Purpose of living life

What Is the Purpose of Life?

Source: Overearth/iStock

Disclaimer: I don't claim that what I say is totally "true," because the truth is elusive in this complicated world. Rather, I'm offering some ideas to help perceive the world and ourselves in a manner that opens pathways for change and growth.

The Ultimate Question

As far as most of us know, we only have one life to live. The odds against our existence are, quite literally, beyond comprehension. Out of some cosmic miracle that we don’t appreciate enough, we are here. One chance event after another had to occur for each of us to born into this world. This starts with the Big Bang and includes the countless factors that had to line up for life to evolve on this planet to your great grandparents randomly bumping into one another at a country grocery store.

The fact that we are living and breathing on this big blue marble we call Earth is statistically inconceivable. It might not always feel that way, but if we step back, we can see that this is true. We are all the winners of the biggest … lottery … ever!

Given that we defied all odds to exist, that begs the most important question that philosophers, theologians, and countless others have attempted to answer. We might even consider this The Ultimate Question: What’s the purpose of life? On a related note, how are we to live in a way that fulfills our purpose? Another way to think of this is: if we are the winners of the cosmic lottery, how are we supposed to spend our winnings?

A podcast version of this topic is here at The Reasonably Good Life.

An Answer to the Ultimate Question

“Conan, what is good in life?” Conan: “To crush your enemies, to see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentations of the women.” —Conan, from the movie “Conan the Barbarian”

While everyone is entitled to have an opinion about why we are here and what to do with our lives, I’ll go on the record as disagreeing with Conan’s answer. I, of course, don’t have the answer either. However, I promise that I'm not going to say The Answer to the Ultimate Question is 42.

Your head might be spinning right now, because I just said that I am going to try to answer The Ultimate Question. However, I’m not arrogant enough to claim that I have The Answer. But I don’t think anyone has The Answer for that matter, although many people claim that they do.

Can you agree with me, even partially, that there are many ideas about the purpose of life? Even if you already believe in One Answer to The Ultimate Question, you still recognize that other people and groups have different answers to the same question. If there were just one, clear, unequivocal answer to The Ultimate Question, wouldn’t we all have the same one without any disagreements? In fact, would there even be an Ultimate Question if we all had the same answer to it? Assuming we can even agree upon the nature and wording of The Ultimate Question, the different answers can’t all be right…or can they? If you disagree with me, you actually agree with me because it proves that finding The Answer to The Ultimate Question is open to debate and different points of view!

I’m going to tell you a little secret about The Ultimate Question: There is no secret, "correct" answer to this question. How could I, or anyone else, have a secret answer to The Ultimate Question that few have stumbled upon? The “right” answer as to the purpose of life there is no single right answer. It would be more accurate to say that there are right “answers.”

Here’s what might really bake your noodle: You already know an answer to The Ultimate Question, but you might not know that you know it. Although I'm telling you what you already know, instead of that being a limitation, consider the possibility that this is where its power resides.

“All secrets are open secrets. Nothing is hidden. Nothing is revealed. People can only be told what they already know. Although they know, they may not be conscious of their knowledge.”—Camden Benares, from “Zen Without Zen Masters”

An Answer to the Purpose of Life

"Why are we here? Because we're here. Roll the bones. Roll the bones."—from the song "Roll the Bones" by Rush

We evolved so that we can live. Thus, we could also say that we live to evolve, so there's a circularity here. Evolution is the process that allowed organisms to survive and thrive. Humans, along with every living animal or plant, owe our existence to it. Our purpose is to "evolve" during our lifetime because that is consistent with our evolutionary purpose. Thus, an answer to The Ultimate Question of "What is the purpose of life?" is that we are here so that we can continue to live, adapt, learn, and grow. A purpose of life, and our purpose, is to continue to evolve.

We Evolved to Evolve

When we think of "evolution" as meaning as a process of learning, adapting, and growing to be more effective and efficient, we see evolution everywhere. Kids learn more advanced skills and concepts in school and this continues on through college and throughout their careers. Growth, in terms of profitability, is one of the primary goals of any business. Technology is always evolving—offering faster internet speeds, more powerful computers, better productivity tools, and more engaging and entertaining experiences. Athletes strive to improve their skills and performances through better nutrition and training methods. They aim to win more championships and set records. Musicians and artists want to become more technically proficient, creative, and successful. Communities and societies not only grow in number, but they try to serve the needs of the people to enable the citizens to live healthier, happier lives. Even with most religions, we seek to grow in our faith—to be a "better" Christian, Muslim, Hindu, Buddhist, or Jew.

On the biological level, learning recruits the reward systems in the brain so that the learning is reinforced. We evolved to grow and learn ... to become better than we were the day before so that we might survive and thrive. In general, we feel happy when we learn and grow. One could say that this happiness is a purpose of life as well, yet it could also be said to be the by-product of fulfilling our life purpose of learning and growing.

The Takeaway?

What is the purpose of life? An answer (as opposed to The Answer) to The Ultimate Question is that we exist to continue to exist. We evolved to evolve. This is fundamental to every living organism. Inherent to our existence is that we learn, adapt, and grow. Health, happiness, and longevity are the payoffs for this. Since our biological evolution is the foundation of our existence, a purpose of our lives is to continue to "evolve" during our lifetime by learning and growing. Each day, our purpose is to strive to be a little bit better than the day before and to continue this evolutionary process throughout our lifetime.

This purpose in life might sound like a simple, anti-climatic answer to The Ultimate Question, but there's more to this answer than at first glance. Our purpose in life to learn and grow throughout our lifetime also holds the key to how we should live our lives. Please join me as I explore this and related topics in future blogs!

How to Find Your Purpose in Life

Do you have a sense of purpose?

For decades, psychologists have studied how long-term, meaningful goals develop over the span of our lives. The goals that foster a sense of purpose are ones that can potentially change the lives of other people, like launching an organization, researching disease, or teaching kids to read.

Indeed, a sense of purpose appears to have evolved in humans so that we can accomplish big things together—which may be why it’s associated with better physical and mental health. Purpose is adaptive, in an evolutionary sense. It helps both individuals and the species to survive.

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Many seem to believe that purpose arises from your special gifts and sets you apart from other people—but that’s only part of the truth. It also grows from our connection to others, which is why a crisis of purpose is often a symptom of isolation. Once you find your path, you’ll almost certainly find others traveling along with you, hoping to reach the same destination—a community.

Here are six ways to overcome isolation and discover your purpose in life.

1. Read

Reading connects us to people we’ll never know, across time and space—an experience that research says is linked to a sense of meaning and purpose. (Note: “Meaning” and “purpose” are related but separate social-scientific constructs. Purpose is a part of meaning; meaning is a much broader concept that usually also includes value, efficacy, and self-worth.)

In a 2010 paper, for example, Leslie Francis studied a group of nearly 26,000 teenagers throughout England and Wales—and found that those who read the Bible more tended to have a stronger sense of purpose. Secular reading seems to make a difference, as well. In a survey of empirical studies, Raymond A. Mar and colleagues found a link between reading poetry and fiction and a sense of purpose among adolescents.

“Reading fiction might allow adolescents to reason about the whole lives of characters, giving them specific insight into an entire lifespan without having to have fully lived most of their own lives,” they suggest. By seeing purpose in the lives of other people, teens are more likely to see it in their own lives. In this sense, purpose is an act of the imagination.

Many people I interviewed for this article mentioned pivotal books or ideas they found in books.

The writing of historian W.E.B. Du Bois pushed social-justice activist Art McGee to embrace a specific vision of African-American identity and liberation. Journalist Michael Stoll found inspiration in the “social responsibility theory of journalism,” which he read about at Stanford University. “Basically, reporters and editors have not just the ability but also the duty to improve their community by being independent arbiters of problems that need solving,” he says. “It’s been my professional North Star ever since.” Spurred by this idea, Michael went on to launch an award-winning nonprofit news agency called The San Francisco Public Press.

So, if you’re feeling a crisis of purpose in your life, go to the bookstore or library or university. Find books that matter to you—and they might help you to see what matters in your own life.

2. Turn hurts into healing for others

Of course, finding purpose is not just an intellectual pursuit; it’s something we need to feel. That’s why it can grow out of suffering, both our own and others’.

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Kezia Willingham was raised in poverty in Corvallis, Oregon, her family riven by domestic violence. “No one at school intervened or helped or supported my mother, myself, or my brother when I was growing up poor, ashamed, and sure that my existence was a mistake,” she says. “I was running the streets, skipping school, having sex with strangers, and abusing every drug I could get my hands on.

When she was 16, Kezia enrolled at an alternative high school that “led me to believe I had options and a path out of poverty.” She made her way to college and was especially “drawn to the kids with ‘issues’”—kids like the one she had once been. She says:

I want the kids out there who grew up like me, to know they have futures ahead of them. I want them to know they are smart, even if they may not meet state academic standards. I want them to know that they are just as good and valuable as any other human who happens to be born into more privileged circumstances. Because they are. And there are so damn many messages telling them otherwise.

Sometimes, another person’s pain can lead us to purpose. When Christopher Pepper was a senior in high school, a “trembling, tearful friend” told him that she had been raped by a classmate. “I comforted as well as I could, and left that conversation vowing that I would do something to keep this from happening to others,” says Christopher. He kept that promise by becoming a Peer Rape Educator in college—and then a sex educator in San Francisco public schools.

Why do people like Kezia and Christopher seem to find purpose in suffering—while others are crushed by it? Part of the answer, as we’ll see next, might have to do with the emotions and behaviors we cultivate in ourselves.

3. Cultivate awe, gratitude, and altruism

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    Learn how helping others can help you finding meaning in life.

    Discover the health benefits of having a purpose.

    Jeremy Adam Smith explores how the science of purpose could help explain white supremacy.

Certain emotions and behaviors that promote health and well-being can also foster a sense of purpose—specifically, awe, gratitude, and altruism.

Several studies conducted by the Greater Good Science Center’s Dacher Keltner have shown that the experience of awe makes us feel connected to something larger than ourselves—and so can provide the emotional foundation for a sense of purpose.

Of course, awe all by itself won’t give you a purpose in life. It’s not enough to just feel like you’re a small part of something big; you also need to feel driven to make a positive impact on the world. That’s where gratitude and generosity come into play.

“It may seem counterintuitive to foster purpose by cultivating a grateful mindset, but it works,” writes psychologist Kendall Bronk, a leading expert on purpose. As research by William Damon, Robert Emmons, and others has found, children and adults who are able to count their blessings are much more likely to try to “contribute to the world beyond themselves.” This is probably because, if we can see how others make our world a better place, we’ll be more motivated to give something back.

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Here we arrive at altruism. There’s little question, at this point, that helping others is associated with a meaningful, purposeful life. In one study, for example, Daryl Van Tongeren and colleagues found that people who engage in more altruistic behaviors, like volunteering or donating money, tend to have a greater sense of purpose in their lives.

Interestingly, gratitude and altruism seem to work together to generate meaning and purpose. In a second experiment, the researchers randomly assigned some participants to write letters of gratitude—and those people later reported a stronger sense of purpose. More recent work by Christina Karns and colleagues found that altruism and gratitude are neurologically linked, activating the same reward circuits in the brain.

4. Listen to what other people appreciate about you

Shawn Taylor with his family

Giving thanks can help you find your purpose. But you can also find purpose in what people thank you for.

Like Kezia Willingham, Shawn Taylor had a tough childhood—and he was also drawn to working with kids who had severe behavioral problems. Unlike her, however, he often felt like the work was a dead-end. “I thought I sucked at my chosen profession,” he says. Then, one day, a girl he’d worked with five years before contacted him.

“She detailed how I helped to change her life,” says Shawn—and she asked him to walk her down the aisle when she got married. Shawn hadn’t even thought about her, in all that time. “Something clicked and I knew this was my path. No specifics, but youth work was my purpose.”

The artists, writers, and musicians I interviewed often described how appreciation from others fueled their work. Dani Burlison never lacked a sense of purpose, and she toiled for years as a writer and social-justice activist in Santa Rosa, California. But when wildfires swept through her community, Dani discovered that her strengths were needed in a new way: “I’ve found that my networking and emergency response skills have been really helpful to my community, my students, and to firefighters!”

Although there is no research that directly explores how being thanked might fuel a sense of purpose, we do know that gratitude strengthens relationships—and those are often the source of our purpose, as many of these stories suggest.

5. Find and build community

As we see in Dani’s case, we can often find our sense of purpose in the people around us.

Many people told me about finding purpose in family. In tandem with his reading, Art McGee found purpose—working for social and racial justice—in “love and respect for my hardworking father,” he says. “Working people like him deserved so much better.”

Environmental and social-justice organizer Jodi Sugerman-Brozan feels driven “to leave the world in a better place than I found it.” Becoming a mom “strengthened that purpose (it’s going to be their world, and their kids’ world),” she says. It “definitely influences how I parent (wanting to raise anti-racist, feminist, radical kids who will want to continue the fight and be leaders).”

Of course, our kids may not embrace our purpose. Amber Cantorna was raised by purpose-driven parents who were right-wing Christians. “My mom had us involved in stuff all the time, all within that conservative Christian bubble,” she says. This family and community fueled a strong sense of purpose in Amber: “To be a good Christian and role model. To be a blessing to other people.”

The trouble is that this underlying purpose involved making other people more like them. When she came out as a lesbian at age 27, Amber’s family and community swiftly and suddenly cast her out. This triggered a deep crisis of purpose—one that she resolved by finding a new faith community “that helped shape me and gave me a sense of belonging,” she says.

Often, the nobility of our purpose reflects the company we keep. The purpose that came from Amber’s parents was based on exclusion, as she discovered. There was no place—and no purpose—for her in that community once she embraced an identity they couldn’t accept. A new sense of purpose came with the new community and identity she helped to build, of gay and lesbian Christians.

If you’re having trouble remembering your purpose, take a look at the people around you. What do you have in common with them? What are they trying to be? What impact do you see them having on the world? Is that impact a positive one? Can you join with them in making that impact? What do they need? Can you give it them?

If the answers to those questions don’t inspire you, then you might need to find a new community—and with that, a new purpose may come.

6. Tell your story

Amber Cantorna

Reading can help you find your purpose—but so can writing,

Purpose often arises from curiosity about your own life. What obstacles have you encountered? What strengths helped you to overcome them? How did other people help you? How did your strengths help make life better for others?

“We all have the ability to make a narrative out of our own lives,” says Emily Esfahani Smith, author of the 2017 book The Power of Meaning. “It gives us clarity on our own lives, how to understand ourselves, and gives us a framework that goes beyond the day-to-day and basically helps us make sense of our experiences.”

That’s why Amber Cantorna wrote her memoir, Refocusing My Family: Coming Out, Being Cast Out, and Discovering the True Love of God. At first depressed after losing everyone she loved, Amber soon discovered new strengths in herself—and she is using her book to help build a nonprofit organization called Beyond to support gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender Christians in their coming-out process.

One 2008 study found that those who see meaning and purpose in their lives are able to tell a story of change and growth, where they managed to overcome the obstacles they encountered. In other words, creating a narrative like Amber’s can help us to see our own strengths and how applying those strengths can make a difference in the world, which increases our sense of self-efficacy.

This is a valuable reflective process to all people, but Amber took it one step further, by publishing her autobiography and turning it into a tool for social change. Today, Amber’s purpose is to help people like her feel less alone.

“My sense of purpose has grown a lot with my desire to share my story—and the realization that so many other people have shared my journey.”

For those who have lost the meaning of life

Viktor Frankl is a famous Austrian psychotherapist, psychologist and philosopher who passed through Auschwitz. Here is a chapter from his book Say Yes to Life, which he worked on in the camp and completed after his release.

… A person who has lost his inner strength quickly collapses. The phrase with which he rejects all attempts to cheer him up is typical: "I have nothing more to expect from life." What can you say? How do you object?

Ask a question about the meaning of life

Viktor Frankl

The difficulty lies in the fact that the question of the meaning of life must be put differently. We must learn it ourselves and explain to the doubters that the point is not what we expect from life, but what it expects from us. Philosophically speaking, a kind of Copernican revolution is needed here: we should not ask about the meaning of life, but understand that this question is addressed to us - daily and hourly life raises questions, and we must answer them - not by talking or thinking, but by action, correct behaviour. After all, to live ultimately means to bear responsibility for the correct fulfillment of the tasks that life puts before everyone, for the fulfillment of the requirements of the day and the hour. nine0003

These requirements, and with them the meaning of being, are different for different people and at different moments of life. This means that the question of the meaning of life cannot have a general answer. Life, as we understand it here, is not something vague, vague - it is concrete, just as its demands on us at every moment are also very specific. This concreteness is inherent in human destiny: for each it is unique and unrepeatable. No person can be equated with another, just as no fate can be compared with another, and no situation is exactly the same - each calls a person to a different course of action. A specific situation requires him either to act and try to actively shape his own destiny, or to use the chance to realize value opportunities in experiencing (for example, enjoyment), or simply to accept his destiny. And each situation remains unique, unique, and in this uniqueness and concreteness allows one answer to the question - the correct one. And as soon as fate placed suffering on a person, he must see in these sufferings, in the ability to endure them, his unique task. He must realize the uniqueness of his suffering - because in the whole universe there is nothing like it; no one can deprive him of these sufferings, no one can experience them instead of him. However, in how the one to whom this fate is given will endure his suffering, lies a unique opportunity for an inimitable feat. nine0003

For us, in the concentration camp, all this was by no means abstract reasoning. On the contrary, such thoughts were the only thing that still helped to hold on. To hold on and not fall into despair even when there was almost no chance to survive. For us, the question of the meaning of life has long been far from that widespread naive view that reduces it to the realization of a creatively set goal. No, it was about life in its entirety, which also included death, and by meaning we understood not only the “meaning of life”, but also the meaning of suffering and dying. For this meaning we fought! nine0003

Viktor Frankl. Say yes to life. Psychologist in a concentration camp. M., ANF, 2014

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Purpose in life - Psychologos

October 01, 2022, 21:24

Film "The Sword in the Stone"

Film "Air Force. Mind of Man"

A goal in life is the biggest task that you want to achieve in life. A person can have many big life goals - to get a decent education, to live in his mansion on the shore of such and such a sea, to raise such and such children, but the goal in life is the most important of all other life goals. nine0003

How many people have a purpose in life? - No, units. Why? Because, unlike dreams, the goal in life involves a lot of work, daily work to move towards your goal. If every day you think about what is important to you, and do something for this, you have a goal in life. If you don’t know what is really important to you, or on different days you think about it differently, or you think a lot, but do little, you don’t have a goal in life yet.

During his studies at Harvard University, Burres Skinner set a very strict study regimen for himself, for example, he set aside 15 minutes a day for extracurricular activities. nine0003

Alexander Lyubishchev in 1918 formulated the goal of his life: to create a natural system of organisms. He is 28 years old, for life - that is, for work - he set himself 90 years. Then he drew up a life plan and began to work together with the whole country on five-year plans - only for his personal five-year plans. Plan is a report. Weekly report. Monthly report. Annual report: this is already a multi-page statement, a whole notebook. Report for 5 years, plan for 5 years ahead. Everything was considered in detail, with an accuracy of 5 minutes, the time devoted to the purpose of life, direct scientific work, was especially carefully analyzed. In this mode, he worked for the next 54 years. nine0003

Do you need to have a purpose in life? Your answer depends on your philosophy of life and your personal development.

Many people live without any big goals, and nothing - they live well, calmly, without straining themselves. The one who has a goal - or goals - in life, lives a more intense life. Do you need it? I think you need it. When a person has a goal in life, he wants to live more. Those people who have goals in life are treated with great respect by other people as a person with personal potential. nine0003

Meaningful content of life - what makes life worth living. Interests and incentives to live, goals in life, meanings of life, favorite business. Similar concepts: Motive - for the sake of what a person does something, the main and usually perceived reason for behavior. That which explains the activity (behavior) of a person, gives it meaning.
The goal of life is more often characterized by energetic people, but vital energy in itself does not guarantee that you will find yourself in life where you want. You can move vigorously to the top, and then find that this peak is not yours. If you are not just energetic, but also able to think, love to think, you will think over the goals of your life. nine0003

The goal of life is needed for those who need a lot in life: to get a lot from life or to do a lot for life. To only receive, it is enough to be a Parasite, but in order to receive a lot and achieve the goals of life, you must already become a Consumer. To do something for life, you can be a Romantic, but in Creator mode you will do more. A developed personality wants to lead not only a vegetative or animal, but also a human way of life, to leave behind a worthy mark. People who have decided on their goals in life live more efficiently, achieve more, live richer and more fulfilling lives. nine0003


How to determine the purpose of your life?

I'm giving you the most serious hint: don't look for your purpose in life, it's pointless; you will never find your purpose in life. The fact is that the goal of your life can only be created: invented and set as a goal. To say: I choose this as a goal. And why exactly this? Because so far I haven't come up with anything better. As I come up with a better one, I'll put it better. For now, this is the purpose of my life. Everybody. After that, you have a purpose in life.

In total, I suggest that you create the goal of your life in the coming week: come up with and set it as a goal. If you don't, I can come up with your goal for you. I think, however, that it is better for you to do it yourself.

There are also more specific hints. You may be interested in the reflections of Heinrich Altshuller, the founder of the theory of invention (TRIZ), about what a Worthy goal in life is.

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​When setting your goals in life, it makes sense to do it systematically, connecting them into a chain (or wheel) of life tasks . There are many good systems that describe such bundles of life tasks in one way or another, see the articles Chain of Life Tasks and Wheel of Life. nine0003

In any case, it should be taken into account that there are only three core directions in life: Business, Personal life, Personal growth and development, and it is very important that we have certainty on each of these lines. Accordingly, with one goal it will not work in any way. If you do not understand what you want in your personal life, you will have it anyhow. Only when you decide what you need in the business area, things will start to take shape for you. And if you plan to really live, and not turn around in life, then you will choose to develop. Accordingly, with you here too - a plan. And better - concrete. What will you learn this year, what will you do in a couple of years . .. nine0003

How do you achieve your goals?

To achieve your goals, you need a good head to form a vision, grope for a movement strategy and make a specific plan of action. Health, connections, education and determination will always help.

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Comments (13):

Anton Derul, 29March 2012, 4:15 pm

I found an interesting article with a method for setting goals in life, or rather goals for the year.

Guest, February 6, 2014, 6:20 pm

Now what are your dreams? What are your goals and objectives?

Guest, July 24, 2014, 3:22 pm

Thank you! I'm working on this problem and got specific key points on what to do and how to do it.

Roman, October 07, 2014 07:09 PM

Thank you for the puzzles about finding your purpose in life! I thought a lot about how to determine my purpose, but I didn’t realize that I could use the pride filter for what I was doing. nine0003

Alex Royce, September 10, 2015 10:03 PM

The only true honest source of information about life purpose. Thank you ;)

Rvlvsha, September 30, 2015 4:22 pm

Very helpful. Thank you!

Maria, Vladivostok, February 20, 2016, 09:16 am

Nikolai Ivanovich, hello! How I would like to convey to you what knowledge I have about people for the most part, but I am afraid that everything that I know will remain with me forever ... And it is unlikely that the people who surround me and that the information that reaches you is truthful, honest and fair. And sometimes it becomes simply funny, really funny from the extent to which people live in some kind of "strange" illusions. So you write about the goal in life for some third parties that you do not know, but for the majority - 99% of the people of the entire planet - all the goals are in full view, and you can’t hide them anywhere, and at the same time, unfortunately, nothing great, in particular, will shock me! I am 33 years old and I know everything about this world! Yes, except, perhaps, nuclear physics in detail . .. This makes it creepy! And it seems that despite the fact that I know a lot, at the same time I can’t do anything and apparently I will never be able to do it! Because people will always remain people, ordinary, simple, creepy and funny at the same time. So, these same people will let our entire planet into Tartarary. And I think I understand the sadness of many great people about this. What about the goal? Do you think one person can do something? They will trample, break, they will endlessly exterminate, kill and rob ... And therefore ... Apparently, you had to be the simplest fool in order to calmly live out your life, working somewhere ... on television or radio, or cinema .. there, by the way, there is much less responsibility !!!!!!! And yes, what I write is a demotivator. It is natural, not to be seen by everyone on this site...



Guest, January 03, 2020, 05:15 PM

It would be interesting to know what you have known, and even almost everything in the world? I do not believe. I don’t even believe that you are able to surprise, of course we are talking about knowledge.

Guest, October 12, 2016 5:59 PM

It was very useful to read your article, thank you. Many take quite a long time to decide on a goal, and some, unfortunately, do not succeed at all. But really - the goal cannot be found, you need to set it yourself! And I think that initially you need to set a goal to learn how to live happily, this is the most important thing for a person! nine0003



Guest, October 30, 2017, 13:23

I agree with you, the main thing is happiness) And this is exactly what you can achieve if you are diligent and self-disciplined, achieve your goals, because in every person has an inner superhero who can achieve almost anything he wants)

Guest, June 10, 2019, 01:11 AM

And if you bet, but it turned out that it was not yours. And you spent half your life and ditched all the energy and strength for it. It is necessary to look for a new one, but there is no time and no strength, and it’s not a fact that you can’t go wrong again. And it is not clear how to build a plan. If the area is dark for you, no one shares information, there are no acquaintances. It's not clear how to go. It's scary and I don't know why. The soul is looking for something, but no longer knows what. Maybe just rest. Maybe this is the goal? nine0003

Guest, June 15, 2017, 10:08 pm

Life, nature, humanity - for me this is one. The goal of each can be far-fetched. It seems to me that the most accurate question is WHY LIVE? Answering this one will be able to think - HOW TO LIVE? How logical that would be. Living a biological life, contacting nature, I partially answered this question for myself - Initially endowed with needs, infringed on freedom, we develop through our own experience. Development is possible in the struggle for survival and in the ability to adapt to changing conditions of life. Man's earthly goal is to learn compassion and love through his own suffering. Everything in the universe is subject to laws, even if we do not know them. And everything that exists is subject to them, they are self-balanced. What we have is exactly what should be according to the laws. And a person foolishly thinks that he knows what needs to be changed for a better life. So, the question - why is all this necessary, for me remains the question. nine0003



Guest, April 02, 2018, 2:05 pm

eventually achieve perfection. This can be understood from the fact that most of all people value the best.

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13 Jul. 2018

3 masons, or Time to build temples

We all build our lives, “our temples”, and many even conscious people do it carelessly. And after years they suddenly realize that they live in a house that they built themselves. After all, everything we do today is the foundation for what will happen tomorrow.

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Oct 01 2022

A goal beyond the current lifestyle

For a man, a good motivation for development is a goal that goes beyond his current lifestyle. It may be a desire to create your own business, to realize big life plans. Or the image of the beloved woman whom he so dreams of meeting. And for the sake of such a goal, a man will be ready to move mountains, work day and night, actively changing himself and the life around him. Such a goal will allow you to move much further than the goal lying in the zone of proximal development. nine0003

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Jan 01 2006


Purposefulness - the ability to remember the plans and not to lose sight of formulated goals, the ability to overcome obstacles that have arisen and not give up when faced with difficulties. A man without a goal is like a ship that has lost its sails. He drifts in the open sea of ​​chance, and his movement is controlled by circumstances and other people, but not by himself. A person who knows his goals goes through life more confidently and more effectively. Much becomes clearer…

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Oct 01 2022

Yale Graduate Goals

In 1953, only 3% of Yale graduates had clearly defined life goals, formulated with an action plan, that they intended to achieve upon graduation. After 20 years, it turned out that those 3% owned more wealth than the remaining 97% combined. Do you believe this story? ;;

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Oct 01 2022

A worthy goal is the guarantee of a creative life

The most important parameter of a creative life is a Worthy Goal. What it is? Here are some basic criteria for a Worthy Goal: 1. The goal must be new or not achieved. Or the means to achieve the goal must be new.

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