Can women jack off
single word requests - Can the term "jack/jerk off" be used for female masturbation?
Modified 10 years, 7 months ago
Viewed 82k times
I apologize for this potentially obscene question.
Can the terms jack off or jerk off be used for female masturbation? If not (which is my intuition), what would be the not too poetic vulgar slang equivalent? By too poetic I refer to expressions such as spank the monkey, choke the chicken, etc.
I checked online dictionaries, and most of them don't expand on the usage, and some of the definitions in the Urban Dictionary
imply that jack off primarily refers to male masturbation, but do not provide the female counterpart.
- single-word-requests
- slang
- offensive-language
I'm not sure how widespread it is but jill off (a reference to Jack and Jill) is sometimes used.
You should use "frigging", "frig", "frig yourself", or "frig off" (although this has a different meaning too, similar to "fuck off", but not as rude). The vulgar usage refers to female masturbation, but the dictionaries seem to have looser definitions. This is the term used universally in translations of the Marquis de Sade to English.
I vote for touching oneself. (Best political party ever?)
I assume there’s some particular reason you want to avoid the word masturbate—too clinical, perhaps. If you’re looking for a euphemism that isn’t ostentatiously vulgar, I think touching oneself fits the bill, without sounding terribly childish. If you’re working on erotic fiction, masturbation does sound oddly forward; touching, rubbing, fingering, and other literal actions are all common, cromulent alternatives.
And for the love of all that is good in literature, never, ever call a vulva a sex. It’s not cute.
For females, I've heard the phrases petting the kitty
and rubbing carpet
, but they do not seem to be in very common usage.
Slightly less poetic might be bushwhacking
. You could also consider beating the bush
I wonder what other languages (more specifically cultures) have to say about this. Obviously English is seriously lacking in this department, mostly due to its cultural history I'd imagine. The closest thing I could think of is 'pelvic massage', which was considered the cure for 'female hysteria' in less enlightened times. I think this is a prime candidate for a borrowed word, if anyone could find an appropriate one.
My friends and I often say 'rub one out'; 'one', being an orgasm I suppose (or "hysterical paroxysm" in pseudo-science lingo). We use it in a gender neutral sense, but as you alluded to, there are so many (fun) choices for males, that we mostly use this one specifically for females.
I would mention "diddle, which is mentioned as a female alternative to "masturbate" alongside "jill off". By the way, it bears an assonance to "dildo", which is normally connected with female masturbation. See
Cunnidigitation, a la prestidigitation?
'Is it normal for girls to masturbate?'
I Need to Know is an ongoing series for teens in search of reliable, confidential advice about life’s tricky questions.
Hi, I have a question after reading a published piece for I Need To Know. Masturbating has always seemed to be acceptable for boys, but less commonly discussed among girls.
Is it normal for girls to masturbate and are there any health consequences? I am a girl who accidentally discovered how to masturbate when I was quite young and continued it on and off afterwards, should I be worried about this? Will this affect my future sexual experience?
Anonymous, 17, Melbourne
Key points
- It is normal for girls and women to masturbate
- it was a female Australian surgeon who helped us fully understand the clitoris
- there are health benefits to masturbating (including relieving period pain and stress)
- there is no right or wrong frequency for masturbation.
Hi there, and thanks for bringing up this really important topic. You’ve asked some great questions and I hope the answers will be reassuring! First of all: yes it’s completely normal for girls and women to masturbate.
What is masturbation?
Masturbation is when a person touches their own genitals for sexual arousal and pleasure, and often leads to orgasm. It can include touching other parts of your body that feel good, such as the nipples. Many people use their fingers and hands, but some might use objects such as sex toys.
Masturbation is something people do to themselves, although “mutual masturbation” refers to people touching each others’ genitals for the same reason.
Who masturbates?
In a large Australian survey, 42% of women said they had masturbated in the past year (compared to 72% of men). This survey included people aged 16 to 69 years of age, and there is no recent information on this topic in Australia on younger teens.
A study in the US looked only at 14- to 17-year-olds and found by 17 years of age, over 58% of females said they masturbated, compared to 80% of 17-year-old males. So it’s pretty common, and it’s also possible girls and women just don’t like to say they’ve masturbated.
Traditionally, masturbation has been something that is acceptable for boys. It’s only recently we’ve started talking about female masturbation more openly.
The Conversation, CC BY-NDIt’s useful to know for most females the clitoris is the most sexually sensitive part of the body. The Australian study mentioned above also showed when a man and a woman have sex, women were much more likely to have an orgasm when her genitals were touched directly using hands or through oral sex. This is because of where the clitoris is.
It’s a wishbone-shaped bundle of nerves and blood vessels that will swell up and feel tingly and pleasurable when stimulated. The tip of it pokes out above the hole where wee comes out (the urethra) but it extends up to 10 centimetres behind the sides of the vagina. This is why it can also feel good to have an object (including fingers or a penis) inside the vagina pushing against the arms of the clitoris.
Read more: Why the clitoris doesn't get the attention it deserves – and why this matters
For most of history, the clitoris was not fully understood or appreciated. It was an Australian surgeon – and a woman – who discovered how extensive it was.
Health benefits of masturbation
There are plenty of health benefits from masturbation. Masturbating and having an orgasm can relieve period pain and stress.
It’s also a great way to explore your body and know what feels good, which will make it easier to communicate to a partner when the time comes. It is also a sexual practice that cannot cause pregnancy or lead to an STI.
You mentioned discovering masturbation when you were quite young. Parents and caretakers report observing even very young children touching their genitals because it feels good. Although the body needs to go through puberty before a person can experience mature sexual arousal, it’s clear children also experience pleasurable sensations.
Read more: 'Is it normal to get sore down there after sex?'
You also mention masturbating “on and off”. There is no right or wrong frequency for masturbating – it’s only a problem if a person feels it’s interfering with daily life.
Because sexuality in humans is linked to emotions, thoughts and beliefs, the ability to experience pleasure and orgasm does vary enormously. Negative feelings such as guilt or shame can be associated with masturbation especially if a person has grown up with specific negative beliefs about it.
There has been a long standing double standard about females being able to enjoy sex which, as you have noticed, means it’s not always easy to talk about. So thank you on behalf of lots of young women out there for being willing to talk about this very natural activity!
Benefits and harms of masturbation - Afisha Daily
With one left hand: why masturbation is useful
Nika Golikova
February 14, 2019 17:54
"Afisha Daily" doctor of the Nazaromami Health Center talked about the dangers and benefits of masturbation, as well as about the myths that make us ashamed of it.
Masturbation is not so simple: today we do not have enough research to say anything with certainty. Everything is complicated by the fact that even with the complete anonymity of the surveys, people do not reveal themselves to the end and do not tell the whole truth.
First of all, it is connected with stigma. Almost all religions condemn masturbation. We remember very well the horror stories that the hair on your arms will grow, that you can go crazy, become a pervert, and so on. There is a lot of shame and guilt associated with masturbation, it is embarrassing to talk about it in our society - even in many advanced sex education programs, the topic of masturbation is not addressed. And among progressive parents who talk about sex with children, only one in twenty touches on this topic.
However, masturbation is very common. Almost all men masturbate: at least, studies have about 70%. And about half of the women, and maybe more.
Scientists have found a lot of good things in masturbation. That is, either it does not affect anything, or it has a positive effect.
8 reasons to masturbate
Of the obvious advantages: when masturbating, the risk of an unplanned pregnancy or genital infections tends to zero.
According to my personal observations, people who practice masturbation are much more satisfied with their sex life and their own bodies than others.
Women who masturbated in childhood or adolescence are more likely to have positive sexual experiences in adulthood. In addition, they have healthier ideas about themselves.
Masturbation debunks the myth that vaginal orgasms are "correct" and clitoral orgasms are not. The fact is that women prefer clitoral masturbation to vaginal masturbation, and many of them use vibrators. By the way, men also sometimes use selectors during masturbation.
According to some studies, men who masturbate are more likely to use condoms.
The lion's dose of techniques in sex therapy is in one way or another connected with masturbation - whether it is working with a couple or individually.
Such techniques are used, for example, if we want to help a woman experience an orgasm for the first time in her life or return a lost one; for a man - to control the time of the onset of his ejaculation; couple - not to experience pain or discomfort during sex.
Masturbation is always part of the healing process. Except when a person's religion and beliefs forbid him to masturbate.
Sometimes masturbation is better than sex, especially if the sex is bad or violent. Masturbation is something understandable and predictable, you always know what you need. Many women reach orgasm only with clitoral stimulation and often the partner cannot do it better.
If a person has an attraction to an object that he cannot approach for various reasons, masturbation is an excellent way out.
If you don't feel like masturbating, it's okay
Some people are not interested. The absence of masturbation in a person's life can only become a problem if he himself suffers from this.
It happens that a person is not interested in sex in principle. Asexuality is normal as long as it doesn't make you feel uncomfortable. On the other hand, most people who consider themselves asexual still masturbate, but the reasons for masturbation may differ: they practice non-directional masturbation, which means that the process is not accompanied by fantasies.
Is masturbation harmful?
Today, scientists argue about the existence of sex addiction, but the compulsive sexual disorder is discussed, in which a person suffers from a constant desire to have sex. This can be expressed in compulsive porn viewing and masturbation. Often this is accompanied by a constant change of partner and trips to sex workers. In this case, people spend a lot of time masturbating, because of which important areas of their lives suffer. Unless in this case masturbation can be harmful.
Masturbation is a normal part of the sexual development phase. There is no need to be afraid of it, especially since sometimes it is even useful.
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8 myths about masturbation that prevent her from doing it
Masturbation is the easiest and safest way to satisfy yourself. It is practiced by people of all genders and ages. This is a way of knowing your body that helps in your personal life, and does not destroy it. We talk about the myths that surround masturbation and make it something shameful, although this is not at all the case.
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Myth 1. Whoever masturbates is dissatisfied with sex in relationships
Masturbation is not a substitute for sex with a partner, but an addition to it. With the help of self-satisfaction, you can relax quickly and without foreplay. Sometimes a person needs it, but the partner is not around or there is no mood for long-term romantic sex. Or just a person equally strongly loves to masturbate and have sex. There is nothing wrong.
Moreover, there is a possibility that masturbation helps in sexual relations. The better you know your body and what it likes, the more you can tell your partner about your preferences in sex. A 2020 survey of women in the US and Hungary showed the following statistics: women who regularly masturbate are more interested in having an orgasm from sex and pay more attention to their feelings during the process. So masturbation is more of a key to orgasm than a hindrance to it.
Myth 2. Children should not masturbate, it has a bad effect on the psyche
Masturbation in childhood is an element of the formation of the psyche, not its destroyer. Between the ages of 2 and 5, children treat their own and other people's genitals not as a sexual object, but as a curious phenomenon.
Children under 5 years old touch their intimate places, they respond with pleasant sensations, and this causes increased interest. This is the norm.
If a child touches himself in public, parents are advised to hint that this activity is very pleasant, but intimate. And that adults also do this, but not in public, but in their room. The main thing is not to forbid and not to say that it is bad and wrong.
Researchers also suggest that masturbation in childhood and adolescence contributes to a positive sexual experience in the future and healthy self-esteem.
Myth 3. You can't masturbate too much, otherwise you can lose control
There are no limits to masturbation, because everyone has their own need for self-satisfaction. This is the kind of pleasure that cannot be overdone.
Don't worry if you feel like you're masturbating too much. Once a day is fine, five times a day is also okay.
Masturbation can only become a problem if it interferes with a normal life. If it's hard for you not to think about masturbation when you go to work, meet friends and family - the daily need becomes like an obsessive irresistible desire - then you should contact a psychologist for help.
Myth 4. Masturbation causes hair to grow or, on the contrary, to fall out
This is a myth. Masturbation does not affect hair growth anywhere in either women or men.
The Medical News Today website even speculates where this myth originated. There is an exotic theory that during an orgasm, a man releases seminal fluid rich in protein. These losses allegedly affect hair growth. But if you take up a calculator, the theory collapses. The ejaculate contains about 5 mg of protein per 100 ml. And only 3.5 ml of ejaculate is released during orgasm. These protein losses are so insignificant that the body simply does not pay attention to them.
Myth 5. Masturbation can stimulate early menstruation
This is not true, masturbation does not affect the cycle and cannot shift it. But it can relieve pain during menstruation.
Endorphins are released during orgasm. They act on the body as an anesthetic, so at the peak of pleasure, pain in the lower abdomen can pass.
Myth 6. Vibrators can damage the nerve endings in the vagina
No, vibrators and other sex toys are recognized by the medical community as safe and cannot damage anything in the nervous system. They are designed to excite the receptors and bring pleasure, not discomfort.
Adverse reactions from the use of a vibrator do occur, but they are quite rare and harmless. In 2009, they published data from a large-scale survey of two thousand US women about their relationship with a vibrator. 71.5% of them stated that they had never encountered discomfort during use, and 16.5% noted that they had a slight numbness. The remaining 12% experienced pain or irritation of the mucosa after using the vibrator. Because the details are unknown, it's hard to judge if the vibrator is to blame or if the woman just put in too much force when she masturbated.
In other words, vibrators don't usually cause problems. Watch how you feel and remember to wash your sex toys before and after use to avoid catching an infection.
Myth 7. Masturbation affects testosterone levels and lowers it
In short, masturbation does not affect testosterone levels in the long term. It may grow for a short time, and then return to normal again.
Testosterone is a key muscle building hormone. It helps muscles synthesize protein and helps increase growth hormone in the blood during exercise.
It is believed that during sex and masturbation, testosterone levels fall and muscles grow less intensively because of this. Therefore, some athletes practice abstinence. The New York Times wrote that Muhammad Ali did not have sex for 6 weeks in a row before boxing matches.
During sex, the level of testosterone really changes - it increases. But it has been proven that after a few minutes it returns to normal values and does not affect the strength and endurance of a person.
How quickly testosterone returns to normal after masturbation was not tested in the study. But if after sex the hormone returns to normal, it is logical that something similar happens during masturbation. Therefore, if you are not an Olympic athlete, you can not limit yourself to masturbation. If hormone levels are extremely important to you, then there is no exact data yet.
Myth 8. The more you masturbate, the less you want to have sex
There is no such relationship. It is believed that masturbation affects sexual desire only positively. When a person and his partner are well aware of each other's sensitive points, the desire to have sex and have fun only increases.
During masturbation, the hormone testosterone is activated, which increases libido.
The truth about masturbation looks like this
Masturbation is normal. Almost everyone does this. But if you don’t like to masturbate and don’t feel like it, that’s okay too.
Masturbation is good for health. It is known that it helps to fall asleep faster and more soundly, relieves emotional stress, relieves menstrual pain.
Masturbation helps you get to know your body better. It increases self-esteem, self-love, and also affects the quality of sex. It will become more sensual and brighter if you do not waste time looking for erogenous zones.
Sex toys are safe for masturbation. Just remember to wash them before and after use.
You can masturbate as much as you want.