Quotes about being enough for yourself
22 Inspirational Good Enough Quotes
You’re amazing, you know that? You manage a household, keep everything organised, juggle schedules and still find time to be there for your family and friends. You’re definitely good enough! And if you need a reminder, here’s a few inspirational good enough quotes to show you just how awesome you are.
#1 – “Done is better than perfect” – Unknown
Have you heard of the Pareto Principle? This is the 80/20 rule – which means that it usually takes 80% of the outcomes come from 20% of the causes.
Basically – if you do something 80% well – then that’s good enough, because it could take a lot more extra energy and time to get that last 20% done, for not that much reward.
#2 – “Be yourself, everyone else is already taken” – Oscar Wilde
#3 – “When someone says you can’t do it – do it twice – and send them pictures” – Unknown
#4 – “Don’t wait. The time will never be just right” – Napoleon Hill
#5 – “In the end people will judge you anyway – so do what makes YOU happy” – Unknown
We all strive to be “good enough. ” Good enough for our parents, our spouses, our jobs, our friends. But what does that really mean? And is it possible to ever feel like we’re truly good enough?
The answer is that it depends on our perspective. If we’re constantly comparing ourselves to others and trying to meet some arbitrary standard, then we’ll likely never feel good enough.
On the other hand, if we focus on doing what makes us happy and living up to our own standards, then we’re much more likely to feel good about ourselves.
After all, in the end people will judge us anyway – so we might as well do what makes us happy.
So the next time you find yourself questioning whether you’re good enough, remember that the only opinion that really matters is your own. And as long as you’re happy with yourself, that’s all that counts.
#6 – “It is not your job to be everything to everyone” – Courtney Carver
It’s okay to focus on our own needs and wants, and to invest our time and energy in the things that are important to us.
We don’t need to feel guilty about saying “no” occasionally, or about taking some time for ourselves.
The most important thing is to focus on being the best we can be, and on doing our best to make the people in our lives happy.
When we remember that it’s not our job to be everything to everyone, we can relax and enjoy life a little bit more.
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#7 – “Some days you’ll be productive. Some days you won’t. Some days you’ll be healthy and energized. Some days you won’t. But every day, you can control whether you show up or not” – Mark Manson
#8 – Everything is an experiment…
#9 – Be brave enough to be bad at something new…
So many people never try new things because they’re worried about being bad at it.
They don’t want to look foolish or feel like they’re not good enough. But the thing is, everyone is bad at something when they first start out.
No one is born knowing how to do everything. We all have to learn and make mistakes along the way.
Related: Over 40 Fascinating Sayings About Life – And How To Live It!
#10 – “If you think you can, you can. And if you think you can’t, you’re right” – Henry Ford
#11 – “No one actually knows what the hell they’re doing. Everyone is just working off their current best guess” – Mark Manson
Our inner critic constantly tells us that we aren’t good enough or smart enough or capable enough, and it can be hard to silence these voices and feel confident in ourselves.
But despite this fear and uncertainty, it’s important to remember that everyone is constantly learning, adapting, and evolving in their own way. While you might not have all the answers right now, that doesn’t mean you never will or that you’ll never manage to figure things out on your own.
Have faith in yourself and your abilities, trust in the process of learning, and don’t give up just yet…
#12 – “Do the best you can until you know better – then when you know better, do better” – Unknown
#13 – If it makes you happy – it doesn’t have to make sense to anyone else
If you follow your heart and do what makes you happy, you can be confident in the fact that you are good enough, just as you are.
Whether this means spending time with family and friends, following a passion project, or coming up with unusual new ideas, authenticity is the key to feeling good enough.
Don’t be afraid to embrace what makes you happy, even if it may not “make sense” to others. After all, only you know what’s truly important to you, and ultimately how good you really are.
So go out there and seize every moment with confidence and joy – no matter what others may think. Because when it comes right down to it, if it makes you happy – it doesn’t have to make sense to anyone else!
#14 – This girl can…
#15 – “You are only as successful as you let yourself be” – Unknown
This quote is about the importance of believing in ourselves and having faith in our abilities.
It reminds us that we are ultimately in charge of how successful we feel and how satisfied we are with our lives.
Whether we succeed or fail at any given task is not what truly matters, but rather how we choose to respond to those outcomes.
So even if things don’t go exactly as planned, as long as we stay focused on our goals and keep pushing forward with confidence, then we’re still ultimately successful by any measure.
After all, feeling good enough and being good enough comes from within – it starts with having the courage to believe in ourselves no matter what!
#16 – “Don’t worry about mistakes. Making things out of mistakes, that’s creativity” – Peter Max
Whether we’re trying to overcome self-doubt or push ourselves to try new things, we can often feel inadequate or overwhelmed by the enormity of the challenge before us.
We may fear failure or struggle with perfectionism, feeling that we must do everything perfectly in order to truly succeed. However, it’s through our mistakes and failures that we learn and grow. That’s why it’s so important not to let those feelings of inadequacy hold you back from trying your best and taking risks when necessary.
Don’t worry about making mistakes – instead, see them as an opportunity for growth, creativity, and true fulfilment.
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#17 – Don’t compare the moon to the sun. They both shine…
#18 – “Don’t listen to negative influences. Believe in yourself, and show others what you can do. Only you can find your potential” – Marla Runyan
#19 – Get out of your own way…
#20 – “You shouldn’t do things differently just because they’re different. They need to be… better” – Elon Musk
#21 – Reminder: You’ve got everything need…
#22 – “Have confidence in who you are and don’t be afraid to go for what you really want in life” – Holland Roden
I hope these good enough quotes have inspired you to embrace your inner awesomeness!
You are good enough, exactly as you are – so go out and do amazing things!
P.S. Want more great quotes? We’ve got LOADS to be inspired by – so head over HERE to take a look next…
60 Inspirational You Are Enough Quotes To Remind You Of Your Worth
Let’s be clear, life is not as simple as we think. Life is always one step ahead of our plans and it’s really hard to predict what ‘s going to happen next. All we can do is learn to enjoy our journey and face our ups and downs with courage. You don’t have to strive to become someone else, you are already enough. Never doubt your worth, you are enough for yourself and for everyone who deserves you. Here are 60 beautiful you are enough quotes to remind you of your worth.
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Table of Contents
10 Meaningful You Are Enough Quotes
Why would I ask for perfection that glam in the World’s eyes? When I have an imperfection, which glams in my eyes as the only perfect one!
I never asked the one who was perfect. I was seeking for the one who would complement all my halves. The one who would take me as I am and the one to whom I could take as one is. You are enough because you make me enough for you! Wordly glam is fake, you are till my fate.
I don’t like you for what you are. I love you despite knowing what you are not and could never be!
The world will praise you for your goods and gossip for your bads. For me, you have no good or bad in you. You have just me in you and I have just you in me. Isn’t this fair enough? Aren’t we simply enough for one another? Beyond those appreciations and complaints, you are just perfect and enough for me in one life and succeeding six.
When I found you, my urge of going beyond and further stopped. So I say, you are enough.
The moment I couldn’t go any further, I knew you are enough and even more than enough for me. The love that I had within me, was known to be all because of you. The flaws within me were never embraced so much by me. It is only because you loved them for me to accept them with gratitude and appreciate life as a whole. You grew me to flower up. You are enough for a plant like me to grow once and again.
The day you’ll stop fitting into the world, you’ll start living.
Stop fitting into the world when you are born to stand out. When you stop living your life from other’s point of view, you actually start living. Listen to your positive heart and stop living your life on someone else’s terms. Be strong and bold and remember you are a star. Every time you try to impress people, you are diminishing your own shine.
To be happy you don’t need to be perfect. You just need to be real and accept yourself as you are because you are already enough.
Self-acceptance plays a very crucial role in a happy and satisfying life. It’s okay to have flaws, everyone has some flaws but you should focus on the positive side of yourself. You don’t need to be perfect, you just need to be real and true to yourself. Self-acceptance makes you stronger mentally, emotionally and physically.
Don’t wait for someone who’ll move forward without you.
Don’t put yourself in a situation where you feel stuck and can’t move forward. Life goes on and you should keep moving forward. Don’t sacrifice your life for people who are not loyal to you. It’s not worth waiting for someone who will eventually move forward without you.
They might know you but only real ones will understand you.
We meet a lot of people every day and some of them become our close friends. But, are they really close to us? They might know what we are but, do they understand us? There’s a difference between knowing and understanding and we realise this difference when we are at our worst and need someone special to uplift us.
Don’t lose your today while chasing your forever.
One of the most important lessons in life is learning to appreciate what you have now. Be grateful for what you have now. Stop complaining about your situation and learn to live every moment to the fullest. Even living forever means nothing if you don’t know how to live the present moment.
I’ll be surprised if life doesn’t have any surprises for me.
Life starts when you are busy making your plans and God’s plan is always bigger than your plan. Life never goes according to our plans and it’s okay. So, don’t be surprised if life surprises you. These surprises make your journey worthwhile and you learn a lot of lessons along your way.
Nothing is worse than facing death with a heart full of dreams.
Don’t waste your time living your fears. Have some courage and start living your dreams. Take a chance because Failures are always better than regrets. So, do what you love and do it without doubting yourself.
16 Amazing you are enough quotes
If they are not believers, It doesn’t mean you are not magic.
Why do people tell others what they deserve but never themselves?
Don’t wait to do something just because you think you are not enough, time doesn’t know that.
You are a very strong you, you are a true warrior.
I hope you know that you have a beautiful heart and the kindest soul.
You are given this beautiful life because you are strong enough to give it a meaning.
You are not asking for too much, you are asking from the wrong people.
I don’t need to define myself for anyone. I am me and that’s enough.
When each day feels like a war, at last, we all learn how to conquer it.
Sometimes we can prevent the things from hurting us but still, we let them hurt because we want to feel the pain.
To find the light, you must learn to embrace the darkness.
Do not let anyone ever make you feel like you are not enough.
Those mistakes you’ve made along the way are lessons, not failures. It’s okay to start again today.
You are beautiful, unique and full of magic.
Stop waiting for the right time. It’s time for you to go for it.
It’s okay to choose yourself and make yourself a priority.
Also read: 60+ You Are Amazing Quotes To Empower Your Loved Ones
14 Beautiful You Are Enough Quotes
You are blooming in such a mysterious way that even you can’t see it.
Give yourself the grace to see what others can’t see about you.
It’s okay to act stupid sometimes but never forget who you really are.
You are enough and you don’t need to prove it to anyone.
How you see yourself decides how the others will see you.
It’s not selfish to water yourself first. You can’t pour from an empty cup.
Believe in yourself and never doubt who you are.
Doubts are like dark clouds, once they are gone you start shining like the sun.
Maybe the treasure you are seeking everywhere is inside.
Learn to live the moment before it becomes a memory.
Be soft but not weak.
Pick the brush and colour your own sky.
Don’t lose wisdom to win the gold.
Always remember you are the charioteer of your life and don’t let anyone control your path.
Also read: 100+ Beautiful You Are Special Quotes To Share With Your Loved Ones
14 Popular You Are Enough Quotes
The cynic perceives difficulty in every opportunity.
The visionary perceives opportunity in every single difficulty.
You acquire more from failure than from success. Don’t let it stop you. Failure shapes character.
It’s not just about you to get knocked down, it’s all about you to get up.
If you are giving your best on something that you actually care about, you don’t have to push yourself. The vision pulls you.
People who are irrational about things and believe that they can change the world are the ones who do.
We may come across countless defeats but we must not be defeated.
You are always enough for those who truly deserve you.
Dear Self: It’s a shame how hard you are on yourself. You treat others with more love than you treat you. You deserve to be celebrated too.
– Reyna Biddy
Never bend your head.
– Helen KellerHold it high. Look the world straight in the eye.
Happiness is not a checklist. A dream job, a fast car, a good home, even love, mean nothing at all if you have not yet found a way to feel full and content in your own mind and heart.
– Beau Taplin
No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.
– Eleanor Roosevelt
The man who has self-confidence can easily gain the confidence of others.
– Hasidic Proverb
What if you have a lack of talent, that can be made up with desire, hustle and giving your best all the time.
You can’t please everyone. When you’re too focused on living up to other people’s standards, you aren’t spending enough time raising your own. Some people may whisper, complain and judge. But for the most part, it’s all in your head. People care less about your actions than you think.
– Kris CarrWhy? They have their own problems!
6 Inspirational You Are Enough Quotes
Learn to walk away from people who make you doubt your existence.
Self love starts with self acceptance, accept yourself as you are.
Don’t undervalue your worth, you are more than what others think.
You will never be enough if you keep pleasing everyone.
Why are you trying to be someone else when you are enough just the way you are?
Sometimes we all must appreciate ourselves.
Final words
We are living in a society where everyone wants you to buy stuff and for this, they want you to believe that you are not enough and you need expensive shit to fulfil yourself. But it is not true, you are already enough and you need to believe it. Don’t feel empty, just because you are not having something that others are having. No person or materialistic thing can make you feel content if you are not happy with yourself. Don’t let anyone or anything question your worth. You are already what you are seeking outside. So believe in yourself and be what you are because you are enough.
If you found these you are enough quotes meaningful then please share these quotes with your loved ones.
Also read:– 27 Relatable fake love quotes that you must read once.
Best quotes on how to make your dreams come true
Best Quotes on How to Make Your Dreams Come True
January 23, 2016 158 554 views
Irina Balmanji
Here are quotes from our books on how to achieve your dreams, completely change your life and become happier. Get inspired and inspire those around you!
Illustration from the book
It is important to believe in yourself and trust your inner feelings. You can't let social stereotypes limit your life. Everything is possible.
When there is a goal, you need to go to it without turning. If you choose a winding road, you can waste all your energy along the way.
Old age is a state of mind. If you are afraid of old age, prepare for its arrival, you will definitely grow old. Health and happiness is a personal choice for everyone. nine0003
To be happy, one must develop. Never stop learning and learning new things.
It is believed that money is the key to all doors. Trust and love might as well be the key.
Illustration from the book
Look at your life from the outside and do not be afraid to realize your most stupid fantasies.
Idleness is a form of suicide.
It's never too late to change your occupation and start to improve in a new business. No matter how late you start, you will still have enough time to achieve high skill.
Find something you enjoy doing anyway and learn how to get paid for it. This is your dream job.
You need to work only with those with whom you feel good and comfortable. This is when you are twenty, you can tolerate an unpleasant person, justifying it by the fact that he is your boss. After fifty, you understand that life is short. Communicate only with those who respect you and whom you respect. nine0003
Illustration from the book
You can dream endlessly, it can be very pleasant and gives you strength. But if nothing is done, dreams will never lead to positive changes in life.
If you really want to fulfill your dream, it should be one of the highest priorities in your schedule.
To succeed, remember that everything is really quite simple: you just need to take a series of steps, one after the other, and together they will lead you to the goal. nine0003
If you are always busy with something, this does not mean that you are closer to your dream. To implement it, you need to work hard, but work smart to go in the right direction.
Difficulties are not a reason to give up and give up, but a sign that you are moving forward.
Continuing to do what you have always done, you will receive what you have always received.
Success is not magic. It's all about concentration! nine0003
A brilliant idea without action is like Mark Maguire playing baseball without a bat.
“I must” puts pressure on you, “I want” puts you in a position of strength. Choose wisely!
The plains of hesitation are littered with the bones of millions of those who, on the threshold of triumph, decided to wait a little - and died waiting.
Judge your success by the things you had to give up to achieve it.
A dead end is a very good place to turn around!
“Not the right time” is the best time to start a change.
The difference between successful people and those who struggle is not the number of failures. It lies in the willingness to take risks and what these people do when they fail.
The more you make your desires a part of everyday life, the faster they turn into a habit that you do not need to think about all the time. nine0003
Illustration from the book
There are so many opportunities and things to do in the world that we don't have enough time or resources to do everything. And although many of them seem interesting to us, only a few are really necessary.
Learn to prioritize your life. Or someone else will do it for you.
Saying “no” at the right time can change the course of history.
There are three deep-seated postulates that we must overcome: "I have to", "it's all important" and "I can do both." We need to replace this false logic with three truths: "I choose", "only a few things matter" and "I can do anything, but not everything. " nine0003
Whatever decision you have to make, just ask yourself, “What is significant?” Drop everything else.
To live a rich and fulfilling life, you need to look not for what is “right” in general, but for what is right for you.
As soon as you go after your dream, you will wake up and everything will make sense.
As impractical as it may seem, finding out what you have the most heart for is the most practical thing in the world. nine0003
"Now" is the keyword. The obstacles that you see in front of you are simply an opportunity to delay the moment when you are engaged in the realization of a dream.
A small step from reasoning to reality can bring amazing relief.
Quotes from the book “Time to love yourself. The one you are” by Yulia Sviyash📚 — the best aphorisms, sayings and catchphrases — MyBook.
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- Quotes from the book
Self-love does not exclude inner bad weather. But it gives us the strength to follow the Path, to meet with Crises, with different sides of our personality, with the challenges of life, with achievements and losses. It gives us sensitivity and the ability to grasp the right direction of development. Self-love gives us the strength to see ourselves as authentic, not imagined.
July 12, 2015
In order to be loved as much as possible, we need to look at ourselves with eyes full of love. It is impossible to meet a kindred Soul if we ourselves are not a Kindred Soul. nine0003
April 6, 2015
Drama, history is discussion, Pain is pure experience. Drama is selfish in nature, Pain is not. Experience your feelings as Pain and not as Drama is the basic skill of a conscious person.
August 7, 2015
I love myself and that is why I am moving forward.
April 15, 2015
Suppression of one's feelings, creating an environment of eternal busyness, ignoring one's needs, abandoning one's goals, long-suffering, self-criticism, playing out of one's roles, obsessive desire and at the same time fear of doing something important... In general, there are a lot of forms. nine0003
August 31, 2014
A woman who loves herself needs relationships not as salvation, but as a territory of life-creation. Such a woman will strive for quality relationships. She will not be ashamed of her needs, she will not pretend that they do not exist. Yes, she can satisfy herself in most of her needs. But it is more pleasant to dance the dance together.
August 30, 2014
Self-love is not a duty, but the only healthy way for a Woman. Because only when a woman loves herself, that is, has enough Inner Love, can she act purely, beautifully in her life, is able to give love, nourish and fill. So, to be realized, in fact, in a feminine way - SHINE, INSPIRE, GROW. Without this, our Inner beautiful Woman cannot manifest. And femininity cannot flourish in full force. nine0003
July 31, 2014
You see, care can be different. Very often, loved ones take care of us, and do it out of love. But they care FOR THEMSELVES, they forget to ask what kind of care we need.
June 30, 2014
Fatigue must be respected, girls.