a mirror not only causes a mess, but can also stir up some emotions for those of us who are superstitious.
This myth started with the Romans. They believed that the soul would regenerate every 7 years. So essentially, when you break a mirror, you’re waiting for an entirely new soul to rid yourself of the bad luck.
Others believed that mirrors were actually devices of the Gods. Breaking a mirror would anger the Gods, who would then torment the person who’s last reflection it held. Either way, breaking a mirror is said to bring you heaps of misfortune–unless you use one of these foolproof hacks.
Throw Salt Over Your Left Shoulder
Throw salt over your left shoulder as soon as possible! It’s said that you’re throwing the salt straight onto the Devil who lurks there.
According to Morton Salt, the French throw a little behind them to hit him in the eyeball. This will buy you some time to get away. In fact, in the United States many people may even crawl under the table after throwing the salt to further remove themselves from the bad juju.
In my opinion, almost every house in the world has salt in their cabinet. In a pinch it is worth it. 😉
Another option would be to cleanse your body with saltwater. The easiest way to go about this would be to add 2 Tbs of salt into bathwater. If neither of those options suit you, then try putting sea salt in the corner of each room and under each windowsill. This is said to protect your entire home from unwanted spirits.
Spin in Circles 3 Times
Without hesitation, spin around three times counter clockwise.
Careful not to do this unless you’ve just broken a mirror, as doing so on it’s own actually brings you bad luck. If you do it after breaking a mirror, it will confuse the spirits.
Try not to get too dizzy in the process or you might break something again!
Grind the Mirror into a Fine Powder
Grind the mirror shards into a fine powder. This prevents you from being able to see your reflection in the broken shards. However, you need to be extra careful!
There are multiple ways to grind the glass so use whatever method you prefer. Don’t forget to wear safety goggles and gloves as the glass is likely to move around in the process.
Reuse the Broken Mirror
Reuse your broken glass for a craft! There are so many DIY options for broken glass. Using broken glass to create a mosaic effect really adds some flare to your décor–this would look even cooler with colored glass!
Use it on the outside of a terrarium or even a beauty tray to make your accident look high class. Some people call it clumsiness, we call it creativity.
Toss the Broken Mirror into a South Running Stream
This is a tip that works if you have a bit more time, and all else has failed. Toss the pieces into a south running stream. This will wash away the bad luck in only seven HOURS instead of seven years. Not a bad deal if you ask me.
If you don’t live near any type of river or stream, don’t worry. Another method of doing this would be to run the shard under a faucet. As long as you have access to a sink or bathtub, this should be one of the easiest hacks yet!
Blacken the Mirror with Fire
Use flames to blacken the mirror fragments, then bury them exactly one year later. You can use flames from a match, candle, lighter, stove, or really anything that is capable of catching on fire. As always, be careful.
Unfortunately, you’ll still have one year of bad luck until then, so try to avoid getting into anything risky before then!
Touch a Tombstone with One Glass Shard
Take a single piece of the broken mirror and touch it to a tombstone. Not sure where this one originated, but it’s supposed to lift the 7 year curse immediately. It might be a little creepy, but you gotta do what you gotta do.
If this hack is a little too creepy for you, you might still have time to reverse your luck. If there happens to be a full moon, take your glass shard and reflect the moon. When you gaze into it, it’s supposed to ease your bad luck.
In this specific case, you can either keep your piece of broken mirror, or bury it–don’t throw it away.
Bonus Tip: Bury the Glass
Bury the pieces very far into the ground where the spirits can’t find them. It is best to do this at night so your reflection is less likely to be taken with the pieces. Bring a friend with you if you’re scared of the dark, and be wary of the moonlight.
You may be wondering how you’re supposed to know if the method you tried worked. The answer is pretty simple–if you can still see your reflection in a mirror then your soul is safe. . .for now. If you want to be extra safe then carrying a good luck charm such as a four leaf clover or horseshoe is likely to help.
Why does it have to be SEVEN YEARS of bad luck instead of just a day or two? This superstition dates way back to Roman times, when they believed it took seven years for a soul to renew itself. The myth itself dates back much further, the oldest mirrors we know of date back to Anatolia in 6,000 BC.
If you have any other tips to remedy bad luck, let us know in the comments below!
8 encouraging phrases for those who have failed
1. I can learn from my failure
Imagine the following: you focused on making a profit, and a year later you lost all your money. Isn't it a failure?
In the business world, there is a story, perhaps made up, about a young executive who is given a project by the president of a company. A year later, the project was curtailed, although millions were spent on it. The President called the young leader to his place.
He was worried: “Will I lose my job? I have failed in this responsible business. The boss will think I'm a loser." However, the president said, “Mark, I have a new project for you. In fact, it is even more solid than the previous one.”
Mark breathed a sigh of relief, but was a little embarrassed and replied to the president: “I am very happy to receive this new project. But to be honest, I expected you to fire me after I failed on the last project.” “Fire you? Hell, I'm not going to kill you after spending those millions on your education!" nine0005
The boss was most interested in training. What did Bill find out? How can he apply the acquired knowledge in a new project?
Watch a girl putting together a puzzle. She tries to put together pieces that don't fit together. Is she failing or learning? While solving a crossword puzzle, you discover that the word you wrote doesn't fit. Did you fail or did you learn something? What have you learned and how can you use it now?
Failure has the connotation of finality: “It's all over.
You have failed." But learning gives perspective and empowers. nine0005
There is an even better way to use "failure": learn from other people's failures. When businessmen review a marketing plan, the first thing they look at is what strategies someone has succeeded with and how someone has failed.
My friend was planning to open his own private practice. He spoke to both very successful practitioners and not so successful practitioners. He wanted to know what worked and what didn't.
Failure is information. A behavior model that has failed gives you more information than before about what you can do and what you don't need to do if you want to achieve a particular goal. nine0005
Children and adults who persist use failure as a learning experience to move towards potentially more effective behaviors.
But we are often ashamed of our failures and do not want to consider them again. We reduce failure to a gloomy event that contains nothing of value in itself. I would prefer that when you study your failures, you ask yourself what important lessons can be learned from them.
2. My failure may challenge me
Another way to respond to disappointment is to view it as a challenge. Carol Dweck, who studies children's motivation, tapes what toddlers say to themselves when they fail at a task.
She studied two different groups: children who give up when they fail (helpless) and children who stick to their minds or correct them when they fail (persistent).
The helpless say: “I can't do this thing. I don't get anything at all. I can give up." Persistent, on the contrary, say: “Wow, this is great. I love challenges! When children see failure as a challenge, they become active and try harder. They reflect on their "failure" in terms of what they can learn. <…>
Like children who face failure, you can choose how to respond to failure: give up what you think is too difficult, find motivation to try harder.
Psychologists refer to competency motivation or performance motivation to indicate how often overcoming obstacles that slow down a task further motivates us.
Persistence in solving a particular problem can increase our ability to cope with other challenges. This phenomenon is known as learned hard work. nine0005
According to Eisenberger's theory, people differ in how they make efforts to resist failure and use self-discipline (instead of focusing only on immediate gain). If your actions are backed up only by results (success or failure), then failure can bring you down.
By comparison, if you are process oriented, you will be incredibly resilient even in the face of failure. Research by psychologists Quinn, Brandon, and Copeland has shown that people with a higher degree of learned work ethic are less likely to turn to smoking or substance abuse to cope with frustrations. nine0005
The experience of failure is an opportunity to feel challenged and to develop learned industriousness, the ability to overcome the setbacks and disappointments that are inevitable in life.
3. It was not important for success
When you worry, you look at the situation narrowly, you focus on one goal to the exclusion of all others, and, naturally, consider this goal of yours important. I believe that nature is wise: what is really necessary cannot be canceled at your will or will. nine0005
Blood must circulate throughout the body, a person needs to breathe and digest food. If you don't, you will die. This is so important that you do it automatically.
Getting good grades, making a lot of money, or meeting the man or woman of your dreams right now is not a life necessity.
Wally is worried that he could be fired any minute. We studied his situation, and it turned out that there is a certain probability of such an outcome. I told him a story I had heard from psychiatrist Isaac Marx about a patient who was constantly worried about getting a STD. nine0005
After many months of therapy (which did nothing to change the patient's obsessions), he did contract syphilis. To his surprise, he felt relieved: he learned that this disease is treatable and took part in group therapy for people with sexually transmitted diseases.
Wally and I explored opportunities that would be available to him after he retired, such as private consulting. Wally called me the following week: “Bob, guess what? I have syphilis!” I asked him what he meant. “This is very similar to what you said: I was fired and I decided to start my own consulting. I used some contacts and got clients. A huge stone fell from my shoulders." Work in a particular company was not at all vital. nine0005
Almost every goal you have tried or even achieved is not a life necessity.
If so, you don't have to suffer so much. Getting into a certain school, passing a certain exam, having an affair with this woman or this man, showing up to a meeting on time, being able to look your best are the goals that you have considered necessary at various points in your life. Now you can ask yourself, “How different would my life be if I didn’t achieve some of them?” nine0005
4. There are some behaviors that didn't work out.
If you don't reach your goal, you may conclude that all your actions in this situation were unsuccessful. Does it make sense? Imagine that you worked for a whole year and you were fired. Would you come to the conclusion that everything you did in the service was a complete failure?
Steve had been working for a rather shady company for about a year when the firm's financial problems led to him being fired. He began to criticize himself and plunged into depression, labeling himself as a loser. I asked him to write a detailed job description for the previous year and then rate everything he did at work on a scale of 1 to 5. nine0005
After examining the evidence, he realized that he was very successful in almost every aspect of his work. We examined in detail what new skills, knowledge and contacts he acquired. As a result, Steve realized that now he is much more experienced than he was a year earlier.
I assumed that he received an excellent education and received some benefit in the form of a salary. Steve liked this idea. A month later, he went to an interview, where he was offered a position for which he accepted. Previous experience proved to be an important criterion for a new employer. nine0005
We often think that if we don't reach our goal, none of our efforts will pay off and all the hard work will be a waste of time.
For example, you may worry that your relationship won't last forever—and it probably won't. But was everything that happened to you a waste of time if your relationship ended? Between 50 and 70% of marriages end in divorce. To think that a relationship that didn't last forever was a failure would mean that almost everyone around you is a failure. nine0005
The all-or-nothing perception of relationships is completely illogical: there were many pleasant and meaningful moments in them, even if they ended.
End results can be mixed. But looking at life solely in terms of evaluation (and only an ideal one) can lead you to begin to underestimate your own experience.
If you follow this logic, anything that doesn't last until your last day is a waste of time.
5. Everyone fails at something
One of the consequences of failure is the feeling of being alone in trouble. You begin to feel that you are the only one unlucky in life. Failure becomes something personal, and not peculiar to people in general. You can decide that your failure is unique, that you are qualitatively different from others for the worse, feel like a kind of hole in humanity, which, of course, consists of people who are incredibly successful in any business.
Sharon felt devastated by her recent failure at work. She was ashamed that others would find out about her failure and not want to do business with her. I asked her to list five people she knew well and admired. I then asked her to tell me if any of them had any problems or setbacks. I pretended to be one of her friends who failed at everything, and during the role play I asked her to talk to me about my feelings about it. nine0005
After the role play, Sharon said that when people shared unpleasant experiences with her, she respected them more and felt closer to them. This proved two things to her:
- Everyone fails, even the people she admires.
- Talking about failure to a good friend can help you bond (actually, talking about success can turn some people off).
When Fred was in college, he got a C for his work in economics. This work proposed a private 24-hour mail service that would compete with the post office. The professor thought it was unrealistic and stupid. Two years after graduating from college, Fred Smith founded Federal Express. nine0005
Henry Ford's first company went bankrupt, and the founders of Standard Oil searched unsuccessfully for years until they finally found it.
Successful people build their success on their own failures. Everyone falls when learning to walk, everyone loses at tennis, every stock investor has lost money - the more wins, the more losses.
Our culture places too much emphasis on success and not enough emphasis on endurance, perseverance, resilience, and humility. nine0005
Failure is normal. It's part of a relationship, a job, exercising, investing, or even caring for someone.
If we can prove to ourselves that failure is the norm, that with it comes experience, we will worry less and begin to see it as part of the life process, a price for involvement in events.
6. Perhaps no one noticed
We often worry that everyone notices our failures, discusses them, remembers and constantly condemns us. Consider how egocentric this fantasy is. Do other people have nothing else to do but sit and discuss our problems? nine0005
We are afraid that our failure will seem so terrible to other people that they will begin to think about it.
I went to a psychology conference with my graduate students and we made presentations. There were probably a hundred people in the audience. Teri, who was presenting her first talk, told me that she was worried that everyone in the audience would notice how nervous she was.
She was worried that someone would ask a question she couldn't answer and she would look like a fool. I asked her how anyone could notice that she was worried about what he would see or hear? She was afraid that her voice would betray her or that the audience would notice how her hands were trembling. nine0005
I asked Teri how many speakers she heard at the conference. There were about 15 of them. And what did she remember about their anxiety? Nothing. Interesting: no one noticed that most of the speakers were worried, although this would be fair.
Maybe people don't notice—or don't remember—mistakes, problems, or failures.
Or let's take Don as an example, a TV presenter who was sure people could see him getting nervous and making mistakes on the air. I asked him how the viewer would be able to identify his anxiety. He realized that his judgments are based on his own subjective experiences. He felt uneasy and, of course, he was always aware of his own unease. Therefore, I came to the conclusion that all viewers have the same information at their disposal. nine0005
He suffered from a disorder called the illusion of transparency and thought that everyone could determine his condition. I suggested that Don look at the tapes of him and see if he could tell when he felt anxious and what signs of anxiety were visible. He couldn't see anything, especially on the small TV screen.
7. Failure means I tried. Do not try worse
We have already discussed the idea of learned hard work, that is, pride in the efforts made to achieve a goal. People with a learned work ethic are not just results-oriented and are less likely to separate experience into success and failure. They are less depressed, less anxious, and less likely to rely on various substances (such as alcohol and drugs) to manage their emotions. nine0005
Carol complained of a lack of enjoyment in life, depression and hopelessness. I asked her to keep track of what she did every hour of the week and rate each activity in terms of enjoyment and skill (how efficient or competent she was).
When she showed her activity chart, we noticed that almost all the time she was thinking about her depression. She felt better when she was with her husband or with friends, but she had spent much less time with them since she slipped into depression. nine0005
I suggested that she start more business with other people and some independent interests. She was fond of photography, so she started taking pictures. At first she didn't think her work would be good (a pretty typical negative filter for a depressed person).
But just trying to do something, making some effort, she already felt a little better. She said, "You know, the very feeling that I tried is a relief." I explained my rule of thumb:
The environment is a natural reinforcer for positive behaviour.
In other words, there were people and activities around Carol that could support her efforts. The more Carol tried, the better she felt. It also increased her control over her own mood, as it became clear to her that her mood depends on the behaviors she uses.
Eventually her depression disappeared. Carol moved from evaluating results to learned hard work—the ability to see pride in the effort itself. nine0005
8. I just started
Imagine that you are 33 years old. I ask you to look back at all the complex skills you have acquired in life. It could be related to sports, learning a language, or learning something new. Have you encountered any “failures” and “disappointments” along the way?
There must have been many times when you felt frustrated and even ready to give up, but you persisted anyway. You may think that if something doesn't work now, then it's over. I see it as "you've just started". nine0005
When I was in college, my friend Larry and I went to the gym to lose weight. Every week, another young man in poor physical shape came to the gym. Throughout the workout, he lifted huge weights to the limit of his capabilities. I told Larry, “Well, we won’t see him again. He will return home in such terrible pain that he will never want to come here again. ” You could bet.
The activities of these athletes remained within the framework of the New Year's resolution: “This year I am going to get in shape and I will start doing it right now. I'll take care of it properly." Like all New Year's resolutions, this will fail. nine0005
The reason is that the best way to establish a new pattern of behavior is to shape it in the process, gradually increasing the frequency and intensity of certain actions.
If you want to take up running, you should probably start by walking briskly for 5 minutes, then gradually build up the pace and jog for the next couple of months. You need to get your body or behavior in shape. By starting right away with heavy loads, you can give the one-day illusion that you are determined about your new program. But this is practically a guarantee that in the near future you will refuse it. nine0005
Only consistency leads to success.
Look at your behavior as part of a long process of evolution, self-modification, change. If you were expecting immediate results but aren't getting them, you may be telling yourself you've just started. You still have something to look forward to.
Robert Leahy's book “The Cure for Nerves. How to stop worrying and enjoy life” will help curb anxiety and shift the focus from failure to opportunity. nine0005
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Complete failure. How to love failure
The Idler founder and editor-in-chief Tom Hodgkinson on how to stop being afraid of failure
In 1993, Tom Hodgkinson founded the magazine The Idler, whose mission was to prove that office work from bell to bell was a terrible invention of mankind. In 2010, he and his wife Victoria opened the Idler Academy, a cultural center where you can have a cup of coffee, take a course in philosophy or learn to play the ukulele. He talks about how to take responsibility for your own life and create a dream job for yourself in the book "Business for Bohemia: How to Make Money Doing What You Love", which is published in mid-September by Olimp-Business. We publish interesting fragments. nine0202
Fifty percent of new businesses fail. And that's a lot. There is a 50% chance that your business will last longer than three years. We've been in business for five years now, and although I can't boast that we've made a million pounds (or even close to it), we managed, as planned, to create an excellent school, sell books, meet interesting people and get from everything this pleasure. In fact, we made a million, but we paid over £125,000 for rent, £150,000 for staff salaries, not to mention the fees we pay teachers. nine0005
I am completely satisfied with our situation, because what is happening to us, Victoria and I created with our own hands. We and no one else. That is, we have no one to complain about. If I wanted to increase profits, I would have to cut costs and increase revenues. (Of course, easier said than done.) Especially since I myself decided to pay others for the work, rather than trying to do it myself.
So compared to other companies, considering how many new firms are closing, we are doing quite well. However, failure should be treated as a lesson. After all, life is not limited to just one business: your business is not you. If you put all your hopes on him, you can go crazy. nine0005
This stoic principle will help you keep your composure when others are freaking out. Rejoice in small failures. At the very beginning, I was always afraid: what if something goes wrong? It pissed me off that I was responsible for everything from a broken TV to a VAT return, from asbestos reports to making money. Every now and then I complained to Victoria: “Why does everyone turn to me on any, even the smallest issue?”
Then I began to carry a notebook with me, which I called the "list of violations." Every day I opened the store with the mindset that things were bound to go wrong. But instead of panicking, he wrote down all the mistakes in a notebook. For example: the books are out of order on the shelves, there is dust on the tables, Tarquin is late again, the boiling water tank is not turned off, the kitchen is not cleaned, the details of the evening event are not entered on Google Drive, the VAT return was not submitted on time. Well, and so on. In each case, we had to develop a system for solving problems. Dealing with problems is even interesting: after all, you learn from your mistakes. And at the very beginning, you make a mistake on a mistake at all: this is normal, it should be so. nine0005
Failure teaches humility. If everything always worked out, wrote Aristotle, we would become unbearable. Mistakes keep us from being arrogant, because complacency is evil, both in business and in life.
The Stoics taught that if we get used to enjoying small mistakes and failures, then it is much easier for us to cope with big mistakes and failures, and not to avoid them. From every failure you can learn a useful lesson. Try to keep your composure, not freak out over trifles - for example, if you forgot your mobile at home. Then, over time, you will begin to cope with more serious problems. nine0005
Writer and lecturer Julian Evans built his business on his love of philosophy. He writes books, lectures, holds conferences and works as a staff philosopher at the Saracens Rugby Club. For him, stoicism is the most optimal way to respond to the inevitable ups and downs that the life of a free person cannot do without. “Stoicism teaches self-reliance,” says Evans, “and this is especially helpful for entrepreneurs, as they have to deal with failure and fear of failure, deal with uncertainty, come to terms with insecurity and overcome other obstacles. Therefore, it is especially important for them to develop the right attitude towards problems; many business people consider stoicism to be the best “operating system,” as Tim Ferris [author of The 4-Hour Workweek] calls it. Stoic philosopher Jules Evans adds: “However, self-sufficiency must be handled with care: it can be beneficial to share problems with others rather than suffer alone.” nine0005
Bohemian Throws
I once read an article by a Silicon Valley startup guru; so he says the worst thing that can happen if the business fails is you have to go back to the office. Everything else is not so scary.
Every morning I try to remember all the benefits of freelancing. I am free. I don't have to go to a hateful service.
I know perfectly well, including from the confessions of friends who work in boring jobs, that no money in the world can compensate me for the loss of freedom due to office routine. And with all this, I regularly have “bohemian throws,” as I call them. I am overwhelmed by thoughts like this: “Why is all this necessary? I work hard, not unbending, but there was no money, and no. Worse, I'm forever in debt. I can’t even afford a vacation (not that I like the idea of going on vacation, but I still feel like changing the scenery from time to time). I can't buy the kids the cereal they ask for. Everything always annoys me. In vain twenty-five years ago I refused to work like all normal people. If I had trained as a nurse, now I would receive much more. Not to mention how much I would earn if I became a dentist, surgeon or orthodontist. Bohemian lifestyle does not bring happiness. Even successful people go crazy with it. Take at least the same Amy Winehouse. Yeah, I had to learn to be an accountant "...
Is it any wonder that a tormented small business owner is sometimes tempted to get a permanent job somewhere: you get paid holidays, you don't have to pay VAT and income, and so on. When we first opened the store, we went to a cafe in Exmoor: it was closing, and we wanted to buy chairs from them. The owners, the spouses of near-retirement age, explained that they decided to close the cafe, because they were tired of everything.
“I dream of getting a part-time job somewhere and not thinking about anything,” my husband confessed. At least to the hardware store. Worked, returned home, received a salary, and no headache ". ..
So, when you feel that you are overcome by bohemian throwing or gloomy thoughts in the spirit of “why all this is necessary”, remind yourself that you are much cooler than all these slaves, even the highest paid ones. Remember what Luke Johnson says about his fellow lawyers and bankers: "It's luxurious slavery."
Besides, you don't have to do this all your life. If we wanted to, we could liquidate the business at any time and switch to something else. Companies close every day, so there's nothing to be ashamed of. nine0005
You may eventually realize that you are not made for the business world. A friend of ours, who has spent many years in business circles, is now retraining as a teacher. Says he's fed up with the infantile fools he has to deal with, it's better to work with children. ..
Why it's so important to have a "plan B" suits me perfectly. For example: what if we fail to raise the required amount through crowdfunding? So, in this case, we will abandon the idea of immediately expanding the business and will develop it on our own. It may be necessary to reduce the number of employees - by the way, I warned Bobby and Julian that this could happen. nine0005
Or, for example, a well-known lady threatened to cancel a scheduled performance in one of our courses. And I found a replacement in case she changes her mind. And then he asked her if she really intended to refuse. I was satisfied with any outcome of the negotiations, which means that the advantage was on my side. And she agreed to give a lecture... The secret is not to get hung up on any particular result. Otherwise, you can go crazy.
Little pleasures
My creative friends, small business owners, often say: “Well, yes, a nightmare, but this is my nightmare.