How to slow down your mind
Racing Thoughts: Tips for Coping
Racing thoughts are fast moving and often repetitive thought patterns that can be overwhelming. They may focus on a single topic, or they may represent multiple different lines of thought. You may have racing thoughts about a financial issue or about an embarrassing moment or a phobia. These thoughts may also escalate.
Racing thoughts can increase your anxiety or feelings of unease and can disrupt your concentration.
When you have racing thoughts, you may feel like:
- Your mind is going a mile a minute.
- You aren’t able to slow down your thoughts.
- Your mind isn’t able to “shut off,” and you can’t fully relax.
- It’s difficult to focus on anything else.
- You keep thinking about a problem that has been blown out of proportion.
- You start catastrophizing, or thinking of worst-case scenarios.
Racing thoughts can result in insomnia. This happens when you struggle to fall asleep because you can’t slow down your thoughts at night. Keep reading to learn about strategies to help you calm your mind, longer-term treatment options, and what may be causing your racing thoughts.
Here are several steps you can take to manage or prevent racing thoughts if you’re having them right now:
1. Focus on breathing
Take several deep, careful breaths and focus on counting while inhaling and exhaling. This can force your mind to focus on something other than the racing thoughts. It can also have a calming effect on your central nervous system, which can reduce anxiety.
Keep reading: 5 easy ways to ease your mind »
2. Try a mantra
You can use a mantra, repeated when necessary, to take your mind off the racing thoughts. Even one like “Everything will be fine” can be very effective.
3. Eliminate stress before bed
If your racing thoughts typically occur at night when you’re trying to sleep, make changes to your routine before bed so that you can relax and sleep peacefully. Try to eliminate stress for at least two hours before sleep. You can meditate or practice gentle yoga, and read a relaxing book or take a bubble bath. Avoid all electronic screens and overly stimulating mental activity in those two hours before bed.
Longer term, therapy can help identify the cause of your racing thoughts. Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) may be particularly helpful. It can teach you coping mechanisms and techniques to manage these thoughts.
These techniques may include:
- doing deep-breathing exercises
- writing out thoughts on paper or in a diary
- using mantras to calm your mind down
- focusing only on the present and things you can control right now
Your doctor may also recommend medications to help manage any underlying conditions, especially if racing thoughts seem to accompany triggers like anxiety attacks or bipolar episodes. These medications may include:
- antidepressants
- antianxiety medications
- antipsychotics
- mood stabilizers
Racing thoughts are a possible symptom of a number of different conditions.
While it’s most common in anxiety, there are other conditions that can cause racing thoughts, too.
Anxiety is a common cause of racing thoughts. While racing thoughts are extremely common during an anxiety attack, they can also occur at any time. They may also precede or follow an anxiety attack.
Keep reading: The best anxiety apps of the year »
Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is characterized by a pattern of inattention or hyperactivity. Some people will describe their inattention as racing thoughts, especially when they are overwhelmed with external stimuli. More common in ADHD is wandering thoughts, where you struggle to focus on a single train of thought.
Learn more: What’s the difference between ADHD and ADD? »
Obsessive compulsive disorder
Obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD) is a mental health condition in which you experience obsessions or compulsions that are difficult to shake. These obsessions can take the form of racing thoughts, where you can’t stop what feels like an avalanche of thoughts on a particular subject. You may have a compulsion that soothes the thoughts, like washing your hands a certain number of times to stop racing thoughts caused by worrying about germs.
Bipolar disorder
Bipolar disorder is an emotional disorder in which your emotions skyrocket to extreme emotional highs (manias) and plummet to severe depression. Racing thoughts most often occur during the mania part of a bipolar episode, though they can occur with depression, especially in cases of agitated depression.
Agitated depression
Agitated depression is an outdated term which refers to a severe subtype of depression. It’s characterized by feeling agitated instead of lethargic, the symptom that’s commonly associated with most types of depression. You may also feel restless, angry, and quick to react. Racing thoughts is more likely to affect those with agitated depression than other types of depression.
Medication side effect
Sometimes, medications may treat some symptoms of a condition but exacerbate or even cause others. Medications used to treat depression, anxiety, or bipolar disorder can sometimes cause agitated depression, which can then trigger racing thoughts.
If you start a new medication and start experiencing racing thoughts, call your doctor so you can try a new medication or adjust the dosage as soon as possible.
Learn more about depression medications and their side effects »
You should call your doctor or make an appointment with your therapist if you’re having racing thoughts on a regular basis and they’ve become disruptive or are preventing you from sleeping. You should make an appointment with a therapist as soon as possible to be evaluated for a mood or mental health disorder if you experience racing thoughts alongside any of the following:
- symptoms of depression
- strong irritability
- strong compulsions
- anxiety or panic attacks
- severe shifts in mood
Read more: 11 ways to stop a panic attack »
Only once you’re diagnosed can treatment start. Just like other types of health conditions, mental health conditions are more easily treated when caught early.
14 Ways to Quiet Your Mind Explained
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Mindful: "A 5-Minute Breathing Meditation To Cultivate Mindfulness."
Cleveland Clinic: "Exercise: Mind-Body Exercises & Heart Health," "3 Reasons Adult Coloring Can Actually Relax Your Brain."
Seleni: "How can I stop my racing thoughts?"
National Sleep Foundation: "Relaxation Exercises for Falling Asleep."
Psychological Reports: "Benefits, Problems, and Characteristics of Home Aquarium Owners. "
Anthrozoös: "Effect of aquariums on electroconvulsive therapy patients."
Marriage & Family Review: "Health, Aquariums, and the Non-Institutionalized Elderly."
BBC: "Aquariums 'deliver significant health benefits.' "
Journal of Environmental Psychology: "Blue space: The importance of water for preference, affect, and restorativeness ratings of natural and built scenes." "The Cognitive Benefits of Being by Water."
Environment and Behavior: "Marine Biota and Psychological Well-Being: A Preliminary Examination of Dose-Response Effects in an Aquarium Setting."
Anxiety and Depression Association of America: "Exercise for Stress and Anxiety."
Mental Health Foundation: "Physical activity and mental health," "Altruism and wellbeing."
American Council on Exercise: "8 Reasons HIIT Workouts are So Effective."
PLOS ONE: "Twelve Weeks of Sprint Interval Training Improves Indices of Cardiometabolic Health Similar to Traditional Endurance Training despite a Five-Fold Lower Exercise Volume and Time Commitment. "
American Journal of Public Health: "The Connection Between Art, Healing, and Public Health: A Review of Current Literature."
The Dana Foundation: "The Amygdala: The Body’s Alarm Circuit."
British Journal of General Practice: "Music: a better alternative than pain?"
Mind: "How could relaxation help me?" "Socialization And Altruistic Acts As Stress Relief."
Berkeley Wellness: "The Benefits of Giving."
Ecotherapy -- the green agenda for mental health, Mind, 2007.
Peacock, J. The mental health benefits of green exercise activities and green care, Mind week report, February 2007.
Frontiers in Psychology: "The great outdoors? Exploring the mental health benefits of natural environments," "Psychosocial and Psychophysiological Effects of Human-Animal Interactions: The Possible Role of Oxytocin."
Journal of Attention Disorders: "Children With Attention Deficits Concentrate Better After Walk in the Park. "
University of Minnesota, Taking Charge of your Health & Wellbeing: "How Does Nature Impact Our Wellbeing?" "Spend Time in Nature to Reduce Stress and Anxiety."
AnxietyCanada: "How to do Progressive Muscle Relaxation."
Hormone Health Network: "What is Oxytocin?"
DIVERSEability: "Cats Make Great Therapy Animals."
Anxiety Canada Youth: "Visualizations: Mental Vacations."
Harvard Health Publishing: "Yoga -- Benefits Beyond the Mat," "Yoga for anxiety and depression."
National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health: "Yoga: In Depth," "Relaxation Techniques for Health."
Mayo Clinic: "Depression and anxiety: Exercise eases symptoms."
Harvard Business Review: "Quick and Easy Ways to Quiet Your Mind."
National Wildlife Federation: "It’s in the dirt! Bacteria in soil may make us happier, smarter."
Preventive Medicine Reports: "Gardening is beneficial for health: A meta-analysis."
Journal of Health Psychology: "Gardening promotes neuroendocrine and affective restoration from stress. "
Mental Health in Family Medicine: "Biofeedback in medicine: who, when, why and how?"
How to Calm the Mind: Simple Techniques for Meditation
Meditation does not necessarily put a person into a trance: many practices are aimed at finding a balance between the material and the spiritual, they help relieve tension, train attention and develop the ability to visualize. T&Rs talk about basic meditation techniques that anyone can do.
How to prepare for meditation
Meditation is work with our mind and body. Meditation techniques allow you to listen to yourself and calm your thoughts, help train attention and renew energy. nine0007
Maina Miletich
Has been managing industrial projects for more than 15 years, practicing meditation as a way to deal with stress at work. Maina took a full course of Vipassana in a Buddhist monastery, conducts classes on mindfulness meditation at the HSE Center for Psychological Counseling
Meditation practices are needed not for the sake of the result and staying in some kind of astral state - the process itself and what changes occur in us are important. There is no need to force yourself, you must have an inner need. However, if you decide to exercise, it is important to do it regularly. There are many techniques, but their main difference is in the object on which you need to concentrate. It can be an external object, breath, body, phrase. nine0007
Before meditation, choose a quiet, ventilated place. The duration of the practice depends on you: you can start with 10 minutes, gradually increasing this time. The main thing in meditative practices is comfort, for full immersion, you need to create a safe space in which you can feel relaxed.
If you have just returned home after a day's work, you must first switch, because you will not be able to start meditation right away. Do physical exercises, take a contrast shower or do a little cleaning, and only after that you can proceed to the meditation itself. nine0007
Maina Miletich
You can practice on your own or with an instructor. He will explain what to focus on and guide with his voice. You can meditate with music, but you need to understand that this is another external object to which attention will be directed. In the practice of mindfulness, it is better to focus it completely on yourself. At least part of the time, you need to be in silence.
Remember that extraneous thoughts are absolutely normal. They do not need to be driven away, watch them and be aware of them. During practice, anxiety may appear - this is also natural. nine0007
Basic meditation techniques
Breathing meditations
During this meditation one concentrates on the breath. First you need to observe the natural inhalation and exhalation until you feel that the mind begins to calm down. The next step is to control the breath with a simple technique:
Inhale through the nose for 4 counts
Breath hold for 16 seconds
Exhale through the mouth for 8 seconds
You may feel slightly dizzy - in this case it is better to return to natural breathing and then resume the practice. Subsequently, you can increase the duration by counting by 8-32-16, respectively. The back must be kept straight so as not to restrict the movement of the respiratory organs. After this technique, stay in silence for some more time, observing how your breathing and emotional state have changed.
Mindfulness Meditation
Mindfulness meditation is aimed at returning to the present moment, a person feels his presence here and now. This technique helps to distract from thoughts about the future and the past.
During mindfulness meditation, we focus not on the object, but on the subject - ourselves
Sit on a chair with both feet on the floor, or cross your legs on the floor. The back should remain straight.
Listen to external sounds, fix them, and return your attention to your body. nine0007
Focus on the process of breathing, feel the pace at which you inhale and exhale.
Watch the thoughts that arise without any evaluation: you must accept them and let them go.
Pay attention to smells: try to feel what objects surround you and how they might smell.
Return to the breath and take deep breaths in and out.
Put your hand on the energy center: it is located in the lower part of the abdomen, feel what changes occur in it during breathing. Imagine how this energy begins to circulate through your body. nine0007
Focus on the body and its sensations: what temperature it is in, whether it is cold or warm, whether it is tense or relaxed. If you feel tight, you need to pay attention to this part of the body.
Mindfulness meditation can also be practiced in everyday life. For example, you perform monotonous actions - washing dishes, arranging books on a shelf, being in the shower. The main thing is to direct all attention to a certain action.
Meditation focus
During this meditation, attention must be directed to an object. For example, in trataka practice, you focus on a flame or a dot on a plain wall. You can choose an object yourself - be it a flower, a painting or a figurine. This technique not only helps to relax, but also develops the skill of visualization.
At the very beginning, you need to consider the object - to see its shape, details, shades that you did not notice before.
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Now you need to smell the object without approaching it. Describe this scent.
If you focus on the flame, focus on the sounds. For a more accurate perception, you can close your eyes. What do you think this sound is like? What is the rhythm, pace of the combustion process? nine0007
At the last stage, with your eyes closed, you need to imagine this object in empty space and mentally draw it, not forgetting about the details.
Remember what this object feels like, smells, mentally touch it and observe how the attitude towards this object has changed.
Imagine touching this object first with one finger, then with the whole palm. Observe the sensations by changing the position of the imaginary hand. Experienced experts say that at this stage you feel the energy of the object.
Body Relaxation Meditation
One of the most popular techniques to relieve tension in the whole body. It is necessary to gradually relax parts of the body, transferring attention to them. It is better to start from the toes and gradually rise to the crown. It is best to do it before bed. If some areas remain tense, analyze why these sensations arise, what is the cause of discomfort. For example, a clenched jaw is most often associated with innuendo, and tense shoulders are most often associated with the responsibility that lies with you. nine0007
Mantra meditations
During these meditations, you need to repeat the text of the mantra 108 times, but it is not necessary to memorize the texts in an unfamiliar language, you can say any word that is meaningful to you, such as “love” or “peace”.
Express your intention - why are you saying these words?
Sing the phrase while feeling vibrations throughout your body.
Next, proceed to pronounce the mantra.
Start whispering it.
The last step is to say the mantra to yourself. This step must be taken only in a state of complete calm.
After you have uttered the mantra, stay in this state for about 10 more minutes and observe the state, changes in mood, breathing. Do not be afraid to ask yourself out loud and answer: how do I feel, how has my condition changed, do I feel tension?
Walking meditation
The Chinese practice of kinhin is aimed at synchronizing thoughts and movements and helps to find a balance between the spiritual and the material.
Start walking around the room or any other space at your own pace, keep one hand behind your back and make a fist with the other, creating tension at this point.
Take steps after each full breath, gradually slowing down.
Stop clenching your hand, but keep clenching your fist.
The back must be kept straight. nine0007
If you are outside, pay attention to external sounds and smells, gradually returning to breathing.
Slow down or speed up slightly, depending on your own feelings and desires. The main thing is to focus on breathing and movement.
Lyubov Karas
#stress relief
The phenomenon of time. How to slow down time.
Valery Voloshin
Our internal stopwatch.
How to slow down the perception of time.
If you are over 30, you are concerned about the passage of time. You note the fact that with age, time begins to fly faster and faster. As a child, every day was surprisingly long, 45 minutes of a school lesson seemed endless. And now the days merge into a single layer of weeks, months flow into years, years add up into decades, and recently you have applied for admission to a university, and soon you will be writing an application for retirement. It seems that some event took place about two years ago, and when calculating it turns out that more than five years have passed. nine0203
How much time do we have left?
Let's break life down into weeks and see how much time we still have.
Each square on the graph represents one week. One line - 52 weeks - is equal to one year. Only 75 lines - the average life expectancy. Let's paint over the years already lived (for example, 34 years). Let's look at the picture. The white squares are the remaining weeks of our lives.
The following graph illustrates the remaining life in years. Each diamond is equal to one year. A few diamonds remain, don't they? And, worst of all, with each passing year, time speeds up its run. nine0007
Why is this happening?
A child's hour is longer than an old man's day. Arthur Schopenhauer
Let's look at the children. Their day is full of emotions and novelty. They live here and now, not thinking about what will happen in a month or a year. If they are looking at a butterfly, then there is nothing in the world more important than this occupation. They give themselves without a trace to games and do not worry about possible problems in the future. If something bad happens, they cry, but only when it has already happened. They are offended, love, suffer, laugh furiously, genuinely, selflessly. Living every moment. nine0203
In life, every minute is fraught with a miracle
and eternal youth. Albert Camus
An adult person repeats the same events from year to year - he goes to the same job, communicates with the same people. The novelty is gone. A certain daily routine is established, a routine appears.
An adult is prone to experiences, often petty and far-fetched. In general, we are used to thinking - what to cook for dinner, what to give a colleague for his birthday, for which we can be fired from work. We even make plans for how we will get out if this does happen. And every time we are absorbed in thoughts, minutes pass us by. We are not here and now. We are far away, in a far-fetched world. Look again at the remaining weeks of our lives. Is it really scary after that to change jobs, not cook dinner or give a friend a funny trinket instead of a beautifully packaged expensive gift? nine0007
How to slow down the perception of time?
Based on the comparison of an adult and a child, I have identified 10 ways to slow down the subjective perception of time. And these methods work. Some of them are simple, others require effort.
1. Pattern break
Every day you have is built in a certain way. For example, after work, you come home, have dinner, watching the passions in "Let them talk." Then cook food for the next day, and then hang out on Vkontakte. Either you help the kids with their homework, or you keep watching TV. It doesn't matter what you do, but you repeat the same actions daily, from Monday to Friday. And then you are surprised that the week has flown by like it never happened. With monotonous actions, time “sticks together”. So break the usual pattern. Sign up for dancing, yoga, or just go to the movies or the pool to get started. And you will be surprised how the week stretches from unusual activities. nine0007
2. Here and now
Be aware in every moment of life, do not let memories and thoughts about the future replace reality. In the morning you brush your teeth, but in fact you imagine what you will talk about at a twelve-hour meeting. The imaginary world eludes us without a trace, we do not feel real life. As soon as you return to the present moment, you will immediately feel a soft bathrobe caressing your body, the resinous taste of toothpaste in your mouth, awakening jets of cool water. And, believe me, the perception of time will slow down, because you will consciously live every minute. nine0203
Stay in the present. You can't change anything about the past, and the future will never come to you exactly as you envisioned it or expected it to be.
Dan Millman
3. New location
Have you ever noticed that the way "there" seems longer than the way back? (provided that you are going somewhere for the first time). When unfamiliar views open before us, we are completely absorbed by them, our brain processes new information. We are turning into children, for whom new horizons open at every turn. nine0007
Cities you haven't been to yet, rivers, lakes, forests, mountains - all this is an inexhaustible source of new impressions. And if you, at least once a month, will get out to unfamiliar places, the months themselves will seem surprisingly long to you. You will avoid "sticking" of time, each month will be different from the previous one. At the same time, it is not necessary to take extracurricular leave at your own expense, weekends are enough. There will always be hundreds of new places within a 7-10 hour train ride. Departure Friday night, arrive Saturday morning. And on Sunday evening you go back. Two days of new food for the eyes, and as a result, an indelible imprint in the memory, the expansion of time. nine0007
David Eagleman, Professor of Psychiatry at Stanford University, conducted an interesting experiment. Participants were shown pictures of shoes on a monitor. After a while, the monotony was interrupted by the image of a flower. The participants decided that the flower had been on the screen for longer, when in fact it disappeared just as quickly as the shoes. New information encourages the mind to capture more detail, so new experiences seem to last longer.
4. New skills
When we take on something new, we feel like pioneers, and our feelings are similar to those of a child discovering the world.
When we are young, everything is new - we regularly do things for the first time: the first day of school, the first real job, the first serious relationship. Our brains regularly record rich, full memories that stretch the perception of time.
On the contrary, an adult has gone through everything to a large extent. Daily events become more routine and predictable. There is no reason for the brain to expend energy recording a daily commute, eating a sandwich at your desk, and watching TV shows in the evening. "There's nothing special here," says the brain, and the tape is turned off. Thus, when we look back at each week, month, and year, the memories are almost non-existent and time seems to have passed in an instant. nine0007
So learn new skills - master boxing techniques, learn to ride a horse, learn to play the guitar. And, trust my experience, when you look back at the past month, it will seem surprisingly long to you.
5. Emotional arousal
It is possible to force the brain to intensively "record" information, and therefore "expand" time, by means of strong emotional arousal. Of course, I'm not encouraging you to skydive or do dead loops in a jet plane every month. But once a year, you can still afford something like that. Strong emotions are caused by sensations that you have not experienced before or have experienced for a very long time. It can be a flight in a wind tunnel, and a descent on an ice rink from a steep hill. nine0007
Neuroscientist David Eagleman conducted an extreme experiment. Volunteers were dropped from a height of 50 meters onto a special net. Without insurance. Back forward.
Time really stretched out for the participants. Their own flight seemed to them longer (about 0.33 times) than the fall of other participants, whom they observed.
Stressful situations overload the part of the brain associated with memory and emotions, thereby causing more details to be recorded than usual. Because the brain retains rich memories of those moments, remembering the experience makes it seem like it lasted longer than it actually did. nine0007
The stronger the emotion, the longer it will last, and the memory of an unusual event will "expand" the year itself in your mind.
6. Testing Yourself
Do you know how long 2 minutes are in boxing sparring? You are scared, you are suffocating, your chest is constricting so that it is impossible to take a deep breath. And time stops, and it seems that the fight will never end.
What about going up the mountains? In total, from 2000 meters to 3400. Before climbing Elbrus, they arrange such trips in the Elbrus region for adaptation. The climb is not steep, the backpacks are not particularly heavy. Tempo - 20 minutes walk - 10 minutes rest. Easy? I also thought so at first. But I didn’t take into account that 20 minutes of intense lifting would last indefinitely. nine0007
When your body works, your brain also works hard. He "records" the smallest details of what is happening, and time "stretches". And in your memory such days will be eventful and long.
7. Weekend planning.
To prevent time slipping through your fingers, you need to make a plan for the weekend. But it is important not to overload the days with business. Calculate your strength, otherwise there will be a feeling of lack of time, and the effect will be the opposite.
Write down in a column all your activities and hobbies that you want to do. Then take into account the time for eating and cooking, washing dishes, laundry, cleaning, morning and evening exercise, feeding pets and other activities that require mandatory performance. You will see that you have 5-6 hours left of a 16-hour day. This is your private time. Look at your recorded hobbies and split those hours between them. Some classes will have to be abandoned before the holidays or vacations, some will be postponed to the next day off, some will have to be done for a shorter time. nine0007
If you have a plan of action, you will not aimlessly click on the buttons of the TV remote control, browse the “yellow” news feed and “hang out” on Vkontakte or Facebook. You will find that in the remaining two hours before dinner you need to have time to clean the furniture and cook food, so that later you can read your favorite author, go skiing or do your dissertation.
You yourself plan the hours of work and rest, you have self-control, and hence control over time.
This planning helps you visualize what your time is spent on and adjust your list of activities as you wish. You won't worry about not having time to redo everything you wanted. You will realize that you have less than a third of the whole day for personal activities and entertainment. nine0007
Try to free Saturday and Sunday from things that you can do on weekdays - going to the grocery store, visiting a hairdresser or massage therapist. Then you will have time for household chores, and for interesting leisure.
8. Alternating activities
Sometimes you get so carried away by something that you can't stop and do something else. On the one hand, it's great - you live in the present moment, memories will be stretched in time. But the hours of the current day can fly by quickly enough. nine0007
To make the day itself seem long, and not just the memories of it, take breaks in class, at least every 2 hours. If you are captured by active action, then take a rest, read an informative article, and if you are passionate about mental work, then go for a walk or do exercises.
The alternation of classes makes "serifs" in the perception of the current day, as a result, time does not stick together into a single layer, but makes the brain mark each stage.
9. Sleep
It may sound a little strange, but if you want to extend the time, leave enough hours for sleep. An adult needs an average of 7 hours of sleep a day. Moreover, sleep time can be distributed throughout the day according to your desire and possibilities - spend it entirely at night or alternate with afternoon naps.
There is nothing wrong with not getting enough sleep once or twice. It is important to avoid chronic sleep deprivation. If a person does not get enough sleep, the brain starts to work in light mode to reduce the load. As a result, information is recorded superficially rather than in detail. Memory has nothing to cling to, and days fly by as if they never existed. nine0007
10. Do not watch the hands of the clock
If you want time to pass slowly, if possible, do not look at the clock. When you follow the time, you clearly see how it goes. The minute hand is moving right in front of our eyes, and the brain is noticing it. When you take a "minute" of distraction, and then look at your watch again, you are amazed at how quickly time has passed. If you do not look at the clock, the day seems to be a large layer of time, because there are so many hours from dusk to dawn! nine0007
Time is the most valuable and irreplaceable resource. Live life to the fullest: do what interests you, be with those you love. And then each lived moment will be conscious and unique. We cannot slow down the passage of time, but we can turn every day into a precious diamond. And then the radiance of these crystals will be reflected in our memory by an endless series of moments that make up our life.