Effects of too much mastubration

Masturbation side effects: Myths and facts

Masturbation is a normal and healthy sexual activity with few side effects. Many bizarre claims surround masturbation, such as going blind, and most of these claims are untrue.

Masturbation is when an individual stimulates their genitals for sexual pleasure, which may or may not lead to orgasm. Masturbation is common among men and women of all ages and plays a role in healthy sexual development.

Research has found that among adolescents aged 14–17 years in the United States, around 74 percent of males and 48 percent of females masturbate.

Among older adults, roughly 63 percent of men and 32 percent of women between 57 and 64 years of age masturbate.

People masturbate for many reasons. These include pleasure, enjoyment, fun, and tension release. Some individuals masturbate alone, while others masturbate with a partner.

This article looks at the potential side effects of masturbation and sorts the facts from the fiction regarding masturbation myths. It also identifies some of the health benefits of masturbation.

Many myths exist about the risks of masturbation, however none of these have been proven.

There are many myths about masturbation. Even though many of these have been debunked several times, they seem to resurface time and time again.

Most claims about masturbation are not backed up by science. There is often no scientific evidence to show that masturbation causes any of the adverse effects suggested. Masturbation will not cause:

  • blindness
  • hairy palms
  • impotence later in life
  • erectile dysfunction
  • penis shrinkage
  • penis curvature
  • low sperm count
  • infertility
  • mental illness
  • physical weakness

Some couples worry that their relationship must be unsatisfying if either one of them masturbates; this, too, is a myth.

Most men and women continue to masturbate either alone or together when they are in a relationship or married, and many find it an enjoyable part of their relationship.

One study found that women who masturbated had happier marriages compared to those who did not masturbate.

Masturbation is harmless. Some people may experience chafing or tender skin if they are too rough, but this will usually heal in a few days.

If men frequently masturbate within a short space of time, they may experience a slight swelling of the penis called an edema. This swelling usually disappears within a couple of days.

Other potential side effects include:


Some people who worry that masturbation conflicts with their religious, spiritual, or cultural beliefs may experience feelings of guilt. However, masturbation is not immoral or wrong, and self-pleasure is not shameful.

Discussing feelings of guilt with a friend, healthcare professional, or therapist that specializes in sexual health might help a person to move past feelings of guilt or shame that they connect with masturbation.

Decreased sexual sensitivity

Aggressive or excessive masturbation techniques may lead to reduced sexual sensitivity.

If men have an aggressive masturbation method that involves too tight a grip on their penis, they can experience decreased sensation. A man can resolve this over time with a change of technique.

Enhanced stimulation, such as using a vibrator, may increase arousal and overall sexual function in both men and women.

Women who use a vibrator have reported improved sexual function and lubrication, while men experienced an improvement in erectile function.

Prostate cancer

The jury is out as to whether masturbation increases or decreases the risk of prostate cancer. Researchers need to conduct more studies before they can reach a conclusion.

A 2003 study demonstrated that men who ejaculated more than five times each week during their 20s were one third less likely to develop aggressive prostate cancer than those who ejaculated less often.

Researchers speculate that the reduced risk was because frequent ejaculation may prevent the build-up of cancer-causing agents in the prostate gland.

A similar link between frequent ejaculation and a lower risk of prostate cancer was discovered in a 2016 study. Researchers found that men who ejaculated 21 times per month or more had a reduced risk of developing prostate cancer.

In contrast, a 2008 study found that frequent sexual activity during a man’s 20s and 30s increased his risk of prostate cancer, especially if he masturbated regularly.

Disrupting daily life

In rare cases, some individuals may masturbate more than they desire, which may:

  • cause them to miss work, school, or important social events
  • interrupt a person’s daily functioning
  • affect their responsibilities and relationships
  • serve as an escape from relationship issues or substitute for real-life experiences

Someone who thinks they might be adversely impacted by their masturbation practice should speak with a healthcare professional.

A doctor or counselor may suggest talk therapy to determine ways that they could manage their sexual behavior.

Consulting a sex therapist may also help with coping strategies for excessive masturbation. To locate a local sex therapist, a person can visit the American Association of Sexuality Educators, Counselors, and Therapists (AASECT).

Masturbation may reduce stress and relieve tension.

Masturbation has many physical and mental health benefits.

Few studies focus specifically on the benefits of masturbation, but research suggests that sexual stimulation, including stimulation through masturbation, can:

  • reduce stress
  • release tension
  • enhance sleep quality
  • boost concentration
  • elevate mood
  • relieve menstrual cramps
  • alleviate pain
  • improve sex

Masturbation has also been identified as a strategy to improve sexual health by promoting intimacy, exploring self-pleasure, desires, and needs, reducing unwanted pregnancies, and preventing sexually transmitted infections (STIs) and HIV transmission.

Individuals who choose to abstain from sex or who do not currently have a sexual partner may often masturbate as a sexual outlet.

Masturbation also has sexual health benefits specifically for older women, such as less vaginal dryness and decreased pain during sex.

Some people may feel embarrassed, guilty, or ashamed when talking about masturbation. But masturbation is normal, healthy, and not something to feel guilty about.

Masturbation will not lead to blindness or cause physical and mental health problems. In many cases, masturbation has more health benefits than adverse effects.

Masturbation is usually only a problem if it begins to interfere with daily life and relationships with friends, family, coworkers, and romantic partners.

In those circumstances, it may be helpful to speak to a healthcare professional, especially a sex therapist.

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Masturbation before a workout: Is there any effect?

Masturbation is a healthy and safe sexual activity that has links to numerous health benefits, such as pain relief and stress reduction. Opinions on how masturbation affects exercise vary, but there is not enough evidence to support one view over the other.

Some members of the health and fitness community are in a debate about the potential risks and benefits of masturbation before a workout.

Some people believe that masturbation can influence levels of testosterone, which plays a crucial role in promoting overall physical fitness. They also think that masturbation and other sexual activities can lead to improvements in mood and lower stress, which can indirectly improve physical performance.

However, other people think that masturbation adversely influences physical performance due to excess energy expenditure. Continue reading to learn about the possible benefits and side effects associated with masturbating before a workout.

Share on PinterestResearch has shown that masturbation does not affect testosterone levels.

The debate about whether masturbation is beneficial before exercise seems to focus on how masturbation influences testosterone.

Testosterone is the primary male reproductive hormone, but females also produce it. It plays a crucial role in promoting physical fitness among both males and females. According to one animal study, it plays a vital role in muscle protein synthesis.

Another review that included studies on humans suggests that testosterone also plays a role in bone formation.

With that said, the question remains whether masturbation significantly affects testosterone levels.

What do the studies say?

Testosterone levels naturally increase during sexual arousal and decrease after orgasm, but it appears that masturbation does not significantly impact a person’s level of testosterone.

The findings of a 2001 study showed that orgasm due to masturbation did not affect plasma testosterone levels. However, the authors observed higher concentrations of testosterone in men who abstained from sexual activity for 3 weeks. This was a small study with only 10 participants.

In another early study from 2003, researchers observed that testosterone levels fluctuated minimally during the first 5 days of sexual abstinence, peaked at 7 days, and then remained constant. The findings of this study suggest that short periods of abstinence may result in temporary fluctuations in testosterone levels.

Although masturbation has little to no effect on testosterone levels, it may still benefit a person’s workout performance.

However, there is not enough scientific research to support a direct link between masturbation and better physical performance.

Current scientific research does suggest, however, that sexual activity may enhance people’s overall health.

A recent study on adults who had experienced a heart attack suggests that those who frequently engaged in sexual activity had better long term survival rates.

Hormones, such as dopamine, norepinephrine, and oxytocin, increase during and following sexual climax. These hormones positively affect mood and could influence the mental aspect of exercise by improving a person’s frame of mind and motivation during a workout.

Masturbation is a safe sexual activity that has few, if any, long term side effects.

One 2016 review looking at sexual activity and competitive sports concludes that there is not any evidence to suggest that masturbation has a direct adverse effect on overall physical fitness or sports performance in males or females. Anecdotal evidence also indicates that having sexual intercourse about 10 hours before taking part in a sports competition may have a positive effect on performance.

Masturbating too frequently can lead to temporary side effects, including:

  • overly sensitive or tender skin near the genitals
  • swelling or edema of the penis
  • decreased sensitivity
  • fatigue

Share on PinterestIf someone engages in sexual activity, it may increase testosterone levels, reduce stress, and relieve pain.

It appears that masturbation induces similar effects in both males and females. Engaging in sexual activity increases testosterone levels, reduces stress, and relieves pain.

Male and female bodies respond differently to testosterone. Males naturally have higher levels of testosterone than females, which leads to the development of some typical male characteristics, such as body and facial hair.

These characteristics do not usually occur in females producing normal levels of the hormone. Testosterone also plays an essential role in sperm production and egg development.

Currently, scientific research has not revealed a direct relationship between masturbation and exercise performance in males or females.

However, the findings of one recent study suggest that regular sexual activity may improve levels of life satisfaction and enjoyment among older adults.

Masturbation has little to no direct effect on people’s workout performance. Although testosterone levels fluctuate immediately after orgasm, the change is temporary and unlikely to affect a person’s physical fitness.

Masturbation may stimulate the release of endorphins and other feel-good hormones. These hormonal changes can help reduce stress and improve mood.

People should structure their routines accordingly. If masturbating makes someone extremely tired, they may want to avoid it before a workout. Masturbating has few, if any, side effects.

What happens if you masturbate every day? Consequences of excessive masturbation

Masturbation was once considered a sin, and people engaged in masturbation were equated with psychopaths. Today, manic dependence on self-satisfaction is extremely rare. The process of masturbation is now considered quite natural. Many experts recommend getting to know your body in order to learn how to be more relaxed in bed with a real person. One way or another, everyone is interested in whether it is normal to masturbate every day and whether this can lead to negative consequences. To understand this issue, it is worth considering all points of view.


  1. How often can you masturbate?
  2. Is it harmful to masturbate?
  3. Masturbation and going to the gynecologist
  4. Isn't masturbation immoral?
  5. Harm to health
  6. Psychological harm
  7. Benefits of masturbation
  8. Harm of frequent masturbation
  9. What can cause early sexual activity through masturbation?

How often can you masturbate?

As already mentioned, this process is not something forbidden. However, many are interested in what will happen if you masturbate every day. There are several theories on this issue. Some people assume that it is necessary to satisfy their desires exclusively in a natural way, that is, with another person. Other experts, on the contrary, argue that only masturbation is the safest and most effective way to get the necessary relaxation.

To find out once and for all whether it is possible to masturbate every day, it is worth contacting scientists who deal with this issue in more detail. In their opinion, engage in self-satisfaction as many times as the body requires. Very often, a person begins to experience sexual arousal, but at the same time he does not have a relationship with a member of the opposite sex. In this situation, masturbation becomes the only way out. There is nothing shameful in this.

At the same time, each person decides for himself whether he can masturbate every day or once a week. All people have different temperaments, and some do not show interest in sexual life at all. Others, on the contrary, cannot live without the satisfaction of their desires. This is what you should be guided by when deciding whether you can masturbate every day.

By the way, scientists have proven that self-satisfaction in some cases has the same positive effect on the human body as making love with a member of the opposite sex. Moreover, it is much more harmful to abstain from masturbation. The fact is that a person experiencing sexual tension becomes very irritable. This leads to negative consequences.

Is it harmful to masturbate?

By and large, masturbation is almost a complete replacement for the sexual act itself. However, many myths have been created around self-satisfaction. There are several theories about what will happen if you masturbate every day. Some believe that from frequent self-gratification, thick hair can grow on the palms of the hands. Of course, such a theory is absurd, if only because in these places a person simply lacks hair follicles. It is easy to guess that it is impossible to go blind from onanism. There is absolutely no logic in this either.

However, speaking about whether it is harmful to masturbate every day, you should pay attention to the fact that it is recommended to engage in self-satisfaction only when you really want to. It’s not worth torturing yourself and doing it on a schedule.

Masturbation and going to the gynecologist

Young boys and girls are interested not only in what happens if they masturbate every day, but also in the possibility of determining that a person likes to engage in self-satisfaction. They are especially worried that the gynecologist will not guess about this during a standard examination.

This question is very simple. A gynecologist can voice such a theory only according to his experience. Indeed, according to anonymous studies, it was possible to find out that 89% of all people like to “play pranks” in this way.

It is impossible to determine whether a person is engaged in masturbation by external signs. This once again proves that there is nothing wrong with reasonable self-satisfaction. This does not deform the genitals, does not change their structure, etc.

Isn't masturbation immoral?

Some young people are feared from childhood about the harmful effects of self-gratification. Some even believe that the study of one's body is something between sin and killing a person.

It must be understood that in the 21st century such actions are not immoral. If a person does not demonstrate his genitals to others in the park, but just wants to “let off steam”, being in his apartment all alone, then he has every right to do so.

Masturbation can be considered a deviation only if a person prefers self-satisfaction, while having a real partner. When masturbation becomes a substitute for sex, it can affect the human psyche.

Harm to health

Speaking about what happens if you masturbate every day, it is worth considering some aspects that can be attributed to harmful consequences.

The mucous membranes of the genital organs are very sensitive, so if you engage in self-pleasure too often, this can lead to pain. Therefore, it is recommended to always use a lubricant (grease) during masturbation.

Also, some experts have proven that the number of active spermatozoa is limited in men. If the representative of the stronger sex will violently get rid of them for a long time, then this may affect his reproductive function.

Psychological harm

What happens if you masturbate every day? This can lead to the fact that a person will completely stop seeing people as sexual partners. In medical practice, there were cases when husbands were so addicted to self-satisfaction that they stopped having sex with their wives.

To cope with such a problem, you will have to start visiting a psychologist and a sex therapist.

The benefits of masturbation

Self-satisfaction is useful for several reasons:

  • Masturbation does not make you get pregnant or get STDs.
  • Masturbation allows you to quickly relax.
  • The process of self-satisfaction allows a person to know his body. Thanks to this, he can get more pleasure from having sex.
  • If a person suffers from inability to have an orgasm, masturbation is an excellent prophylaxis.
  • After self-satisfaction, it is much easier to fall asleep.

Harm of frequent masturbation

Due to excessive self-satisfaction, a person may begin to suffer from:

  • Weakness. The process of self-satisfaction requires a lot of strength.
  • Dependencies.
  • Involuntary ejaculations. If you engage in masturbation too often, then this can lead to the fact that the genitals begin to "live their own lives."

What can early onset of sexual activity through masturbation lead to?

Having dealt with the question of what happens if you masturbate every day, it is also worth considering the topic of too early onanism. The fact is that schoolchildren who begin to know their body do not feel the measure. They begin to masturbate too often. It's easy to determine. The boy or girl begins to suffer from fatigue, becomes more withdrawn and does not want to spend time with friends. At the same time, the student's speech may even change.

In this case, it is necessary to have a conversation with the teenager and explain to him that diligence in this matter is unnecessary. It is worth trying to convey to him the idea of ​​​​the benefits and harms of onanism. However, you do not need to use "horror stories" for this. It is better to show the teenager a movie or take him to a consultation with a specialist.

🏥 Masturbation addiction 💊: symptoms, treatment, prevention ⛨

If 100 years ago masturbation was considered a shameful and dirty thing that was condemned by society, now, fortunately, medicine has advanced in studying the issue of sexual development, and doctors all over the world sure that masturbation is a natural human need for sexual release.

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Masturbation is a normal process for both men and women, and especially for teenagers who are just beginning to have an interest in a sexual life. Nevertheless, in psychiatry there is such a thing as sexual addiction - that is, a violation in which there is a pathological perception of sex or sex-related objects, objects, actions. Excessive masturbation refers to manifestations of dependence if it interferes with the creation of normal relationships, destroys the family and provokes isolation. Let's consider whether there is a pathological dependence on masturbation? What do experts say about this?

Masturbation addiction

Despite the fact that craving for masturbation is not a disease, nevertheless, in some cases, deviation can bring serious problems. In particular, if a person is so absorbed in his addictions that he cannot build normal relationships, start a family, he develops a depressive disorder, his social activity decreases against the background of dependence on masturbation. What is the difference between addiction and deviant behavior? Deviations are considered pathological, while some of them violate someone's interests and freedoms. For example, if we are talking about pedophilia, and a person shows violence towards minors, this is a violation of the criminal law of most countries. As for masturbation - how to understand that an addiction has appeared, and that the hobby has crossed the line of innocence? It's very simple - masturbation becomes unhealthy if it interferes with a full-fledged sexual life, if a person is already ready to exchange masturbation for sex with a partner, if thoughts about masturbation interfere with full functioning.

Causes of addiction to onanism

Note that at the moment the exact reasons for the formation of a pathological passion for masturbation have not been identified. Nevertheless, experts are convinced that the following factors influence the development of deviations:

  • mental deviations;
  • psychological trauma in childhood;
  • intoxication of the body, especially the brain, with chemicals;
  • birth injuries;
  • endocrinological problems;
  • bad heredity.

Addiction in children and adolescents

It should be noted right away that masturbation is a completely normal stage of psychosexual development in children. However, there are additional factors that can provoke the emergence of such habits:

  1. Too close attention to the genitals in children can provoke tight underwear.
  2. Physiological factors. It is necessary to pay attention to whether everything is in order in the child with the reproductive system - whether there are diaper rash, redness, rashes, and other pathologies. In some cases, factors such as diabetes, phimosis in boys, and worms can provoke early masturbation. Accordingly, in order to exclude all possible pathological factors, you should be examined by a pediatrician.
  3. Psychological trauma. In particular, the birth of brothers and sisters, poor relations between parents, divorce, lack of attention, affection and care, loneliness can become traumatic factors for a small child. In such situations, masturbation is perceived by the young subconscious as a way to relieve stress, temporarily discharge from a stressful situation. It is also important to know that such masturbation is neurotic in nature and requires the attention of at least a qualified psychologist.
  4. Boredom can also be a serious reason for masturbation. If at first such entertainment is of an innocent nature, and is provoked solely by curiosity, then in the future it can develop into a bad habit and even addiction. Also here it is necessary to rank the masturbation which is carried out before going to bed.
  5. Interest in one's own body, which mainly concerns very young children, about 2 years old. At this age, children are interested in everything, they are just beginning to learn about their body. It is important to understand that at this age there is still a very close connection between the child and the mother, respectively, if masturbation becomes frequent, the latter must show with her emotions and attitude that this should not be done. But it should be served in a soft and unobtrusive manner.

However, in some situations, masturbation can develop from a simple and natural process of self-knowledge into a bad habit that is frankly neurotic in nature. How to recognize this condition? When should action be taken? Experts recommend paying attention when the following signs are noticed:

  • the occupation has begun to be obsessive;
  • masturbation becomes rough and impulsive;
  • it is carried out too often, and it is possible to catch a child doing this activity already during simple actions - in the process of playing, dressing, watching cartoons, and so on;
  • masturbation begins to take place in public places;
  • the child believes that he is not doing something shameful or beyond the bounds of decency;
  • the child may become aggressive if he is seen doing this activity.

In no case do we recommend taking harsh and aggressive measures - this approach can easily cause psychological trauma. Children should not be bullied, scolded, scolded, or punished by catching them engaging in sexual activity; at best, it simply won't work. This is due to the fact that children may simply not realize that they are engaged in a business that is strongly condemned by society. It is best to start with explanations, gently talk to the child, explain what's what. If masturbation is already turning into some kind of obsessive and neurotic state, you should turn to specialists, because independent measures, as our practice shows, are powerless here. As for masturbation in adolescents, age-related changes should be taken into account. Remember, your child is in a difficult period when he is literally going through a hormonal storm. At this age, children begin to actively take an interest in the opposite sex. Masturbation in such cases serves as a way of discharge and satisfaction. Do not scold a teenager, accuse him of indecent activities - treat his physiological needs with understanding. And you should not, as before, enter his room without knocking - this will only put a wall of distrust between you. Remember, at this age, children become individuals, so you should learn to respect them. However, there is a line between normality and addiction. If a teenager spends almost all his free time watching erotic magazines and videos with sexual actions, and at the same time is fond of masturbation, this is a wake-up call. Partially, the following factors may indicate the disorder:

  • poor school performance;
  • narrowing of social circle, lack of friends;
  • aggression;
  • social isolation;
  • loss of all interests;
  • constantly spending time alone in one's room;
  • rudeness and boorishness;
  • stressful situations at school or at home.

It is important to understand that this dependence is not formed all at once. Its onset may be preceded by a whole series of events. Most often, it is based on severe stress - for example, bullying classmates, divorce of parents, a long conflict, and so on. It is necessary to pay attention to your child, and if necessary, contact specialists who can understand the root causes and eliminate them.

How is masturbation addiction formed in women and men?

If a normal person perceives masturbation as a sexual release, then people who are dependent on this process develop an attraction, a habit, an obsessive state. An analogy can be drawn with dependence on the use of alcoholic beverages or drugs. Over time, such people are increasingly moving away from society, begin to lead a secluded lifestyle, isolate themselves from everyone. Often this condition is accompanied by the formation of complexes, self-doubt, neurosis, and even suicidal tendencies. Note that all this also applies to addiction to anal masturbation - if a man suffers from this form, then we are talking about a double addiction. Thus, medical assistance will be required in two cases:

  • if excessive masturbation leads to various mental disorders, especially depression;
  • if such hobby violates someone's rights and freedoms - for example, if a person starts masturbating in public.

Masturbation addiction: how to get rid of it?

As our experience shows, many people turn to specialists because they are generally worried about their tendency to masturbate. They are worried if this is some kind of deviation. No, it is not a violation as long as it does not prevent a person from leading a full life. Consultation and treatment with a sexologist will be required if masturbation has become a higher priority for the patient than work, personal life and social relationships. How to deal with pathological addiction? Basically, the private clinic IsraClinic uses psychotherapy and work with a sexologist. Techniques allow you to reduce pathological infatuation to a minimum and correct sexual behavior.

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