Cop personality type
Why do so many LEOs have a ‘Type A’ personality?
You must be a certain type of person – adventuresome, traditional, organized – to be drawn to a career in law enforcement.
By Megan Wells, Police1 Contributor
There is no question about it, Type A personalities are common in law enforcement. Type A tendencies can be good for the meticulous trade, but they can also mean major setbacks and limitations. What does it mean to be Type A, why is it so prevalent in public safety, and what implications comes along with Type A characteristics?
What are common traits of Type A personalities?
Personality types were first researched by Meyer Friedman, M.D. and R.H. Rosenman, M.D., who were trying to find a correlation between mental state and physical health.
Friedman and Rosenman monitored patients with heart conditions in a hospital waiting room. Unlike most patients, who waited patiently, some people seemed unable to sit in their seats for long. They tended to sit on the edge of their seats and stood up frequently. This observation began to outline the Type A personality.
Take the quiz: Are you Type A?
Since the Type A label was created, further research has defined what it means to be Type A. According to Simply Psychology, people with a Type A personality are typically:
- Competitive
- Self-critical
- Have high work involvement
- Extroverts
- Feel a constant sense of urgency
- Concerned with time management
- Organized
Do these traits sound familiar? It turns out Type A is relatively common among cops.
Type A and LEOs
There is little room for error in this profession, which is why a self-critical, competitive and organized person is the perfect fit for law enforcement. Police1 contributor Dr. Dorothy McCoy created a test to determine “Would you be a good cop ?” Many of the points on her list include Type A traits that are also common traits among good cops:
- Maintaining traditions
- Preferring rules and regulations
- Desiring continuity
- Seeing that things get done correctly over creatively
- Organized
Just because Type A traits can lead to “good cop” behavior, the personality isn’t always favorable. Those with Type A personalities put a lot of pressure on themselves, as well as on others, to follow the same degree of order and intensity. Too many employees within a department who have Type A personalities can lead to low morale, so it’s important to keep a balance to maintain a healthy work atmosphere.
Words of warning for Type A
A constant need for perfection and order means Type A traits can contribute to stress, making it a double-edged sword for this already stressful occupation. It’s not surprising that LEOs have an increased risk for stress-related health issues like high blood pressure. Running on high adrenaline in high-stress situations too frequently is unhealthy, and it’s important to find an outlet to help you cope with stress, such as yoga, running, meditating, fishing or camping.
Type A personalities are drawn to a career in law enforcement because the key traits are practically copied from a LEO’s job description. If you are Type A, it’s important to understand what positive and negative habits accompany your personality traits.
About the author
The Police1 Lifestyle content series is written for the off-duty police officer. Here you’ll find content on everything from the latest automotive and entertainment trends to tips and tricks for financial planning – all written from a police officer's perspective, with an eye toward what makes you unique even when you’re not on patrol.
MBTI Test | ESTJ Careers
Strong Interest Inventory® General Occupational Theme Code: Conventional, Realistic, Enterprising (CRE) (GOT)
Image courtesy of Stuart Miles at
Hammer (1996) writes that Extroverted-Sensing-Thinking-Judging (ESTJ) Myers-Briggs Type Indicator® (MBTI® test) personality types have strong analytical and organizational tendencies and can excel at using these characteristics to solve complex problems quickly and effectively. Myers-Briggs test ESTJs also tend to be decisive, and are capable of implementing best practices and procedures with ease. With this said, MBTI test ESTJ personality types are often well-fit for careers such as emergency vehicle dispatchers.
Emergency Vehicle dispatchers work in and operate call centers or computer interfaces at emergency response centers. When someone calls, they question the callers about the nature of their emergency, their location, and other issues that may determine the type and degree of response needed. Then, they contact the relevant emergency resources (e.g., fire, police, and ambulance) and instruct the responders about the situation and response needed. Finally, they record the details of any calls or messages received and generally store them in a computerized database. This may also involve retrieving or updating records on stolen vehicles, wanted persons, or other information about property damaged.
In order to complete these tasks, emergency vehicle dispatchers often use a variety of different tools and technologies. These may include automatic call distributors (ACD consoles), mainframe consoles, radio scanners, multiline telephone systems, two way radios, and others.
They also use a variety of different database user interface and query software (e.g., 911 system information databases; national crime information center databases, etc.), as well as word processing and web browser software. Emergency vehicle dispatchers also need to be comfortable working in customer and personal service, telecommunications, and need to have a baseline knowledge of public safety and security. With this knowledge, as well as communication in English and possibly other languages as well, they can effectively provide the assistance that others so badly need.
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While the position of a dispatcher is highly demanding and takes a great deal of thinking and analysis, the vast majority (over 75%) of dispatchers only hold a high school diploma. While some may have attended college, almost none hold a bachelor’s or associate’s degree of any kind. Nonetheless, dispatchers require a high attention to detail, great dependability, and the ability to tolerate highly stressful situations—in other words, skills that are impossible to teach. These talents innate to ESTJs make them ideal emergency vehicle dispatchers.
Below are some employment trends for Police, Fire, and Ambulance Dispatchers:
- Median wage: $20.
15 hourly, $41,910 annually
- Employment: 98,300 employees
- Projected growth (2018-2028): Average (4% to 6%)
- Projected job openings (2018-2028): 10,100
Visit Our MBTI® About Page and Our ESTJ Personality Type Page For Detailed Information on The ESTJ Personality Type
Visit Our Strong Interest Inventory® Resource Page To Learn About The (CRE) GOT
ESTJ Careers
Click on one of these corresponding popular ESTJ Careers for detailed information including Career Stats, Income Stats, Daily Tasks and Required Education: Auditor, Commercial Pilot, Computer-ATM-Office Machine Repairer, Construction Manager, Correctional Officer & Jailer, Criminal Investigator, Home Health Aide, Personal Financial Advisor, Police & Fire & Ambulance Dispatcher, Sheriff & Deputy Sheriff.
Explore Our ESTJ Blogs Pages:
Explore additional information that delves deeper into the ESTJ Personality Type by examining various personality and career based subjects:
- Myers-Briggs test ESTJ Personality Type and Innovation Styles Blog
- Myers-Briggs test ESTJ Personality Type and Project Management Blog
- Myers-Briggs test ESTJ Personality Type and Emotional Intelligence Blog
- Myers-Briggs test ESTJ Personality Type and Leadership Blog
- Myers-Briggs test ESTJ Personality Type and Communication Blog
Click on a link below to read more about different MBTI Personality Types
- Bureau of Labor Statistics wage data and 2012-2022 employment projections Onetonline.
- MBTI® Type Tables for Occupations, 2nd Edition. Schaubhut, N. & Thompson, R. (CPP, 2008)
- Introduction To Type and Careers, Hammer, A. (CPP, 1996)
Professional Deformation of Policemen – News – IQ Research and Education Portal – National Research University Higher School of Economics
Any profession leaves its mark on the personality of its owner. Service in the police is associated with constant risk, control and increased responsibility, which does not pass without a trace for the psyche of representatives of law enforcement agencies. Based on a study by scientists from the Northern (Arctic) Federal University, Yana Korneeva and Natalia Simonova, IQ talks about what professional deformation is and how it manifests itself in the police environment. The results of the study were published in the HSE journal Organizational Psychology.
What is professional deformation?
This is a phenomenon that is present in all professional circles. Scientists argue that with a long stay inside the profession, it is almost impossible to avoid changes in the structure of the personality. In Russian-language literature, this concept, as a designation of the negative impact of professional activity on a person, was introduced in 1921 by the sociologist Pitirim Sorokin.
There are different scientific approaches to the definition and description of the phenomenon of professional deformation. But, as a rule, it is associated with destructive consequences - up to the “burnout” of employees.
Representatives of what professions are most often subject to professional deformation?
Most often these are people working in professions such as "man-to-man". For example, teachers, doctors, psychologists and, of course, law enforcement officers.
Are there any classifications or typologies of occupational deformities?
Yes, of course. It is worth noting that there is a deformation of personality and deformation of activity. According to researchers Ewald Zeer and Elvira Symanyuk, occupational deformities can manifest themselves on the following four levels:
- General occupational deformities (typical for the profession). For example, law enforcement officials develop a syndrome of “asocial perception”, when each person is perceived as a potential offender, and leaders develop a “permissiveness” syndrome, which is expressed in violation of professional and ethical standards, manipulation of subordinates, use of office for personal purposes.
- Special professional deformations (arising in the process of specialization in a profession). For example, an investigator has legal suspicion, a lawyer has professional resourcefulness, and a prosecutor has excessive accusations.
- Occupational typological deformations. They are due to the imposition of individual psychological characteristics of the personality - temperament, abilities, character - on the psychological structure of activity.
- Individualized deformities. In the process of many years of being in the profession, the psychological merging of the personality and professional duties, both individual professionally important qualities and professionally undesirable ones develop excessively, which leads to the emergence of "super qualities" or accentuations. For example, scrupulousness, hyperactivity, workaholism, over-responsibility.
Professional deformation of policemen - a special topic for science?
Yes, this is one of the topics that is under close attention of psychologists and sociologists. The police environment is special in terms of the impact on the psyche and character of those who work in it. At the same time, law enforcement officers are endowed with great power and responsibility - often for the immediate safety of life and human destinies. Therefore, it is especially important to understand what happens to the personality of law enforcement officers during the service.
And what happens? What do the studies say about this?
For example, excessive suspicion may appear. Sociologist Robert W. Balch writes that a good cop suspects evil in any place. Other characteristics of police officers, according to Balch, are cynicism, prejudice, distrust of the unusual.
There are, of course, positive signs inherent in the subculture of the police. As Steve McCartney and Rick Parent put it, it's camaraderie, empathy, teamwork, loyalty. But along with them is authoritarianism, a high level of conservatism, a narrow outlook, and prejudices.
Scientists also note that policemen are characterized by such personality characteristics as egocentrism and aloofness. Research by Jerome H. Skolnick shows that a sense of power separates a police officer and simultaneously creates a sense of isolation. An “us versus them” mentality is formed, reinforced by the experience of solidarity with fellow officers.
Is there a national or country-specific professional deformation of police officers?
Yes, there are studies that show that the characteristics of police officers may differ from country to country. So in one of the works they compared the American and British police. American officers scored high on the scales of demonstrativeness and dominance. And the recruits from the English police were distinguished by a high level of aggression.
Is it true that police officers can take on the traits of those they work with - delinquents and criminals? Is this backed up by science?
Behavioral transfer is one of the most common types of professional deformation. He is often seen among the police. In this case, the proverb justifies itself: “Whoever you behave with, you will gain from that.” That is, the policeman begins to show behavioral signs that are characteristic of the offenders with whom he works - slang words, obscene expressions, aggressiveness, tricks, manners, and even appearance.
What types of professional deformation are typical for Russian police officers?
Researchers Ewald Zeer and Elvira Symanyuk single out the following types of professional deformation characteristic of Russian law enforcement officers: humiliation of human dignity, loss of sensitivity to human grief.
Job deformation due to authority: a feeling of unlimited power, the desire to suppress the will, humiliate the dignity of another person, intolerance for the opinions of others and criticism, servility, servility.
Deprivational deformation is expressed in the replacement of unsatisfied needs by others, when, for example, material (financial) or antisocial values take the place of spiritual values.
Is there any data on how high the level of various types of professional deformation among police officers in Russia is?
A recent study by scientists from the Northern (Arctic) Federal University. M.V. Lomonosov showed that in most police officers the severity of various types of professional personality deformation is moderate and is in the range from 25% to 75% of the maximum possible values when measured using psychological tests. Overcontrol and conservatism are relatively high among policemen. This, as the researchers note, is due to the specifics of official activities, during which they need to restrain their feelings and follow instructions.
How was this study done?
It was attended by 70 employees of the internal affairs bodies of Arkhangelsk, claiming to be included in the personnel reserve. In their work, the authors used a classification of 7 types of occupational deformity based on past research. In addition to overcontrol and conservatism, the levels of authoritarianism, professional aggression, behavioral transfer, irresponsibility, and anxiety were also measured.
So, conservatism and overcontrol have high values, and what types of deformation have the lowest values?
Lower values were found on scales of anxiety and irresponsibility. This, as the authors suggest, is due to the high level of individual responsibility for work. And, probably, police officers are able to cope with anxiety (however, it is not clear from the work by what means), since its high level can lead to a sharp decrease in performance and entail disciplinary sanctions.
Is there a connection between the specifics of the work of a police officer and the characteristics of professional deformation?
A study by scientists from Arkhangelsk showed that there is. Police officers involved in the investigation and detection of crimes (for example, investigators) have higher indicators for such types of professional deformation as professional aggression and behavioral transfer compared to police officers involved in preventive work (district officers). The latter, as the authors note, judging by the results obtained, are better able to control their emotional state, do not succumb to provocations and do not provoke conflict situations themselves.
Is there a relationship between occupational strain and police performance?
Yes, the results of the study confirmed this. If the police officers feel unsuccessful in their work, then they have higher rates of professional deformation on such scales as professional aggression, behavioral transfer, conservatism, and anxiety. They are less satisfied with their work activities, more often conflict with citizens and colleagues, go to work without desire, and experience impotence after it.
In a special risk zone, according to scientists, are police officers with reduced efficiency from the departments of investigation and detection of crimes. They have the highest expression of professional aggression. “Employees of this group may have reduced self-criticism and the ability to constructively resolve conflict situations, as well as emotional instability, there is no desire to take into account the interests of others, they tend to use various types of violence,” the authors note. As a result, we can talk about a violation of the integrity of the personality itself and a negative impact on other people.
Text author: Selina Marina Vladimirovna, January 20, 2021
All materials of the author
Psychology File cabinets
Areas of activity and duties of the police - Open Police
Main areas of police activity:
1) protection of the individual, society, state from unlawful encroachments;
2) prevention and suppression of crimes and administrative offenses;
3) detecting and solving crimes, carrying out investigations in criminal cases;
4) search for persons;
5) proceedings on cases of administrative offenses, execution of administrative penalties;
6) ensuring law and order in public places;
7) ensuring traffic safety;
8) control over compliance with the legislation of the Russian Federation in the field of arms circulation;
9) monitoring compliance with the legislation of the Russian Federation in the field of private detective (detective) and security activities;
10) protection of property and facilities, including on a contractual basis;
11) state protection of victims, witnesses and other participants in criminal proceedings, judges, prosecutors, investigators, officials of law enforcement and regulatory bodies, as well as other protected persons;
12) implementation of forensic activities.
By decision of the President of the Russian Federation, police officers may participate in activities to maintain or restore international peace and security.
(From Article 2 of the Law “On Police”)
The following duties are assigned to the police:
1) receive and register (including in electronic form) applications and reports on crimes, administrative offenses, incidents; issue to applicants, on the basis of personal appeals, notifications of the receipt and registration of their written statements about crimes, administrative offenses, and incidents; carry out, in accordance with jurisdiction, verification of applications and reports on crimes, administrative offenses, incidents and take measures on such applications and reports provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation, inform applicants about the progress of consideration of such applications and reports within the time limits established by the legislation of the Russian Federation, but at least once a month; transfer (send) statements and reports about crimes, administrative offenses, incidents to state and municipal bodies, organizations or an official whose competence includes the resolution of relevant issues, with notification of this within 24 hours of the applicant; inform the relevant state and municipal bodies, organizations and officials of these bodies and organizations about the facts that have become known to the police, requiring their prompt response;
2) arrive immediately at the scene of a crime, administrative offense, scene of an incident, stop illegal acts, eliminate threats to the safety of citizens and public safety, document the circumstances of the commission of a crime, administrative offense, circumstances of an incident, ensure the safety of traces of a crime, administrative offense, incident;
3) provide first aid to persons who have suffered from crimes, administrative offenses and accidents, as well as to persons who are in a helpless state or in a state dangerous to their life and health, if specialized assistance cannot be received by them in a timely manner or is not available;
4) identify the causes of crimes and administrative offenses and the conditions conducive to their commission, take measures to eliminate them within their powers; identify persons who intend to commit a crime and conduct individual preventive work with them; participate in the prevention of neglect and juvenile delinquency; participate in the promotion of legal knowledge;
5) ensure the safety of citizens and public order in the streets, squares, stadiums, public gardens, parks, highways, railway stations, airports, sea and river ports and other public places;
6) ensure, together with representatives of the executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, local governments and organizers of meetings, rallies, demonstrations, processions and other public events (hereinafter referred to as public events), the safety of citizens and public order, provide in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation assistance to the organizers of sports, entertainment and other mass events (hereinafter referred to as mass events) in ensuring the safety of citizens and public order in the venues of these events;
7) in emergency situations, take urgent measures to save citizens, protect property left unattended, and in these conditions contribute to the uninterrupted work of rescue services; ensure public order during quarantine measures during epidemics and epizootics;
8) in accordance with the investigative jurisdiction established by the criminal procedural legislation of the Russian Federation, initiate criminal cases, conduct an inquiry in criminal cases, the conduct of a preliminary investigation of which is optional; carry out urgent investigative actions in criminal cases, the production of a preliminary investigation for which is mandatory;
9) execute, within the limits of their authority, decisions of the court (judge), written instructions of the investigator, the head of the investigative body, the body of inquiry on the performance of certain investigative actions, the conduct of operational-search measures, the detention of persons suspected and accused of committing crimes, on the production of other procedural actions, assist in their implementation;
10) carry out operational-investigative activities in order to detect, prevent, suppress and solve crimes, ensure their own security, as well as for other purposes provided for by federal law;
11) suppress administrative offenses and carry out proceedings on cases of administrative offenses referred by the legislation on administrative offenses to the jurisdiction of the police;
12) search for persons who have committed crimes or those suspected and accused of committing them; persons hiding from the bodies of inquiry, investigation or court; minors who arbitrarily left families or specialized institutions for minors in need of social rehabilitation; minors who arbitrarily left special educational and educational institutions of a closed type of the education management body; persons evading the execution of compulsory measures of a medical nature or compulsory measures of educational influence assigned to them by the court; persons evading involuntary hospitalization ordered by the court due to the presence of a mental disorder; missing persons; search for stolen property; establish property subject to confiscation;
in the implementation of the search and detention of persons who have escaped from custody, persons who evade serving a criminal sentence, from receiving an order to send them to the place of serving the sentence, or who did not arrive at the place of serving the sentence within the period established in the specified order; in ensuring the safety of citizens and public order when introducing a regime of special conditions in a correctional institution in accordance with the penitentiary legislation of the Russian Federation; inform the administration of the correctional institution about the extension of the term for the return of the convict to the correctional institution, if such an extension was carried out in accordance with Article 97 of the Criminal Executive Code of the Russian Federation;
14) contain, protect, escort persons detained and (or) taken into custody, who are in temporary detention centers of suspected and accused persons of internal affairs bodies, as well as persons subjected to administrative punishment in the form of administrative arrest; execute decisions of the court (judge) on the deprivation of the right to drive a vehicle, on the reimbursable seizure or confiscation of weapons and ammunition, on the placement of juvenile offenders in special educational and educational institutions of a closed type of the education authority;
15) take measures to identify persons who, due to health, age or other reasons, cannot provide information about themselves, as well as measures to identify unidentified corpses;
16) take, in accordance with federal law, measures aimed at preventing, detecting and suppressing extremist activities of public associations, religious and other organizations, citizens;
17) participate in measures to counter terrorism and to ensure the legal regime of the counter-terrorist operation, as well as to ensure the protection of potential objects of terrorist attacks and places of mass stay of citizens, in conducting an expert assessment of the state of anti-terrorist protection and security of objects;
18) to carry out, in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, examinations in criminal cases and cases of administrative offenses, as well as research on the materials of operational-search activities;
19) carry out state control (supervision) over compliance with rules, standards, technical norms and other requirements of regulatory documents in the field of road safety, as well as over the activities of organizations conducting mandatory technical inspection of motor vehicles and trailers for them; regulate traffic; draw up documents on a traffic accident; carry out state accounting of the main indicators of the state of road safety; take exams for the right to drive motor vehicles, trams, trolleybuses and issue driver's licenses; register, in the manner prescribed by the legislation of the Russian Federation, motor vehicles and trailers for them and issue, in established cases, certificates of their admission to the transportation of dangerous goods; carry out, on the grounds and in the manner provided for by the Government of the Russian Federation, the escort of vehicles; coordinate the routes of vehicles transporting oversized cargo, and in cases established by the legislation of the Russian Federation - heavy cargo;
20) issue licenses to citizens and organizations, if there are grounds provided for by federal law, for the acquisition of civilian and service weapons; licenses to carry out activities for the sale of weapons and the main parts of firearms and cartridges for it; licenses for exposing and (or) collecting weapons, main parts of firearms and cartridges for them; permits for the storage or storage and carrying of civilian and service weapons, for the storage and carrying of award weapons, for transportation, import into the territory of the Russian Federation and export from the territory of the Russian Federation of the said weapon and cartridges for it; permits for the storage and use or storage and carrying of certain types and models of combat small arms and service weapons received for temporary use by the police; keep records of weapons and cartridges for them in accordance with federal law;
circulation of weapons; to carry out control firing of weapons with a rifled barrel;
22) to carry out in accordance with the established procedure the acceptance, storage and destruction of seized, voluntarily surrendered and found firearms, gas, cold steel and other weapons, ammunition, ammunition for weapons, explosive devices, explosives, as well as the acceptance, storage and destruction of seized, voluntarily surrendered and found narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances and their precursors;
23) to issue licenses to carry out private detective (detective) activities and to carry out security activities, if there are grounds provided for by federal law; issue certificates of the established form to confirm the legal status of a private detective and the legal status of a private security guard; take qualification exams for private security guards and persons applying for a private security guard certificate; conduct periodic checks of private security guards and employees of legal entities with special statutory tasks for suitability for action in conditions associated with the use of firearms and special means;
24) exercise control over the activities of private detectives and private security organizations, as well as participate in monitoring the activities of educational institutions that provide professional training and advanced training for private detectives and employees of private security organizations, in compliance with the requirements and conditions established by the legislation of the Russian Federation ;
25) protect on a contractual basis the property of citizens and organizations, as well as objects subject to mandatory protection by the police in accordance with the list approved by the Government of the Russian Federation; ensure prompt response to messages about the actuation of fire and security alarms at the objects connected to the centralized monitoring consoles, the protection of which is carried out with the help of technical means of protection; carry out, in accordance with the procedure established by the Government of the Russian Federation, inspections of security units of legal entities with special statutory tasks and departmental security units, unless a different procedure is established by federal law; ensure, in cooperation with federal security service bodies in the manner established by the Government of the Russian Federation, the protection of diplomatic missions, consular offices, other official representations of foreign states, representative offices of international organizations, if such protection is provided for by international treaties of the Russian Federation;
26) exercise control (supervision) over the observance by persons released from places of deprivation of liberty of the prohibitions and restrictions established for them by the court in accordance with federal law; participate in monitoring the behavior of convicts who have been sentenced to a sentence not related to deprivation of liberty, or a sentence in the form of deprivation of liberty on probation;
27) carry out state fingerprint registration and state genomic registration in accordance with federal law;
28) carry out, in accordance with federal law, state protection of victims, witnesses and other participants in criminal proceedings, judges, prosecutors, investigators, officials of law enforcement and regulatory agencies, as well as other protected persons;
29) participate in ensuring the regime of martial law and the state of emergency in the event of their introduction on the territory of the Russian Federation or in its individual areas;
30) assist the border agencies of the federal security service in carrying out measures to protect the State Border of the Russian Federation, participate in monitoring compliance with the border regime, provide, on the proposals of the border agencies of the federal security service, temporary restriction or prohibition of access of citizens to certain areas of the terrain or objects near the State Border of the Russian Federation during border searches and operations, when repulsing armed incursions into the territory of the Russian Federation or when preventing illegal mass crossings of the State Border of the Russian Federation;
31) to take measures in accordance with federal law to suppress during election campaigns, during the preparation and conduct of referendums, election campaigning contrary to the law, campaigning on referendum issues, to inform election commissions, referendum commissions about the facts of detected violations and measures taken in connection with this ; provide, at the request of election commissions, referendum commissions, information on the presence of an unexpunged or outstanding conviction of persons who are candidates for the position of the President of the Russian Federation, candidates for deputies of legislative (representative) bodies of state power, candidates for elected positions of local self-government; to guard the premises where ballot papers for voting in elections, referendums are stored; participate in ensuring the security of citizens and public order in the polling stations and in the territories around them; provide other assistance at the request of election commissions, referendum commissions in order to ensure the unhindered exercise by these commissions of the powers vested in them by federal law;
32) participate in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation in ensuring aviation security in the field of civil aviation; to protect, in the manner established by the Government of the Russian Federation, airports and their infrastructure facilities; make conclusions on the possibility of admission to work in the aviation security service in cases where this work is associated with objects that pose an increased danger to the life and health of citizens, as well as to the environment;
33) participate in the exercise of control over compliance by citizens of the Russian Federation and officials with the procedure for registering and deregistering citizens of the Russian Federation at the place of stay and at the place of residence within the Russian Federation, as well as compliance by foreign citizens and stateless persons with the procedure for temporary or permanent residence, temporary stay in the Russian Federation , entry into the Russian Federation, exit from the Russian Federation and transit through the territory of the Russian Federation;
34) send materials to the tax authority for a decision to be made on them when circumstances are identified that require the performance of actions referred by the Tax Code of the Russian Federation to the powers of the tax authorities of the Russian Federation, within ten days from the date of detection of these circumstances;
35) to assist health authorities in delivering to medical organizations, by court decision, persons who evade the appearance on a call to these organizations; participate, together with the health authorities, in the cases and in the manner prescribed by the legislation of the Russian Federation, in monitoring persons suffering from mental disorders, those suffering from alcoholism or drug addiction and representing a danger to others, in order to prevent them from committing crimes and administrative offenses; assist medical workers in the implementation of court-ordered involuntary hospitalization of persons in medical organizations, as well as provide medical workers with safe conditions for access to these persons and their examination;
36) assist state and municipal authorities, deputies of legislative (representative) bodies of state power, deputies of representative bodies of municipalities, registered candidates for the position of the President of the Russian Federation, registered candidates for deputies of legislative (representative) bodies of state power, candidates for elected positions local self-government, officials, members of election commissions, referendum commissions, representatives of public associations and organizations in the exercise of their lawful activities, if they are opposed or threatened; inform the highest officials of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation (heads of the highest executive bodies of state power of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation) and elected officials of local self-government (heads of municipalities) about the state of law and order in the relevant territory;
37) seize from citizens and officials documents that have signs of forgery, as well as things withdrawn from civil circulation or limited circulation, which are in their possession without special permission, drawing up a protocol and handing a copy of it to the specified citizens and officials;
38) ensure the safety of documents, things, treasures, valuables and other property found and handed over to the police, their return to their rightful owners or transfer to the appropriate state or municipal authorities.