Cynical personality type
The Creepiest Thing About You, According To Your Myers-Briggs Type
by Eliza Castile
Alan Crowhurst/Getty Images Sport/Getty Images
When all is said and done, the internet has two main purposes: cat videos and personality quizzes. Who among us can honestly say they haven't stayed up till the wee hours to find out what they should eat for breakfast based on their favorite Kardashian? If that sounds like a grand ole time, you'll be excited to know that today, you can discover the creepiest thing about you based on your Myers-Briggs type. What you do with that information is up to you.
For the uninitiated, the Myers-Briggs personality test was created by the mother-daughter duo Katherine Cook Briggs and Isabel Myers in the 20th century. According to the Myers Briggs Foundation, Briggs was intent from a young age on helping people unlock their own potential.
Differences in personality interested her in particular. After she and Myers came across the famed psychologist Carl Jung's theories of personality types, which proposes that people are inherently different in the way they see the world, they developed a questionnaire to classify people based on their Jungian preferences. The result was the Myers-Briggs personality assessment, which categorizes people into one of 16 possible personality types. Each type is based on four dichotomies: introversion or extroversion; sensing or intuition; thinking or feeling; and judging or perceiving.
The official Myers-Briggs test is available to take online, if you haven't yet. Once you know your type, read on to find out what makes people edge away from you at parties.
ISTJ Is Totally Robotic
Logical, responsible, and organized, you ISTJ (introversion, sensing, thinking, judging) personality types are exactly the kind of person everyone wants on their group project. However, those same qualities, combined with your natural shyness, can make you come across as robotic sometimes. Crack a smile or two at parties, and you'll be amazed how much more willing people are to talk to you.
ISFJ Collects Creepy Things
Warm, caring, and stable, ISFJ is probably one of the least creepy personality types on this list. Well, it would be if you didn't have such an extensive collection of vintage porcelain dolls lining the walls of your bedroom. You might think they're cute, but not everyone agrees.
INFJ Is, Like, Really Intense
Thought to be the least common personality type, you INFJs are a rarity, but you're in good company. Several important figures throughout history, including Martin Luther King, Jr., and Susan B. Anthony, share your same personality type.
You may be quiet on the outside, but that belies an intellectual, driven inner landscape. In fact, you're probably out to save the world — or at least part of it. While you might achieve your goal, this combination of confidence and ambition can come across as
way too obsessive sometimes.
ISTP Looks Out For Themselves
ISTP is the cool, analytical type, but your rational nature is balanced out by a sense of adventure. Although it's landed you in hot water before, you usually come out of the shenanigans intact. However, that might be because you're always looking out for yourself, which doesn't always go over well with other people. Whatever — you're just realistic, right?
ISFP Stalks Social Media
You may be introverted, but you care deeply about other people. While you might prefer to stay in on Friday nights, you like to make sure your friends are okay throughout the night. Over the years, this has led to the formation of a slightly creepy internet stalking habit. You know everything about everyone, and you can't tear yourself away from your phone for more than a few hours. Frankly, you dread the day you accidentally "like" your ex-best friend's sister's Instagram post from 2013.
INFP Fantasizes About People They Know
An INFP personality type can usually be found staring off into space, living out some elaborate scenario they've concocted. You're a thinker with a deeply-held moral code, and you like to mentally review all your options before you make a decision. All that daydreaming can get a little weird, though, when you start fantasizing about your friends' lives — as in, imagining where they'll end up in life. As far as creepy traits go, it's pretty harmless.
INTP Brings Up Awkward Subjects
INTP types prefer to be alone for many reasons, up to and including a hatred for social norms. You're polite when it suits you, but you prefer to be straightforward in your conversations. When you have something to say, no topic is off-limits. People will get over it eventually.
ESTP Is A Smooth Talker
An ESTP personality is observant and clever, making them the quintessential smooth operator. You can convince anyone to do pretty much anything, whether it's trying a food they know they hate or choosing a party theme, before they even realize it's happening.
It's a little unsettling, so use your powers for fun, not evil.
ESFP Is A Hedonist
According to Personality Club, famous ESFPs include Bill Clinton, Katy Perry, and Hugh Hefner. You're a natural entertainer and always the life of the party. On the flip side, your fun-loving nature sometimes spills into total hedonism. You're not terribly loyal, which can come as a surprise to the people who thought they were your best friend.
ENFP Drops Friendships Like They're Hot
ENFP types are quick to befriend people, and they're so detail-oriented that they remember birthdays and anniversaries with ease. Unfortunately, this friendship comes with (unspoken) high expectations, and if they aren't met, you shed friends as quickly as you meet them. My advice? Cut your friends a little slack before you get a reputation as a sociopath.
ENTP Plays Devil's Advocate
Quick-minded, logical, and complex, ENTP likes to set up a debate and watch it play out. You might not actually agree with Jonathan Swift's satirical plan to eat babies to prevent famine, but you enjoy playing devil's advocate so much that you'll pretend to for the sake of entertainment.
ESTJ Holds Eye Contact Too Long
Analytical and responsible, you can shoot up the corporate ladder with an ease you coworkers envy. You're not terribly empathetic, though, so you might not have noticed that your handshakes and eye contact go on too long. It's making people a little uncomfortable.
ESFJ Needs To Be Watched
ESFJ, you're ultra-friendly and genuinely interested in what other people have to say, qualities that make you popular in every setting. This can be a problem, though, if someone doesn't seem to like you as much as you expect. Sometimes, you might feel like you do anything for attention, don't you? I don't need to remind you how badly that can end up — Mean Girls does that for me.
ENFJ Is Super Controlling
An ENFJ is an innate nurturer, always looking out for the needs of friends, family, and total strangers. You feel like you have everyone's best interests at heart, which makes it even more painful when they go against your advice and get hurt. But have you ever stopped to think about how all that advice is interpreted? You're a wee bit controlling, ENFJs. Some might even say you're possessive, especially where your best friend is concerned.
ENTJ Wants To Live Forever
ENTJ is the kind of person who Gets Stuff Done, capital letters very much necessary. Ambitious and always looking for improvement, you're definitely going places. Just maybe stop talking about your obsession with achieving immortality so much, or at least until you have some concrete plans to live forever. Until then, it's a little... creepy.
INTJ Is A Cynic
In addition to being one of the rarest types of all within the Myers-Briggs system, INTJ folks can also be extremely cynical. It's not their fault — they just know that they're a rare breed, and thus, excel at things more easily than others.
Editor's note: This piece has been updated from its original version.
Here’s How Optimistic You Are, According To Your Personality Type
Here’s How Optimistic You Are, According To Your Personality TypeWhile some people are extremely pessimistic, others prefer to maintain a sense of optimism in life. Here is how optimistic each personality type actually is.
INFJINFJs are generally more cynical and realistic than they are optimistic. They do have a deep hope inside of them that the world can be a beautiful place, and often feel burdened to find a way to help in changing things. INFJs want to make the world a better place, and believe in being kind and helpful to others. They often have this nagging belief that they are meant to serve a greater purpose, and this is often why INFJ do make a different in the world- even if that difference is only for the people close to them. They sometimes are fearful of being too optimistic, because this can cause them to feel overwhelmed when they become disappointment.
ENFJs are definitely optimistic people, with a drive to push themselves forward. They want to make a difference for others, and because of this they never stop trying. ENFJs are almost always seen on-the-go, and are constantly juggling a million errands. The ENFJ wants to help others and enjoys making people happy, which is what makes them such wonderful people to be around. Their warm hearts cause the ENFJ to feel hopeful and optimistic that there are other good people out there in the world. They are often the ones who create their own positivity, simply because they put forth the effort.
INFPINFPs are often a mix of emotions, they can be both pessimistic and optimistic. For the INFP it entirely depends upon their current mood, since they experience a rainbow of emotions all at once. There are sometimes when the INFP feels unbelievably pessimistic, and this is often after they experience a great disappointment in their lives. There are other times in their lives where the INFP feels very hopeful and optimistic for the future ahead of them. They actually have a healthy combination of both emotions, which helps the INFP to cope with what happens in their lives.
ENFPs are generally very optimistic people, who enjoy remaining positive. They dislike allowing life to get them down, even when they go through struggles. ENFPs realize that life is hard for everyone, but there is no need to be miserable about it all of the time. They would rather remain optimistic and hopeful that things will continue to get better and move forward in their lives. This optimistic attitude really helps the ENFP find healthy ways to cope with stress and anything negative that happens in their lives. Like anyone they do have times where they feel overwhelmed and a bit pessimistic, but ENFPs try to remain positive.
INTJINTJs are not optimistic people, they are simply realistic people. They like to observe and understand the facts, instead of allowing emotions to overtake them. INTJs are not pessimistic either, but instead they like to take things for what they are. The INTJ will be as realistic as possible when making decisions and when looking towards the future. This awareness truly helps the INTJ to navigate their lives in a beneficial and intelligent manner. Instead of being blindly optimistic, the INTJ will observe the potential negative outcomes and find ways to plan for it.
ENTJs are certainly positive people, but that does not mean they are blindly optimistic. Instead of allowing emotions to control them, ENTJs prefer to focus on the facts and information at hand. They are often very strategic people, and will assess the situation in order to find the best possible path forward. ENTJs are realistic people, but they also have a true passion for life and everything it has to offer. They know how to be focused and driven people, but at the same time they also know how to have fun.
INTPs are certainly not optimistic people, and if anything they are often cynical. INTPs are skilled at observing all of the various possibilities, which can cause them to be a bit negative about how things might turn out. Their ability to see the various possible outcomes of the future, can bring the INTP down a bit sometimes. They are capable of finding out exactly what could go wrong, but they are also skilled at planning ways around this. INTPs are realistic, which can sometimes cause them to be cynical minded people.
ENTPENTPs are an unusual combination of cynical and optimistic- which makes them very interesting people. They are often accepting of the way things are, and realize that they don’t have the let it bring them down. When the ENTP has people in their lives who care for them, it helps them to remain positive and hopeful about the future. They use their intelligence and passion as a way to help them remain optimistic about things. ENTPs do have moments of cynicism though, but they often use humor to deflect against their feelings.
ISTJs are certainly not optimistic people, but instead they are realistic. ISTJs prefer to see things how they are, instead of being blindly optimistic. They realize that things can go wrong, and would much rather prepare for those situations. ISTJs ability to research and understand things, helps them to plan for the future in an intelligent way. They are often positive about the future, but they want to plan things and prepare for the bad beforehand. Being prepared helps the ISTJ feel ready for whatever might come.
ESTJESTJs are often optimistic people, but at the same time they prefer to be prepared. When the ESTJ is capable of researching and preparing for the future, they feel extremely positive about it. They dislike walking into things without being ready for all of the negative possibilities, because they are fully aware that there are many things that could go wrong. ESTJs are certainly not pessimistic people, but they dislike being naïve in any situation.
ISTJs are actually surprisingly optimistic people, who are constantly hoping for the best. They can be a bit high stress though, and want to do what they can to prepare for things. ISFJs worry about their loved ones very much, and want to prepare for the worst at all times. When the ISFJ is capable of preparing for things, they will feel extremely optimistic for the future. They dislike dwelling on too much negativity, and want to keep harmony in their environment.
ESFJESFJs are often affected by their surroundings and the people closest to them. This causes the ESFJ to be pessimistic or optimistic, depending on the company that they keep. If the people in their lives truly need someone to be optimistic in order to help them, the ESFJ will become this person. They do whatever it takes to make their loved ones as happy as possible. ESFJs dislike feeling out of control, and want to ensure that things are taken care of. At their core ESFJs are hopeful people who are constantly trying to stay optimistic about the future.
ISTPs are often cynical and realistic people, who prefer to understand things fully. They do not want to be naively optimistic about the future, and instead would be aware of things ISTP realize that things can go wrong, but at the same time they are resign to this fact. They understand that life is all about the ups and down, and you simply have to take things as they come. ISTPs are certainly not optimistic people but they are not pessimistic either. Instead the ISTP is a realist, with a desire to enjoy the present moment.
ESTPESTPs are definitely not optimistic people, but instead of more realistic. They understand that life is not always going to be perfect, but they believe that they can achieve their goals. The ESTP often wants to take matters into their own hands in order to create a better future for themselves and their loved ones. Instead of just allowing things the happen, the ESTP will work hard to obtain what they want in life. They realize that things aren’t going to come their way if they don’t reach for their goals.
ISFPs are very optimistic people, who prefer to remain positive and at peace with their lives. They almost always believe that things will get better, even when they are experiencing dark times. The ISFP knows that if they remain positive, good things will come their way. They want to enjoy the present moment, instead of dwelling on the past or pushing too hard towards the future. ISFPs realize that life is about enjoying the moment, before it passes you by.
ESFPESFPs are extremely optimistic people, which can sometimes get them into trouble. They want to remain positive about the future, and dislike too much negativity. ESFPs can be the worst situation possible, and they will still try their hardest to remain optimistic. They might have moments where they feel down and simply want to cry to their loved ones- but the ESFP will never give up hope that things will get better. They often believe that things will change, and are constantly trying to be strong.
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here. Sign up for less than $70/week.who is this, what are they and who is a cynical person
Various types of personality are known. Some evoke positive emotions, while others attract negativity. The cynic belongs to the second option. But why then this type is still common in society? What causes a person to be cynical? Is there a rational grain in such an attitude to life? What are the benefits of cynicism, and what dangers does it hide? How difficult is it to communicate with such people? Can they be re-educated? How to determine these qualities in the interlocutor? More about all this. nine0003
Who is a cynic?
A cynic is a person who demonstratively disregards social, cultural or religious values, as well as moral norms and rules of conduct. There is no consensus in society regarding this type of people. Some see in the cynic a strong personality, witty and decisive, who sees human shortcomings and boldly condemns them. Others believe that a cynical person is an immoral type who is not able to feel, but only scoffs at everything that is dear to normal people. Let's try to figure out which of them is closer to the truth. nine0003
Describing the personality type of a cynic, the authors focus on the destructiveness of this concept. So, most readers who want to understand this topic, without long searches on the Internet, will read a couple of articles and decide that cynics are bad. But, if analyze his own life experience , it becomes clear that a cynical person is not so bad at all. To begin with, we will deal with the concept itself and the history of its occurrence.
Rebellion against social norms and routines has probably occurred since the dawn of mankind. It was not yet cynicism, in its modern sense. It's just that some people, due to the peculiarities of their temperament or character, were more difficult to get along with others. For the first time cynicism, as a mass phenomenon, appeared in ancient Greece, around the 4th-5th centuries BC. It was then that the thinker Antisthenes founded the philosophical school of the Cynics, who began the struggle against conventions. They welcomed the maximum simplification and naturalness of all spheres of life. The Romans apparently did not pronounce the letter “k” well, therefore they later renamed them cynics. nine0003
Take a temperament test
One of the brightest followers of cynicism was Diogenes of Sinop, remembered by his contemporaries and posterity for his unique way of life. The idea of him as a philosopher who lived in a barrel has firmly entered popular culture. Even as a philosophy, cynicism was in close contact with marginality, that is, the loss of a person from social relationships. This type of thinking in the XXI century pushes its owner to an asocial lifestyle. But this happens only in the case of a pronounced expression of cynicism. nine0003
Centuries passed, and gradually philosophical cynicism receded, leaving only a word that began to be called those who do not accept social norms. It is unlikely that modern homeless people or spiteful critics who denigrate any aspect of human relations feel involved in philosophy. But are people who show cynicism so wrong? To answer this question, it is necessary to understand the reasons that give rise to this type of worldview.
As a rule, cynics become in response to impunity or disappointment. nine0010 These are different options, respectively, and their "fruits" cannot be evaluated in the same way. In the first case we are talking about a feeling of permissiveness and self-confidence when egocentrism dominates. Representatives of the "golden youth" are considered a striking example of such cynics. They do not believe in the sincerity of others, revel in the power of parental money, do not give a damn about laws and regulations, realizing that in any situation they can pay off. Sometimes their behavior poses a threat to others. nine0003 The second option includes cynics who are simply disappointed in the justice of the world. The cynic is a rather heterogeneous character, distinguished by many varieties and related forms. First of all, we can talk about professional and household cynicism. The first is inherent in representatives of various specialties that are associated with great emotional stress. For example, employees of medicine, law enforcement agencies, the media, advocacy, sales, etc. In world culture, the image of Dr. House has become popular, which, being a first-class doctor, demonstrates an unbearable character and disrespect for his colleagues. For people like him, cynicism is a professional necessity, without which it is impossible to fulfill one's duties for a long time. Domestic cynics are people who carry distrust and immorality into their personal lives. They mock the feelings and rules of their family, neighbors, friends, casual conversationalists, or members of the opposite sex. The latter, as a rule, gets the most. Pass a personality test The expanded classification of cynics is as follows: If irony is one of the properties of a developed intellect, and rationality simply reflects the analytical mindset, then such cynics do nothing wrong. The most unpleasant interlocutors of turn out to be vulgar, ardent and malicious cynics, since they demonstrate obvious overkill. Vulgarity, as a rule, reflects the mental inferiority of a person, since below-the-belt jokes testify to the low intelligence of their author. Excessive cynicism repels interlocutors from a person, gradually making him lonely. Anger in general turns a person into an immoral individual prone to illegal actions. In the criminal legislation, there is even a special note about crimes committed with "exceptional cynicism." nine0003 Anger is also inherent in people who are prone to vandalism . A little closer to the cynic is the nihilist. This person denies any rules, laws and beliefs. Unlike the cynic, he tends to doubt the process of cognition, and not the moral aspects. The nihilist will rarely ridicule the feelings of another, but with enviable enthusiasm will argue with the statements of scientists, philosophers and enlighteners. nine0003 Another variety is considered teenage cynicism , which manifests itself as a kind of protest against the adult world. As a rule, this phenomenon occurs during puberty and personal maturation, when a teenager questions the ideals of the adult world. Do not think that a cynic teenager will necessarily be re-educated in his youth. It is unlikely that there will be an adult who will say “ cynic, who is ?”, because we meet such people every now and then. They attract attention with harsh humor, distrust of others and a dismissive attitude to generally accepted rules. At first, this is sympathetic, since such individuals seem strong and independent. But soon the opinion changes, because cynics very often "go too far", mocking those things that cause sympathy in other people. This is the main danger to which every cynic is exposed. Sooner or later he may be completely alone. We will talk more about the shortcomings of this type later. But, in fairness, consider the advantages of this type of thinking. nine0003 Take a self-esteem test If the cynic were an absolutely negative character, then most likely he would disappear in the process of social evolution. Thinking about who a cynic is, the meaning of this word is very often distorted. The common comb includes boors, criminals, vandals, outcasts, misanthropes and other asocial elements. But this is not always true. Of course, people involved in crime are distinguished by cynicism, but not every cynic is capable of committing a crime. Very often, this type of thinking arises in response to disappointment, as a psychological defense. nine0003 This is his first plus - immunity to false promises and ostentatious virtue. When a person ceases to be too trusting, it is more difficult to deceive him. The second plus is sincerity. A cynic can call a spade a spade and not waste time looking for the right words. The third advantage is fashion. The fact is that the image of a cynic is quite popular in society. Remember Dr. Bykov or House. Accordingly, those people who correspond to it often arouse interest and sympathy. The main disadvantage of cynics is that sooner or later sympathy is replaced by antipathy, since not everyone will want to endure their ridicule and neglect for a long time. Loneliness is a logical outcome for people with such a worldview. Moreover, cynics can set others against themselves, acquiring enemies and ill-wishers. In addition to purely social damage, people with this type of thinking also suffer psychologically, because they experience fewer emotions. They deprive themselves of romantic experiences, love and friendship. Always doubting and suspecting interlocutors, a cynic complicates communication. We will talk about how difficult it is to communicate with him in the next section. nine0003 Anyone who decides to engage in communication with a cynic should prepare in advance for possible "bonuses". Do not count on empathy from this person. It is also foolish to hope for trust and sincerity. At the same time, the cynic is quite convenient in terms of work and business. He “grounds” everything and tries to reduce it to profit. So, if communication with this person can be mutually beneficial, then the dialogue will suit everyone. This approach determines the business activity of a person, but complicates his personal life. Difficulties begin at an early age. Only an adult with a completely formed worldview can be considered a real cynic. Children and adolescents sometimes show this quality, but it is more of an adaptive character than characterizes their personality. Of course, naivety and gullibility are bad allies , but eternal skepticism and expectation of a dirty trick also complicate life. If a child behaves like a cynic, it is advisable to re-educate him. Show examples of sincere feelings and explain the meaning of following the rules. In the end, a person is a social being, therefore one cannot completely fall out of its framework. Of course, you need to have your own head, but this does not at all mean disregard for the feelings and values of others. A cynic is a person who evokes antipathy and pity at the same time. Of course, he behaves immorally, sometimes even boorishly. But the reasons for this behavior, as a rule, are hidden in deep psychological traumas. If they are not corrected in time, such people run the risk of being lonely, and before that they will have time to morally injure others. Pass a test for mental disorders Contents Each of us daily has to communicate and deal with a large number of people. Some of them leave a good impression. But there are also those, after meeting with whom you don’t want to meet again and have something in common. This article will focus on cynics , as well as what qualities such individuals possess. Cynicism is a character trait that manifests itself in indifference, arrogance, immoral behavior in society. It is very difficult to find a common language with such people, as they often behave arrogantly and too stubbornly. In some cases, even openly demonstrative neglect can be encountered. Cynics do not feel compassion for other people, they have no sense of shame, and such individuals can also ridicule the highest feelings , nobility, sympathy, etc. The main distinguishing feature of cynics is that they do not hide their negative feelings at all. They can easily be rude to a stranger without feeling any remorse. Such individuals tend to devalue the efforts of others, criticize, try to humiliate. In some cases, they even use people for their own mercantile purposes to get what they want. In psychology, there are classifications of cynics. Healthy cynicism has its upsides. Such individuals will always be able to stand up for themselves, assess the situation sensibly. Once you have encountered such a person, you are unlikely to want to see him again. This worldview becomes a defensive reaction for them. Unlike majors, such people are characterized by a certain mental disorder, which can progress, turning them into criminals or misanthropes (they hate others). Depending on the severity of cynicism, it is customary to talk about its various types, which we will consider in detail.
Types of cynics.
Just like normal representatives of this type of personality. They simply look deep into life situations, discarding unnecessary romanticization and rose-colored glasses. Greed cannot be called a good quality of a person, but in a modern pragmatic society, the desire for profit and enrichment has become a social norm, without much upsetting others. nine0003
Every vandal is distinguished by a disregard for values, but not every cynic will engage in vandalism. These concepts are related, but not identical. After all, cynicism involves not the perception of other people's values, but not their destruction. Whereas the vandal is engaged in physical abuse.
Infantilism can remain in 30 or 40 years. Men are more likely to be affected by this. There are more cynics among them than among women, although this type of personality is found among both sexes. nine0003
How to recognize a cynic?
Is it good or bad to be a cynic?
If this did not happen, then he must have strengths. Now we will discuss them.
Benefits of cynics.
The shortcomings of cynics.
How to deal with a cynic?
On the one hand, a cynic will not choose words, because he is not afraid to offend his interlocutor. On the other hand, he will not be sincere enough, since he is unlikely to trust anyone. Everything that does not sound in his direction will be questioned and ridiculed. So, any interlocutor should provide a number of arguments in favor of what has been said. nine0003
How to bring up a cynic?
The main question is “is it worth educating a person as a cynic at all?” Because this quality noticeably complicates his socialization. nine0003
Who is a cynic: types, signs, behaviors
What is cynicism?
They also achieve goals instead of just dreaming.
Depreciation of other people's feelings Causes of development of cynicism
Learn more