Guarded girl meaning

What does a guarded girl mean? - Dictionary

And most importantly, she doesn’t trust herself.

A girl who is guarded is a girl who has loved and loved deeply. She’s put her heart, her soul on the line in the past only to come back empty handed. She’s risked everything for something, for someone and come back not only empty handed, but scarred.

What is self Guard? : the act of protecting oneself, one’s property, or one’s group : self-defense kept a bat under the bed for self-protection … found that conflict-affected communities often develop sophisticated self-protection strategies …—

Likewise How a guarded person falls in love?

A guarded person falls in love not with romantic gestures or words, but with actions. They’ve been swayed by false promises far too many times, and don’t have a tolerance for manipulation. They aren’t going to show you every part of who they are until they trust you, and they aren’t going to trust you easily.

What makes someone guarded? Reasons people can become overly guarded

They’re embarrassed about their secrets and flaws and are trying to save face by hiding them. This can be a side effect of a lack of social success.

How do you tell if a woman is guarded?

10 Ways A Guarded Woman Shows You That She Likes You

  • She gives you a chance. …
  • She opens up. …
  • She initiates contact. …
  • She doesn’t shut you out. …
  • She tells you she’s guarded. …
  • She remembers the little things. …
  • She’s there when you need her. …
  • She gets close to your friends.

What is self safety? : security with respect to oneself or one’s position.

What causes a girl to be guarded?

She is guarded because she fears being vulnerable with you. … She never reveals too much about herself out of fear that you will judge her. 6. She is guarded because she fears that you will see her imperfections.

How can you tell if someone has walls up? Signs You Have A Wall Up In Your Relationship

  1. Your Partner Hasn’t Ever Seen You Cry. …
  2. Eye Contact During Sex Makes You Feel Uncomfortable. …
  3. Talking About Feelings Is A No-No. …
  4. Your Past Stays In The Past. …
  5. You Haven’t Sexually Explored With Your Partner. …
  6. You Have A Hard Time Expressing How You Feel Towards Your Partner.

What does it mean to have a guarded heart?

So what is a guarded heart? Individuals who have a guarded heart do not trust quickly or easily – they’ve learned that when you show those deepest parts of yourself to someone, you’re going to get hurt. So they’ve built up walls around their heart in an effort to protect themselves from getting hurt again.

What does guarded behavior look like? Someone who’s guarded is careful, restrained, and maybe a little bit wary. It’s normal for a new rescue dog to be guarded when you first bring her home. People tend to be guarded in certain situations — when they’re being criticized, or are at a party where they don’t know a single person.

Is it OK to be guarded?

Remember that being guarded and careful isn’t always wrong, especially when it comes to people who you feel won’t reciprocate your commitment and love. And while closing yourself off completely is definitely the safest bet, it doesn’t always have the best payoff.

How do you break down someone’s emotional walls? How to Break Down Someone’s Wall Without The Wrecking Ball?

  1. Find their weak and their strong points. …
  2. Defrosting the ice around their hearts. …
  3. Be patient. …
  4. Great love requires great courage. …
  5. Make them believe they’re not at risk with you. …
  6. Let them know you acknowledge there is a valid reason for their fear of attachment.

When a man has his walls up?

Learn more.

The reason why a person has a wall up to begin with is because they’ve been hurt in the past or don’t want to experience being hurt. This usually includes their trust having been violated in one form or another. Trust is a funny thing; it takes so long to build it and it can be wiped away in the blink of an eye.

How can a girl be safe? Safety tips for Women

  1. Be aware of your surroundings. …
  2. Please trust and make good use of your ‘gut feel’ or ‘intuition’ or ‘sixth sense’ in each & every place and situation. …
  3. Don’t take eve teasing lightly. …
  4. As much as possible avoid late night travel using public transport.

How do you defend yourself?

Be loud to intimidate the attacker and create attention in case somebody is nearby.

  1. Hammer strike. Using your car keys is one of the easiest ways to defend yourself. …
  2. Groin kick. …
  3. Heel palm strike. …
  4. Elbow strike. …
  5. Alternative elbow strikes. …
  6. Escape from a ‘bear hug attack’ …
  7. Escape with hands trapped.
  8. Escape from side headlock.

How can a woman be safe? To help women feel empowered and prepared for whatever life may throw their way, we have created the five-point safety plan listed below.

Safety Tips for Women Living Alone

  1. Avoid oversharing on social media. …
  2. Tell someone you got home safe. …
  3. Mind your garbage. …
  4. Get to know your neighbors. …
  5. Use technology.

How do you deal with a secretive person?

Five ways you can deal with a secretive partner

Don’t be too suspicious either. Ask yourself if you are reading too much into it. – Tell him how his ‘secrets’ are affecting you. Needless to say, if you constantly feel that your partner is hiding things from you, you may start to feel exasperated.

How do you get a guarded person to open up? How to get someone to open up:

  1. Consistency is key.
  2. Practice active listening.
  3. Ask questions…but not too many. …
  4. Demonstrate sharing and self-disclosure. …
  5. Lean on nonverbals. …
  6. Let them know you value your relationship and ask what they need to feel safe. …
  7. Acknowledge your own desires.

How do you deal with a secretive man?

Dealing with a secretive spouse

  1. Be emotionally available. …
  2. Say how you feel. …
  3. Respond in a positive manner when your partner does tell you something. …
  4. Give it time. …
  5. Always confront your spouse in a civilised manner. …
  6. Learn to trust your partner. …
  7. Decide on forgiveness.

What causes emotional walls? People who experience trauma may build defensive walls to help protect them psychologically. While this may work as a defense mechanism in the moment, it can create problems for future relationships. Some signs that a partner has their defensive walls up include meltdowns, hyperactivity, acting like a martyr, and more.

How do you get someone to let their walls down?

How to Break Down Someone’s Wall Without The Wrecking Ball?

  1. Find their weak and their strong points. …
  2. Defrosting the ice around their hearts. …
  3. Be patient. …
  4. Great love requires great courage. …
  5. Make them believe they’re not at risk with you. …
  6. Let them know you acknowledge there is a valid reason for their fear of attachment.

What are psychological walls? These are mental walls between people that prevent dialogue. … And it is that lack of dialogue that in turn leads to more physical walls between us. Border walls are comprised of fences and borders.

The Real Truth About Guarded Women

Sometimes, it can feel as if every romantic comedy ever to grace the screen at a mainstream movie theater stars the same leading lady.

The charmingly vulnerable, accessibly pretty girl with the perfect rosebud mouth and impossibly white teeth. The damsel with the wide set, oh-so-innocent Bambi eyes that forever glisten with swelling emotion.

Moviegoers are collectively awestruck by this adorable specimen in her girly, yet tomboyish attire, gleaming with the glow of patience as she teaches her damaged male love interest the poignant lesson of loving with an open heart.

She’s non-threatening, “relatable” and undeniably lovable.

She’s simply void of the fear of getting crushed, and if she is afraid — it’s a contrived, surface fear that’s squashed the very moment the hazel-eyed bad boy presses his pouty lips against hers, and swears he’s changed his unsavory ways and will love her until the end of time.

We, on the other hand, are the girls society deemed “guarded”— not exactly a coveted trait. Hollywood finds us highly unmarketable, and rarely are we represented in pop culture (and when we are, it’s not exactly an authentic portrayal).

Being guarded is almost always seen, oddly, as a masculine quality — for it’s always the broodingly handsome, testosterone-laden rocker guy in the movie who has his walls up.

If you're a girl who struggles in the openly vulnerable department, you're made to feel as you've lost touch with the core of your femininity.

In the movie of real life, everyone is eager to change and break the guarded boy; all the while the guarded girl is written off as nothing more than damaged goods. Writing anyone off as anything is overly simplistic and prevents us from discovering the fascinating truth.

Which is odd because the truth is always far more loaded, interesting and dynamic than fiction. If we attempted to break down the guarded girl with the same perseverance we invest into the guarded boy — what truth would we find?

She’s not born; she’s made.

So often do we discuss issues of hate: racism, homophobia and the extreme sexism that tarnishes the planet. After endless debate, the media have safely concluded that most children are not genetically born bigoted — but rather, at some point in their lives, learn to hate.

This theory is not dissimilar to girls who guard. Just like every human being, a guarded girl is born codependent, trusting and vulnerable. A newborn can’t survive without care – it’s inherent within our infant souls to naturally trust the likes of our caretaker.

The walls didn’t one day magically manifest themselves around us — something occurred that made us unconsciously inclined to build them. Sometimes they’re built slowly, brick by brick over the years; sometimes they’re up by sunrise.

The walls could appear the first time someone we loved betrayed us in a brutal way. Or the moment a once endearing touch turned into a terrifying trauma.

Maybe it was when we realized we weren’t the invincible girls we thought we were and that scary characters could creep into our worlds and hurt us in places so deep, we didn’t know they existed.

The common ground every guarded girl shares is this: She didn’t exit the womb cut from steel. Someone, at some point, took something irreplaceable from her. Something she’s terrified to lose again.

She’s careful, not careless.

A guarded girl serves as her very own security system and won’t hesitate to draw her gun if threatened; she will do anything to protect her precious emotional orbit and stay safe.

She’s had to wrestle with negative people ruthlessly breaking into her precious orb before, and has the scars to prove it. Just because you say the right things and sport a clean track record doesn’t mean you can be trusted.

A guarded girl has learned the hardest lesson of all: Monsters don't leave just because you tell them too. Some villains have no qualms about staying uninvited.

Don’t expect a guarded girl to frivolously open her doors just because YOU know you’re a good person. Actions speak far louder than sweet words, a clean bill of history and solid reputation.

She’s not cold; she’s been burned.

My first romantic partner once referred to me as The Ice Queen. “Ice Queen” may sound pretty as it trickles off the tongue — but even my disillusioned teenage self knew it’s wasn’t a compliment.

Girls are supposed to emanate warmth; our default stance is meant to be that of an open-armed goddess, skipping across the strawberry fields, oohing and awing at everything in dear sight.

We're supposed to be wiping hot mascara tears off our petal pink cheeks when we’re watching a tragically romantic movie in a public theater. Public displays of vulnerability are what make us GIRLS, right?

Guarded girls struggle to expose their vulnerabilities to the outer world and are relentlessly cast off as cold-blooded freaks because of it.

Just because a girl isn’t comfortable crying in public, or neglects to swan dive into the extended arms of a stranger’s hug — doesn’t mean she’s cold. In fact, it might just mean the very opposite (just because she doesn't cry in front of you, doesn't mean she doesn't cry).

If a girl didn’t feel things so deeply, there wouldn’t be a need for such a protective outer shell. When you crack open a guarded girl, you will come to find her insides aren’t sculpted from ice. On the contrary, they’re scalding hot.

A guarded girl attains as huge a heart as any girl, and huge hearts break hard.

She isn’t bitter, she just knows better.

Guarded girls are all too often chewed up and spit out for being sour, landing on the dense cement pavement, cut up by the words "bitter bitch.” A bitch that lives her life with a life-sized chip on her shoulder.

If you dared to scratch the surface, however, you would come to find there's a world of a difference between being bitter and simply knowing better.

Just because you can whisper the right things and curl your lips into a seemingly trustworthy smile doesn’t mean your intentions are pure.

A guarded girl knows things aren’t always as they appear, and the prettiest of people can do the ugliest of things.

She wants love just as much as you do.

The most common, most intensely hurtful misconception of a guarded girl is she’s devoid of love. A guarded girl has a plethora of love brewing within her. Her love runs so deep; it’s unthinkable for her to simply give it away without care or thought.

When a guarded girl lets you into her world, she knows it’s for life. She doesn’t subscribe to the frivolity of the modern day love dynamic in which people merely link hearts just to battle through a tough winter or lonely holiday with a faceless warm body to curl into.

The most beautiful part to loving a guarded girl is this: When she lets you in, it’s not because she needs you. She stopped needing people a long time ago. It’s because she wants you. And that – that is the purest love of all.

In Norway, four Russians detained because of photography were released - RBC

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Three men and a woman were detained in the Norwegian city of Mosjøen on suspicion of illegal photography of protected sites. Russian woman claims to have photographed northern lights, her lawyer said .

The arrest was related to an alleged photo shoot of a Coast Guard base in the town of Sortland in northern Norway. During a search in the car of the detainees, a large amount of photographic equipment and photographic materials was found, the report says. nine0003

Based on the results of the check, the police found no grounds for further detention of the Russians. The report states that the photographs have not yet found objects, the shooting of which is prohibited, after which the law enforcement agencies leaned towards the version that the detainees were tourists.

“Based on the above, the police did not demand further detention, and four Russian citizens were released,” the message says.

The case has not been closed, the Norwegian Police Security Service (PST, an agency under the Norwegian Ministry of Justice and Public Security) will decide on further investigation, added the Norwegian police. nine0003

The press service of Andrei Yakunin, the son of the ex-head of Russian Railways, who was also previously detained in Norway, told RBC that he was not among those released.

On October 11, in Mosjøen, a city in central Norway, police stopped a car with Russian license plates containing three men and a woman from Russia, NRK wrote, citing the police. They decided to check the car after receiving a tip from the citizens, the publication indicated.

According to Christian Wulff Hansen, the detained woman's lawyer, she stated that she had done nothing wrong and was photographing the northern lights. On October 14, the Helgeland District Court arrested the detainees for seven days. nine0003

Recently there have been several cases of detention of Russians in Norway. So, in October, the Norwegian police detained a businessman, the son of the ex-head of Russian Railways Vladimir Yakunin, Andrey Yakunin. RBC was told about this at the Venture Investments & Yield Management fund, co-founded by Yakunin Jr. The reason for the detention was the launch of drones in Svalbard.

Previously, The Barents Obserbe wrote about the detention of a Russian for a similar reason without indicating his name. In court, the detainee asked to be considered a British citizen, and named Italy as his place of permanent residence. He was arrested on October 17th. “The content of the [recording] from the drone is of great importance to the case,” prosecutor Anja Mikkelsen Indbjer said. nine0003

Last week, a Russian citizen was detained at the Storskog checkpoint when he was returning to Russia. They found two drones and several drives with videos and photos from the trip for 4 TB, while some of the materials were encrypted. The detainee was found to have two Russian passports and one Israeli. The detainee's lawyer said that he was an ordinary amateur photographer.

nine0000 Lower Yeltsovka will be made a specially protected natural area | Infopro54
  • 13/12/2022, 18:25

Starting next year, the survey of this green zone of the Soviet district will start.

Next year, an ecological survey of the territory of the Skazochny forest and swamp complex will begin to create a specially protected natural area in the Sovetsky district of Novosibirsk. The Minister of Natural Resources and Ecology Yevgeny Shesternin announced this in his telegram channel. nine0003

The issue of creating a specially protected natural area of ​​regional significance in Nizhnyaya Eltsovka was repeatedly considered at meetings with the environmental community, the minister says. At the last meeting of the mayor's office, it was recommended to work out the option of exchanging land. In addition, the researchers analyzed the territory and came to the conclusion that it is inappropriate to create a specially protected natural area of ​​regional significance. nine0003

We would like to remind you that in September the ministry only suggested creating a specially protected natural zone in this area. As deputy minister Valery Shreider reported at a meeting of the Legislative Assembly committee on ecology, it was about the territory between the Right Chemy and Nizhnyaya Eltsovka microdistricts. The approximate area is about 500 hectares.

– Now the territory has the status of urban forests, and the question of the category of the future protected area – regional or local significance, is still open, - the official said.

At the same time, the issue of giving this territory a specially protected status has been raised for several years now by public activists of the Sovetsky District with the support of local deputies. The struggle of activists for the preservation of the green zone in the Sovetsky district resulted in a criminal case on the fact of falsifying the results of public discussions about the green area between the microdistricts Shch and Nizhnyaya Eltsovka, the territory of the former children's health camp "Young Medic". Based on the results of public discussions of the fate of the site on electronic platforms, the facts of voting in every sense of “dead souls” “surfaced” - people who had already passed away at that time. As public figures reported in their group on the social network, construction work has already begun on this territory. nine0003

Previously, the editors told about the completion of the first stage of the construction of the Yeltsovsky Park.

Community photo "Against transit through Nizhnyaya Eltsovka" VK


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