Books on adhd and relationships
Top 5 Books For Loving A Person with ADHD | Kids Health
ADHD, Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder affects nearly 11% of children in the Western hemisphere with more boys than girls being diagnosed and treated. Popularly understood as a childhood mental health issue ADHD is in fact often diagnosed first in children, where behavior and learning challenges prompt the search for specialized treatment, and remains with a person throughout their life. Fully one third of children diagnosed with ADHD, one of the more common neuro-developmental disorders, will retain their symptoms into adulthood and 41 – 55% of families with a child with ADHD has at least one parent who also has the disorder.
In adults ADHD is found to exist alongside other mental health conditions such as anxiety, depression, even Bi-Polar Disorder, which makes it extremely difficult to isolate and treat effectively as the symptoms often ‘blend in to each other.’ Adults are also more likely to abandon the medications and treatments they received as children preferring to manage their ADHD with alternative approaches or simply no approach at all.
Being in an intimate relationship with an adult who lives with ADHD has specific challenges – ones that require the person without ADHD to be a social buffer, perhaps a parent rather than a partner and a supreme organizer all to simply enjoy a successful connection.
If this is you – we want to help you succeed – here is our Top 5 List of Books for Loving A Person with ADHD.
*All Book descriptions are sourced from
1) The ADHD Effect on Marriage: Understand and Rebuild Your Relationship in Six Steps
by Melissa Orlov (Author), Edward M. Hallowell (Foreword)
Awarded “Best Psychology Book of 2010” by ForeWord Reviews, this book is an invaluable resource for couples in which one of the partners suffers from Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). It authoritatively guides couples in troubled marriages towards an understanding and appreciation for the struggles and triumphs of a relationship affected by ADHD, and to look at the disorder in a more positive and less disruptive way. Going beyond traditional marriage counseling which can often discount the influence of ADHD, this straight-forward discussion offers advice from the author’s personal experience and years of research and identifies patterns of behavior that can hurt marriages —such as nagging, intimacy problems, sudden anger, and memory issues —through the use of vignettes and descriptions of actual couples and their ADHD struggles and solutions. This resource encourages both spouses to become active partners in improving their relationship and healing the fissures that ADHD can cause. Also included are worksheets and various methods for difficult conversations so that couples can find a technique that fits their unique relationship and improve their communication skills.
2) Is It You, Me, or Adult A.D.D.? Stopping the Roller Coaster When Someone You Love Has Attention Deficit DisorderPaperback – August 31, 2008
by Gina Pera (Author), Russell Barkley (Foreword)
Winner of four national book awards, including Foreword Magazine’s Psychology Book of the Year!
The science has been clear since 1994, when Adult AD/HD was declared a medical diagnosis. Still, the public harbors misconceptions, and that means millions suffer needlessly. And that includes millions of couples who can’t understand why their lives together are so hard — sometimes despite many attempts at couples therapy.
Everyone knows someone with adult AD/HD. Yet we misattribute the symptoms to anxiety, depression, or even laziness, selfishness, or moodiness. Moreover, we assume AD/HD means “little boys with ants in their pants.” In fact, childhood hyperactivity goes “underground” as the person matures, resulting in a mentally restless state. (By the way, the former, and still better-known, official term is ADD, plus or minus Hyperactivity. The new term, AD/HD, uses a slash mark to indicate that hyperactivity is not central to the diagnosis.)
Meticulously researched by award-winning journalist Gina Pera, Is It You, Me, or Adult A.D.D.? is a comprehensive guide to recognizing the behaviors where you least expect them (on the road and in the bedroom, for example) and developing compassion for couples wrestling with unrecognized ADHD symptoms. It also offers the latest information from top experts, plenty of real-life details, and easy-to-understand guidelines for finding the best treatment options and practical solutions. The revolutionary message is one of hope for millions of people–and a joyous opportunity for a better life.
3) The Couple’s Guide to Thriving with ADHD Paperback – April 1, 2014, by Melissa Orlov (Author), Nancie Kohlenberger LMFT (Author)
More and more often, adults are realizing that the reason they are struggling so much in their relationship is that they are impacted by previously undiagnosed adult ADHD. Learning how to interact around ADHD symptoms is often the difference between joy together and chronic anger and frustration. So The Couple’s Guide to Thriving with ADHD lays out the most important strategies couples can use – right now – to rebuild trust, fight less, disagree more productively, get the attention they deserve, and rebuild intimacy in their relationship. These are strategies honed over years of working specifically with couples impacted by ADHD, and demonstrated to change lives for the better.
‘Thrive’ is the go-to book for couples struggling with ADHD who want to actively work to improve their relationship.
4) When an Adult You Love Has ADHD: Professional Advice for Parents, Partners, and SiblingsPaperback – September 15, 2016
by Russell A. Barkley PhD (Author)
In this book ADHD expert Dr. Russell Barkley explains the science behind ADHD and how you can tell if your spouse, partner, friend, adult child, or sibling may have it. He shows how to guide your loved one toward the right treatment, and what to do if he or she doesn’t want treatment.
Adults with ADHD can be successful, achieve their goals, and live out big dreams and you can help. You can set boundaries to manage your own emotional and financial stress, too. Here you will learn practical steps for helping your loved one accept and manage their disorder, and pursue paths in life where ADHD might not pose such a big problem.
5) The ADHD Marriage Workbook: A User-Friendly Guide to Improving Your RelationshipPaperback – March 1, 2012
by Michael T Bell (Author)
Michael T. Bell, Ph.D has been working with couples affected by ADHD since 1999. He also has ADHD himself. In The ADHD Marriage Workbook, he draws from his own successful problem-solving as an ADHD adult and husband.
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The first section shares the results of the ADHD Relationship Sex Survey, the first of its kind to look at how ADHD can impact a couple’s sex life and relationship satisfaction. This covers the differences between those with and without ADHD, as well as how gender influences it all. I also share how the 3,000 respondents rated various treatment options and why treatment effort is important in more ways than you think. Finally, I share the lessons learned from the happiest couples so that we can all have a more satisfying sex life and relationship.
In the second and third sections, I extend the results from the first section by covering all sorts of topics that will help you overcome whatever is holding you back from a more satisfying sex life and relationship. I talk about how creating a better sex life means also working on your relationship and that you will both benefit from the process. I talk about how to resolve differences and negotiate a sex life that works for both of you, including how to deal with problems with performance and pleasure. I also get into some hefty topics like masturbation, porn, infidelity and even consensual nonmonogamy, so that you and your partner can navigate potential pitfalls.
There is definitely a progression of topics from one chapter to the next, but you can also skip around if there are some topics you want to read first.
Introduction: Good Sex is Extra Important for Couples with ADHD
Sex is Important
The Double-Edged Sword of Sex
How to Read This Book
Some Disclaimers
Introduction: Better Sex through Statistics: The ADHD Relationship Sex Survey
The ADHD Relationship Sex Survey
Take the Survey Yourself
Nice Numbers!
I Only Care If It’s Useful
Some Minor and Major Number Crunching
Types of comparisons
Four Kinds of People, Two Kinds of Couples
Descriptive and Suggestive Results
Remember, Everybody’s Got Something
It’s All Good
Cut to the Chase: Give Me the Important Lessons
1. In Their Own Words
Non-ADHD Women
ADHD Women
Non-ADHD Men
In Conclusion
2. How ADHD Impacts Sex and Relationships
Surprising Findings
From Bad to Worse?
Early is Easy
Early is Easy in Bed, Too
Sexual Frequency
Desired Sexual Frequency
Masturbation to Make Up the Difference?
Sexual Barriers and Masturbation Frequency
Porn Use Frequency
Partner’s Porn Use Frequency
Sexual Barriers and Porn Use
Porn Use Feelings
Huh? Distracted Sex
Sexual Effort is Imbalanced, Too
Sexual Variety
Physical and Emotional Infidelity
Consensual Nonmonogamy
Barriers to a More Satisfying Sex Life
The Sexual Eagerness Cluster
The Big Three: Sexual Frequency, Sexual Satisfaction, & Relationship Satisfaction
Bridge the Divide
Take Away Lessons
3. Make the Most of Treatment
How Hard Are You Working At It?
I’m Working Harder than You Are
Treatment Effort Matters More Than You Think
Maximizing Treatment Effectiveness
Which Treatments Work Best?
Is More Treatments Better?
Take Away Lessons
4. Role Models: What Can We Learn from the Happiest Couples?
Beware of Negative Momentum
The Power of Positive Attending
The Big Drivers of Satisfaction
Follow the Leaders
Work Hard at Treatment
Find Effective Treatments
Have More Sex
Have Better Sex
Masturbation and Porn are OK
Take Away Lessons
Introduction: Your Sex Life is Worth Working On
5. Sex Makes You a Better Person
Peace Sometimes Requires War
Happy Couples Fight Better
The Double-Edged Sword of Desire
Self-Esteem, Self-Acceptance and Other-Acceptance
Between the Hammer and the Anvil
Take Away Lessons
6. Respectful Communication and Productive Negotiation
Be Accepting
But Maybe Not Too Accepting. . .
The Rich Tapestry of Sexuality
What Do You Want to Do and Who Do You Want to Do it With?
From Thought to Action
Step 1: Identify Your Sexual Desires
Step 2: Understand Each Other’s Sexual Desires
Step 3: Negotiate the Differences: Create Our Sexual Desires
Step 4: Negotiate the Differences: How Often Do We Do It?
Step 5: Negotiate the Alternatives: What Can I Do When You’re Not in the Mood?
The Importance of Being Good at Rejection
Desire Killer #1: Guilting
Desire Killer #2: Avoidance
It Takes Two to Tango
Take Away Lessons
7. It’s All Foreplay
It All Spills Forward
The Sex Funnel
Overcome Sexual Barriers
Boost Sexual Enhancers
Quality, Not Just Quantity
Take Away Lessons
8. Make it a Priority
Make and Protect Good Feelings for Sex
Make and Protect Time for Sex
Make and Protect Energy for Sex
Make It Happen
Make That Move
Roll with It
Plan B
Take Away Lessons
9. Sex 101 (and 201, and 301. . .)
Healthy Body, Horny Mind
Still Got It!
Reasonable Expectations, Both Ways
Exciters and Inhibitors: The Sexual Gas and Brake
Context (Really) Matters
Spontaneous and Responsive Desire
The Importance of Foreplay
Enjoy the Process
Most Women Don’t Orgasm Just from Intercourse
Share Your Toys
Fantasy vs Action
Sex into the Older Years
Everything is Better with Lube
Specific and/or Narrow Sexual Interests
Whips and Chains and Floggers, Oh My
Take Away Lessons
10. Taking Some Personal Time: Masturbation
The Ethics of Masturbation
Men Masturbate to Make Up the Difference (But Women Don’t as Much)
Are Sex and Masturbation the Same?
Is Masturbation Cheating or Criticism?
Masturbation as Path of Least Resistance
Masturbate Together
Take Away Lessons
11. What about Porn?
Porn Within Your Relationship
Talk It Out
The Benefits of Porn
Some Things to Keep in Mind
Why Does Most Porn Suck?
If Porn Is a Personal Problem
If Porn Is a Relationship Problem
Which Came First—The Porn or the Problem?
Porn May Be Problematic, But It Isn’t Addictive
Take Away Lessons
Introduction: The Double-Edged Sword of Sex
12. When the Negotiations Break Down
Disagreements About Our Shared Sexual Repertoire
Disagreements About How Often We Do It
Close (or Shrink) the Gap
Generosity Always Helps
Difficult Sexual Negotiations
Seriously Irreconcilable Differences
Take Away Lessons
13. Problems with Performance and Pleasure
It’s All Connected
Genito-Pelvic Pain/Penetration Disorder
Erectile Disorder: Not the End of the World
Premature Ejaculation: Learn to Slow It Down
Delayed Ejaculation: Almost, Almost, Almost. . .
Problems with Specific Desires
Take Away Lessons
14. Problems with Desire: Not Enough Sex
Desire Downers: Many Potential Sexual Drains
What Does History Teach Us?
What Are Your Goals?
Start Slow
Maybe Start by Yourself
What About Asexuality?
When Desire is Lacking—And Also the Desire to Desire
If You Want to Want It
Where Do Solo Activities Fit?
Take Away Lessons
15. Secret Stuff with Other People: Hook-Ups and Affairs
Fidelity Agreements: What Is and Isn’t Acceptable?
Preventing Infidelity
Address Relationship and Sexual Problems
Know Your Slippery Slopes
Surviving Infidelity
To Tell or Not To Tell?
First, Calm the Storm
Learn From It
Restore Trust
Restore Normalcy
Take Away Lessons
16. Consensual Sex with Other People: Other Arrangements
Covering the Range
The Fantasy versus the Reality
Not the Solution for Relationship Problems
Maybe the Solution for a Specific Problem
Communication—And Lots of It
Take Away Lessons
17. Lessons for Dating: Begin with the End in Mind
Lessons from Your Past
What Role Did ADHD Play?
Lessons from the Survey
What Are You Looking For?
What Do You Deserve?
Dating Apps for the Impatient and Impulsive
Truth in Labelling
Fish in the Right Waters
Invest the Time
Resist FOMO. . .
. . . But Know When to Move On
To Tell or Not to Tell?
Survive and Thrive
Take Away Lessons
18. Final thoughts
Appendix A: The ADHD Relationship Sex Survey
Appendix B: Provider Directories
Appendix C: Recommended Reading
90,000 selection of the best books on ADHD, in RussianThe best books for the initial acquaintance with the ADHD
in Russian
Information provided * SDVG Life * Roman Savina
author of the article - Alexander Saitchenko
9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 9000 . Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. Family illness
Author: Semyon Nodelson.
No advice, but this is the best book to destigmatize people with the syndrome and their environment. The author has been working on the topic for more than 30 years, a doctor in a boarding school for children with ADHD.
Disghanced child, or all about hyperactive children
Author: I.P. Bryazgunov, E.B. Kasatikova
Complex for my taste, albeit heavy in style
900 children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder.
Author: OI Politika
The book contains a rich theoretical and practical material, discusses the causes of hyperactivity, describes in detail the methods of complex diagnostics and behavior correction
Children of “mattresses” and children of “catastrophe”
Author: Ekaterina Murashova
A good review book for those who like to study psychology based on stories about certain characters.
Is a hyperactive child forever? An alternative view of the problem
Author: LA Goryacheva, L. Kruglyak
Fans of holistic methods and healthy lifestyles will like this book.
Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder in children .
Author: Ye.V.Fesenko, Yu.A.Fesenko
Quite a valuable book rather for specialists.
Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder in children
Author: OI Romanchuk.
This book is interesting, but rather for doctors and those who have a firm diagnosis, a lot on drug treatment..
Victory over the ADHD
Author: Friedman Grace, Cheett Sarah
Game Methods for Teenagers and Young Adults with attention deficit syndrome. A short -range shortage, simple language, in the American style 🙂
Why am I I'm distracted.
How to recognize Attention Deficit Disorder in adults and children and what to do about it
Author: Edward Hallowell, John Ratey
This book, in my opinion, is the most useful for adults.
Don't distract me!
How to maintain a high concentration no matter what
Author: Edward Hallowell
The book will suit both people with natural ADHD and normotypes who have artificially immersed themselves in this state.
Correction of the development of the intellect of preschool children
Author: A.L.
Light yourself up! Life is in motion .
Author: John Ratey, Eric Hagerman
Revolutionary knowledge about the effect of physical activity on the brain The book is motivating but without specific programs and advice, it is worth reading, but I would not buy it.
Anxious brain.
How to calm thoughts, heal the mind and regain control over your own life
Author: Joseph Annibali
A very cool book in every sense!
Power up your working memory
Author: Alloway Tracy, Alloway Ross
Based on the latest scientific research, the authors explain the benefits of Facebook, how to improve our memory and how our learning is changing age. You will learn that working memory can help alleviate serious conditions and diseases such as hyperactivity, autism, dyslexia, and Alzheimer's disease.
Love your brain.
How to turn your convolutions from a well-trodden rut into a highway of success
Author: Amen Daniel J.
Often we do not even realize how much our well-being is connected with the state and functioning of the brain. When he is healthy, we are happy, easily achieve success in business and achieve the location of others.
The Brain: From Good to Excellent
Author: Amen Daniel J.
This book provides a step-by-step program to "turn" a good brain into an excellent one in just 15 days. The program includes recommendations on proper nutrition, prevention of microtrauma of the brain, advice on taking vitamins, exercise, protection against stress, increasing intelligence, etc.
Change your brain and your body will change too.
Author: Amen Daniel J.
This book is based on the author's latest scientific research and 20 years of medical experience in the clinics he founded (Amen Clinics Inc.), where he and his colleagues explore the workings of the brain using the latest scanning technologies.
They don't kick Amen like that, but in terms of building programs that harmonize the brain in general, he is good. There are many more books (about 50 more), but I do not mention those that cannot be bought or downloaded, which are too secondary, or focused on narrow-profile teachers.
"ADHD Life"
Author: Roman Savin
Very good and complex, it covers many aspects that are missed by narrow specialists who are outside the problems of fidgets.
Read a book online
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) 📚 - top best literature on the topic
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) 📚 - top best literature on the topic | Read and listen online on MyBookWhat to choose
Victory over ADHD. A Playful Method for Adolescents and Young Adults with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder
Grace Friedman
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder is a ubiquitous and common phenomenon in the modern world, but this is no reason to give up! People with ADHD are not able to maintain attention for a long time, it is difficult for them to learn new material, organize the space around them, it is difficult to build interpersonal relationships . ..
Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder
Asya Kuzmina
The notebook is intended for parents raising a child with ADHD (senior preschool / junior school age). Having accepted knowledge about the syndrome, developmental forecasts, methods of correction, parents can form such family relationships that will have a positive impact on the social adaptation of the child ...
- Believe me
M. Brik loss than a person's trust. From childhood, Eliza Broer knows that life is a theater. “With age, everything becomes easier: the father turns out to be a banal liar, the mother is his faithful toy and maid, Arnold, suffering from ADHD, was simply unlucky, because he is not so ...
Key ideas of the book: From distraction to attention. Smart strategies for developing your child's functional abilities. Zach Grisham
Smart Reading
This summary is an abridged version of the book. Only the most valuable thoughts, ideas, cases, examples. Raising a child with ADHD is hard, but rewarding work. Indeed, in most cases, the conscious development of such a child allows him to completely get rid of emotional outbursts, problems with attention and memory ...
When a child cannot obey. Parenting children with ADHD
Albert Feigelson
What to do if a naughty child grows up in the family? Parents, grandparents, educators and teachers clutch their heads when even ordinary things - to sit still or put on...
Key ideas of the book: From distraction to attention. Smart strategies for developing your child's functional abilities. Zach Grisham
Smart Reading
This summary is an abridged version of the book From Distractedness to Attention. Smart Strategies for Developing Your Child's Functional Abilities by Zach Grisham. Only the most valuable thoughts, ideas, cases, examples. Raising a child with ADHD is hard, but rewarding work. After all, in most cases, conscious action ...
ADHD Life or Notes from a restless home
Roman Savin
The book "ADHD LIFE or Notes from a restless home" is a story about how a child and an adult with ADHD live What is ADHD and how can we get out of this hole. The mission of the project is to raise awareness of ADHD in society and save as many Fidgets and their parents, spouses, children as possible. Audience: r...
Attention development cards
Elena Losik
The book contains tasks with black-and-white, specially selected pictures. Work on cards will contribute not only to the development of attention, but also orientation on the sheet and on the plane.
Hyperactive child (ADHD). How to help them learn
Renata Kirilina
In this book, you will learn the basics about Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), as well as simple steps to help your child with ADHD learn.