Hearing voices on weed

Pot-induced psychosis may signal schizophrenia

By Anne Harding, Reuters Health

4 Min Read

NEW YORK (Reuters Health) - People who have long-lasting psychotic episodes after smoking marijuana may be exhibiting early signs of schizophrenia, researchers reported Monday in the Archives of General Psychiatry.

“Cannabis-induced psychosis,” in which a person loses touch with reality and the symptoms persist for at least 48 hours, is an established psychiatric diagnosis, but it is controversial, Dr. Mikkel Arendt of Aarhus University in Risskov, Denmark, and colleagues note in their report. There has been little research on the condition, and doctors have a hard time distinguishing it from other psychiatric disorders or developing a specific list of symptoms by which to characterize it.

In a previous study, Arendt and colleagues found that nearly half of people who had an episode of cannabis-induced psychosis went on to develop schizophrenia within the next six years. In the current study, the researchers looked at the genetic roots of both conditions by comparing the family histories of 609 people treated for cannabis-induced psychosis and 6,476 who had been treated for schizophrenia or a related psychiatric condition.

They found that individuals treated for post-pot smoking psychotic episodes had the same likelihood of having a mother, sister or other “first-degree” relative with schizophrenia as did the individuals who had actually been treated for schizophrenia themselves. This suggests that cannabis-induced psychosis and schizophrenia are one and the same, the researchers note. “These people would have developed schizophrenia whether or not they used cannabis,” Arendt explained in comments to Reuters Health.

Based on the findings, the researcher says, “cannabis-induced psychosis is probably not a valid diagnosis. It should be considered schizophrenia.”

It’s “very common” for people to have psychotic symptoms after using marijuana, such as hearing voices, feeling paranoid, or believing one has some type of special ability, Arendt said. But these symptoms typically last only an hour or two. “It’s a very important distinction, this 48 hours criterion,” he said.

Other researchers have shown that pot smoking roughly doubles the risk of being diagnosed with schizophrenia, and that people who use marijuana and go on to develop schizophrenia become psychotic earlier than people with the illness who don’t use cannabis, Arendt added.

It’s unclear whether smoking marijuana causes schizophrenia or not, but if it does, according to the researcher, it’s likely a gradual process. Nevertheless, he said, “the consensus is pretty much you should not use cannabis if you want to avoid an increased risk of schizophrenia.”

Anyone who experiences an extended psychotic episode after using marijuana should get help, Arendt advised. These symptoms could represent an opportunity for early diagnosis and treatment of schizophrenia, he added, and the earlier people with this illness begin treatment, the better their prognosis.

SOURCE: Archives of General Psychiatry, November 2008.

what is the link and who is at risk?

There has been a recent global rise in “green fever”, with various jurisdictions either decriminalising or legalising cannabis.

But alongside relaxing the rules comes concern about the health implications of cannabis use. We often hear of a link between cannabis use and psychosis. So how strong is the link, and who is at risk?

Read more: Greens want cannabis to be made legal

What is psychosis?

There’s consistent evidence showing a relationship over time between heavy or repeated cannabis use (or those diagnosed with cannabis use disorder) and an experience of psychosis for the first time.

Psychotic disorders are severe mental health conditions. They’re characterised by a “loss of contact with reality”, where the individual loses the ability to distinguish what’s real from what’s not. Psychotic symptoms can include visual hallucinations, hearing voices, or pervasive delusional thinking.

These can often present as a “psychotic episode” – which is a relatively sudden worsening of psychotic symptoms over a short time-frame, frequently resulting in hospitalisation.

The heaviest users of cannabis are around four times as likely to develop schizophrenia (a psychotic disorder that affects a person’s ability to think, feel and behave clearly) than non-users. Even the “average cannabis user” (for which the definition varies from study to study) is around twice as likely as a non-user to develop a psychotic disorder.

Furthermore, these studies found a causal link between tetrahydrocannabinol (THC - the plant chemical which elicits the “stoned” experience) and psychosis. This means the link is not coincidental, and one has actually caused the other.

Read more: Does cannabis cause mental illness?

Who is at risk?

People with certain gene variants seem to be at higher risk. However our understanding of these factors is still limited, and we’re unable to use genetic information alone to determine if someone will or won’t develop psychosis from cannabis use.

Those with these genetic variants who have also experienced childhood trauma, or have a paranoid personality type, are even more at-risk. So too are adolescents and young adults, who have growing brains and are at an age where schizophrenia is more likely to manifest.

The type of cannabis material being used (or the use of synthetic cannabinoids, known as “spice”) may also increase the risk of psychosis. As mentioned above, this is due to the psychological effects of the chemical THC (one of over 140 cannabinoids found in the plant).

Even healthy people given THC can experience psychotic symptoms including paranoia. from www.shutterstock.com

This compound may actually mimic the presentation of psychotic symptoms, including paranoia, sensory alteration, euphoria, and hallucinations. In laboratory-based research, even healthy people may exhibit increased symptoms of psychosis when given THC compounds, with more severe effects observed in people with schizophrenia.

Many cannabis strains contain high amounts of THC, found in plant varieties such as one called “skunk”. These are popular with consumers due to the “high” it elicits. However with this goes the increased risk of paranoia, anxiety, and psychosis.

But can’t cannabis also be good for mental health?

Ironically, one compound found in cannabis may actually be beneficial in treating psychosis. In contrast to THC, a compound called cannabidiol (CBD) may provide a buffering effect to the potentially psychosis-inducing effects of THC.

This may occur in part due to its ability to partially block the same brain chemical receptor THC binds with. CBD can also inhibit the breakdown of a brain chemical called “anandamide,” which makes us feel happy. Incidentally, anandamide is also found in chocolate and is aptly named after the Sanskrit word meaning “bliss”.

Read more: Remind me again, how does cannabis affect the brain?

CBD extracted from cannabis and used in isolation is well-tolerated with minimal psychoactive effects. In other words, it doesn’t make a person feel “high”. Some studies have found CBD is actually beneficial in improving the symptoms of schizophrenia. But one more recent study showed no difference in the effects of CBD compared to a dummy pill on symptoms of schizophrenia.

Perhaps this means CBD benefits a particular biological sub-type of schizophrenia, but we’d need further study to find out.

Would legalising make a difference?

It’s important to note most studies finding a causal link between cannabis use and psychosis examined the use of illicit cannabis, usually from unknown origins. This means the levels of THC were unrestricted, and there’s a possibility of synthetic adulterants, chemical residues, heavy metals or other toxins being present due to a lack of quality assurance practices.

Read more: Legal highs: arguments for and against legalising cannabis in Australia

In the future, it’s possible that standardised novel “medicinal cannabis” formulations (or isolated compounds) may have negligible effects on psychosis risk.

Until then though, we can safely say given the current weight of evidence, illicit cannabis use can increase the risk of an acute psychotic episode. And this subsequently may also increase the chances of developing schizophrenia. This is particularly true when high-THC strains (or synthetic versions) are used at high doses in growing adolescent brains.

Scientists have found out why people hear the voices of the dead

The cause of "voices in the head" may be a state of altered consciousness and a good fantasy, British researchers report. However, in search of answers, people who have experienced such experiences often mistake them for conversations with the dead. The scientists hope that further research into this phenomenon and the ability to control voices will prove useful for people with mental illness, who are often uncomfortable and harmed by auditory hallucinations.

The voices of the dead can appear to people due to a tendency to states of altered consciousness and good fantasy, say researchers from the University of Durham in the UK - not always the cause is mental illness or too strong a belief in the possibility of contact with the dead. They talked more about this in the journal Mental Health, Religion and Culture .

The tendency of some people to think of auditory hallucinations as voices from the other world has attracted the attention of both anthropologists who study religious and spiritual experiences and psychiatrists. The authors of the work were interested in why some people, having heard voices that do not have an objective source, consider this a spiritual experience, while others prefer to see a doctor in this case.

In the 19th and 20th centuries, spiritualism was popular, a religious movement whose adherents believed in the possibility of communicating with the spirits of the dead through mediums. Although today this fashion has passed, the very idea of ​​\u200b\u200bbeing able to communicate with the deceased is deeply rooted in culture. There are still about 500 Spiritualist churches in Great Britain, and there are some in other countries.

The authors of the work invited 65 mediums from the National Union of Spiritualists of Great Britain. After interviewing them, the researchers found:

44.6% of mediums hear voices every day, 79% said that this is part of their daily life. Most heard voices inside their heads, but 31.7% thought they were coming from outside.

18% reported that they first encountered such experiences in childhood. On average, this happened at the age of 21-22.

In addition, mediums exhibited high levels of absorption.

In psychology, absorption is a person's susceptibility to special states of consciousness - hypnosis, meditation, drug intoxication. Such people have imaginative thinking and tend to fantasize.

They were also more prone to other types of hallucinations. Often the interviewees had not heard anything about spiritualism before the voices appeared and learned about it when they tried to understand the reason for this strange phenomenon.

The researchers also interviewed 143 people who do not consider themselves to be mediums. Although some of them also experienced auditory hallucinations, and their tendency to absorption correlated with belief in the paranormal, the hallucinations were more frequent in mediums, and the correlation was more pronounced. Also, mediums were far less likely to care what others thought of them.

Some people appear to be more susceptible to absorption than others, the researchers note.

Auditory hallucinations can occur in mentally healthy people due to stress, lack of sleep, during falling asleep, and also during adolescence. Obviously, in search of the reasons for their occurrence, young people stumble upon spiritualistic interpretations that are consistent with their experience and feelings and become sufficient justification. Well, the tendency to absorption and rich imagination lead to the appearance of voices again and again.

"For our participants, the tenets of Spiritualism seemed to bring meaning to both the extraordinary childhood experiences and the frequent auditory phenomena they encounter," said study lead author Dr. Adam Powell. —

All these experiences seem to be more due to the presence of certain inclinations, and not just the belief in the possibility of contact with the dead, if one tries hard enough.

"Spiritualists tend to report unusual auditory phenomena that appear early in life, are positive, and which Spiritualists are often able to control," says Dr. Peter Moseley, co-author of the study. “Understanding how they do this could help us better understand the phenomenon of uncontrollable and distressing auditory hallucinations.”

The researchers hope that the new data will help to better understand the causes of auditory hallucinations, including in mental illnesses such as schizophrenia, and find a way to deal with them.

description, content, interesting facts and much more about the movie

Night Sao Paulo. The radio broadcasts a message about another case of street violence: near the stadium there was a clash between fans of two football clubs. Down the street with flashing lights, the van "Transportation of bodies" rushes. Inside, the orderly Valdir examines the body of one of the victims of the incident, tells the driver Capele: let's go to the morgue, he has already filled the whole car with blood. In the morgue, they hand over the corpse to the duty officer Stenio and leave.

Stenio has an uncanny ability to hear the voices of the recently dead, to talk to them, but no one knows about it. This time, the dead football fan tells Stenio his name and asks his relatives to be informed of his death.

After his shift, Stenio enters a grocery store. Its owner, Jaime, reluctantly pours Stenio a portion of alcohol on credit. Jaime Lara's daughter comes into the shop. Her father reproaches her for being late. Lara says she had a long commute from the hospital where her mother is. Jaime himself does not visit his wife. She suffered a stroke and does not recognize her relatives.

Stenio returns home, lies down on the sofa, asks his daughter Sisa to stroke his head, asks her: where is everyone? In the room, Edson is in trouble. Stenio's wife Odet comes out. She is indignant: how many times do I have to tell you not to lie down on the sofa in work clothes, the upholstery stinks. Odet shows his husband a coil of fishing line: it is sharp as a knife, your son sells it to the guys so that they cut other people's kites. They almost took us to the police station! Odet yells at Edson's son: march to the room, you are punished! He calls his mother a bitch.

In the evening, Odette refuses intimacy to her husband.

Stenio helps Dr. Gouvia perform the autopsy. At the end of the procedure, the doctor instructs Stenio to sew up the corpse, wash it and place it in the freezer. After the pathologist leaves, Stenio talks with the deceased. The dead bandit's name is Sugio. Judging by the tattoo, he was in prison. This is not the first time Stenio has spoken to the dead bandits. Sugio was killed by special forces on the denunciation of an informant - Denchino. The dead man asks to tell his brother Jonas and all members of their gang about this so that they can avenge him. Stenio says he must not give away the secrets of the dead. Sugio also admits that in their youth, together with their brother, they killed their father, who beat their mother. This is only known to God, but God does not forgive those who killed relatives.

Returning home after a night shift, Stenio sees a new sofa being brought into their apartment. On this occasion, he and his wife quarrel. Odet claims to have bought the sofa on installments, since the money Stenio earns is barely enough to pay for the apartment. We live in poverty! And because of you, the whole house stinks of dead meat. You disgust me, you make me sick.

Lara's mother Sonya is transferred to intensive care after a heart attack.

Stenio receives a fresh corpse. This is Carlo, a famous womanizer who lived in the same area as Stenio. Carlo tells him: while you're washing your blind spots here, your wife is cheating on you, as if undermined. But I have nothing to do with it, deal with the grocer Jaime, cuckold.

Stenio again asks Jaime to pour him a drink on credit, he refuses. Stenio gives Jaime his cell phone.

Stenio spies on his wife and makes sure she is dating Jaime. All neighbors know about it.

At home, Stenio watches a report about a showdown between two warring gangs. The leader of one of them, Jonas, avenges the death of his brother Sugio. From the message, Stenio learns in which area this gang is operating.

Stenio searches for Jonas, introduces himself to him as a cellmate of his dead brother. He claims that Jaime, a grocer, passed Sugio to the cops, and gives the address of his shop. To prove that this is true, Stenio talks about the murder of his father by his brothers. He says the snitch shopkeeper deserves to die too.

Dressed with the children comes to Jaime's shop. She asks why he is not answering her calls. Jaime says that this is not the place for such talk. Dressed appoints a lover in the evening meeting. Meanwhile, Lara is talking to Edson and Sisa. Lara went to the same school as them.

Jaime and Odette have sex. Suddenly, Jaime stops. He says that it is unpleasant for him to look at the tattoo with the names of the children of his mistress. Jaime also demands that Odette no longer bring Edson and Sisu to his shop.

In the morgue, Stenio puts Carlo's body in the coffin: rest in peace. He says: you khan, Stenio, you can’t blurt out the secrets of the dead, now you have a mark.

Jonas and Dencino track down Jaime. He takes Odet home. Jaime tells her: it's better for us to part, I think Stenio knows everything about us. Do me a favor, give him back the phone he left with me. Dressed is angry: yes, let him die, I will leave him, and we will be together. At that moment, armed bandits drive up and demand that Jaime get out of the car. Jonas accuses him of snitching and slits his throat. Dressed he is ready to let go, but she starts to make trouble. Dencino kills the witness with a shot in the forehead.

Returning home from work, Stenio sees the bodies of the dead. Police officers are at the scene. Stenio is shocked, he bends over the corpse of his wife. At this moment, Edson comes out of the house. Odet says to her husband: Our son must not see me. Stenio carries away the weeping Edson.

In the morgue, Stenio is talking to the dead Odet. I got my revenge on Jaime, sent him straight to hell, but I didn't think you'd leave with him. Are you involved in this? What a bastard you are! How could you kill the mother of your own children? They won't forgive you, and I won't forgive you. Stenio whispers in his wife's ear: I forgive you. He puts a wedding ring on her finger: this is how they will bury you - mine. Odet is angry: take this rubbish off me! Stenio kisses his wife and leaves.

Stenio takes a new sofa out of the apartment and cuts it into pieces with an axe.

Edson is brought home by a police officer who is caught stealing. The father scolds his son for this. The boy is rude in response.

The mortuary staff arrives at the call of the police. Two corpses were found in the forest, they have been lying here for a long time. Stenio recognizes two bandits - they are Jonas and Dencino.

Edson wakes up at night to the sound of a vacuum cleaner. The boy goes into the hall, turns off the vacuum cleaner, but notices that the appliance has not been plugged into the socket. He returns to the bedroom, the door slamming loudly. Sisa wakes up. Strange noises are heard in the apartment, the children are frightened. They run screaming from the house.

Stenio assists Dr. Gouvia, who performs an autopsy on bandit corpses. The pathologist is amazed, Jonos' heart looks like a bite mark, although there is not a single scratch on his skin. Dead Jonas says to Stenio: your bitch killed us both, but the third one is missing, you should have died first, because of you we killed the innocent, this mad bitch will come for you. Dencino's corpse lowers its jaw. Dr. Gouvia extracts a piece of human skin from the dead man's mouth, it is tattooed with the names: Edson and Sisa. Stenio is horrified and vomits.

Returning from work in the morning, Stenio does not find the children at home. Lara arrives. She says that Edson and Sisa ran to her at night, it seemed to them that someone was in the house.

The city morgue is full of corpses. There was a landslide in the mountains, many people died. Stenio does not have time to do his job. From all sides he hears the voices of the dead: you will pay, Stenio, she will come for you. At the end of the shift, Stenio collapses from fatigue and nervous tension. He falls asleep with his head on the table. Stenio wakes up in a body freezer. He screams, thrashes, tries to get out of there. He manages to kick the door open with his feet. Stenio falls out, coughing. Odette's ring falls out of his mouth. Valdir and Capela enter the room, they find Stenio trembling, they are surprised: have you been in the freezer? Stenio tries to find out who put it there. Colleagues claim that there was no one in the morgue.

Stenio comes home. He has a high fever. Lara puts him to bed, gives him medicine. Stenio tells the girl that she doesn't have to look after his children. But they are afraid to be alone at home, so they came to me again. This doesn't concern you! Lara says: when my mother had a stroke, I took on household chores. Then I smelled Odet's perfume on my father's things. After that, our whole life went downhill. My father was killed, I found out about his debts, I lost my shop. Even the house can be taken away. But I'm not like my father, I didn't offend anyone. Stenio: what are you going to do now? I'll figure it out, I'll find a job. Stenio agrees to take Lara as an assistant to stay with the children when he is on duty.

At night, Lara wakes up from a quiet rhythmic knock. She sees Sisu banging her forehead against the wall. Lara approaches the girl, she falls. Her face is smeared with lipstick, the tube of which falls out of Sisa's hands. Lara picks up the girl in her arms and carries her to the bedroom. In the hall, on the ceiling, Lara discovers inscriptions made in lipstick: you are disgusting.

Coroners examining a dismembered corpse found in a dump, it has no head, no fingers, it cannot be identified. The police believe that this is a judge who crossed the path of gangsters. Dr Gouvia says the body did not look like this when it first arrived at the morgue. Now his spine has been cut out. Stenio says that he himself accepted this corpse, shows the pictures that he took upon admission: the spine is in place. The doctor asks: has anyone come here? No. Then it's kind of nonsense. He tells Valdir and Stenio: the bodies are your responsibility, I don't want any trouble with the police. Do what you want, but the spine must be!

Lara shows Stenio the inscriptions on the ceiling and the lipstick she took from Sisa's hands. Stenio believes that a child would not be able to reach the ceiling. Lara says she doesn't wear lipstick herself. Stenio apologizes to the girl: I'm sorry, I don't blame you for anything. Lara leaves. In the courtyard, Stenio takes Odet's ring out of his pocket and throws it away. This is seen by Sisa, who has come out onto the porch.

Stenio comes to the cemetery and says to the caretaker Gideo: someone touched my wife's body. In the morgue, I put a wedding ring on her finger, but someone took it and put it under my door. If you are sure of this, you need to go to the police. No, I don't want to involve the police in this. I'm desperate, help me Gideo, I need to see her body. The caretaker says: tonight the followers of the umbanda will make offerings to the dead - and I'm with them, I'll take them away from the grave of Odet, if you want - you can take a chance.

At night, Sisa gets out of bed, takes a flashlight, goes out into the yard and finds her mother's wedding ring in the grass.

Stenio digs up his wife's grave, removes the lid of the coffin: did you want to tell me something, Odet? I know I crossed the line, but Sisa and Edson didn't deserve it. Odette says: It's not for you to judge. You thought I was beautiful, look at me now and beg for forgiveness. Stenio throws back the veil from the face of a half-decayed corpse, and sees Lara. The ghost of Odet stabs Stenio in the head with a shovel and covers the grave with earth. After some time, Stenio manages to get out, after which he loses consciousness. Gideo discovers him.

Stenio wakes up. He is handcuffed to a wheelchair. In the morning the police bring him home. Edson yells: why did you call me a bandit, and he got into the police? Stenio tries to calm his son, he gets angry: fuck you! Everyone around says that mom was a whore. It turns out that I am now the son of a whore and a bandit. Stenio holds out his hand to the boy. Edson flies away as if from a strong blow. Lara and Sisa help him up and take him into the room.

In the evening, when the children are already asleep, Lara is going to go home. Stenio tells her: I didn't mean to hurt Edson. I understand you just broke. You suffer a lot, but so do the children. Is someone following you? No. Is it dangerous here? Stenio assures Lara that he will not let her be hurt.

Stenio decides to throw a party for Edson's birthday. The son is surprised: but I was born in September. So what, let's note first. This Saturday we will have a real feast. It will be great, the whole district will gather.

In front of the house where Stenio and his children live, all the neighbors gather. Adults drink beer, children eat sweets. The boys are playing football. Stenio calls his son and his friends, gives Edson a gift - an electric scooter. The boy opens the box and recoils in horror. Inside lies a human spine. Everyone present is in shock. Stenio justifies himself: I'm sorry, I didn't know anything about it.

At work, Stenio asks Capele, who, as he knows, sometimes indulges in drugs: can you get some pills for me? What for? Have you gone off the rails? It's all night shift. A lot of guys are crazy, not just you. Stenio says that lately he has been carrying all sorts of nonsense, forgets a lot, he needs to get together. Capela: Yeah, I've heard little things like a spine in a gift box. You don't have to give a pill, but in the face. It's time for you to quit this job!

At night, Stenio hears the sound of broken glass. In the kitchen, a spool of fishing line rolls out at his feet. He notices a shadow flickering in the corridor. Stenio wants to check on the children, but his way is blocked by an obstacle from a cross-stretched fishing line. Behind him is Odette, she enters the children's bedroom. Breaking forward, Stenio wounds his face and hands. He runs into the kids. Edson and Sisa are in bed, both have their throats cut. Stenio screams, tries to catch the ghost of his wife. Children wake up. They are unharmed, but terrified at the sight of their bloodied father. Edson and Sisa run away from Stenio. There is no line in the corridor.

At breakfast, Stenio says to the children: I swear I didn't mean any harm to you. Those silently poking around in the plates. Stenio hits the table with his fist: I am your father after all! Children leave the table. Lara tries to calm Stenio. He claims that he just wanted to protect the children from Odet. What did she do? Stenio shows numerous cuts. Lara believes that Stenio did it himself due to a nervous breakdown.

Stenio on duty. A thunderstorm starts. The lights go out in the morgue. Stenio hears the voice of Odette calling him. He discovers his dead wife's head in a jar of formalin. What do you want me, Odet? Do you want me to put a bullet in my forehead? Just don't touch the kids. Odet demands to kill the girl who appeared in their house. Let the kids know who you really are. And if you don't, I'll take the kids with me.

Stenio tries to talk to Lara. She says that she does not believe in ghosts, but she believes in God, and, therefore, in the devil. It's not easy for you right now, I'll take you to church, our pastor will help you. Stenio asks Lara to take Edson and Sisu away for a couple of days: a shadow stands in my way, I fight it alone. Lara complies with the request.

At night, Sisubudit Odet, who took the form of Edson. Totzovet sister to the kitchen and offers to look into the oven. Dressed turns on the gas, drags his daughter into the oven and holds her there. Sisa screams. Lara and the real Edson wake up. They save Sisu, bring Stenio to the house. When Lara and the children fall asleep again, Stenio sees the inscription on the misted glass: bleed. A kitchen knife is stabbed into the table. Stenio takes it and approaches Lara. At this moment, the girl's mobile phone rings, she is informed that her mother has died. Lara and Stenio go to the hospital.

Lara cries near her mother's body. Dead Sonya says to Stenio: you are damned forever, your wife will not rest until someone's blood is shed. Your curse has already touched the children, but my daughter has nothing to do with it, stay away from her. You must erase all traces of this whore, leaving nothing that belonged to Odet.

Stenio burns all things Dressed.

Stenio goes on duty. Lara, tidying up the nursery, discovers a doll of Sisa, whose head has been torn off, and there is a ring on her neck. Lara puts it on her finger.

In the morning, Stenio does not find Lara at home. The kids don't know where she is either. Stenio calls Lara on her cell phone, an answering machine works there. Police say they won't be able to start searching until a day has passed since the girl's disappearance. Valdir comes to Stenio.

In the morgue, Stenio bends over the body of the dead Lara, asking to speak to him. She opens her eyes, sits down: where am I? Valdir replies: you are in the morgue, young lady. Lara screams in fear, begins to beat in hysterics.

After examining Lara, the paramedics say that her condition is stable. And the report when she entered the morgue was probably filled out incorrectly: with such indicators, the girl should be dead. Dr. Gouvia says she had a catalepsy attack, which is rare, but it happens.

Stenio takes Lara to his house. He gives instructions to Edson: here are the sandwiches for you, give Lara the medicine, and most importantly, do not open the door for anyone. Dad, she won't recognize us, I'm afraid to stay with her. It's okay, she'll get better soon, just be nice to her. Stenio returns to work. Soon Lara calls him, she cries, begs him to come.

Stenio catches Lara watching porn. She tries to seduce him, gives him a blowjob. Stenio looks at his partner and sees Odet, who has taken possession of Lara's body. The demon hits Stenio in the face, pulls out a knife, puts it to his chest, laughs terribly, inflicting shallow cuts on Lara's body, demands: kill her, or no one will survive in this house. The demon attacks Stenio, tries to strangle him. Children come running. The demon pounces on Edson. Stenio manages to nail the demon's hand to the wall with a knife. He and the children run away, but cannot get out of the house. Stenio explains to his son that his mother has moved into Lara and is going to kill them all. He tells the children to hide under the stairs, while he himself fights with the demon, who managed to free himself. Stenio notices his wife's wedding ring on the demon's finger. During the fight, he manages to take it off, breaking Lara's finger in the process.

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