Depressed after failing driving test
7 Points to Encourage You if You Failed Your Driving Test ...
7 Points to Encourage You if You Failed Your Driving Test ...If you've failed your driving test before, it's unnerving to contemplate taking a retest. With your "failure" fresh in your memory, you worry about retaking the test, only to fail a second time. But lots of people pass on the second or third attempt. Here are some tips to encourage you if you've failed your driving test and want to take another …
1 You Won't Pass if You Don't Persist
If you think having failed your driving test once is bad enough, imagine what it is like to fail three times. Readers, that was me. I very nearly didn't go through with my fourth test as I felt sure I wasn't going to pass this time either. But I reasoned the following with myself. If I didn't attempt the test, I was definitely not going to pass. If I did take it, I might just pass. And I did. It's not the number of tests you take that matters, it's the fact that you pass one of them that counts.
2 If They Can do It...
The world record for determination is held by a not-so-proud Brit who finally passed her practical test after a mammoth 48 attempts. The theory test record goes to the South Korean woman who finally cracked it after an unbelievable … 950 times. Well done, that woman! So if they can keep at it, then so can you.
3 Prepare
Make sure that you are as prepared as you can be for your retest. Unless you think that you'll totally lose your nerve if you wait, don't book your retest soon afterwards. Wait until you're ready to retake, and work on dealing with whatever caused you to fail the first time.
4 Nerves Are Natural
Everybody gets nervous when they take their test. It's only natural to be anxious about something that matters; remember that the test isn't easy for a reason, and there have to be standards upheld. If you suffer more than most from nerves, there are natural remedies that will help lessen your anxiety and won't affect your driving. Have a chat with your pharmacist to see what they recommend.
5 Work on Your Weak Points
Examiners will tell you what you have failed on, so focus on improving those points. Get in as much practice as you can during lessons, or ask a relative or friend to supervise you. Practise the manoeuvres over and over again until you feel comfortable with them.
6 The Number Doesn't Matter
Don't compare yourself to other people. If they passed on their first attempt, good for them. But someone who passed first time may have then had little practical experience, and be a bad driver when let loose on the roads, whereas a driver who passed later on may actually be a better driver.
7 You Will Get There in the End
It doesn't make you a bad driver if you don't pass first time, and it certainly doesn't mean you'll never pass. Look at me - remember it took me four attempts! However disheartening it is to fail your test, the only way to pass is to keep at it.
You'll get there in the end.
When you fail your driving test, it leaves you disappointed that you won't be able to get on the road straight away. You also feel a failure. But you didn't pass the test - you're not a failure as a person! So see it as not passing, rather than failing, and keep at it. Did you have a driving test disaster?
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I Failed My Driving Test Five Times. Here’s What I Learned. | by K.R.L.
How to drive! *ba dum tss* But seriously, there’s other stuff too.
- Six years.
- Five failures.
- Four driving instructors.
- Three cities.
- Two bottles of organic “remedies” that would supposedly calm my nerves.
- One student with an uncontrollable shaky leg and lower self esteem than previously thought.
This is actually some kind of effed up achievement isn’t it?
Once upon a time, there was a seventeen year old girl who lived in the country of Wales. At the behest of her mother and societal expectations, she began taking driving lessons, and in all honesty, had she not been pressured into taking lessons she probably wouldn’t have bothered. She had no interest in cars, wasn’t excited about driving, and loved long train rides like some tragic romantic comedy lead who’s nostalgic about times gone by despite being born in 1994…
You were a kid, OK? You didn’t know or do shit.
OK, you’re not here to hear me rant about the nineties, you’re here because the title of this post made your eyebrows go sky high. You wanna know the good stuff, namely:
How the hell does someone manage to fail the driving test five times in three different cities, with four different instructors, and spend God knows how much time and money? That’s some kind of record, isn’t it?
Yup. It is. I’ve known people who failed twice, thrice, and one person who failed seven times. After failing so many times myself, I now understand that there are a lot of factors that contribute to failure, like nerves, a bad instructor, anxiety, other irresponsible road users, and plain bad luck. For me, it was nerves, particularly around large roundabouts. To this day, I hate them. No seriously — I used to have angry anxious daydreams about them and envied Americans who experienced roundabouts so rarely that they had to Google how to navigate them.
Angry rant aside, here’s the timeline of my failure:
1. The First FailureI started taking lessons when I was seventeen, and took the test three months later. I failed the test because I stalled the car while turning, and didn’t recover until it was too late. The more nervous I got, the worse my driving was.
2. The Second FailureI’ll admit that my memory of this failure is quite fuzzy. I think I was nineteen, and I took my test in my hometown. I think I cut up a roundabout during the test.
3. The Third Failure
I was twenty-one, and had two instructors, one after the other— the first was an impatient lady. The second was a cool Ghanaian dude. I took this test in my university town, and failed because of a giant roundabout that I nearly cut across.
4. The Fourth Failure:
By this point I’d hit twenty-three and was back in my hometown with my old driving instructor. I nearly passed the test, but left my left turn signal on for too long…which would have misled other drivers, had there been any behind me.
Note: I think it was at this point that I bought some pills and potions to “calm” my nerves. They didn’t work.
5. The Fifth Failure:
After finding a job in another city, I found a local instructor on Google. It was then that I realised how hard it was to find a instructor with 9–5, even if the city had three driving test centres. I picked this instructor because he was the first and only person who agreed to take me on the spot. I failed because I messed up the reverse around a corner, which I’m normally fine with.
This is all a bit depressing isn’t it? But true love prevails my friends; I finally passed the test…four days ago. I know this time span sounds insane to my American friends, but in the UK you can get away with trains, coaches, buses, and bikes for your daily commute. And we drive manual, so that’s something.
Alright K.R.L., you’ve talked about your questionable driving skills and terrible nerves, is that all you learned? — Sassy reader who’s clearly not impressed by amazing my Paint skills.
No, my sassy reader. That is not all. What I originally wanted to say was this:
Don’t give up. I failed the test so many times that I actually got depressed — I began measuring my self worth against the test and realised that my constant hesitation wasn’t just a driving test thing — it was a life thing. I found myself counting the times I’d hesitated at opportunities, not taken the leap, and sat back while others just went out and did stuff. I’m not a shy person by nature, but this constant hesitation — it was a physical manifestation of something much deeper that I had previously refused to confront.
I’m afraid of stepping outside my comfort zone. I need someone to hold my hand at the scary parts. I’m scared of failing because it will confirm my worst nightmares. I’m weak. I’ve lived a life wrapped in financial cotton wool while simultaneously telling myself that I don’t need to try as hard, that I’m already pretty good, that my mediocrity is acceptable, and I’m fine. I’m decent.
This might seem quite heavy for a blog post that started out as an “I hate roundabouts and the driving test” rant, but it’s all true. I passed the driving test because I was no longer scared of failing it and I got really, really lucky. When I first failed I spent days feeling depressed; by the fifth time it took me less than an hour to recover. I wasn’t a bad driver, I was a nervous one. And I learned that whether I pass or fail, I would have to endure those hellish fourty minutes of driving. I could try my best to book my test on a quiet day, choose a test centre in an easier area, even change the freakin’ car — but no matter what, I would have to sit that test and accept the unpredictable nature of driving.
As soon as the examiner told me that I’d passed my test I felt a wave of relief and I was ecstatic for about five seconds. By the end of the day, I was back to normal. I was back to being worried about my future, and I was knocking on the I-don’t-know-what-to-do-with-my-life door. Something I had spent years of anxiety on had evaporated in hours, and my brain immediately moved onto something new.
And you know what? I’m not even bothered. This is my life. This is your life. This is the average human life — worry after worry, mistake after mistake, failure after failure, and an occasional glimmer of success. If it’s not your job, it’s your relationships; it’s the state of the world, the environment, politics; the suffering of mankind; the question of human existence. Or the questionable use of semicolons.
So what have I learned?
I used to watch Shia Labeof’s video, but then I discovered this legend.Power through all the shit my friends, because that’s all you can do.
6 reasons why failing the first traffic police exam is not the end of the world
Failing to pass the traffic police driving test is not a disaster
he will definitely pass all stages of testing knowledge of traffic rules and driving skills and pass the exam on the first try. But to our deep regret, in most cases, novice drivers who come to the State traffic inspectorate for the first time fail such tests in their lives to obtain rights. At this very moment, each of the novice drivers must understand for himself that the failure of the exam in the traffic police is not the end of the world. In fact, there is a lot of positive in the first unsuccessful attempt at the traffic police to pass the exam for rights. You just need to know and take into account for yourself such a moment that the first unsuccessful experience of passing these exams gives you. Dear newbie drivers, we will try to explain and reassure you that not everything is lost in this regard. nine0008
See also: How to pass your driving test
completed. But you should know for yourself, this does not mean that you are completely ready for any situation on the road and for your own driving. Note friends, even if you are completely confident in yourself and think that you are ready. nine0005
It is because of lack of driving experience that most novice drivers fail their first city driving test. Indeed, during the examinations in the city, there is a traffic police officer next to you, who strictly controls all your actions and, in case of even the slightest mistake on your part, counts penalty points for you. Also, in the conditions of the city, during the exam for the rights, you may encounter unforeseen situations on the road that you may not have encountered while driving a car with a driving instructor. This is especially true in cases where the auto-instructor drove and practiced you on certain routes, where usually the traffic is usually calm. But during the exam at the traffic police, you will be taken along pre-approved routes (which one you will only know directly when you drive a car during the exam), which pass through busy places in the city. nine0005
Unfortunately, due to lack of driving experience, most novice drivers fail the test in the city, and this happens for various reasons. The point is the following. Usually the road in the city is always unpredictable and even an experienced driver is difficult to predict in advance the development of a particular situation. So remember, friends, if on the first day you did not pass the exam for the rights to the traffic police in the city, then in no case should you be upset. Believe us, if at such a moment you put an experienced driver behind the wheel of an examination car, then we assure you that not everyone would be able to pass such an exam the first time. You must understand and remember that such a bad experience and failure in the first exam will actually help you in the future. After all, each of you must learn from your mistakes, contrary to popular belief that the smart one must learn from the mistakes of others. Remember that the driver becomes more experienced every time only by analyzing his mistakes while driving. So remember, even if you failed to pass the driving test on the second attempt, etc., then each time there will be more chances, because it is unlikely that during the exam you will repeat the same mistakes that you made before . In order not to scold yourself, you should always remember that every failure is an extension of your learning to drive a car. With such a positive attitude, you will always look at failing an exam as another stage of learning, and not as something bad and negative for yourself. This will certainly help you to come to the next retake exam in a good mood, without fear that you will do something wrong. nine0007 Remember, friends, that the fear of making a mistake that crept into you will certainly lead to stupid mistakes.
2). It is better not to pass exams in the traffic police several times than to accidentally pass on the right the first time
It just happens and happens that some novice drivers are immediately lucky in the first exams in the traffic police. As a result, a novice driver literally accidentally passes all the exams and gets a driver's license. Or even worse, when the exams are passed for a bribe. In this case, the novice driver does not gain experience in the difficult passing of exams in the traffic police, which might be useful to him in the future on the road. No, of course, we have nothing against passing the exams for rights the first time, we are talking about something else, namely, when you could not pass the exams for rights and have already failed them several times, then in such cases you should not give up and despair. Your task before each exam is to analyze your mistakes and try not to make them again. nine0005
See also: Repeated traffic violations for which you lose your license
Also, during the exam, be attentive to all the little things, this will allow you to control your actions during the exam. For example, when you get behind the wheel of an exam car, always pay attention to how you buckle up, how you change gears, and so on. In some cases, traffic police inspectors turn a blind eye to many minor mistakes made by novice drivers. But you shouldn't let that happen. Remember that if you neglect even minor traffic rules, you are more likely to make a gross mistake on the road, which will lead to the failure of the exam. nine0005
3). The more you retake exams in the traffic police, the more experience you gain
If you have failed to pass the driving license exam in the city several times, then you probably started studying your routes in the exam after this. Yes, most likely in a driving school with a driving instructor you have repeatedly traveled along the same routes where the traffic police conduct exams. But as you already understood and guessed, this did not help many people to pass the exam in the city the first time. In this case, some examinees believe that the driving instructors at the driving school specifically teach newbies so that they can't pass their driving tests for a long time. But this is not the case with friends (although there are such driving instructors in our country). In fact, everything is much simpler, even if you memorized all the routes along which the traffic police exam in the city takes place and memorized them, then during testing you will still have the feeling that you are driving along this road for the first time. This is primarily due to the fact that an inspector of the State traffic inspectorate is sitting next to you, who can stop the exam at any time due to your mistakes. As a result, most novice drivers start to panic during the exam and, accordingly, make very stupid mistakes. At this point, many driver candidates even begin to think that they are the dumbest in the world. But that's not the case at all. Believe us, almost all drivers who once passed the exams for rights experienced similar sensations. We repeat once again for each of you, if you even failed to pass a driving test in the city 5 times in a row, then during this time you have gained invaluable experience in driving a car along those routes where the exams are taken in the traffic police.
In any case, if you failed the exam even for the 6th time in a row, then remember and do not despair, thus you only brought closer the very probability that you will successfully pass the exam next time. After all, having gained a good driving experience, next time you most likely will not make more of the same mistakes that you made before, and you will also feel more confident driving a car on routes you already know well. nine0005
4). The more attempts to retake exams in the traffic police, the less nerves. Or the same platform..? Or have the traffic police already learned you by heart, since you failed your driving test several times in the city ..? Don't worry friends. Surely you have noticed in your heart that it is much easier to come to retake the exam than it happened the first time. And it's all about your nerves. Naturally, at your first driving license exam in the traffic police, you were very nervous and perhaps this was the reason for your failure. Do not be discouraged, this is natural for many of our citizens.
Believe us, friends, many new drivers were helped by that very calmness during the exams in the traffic police. But, unfortunately, not many novice drivers have peace of mind during the first attempt to pass the driving license exams. Such units.
5). The more experience you have in passing exams, the safer it will be for you in the future
exam. This means the following for you, it is quite possible that you will remember these mistakes forever and, accordingly, will not repeat them on the road ever again after receiving a driver's license (rights). So this will become a clear advantage for those who have already retaken the exams for the rights to the traffic police several times over those who somehow passed the exams the first time. After all, even if a novice driver really learned everything well before the exam and learned how to drive a car well, which helped him pass the exam the first time, he can still sooner or later forget some traffic rules and make a gross mistake on the road . But the chances for something like this to happen to that particular driver who has been retaking exams at the traffic police for a long time are minimal. nine0005
So friends, as we have already said, remember that an extra retake of the exam is actually a positive plus for the driving experience for any novice driver.
6). Each retake of the traffic police exam makes you more determined
Let's imagine for a moment that you failed the exam the first time. Of course, at this moment you are upset and very disappointed. But in fact, next time on a subconscious level, you will be much more determined and collected. Even if your character does not have such decisiveness. But in case of failure and failure due to the peculiarities of the human psyche, most of the uncertain driver candidates will be more determined next without even noticing it. nine0005
See also: New rules for passing exams in the traffic police from September 1, 2016 Unfortunately, these are usually in the minority. But in any case, remember, on the second, third, etc. If you retake an exam, you will still be much bolder and more determined, even if your own character is just the opposite. So retaking exams in the traffic police is a solid plus without any minuses. After all, with each retake of the exam, you will become more and more confident. And the more this confidence, the more concentration will be during the exam. nine- the hottest time not only for applicants with their parents, but, unfortunately, for psychologists with psychiatrists. When entering a higher educational institution, it is alarming not only that a significant part of the examination materials is not provided for by the school curriculum, but, above all, that there is an uncertainty in the situation and requirements. It is she who gives rise to the so-called fear of anxious expectation. This anxiety kills freedom of thought and association, extinguishes attention. Therefore, even what is well known, analyzed and learned many times, suddenly disappears from memory. The situation "forgot everything" is familiar to everyone. But not everyone can pull themselves together and get out of the stupor. And you need to calm down and relax. It would seem that it is not so difficult. But if the system of accumulating knowledge is very well developed: all the time and effort in preparing for exams is spent precisely on this, then no one teaches you to master the situation of uncertainty, regulate your own state, and relax. Moreover, this condition is aggravated by overstrain of preparation: physical, intellectual, emotional. What to do? You can give some advice to applicants to children and their parents. First, don't set yourself up for failure. The words "fail" should be out of your vocabulary. This attitude remains as a feeling of anxiety. Second. You should not deprive the child of some pleasures and entertainment - in the pre-examination period, he needs to relax and get positive emotions. nine0005 Thirdly, you need to learn to calmly respond to emergency situations. And for a child, even an unusual formulation of a familiar question may be new. Therefore, explain to your child that such surprises cannot be avoided during exams, just like snow in winter. There are several ways to behave in exams. Here is one of them, which the mother of a ninth grader told me about. He was asked to solve seven problems. The guy immediately asked the teacher how many "enough" for the "four", which would suit him perfectly. It turned out - four. He went through everything and chose the four that he could solve with confidence. And he didn't even bother with the rest. This is a classic example of a clear, calm, and thoughtful surrender strategy. And this should be taught to the child. nine0005 A "F" on an exam is not a tragedy. However, no one is immune from failure. Therefore, we consider several options for unsuccessful exams. Let's call the first one the "first" three. "It very often ends with a refusal to take the subsequent exams. Often, both the applicant and his parents believe that with the" three "you can't get a passing score. Moreover, they insist on picking up documents, more often it is adults Meanwhile, such an act still makes sense if the subject that the child knows better than the rest is mediocre. "does not become an obstacle to admission. Therefore, it is still worth going through this examination road to the end. You need to convince yourself that this" trouban "is not a tragedy, but only an initial, not very high step on the way to victory. Let's conditionally call another variant of failure in the exam "did not get half a point". Often parents speak out about this in the spirit that they themselves are to blame and since they are so stupid, then there is nothing to do at the institute. The third case is what many call a complete failure. That is a banal "deuce". To begin with, this very rarely happens to those who have seriously prepared. Most often, the "deuce" is the result of a random choice of a university or faculty. In addition, a complete failure usually turns into a serious revision of life plans, another year of searching. This is how he should be treated. After all, sociological studies show that up to 60 percent of children go to university without clearly understanding what kind of profession they have chosen. nine0005 I would like to say to parents separately: the reaction to any mark of the child for the entrance exam should be as calm as possible. Spare him tears, screams, or other inappropriate actions. After all, in the end, failed exams are no longer your life, but your children's. And one more thing. Let's say that the applicant prepared diligently enough, but failed the exam. Most often, the reason is his psychological unpreparedness. And there is no one, dear parents, for us to blame but ourselves! There is such a situation: after a failure, your son came home, locked himself in a room and did not want to see anyone. How to be parents? Often adults themselves provoke children to inappropriate actions, drive them into a corner. Recently, I heard a mother say to her daughter before an exam: “I spent almost my whole life on your preparation and gave all the money! If you don’t pass, I’ll hang myself!” With such phrases, you can drive your own child into the loop. Most often the child tries to hide when he is afraid to communicate. But in any case, a failed student should know that his parents will not consider his failure as the collapse of his life. It is important that he realizes that the failure befell first of all himself, and not mom and dad, who have already unlearned and passed their share of exams. After a failed admission, it is imperative that the child rest for at least a month. Regardless of the results of the exams, he went through such a long marathon: school and university exams, experienced such stress that he needed to rest for at least a month, and it would be nice to change the situation. Stress, nervous exhaustion and even suicide - these are the consequences of illiterate psychological preparation for failure in exams, from which, as life shows, almost no one is immune. nine0005
Of course, someone has a high stress resistance by nature. These are the lucky ones who pass any exam effortlessly. But most accumulate the experience of their own failures, and the greater the degree of uncertainty, the more lost. nine0005
So, you need to be ready for them and not be afraid of something new right away. It happens very often. He pulled out a ticket, and eyes on his forehead: I don’t know the first ticket! But there are no specific requirements for the sequence of answers to the questions of the ticket. You can start with the latter, but, most importantly, with the one you know better. In the same order, it is worth preparing for answers. nine0005
If a person's goal is to enter only this university, he will achieve his goal
Half a point means nothing but an unfortunate set of circumstances. Therefore, you still need to try to look for other options for studying: for evening, partially paid or conditional admission for the first semester.
This is their mistake. And every person should be entitled to them. After all, if a person consciously set himself the goal of enrolling in this, and in no other university, he will definitely achieve this. Trust my many years of teaching experience. There are a lot of additional chances to enter: olympiads, competitions, evening classes and even work at the department or in the profile. nine0005
Therefore, one must still be aware of the responsibility of an adult to a teenager with an unstable psyche. If, psychologically, the parents behaved correctly, there is nothing wrong with the fact that a person who has failed will sit behind locked doors for some time. He just needs to be with himself, to understand what happened. nine0005