Concerta dose too low symptoms

Titration and Signs of High or Low Doses – Frida

How is your initial dose of ADHD medication determined?

Doctors will use a combination of prescribing guidelines and personal experience to decide which dose of ADHD medications to start you on. Individual factors are also considered when choosing your initial dose, such as:

What is medication titration?

Titrating medication means changing the dose slowly over time to see how your body reacts to the drugs. In most cases, your doctor will start you with a low dose and increase your dosage every couple of weeks until you reach your “target dose.” A target dose means that you’re getting the most therapeutic effects with the fewest side effects. Medications can also be titrated down. 

Factors affecting medication titration

The way your body responds to the most common ADHD medications (stimulants) has more to do with factors like metabolism, medication history, and severity of symptoms than it does with your height or weight.  

To find your target dose, titrating can be done with any ADHD medication, including non-stimulants. Since ADHD medications are taken long-term, the goal is always to reduce the number of side effects and take the lowest dose possible for therapeutic benefits. 

What is monitored during the titration process

During the titration process, your doctor will start you on an initial lower dose and check in every week to talk about side effects and benefits in order to guide the next dosing decision. 

During this process, you and your doctors will discuss whether the dosage is:

  • Not giving enough therapeutic benefits: Your symptoms don’t feel sufficiently reduced

  • Too many side effects: The side effects are severe or outweigh any benefits

  • Over-responding: The symptoms control is overboard, and you no longer feel like yourself

When a medication isn’t getting the desired results after two to six weeks of titrating, your doctor may choose to switch medications and go through the process again.  

Signs your ADHD medication is too high

Depending on your medication, the most common sign that your medication is too high is when you begin to experience significant, severe, or debilitating side effects that don’t subside after a week. When assessing the severity of your side effects, ask yourself questions like “do the benefits of this medication outweigh the side effects?” and “on a scale of 1 to 10, how bad are these side effects?” (1 being “no problem” and 10 being “these are absolutely awful and debilitating”). In general, side effects should be mild. 

Common signs stimulant medication is dosed too high

Common stimulants include Vyvanse, Adderall, Ritalin, and Concerta. Visit the following guide for a list of all ADHD stimulants.

  • Significantly increased anxiety or depression

  • Feeling “too wired”, especially into the evening

  • Severe Insomnia

  • New tics

  • Extreme irritability or agitation 

  • Hallucinations

  • No appetite and significant weight loss

  • No longer feel like yourself, “sparkle” is gone

Common signs non-stimulant medication is dosed too high

Common non-stimulants include Strattera and Qelbree. Visit the following guide for a list of all ADHD non-stimulants.

  • Extreme fatigue (zombie-like)

  • Severe gastrointestinal upset 

  • Significant constipation

  • Rapid pulse

Always talk to your doctor about your side effects before discontinuing your medication. Sometimes your side effects may feel extreme, but they are temporary and within the normal range. You can also call your pharmacy to discuss the normal range of side effects if your doctor is unavailable. 

Signs your ADHD medication is too low

Medication that is dosed too low is generally ineffective at controlling your symptoms. If you’ve never been on medication before, you might feel uncertain about what “symptom control” actually feels like. In addition to working with your doctor, you can take ADHD self-assessments to help you determine how much your symptoms are improving.

Common signs stimulant medication is dosed too low

  • Difficulty paying attention or focusing

  • Only getting symptom relief for a brief period (talk to your doctor about symptom relief expectations or check out medication durations here)

  • Having difficulties with impulse control

  • Getting easily distracted

  • Feeling hyperactive or “on the go” 

Common signs non-stimulant medication is dosed too low

  • Difficulty paying attention and avoiding distractions

  • Feeling hyperactive or “on the go” 

  • No significant symptom relief after two weeks on medication

Symptoms of ADHD that aren’t affected by medication

Even with an effective medication at an ideal dose, you may still have some symptoms of ADHD. The symptoms of ADHD that aren’t really influenced by medication include:

Am I taking the right ADHD medication?

Sometimes even the most popular ADHD medications don’t work well for a particular person. A medication being determined “not ideal” occurs after you and your doctor have worked to find a target dose, and you are still either feeling symptoms of ADHD or experiencing too many side effects. 

In these cases, it may be something about the formulation that doesn’t jive well with you. There are now over 30 ADHD medications available, so don’t worry if the first one isn’t ideal– you have plenty of options. It’s also perfectly normal to stop or change medications over time for a variety of reasons. The most important thing is to find what works best for you and your health. 

How to get a prescription for ADHD medication

To get a prescription of ADHD medication, you will first need to be seen by a healthcare provider who can assess and diagnose your ADHD.   You will then work with your provider to begin a treatment plan which may include medications for ADHD. 

If you want to talk to a professional about which ADHD meds are best for you, Frida can help. Take our ADHD self-assessment today and learn more about how the experts at Frida can guide you through a diagnosis and get you a treatment plan with medications delivered right to your door.

Problems with Sleep, Appetite, Tics

The right ADHD medication can make life much easier for children and adults who have attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD or ADD). But ADHD medications can also make things worse and cause severe side effects, including headaches, sleep problems, and a blunted appetite.

Some people (including more than a few doctors) seem to assume that ADHD medication side effects are merely the price to pay for taking a prescription. I couldn’t disagree more. No one should have to put up with side effects of ADHD meds. Often, a simple adjustment in the way a medication is used is all it takes to remedy the problem.

In this article, I’ll explain the strategies that I’ve found particularly effective at controlling ADHD medication side effects in children — which, by the way, also work for adults with ADHD. Try the strategies with your own child, or yourself. Tell your doctor what you are doing — to see what additional help he or she can provide.

What Are the ADHD Medication Side Effects for Stimulants?

Methylphenidate (Ritalin), dextro-amphetamine (Dexedrine, Evekeo), and dextro-amphetamine/levo-amphetamine (Adderall, Adzenys) have similar side-effect profiles, and the strategies that curb side effects for one medication generally work for the other two, as well.

Side Effect: Loss of Appetite

Along with difficulty falling asleep at night (see below), loss of appetite is the most common side effect of stimulant meds. This problem often clears up on its own within a few weeks, so I usually recommend a wait-and-see approach. If the problem persists, don’t delay taking action — especially if the appetite loss is severe enough to trigger decrease in total body mass, or, in a growing child, failure to grow appropriately.

[Get This Free Resource: A Parent’s Guide to ADHD Medications]

First, observe your child’s eating patterns. Breakfast often goes well because the first dose of the day hasn’t yet kicked in. Lunch is likely to be a lost cause, nutrition-wise. Ditto for dinner. Your child probably becomes very hungry around 8:00 p.m., when the evening dose wears off.

There may be little you can do to boost your child’s appetite in the middle of the day (when medication is at maximum effectiveness). So instead of worrying about what gets eaten at lunch, create nutritional “windows of opportunity” at other times of the day.

For example, get a good, healthful breakfast into your child before the first dose of the day kicks in. Hold off on the 4:00 p.m. dose until 5:00 or 6:00 p.m. (During this time, you’ll have to provide more structure and supervision — and don’t expect homework to be done.) Your child’s appetite may return in time for dinner. Then give the third dose.

Does your child eat lots of sweets? If so, getting him to cut back should boost his appetite for more nutritious fare.

[Read: The Sugar Wars: How Food Impacts ADHD Symptoms]

Another way to make sure your child is getting adequate nutrition is to offer a food supplement drink instead of nutritionally empty snacks — or in place of a meal that is likely to go uneaten. These tasty beverages, such as Pediasure and Ensure, come in different flavors. They can be made into milk shakes or frozen to make pops.

If these approaches don’t work, ask your doctor about trying a different stimulant. For reasons that remain poorly understood, some children who experience a loss of appetite while taking one stimulant medication experience no such loss on another.

If switching stimulants doesn’t help, ask your doctor about moving on to a non-stimulant.

Side Effect: Sleeplessness

For some kids, difficulty falling asleep is truly a side effect of stimulant medication. But other kids are kept awake at night by a lack of medication. That is, once the last dose of the day wears off, these children return to “being” ADHD. They feel restless, hear every sound, and find it impossible to “turn off” their brain.

There’s no easy way to tell which of these scenarios explains your child’s sleep problem. To find out, you’ll have to do a little trial-and-error: Pick an evening when sleeplessness is unlikely to prove disastrous (that is, when your child can sleep late the following morning). Have your child take an additional dose of her usual stimulant around 8:00 p.m.

If your child goes right to sleep, it’s a safe bet that her sleeplessness has been caused by a lack of medication. You should be able to remedy this problem simply by continuing with the extra evening dose.

Sometimes even the stimulant medications are not strong enough to overcome the severe restlessness that sometimes comes with ADHD.  The standard response when this happens is to directly lower the hyperarousal component of ADHD using medications called alpha agonists.  The medications guanfacine and clonidine are FDA-approved to lower the hyper-active component of ADHD and can be very effective for both hyperarousal during the day and sleep problems at night. Talk with your clinician about whether a trial on an alpha agonist might be helpful.

What if the sleep problem persists? See what happens if you reduce the 4:00 p.m. dose or give it up entirely. Of course, this might cause your child’s ADHD symptoms to flare up in the evening. If so, ask the doctor about trying a non-stimulant medication.

Some people with ADHD have a paradoxical or reverse response to stimulant medications.  Instead of being further revved up, the stimulant medications shut off the mental and physical restlessness caused by ADHD and allow normal sleep.  Many ADHD clinicians suggest a trial after the optimal dose of medication by asking the patient to nap about 30 minutes later.  People with ADHD who cannot normally nap during the day may find that stimulant medication turns off the chatter in their heads and allows them to fall asleep. For these patients, it is clear that the ADHD medication helps with ADHD-based sleep problems rather than making sleep more difficult. The person may still have difficulty with sleep, but the cause is not the stimulant medication.

Side Effect: Stomachaches or Headaches

No one knows why stimulants cause these problems in some children and adults. But often it’s helpful if the patient eats something before taking the pill. If the problem persists, it may be necessary to try a non-stimulant medication.

Side Effect: Tics

These sudden, involuntary muscular contractions typically involve the eyes, face, mouth, neck, or shoulders. If the muscles in the throat are involved, the tic might cause sniffing, humming, or coughing. In many cases, children start experiencing tics shortly after starting on a particular medication.

The medication that is the most potent trigger for tics is not an ADHD stimulant, but rather caffeine.  If a tic develops, many clinicians do nothing for two weeks since the natural history of tics is to come and go on a 2-week cycle. During that two weeks caffeine is removed from the diet (coffee, tea, energy drinks, No-Doz, etc. ).  More than half of people will lose their tics.  If dietary manipulation is not successful, a trial on clonidine that is FDA-approved for both ADHD and tics can often lower the tic to the point that it is no longer disruptive or embarrassing.

If tics continue, stop the medication and try another one. In most cases, the tics will go away within several weeks. If there is a family history of tic disorder, however, the tics may not go away. (That’s why doctors generally avoid giving stimulant meds to kids with a family history of tics.)

Side Effect: Emotional Problems

When the dosage is too high, stimulants can cause children or even adults to seem “spacey” or “zombie-like,” or to be uncharacteristically tearful or irritable (a condition known as emotional lability). In general, the best way to rein in these side effects is simply to lower the dosage.

If reducing the dosage causes your or your child’s ADHD symptoms to reemerge, ask your doctor about trying another stimulant; just because one stimulant causes emotional problems doesn’t mean that others will. If all stimulants cause problems, you’ll have to move on to a non-stimulant.

Side Effect: Rebound

Some children experience 30 to 60 minutes of hyperactivity, impulsivity, and nonstop talking a half hour or so after the last dose of the day wears off. You may be able to avoid this problem by reducing this last dose.

Another helpful strategy is to add another short-acting dose to the regimen at 4:00 or 8:00 p.m. If this additional evening dose fails to help — or if it causes sleep problems — it’s probably best to switch your child to a non-stimulant medication.

Side Effect: Anxiety/Depression

25 studies of childhood comorbidity of ADHD and anxiety showed that anxiety improved when a stimulant to treat the ADHD was added.  Stimulants are similarly added to augment treatment for depression in some cases.  In some cases, however, stimulants may worsen mania and that of a psychosis of unknown etiology in which case stimulant medication should be stopped.

What Are the Side Effects of ADHD Non-Stimulant Medications?

If stimulants cannot be used because their side effects prove uncontrollable, consider using one of the non-stimulant medications. Some patients experience side effects on both stimulants and non-stimulants. In this case, combining much smaller doses of a stimulant and a non-stimulant might be the solution.

Tricyclic Antidepressants

Along with bupropion (Wellbutrin), three tricyclics are used to treat ADHD: Imipramine (Tofranil), desipramine (Norpramine), and nortriptyline (Pamelor). However, the effect size for these medications is barely detectable and for this and the high side effect burden described below these medications are not optimum for ADHD treatment.

Fatigue is the most frequent side effect of these four drugs. Fortunately, this problem typically diminishes over the first several weeks. If not, ask your doctor about reducing the daily dosage, or dividing one large dose into three smaller doses — one to be taken in the morning, another at about 4:00 p.m., and the third at bedtime. If divided doses don’t help, your doctor may wish to prescribe another tricyclic.

Bupropion and the tricyclics can also cause constipation, dry mouth, or blurred vision. These “cholinergic” effects often respond to symptomatic treatment. That is, eating high-fiber foods or taking a fiber supplement might eliminate constipation, throat lozenges might help moisten a dry mouth, and so on.

If these approaches fail, try another medication. Unlike the stimulant medications, tricyclic medications must be tapered off slowly. Stopping abruptly can cause aches and other flu-like symptoms.

Very rarely, these medications cause the patient to wake up at 4:00 to 5:00 a.m. and be unable to go back to sleep. If reducing the evening dose or giving it a bit earlier fails to ease this “early morning wakefulness,” try another non-stimulant medication.

In some children, tricyclics can affect brain wave activity. If your child has a seizure disorder, a tricyclic might exacerbate the problem. Discuss this matter with your doctor before starting your child on a tricyclic.

Tricyclics have also been known to affect the electrical conduction pattern within the heart, triggering a rapid pulse. The Am Acad. of Pediatrics recommends that a child have an ECG before starting a Tricyclic Antidepressant and another ECG one month after achieving a steady blood level.  If you are concerned, discuss this with your family doctor.

Alph agonists

The blood-pressure drugs clonidine (Catepres) and guanfacine (Tenex) help control impulsivity in certain people with ADHD.  The alpha agonists compliment the stimulants and are usually added to a finely tuned stimulant rather tha used as a stand-alone medication. The alpha agonists lowering hyperarousal that is manifested both in physical behavior and in the mental hyperarousal that is experienced as having multiple simultaneous thought constantly.  Finally, they can also be very effective for emotional over-reaction and vulnerability to rejection and criticism.

However, these alpha agonists can cause daytime sedation. If this occurs, reducing the dose or spreading it out over the day may solve the problem. If not, ask your doctor about trying another non-stimulant medication.

Atomoxetine (Strattera)

It can cause stomachaches, decreased appetite, nausea, vomiting, dizziness, fatigue, and mood swings. These problems often go away over time. If not, try lowering the dosage or replacing a once-a-day dosing regimen with several smaller doses during the day.

If these steps fail, try a different non-stimulant medication.

Side Effects of ADHD Medication: Next Steps

  • Download: Take Charge of Your Child’s Medication
  • Watch: 5 Common Side Effects of ADHD Medications — and Fixes
  • Read: How Do We Know the Treatment Is Working?
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Crash Concert: What do I need to know?



Concerta is a commonly prescribed stimulant for the treatment of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). The active ingredient in Concerta is long-acting methylphenidate. Several stimulants, including Concerta, can cause a clash. Learn what gig glitch is and how to deal with it.

How Concerta Causes Collision

You may experience the collapse of the Concert if you take drugs for a while or even a short time. Understanding the fall of the Concerta system will help you understand how Concerta works. nine0003

Concerts increase certain neurotransmitters or chemicals in your brain called norepinephrine and dopamine. Norepinephrine helps increase focus and alertness. Dopamine helps you focus. Increasing your levels of these chemicals can help you focus, concentrate, and control your impulses.

A few hours after taking a dose of Concerta, the amount of the drug in the body begins to slowly decrease. When it falls too low, a collision can occur. Depending on the dosage and time of treatment, this effect may occur during the day or in the evening. nine0003

Concerta vs. Ritalin: Dosage Differences and More »

Understanding Collisions

Collisions occur when your body has withdrawal symptoms due to low concert concentrations. It is normal for your brain to get used to a certain amount of norepinephrine and dopamine. When you start taking Concerta, your body stops producing as many of these chemicals as possible. When Concert levels in your body drop, your body doesn't produce enough chemicals to make up the difference. You are left without them enough to feel normal. nine0003

Instead, the collision may prevent you from concentrating. Symptoms vary from person to person, but a system glitch can also make you irritable, hyperactive, or tired. May cause increased anxiety or decreased heart rate. For these reasons, you should talk to your doctor before taking Concerta if you have a personal or family history of heart problems or psychiatric disorders.

What can you do

If you think you are having problems with falling Concerte, you can prevent or reduce the problem.

First, take your medicines exactly as your doctor tells you to. The concert is usually drunk once a day in the morning. You are less likely to experience if you are taking your medications as prescribed. Do not take more than your prescription says. Serious collisions usually occur when your dose is too high or when you are taking someone else's prescription. nine0003

If you have a systemic problem that is preventing you from functioning in your daily life, you can also talk to your doctor. They can offer various options for reducing symptoms. This may include adding a small dose of stimulant instant release before you think your Concert dose is going down or down.

Other risks of taking over the Concerte

In addition to a collision, there are other risks of taking over the Concerte. These include addiction and withdrawal. nine0003


Taking stimulants such as Concerta in high doses or for a long time can lead to addiction. Being physically dependent on stimulants means your body is used to them and you need them to feel normal.

If you think you have become addicted to Concerta and want to stop taking it, talk to your doctor. They can help you safely remove the medication and manage any symptoms.


If you take Concerta for about a month or more, you may experience withdrawal symptoms if you suddenly stop taking the medicine. These symptoms occur for the same reason as a system failure. As a result, your body gets used to the increased levels of norepinephrine and dopamine in your brain after a concert. Stopping the drug abruptly causes these levels to plummet, resulting in a withdrawal syndrome.

General withdrawal symptoms may include:

  • feeling depressed
  • nausea and vomiting
  • lack of energy
  • irritability
  • decreased ability to concentrate
  • increased anxiety

If you are already depressed or suicidal, stopping the Concert abruptly may be more serious for you. In very rare cases, this can trigger a psychotic episode. The termination of the Concert must be done slowly and under medical supervision. This allows your body to get used to the changes in norepinephrine and dopamine levels in your brain. nine0003

If you want to stop taking Concerta, ask your doctor. They will help ease the effect of the medication to prevent withdrawal symptoms.

Learn more: Great Depression with Psychotic Characteristics »

Concerta Side Effects

In addition to collisions or regressions, Concerta may cause side effects. Some of its most common side effects include:

  • decreased appetite
  • weight loss
  • Headache
  • Dry mouth
  • Nausea
  • Problem with a dream
  • Anxio
  • Dizziness
  • Excessive sweating

may occur rare, but serious side effects. These may include:

  • hallucinations (seeing things that are not there)
  • delusions (belief in something that is not true)
  • mania (extreme feeling of arousal and happiness)

These effects can occur even in people who have not had a previous psychiatric episode.

Anti-fall side effects

Concert is most effective a few hours after ingestion. If you find that you often have mood swings or other physical or emotional changes within a few hours of taking Concerto, you may have side effects rather than a systemic failure. What might look like a low drug crash could be the exact opposite - it could be the effects of the drug. If this is the case and your symptoms are bothering you, talk to your doctor. You may need to reduce your dose. nine0003

Talk to your doctor

Concerts can be a helpful part of your ADHD treatment, but it's important to be aware of the risks of falls and other problems. To avoid or manage a fall, withdrawal, addiction, or side effect, talk to your doctor. An open conversation during the processing of the Concerto. This can help you reduce negative effects and get the most out of your therapy.

Questions you can ask your doctor may include:

  • What else can I do to prevent the gig from crashing?
  • Would a lower dose reduce the afternoon trough and still help control ADHD symptoms?
  • Are there any other medications I can take that don't cause daytime crash?
  • Should I be concerned about any other possible risks associated with the Concert?

how to take, their action, types and classification

Hormonal contraceptives include the use of estrogen and progestin analogues to prevent unwanted pregnancy. The contraceptive effect is mediated by negative feedback in the hypothalamus, which ultimately leads to a decrease in pituitary secretion of follicle-stimulating (FSH) and luteinizing (LH) hormones. nine0003

Ovulation cannot occur without sufficient LH in the body. Low progestin levels reduce the chance of egg implantation by changing the structure of the cervical mucus, reducing the mobility of the fallopian tubes and proliferation of the endometrium. To date, taking hormonal contraceptives is the most common form of contraception.

Types of hormonal contraceptives

Oral drugs are best known in the form of tablets, but there are other types of drugs designed to change the hormonal background in the body. Among them:

  • plasters - patches with specialized impregnation;
  • injections - injections to prevent fertilization of the egg;
  • vaginal rings and intrauterine devices ;
  • implants are hormonal contraceptives that are installed by a doctor in a gynecological office.

In combined monophasic oral contraceptives, the dose of estrogen and progestin remains constant, while in multiphasic preparations it changes during one cycle. nine0003

Reduced doses of multiphasic OCs alleviate some side effects. These include unpleasant symptoms such as breast tenderness, nausea, bloating, bleeding, and conditions such as venous thromboembolism. Due to the complications associated with taking OCs, their use is contraindicated in patients with severe symptoms of hypertension, coronary heart disease, or a history of stroke.

At the Harmony clinic, experienced specialists receive patients who want to individually choose an effective contraceptive. After the examination and examination, the doctor writes out recommendations for preventing unwanted pregnancy. Since the funds are selected taking into account the personal characteristics of patients, the effectiveness is very high, and adverse reactions are minimal. nine0003

Review of drugs: the effect of hormonal contraceptives (COCs)

Oral contraceptive pills are the most popular group of drugs used by modern women to control conception. These drugs are a combination of estrogen and progesterone. They can be prescribed for polycystic ovary syndrome, endometriosis and amenorrhea.

Side effects include the risk of venous thromboembolism, hypertension and hepatic adenoma. For women over 35 who smoke or have estrogen-sensitive tumors, combined oral contraceptives are contraindicated. Allocate the following COC types :

  • Monophasic - Each tablet contains the same dose of estrogen and progestin.
  • Multiphasic - Biphasic pills contain a fixed dose of eg ethinyl amtradiol and incremental doses of norethindrone, while triphasic tablets have different doses of each component over a standard 21 day cycle.

Indications for the use of this method are not only contraception, but also hyperandrogenism (pimples, hirsutism), menstrual disorders, control of symptoms in endometriosis and leiomyomas. Among modern pharmaceuticals in this group, the most popular brands can be distinguished. nine0003


Optimal formula for young women. Since the content of the hormonal component is extremely low, these tablets practically do not create a risk of developing vascular pathologies. Practice has shown that taking hormonal contraceptives of this spectrum is easily tolerated. Rarely there are adverse reactions from the digestive system. Regularly taken pills guarantee getting rid of pronounced premenstrual syndrome. They help to cope with such a complex condition as hormonal acne, improve the condition of hair and nails. Taking a contraceptive, you normalize the cycle, reduce the copious discharge of blood, and regulate weight. nine0003


Contains 20 mcg of ethinyl estradiol per tablet and 150 mcg of desogestrel. The medicine favorably affects the regulation of the menstrual cycle. Differs in the minimum number of adverse reactions. Like Jess, it is allowed to be taken on the 21st day after childbirth, if the woman is not breastfeeding.


Monophasic oral contraceptive with a low dosage of active substances. It has a good antiandrogenic effect, easily eliminates acne, acne, blackheads and seborrhea from the surface of the body. Normalizes the fat balance of the skin, regulates hair growth. nine0003

Lindet 20

The content of hormones in these pills is low, which in no way detracts from their effectiveness in preventing unwanted conception. There are virtually no adverse reactions, in rare cases, a slight headache and nausea are possible.


This is a new level of pharmaceuticals. In addition to eliminating skin problems, Yarina helps to normalize weight, reduce the level of elevated BMI. Reduces the symptoms of PMS.

nine0004 Mini-drinks: powerful small agent

The next group of drugs is progestin-only hormonal pills (mini-pills or mini-pill contraceptives). It is a short-acting reversible oral contraceptive containing low doses of norethindrone. It is an ideal contraceptive for women who are contraindicated in estrogen supplements.

Among them:

  • nursing mothers;
  • overweight women;
  • individuals with individual estrogen intolerance and premenopausal women. nine0050


The basis of this type of pharmacology is desogestrel (75 mcg). An ideally mild agent that is instantly absorbed, forming a biologically active metabolite of etonogestrel. The half-life is up to 30 hours. The order of taking the tablets is indicated on the package.


Desogestrel is contained in the same dose as the previous drug. It does not have a negative effect on weight, with the right selection, it even contributes to weight loss. A good option for women who are in the lactation period. One of the most common side effects is blood smearing, which resolves within 3 months of starting treatment. nine0003


Contains linestrenol 500 mcg. Normalizes hormonal balance, favorably affects a woman's sensuality, her libido. Suitable for use by nursing mothers.

Hormone patch: stick on and go

The action of hormonal contraceptives of this kind is really as simple as possible. Outwardly, this patch looks like a classic adhesive plaster, it is easily applied to the skin, fixed with a sticky layer and keeps flawlessly, despite clothing and simple hygiene procedures. Benefits of using this patch next :

  • no need to interrupt sex to attach a sticker to the body;
  • does not need to be examined before use. However, bearing in mind that this remedy is hormonal, it should be used with caution for the first time;
  • reduces the flow of menstrual blood in those who suffer from heavy bleeding;
  • reduces pain during menstruation;
  • the sticker is changed according to the instructions given by the manufacturer. One patch is attached once a week, this procedure is repeated for 3 weeks. Then 1 week - a break; nine0050
  • after the final removal, the woman quickly returns to normal and can plan a pregnancy on the recommendation of a doctor.

Studies have shown that the patches are as good as combined oral contraceptives and minipills. It is enough to print the product, stick it on the cleansed skin of the shoulder, abdomen or buttocks.

How this product works :

  • prevention of ovarian production of an egg; nine0050
  • thickening of the mucous layer in the cervical region, which complicates the penetration of spermatozoa into the organ and makes fertilization impossible;
  • thinning of the uterine mucosa, which prevents the introduction of the egg into the endometrial layer.

The use of hormonal contraceptive patches was effective in 91% cases. Despite the good result, do not forget that the sticker does not provide protection against sexually transmitted infections, and therefore is recommended for use with other protective equipment. The disadvantage of this method of contraception is that it is noticeable, can be saturated with dust and look untidy on the skin. Not suitable for people with sensitive dermis, as it can provoke irritation. nine0003

Vaginal ring and injectable progestin

Indications for use are similar to those for oral contraceptives. The vaginal ring is flexible, acting through a combination of ethyl estradiol and etonogestrel. It is inserted into the vagina, held in place for 3 weeks, and then disposed of. After the menstrual bleeding caused by the withdrawal syndrome, a new ring is inserted and everything is repeated anew.

nine0002 Injectable progestin is a synthetic form of progesterone. Used for contraception, as well as in the treatment of abnormal uterine bleeding and signs of endometriosis. Available as an intramuscular or subcutaneous injection. Entered once every three months. Its effectiveness is often higher than that of other contraceptives, it is 94% .

Intrauterine device and subcutaneous implant

Considering all types of hormonal contraceptives, the intrauterine device (IUD) cannot be overlooked. A small contraceptive device is often made in a T-shape. The doctor inserts it into the woman's uterus to prevent pregnancy. Issued non-hormonal IUD and hormonal modifications.

The material from which these contraceptives are made is varied. It can be plastic, copper, silver and even gold. The price of intrauterine devices varies widely. These are long-term control devices that can remain in place for 3-5 years or more. It all depends on the type and brand. The efficiency is very high and is 99% . As for the implant, it is inserted subcutaneously into the forearm, acting for 3 years. The principle of exposure is the same, due to the content of progestin. nine0003

Emergency methods of contraception

General classification of hormonal contraceptives contains one more name. This is an emergency contraceptive technique that involves a slight malfunction in the body to prevent conception. As a rule, the drug is produced in the form of one, less often two tablets. Effective in case of unprotected intercourse if taken within 48-72 hours of sexual intercourse. The earlier the pill is drunk, the higher its effectiveness. Due to a large dose of hormones, the cycle changes. Not recommended for frequent use. nine0003

Indications for immediate cessation of hormonal contraceptive use

  • sensory disorders, visual disturbances;
  • migraines, frequent headaches;
  • epileptic seizures;
  • detection of tumors of unknown etiology;
  • growth of uterine fibroids;
  • jaundice, pregnancy, suspected thrombophlebitis.

Studies have shown that the use of hormonal contraceptives in premenopausal women increases the risk of developing cervical cancer, but reduces the likelihood of endometrial and ovarian cancer.

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