Free mbti personality type test
Personality Test of Myers & Briggs' 16 Types
Q. What is this personality test based on?
A. This test is based on the personality theory created by Isabel Myers and Katharine Briggs. It measures your preferences on Myers and Briggs' four dimensions of personality type, as well as 23 more detailed facets of type to personalize your results.
Q. How long is this personality test?
A. The test consists of 130 questions and takes about 10-15 minutes to complete.
Q. Is this personality test really free?
A. You do not need to purchase or register to take this test and view an overview of your results. If you would like, you can purchase a more comprehensive full report for a small fee.
Q. Is this personality test accurate?
A. This test has been researched extensively to ensure it is valid and reliable, using a variety of statistical methods. These results are detailed in the TypeFinder technical report. Most of our users describe their results as both accurate and insightful. However, it is important to note that no test can determine personality type correctly for everyone—it's essential that you evaluate your results on your own to decide if they describe you well, and research other possible types if necessary.
Q. What will my results for this test look like?
A. You will first see a brief, free report showing the key points from your results. After reviewing your brief report, you then have the option to unlock your full report for a small fee. To see what you can expect from your full report, see this sample report.
Q. How can I access my personality test results?
A. After you take a test, you will have the option to create an account by entering your email address. If you create an account, you can view your test results at any time by returning to and logging into your account. We do not email your results to you.
Q. Do I need to complete this personality test all at once?
A. If you’ve created an account and are logged in when you take the test, your responses will be saved as you go through the test. If you do not log in to a Truity account before starting the test, your progress will not be saved and you will need to complete the test all at once.
Q. Can I have my employees, team or group take the TypeFinder test?
A. Absolutely. Our Truity@Work platform is designed to make it easy to give a TypeFinder personality test to your team or group. See discounted group pricing and learn how to quickly and easily set up testing for your group on the Testing for Business page.
Q. Will this test tell me which careers are best for my type?
A. This test has brief information about the careers for your type, but if you main goal is to find the right career for you, then we recommend you take the TypeFinder for Career Planning, which is specifically designed to help you find the right career for your type as well as your individual interests and strengths.
Q. Is this personality test appropriate for children?
A. None of our tests are appropriate for children under the age of 14. Some of our tests may have mature content, and anyone younger than 18 should only take the test with parental guidance.
Q. Where can I find more information about the 16 personalities?
A. You can find comprehensive profiles of each of Myers and Briggs' personality types here: INFP • INFJ • INTP • INTJ • ENFP • ENFJ • ENTP • ENTJ • ISFP • ISFJ • ISTP • ISTJ • ESFP • ESFJ • ESTP • ESTJ
Q. Can my personality type change over time?
A. If you asked Isabel Briggs Myers and Katherine Briggs (the creators of the 16 personality types) or Carl Jung (the psychologist whose theories Briggs and Myers studied), they would say no, a person's personality type does not change over time. However, personality psychologists who study large populations have found that shifts in personality do occur over time. Research shows that age and individual life experiences can cause a shift in your personality. However, drastic shifts in personality are unusual, and most people find that changes are small and gradual.
Q. I'm looking for the official MBTI® assessment. Is this it?
A. The MBTI® is the original assessment developed by Isabel Myers and Katharine Briggs. The TypeFinder® is based on Myers and Briggs' theory, but is not the same as the MBTI® assessment. Some key differences:
The MBTI® Assessment
- Developed by Isabel Briggs Myers
- Based on theories of C.G. Jung, Katharine Briggs and Isabel Myers
- Measures 4 preferences of personality type
- Available through certified practitioners or online
- Results cost $49 (for MBTI® Online)
The TypeFinder®
- Developed by Truity
- Based on Myers and Briggs' theory and original empirical research
- Measures 4 dimensions and 23 facets of personality type
- Available online
- Results are free, or choose to purchase an expanded report

A. . We do not sell your email or other data to any third parties, and we have a zero-spam policy. We carefully comply with applicable privacy laws in handling your personal information. You can read more in our privacy policy.
Myers-Briggs Type Indicator, Myers-Briggs, and MBTI are registered trademarks of The Myers & Briggs Foundation in the United States and other countries. Truity has no affiliation with the organizations publishing or holding rights to the MBTI® assessment.
Myers Briggs Test (5 Mins) [MBTI Quiz Information]
The Myers Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) Test has been used for a long time to help students, patients, and researchers help understand a person better. This short Myers Briggs test can be used to help find a suitable career, a significant other, and even hobbies.
Are you an ENTJ? An INFP? Even if you have never used any Myers-Briggs tools to discover your personality type, you probably have seen these acronyms before. This is the most popular personality test in the country – over two millions adults use online tools to determine their personality type. A shocking 89 of the Fortune 100 companies use it for hiring and development purposes. In this video, I’ll tell the history of the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator and how it has became one of the most famous ways to look at different personalities.
Want to learn more about the Myers Briggs Personality test and what the results mean for you without reading about it? Check out this video I created:
Enjoy the video!
History of the Myers Briggs Test
Katherine Briggs and Isabel Briggs Myers were not world-renowned psychologists. They were just a mother and daughter who became interested in studying personalities. The duo taught themselves about the science of personality testing through their fascination with in theories created by Carl Jung.
Jung believed that humans experienced the world using four different functions. These functions were the dichotomies that we associate with the test today: Extraversion vs. Introversion; Sensing vs. Intuition; Thinking vs. Feeling; and Judging vs. Perception.
At the time that Briggs and her daughter were researching Jung’s theories, America was involved in World War Two. Women were looking for work at unprecedented rates, many for the first time. Briggs and Briggs Myers believed that if women could understand Jung’s theories and assess their personality, they would be able to look for jobs that would best suit their interests and personalities.
So they took all of the dichotomies and created a test that would show which “side” we stood on. Their assessment determined whether a person was more introverted than extroverted, more likely to think versus feel, etc. The combinations of these four “sides” creates a personality type: an ENTJ, for example, is more extraverted, uses intuition, is more likely to think than feel, and judges before perceiving. There are sixteen of these personality types and each one is more likely to have certain talents or skills in the workplace or in relationships.
Their first version of the assessment, The Briggs Myers Type Indicator Handbook, was published in 1944, and it was a test that could be printed out. For the next fifty years, the assessment would be tweaked and three MBTI Manuels would be published. It contains over 80 questions in the European version and over 90 in the American version. Certified professionals are the only people allowed to administer and deliver the results of the MBTI. People can access many similar versions of the MBTI online, but unless a licensed professional is involved, they will only receive a close guess of their results.
If you’re looking for a myers-briggs personality test that is free, or one that is online, or even one that is printable, you probably won’t find one. Due to the company that owns the Myers Briggs Type Indicator assessment tool, you’ll have to visit a trained professional and pay an average of $49.95 to get your true results. If you want to become an MBTI test-giver, the fee to become accredited is up to $3850.
It should also be noted that there are many misspellings of the Myers Briggs Type Indicator tests, some of which include: Meyers Briggs, Meijer Briggs, and Myers Brigs. If any test is spelled this way, it is not the official personality assessment.
What Do The Results Mean?
So you took the official Myers Briggs test from an official test-giver and you’re an ENTJ. But what does that mean?
In order to look at the results for the MBTI, we’ll have to look back at how Carl Jung believed that humans interacted with their world and how Briggs interpreted his work.
Jung used a lot of observation and introspection to develop theories on how people take on new experiences and process information. He didn’t use too many scientific studies, a fact that is often brought up by critics of the MBTI. But his work made him one of the most influential minds of his time and certainly gives insight into how we interact with each other and our world.
Jung’s theories and Brigg’s work answer crucial questions about how we seek out and take in experiences. They answer these questions with four dichotomies, those dichotomies being the results that make up personality types. Let’s explore these questions and what they tell about your personality.
Question #1: Where do you get your energy?
Extraverts vs. introverts
The first question pairs with the first dichotomy: extraverts vs. introverts. These are a hot topic in the discussion of personality psychology. It seems like every personality test has results that will label you as an extravert or introvert. But there are many misconceptions about these two labels. Extraverts (E) don’t always want to get wild and party all of the time; they just get energy from stimuli within the outside world. Introverts (I) aren’t shy and secluded; they just get energy from self-reflection and staying within their “own” world.
You can still be a social person and be an introvert.
Question #2: How do you take in information?
Sensing vs. Intuition
When you walk into a room, how do you assess what is going on? Do you prefer to get hard facts and direct answers? You probably ranked high for Sensing (S.) If you prefer to rely on your intuition (N,) you may walk into a room and get a “feeling” for what is happening. You may look at patterns, body language, or feel the energy in the room.
Question #3: How do you make decisions?
Thinking vs. Feeling
Once you have to act, how do you decide what to do? You might be the type to create a pros and cons list and rely on logical thought to make your decision. If you are, you probably scored high for Thinking (T.) Maybe you frequently go with your gut feeling and rely on emotions to make your decision. Then you might have ranked a bit higher for Feeling (F.)
Question #4: How do you organize your world?
Judgement vs. Perception
When you are planning a trip, do you plan or leave things open to change? If you tend to be a planner, you might find yourself planning most areas of your life. You use your judgement (J) to predict what you will do next and how the next few years are going to look for you. If you tend to be more flexible, you may be relying more on your perception (P) of the world. When you perceive things to be a signal for change, you make the change.
This dichotomy is an addition to Jung’s original theories. Remember, Briggs did not use Jung’s theories word for word; she simply based her personality assessment off of his work.
These questions certainly give insight into how people work and interact with others. No wonder it’s used by so many business leaders and hiring professionals! Further research shows how these personality types interact with each other and how many of each type you should hire for a productive workplace.
Again, most online versions of this test are not guaranteed to be accurate, but many are a great indicator about what personality type you have and how you interact with others. If you haven’t taken a MBTI yet, I highly recommend giving it a try, even if you just use your results to share with others and have some fun.
What Myers Briggs profile am I?
To find out truly what your Myers Briggs profile is, you’ll need to take the official Myers Briggs Type Indicator test. The test must be administered by a professional registered to administer the test, and in most cases there will be a fee to take it.
How does Myers Briggs work?
The Myers Briggs test works by categorizing similar people by how they think, perceive, and behave in the world by measuring how they answer some simple questions. It is not 100% correct and definitely not accurate for long-term time horizons, but can useful in finding your own strengths and weaknesses.
You answer questions and based on how you answer questions, you are categorized into one of two options for each aspect. You can understand a lot about someone by just knowing their MBTI type.
Are Myers Briggs accurate?
Yes, for most people, the Myers Briggs profile assigned to them is quite accurate. However, you must remember that the goal of the free test is to put people into similar categories so we can study the differences.
There are currently 16 different combinations you could receive from the quiz, and in general, those who score the same results behave and think in similar manners. The issue is that we can’t measure someone’s behavior directly with this test, but that we can only measure how they answer. For example, someone may be very kind, yet humble, so they’d answer “Disagree” on “I am more kind than the average person”; or very mean, yet answer “Agree”.
It’s important to note that there have not yet been any correlations between a MBTI type and intelligence.
Can Myers Briggs change?
The short answer is yes. Your Myers Briggs personality profile can change over time, just as any facet of your personality can change. There are 3 main things that cause your results to differ throughout time.
1) Time. Throughout time, the experiences you are exposed to will alter your personality slightly, and over time, those small changes may add up to large differences. For example, we are all different at the age of 20 and 40 years old.
2) Trauma. If you’ve experienced any major changes in your life, your personality can drastically change in a short period of time. For example, a car accident, the death of a loved one, or file for bankruptcy can greatly change how you view the world and the ways that you behave.
3) Drugs. There are many medicines and illegal drugs that alter the chemistry of the brain and cause an immediate change of a users’ personality. In most cases, the change is for the worst, however some drugs can increase cognitive function or attention, which can alter your Myers Briggs personality results throughout time.
Who is Myers Briggs?
Myers Briggs is not the name of one person, but the name of a very accomplished mother-daughter duo! Mother Katharine Briggs and daughter Isabel Briggs Myers were the women behind the Myers Briggs Type Indicator. They were not famous for their work when they died, but their legacy lives on.
Is the Myers Briggs reliable? (Is it scientific?)
The mother-daughter team behind the MBTI were not psychologists and did not put their matrix to the test. Even the psychologist they based their work on, Carl Jung, was not one to take his hypotheses to the lab. The Myers Briggs, along with most personality tests, is generally considered pseudoscience.
This doesn’t negate how popular this test has become around the world. Even the more “accurate” personality assessments based on The Big Five Personality Traits are not perfect.
Why was the Myers Briggs Test Created?
Katharine Briggs was brilliant, but she was not given many opportunities to showcase her brilliance because of her gender. Despite performing better than her husband in college, she was required to stay at home and care for her children and home. When her daughter Isabel was old enough to go to school, Katharine became depressed and looked for ways that she could fulfill her potential. This is how the Myers Briggs test came to be.
While her children studied and her husband worked, Katharine read Jung’s work on personality types. She began a correspondence with him and decided to put his work to the test at home. Briggs developed and distributed surveys that parents could take regarding their child’s personality. With the results, she developed the 16 personality types, based on four elements.
What can the Myers Briggs be used for?
Although the Myers Briggs test is not scientifically sound, it is still used in the workplace and in team-building activities. Great teams communicate with each other. Communication requires empathy because not everyone communicates in the same way. By sharing your Myers Briggs type, teams can open up about their personalities and empathize with each other. Introverts and extroverts, for example, communicate in different ways. Using the results from the Myers Briggs test kick off the conversation about introversion vs. extroversion and what each personality type needs to succeed.
What Are The 16 Personalities?
- INTJ – Architect: Another nickname for this personality type is “The Mastermind.” INTJs use logic, patterns, and reasoning to find solutions. It’s not that they’re not team players – they just do their best work independently. Think Steven Hawking and Bill Gates.
- INTP – Logician: This is another personality type that reflects a logical, private person. INTPs are typically more reserved than INTJs. They think on a large scale, and if they follow through with their big ideas, they can change the world. Louis Theroux and Albert Einstein are two classic examples of the INTP personality type.
- ENTJ – Commander: Need someone to get something done? The ENTJ is one of your best bets. They make decisions quickly, know how to delegate, and build teams to help accomplish their goals. Quentin Tarantino and Kamala Harris are two great examples of ENTJs. They make wonderful leaders!
- ENTP – Debater: If you want to work through a challenge, recruit an ENTP.
This personality type is defined by their enthusiasm for challenges and collaborative approach. Yes, they are not opposed to a friendly debate, as different perspectives can lead teams to the best solution for all. Socrates and Sasha Baron Cohen are both considered to be ENTPs.
- INFJ – Advocate: Introverts don’t just shut themselves up in their rooms or labs all day! The advocate is a great example of an INFJ that refuels alone but works well with (and for) other people. They believe in the power of collaboration and uplifting others to achieve a common goal. Lady Gaga and Yoko Ono are great examples of INFJs. This is also the rarest personality type in the world!
- INFP – Mediator: This personality type is also known as “The Healer.” INFPs are a special group of people. They have an idealistic version of the world and they want to see it actualized! They tend to be creative, caring, and very intuitive. Although they work best alone, they cherish the close relationships they have.
John Lennon and Princess Diana are two great examples of people that embody this personality type.
- ENFJ – Protagonist: Talk about main character energy! ENFJs are dynamic and charming, but they aren’t just on their own hero’s journey. They bring people along with them. Everybody wins when they are surrounded by an ENFJ. People who embody this personality type include Barak Obama and Oprah Winfrey.
- ENFP – Campaigner: ENFPs make the best cheerleaders; this is why they are also known as “The Champion.” They want to champion others’ ideas. Typically big-picture thinkers, ENFPs love to collect new experiences and work with others to make things happen. Think Russell Brand or Kanye West.
- ISTJ – Logistician: You can always rely on an ISTJ to be where they need to be. Their schedules are color-coordinated and they always make deadlines. ISTJs are organized, practical, and loyal to the traditions they practice. Even so, they aren’t afraid to push boundaries.
Queen Elizabeth II and Henry Ford are two great examples of how ISTJs can change the world.
- ISFJ – Defender: This is the most common personality type in the world! Also known as “The Protector,” ISFJs are kind, caring, and unassuming. They are sensitive to people around them, but that doesn’t make them soft. They fight hard for the traditions, relationships, and duties that they hold close to them. Mother Teresa and Kate Middleton are two people who embody what it means to be an ISFJ!
- ESTJ – Executive: ESTJs are the life of the party who people depend on to get things done. They have very strong beliefs about what their life and community should look like, and they charge forward toward making these beliefs come true. They make great leaders, delegators, and spokespeople. Think Kris Jenner and Michelle Obama. They walk into a room and immediately gain the respect of everyone around them!
- ESFJ – Consul: ESFJs bring people together toward a common goal.
They certainly aren’t going to take all the credit but will secretly want it to feel validated. They are sensitive, supportive, and incredibly organized. The typical ESFJ is doing thankless jobs like working as a teacher or in healthcare. Dolly Parton and Joe Biden are both typical ESFJs!
- ISTP – Virtuoso: ISTPs don’t let questions pass by them. They look for answers. Often, this requires some solo research or experience. An ISTP isn’t afraid to try something new or take a risk for the sake of learning. In fact, they welcome it! They do not need anyone to ask them to find the answer because they have the natural inclination to do it themselves. Michael Jordan and Amelia Earhart are two examples of ISTPs.
- ISFP – Adventurer: ISFPs are similar to ISTPs in that they both seek out new experiences and keep open minds. But an ISFP acts on their feelings and emotions over their logic and reasoning. Tend to live life dangerously, and want to fully live it every day? You may be an ISFP, and you’re joined by great company! Jimi Hendrix and Cher are both considered ISFPs.
- ESTP – Entrepreneur: What makes an ESTP an entrepreneur? First, they work tirelessly and efficiently toward their goals. This often means delegating tasks to people who are more skilled, which is no problem for the ESTP. They are very social and can get people excited about the road ahead. When an ESTP believes in a cause, everyone around them will, too. Madonna and Winston Churchill are classic examples of ESTP.
- ESFP – Entertainer: Talk about the real life of the party! ESFPs love to have all eyes on them and create a positive experience. They aren’t super serious or organized, but not everyone can be! Their strengths lie in their people skills. Elvis Presley and Miley Cyrus are considered great examples of the ESFP personality type.
Myers Briggs and Compatibility
When it comes to Myers Briggs personality types, opposites don’t exactly attract. Typically, two personality types with very similar letters are more likely to be compatible than people who approach the world and problem-solving differently. The best match for an ESFP, for example, is an ISFJ. These types both collect information by sensing what is happening outside of them, and make decisions based on feelings rather than logic. It’s a unique combination, so being able to see eye-to-eye during this process is great for compatibility!
- INTJ Best Match: ENTJ
- INTP Best Match: ESTJ
- ENTJ Best Match: INTJ
- ENTP Best Match: INFJ
- INFJ Best Match: ENTP
- INFP Best Match: INFJ
- ENFJ Best Match: ISFP
- ENFP Best Match: INFJ
- ISTJ Best Match: ESFP
- ISFJ Best Match: ISFP
- ESTJ Best Match: ISTP
- ESFJ Best Match: ISFP
- ISTP Best Match: ESTJ
- ISFP Best Match: ESFJ
- ESTP Best Match: ISFJ
- ESFP Best Match: ISTJ
Remember that there is no hard science that proves these couples are completely compatible. Consider these pairings to be an opportunity to discuss how you and your partner, friends, or colleagues see the world in different or similar ways.
Other Personality Tests, Insights, and Variations of the Myers Briggs Test
The Myers Briggs test is one of the most popular personality tests, but it’s far from the only personality tests. Other tests and methods for assessing personality and compatibility are used in the workplace, among friends, and in popular culture!
Type A vs. Type B
Want to keep things simple? Take this test to see whether you are more “Type A” (organized, neurotic, ambitious) or “Type B” (spontaneous, go-with-the-flow, calm.) You might even know the answer already!
Big Five
The Big Five test is one of the most studied personality tests in psychology. It is the result of many psychologists trying to determine how many “traits” define a person’s personality. The “Big Five” stand for Openness, Conscientiousness, Extraversion, Agreeableness, and Neuroticism. Like the Myers Briggs test, each trait has an “opposite” trait. A person may display high agreeableness, for example, and low extraversion. These traits are also used to describe entire cultures and communities.
DiSC Assessment
The DiSC Assessment was actually in the works years before the Myers-Briggs Personality Assessment, but hasn’t seen as much popularity outside of the workplace. Many leaders use this assessment to discover how they and their team members work together. Test results put you in one of four categories: D (dominance,) i (influence,) S (steadiness,) or C (conscientiousness.)
Are you a helper, reformer, or a loyalist? Peacemaker, challenger, enthusiast? What about an investigator, individualist, or achiever? These are the nine personality types laid out by the enneagram. The personality types are strategically numbered and placed to create personality “sub types” that further reveals a person’s personality. A 2w3, for example, is a type two with a three wing. The person’s main personality type is 2, the “Helper” with elements of 3, the “Achiever.” Like the DiSC assessment and Myers-Briggs Personality Types, the enneagram is not a science-based personality test, but very popular!
No need to take a test – just know the time, date, and place of your birth! Forms of astrology have been around for almost 2,500 years. It may not be based in Western science, but it has certainly stood the test of time. By knowing your birth chart, you can learn a lot about how you approach relationships, work, and yourself! A full birth chart doesn’t just show you your star or moon sign either. You will see what sign you are for each of the planets, offering deeper information about yourself and what might be in store for you over the period of days, months, or even years.
Dark Triad
Not all personality tests reveal the positive traits of your personality. The Dark Triad test reveals how much three negative traits may impact your relationships. These traits are Narcissism, Psychopathy, and Machiavellianism. Yeah, not exactly a score you want. The results of this test show how you compare to the rest of the population. Everyone has some good and some bad in them!
I hope you’ve enjoyed this Myers Briggs test and detail page. Feel free to leave a comment below of any questions you have!
Personality types | 16Personalities
Imaginative, strategic thinkers with a plan for all occasions.
Creative inventors, with a strong belief in the power of knowledge. nine0009
Brave, resourceful and strong-willed leaders who always find a way - or make a way.
Smart and curious thinkers who never turn down an intellectual challenge. nine0009
Quiet and mystical, but inspiring and relentless idealists.
Poetic, kind and altruistic personalities, always ready to stand up for a good cause. nine0009
Charismatic and inspiring leaders who captivate their listeners.
Enthusiasts, creative and sociable free minds who always find a reason to smile. nine0009
Practical and factual people whose reliability is unshakable.
Very responsible and kind protectors, always ready to protect their loved ones. nine0009
Excellent administrators, unsurpassed specialists in process and people management.
Extremely caring, sociable and popular people, always ready to help. nine0009
Brave and practical experimenters, masters of all kinds of techniques and tools.
Flexible and charming artists, always ready to explore and experience something new. nine0009
Smart, energetic and very receptive people who truly enjoy risk.
Spontaneous, energetic and tireless merry fellows - where they are, it's never boring. nine0009
Jung and Briggs-Myers Personality Test
This free personality test will determine your personality type in the form of four letters according to Jung's typology, which was perfected by Myers, Briggs, von Franz and van der Hoop. Our test is one of several ways to determine your Jungian personality type that is similar, but not identical, to the MBTI (Myers-Briggs Type Indicator) ® MBTI), the Jung Type Indicator and related materials. nine0009
The IDR Labs Personality Test is the property of IDR Labs International.
Our test is one of the few free tests of this type that is statistically controlled and reliable. Despite this, please note that the test is only a kind of indicator that can only roughly determine your inherent qualities.
The Myers & Briggs Type Indicator and MBTI test trademarks are owned by the Myers & Briggs Foundation, the United States of America and other countries. The MBTI test was published by The Myers-Briggs. The Young Type Indicator is owned by Psytech International. nine0114
All personality tests, whether they are official tests such as the MBTI® (Myers-Briggs Type Indicator) and Jung Type Indicator tests, or free online tests such as this one, are merely indicators that can only tentatively determine your personality type. None of the tests can determine your personality type with absolute accuracy and reliability and replace a detailed study of the works of Myers, Briggs, von Franz, van der Hoop and Jung.
As the publisher of this free online personality test by Jung, Myers, Briggs, von Franz and van der Hoop, we have made every effort to ensure that this test is accurate, complete and reliable. nine0009
Like the "official" Jung typology tests and other professionally designed tests, our free online test has been statistically controlled and extensively reviewed to ensure maximum accuracy of results.
To create this test, we used the typology of C. G. Jung's psychological types presented in his work Psychological types and the typology of Isabelle Briggs Myers, co-author of the MBTI® test, which she published in her work Everyone has their own gift . In addition, van der Hoop's Mind Orientation and Character and Subconscious Mind also had a significant impact on the creation of this test.
This test is based on widely accepted theories, namely Jung, Meyers, von Franz, and van der Hoop's confirmed personality type theories, and not an approximate version of Jung's typology.
Our free online test also uses van der Hoop's work and tries to pinpoint psychological personality types according to his work. nine0009
The developers of this free online test are graduates who have experience with numerous personality tests and have also worked professionally with personality typology testing. Before taking our free online test, please note that while the four-letter result may be consistent with other official test results, it should not be confused with the Briggs-Myers, Gray-Wheelwright, and Young Type Indicator.