Calming affirmations for anxiety
Reframing Your Worry to Calm Down
Affirmations are positive statements you repeat to promote change in your life and ease your distress. They can be useful in managing anxiety.
Using positive affirmations is like practicing positive self-talk. It can help you reframe your negative thoughts and focus on ideas and behaviors that lead to change.
You can create your own or find existing affirmations that speak to you. In either case, affirmations can become a useful tool to manage anxiety symptoms.
Here are a few positive affirmations for when you experience anxiety or to use regularly to manage anxiety symptoms in the long term.
To calm down quickly when you feel anxiety rising, try to repeat affirmations while you practice deep breathing or any other relaxation technique that works for you.
- “I am safe and in control.”
- “I have done this before, and I can do it again.”
- “This too shall pass.”
- “I am strong.”
- “I trust myself.
- “I am capable.”
- “I take things one day at a time.”
- “I inhale peace and exhale worry.”
- “This feeling is only temporary.”
- “I am loved and accepted.”
- “I am enough.”
- “Look at me go! I can do it all.”
- “I love myself.”
- “I forgive myself.”
- “I let go and I am free.”
- “I am doing the best I can and that is enough.”
- “I release the past and embrace the present.”
- “Wherever I go, I am well.”
- “I can handle whatever comes my way.”
- “I am safe and protected.”
- “I am safe.”
- “I am brave.”
- “I can move past this moment.”
- “I am in charge.”
- “As I breathe, I am calm and relaxed.”
- “I have survived my anxiety before. I will survive it now.”
- “My body is my ally.”
- “I act with confidence because I know what I am doing.”
- “I am different and unique, and that is OK.”
- “I am safe in the company of others.
- “I love and I am loved.”
- “I am prepared and ready for this situation.”
- “People assume I can do this, I know I can, and I will.”
- “I like myself and that is enough.”
- “I am at ease when talking to other people.”
- “I enjoy doing this.”
- “I am good at everything I do.”
- “Day by day, minute to minute.”
- “I am capable and prepared.”
- “I let go of control and focus on joy.”
- “I am here, I am now, and I am well.”
- “I can handle anything that’s to come.”
- “I am safe in the here and now.”
- “I will handle whatever happens like I always do.”
- “I choose to see the beauty in my surroundings.”
- “I have time to prepare and decide.”
Positive self-talk and positive thinking have a direct effect on how you feel. A 2016 study, for example, found that replacing worrisome thoughts with positive mental images or positive affirmations helped people living with anxiety to worry less.
Another study from 2015 suggested that affirming yourself activates your brain’s reward system. The reward system causes you to experience a sense of pleasure and joy. It also reduces the experience of pain and worry.
A 2018 randomized controlled trial with mothers experiencing postpartum baby blues found that listening to positive affirmations and practicing relaxation techniques every day for 4 weeks offered the mothers significant relief from their symptoms.
Evidence from a U.S. national adult survey also found that practicing spontaneous self-affirmation was linked to a greater sense of:
- happiness
- hopefulness
- well-being
The report also found that self-affirmation, which focuses on your core values and self-worth, was related to feeling less angry or sad.
Research from 2015 indicated that under stress, your concept of self can constrict, which may impact your self-worth. Affirmations can help you reframe your thoughts from focusing on the aspects of the self that feel threatened when facing a challenge to the ones that may remind you that you’re capable and worth it.
In other words, affirmations help shift your focus from a problem and refocus on an extended vision of the self. This extended vision of who you are allows you to identify skills, experiences, and traits that make you capable of overcoming this and any other challenge.
Overall, using positive affirmations can help your emotional health by:
- decreasing stress
- improving confidence
- boosting overall mood
- focusing on solutions
- encouraging optimism
- boosting motivation
- helping you manage physical pain
- reducing fear
When using affirmations, you can:
- write them down a few dozen times in a notebook while focusing on their meaning
- record them and then play them back throughout the day
- write them down separately on sticky notes and tape them around your desk or home
- pick one and repeat it mentally a few times until you calm down
- pick one or more and repeat them aloud whenever you need
The start of your day and just before bedtime might be two of the best times to practice the affirmations.
Some people find it helpful to say their positive affirmations in front of a mirror or make it part of their daily meditation practice.
The more you repeat your affirmations, the more confident you’ll feel. Positive statements work because they lead you to focus on positive self-talk and thinking while leaving worrisome thoughts aside.
How to create your own affirmations
To create your affirmations, consider phrases that speak to you and feel natural and appropriate to your challenges.
It’s essential to choose words that feel believable so that you’ll trust they can happen.
When creating affirmations, it’s best to stick with a first-person perspective to provide a stronger connection to your sense of self and goals. That’s why affirmations usually begin with “I” or “my.”
Consider writing affirmations in the present tense as if what you’re saying is already a reality.
For example, instead of saying, “I will be successful,” you’d say, “I am successful. ”
You could also acknowledge your anxiety symptoms in your affirmations, but you’d add a positive twist.
For example, you could say, “I sometimes experience anxiety, but I can still achieve all of my goals.” Sometimes acknowledging your challenges can help you feel you can triumph over them.
Another idea is to speak to your core values to emphasize what’s important to you. This will boost your sense of self, improving self-esteem and self-empowerment when you repeat them.
For example, “I am noble and tolerant.”
Positive affirmations are statements you can use to decrease distress and focus on positive thinking. Research says they can help you feel more at ease.
When working with affirmations, you can write them down, repeat them aloud, or record them and listen to them throughout the day. Practicing relaxation techniques can make positive affirmations more effective for anxiety relief.
75 Positive Affirmations for Anxiety to Calm Your Mind
Laura Smith Updated: July 19, 2022 Yoga and Meditation
Anxiety can take its toll on you day to day and really impact on your self-esteem.
Start practicing daily affirmations and research shows you can teach your brain a new way to think about the world!
In this article we’ve compiled 75 positive affirmations to calm your mind and relieve your anxious thoughts.
Positive Affirmations for Anxiety
Positive thinking is powerful!
A 2016 study published in the National Library of Medicine, revealed that thinking positively can reduce worry in those with Generalized Anxiety Disorder.
Harness the power by practicing the below positive affirmations for anxiety:
1. The panic I feel will pass.2. I am strong and courageous.3. My thoughts and feelings are valid.4. Everything is temporary.Pin it for later!
Don’t forget to pin these positive anxiety affirmations for later!
5. I choose to be happy.6. I feel grounded in this moment.
One way to slow down the pace of life is by practicing yoga.
There is much evidence to show that yoga can help relieve symptoms of anxiety.
In fact there is a series of poses that are particularly potent for those suffering from anxiety, depression or stress.
You can even recite yoga affirmations to put you in the headspace to get started!
10. I have the power to control my emotions.11. I will let go of negative thoughts.12. I have people willing to help me.13. I am not my thoughts.15. My future is filled with so many possibilities.- READ: 17 Best Yoga Poses for Anxiety (Depression and Stress)
Fear of the judgement and scrutiny of others can make even familiar social settings challenging for those with Social anxiety disorder.
Have these affirmations for social anxiety saved for when you need to give yourself a pep talk:
1. I am a great conversation starter.2. I have nothing to fear.3. Being unique is my strength.4. I’ve done this before. I can do it again.5. I’m not alone in how I’m feeling.You’re certainly not alone.
Statistics show that 15 million adults across the US suffer from Social anxiety disorder.
More than three in four people experience their first symptoms in childhood or during their teenage years.
6. I am an interesting person to be around.7. I am worthy of a happy life.8. I am enough.9. I belong here as much as anyone else.10. I don’t fear people’s judgement.- READ: Are Acupressure Mats Good for Anxiety?

- READ: 60 Positive Daily Affirmations to Boost Your Mood!
Morning Affirmations for Anxiety
Get your day started in the best possible way by reminding yourself what a strong person you are!
Here are 10 morning affirmations for anxiety relief:
1. I am a good person.2. I can rise to the challenge.3. I welcome happiness and joy into my day.Why not practice your morning affirmation as you enjoy a cup of herbal tea?
There are a number of blends, backed up by science, that have benefits for those living with anxiety.
These include peppermint, chamomile and rosehip.
4. I am exactly where I’m supposed to be.5. I can choose my thoughts.6. I am capable of solving problems.7. Today will be a good day.8. I am not alone in my life.9. I know that everything will work out.10. I will let worry go.- READ: 9 Best Teas for Anxiety: Natural Remedies for Relief
Affirmations for Work Anxiety
The latest statistics show that 62% of adults in the workplace report high levels of stress.
Workload, people issues, lack of job security and juggling work and personal life were provided as causes.
1. I believe in my own abilities.2. I trust my own judgement.3. I am more than my job.Building your self-esteem and reducing worries is possible when you regularly meditate.
Sitting cross-legged may not seem like an effective treatment method, however experts explain that meditation teaches you how to experience your thoughts completely differently.
4. I can overcome any problem that comes my way.5. I am the right person for the job.6. Today I will celebrate every little win.7. I will embrace new opportunities.8. I’m allowed to say no.9. There are no mistakes, only lessons to be learned.10. I am grateful for all I have achieved.Showing gratitude each day is another way shown to curb anxiety.
Using a journal can be one way to create a habit of giving thanks.
- READ: Benefits of Meditation: 42 (Life-Changing) Reasons to Start Today

Going to bed early can be one way to calm your busy mind.
Enjoying a full night’s sleep can reduce feelings of stress, anger and mental exhaustion.
5. I am making myself a priority.6. I can fall asleep whenever I want.7. I choose sleep over anxiety.8. I am grateful for all I achieved today.9. I will recharge for tomorrow as I sleep.Living with anxiety can take its toll on your confidence.
You can give it a boost by going to bed naked! Yes, you read that correctly.
There is some evidence to show that sleeping naked makes you feel more comfortable in your own skin which results in greater confidence.
10. I let all the feelings of today just drift away.- READ: 23 Things to Help You Sleep Better Tonight (Evidence-based)
Self-Affirmations for Anxiety
You are more than your anxiety and it’s important that you keep reminding yourself of this fact.
Read our self-affirmations for anxiety and find the one that most resonates with you:
1. I am calm and at peace.2. Taking care of myself is very important.3. I have everything I need within me.4. I can slow my breathing. I am in control.5. I am enough.6. I give myself permission to take a break.Anxiety can be exhausting so making time for self-care is so important.
Due to the commonality of anxiety, the market is bursting with products to help treat the condition, so why not treat yourself?
7. I am kind to myself.8. I can always try again.9. I am learning to deal with my worries.10. I release any doubts and fears.Want even more inspiration?
We’ve compiled lists of affirmations for men, women and kids that you can explore to find the words that are right for you.
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8 Effective Ways to Beat Stress
Many people do not cope with the nervous situations they face in life. It is worth learning to overcome stress and restore peace of mind. To do this, there are several proven methods that can be combined.
Inspirational meditation.
Meditation is a great way to overcome stress and restore peace of mind. It can be successfully adapted to your own capabilities and conditions. There are only three rules that must be observed for meditation to work: find yourself a quiet place, close your eyes, breathe deeply and separate your mind from worldly affairs. Now you can think of something pleasant or imagine a wonderful vision in front of your eyes - whatever you want! There is no place for pain and anxiety, there are no deadlines, and no one puts pressure on you. This world is inhabited only by beautiful projections of your soul. Calmness envelops every part of your being, but you breathe new hope, throwing all your fears out of your heart.
Physical exercise.
It's no secret that physical activity has a positive effect on the entire human body, stimulating blood circulation and strengthening the heart. Exercise also relieves stress, thanks to the endorphins that the brain produces in response to exercise. In addition, playing sports contributes to concentration, and also takes our attention away from everyday problems. Practice what you enjoy: tennis, running, swimming, or yoga - there are many options. Remember that by staying active, you can unwittingly and very effectively overcome stress!
Listening to music.

Find some remote place and put on your favorite song. Remember that the melody should be slow, calm and soothing, and addressed to you. Do nothing else while listening. Enjoy the sumptuous music and lyrics and let the melodies flow through your body. Breathe to the rhythm of the song. Create a playlist specifically for these occasions. Music therapy is one of the very easy and proven ways to restore exhausted nerves. Thanks to good music, you can be transported to a completely different dimension and defeat stress by pushing it out of consciousness. Therefore, it is worthwhile to practice listening to it as often as possible and get extraordinary pleasure.
Calming affirmations.
Affirmations are the art of using the living word to your advantage. Appropriately selected content of affirmations forms a belief system. If you regularly convince yourself of some thing using the right words, you begin to really believe in what you say. Here are five powerful affirmations to repeat when you need to overcome stress and seek relaxation for the mind.
1. Silence fills my mind, body and soul.
2. I have everything under control. I am calm.
3. I overcome difficulties. I accept the challenge.
4. I overcome stress and enjoy inner harmony.
5. When I breathe out the air, I feel my soul fill with peace.
Calling up memories is a great way to escape from current worries and make a short expedition to places of happy life. Don't be afraid to immerse yourself in pleasant memories for a while, which will help you unwind after a long and stressful day. Then you can get old photos, view contacts on a social network, or find former friends in search engines. In addition, a good way to overcome stress is to dive into dreams. Thus, you can completely disconnect from current affairs.
Physical contact.
When worries are upon you, hug your loved one and hold on tight. Feel the influx of warm energy that drives away your fears and gives you the strength to overcome stress. Hug your dog or cat and let him sleep next to you. Lay your head on a friend's shoulder. No words are needed - just holding hands is enough.
Put your thoughts on paper.
Take a piece of paper and a pen (like you did in school) and take a deep breath. Get your worries out of your mind and put them on paper. Write about how you spent the day, about your problems or about what worries you. Don't use a computer - write by hand. Release accumulated emotions. Let the letter be your outlet. To successfully overcome stress, it is always worth letting go of negative emotions. There should be nothing special, but the process itself can give a lot of strength and energy.
Start a hobby.
Mobilize your mind in a pleasant procedure instead of being tormented by a thousand things that should be taken care of tomorrow. Get involved in something that you enjoy and that absorbs your attention - it can be a game, creating art or cooking. It's just as important to remember to do your chores as it is to take some time for pleasure.
Stress, unfortunately, is an integral part of everyday life. Until we dominate it, it will cause great damage to our body. Therefore, take the trouble to protect yourself, your mental and physical health.
How to fall asleep faster and not think about anything
No matter how tired you are, as soon as you go to bed, thoughts can start to rush in your head. What did you not manage to do today and what will happen tomorrow? Have you replied to all messages? Then you start to involuntarily think about the global problems of mankind...
Anna Polovinkina
Anxiety and sleep problems complement each other. People with insomnia are up to 20 times more likely to suffer from anxiety or depression, according to a study published in the journal Frontiers in Neurology. Good sleep, on the other hand, has a calming effect.
Content of the article
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Nightly affirmations
Affirmations change the neural connections in the brain, creating a more positive self-image and increased confidence. At night they can be even more effective.
Setting your brain positive (especially right before bed) can help you reduce your anxiety levels and sleep better, Elisabeth Lombardo, PhD, says in an interview with “When you go from wakefulness to sleep, you are practically in a state of hypnosis, when suggestions are absorbed better,” says the expert.
There are several ways to practice positive affirmations, and the entire process can take anywhere from one to five minutes. After a particularly stressful day, you may need more time for this exercise. In good times, you may want to take a quick one-minute refresh to keep the “positive vibes” going. In any case, Lombardo advises making affirmations a habit.
Mantra Routine
Lombardo recommends the following: Before going to bed, write down one to three affirmations. For example, “I am good enough”, “I am worthy. ..”, “I deserve...”. This is completely individual, and the best options are the ones that first come to your mind.
- Turn off the lights and lie down in a comfortable position in which you usually like to fall asleep.
- Close your eyes. Repeat the affirmations like a mantra.
- One can “dream” that all wishes have already come true. For example, using the statement "I am confident in myself", you can imagine what it looks like. You can communicate confidently with people or easily get out of situations that would normally make you nervous.
- Repeat affirmations until you fall asleep.
Gratitude Affirmation
Psychiatrist and MD Shini Ambardar recommends this method. “I found that this simple exercise before bed can quickly change a person’s mood from anxiety to gratitude,” the expert tells
- Think of five things you are grateful for.