Does angel exist
Are Angels Real? | Live Science
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The Archangel Gabriel, painted 1431-1433 by by Fra AngelicoAngels surround us all the time — figuratively if not literally — especially during the holidays. They appear in paintings, etchings, figurines, T-shirts, posters and just about everything else. Angels appear in several religions; for example, in Islam, angels are said to be made of light, while Christian angels were willed into being by God.
Early versions of angels had no gender, though later Christian angels were tall, slender males with soft features, often dressed in flowing robes specially tailored around their large white wings. Angels are said to be either immortal or greatly long-lived.
Though originally they were specifically religious figures, angels have become more secular over the years, and today they are widely associated with the New Age movement populated by pagans, atheists and those who consider themselves "spiritual. " Books about angels and angelic contact are enormously popular, with titles like "Where Angels Tread" and "Angels: Who They Are and How They Help." They typically contain discussions of angels in scripture along with heartwarming true stories of modern-day miracles attributed to the heavenly visitors. Popular television shows such as "Highway to Heaven" (1984-1989) and "Touched by an Angel" (1994-2003) helped cement the prominence of angels in American popular culture.
Angels occasionally feature in reports of near-death experiences, though mostly in those who have a pre-existing belief in them. Among UFO believers, some claim that alien abductors are actually angels instead of extraterrestrials. Erich von Daniken, for example, author of several popular (if scientifically dubious) books in the 1970s, claimed that Biblical stories of Abraham and Joseph describe them meeting aliens, not angels.
Religious angels
The word "angel" comes from the Greek word "anglos," which means "messenger" in Hebrew. Angels can take many forms, usually appearing as human or a glowing light or aura. Often — especially in cases of averted tragedy or disaster — angels will not be seen at all, but instead their presence recognized by their actions. If something good, unexpected, and seemingly inexplicable happens, it's often assumed to be the result of divine or angelic intervention.
The angels most people are familiar with today are the Christian angels, which originated from the Hebrew Testaments. The Catholic Church devoted considerable effort to describing and developing an extensive hierarchy of angels. There were many different types of angels, archangels, seraphim, and so on, with an official census of nearly half a million.
In his book "A Dictionary of Angels" (The Free Press, 1967) researcher Gustav Davidson devotes nearly 400 pages to identifying and listing angels. Many angels were created (or endorsed) by religious authorities, but others were fabricated by quasi-religious scholars and laypeople.
As Davidson notes, "To invent an angel, a hierarchy, or an order in a hierarchy, required some imagination but not too much ingenuity. It was sufficient merely to 1) scramble letters together of the Hebrew alphabet; 2) juxtapose such letters in anagrammatic, acronymic, or cryptogrammatic form; and 3) tack on to any place, property, function, attribute or quality" using the suffixes "-el" or "-irion." Thus, according to Davidson, "Hod (meaning splendor) was transformed into the angel Hodiel." In this way, just as the ancient Greeks essentially created a pantheon of gods to worship, angel enthusiasts created a pantheon of angels—some more historically legitimate than others.
In Christianity and Islam, angels function mainly as God's messengers (mostly announcing births and deaths), but in modern times they function more as guardians. Indeed, the word "angel" has come to describe any hero or benefactor. Though angels, by their nature, serve God, they also serve mankind directly. Angels perform a wide variety of tasks, from healing the sick and finding lost keys to smiting enemies and, of course, winning football games. Many believe that angels come when summoned, and there is a long tradition of people using magic spells and charms to bring angels to them.
'Real angels'
Despite centuries of theological speculation about angels — from their number to their duties to how many can dance on the head of a pin — no one knows if they exist outside of stories and legends. Many people believe they do.
Plato and Aristotle, for example, were convinced that they exist. In modern times, polls suggest that nearly 70 percent of Americans think angels are real. In their book "Paranormal America," sociologists Christopher Bader, F. Carson Mencken and Joseph Baker note, "Angels pervade popular culture in books, television shows, and movies. ... Believers exchange informal testimonials in newsletters and interpersonal conversations about the potential power of angels to influence the world, and more than half of Americans (53 percent) believe that they have personally been saved from harm by a guardian angel. "
A 2007 Baylor Religion Survey found that 57 percent of Catholics, 81 percent of black Protestants, 66 percent of Evangelical Protestants, and 10 percent of Jews reported having a personal experience with a guardian angel. And 20 percent of those who identified themselves as having no religion also claimed having encountered an angel.
In one famous 2008 angel encounter, a North Carolina woman named Colleen Banton claimed that an angel miraculously healed her daughter. While in a hospital's waiting area, Banton noticed that a patch of sunlight appeared through a nearby window and shone in the hallway outside her daughter's room. Her daughter soon got better, and Banton attributed the recovery to the angelic visit. (While everyone was glad at the girl's recovery, others noted that the patch of sunlight regularly appears in that spot, at the door of patients who both do and don't recover.)
Though angels are said to dwell in heaven, their visits to the earthly realm are not always benevolent. The most famous angel, of course, is Satan, who rebelled against God and was cast out of heaven. He started his own outfit and has been doing well ever since. Biblical angels wage warfare, lay siege to cities and kill people. The archangel Michael, for example, is often depicted as the leader of God's Army, destroying armies with his terrible powers and flaming sword. These avenging angels seem to have disappeared in modern times in favor of the benevolent variety.
Angels are enduringly popular for many reasons, including that they represent unconditional love and appeal to personal experience. Any good luck, meaningful coincidences or unexpected pleasant surprises can be interpreted as the work of angels. Whether real or fictional, angels have been with humans for millennia, and their presence will continue to comfort.
Benjamin Radford is deputy editor of Skeptical Inquirer science magazine and author of six books including Scientific Paranormal Investigation: How to Solve Unexplained Mysteries. His website is
Benjamin Radford is the Bad Science columnist for Live Science. He covers pseudoscience, psychology, urban legends and the science behind "unexplained" or mysterious phenomenon. Ben has a master's degree in education and a bachelor's degree in psychology. He is deputy editor of Skeptical Inquirer science magazine and has written, edited or contributed to more than 20 books, including "Scientific Paranormal Investigation: How to Solve Unexplained Mysteries," "Tracking the Chupacabra: The Vampire Beast in Fact, Fiction, and Folklore" and “Investigating Ghosts: The Scientific Search for Spirits,” out in fall 2017. His website is
Do angels exist? - Christianity
Angels are mentioned nearly 300 times in the Bible but remain something of a mystery. They are spirit-beings – not human but not God. They belong to a unique part of creation, made before the earth existed. They are not usually visible. But throughout history many people have had encounters with them.
The Bible suggests there are millions of angels. They act as God’s ambassadors and messengers. Sometimes they bring good news such as the birth of Jesus Christ; sometimes they bring a warning, telling people to change their behaviour or they will face disaster. They also help and keep watch over humanity. They are part of our lives even if we can’t see them. The Bible book, Psalms, says angels guard us in all our ways and lift us up in their hands. Another part of the Bible says angels celebrate when any person becomes a Christian.
Angels are more powerful than people. Part of their role in serving God is to bring justice on his behalf. The Bible documents an occasion when one angel defeated an entire army, another when an angel struck dead a Roman-appointed king and another time when one brought retribution for Egypt’s ill-treatment of Jewish slaves by killing all its first-born sons.
The Bible says angels celebrate when any person becomes a Christian.![]()
They are able to speak and are credited with intelligence and emotions. They don’t seem to be male or female. They don’t marry or reproduce. They have the ability to appear and disappear suddenly. But, unlike God, they are not all-seeing.
Although angels are usually invisible, their appearance must be awe-inspiring and terrifying because often the first thing they say to those who do see them is ‘Don’t be afraid’. The Bible books of Daniel and Revelation speak of angels’ immeasurable beauty, amazing variety and brilliance. But the Bible describes other occasions when angels are less intimidating and seem to have human form.
Continued below...
Angels played a significant role in the Christmas story about the birth of Jesus Christ. The Bible book, Luke, explains how God sent an angel called Gabriel to a woman called Mary to tell her that she would miraculously conceive and give birth to Jesus. The Bible book, Matthew, tells us how an angel explained this to her fiancé, Joseph, in a dream. And on the night of Jesus’ birth, celebrating angels appeared to shepherds on the hills outside Bethlehem to tell them the news and where they could find the baby. One angel says, ‘Do not be afraid. I bring you good news of great joy…. a Saviour has been born to you…. He is Christ the Lord…’ Later when Jesus was an adult, angels served and supported him when he spent 40 days alone in the desert. And when he was arrested, Jesus said he could call on help from thousands of angels if he wanted.
‘Do not forget to entertain strangers for by doing so some people have entertained angels without knowing it’.
The early days of the Christian church, 2000 years ago, included several significant interventions involving angels. It was an angel who moved the stone which had been placed in front of Jesus Christ’s tomb after his execution to stop the body being stolen. The same angel told two women who came to fetch the body that Jesus had risen from the dead.
Later an angel appeared to one of Jesus’ followers, Philip, sending him to meet a senior Ethiopian official. Another angel appeared in a dream to a Roman centurion, Cornelius. And an angel miraculously helped another follower, Peter, to escape from prison. Over the centuries since then, many Christians have reported experiences that they can only explain as encounters with angels. TheBible book, Hebrews, suggests that angels can and do intervene in people’s lives… ‘Do not forget to entertain strangers for by doing so some people have entertained angels without knowing it’.
Encounters with angels in the Bible are always a surprise to the people who meet them. The Bible never suggests that people should go about looking for angels or attempting to contact them. And nowhere in the Bible do angels command or accept worship. In the book of Revelation (chapter 22 verses 8-9), for example, we read this: ‘I fell down to worship at the feet of the angel who had shown me these things. But he said to me, “Do not do that! I am a fellow servant with you… Worship God!”’
Archangel Michael, Gabriel and Lucifer
There is a hierarchy within angelic beings. For example, as well as angels, the Bible refers to seraphim and cherubim, which seem to have more minor roles. There are also a few references to individual angels. One, Michael, is described as an archangel – the most senior angel. Another mentioned by name is Gabriel. He brought the message to Mary that she would give birth to Jesus Christ.
Lucifer was a senior angel who rebelled against God and was ejected from his presence. He is more commonly known as Satan or the devil. Other angels joined his rebellion and suffered the same fate. The Bible has a few references to this confrontation. Although the evil in the world is the result of human actions and decisions, many Christian recognise that there are spiritual forces of good and bad at work in a way beyond our immediate understanding.
Guardian angels really exist?
Guardian Angel
So, in 1958, the American researcher James Staunton, after analyzing the statistics of railway and aviation accidents, was surprised to find that the planes and trains involved in the disaster were only 61% full on average, while on safe flights, the occupancy rate was 76%.
Modern scientists also conducted their own investigation and made sure that, according to statistics, there is a noticeable increase in the proportion of people who refuse tickets or are late for planes, trains, ships, which then suffer disasters.
American scientists, studying anomalous phenomena, found that over the past 20 years, 18% more people refused flights that ended in disasters than regular flights.
Many scientists refer to developed intuition in such cases. But it seems to me that it was the guardian angels who saved people who refused dangerous journeys.
Personally, I have cases when an inner voice advises me not to do something, not to go somewhere. If I act contrary to him, then later I am convinced that my intuition was right ... But once in my youth an incident happened to me that, with all my desire, I cannot attribute to intuition.
It was early morning. I remember that I was in a hurry, besides, I was so immersed in my thoughts that I did not look around. At one of the intersections, I went to the very edge of the asphalt and waited for the traffic light to turn green. A stream of cars rushed past in 4 rows. And suddenly I felt a strong push in the chest, from which I flew off 3-4 meters.
I understood absolutely nothing. There was no one around, and no one could push me. And only a moment later, I realized that something incredible had happened. A huge loaded truck somehow drove onto the sidewalk and knocked down a pole behind where I had been standing not so long ago.
I had a strange state, as if my whole body and mind were saturated with fog.
In the evening I told my grandmother about what had happened to me. And she said that a guardian angel saved me.
Before that, I did not even know that I was baptized, my grandmother did it secretly so that my parents would not know.
I myself still cannot explain the miracle that happened to me and I think that my grandmother was right and it really was a guardian angel. But very few represent their guardian angels and even more so know how to communicate with them.
Parapsychologists often call them egregores and say that you can ask a guardian angel for protection from illnesses and misfortunes, but you shouldn’t ask him for wealth and fame… enemy. Angels do not judge and are able to do only good deeds, from which no one is bad.
In Christianity, a guardian angel is an angel, a good spirit, given to a person by God at baptism for help and guidance.
Orthodox and Catholic churches say that a guardian angel is given to every person at baptism and stays with him throughout his life, if a person believes in God. The guardian angel helps to save the soul of a person and, to some extent, his body.
The task of the guardian angel, according to the teachings of the church, is the spiritual guidance of the ward, in addition, they pray to God for him, intercede before him, and after death take his soul to eternity.
The church fathers teach to honor and call on their guardian angel. Does our patron have a name? The Church says that there is, but we are not given to know it.
However, each of us has an angel's day... It would seem that this is the name of the Guardian Angel... It turns out that this is not so. Angel Day is not a day of celebration of the guardian angel, it is just a day of remembrance of the saint, whose name this or that baptized person bears.
Knowledgeable people say that every person communicates with a guardian angel in one way or another, but most of us take this communication for an inner voice, intuition, and even a sixth sense.
If you realize that this is exactly the guardian angel, then you can consciously ask him for advice, and he will try to suggest the right solution to a particular problem. But, again, he will not help to find out the winning number of the lottery ticket, he also most likely does not understand the quotes of the stock exchange.
On the other hand, he can tell you whether you should marry this particular person, whether it is time to buy an apartment, whether you should entrust your property or health to this or that person.
They say that only the chosen ones can see their guardian angel. So, the legend has been preserved that God revealed the guardian angel to Sergius of Radonezh, and he often communicated with him. And once, when Father Sergius was serving a liturgy in the Lavra, the parishioners saw a luminous man behind the altar, who stood there for the entire service and, at the end of it, disappeared into thin air. Puzzled people turned to Sergius of Radonezh with the question "who is this?". Father Sergius at first did not want to answer this question, but then, most likely, he received the permission of the guardian angel, especially since the Lord himself allowed the parishioners to see him. And Sergius of Radonezh answered the question put to him.
Some people see their guardian angel for the only time in their lives, in especially critical cases: for someone he appears in a dream, someone simply hears his voice inside.
It is known for sure that angels are pleased with the good deeds performed by their wards, and it is much easier for an angel to help a kind person.
There are special prayers for calling a guardian angel to help.
Those who do not know such prayers are advised to simply address their guardian angel: “My angel! My keeper! Be with me! Amen".
And you should not forget to communicate with your angel and sincerely, from the bottom of your heart, thank him for all the good things that happen in life.
My angel / Newspaper "Stavropolskaya Pravda" / March 16, 2012
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There is absolutely no doubt that they exist: angels - according to the definition of the explanatory dictionary "Duden", "winged creatures endowed with will and intelligence", and acting as intermediaries between the human world and the divine world .
No, angels really exist: after all, every third inhabitant of Germany at least once in his life felt angelic intercession, and every tenth woman managed to see her winged patron at least once in her life - among the representatives of the rude male world, this happiness, however, fell to the lot of only everyone hundredth.
No, of course, angels do exist: after all, they have accompanied mankind for five thousand years of its history, they are present in all religions and mythologies that exist now and have gone into oblivion, in the Old and New Testaments, they adorn early Christian frescoes and paintings of the Renaissance, look at us from movie screens and from advertising posters, from altars and from shop windows and ... maybe from somewhere above?
At the microphone Anastasia Rakhmanova. Hello, friends!
"Fürchte Dich nicht!" - "Don't be afraid!"
- with these words, according to the Holy Scriptures, angels, as a rule, begin their communication with people. These were the first words of the Archangel Gabriel, who brought the Good News to Mary, the wife of the carpenter Joseph.
“Theotokos, Virgin, rejoice! Blessed Mary - the Lord is with you! Blessed are you in women and blessed is the fruit of your womb - Jesus...»
You shouldn't be afraid of angels - modern experts on angels Alexa and Martin Krill are also convinced. A married couple from near Cologne has been professionally engaged in communication with representatives of the “subtle spheres” for many years - which Alexa Krill hears and sees with inner vision.
Fear? This is the last thing the angels expect from us - the pastor and theologian Egon Venberg is convinced: he describes the meeting with the angel as follows: It was like a source of warm, white-golden radiance... Unusually radiant and joyful...
The word "angel" comes from the Greek "angelos" ("messenger") - a translation of the Hebrew word "melech", also meaning "messenger".
It is difficult to imagine how the history of the Old Testament would have developed without the angels and archangels - Michael, Gabriel and Raphael. How would Noah know about the flood? Who would save Ishmael from death in the wilderness? Who would inspire David to his psalms and how would the unfortunate forefather Abraham deal with his eternally quarreling ladies Sarah and Hagar?
However, the angelic trail runs not only through the Jewish-Christian history. In almost all religions and mythologies of the world, there is an idea of different worlds: the earthly world of people, the divine world and the underworld, the world of shadows and ghosts, depending on the religion, more or less bearing the outlines of hell. Intermediaries run between these worlds. How do they move between heaven and earth? Must be like birds, how could it be otherwise?
In ancient Babylon, the role of angels was played by winged lions and eagles with female heads, which successfully migrated to ancient Slavic mythology under the names of the birds Sirin and Alkonost. These semi-divine beings, born from the intercourse of gods and people, performed the functions of a personal guard and attendants to a higher being.
In ancient Egypt, the messenger of the gods, accompanying the soul of the deceased to another world, was Horus - a creature with a human body and the head of a falcon.
Even more anthropomorphic features are acquired by the angels of Ancient Greece - Cupid, striking the heart of a mortal with a divine arrow of love, and the flying messenger of Olympus Hermes.
In the first centuries of Christianity, the appearance of the angel, as we know it today, was formed - a human-like creature with a beautiful face, combining masculine and feminine attractiveness. The costumes of the angels also changed insignificantly - long, as a rule, white shirts or chitons, sometimes scarlet cloaks. But the early Christian angels did not have wings - they appeared only in the fourth or fifth centuries, which was associated, in particular, with the revelations of St. Anthony the Great. The Egyptian hermit, who lived in the fourth century, both the angels of heaven and the fallen angel - he is the devil - appeared in the form of winged creatures.
In the 7th-8th centuries, angelology becomes one of the serious theological disciplines. A particularly significant contribution to the development of this branch of Christian science is made by Dionysius the Areopagite, Blessed Augustine, and especially Thomas Aquinas, nicknamed for his love for angels "angelic teacher", "doctor angelorum". The hierarchy of the heavenly host is gradually being built up - angels and archangels, six-winged cherubim and seraphim, angels of the higher and lower hierarchies - hosts. Saint Hildegard of Bingen, a German saint who lived in the eighth century AD, describes her encounter with an angel in this way:
- “A beautiful young man in white clothes appeared before me. His face was full of deep and bright sadness, and in his hands he held an arrow. He plunged this arrow into my heart, burning pain pierced my entire body. He pulled out the arrow along with my heart. “Now your heart will be in heaven,” the angel told me, “follow his commands.
Following the dictates of her heart stolen by a heavenly messenger, Saint Hildegard did many miraculous deeds - in particular, she founded two monasteries, became a great healer and philosopher. But still, the angels of subsequent centuries behaved, thank God, less bloodthirsty. And their very appearance became more and more “soft”, which is perfectly illustrated by the history of the development of Western European art. If the biblical expression “every angel is terrible” still fits the strict early Christian angels, then in the Middle Ages the features of golden-haired young men were enlightened. Then follow the gentle angels of the Renaissance - just remember the angels of Botticelli or Fra Filippo Lippi. Gradually, the faces of angels become more and more touching, more and more often they are depicted as children. And, finally, in the Baroque era, plump cupids - they say that Raphael and his Sistine Madonna are to blame for everything - crowd out adult angels. Whole clusters of plump cupids cover altars, domes and paintings. In the nineteenth century, with its "storm and onslaught", there is a revival of strict angels, often acquiring - as in the paintings of Vrubel - demonic features.
What do angels look like today?
Alexa Creel, a former philologist and now a specialist in communication with angels, has a very clear idea of the visual appearance of these creatures.
- - Angels do us a favor by taking human form. They do not want to scare us, they are also interested in contact with us, they want to be heard. To do this, they sometimes take on the form that is most familiar to us and accessible to our perception.
Apparently, that is why angels have recently appeared to Americans poisoned by "Act X" more and more in the form of little green men and invite them to ride on their alien liner. Pastor Egon Wenberg does not see anything unusual in this:
- - Angels always adapt to the possibilities of perception and the peculiarities of the times.
Their interpretation depends on the social and cultural context: say, in the days of a feudal society, angels exist within a strict hierarchy, playing the role of vassals under the Lord God. They then become romantic loners. And today everyone can imagine their own angel at their own discretion.
About fifteen years ago, Alexa Creel discovered her rare talent: hearing angelic voices. Gradually, she learned to tune in to the "channel" of each of the angels and transform what she hears from him into specific life recommendations. Since then, both she and her husband Martin - a former judge in the city court of Cologne - have left their jobs and are engaged only in angels. Each person who wants to hear the advice of his angel can turn to Alexa - however, this should be done ahead of time, in order to get an appointment with the "angel interpreter", as she calls herself, you have to wait six months or more.
According to Alexa Creel, wings are still an indispensable attribute of angels - they serve as something like an antenna, helping them to perceive impulses coming from the earth.
Pastor Egon Wenberg has a different opinion:
- - They don't have wings. They move like light - yes, I think that's the most appropriate comparison.
Science says the same thing: in order to lift into the air such a non-aerodynamic object as a humanoid creature weighing, say, 80 kilograms, wings with a span of 12-14 meters are needed. However, angels are angels for that: according to medieval scholastics, even on the tip of a needle, from three to 150 pieces could fit.
Modern Christian theology is divided on the subject of angels. The Catholic Church adheres to the classical point of view on this issue, prescribing that angels be interpreted as heavenly clerks, each of which is responsible for a certain person and for a certain area of activity: for example, the Archangel Michael, a militant fighter against evil, was proclaimed in 1950 the patron of all Christian policemen. By the way, Michael is generally a very active angel - at one time it was he who dictated the text of the Koran to the Prophet Mohammed. Protestant theology is more progressive, allowing for the possibility that an angel is a bundle of energy or some kind of radiation.
But still, almost all theologians proceed from the fact that each person has at least one individual angel. In the Middle Ages, it was believed that 14 angels were responsible for each person, and according to the Hebrew mystics, there were 11 thousand heavenly inhabitants for every earthly soul. Alexa Creel, author of the "angelic" bestseller "As in Heaven, So on Earth", also believes that...
- - ...every person is equipped with a complete set of angels from birth. The main ones are the Pointing Angel and the Patron Angel. Then there is the solar angel dwelling in the chest. There is a Silent Angel, a Praying Angel, an Angel of Wrath and an Angel of Peace. In a word, the world of angels and the impulses emanating from them is as diverse as the world of our feelings...
Man does not always hear what his angels are trying to tell him. For this, Alexa Krill believes, it is necessary to establish the right channel. Meditation and other ways of physical and spiritual cleansing and communication with an expert help in this. Having tuned in to the "wave" of his interlocutor, Alexa Creel can get in touch with his "main" angel. Sometimes angels give their name - this simplifies further communication with them. After sessions with Alexa Krill, some people manage to be in constant contact with their angels, ask them for advice and even ask for small favors: for example, an angel managed to fix a broken heating right before the new year for one lady. Almost all angels recommend that their charges avoid meat and canned foods, do not wear synthetic fibers, do not use foul language, and if possible, do not watch TV. Advice, of course, is quite reasonable, but on the other flank of the angelological camp they meet with hostility:
- - Of course, there are visions and apparitions. Let's say I know a theologian living in Trier who once managed to see an angel.
But this is one in a million! Seeing your angel three times a day is just a disgrace!
Ladies and gentlemen, dear radio listeners: angels do exist. They are mentioned in every third novel, in every tenth hit and pop hit. Their images - especially on the days before Christmas - can be found literally at every step. "Three Angels for Charlie" was replaced in theaters by "Heaven's Gate" with John Travolta as Archangel Michael. Touching angels advertise cheap fizzy wine and baby diapers, "yellow angels" call themselves emergency car mechanics, and "hell's angels" - lovers of Harley-Davidson motorcycles. Pop stars from Madonna to Michael Stipe from the REM group appear in angelic form in their video clips - not to mention the "blue angel" Marlene Dietrich. Today, the German book market offers 258 books dedicated to angels: from the photo album “Come, my angel” to the methodical work “Classification of angels and technology for communicating with them”. On the angelic shelf you can also find such works as "Angel for every day", "My angel and I", "Angels are the invisible helpers of man.