Best careers for introverts 2018
Best Careers for Introverts | Jobs for Introverts That Pay Well
Max Troy
Introversion occurs on a spectrum. There are different degrees of introversion and although there is a wide variety of personality traits of introverts, but most of them share certain common characteristics and challenges. Introverts are worn out by social encounters and energized by solitude and creative pursuits. There are various careers for people with introvert personality to choose best careers for Introverts. High paying jobs for introverts that pay well gives a detailed description of the job opportunities they can go for.
Introverts are often hardworking, zealous people who require a need for their space and downtime. They put their heart and soul into everything that they do but it can leave them feeling weary, especially in the business world. While they may not be the most forthright and outspoken in meetings and often shy away from big presentations, they do possess many traits that are valuable in the workplace.
However, they are good listeners which help them to build a good rapport with people around them and make insightful contributions to discussions. To help you find successful jobs, here are some of the most ideal job positions for people of this personality type:
- Blogger or Writer – Introverts prosper in an environment where they are alone with their thoughts and it is often during these periods that they channel their creativity and develop strong ideas. Creating content is one of the most suitable careers for introverts, whether it’s a blog, marketing campaign, social media, novel, etc. This requires hours of solitude with very little interaction with others. Depending on their deadlines, writers take off for long duration to do research and working on their content. Since introverts tend to be introspective they enjoy these hours of reflection as they deliberate and conceptualize their next article or plot line. Writers can be freelancers, self-employed, or traditional employees.
According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), median annual wages for salaried writers and authors were $53,070.
- Graphic Designer – It’s a great for an introvert because it involves utilizing your creative skills to create custom digital artwork and coming up with visually appealing concepts, all the while working alone with your computer. Although as a graphic designer you are required to interact with team members, clients, etc, but it doesn’t necessarily require a one on one interaction. It also gives you ample of time to escape back into your latest design project. In order to pursue a career in this field you need to earn a bachelor’s degree in graphic design or a related field is usually required. The median annual wage for graphic designers is $47,640.
- Film/Video Editor – Becoming a film and video editor is one the best careers for introverts. It requires you to spend time in a private editing room where you get to see all kinds of raw footage and create something magical out of it.
Video editors work in many different industries, including film, broadcasting and advertising. Nowadays, video editors are hailed as the back bone of any post production process. You need to possess a bachelor’s degree in film studies or production in order to become a film/video editor. According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, an 18% increase in the hiring of video editors is expected for the 2014-2024 period. The BLS reported that the annual median salary for film and video editors is $80,300.
Read More: Scope of Computer Science Careers | Top Computer Science Universities in USA
- Computer Programmer – It is usually considered as one of the best careers for introverts. Computer programmers work on projects independently, writing codes in front of a screen, which gives introverts time to enjoy solitude. They can code from anywhere as all they needs is a computer and internet connection. Not only from offices but you can also work from library and home which will give you the quiet to focus on your work.
In order to become a computer programmer you need a Bachelor of Computer Science or related degree. Depending on the experience, programmers generally earn $80,000/year.
- Conservation Scientist and Forester – What’s better for an introvert than spending their workdays in the peace and quiet of the great outdoors as you refresh your own energy reserves while also managing parks, forests, rangelands and conservation areas, and where your co-workers are more plants than humans? Some foresters educate others about the importance of conservation and they counter balance it by spending long duration of time alone in the fields working and gathering samples. If you go wish to go down this career path you will need a bachelor’s degree in conservation, environmental science, forestry or a related field. Some states also demand for licenses and certifications for forestry. The average annual income in this field is $61,400, according to the BLS.
- Astronomer – Becoming an astronomer can be one of the high paying careers for introverts.
Astronomers study celestial bodies like stars, planets and galaxies. They also collect mathematical and statistical data for making predictions and for scientific work. It is ideal for introverts as they not only get to work with a small team of engineers and scientists but also spend a lot of time alone doing their own research work. Being an astronomer typically requires a PhD in physics or astronomy. On an average they earn $114,870 a year.
- Archivist – This job is God sent for the introverts. Imagine spending your time with works of art instead of dealing with co workers and customers? Archivists catalogues, preserves, edits, assembles, and manages historically significant or potentially valuable documents and records such as artworks, historical items, websites, sound recordings, and manuscripts. The nature of their role is solitary and they can find job positions in museums, galleries, universities, government offices, botanical gardens, and historical sites.
For those who wish to go down this career path should get a bachelor’s degree in library science or archival science. However, archivists can also obtain bachelor’s degrees in subjects such as history, art or science. At the graduate level, many schools offer master’s degrees in archival studies. According to B.L.S., the average median salary of an archivist is $53,880.
Conclusion: There are plenty of career options that play to an introvert’s strengths and bring out the very best in them while also offering a steady and high income.
Max Troy
Max Troy is the Career Counsellor as well as a passionate Author. Well, he has years of experience in the Career and Jobs industry. As a part of his career at OPTnation, he helped various OPT and CPT candidates to shape their Career. Through his knowledge and writing skill, he is contributing to the students to find the best Career advice and immigration topics. Do share the information if you like it.
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Career Tips
When Being Reserved Is An Advantage
Last edit September 8, 2022
Introversion is having its moment in the spotlight these days. It's because many of the qualities that introverts possess are highly valued by plenty of employers. And based on these qualities, you can even determine what the best jobs for introverts are.
On the one hand, it's true that thanks to their more reserved nature, introverts can have it hard sometimes. Especially when it comes to job search, let career progression alone.
In the professional world that values first impressions, confidence, and oftentimes aggressiveness, it can sadly hurt their chances of getting a job.
But on the other hand, while their natural character traits often lead them to be less “out there”, they also make them more diligent, focused, and harder to distract.
So, if you're an introvert, there's no reason to despair. There are jobs out there that are the perfect fit for you.
We’ve picked the 20 best jobs for introverts — jobs that best suit your preferences and abilities.
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Which type of introvert are you?First things first. To know in which job field you'd be a star, you have to know what kind of an introvert you are.
According to Merriam-Webster Dictionary, an introvert is “a typically reserved or quiet person who tends to be introspective and enjoys spending time alone.”
But every person is different and no introvert is the same as another introvert.
For this reason, psychologist Jonathan Cheek and his team argued for another, more precise model.
According to Cheek, there are four different types of introversion:
- Social introverts. These are the closest to the commonly held view of introversion. It’s a preference for socializing in small groups instead of large ones. Yet, introverts who fall within this category aren’t shy or socially anxious. They simply prefer situations in which they don’t have to interact with too many people at once.
- Thinking introverts. Unlike social introverts, their energy isn’t drained by social interaction.
Instead, they’re simply thoughtful, self-reflective, and have rich inner lives. You could even mistake them for extroverts on the surface. Yet, they tend to get lost in an internal fantasy world and are often highly imaginative and creative.
- Anxious introverts. They seek solitude because they feel awkward and self-conscious around other people as they’re not quite confident in their own social skills. Even if they’re alone, they tend to go through past situations in their mind and scrutinize their behavior.
- Restrained introverts. They often appear laid-back and aloof. They prefer to think before they speak and sometimes seem to operate at a slightly slower pace. They’re slow to get going and need a bit of a warm-up before they spring into action.
Sounds like you? Let's now see which job might be a good fit.
20 best jobs for every type of introvertEach of the types above finds the most fulfillment and accomplishment in different kinds of jobs. We wanted to consider these preferences when composing this list.
Below you can find the best jobs for introverts of each individual type.
While reading it, you should keep in mind that no categorization is perfect. You might even find yourself fitting multiple types at once.
If you’re a social introvert, you should pay close attention to picking the right work environment.
While many social introverts might discover that working from home is great for them, others might miss other people.
They should just avoid working in environments that are crowded, noisy, or don’t offer much privacy.
Most factors don’t depend as much on the career as on your individual employer. This is part of the reason why social introverts have the highest number of options to choose from.
Social introverts may want to consider a career in:
- Skilled trades like woodworking, plumbing, or baking
- Animal training
- Computer administration
- Interpreting/translating
- Mechanic work

If you’re a thinking introvert, you probably derive the most satisfaction from working on creative tasks during which you’re able to develop new ideas and innovations.
You should be looking for jobs that will provide you with enough stimuli to fuel these creative processes.
The best jobs for introverts of this type would be in fields like:
- Design
- Engineering
- Artistic practice
- Software development
- Copywriting/Social media management
- Video game development
Even though anxious introverts might feel really awkward in social situations, they’re usually absolute heroes when it comes to work that requires close attention to detail.
So, the best jobs for introverts of this type involve critical work where failure is not an option or jobs that revolve around keeping people safe.
While some of these jobs can be quite stressful, none of them will expose you to anxiety-inducing social situations:
- Accounting/auditing
- Night cleaner/Watchman
- Commercial pilot
- Proofreader
- Archivist

As a restrained introvert, you think before you speak. In fact, before you do anything at all, you think about all the possible consequences first.
This comes with a knack for observation and seeing the big picture. And while you might be slow to get going, once you do, there’s no stopping you.
Best jobs for introverts of this type demand continuous effort over long periods of time.
Thanks to your gentle nature and good analytical skills, you might find success and accomplishments in academia or counseling:
- Science
- Humanities
- Analytics
- Counseling
- Creative writing
Of course, it’s impossible to list every possible job suited for introverts of each type. Don’t let this list limit your options in any way.
In the end, the best way for an introvert — or anyone for that matter — to find a job is to find their passion first.
Once you’ve found it, you can begin to search for a work environment or position that would allow you to work at your passion in an environment that gives your privacy and allows you to work at your own pace.
FAQ: Best jobs for introverts
- How can an introvert ace an interview?
You probably don’t like surprises. While you may not be the best at being spontaneously charming, you can make up for this by being well-prepared. Practice some common small talk topics and arrange your day around your interview so you won't feel overwhelmed.
During the interview, try to match the energy levels and the tone of the interviewer, and don't be afraid to refer to your introversion. Rather, try to sell it as your strength.
- What are the worst jobs for introverts?
-Marketing Coordinator
-Healthcare professional
-Primary or high school teacher
-Flight attendant - What jobs require no talking?
-Data Entry Clerk
-Laboratory Technician
-Truck Driver
This article was recently updated. The original article was written by Martin Poduska in 2017.
- Kaja Jurcisinova
Junior Writer
Kaja Jurcisinova is a fresh graduate and a junior writer at Kickresume. Kaja completed her undergraduate degree in Art History at the University of St Andrews in 2018 and graduated with a Master’s in Arts and Culture from the University of Groningen in 2021. This year, the results of her master thesis were published in the academic journal Museum International. She was an intern at multiple cultural institutions across Europe, including the Dutch Museum Association in Amsterdam, the Matter of Art Biennale in Prague, and the European Cultural Centre in Venice. At the moment, she resides in Visby on the Swedish island of Gotland.
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8 tips on how to make it easier for an introvert to find a job —
For introvert job seekers, finding a job is a test. After all, you need to get out of your comfort zone, make contacts, attend interviews.

If a person is an introvert by psychotype, then he is characterized by concentration on his inner world. This is not a person who is shy or socially inept. It's just that he spends energy while in society, and accumulates it in solitude. nine0005
Introverts have a hard time looking for a job. The main problem is that it is difficult for them to establish superficial contacts and quickly process incoming information. They don’t send out resumes to many job openings, they rarely write cover letters, and interviews can be a real challenge for them.
At the same time, people with this type of personality are excellent workers who have every chance to build a successful career, if not fast-paced. They are laconic, thoroughly approach the fulfillment of the assigned tasks, work slowly, but with high quality. Such specialists delve into the essence of the problem and are in no hurry to make rash decisions. They show the ability to be creative, they have a well-developed memory and analytical abilities. nine0005 has collected tips to help introvert job seekers make their job search more comfortable.
1. Choose the right path and vacancies
It is important for an introvert (preferably still in his youth) to choose a field of activity in which communication with people is minimized. He will feel in his place in a position, for example, an analyst, accountant, auditor, designer, programmer, veterinarian, research scientist.
And the professions of a sales representative, public relations manager, salesperson and other positions related to communication will devastate both physically and mentally. nine0005
The right solution is to find a job that will give the introvert the opportunity to use their strengths and send out resumes to relevant vacancies. Don't forget the importance of cover letters.
2. Agree and train
When an introvert is invited for an interview, it is likely that his first thought will be: "Maybe not to go . ..". He has the right to think so, but he is obliged to accept the invitation, and then proceed to training.
How? Go to as many interviews as possible. This will provide an opportunity to find out exactly what hiring managers are asking, what questions confuse the applicant. You can ask someone from your family or friends to be an imaginary HR manager. Let him conduct a fictitious interview, ask questions in random order, and the introverted applicant practice answering them smoothly. nine0005
3. Write it down
Introverts are not endowed with the talent of self-presentation, it is difficult for them to talk about themselves and their achievements at the interview, they do not know how to sell themselves in the labor market. But that doesn't mean they don't have anything to share. “Why repeat? they think. “After all, all my successes are reflected in the resume.” Moreover, during a conversation, introverts get lost if they feel that they are incompetent in a particular issue. And they are stingy with descriptions - personal assessments, clarifications, the need to show emotions create great difficulties for introverts. nine0005
Sound familiar? There is a good method of how to systematize and remember information, and at the right time to get it out of the storerooms of memory. Prepare carefully. Get a special notebook in which you write down in detail all the professional data about yourself. Give extended answers to recruiting questions, describe your achievements, strengths and weaknesses, hobbies. When you write, you remember information better. And you will always have a cheat sheet at hand, which you can look into if you forgot something. nine0005
4. Use the internet and social media
Social media can influence your career. The fact is known. An introvert needs to make the most of blogs, forums, and other remote ways to contact potential employers. The format of communication on the World Wide Web makes it possible to think and choose the right words. At the same time, the interlocutor remains on the other side of the monitor, which eliminates the tension that occurs during personal communication.
Post your resume on job search sites. Send him to selected vacancies, find out from the recruiter about his fate by e-mail, look for a section with vacancies on company websites and fill out questionnaires right there. nine0005
5. Offer to interview remotely
If you are an introvert, then the ideal interview option for you is by phone or Skype. When you are invited to interview with an employer, find out if it is possible to conduct an interview remotely.
By the way, introverts are not prone to improvisation, so a call from a recruiting manager can take them by surprise, lead them into confusion. If this also happens to you, then do not hesitate to tell the interlocutor that you will call him back in a couple of minutes. During this time, gather your thoughts and find a summary with prepared theses. nine0005

Of course, an introvert cannot completely eliminate personal contacts. He will need to go to the company's office to talk with a recruiter or employer. And already in the first seconds of the meeting, it is important to try to make a good impression. That is, be friendly, smile, shake hands with the interlocutor.
However, it is not so difficult to focus on these points, but it is more difficult for an introvert to remain interested throughout the conversation. He will get tired before the interview is over. nine0005
Therefore, control yourself all the time, be here and now from the moment you crossed the threshold of the office until the farewell handshake.
How an introvert should behave in an interview in order to keep attention:
- "mirror" the interviewer - unobtrusively copy his gestures, posture, tone and tempo of voice;
- look into the eyes of the interlocutor;
- do not twist the pen, ring in your hands, do not wring your fingers;
- avoid long pauses in conversation; nine0058
- peep into a notebook with prepared abstracts or make notes.
7. Ask questions
Introverts like to listen more than they talk. Therefore, at the interview, you can and should ask questions to the recruiter. Firstly, it will show his interest in the company and the vacancy. And, secondly, it will be necessary to speak to the recruiting manager, and not to the applicant.
8. Do not go to several interviews in one day
An introvert needs to conserve energy and should not agree to more than one interview a day. After an interview, a person with this type of personality needs to restore strength and replenish energy in the way he usually does: be alone with himself, lie on the couch, take a walk. nine0005
Introversion is not a pathology, but a character trait. An introvert just needs to understand the nuances inherent in his personality type, and be able to find a team in which he will feel comfortable. And a job that would energize, not deprive her of. hopes that the above tips will help you with this!
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list of suitable employment for women and men
First, let's find out who extroverts and introverts are. An extrovert is a person focused primarily on the manifestations of the outside world, and an introvert is the exact opposite. This person is alone - "at home", and among people - always "at a party". An introvert is a special person who does not welcome noisy companies too much. Solitude is the most comfortable state for this psychotype. Consider what professions are most suitable for introverts. nine0005
Published: Heading: Choosing a ProfessionAuthor: Svetlana Subbotina
- What qualities do they have?
- Main features
- Characteristics of workers of this type
- Top 10 for women
- Top 10 for men
- Which job is not suitable?
- Interesting video
What qualities do they have?
For an introvert, fantasies, reflections, deep analysis of the inner state, calm contemplation of the surrounding world are much more important than the real hectic life with all its vicissitudes. nine0005
IMPORTANT! He examines everything that happens around him as if from the window of the house, through a certain prism.
Key features
Below is a list of the main characteristics of an introvert personality, which will help you immediately understand who is in front of you. And if you have not yet figured out who your child is by psychotype, then the list will help you decide.
- You always feel a little awkward around an introvert. Even if you know him for 100 years. He is open and talkative only with the closest people. In society, this is a closed and silent person. If he enters into a conversation, then only for a specific purpose. nine0058
- Children and adult introverts can be alone for a long time, absolutely do not need company and interlocutors. They are good on their own. Poorly tolerate the introduction into their personal space.
- Tend to be offended over trifles, sometimes sentimental and may shed a tear.
If they are not heard, they can become quick-tempered.
- However, all their actions and actions are carefully thought out and calculated. They go out into society fully armed. For introverts, this is always more of a hostile environment. If some incidents or troubles happen, then they constantly relive them again and again. nine0058
- These are people with developed fantasy and imagination.
BTW! Often they live in a world they have invented and it is there that they feel comfortable.
- These are wonderful analysts. In adulthood, they are perfectly able to control their emotions. In life, they always achieve their goal, go to it independently and confidently.
Features of workers of this type
Top 10 for women
Women-introverts do their work slowly, very scrupulously, not forgetting a single detail. They are happy to help people and like to feel their need and usefulness for society. nine0005
Next, find out what professions are suitable for female introverts. Here is the list.
- Designer
- A profession that involves the expression of a personal vision of the world.
- Suitable for creative people who have the ability to draw.
- Currently very popular and highly paid. It allows you to work on individual projects, and only the final result can be put up for public discussion.
- You can be an interior, jewelry, clothing or web designer. nine0058
- Writer (copywriter)
If imagination and education allow, then it is quite possible to try yourself in this field. This is exclusively home work, where no one will distract.
Suitable when there is a clear preference for loneliness over communication, including for melancholic people.
TIP! If the imagination is more developed, one can write artistic texts.
But literature on technical subjects is no less in demand. nine0005
- Librarian
- A wonderful step towards a more complex writing profession.
- You can not only do the given work in parallel, but also read books, find and organize the material.
- The very profession of a librarian also does not imply noise. It is more focused on quiet work and will be of interest to humanitarians.
- Accountant
Clarity and responsibility, a sharp mind, observation, diligence and diligence - all these traits are perfectly combined in an introvert. And if you add good math skills, then this job is ideal.
Workdays will be held in the office, alone or with several colleagues. It is possible to prepare financial reports at home, and then send them by e-mail to the company.
- Laboratory assistant, researcher, breeder
- If you like to invent, then why not?
- The job requires a special education, a scientific mindset and a desire to constantly acquire new knowledge in science.
- The activity is relatively calm, requiring attention and concentration.
- Florist
The world of flowers is a great find for an introvert. Making unique bouquets that requires a certain taste, knowledge of botany and plant growing, as well as imagination and love for your work. nine0005
IMPORTANT! The work is not stressful and quite secluded. Alternatively, good business.
- Veterinarian
- Activities requiring special education and love, compassion for animals.
- There can be only a few people in the team, and four-legged pets are a real anti-stress.
- Such a profession makes a person feel needed, which is very important for an introvert. nine0067
- Seamstress
- Artist
- If from childhood you have the ability to draw, your imagination is well developed, then this may well be a calling.
- Irregular working hours, personal exhibitions - what more could you want?
- You can be an illustrator in a publishing house, which also requires special education.
- Archivist
- Train driver
- You can get a job after graduating from a railroad college. The specialty is very responsible, requiring maximum return. nine0058
- Freight and passenger transportation is possible. As an option - to work in the subway, as well as in large enterprises.
- You need to be able to handle automation, adjust the speed.
- Taxi driver
- Analyst-economist
- Forester
- Translator of technical or other documentation
- Obligatory is higher education and excellent knowledge of a foreign language.
- Work related to the translation of technical or other texts. In most cases, it does not require communication with other people.
- If a foreign language is rare, the salary can be much higher than the average.
- Programmer nine0110
- Engineer (technician, mechanic)
- Archaeologist
- The profession is very interesting, but you need to graduate from the university.
- It is especially exciting to go to archaeological excavations, where every introvert will like to come into contact with antiquity and draw historical pictures in his imagination.
- Marketer
- Bricklayer
- consultants;
- trade workers;
- medical staff;
- public professions related to the stage, television;
- social sphere;
- pedagogy.
Learn more
A purely female profession. Especially suitable for introverts with good artistic taste. Sewing will require a lot of perseverance. After all, long hours at the sewing machine is not an easy job.
This does not require much communication. It is quite possible to work in production, even in a large team. But a private atelier for sewing lovers is a great alternative.
A job similar to a librarian. The ability to organize documents, collect and store information is required. It is necessary to work not only with papers, but also with films and audio recordings. It is important to be able to provide information on demand. nine0005
Top 10 for men
The focus is the same as for women - less collective work and communication, especially with strangers. Emphasis on clarity of action, systematization, free schedule and, in some specialties, creative development.
Here are the best professions for male introverts.
The schedule can be offered irregular. Requires attention, a sober lifestyle, a driver's license. The main skill is caution, the ability to concentrate on the road. Introverts know how to be responsible. nine0005
Clear rules and tasks - every person of this psychotype can easily cope with this. You can communicate with passengers quite a bit, to the point.
It is necessary to graduate from a university, to be well versed in crop production, to love nature. You will need to monitor the entrusted site, protect the forest from poachers, fires.
Responsibilities include cleaning dead wood, control over the number of animals. The profession is very suitable for introverts, because you have to work in complete solitude. nine0005
Work can be done from home. Communication is kept to a minimum. The difficulty lies in many hours of work at the computer.
IMPORTANT! Special education required. Today one of the most demanded professions.
In this case, you need to get a special education, sometimes a narrow profile. From time to time you have to work in a team, but everyone has their own employment front, in most cases without intersections. nine0005
If an introvert becomes a professional, he will get real pleasure from work. Automobile business is especially loved by men.
The specialty requires a developed logical and analytical thinking, as well as the ability to work with products and explore the market.
You can do everything at home, come to the office if necessary. The main thing is that the work of the introvert is not led by the head of the tyrant.
Working specialty. With the necessary knowledge and skills, you can become a fairly highly paid specialist. The work does not involve communication, and some objects will require a creative approach. nine0005
Which job is not suitable?
Above we have named the most suitable professions for introverts. It's time to talk about what positions people with this psychotype should not get: