Binge eating disorder survey
Binge-Eating Disorder Test & Screening. Get Instant Results.
Eating DisordersBinge Eating Disorder
Complete the following quiz to get an instant assessment on whether you or a loved one is displaying signs of Binge-Eating Disorder (BED).
Medical ReviewerSophie Abber, MS
Who Is This Binge-Eating Disorder Quiz For?
Could you be suffering from Binge-Eating Disorder?
Binge-Eating Disorder is a recognized eating disorder like anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa. It can happen to women and men, children, teens and adults. Binge-Eating Disorder can be treated with psychotherapy that aims to teach the patient to recognize their emotional eating triggers, and to use food to sate hunger rather than provide comfort.
Below is a list of questions that relate to life experiences common among people who have been diagnosed with Binge-Eating Disorder. Please read each question carefully, and indicate how often you have experienced the same or similar challenges in the past few months.
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This quiz is NOT a diagnostic tool. Mental health disorders can only be diagnosed by a licensed mental health provider or doctor. But Psycom believes assessments can be a valuable first step toward getting treatment.
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Binge-Eating Disorder FAQs
How do you know if you have Binge-Eating Disorder?
If every so often you eat a tremendous amount of food at one sitting, you may worry that you have a binge eating disorder. There is binge eating, and then there is Binge-Eating Disorder.
Binge eating encompasses a wide range of eating patterns.
“A person may have heard that fasting is good for them, so they fast all day and then binge,” says Monica Bearden, RD, LD, CSSD, Consultant in Sports Nutrition at Houston Methodist Willowbrook Hospital in Houston, Texas. “Binge eating is disordered eating that could turn into an eating disorder. It is often due to a lack of education about how to eat. Or it could be someone who is busy all day long and doesn’t eat, and then at night they are starving.”
Binge-Eating Disorder is more than just overeating.
“The definition of Binge-Eating Disorder is eating a large quantity of food in a relatively short time, but it is more than that,” says Ashley Jacobs, RDN. “The person also must have a sense of a lack of control. There is guilt and depression afterward.”
To be diagnosed with Binge-Eating Disorder, you must also have recurrent episodes of binge eating accompanied by a sense of lack of control. The episodes also must be associated with three of these symptoms: eating a lot faster than usual, eating until uncomfortably full, eating copious amount of food even when not physically hungry, eating alone because of a sense of embarrassment about how much you are eating, feeling guilty or depressed afterward, and experiencing distress over the eating.
The binge eating must go on for at least three months and occur at least once a week.1
How does Binge-Eating Disorder differ from bulimia nervosa and anorexia nervosa?
One of the newest eating disorders formally recognized by the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders 5th edition (DSM-5), Binge-Eating Disorder is separate and distinct from anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa.
“There are no weight criteria for Binge-Eating Disorder,” says Ashley Jacobs, RDN. “Most of the time, the person who has Binge-Eating Disorder will either be a normal weight or overweight or obese.”
Binge-Eating Disorder doesn’t involve purging the way that bulimia does.
“And with anorexia, there is intentional restriction of food,” Jacobs says. “In anorexia, the person eats less than what their body needs to function.”
What causes Binge-Eating Disorder?
Binge-Eating Disorder, like other eating disorders, stems from a variety of factors. How you feel about your weight and your body shape comes into play, and BED has been linked to anxiety and depression. Your environment and your genes also can influence whether you develop Binge-Eating Disorder. For some individuals, dieting in unhealthy ways like skipping meals, avoiding certain kinds of foods, or not eating enough can influence whether you develop this disorder.2
“Having someone in your immediate family who struggles with an eating disorder puts you at risk,” says Ashley Jacobs, RDN. “Whether you are seeing a parent binge-eat in front of you or they are not eating because they are restricting calories can be very confusing for a child. The eating is being put right in front of the person.”
Binge-Eating Disorder is treatable, she says: “You need to find a provider who is compassionate so you will feel comfortable talking about it. It is important to find a mental health provider who has an expertise in eating disorders.”
What is the average age for the onset of Binge-Eating Disorder?
“The age group I see tend to be early teens and early adulthood, but I have had patients up to 70 years old,” says Ashley Jacobs, RDN.
“I don’t think there is a specific age group for Binge-Eating Disorder.”
Monica Bearden, RD, LD, CSSD, Consultant in Sports Nutrition at Houston Methodist Willowbrook Hospital in Houston, Texas, says it is hard to say what age group is the most prone to develop Binge-Eating Disorder.
“It can be adolescents who are busy during the day and don’t eat and then they eat all their calories at night,” she says. “Or it can be adults who are trying to fast and then end up binging. Binge eating does affect every age group, from adolescents through adults.”
While BED is more common in younger and middle-aged people, it also is common in people with type 1 and type 2 diabetes: These disorders' constant focus on weight and food control may be why. In some individuals, binge eating may even contribute to the development of type 2 diabetes. This can happen through excessive weight gain and the higher risk of metabolic abnormalities. People who have Binge-Eating Disorder and who have diabetes can find it harder to control their blood sugar. 3
- National Eating Disorders Association. Binge Eating Disorder.
- National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases. Symptoms and causes of binge eating disorders.
- National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases. Definition and facts for binge eating disorder.
Notes: This article was originally published September 7, 2017 and most recently updated January 18, 2022.
Binge eating test | Quick, confidential and clinically validated
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Question 1
I feel very self-conscious about my weight and body size – it stops me from socialising
- Very much so
- Often
- Occasionally
- Not at all
Question 2
I eat meals much more quickly than others and seem to eat a lot more than others as well
- Very much so
- Often
- Occasionally
- Not at all
Question 3
I feel in control of how much I eat
- Very much so
- Often
- Occasionally
- Not at all
Question 4
I often feel desperate that I can’t be more in control of what I eat
- Very much so
- Often
- Occasionally
- Not at all
Question 5
When I am bored I can’t help but eat, nothing can distract me
- Very much so
- Often
- Occasionally
- Not at all
Question 6
I often eat, even though I am not hungry, because it is a habit
- Very much so
- Often
- Occasionally
- Not at all
Question 7
Sometimes I eat because I am ‘mouth’ hungry but I spit the food out, so I don’t put on weight
- Very much so
- Often
- Occasionally
- Not at all
Question 8
I have strong feelings of self-hate or guilt if I overeat
- Very much so
- Often
- Occasionally
- Not at all
Question 9
It’s easy for me to get back on track with a diet or healthy eating regime
- Very much so
- Often
- Occasionally
- Not at all
Question 10
My life seems to be ‘feast’ or ‘famine’ with very little moderation
- Very much so
- Often
- Occasionally
- Not at all
Question 11
I often feel uncomfortably full after eating, even to the point of making myself sick
- Very much so
- Often
- Occasionally
- Not at all
Question 12
I eat about the same amount of food every day, I rarely ‘binge’
- Very much so
- Often
- Occasionally
- Not at all
Question 13
I feel in control of my urge to eat and can distract myself
- Very much so
- Often
- Occasionally
- Not at all
Question 14
I will keep eating, even when I am full, and it has become uncomfortable
- Very much so
- Often
- Occasionally
- Not at all
Question 15
Sometimes I make myself sick because I am so uncomfortably full
- Very much so
- Often
- Occasionally
- Not at all
Question 16
I feel so self-conscious eating around other people that I will only eat small amounts
- Very much so
- Often
- Occasionally
- Not at all
Question 17
I eat three meals a day and don’t snack very often
- Very much so
- Often
- Occasionally
- Not at all
Question 18
Some days I will eat all day, with no defined meal times
- Very much so
- Often
- Occasionally
- Not at all
Question 19
Some days all I think about is food, I feel out of control
- Very much so
- Often
- Occasionally
- Not at all
Question 20
I don’t know how physically hungry I really am and think I eat more than I need
- Very much so
- Often
- Occasionally
- Not at all
Question 1 of 20
When answering the above questions please consider how they have applied to you in the last 3 months.
This test may be helpful in identifying if you are experiencing the common symptoms of a Binge Eating Disorder.The questions are based on the ‘Binge Eating Scale’ rating scale and should only be used as an indicator of whether you may be at risk of having or developing a binge eating disorder. They are not intended to replace a professional diagnosis.
Adapted from: the Binge Eating Scale rating scale.
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What is compulsive overeating, how to diagnose it and how to treat it
December 3, 2018 Health Column
If, at the slightest stress, you rush to the refrigerator or go shopping for cakes, and after overeating you feel self-loathing and guilt, this may indicate a serious eating disorder.
Lidia Yanko
Psychiatrist, psychotherapist, narcologist of the Federal Scientific and Practical Center of the Federal Medical and Biological Agency of Russia.
Human eating behavior - taste preferences, diet, diet - depends on cultural, social, family, biological factors. Eating behavior is strongly influenced by the prevailing ideas about beauty in society, especially women's. nine0003
There are several types of eating disorders: anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa and compulsive overeating. The latter is often combined with obesity, and anorexia nervosa, if left untreated, can lead to death.
The main manifestations of these disorders are fear of fullness, self-restriction in food, bouts of gluttony and unloading.
If a person in a state of stress simply awakens a brutal appetite, which he is unable to fight, we are talking about an eating disorder. This is not the norm. Moreover, both serious situations (death of a loved one, dismissal from work) and minor unpleasant moments that cause negative emotions (the boss raised his voice, a quarrel with a loved one) can provoke an attack. Unfortunately, the habit of eating any problem with a large amount of high-calorie food is one of the most common causes of obesity. nine0003
With the problem of compulsive overeating, you need to contact a psychotherapist - he is the one who treats this disease. Since no tests and instrumental research methods can confirm or refute this diagnosis, a regular interview is used and a special test is performed.
According to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, a diagnosis is confirmed when three of five criteria are met:
- Stomach fullness after eating causes discomfort.
- Even a large portion is eaten very quickly, almost imperceptibly.
- Self-loathing, depressed mood, guilt after overeating.
- Eating when not hungry.
- Eating alone.
If the patient confirms that he has at least three symptoms, the psychotherapist diagnoses compulsive overeating.
Further monitoring of weight is carried out: how much the patient weighed before the stressful situation and how much - at the time of contacting the doctor. An increase in body mass index is another confirmation of the diagnosis. nine0003
Therapy will be carried out in two directions at once, since the disease is complex. It combines psychological and physiological factors.
Firstly, the disorder leads to weight gain, followed by obesity, metabolic syndrome, metabolic disorders, excessive stress on the internal organs, fatty liver and other concomitant diseases. All these diseases will have to be treated.
Secondly, it is necessary to eliminate the root cause of overeating, that is, to treat depression, reduce anxiety, and normalize sleep. nine0003
To overcome compulsive overeating, a psychotherapist can offer several methods of treatment - depending on the condition and personal characteristics of the patient.
Cognitive behavioral, person-centered, group or hypnosuggestive therapy is used.
The Cognitive Behavioral Approach is a "transformation" of the patient's thoughts, as well as the circumstances that surround him. For example, the desire to eat another chocolate bar gives way to the opportunity to show a toned body on the beach. Among the main components of this method are goal setting, self-control, feedback/reinforcement, persuasion reinforcement, incentives. nine0003
Person-oriented approach in the fight against excess weight is a solution to an intrapsychological conflict, that is, mental stress caused by the inability to satisfy one or another need. Initially, to solve the problem, it is necessary to identify the conflict, then to realize its essence, to highlight the motives that can be accepted and which should be abandoned.
The last method is hypnotherapy . The therapist identifies experiences that disturb the patient and, as a rule, are accompanied by psychosomatics, which is expressed in the appearance of various diseases: for example, bronchial asthma, hypertension, problems with the stomach and duodenum, allergic reactions. In the course of treatment, the psychologist turns the traumatic experience into a resourceful one, cleansed of bodily manifestations. nine0003
Finding a good doctor is important for a quick recovery. When choosing a psychotherapist, it is necessary first of all to pay attention to the qualifications of a specialist, as well as the proposed method of treatment. On average, therapy lasts about six sessions, between which a certain time must pass so that the body has time to adapt to the changes. In terms of time, this will take at least three months. So doctors who offer you to get rid of the causes of obesity in a week or even a month are most likely charlatans. nine0003
It is very important to properly organize nutrition in case of compulsive overeating: this is part of the therapy. Since the treatment is carried out on an outpatient basis, it falls on the shoulders of the patient himself. Due to the fact that the disorder has psychological causes, it will be difficult for a person, and the help of someone close will probably be needed so that they can control the meal schedule and portion size from the outside.
What recommendations should be followed?
- Learn to distinguish between psychological and biological hunger. Satisfy only the last one. Do not neglect the help of relatives and friends, allow them to take control over meals.
- Include at least three full meals throughout the day: breakfast, lunch and dinner. You can afford a light snack, but the choice here must be stopped on natural products - fruits or yogurt. It must be remembered that fasting with compulsive overeating will deal a blow to the entire body, as the body will begin to accumulate fat "in reserve". Therefore, meals should be regular and healthy. nine0026
- Find an alternative way to relieve nervous tension (this could be books, sports, music, movies, dancing, other hobbies).
- Eat mostly low-calorie foods. Do not go to restaurants, cafes and fast food establishments. Do not buy many products at once. Do not buy sweet, starchy foods, give preference to vegetables and fruits.
- Stop aimless grocery shopping.
Do not watch cooking TV shows, do not leaf through recipe books. Do not discuss food with anyone. Stock up on small dishes that will eliminate the use of large portions. nine0026
- Do not go on diets and do not set strict bans on your favorite foods - allow yourself to relax at least once a week (not to the point of gluttony, but one pack of chips will not hurt). If you drive yourself into too strict limits, stress will increase, and with it, the likelihood of breaking loose will increase.
The best option is to consult a nutritionist. Depending on the degree of neglect of the disease and the patient's eating habits, he will be able to develop an individual diet and menu. This will help you recover faster. nine0003
It is important to remember that an eating disorder is a psychological problem, so changing your diet without taking into account the psychological aspect can lead to weight gain back. Only an integrated approach, combined with the advice of a competent specialist, will allow you to stabilize your weight and not overeat in the future. This process takes time and effort, but with proper therapy and an optimal diet, the result will last for many years.
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Diagnosis of eating disorders - CIRP
Recently, more and more people are faced with the problem of eating disorders associated with psychological disorders, the choice of quality and quantity of food. Most often it occurs in adolescents and young people aged 20-25 years, but it can occur later. Unlike sleep or digestive disorders, people do not immediately understand that they need help, which is why timely diagnosis is not carried out and treatment is not prescribed. Left untreated, it can lead to serious consequences, even death. The sooner a person receives qualified medical care, the higher the likelihood of avoiding serious disturbances in the functioning of the body. nine0003
Article content:
- Main diagnostic systems
- Basic diagnostic methods
- Physical assessment of the patient
- Laboratory research
- Psychological research
- Causes of disorders
Many people face the wrong behavior in relation to food - they overeat, refuse food because of stress, fatigue, desire to lose weight. If this happens rarely, such phenomena do not pose a threat to health. But not everyone can correctly assess their daily eating behavior, therefore, if there is a significant change in body weight for several months, and also if your diet causes concern to loved ones, it is advisable to contact our Center for the Study of Eating Disorders in Moscow. nine0003
Basic diagnostic systems
In modern medicine, the diagnosis of eating disorders is carried out according to the ICD-10 and DSM-5 systems.
The indicated ICD-10 symptoms of disorders allow diagnosing:
- anorexia;
- bulimia;
- psychogenic overeating;
- psychogenic vomiting;
- eating inedible substances and objects;
- psychogenic loss of appetite; nine0025 unspecified eating disorders.

But ICD-10 does not include all known disorders associated with everyday eating behavior and dangerous to health, so other diagnostic systems are used. The most commonly used nosological system DSM-5 developed by the American Psychiatric Association, which allows you to more accurately assess the patient's condition due to the scale of severity of disorders.
What symptoms should I see a specialist for? nine0019
Periodic overeating or short-term dieting is not a cause for concern. But it is advisable to consult a doctor if the following symptoms are observed:
- significant weight loss;
- significant weight gain;
- eating inedible substances and objects;
- frequent attacks of uncontrollable desire for food;
- getting rid of food with laxatives, inducing vomiting; nine0026
- Prolonged loss of appetite, aversion to food.
Parents should pay special attention to the diet of teenagers and if any of the symptoms are observed, contact a specialist. Self-diagnosis will not allow you to accurately assess the condition of the child and the need for treatment.
Basic diagnostic methods
Since diseases associated with eating disorders of everyday life can be life-threatening and lead to organ dysfunction, early diagnosis is important. A correct diagnosis in the early stages makes the treatment of the disease as effective as possible and avoids dangerous complications. nine0003
To diagnose eating disorders, you need to consult a psychiatrist, who can determine the presence, type and severity of the disease, give recommendations on how to further develop a treatment strategy. It is up to the doctor to decide whether outpatient therapy is enough or if it will be life-threatening.
In order to develop a correct rehabilitation plan, the patient is referred to the CIRC for a series of examinations and tests, which avoids additional complications in the process of treating the disorder. It is equally important to identify the possible psychological prerequisites and causes of the disease, for this the specialist interviews the patient in detail about living conditions, family history, and personal characteristics.
Without this, it is impossible to achieve a complete recovery. nine0003
Physical assessment of the patient
Diagnosis begins with a visit to a general practitioner or pediatrician - risky eating behaviors often occur during adolescence.
Specialists conduct an initial examination of the patient, during which:
- height and weight are measured;
- measure blood pressure;
- heart rate and respiration are assessed;
- clarify the patient's complaints; nine0026
- evaluate the condition of the skin, hair and nails.
The doctor may also examine the patient's abdomen.
Often a person comes to the doctor with complaints of pain in the stomach, frequent inflammation of the larynx, loss of strength, headaches, and only during the interview and examination does the specialist determine that a diagnosis of eating behavior is necessary. Based on the results of the examination, the doctor determines what additional examinations are necessary to clarify the condition of the internal organs, disorders in the digestive and other systems. nine0003
Laboratory studies
If a person's eating habits are far from the canons of a healthy diet, all internal organs and systems suffer. Often, even short-term eating disorders (overeating, starvation, abuse of laxatives, etc.) lead to serious illness. It is important to identify them as soon as possible and prescribe treatment.
When diagnosing possible somatic complications, various laboratory tests are prescribed at the CIRP: blood and urine tests, tests for bone density. Ultrasound examinations are also often performed to assess the condition of the liver, kidneys, stomach and other organs. Due to an unbalanced and irregular diet, the cardiovascular system also suffers, therefore, an electrocardiogram, ultrasound of the heart and other studies are prescribed to start timely treatment, even if the symptoms of the disease are not yet expressed. nine0003
Psychological research
Only in rare cases, incorrect eating habits leading to the development of life-threatening and health conditions occur without the presence of psychological prerequisites. In such cases, after consulting a nutritionist, drawing up a balanced diet and determining the optimal level of physical activity, the problem can be solved. To cure anorexia and similar diseases for most patients, a psychologist's consultation is no less important than diagnosing the condition of internal organs. nine0003
At a consultation in Moscow, the doctor asks the patient about his eating habits and preferences, about his attitude to food, diet and the reason for choosing it, physical activity. He can also ask questions about relationships in the family, with the opposite sex, about a person’s aspirations, attitudes towards his appearance, successes and failures, experienced severe stress.
Causes of disorders
When working with a psychotherapist, it is important to establish the reasons that prompt the patient to give preference to a diet that is dangerous to health. Most often, such disorders occur against the background of the desire to meet the imposed standards of beauty, stress, self-doubt, dissatisfaction with relationships in the family, with the opposite sex or achievements in a career, study.