Adhd short term memory
Surprising Facts About ADHD - Tooth Grinding, Poor Memory
Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) affects 3 to 7 percent of school-aged children. And while the number of children who receive an ADHD diagnosis increases every day, there are still many little-known facts out there that most parents don’t know. Understanding all aspects of ADHD is important, because research shows that the childhood disorder can persist into adulthood, and adults with untreated ADHD have higher than average rates of divorce, unemployment, substance abuse, and disability. Check out these five surprising facts about ADHD that can help you better understand your child’s condition:
1. Tooth Grinding Is Linked to ADHDTurns out your child’s ADHD anxiety doesn’t sleep when your kid does. Research suggests that children with the habit of involuntarily grinding their teeth, known as bruxism, are more likely to develop anxiety, stress and hyperactivity, and bruxism has also been linked to ADHD.
A 2009 study published in Sleep found that teens diagnosed with ADHD earlier in life were more likely to have sleep problems and disorders, such as such as insomnia, sleep terrors, snoring, and bruxism. The study, which involved 281 children between 10 and 17 years old with ADHD and 185 similar children who did not have the condition, revealed these sleep problems occurred regardless of the severity of the teens’ ADHD symptoms.
2. ADHD Is Not a One-Size-Fits-All DiagnosisThere is more than one type of ADHD. In fact, there are three types, and diagnosis depends on the visible ADHD symptoms:
- Inattentiveness: Includes not listening when spoken to, being easily distracted, having trouble paying attention and organizing activities, and avoiding activities that require focus and concentration.
- Hyperactivity: Includes fidgeting, excessive and inappropriate running or climbing when it's not appropriate, trouble with quiet play or activities.
- Impulsivity: Includes having trouble waiting, saying inappropriate things without thinking, or interrupting.
Only some kids with ADHD are hyperactive. Others, particularly girls, may be calm, but have a form of ADHD that makes it harder for them to focus or pay attention. The American Psychiatric Association established guidelines based on these three types to help doctors more accurately diagnose and treat ADHD.
3. ADHD Is Often Mistaken for Other ConditionsA number of other health problems, such as anxiety, depression, and certain types of learning disabilities, have symptoms that are similar to those of ADHD. Other mental disorders, such as mood disorder, personality disorder, or OCD, may also be misdiagnosed as ADHD.
In some cases, children's circumstances may cause them to behave in ways that can be misinterpreted as ADHD. As a result, doctors must determine whether or not a sudden change or stressor in children's lives — such as the death of a family member or divorce — is affecting their behavior.
Although they do not have problems with long-term memories, people with ADHD may have impaired short-term — or working — memory, research shows. As a result, they may have difficulty remembering assignments or completing tasks that require focus or concentration.
A 2012 review published in Clinical Psychology Review found that children with ADHD have statistically significant, large magnitude working memory problems compared to similar children who did not have ADHD.
5. Sugar and TV Do Not Cause ADHDAlthough sugar intake, watching too much TV, and a chaotic family life can worsen symptoms of ADHD, research does not show they actually cause the condition. ADHD does, however, appear to run in families. Research involving families, twins, and children who were adopted suggest there is a strong genetic influence in ADHD risk.
There is no quick fix for ADHD. Although medication can help treat people’s symptoms, it's only part of an overall ADHD treatment strategy. Behavior therapy, including help staying organized and making positive choices, also plays a role in managing the condition. Treatment strategies for ADHD must be monitored and adjusted over time, just like medications.
Effects, Tips, Treatment & More
ADHD (attention deficit hyperactivity disorder) is a cognitive condition that is usually diagnosed during childhood. The American Psychiatric Association estimates that 8.4 percent of children and 2.5 percent of adults have ADHD.
People with ADHD experience and process information differently than people who are neurotypical. If you have the condition, you may feel that forgetfulness tends to occur more often, and you may find tasks that require using short-term memory more challenging. ADHD can also impact the way that your long-term memory functions.
Researchers are still working to understand the exact impact of ADHD on memory for children and adults. Let’s take a look at what we know so far.
ADHD (attention deficit hyperactivity disorder) can cause adults and children to have difficulty focusing.
People with ADHD may appear to be inattentive at times and forget important things more often. This is defined as inattentive type ADHD. They may also interrupt or express disruptive behavior more often. This is known as hyperactive-impulsive type ADHD.
The most common version of ADHD is a combination of these symptoms, known as combined hyperactive-impulsive/inattentive type.
ADHD is not autism
ADHD is not the same as autism spectrum disorder (ASD). This is a separate condition according to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM–5).
It is possible to have both conditions, but each has a distinct set of diagnostic criteria. Associated behaviors may also manifest themselves differently even among individuals with one or both conditions.
Each of these types of ADHD results from a biological cause related to brain activity. The frontal lobe of the brain, which steers your impulse control, attentiveness, and memory, seems to develop more slowly if you have ADHD.
ADHD and working memory
Working memory is the small amount of information that your mind holds as you’re working to complete a task.
Think of it as the part of your brain that holds a phone number while you’re dialing it. Working memory holds a little bit of data at a time while you work on completing something, “copying” the data from one place and “pasting” it in another place before forgetting whatever it was.
One 2020 study showed that ADHD impacts working memory in the majority of children who have it. A 2013 research review supported the idea that this impact continues into adulthood.
Working memory is strongly associated with intelligence and learning ability, so people with ADHD may be unfairly assessed in terms of what they are capable of learning. Without a strong working memory, it becomes important to develop coping skills and alternative learning strategies that rely less on that function of the brain.
ADHD may also impact the way that children’s brains perceive time itself. Time perception is linked to working memory. This may also explain part of why people with ADHD experience more challenges getting to places on time.
A small 2007 study looked at time perception in 40 children with ADHD and 40 children without ADHD. Children with ADHD had more difficulty perceiving the difference between a short, medium, and long duration of time.
ADHD and long-term memory
What’s less understood is ADHD’s effect on long-term memory and memory loss.
A 2013 research review looked at medical literature that studied adults with ADHD. The authors concluded that ADHD tends to limit long-term memory abilities more often. But that research review also suggested that this limitation results from learning disabilities caused by ADHD, not necessarily from the impact of ADHD on your brain.
In other words, the research review suggested that kids with ADHD tend to experience challenges developing the same long-term memory skills as kids without ADHD, which can then carry over into adulthood without additional coping or compensation mechanisms.
The relationship between ADHD and memory loss is another area of uncertainty in the ADHD research literature.
A 2017 research review showed that researchers are not clear on whether having ADHD as an adult puts you at a higher risk for developing dementia or other cognitive disorders relating to memory earlier in life.
ADHD and dementia appear to impact the brain in similar ways, making this a complicated question with many variables. The 2017 research review above discussed the overlapping symptoms of ADHD and a type of dementia called mild cognitive impairment (MCI).
Due to the difficulty in distinguishing the exact cause of MCI and ADHD symptoms like forgetfulness occurring more often or experiencing difficulty focusing for extended periods, the line between ADHD and dementia symptoms in adulthood can often be unclear.
Some ADHD-related behaviors can be modified with lifestyle adjustments that can help you better adjust to the rhythms of work and home life.
- Try to avoid certain ingredients in your diet. FD&C Red No. 40 (a food coloring ingredient) and sodium benzoate have been linked to increased hyperactive behaviors in children. Further research is needed to confirm this.
- Try avoiding allergy triggers that can affect brain function. If you suspect that allergen exposure makes ADHD symptoms worse, consider getting an allergy test to help avoid triggers.
- Look into ADHD management tools. Try an app or calendar that tracks dates and times for events, a key-dropping bin, or a charging station where devices can be stored. These can help reduce the stress you might feel trying to remember everything you need to.
- Consider cutting out caffeine. Try replacing caffeinated beverages with an herbal brew that uses calming ingredients. Ginseng and chamomile tea may be a good swap for starting your mornings off focused and refreshed. Some research suggests that drinking tea can improve your memory.
- Take a look at herbal supplements. These types of supplements may help you reduce the stress you may experience from ADHD behaviors.
These tips aren’t a replacement for an action plan for treatment that you make with a doctor or ADHD specialist, but they can help with behaviors or memory issues that you find interfere with your daily activities.
Medication to manage ADHD-related behaviors may also work to improve your working memory. These medications aim to improve your focus and make daily tasks feel less intimidating.
Stimulant medication is widely prescribed to treat ADHD.
A small 2012 study showed that stimulant medication may help strengthen the connectivity in your frontal cortex with other parts of your brain, helping with working memory.
Methylphenidate (Daytrana) and Dexmethylphenidate (Focalin) are two drugs that have been studied for their effect on working memory, according to the same small 2012 study above.
Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) is another form of treatment for ADHD.
CBT aims to change your thought patterns to help you manage your emotions and behaviors. CBT may be able to improve behaviors related to your time perception and working memory, such as helping you be on time for events.
CBT may also help with goal-setting, planning, and execution of tasks. These are all related to your working memory.
At times, people with ADHD experience challenges remembering certain things because they experience and process information differently.
If the person who is experiencing challenges with memory loss is a child, the symptom may improve as their brain continues its natural development. This symptom of ADHD may also be modified or improved with a successful treatment or management plan developed with a medical professional.
ADHD and memory: what you need to know
ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder) is a cognitive disorder that is usually diagnosed in childhood. The American Psychiatric Association estimates that 8.4% of children and 2.5% of adults have ADHD.
People with ADHD perceive and process information differently than neurotypical people. If you have this condition, you may find that forgetfulness occurs more frequently and you may find it more difficult to perform tasks that require the use of short-term memory. ADHD can also affect your long-term memory. nine0003
Researchers are still working to understand the exact impact of ADHD on the memory of children and adults. Let's take a look at what we know so far.
What effect does ADHD have on memory?
ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder) can make adults and children have difficulty concentrating.
Sometimes people with ADHD may seem inattentive and forget important things more often. This is defined as the inattentive type of ADHD. They may also interrupt or express destructive behavior more often. This is known as ADHD of the hyperactive-impulsive type. nine0003
The most common version of ADHD is a combination of these symptoms, known as the combined hyperactive-impulsive/inattentive type.
ADHD is not autism
ADHD is not the same as autism spectrum disorder (ASD). According to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5), it is a separate condition.
Both conditions are possible, but each has its own set of diagnostic criteria. Related behaviors can also manifest differently, even among people with one or both of the conditions. nine0003
Each of these types of ADHD is the result of a biological cause related to brain activity. The frontal lobe of the brain, responsible for impulse control, attention and memory, develops more slowly if you have ADHD.
ADHD and working memory
Working memory is the small amount of information that your mind holds when you are working on a task.
Think of it as the part of your brain that holds the phone number while you dial it. Working memory stores a little bit of data at a time while you're working on something, "copying" data from one place and "pasting" it somewhere else before forgetting what it was. nine0003
One 2020 study showed that ADHD affects working memory in the majority of children who have it. A 2013 review of research supported the idea that this influence continues into adulthood.
Working memory is closely related to intelligence and learning ability, so people with ADHD can be unfairly judged in terms of their learning ability. Without a strong working memory, it becomes important to develop survival skills and alternative learning strategies that rely less on this brain function. nine0003
ADHD can also affect how a child's brain perceives time itself. Time perception is related to working memory. This may also partly explain why people with ADHD have more trouble getting to places on time.
A small 2007 study examined the perception of time in 40 children with ADHD and 40 children without ADHD. Children with ADHD found it harder to perceive the difference between short, medium, and long periods of time.
ADHD and long-term memory
What is less understood is the effect of ADHD on long-term memory and memory loss.
A 2013 review of research reviewed the medical literature that studied adults with ADHD. The authors concluded that ADHD more often limits the ability of long-term memory. But this review of research also found that this limitation is due to the learning difficulties caused by ADHD, and not necessarily the effects ADHD has on your brain.
In other words, a review of research has shown that children with ADHD tend to have trouble developing the same long-term memory skills as children without ADHD, which can then carry over into adulthood without additional coping or compensation mechanisms. nine0003
ADHD and memory loss
The relationship between ADHD and memory loss is another area of uncertainty in the ADHD research literature.
A 2017 study review found that it is not clear to researchers whether having ADHD in adulthood increases the risk of developing dementia or other memory-related cognitive disorders earlier in life.
ADHD and dementia seem to have the same effect on the brain, making this a complex question with many variables. The 2017 study review above discussed the overlapping symptoms of ADHD and a type of dementia called mild cognitive impairment (MCI). nine0003
Because of the difficulty in distinguishing the exact cause of MCI and ADHD symptoms, such as more frequent forgetfulness or difficulty concentrating for long periods of time, the line between ADHD and dementia symptoms in adulthood can often be unclear.
ADHD Memory Tips
Some of the behaviors associated with ADHD can be changed through lifestyle changes to help you adjust better to the rhythm of work and family life.
- Try to avoid certain ingredients in your diet. FD&C Red No.
40 (a food coloring ingredient) and sodium benzoate have been linked to increased hyperactive behavior in children. Further research is needed to confirm this.
- Try to avoid allergy triggers that can affect brain function. If you suspect that allergen exposure is exacerbating your ADHD symptoms, consider getting an allergy test to avoid triggers. nine0064
- Look at ADHD management tools. Try an app or calendar that keeps track of the dates and times of events, a key basket, or a charging station where you can store your devices. This can help reduce the stress you may feel trying to remember everything you need to remember.
- Consider giving up caffeine. Try replacing caffeinated beverages with an herbal tea containing soothing ingredients. Ginseng and chamomile tea can be a good substitute to start your morning focused and refreshed. Some studies show that drinking tea can improve your memory. nine0064
- Pay attention to herbal supplements.
These types of supplements can help you reduce the stress you may be experiencing due to ADHD behavior.
These tips do not replace a treatment plan that you and your doctor or ADHD specialist develop, but they can help with behaviors or memory problems that you think are interfering with your daily activities.
How can I treat the causes of memory problems associated with ADHD? nine0009
Medicines to manage ADHD behavior can also improve your working memory. These medications aim to improve your focus and make daily tasks less daunting.
Stimulant drugs are widely prescribed for the treatment of ADHD.
A small 2012 study showed that stimulant drugs can help strengthen the connection of the frontal cortex with other parts of the brain, improving working memory.
Methylphenidate (Deutrana) and Dexmethylphenidate (Focalin) are two drugs that have been studied for their effects on working memory. small study 2012 above. nine0003
Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) is another form of treatment for ADHD.
CBT is about changing your thought patterns to help you manage your emotions and behavior. CBT can improve behaviors related to your perception of time and working memory, such as helping you get to events on time.
CBT can also help with goal setting, planning, and achieving goals. It all has to do with your working memory. nine0003
Sometimes people with ADHD have difficulty remembering certain things because they perceive and process information differently.
If the person experiencing problems with memory loss is a child, the symptom may improve as their brain continues its natural development. This symptom of ADHD can also be changed or improved with a successful treatment or management plan developed with a healthcare professional.
How are working memory problems related to mental disorders? - Knife
Poor spatial and auditory memory
ADHD - attention deficit hyperactivity disorder
Phil seemed like an ordinary child, restless, eager to explore the world around him. He carried out experiments with interest in the company of his peers, wrote down the childishly naive results, tried to quench his constant thirst for knowledge. When it was time to go to school, the parents breathed a sigh of relief: finally, Phil would have access to what he was so actively looking for - information. nine0003 Source
However, things weren't going well at school. The teachers complained about Phil: he constantly fidgeted in his chair, swayed, and asked non-stop questions that were far from always related to the topic being studied. The child was distracted all the time, could not concentrate, did problems and tests poorly, and made many mistakes in homework. Soon the teachers noted that he reads and counts worse than the others, but no one argued that the child is very smart. At home, Phil did not stop doing his experiments, but now his parents noticed that he rarely brought them to the end. Moreover, the boy began to complain more often about fatigue and poor sleep. nine0003
What is working memory and how it works
Anatomy of decision making: what is working memory and can it be improved
Teachers invited parents for a talk. They claimed that Phil had Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. The idea that their child was considered "abnormal" outraged the parents. A few months later, Phil was transferred to another school, where the situation repeated itself ...
In the end, the parents listened to the advice of the teachers, because the complaints against Phil did not stop. Despite the stereotype rooted in the minds of parents that going to a psychologist is actually a recognition of "abnormality", they nevertheless decided to take this step. nine0003
The neurologist asked the parents to carefully observe the child's behavior, he conducted numerous interviews with Phil and his teachers, and made the boy perform various psychological tests. After 6 months of work, he diagnosed ADHD, because at least 6 symptoms of this disorder necessarily manifested themselves during the entire period of the examination.
The American psychologist Violet Oaklender wrote that children like Phil "have no control over their bodies", "are fussy and move around a lot", "experience learning difficulties caused by insufficient ability to perceive visual, auditory, and sometimes tactile images ". ADHD is a disorder that needs to be dealt with as neglect often results in educational and social problems. nine0003
Phil soon found himself in the laboratory of Francisco Castellanos, who is studying the neurological basis of ADHD. The scientist conducted studies using functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) and with its help demonstrated that Phil and other similar children have slightly different brain anatomy: the volume of the prefrontal cortex and cerebellum is slightly smaller than in ordinary children. However, by the age of 15, the difference had leveled off. Castellanos also showed that people with lesions in these areas never develop ADHD. nine0003
Researcher Russell Barclay, observing the development of the situation, offered his interpretation of events. Since the prefrontal cortex is associated with working memory, it is possible that its violations underlie ADHD. This idea was taken up by another scientist, Larry Siedmann, who, using a working memory task (n-back task), showed that adults with ADHD had less activity in the left inferior occipital lobe and cerebellum.
The N-back task allows you to check the ability of working memory to update its contents. Participants are shown a series of letters (sounds, images, etc.). They have to say if the given stimulus is the same as N steps back. Accordingly, N can be equal to one, two, three, etc. The larger N, the more difficult the task. nine0003 Working memory model by Alan Baddeley. Source
During his research, Phil grew up and became involved in scientific research himself. He became interested in the idea of problems with working memory and studied the model of working memory proposed by Alan Baddeley.
Because children with ADHD performed poorly on the auditory-spatial memory task, the researchers concluded that ADHD was caused by problems in the development of the phonological loop, a component responsible for processing verbal and object information. nine0003
Further digging into working memory problems in ADHD has revealed that the disorder may be associated with impaired metabolism of the neurotransmitter dopamine in the frontal cortex and cerebellar problems. And this meant that if you somehow influence them, then you can save a person from this syndrome.
Phil was surprised to find out. He already knew that working memory depends primarily on the activity of the fronto-parietal network . However, as he delved deeper into ADHD research, he became convinced that the cerebellum, long considered the exclusive motor center of our body, also plays a significant role in working memory. Although scientists usually did not pay due attention to this part of the brain. nine0003
So, thanks in part to the study of ADHD patients, scientists have discovered another area involved in working memory, the cerebellum. At the same time, by studying working memory, they were able to discover possible mechanisms for the development of ADHD - problems of the phonological loop.
By the way, Phil is free from ADHD. Gradually, it became easier for him to concentrate, communicate and learn.
Doctors learned that Phil, based on scientific data, used other pedagogical formats for teaching - mainly auditory and motor, which allowed not only to train the phonological loop, but also to spend body energy. At the same time, he used various exercises for the development of working memory and attention .
Phil also worked for a while with psychologist Violet Oaklander. In the classroom, she used calming activities that relieved psychological stress: working with clay, sand, water, finger painting with paints. In her practice, Oaklander also used work with wood (construction, modeling) - this helped children activate kinesthetics. Of course, all this time, Phil took a number of drugs that allowed him to control the activity of neurotransmitters in the brain. nine0003
As a result, liberation from attention deficit hyperactivity disorder was the result of both psychotherapeutic and medicinal effects. But what played a greater role, Phil does not know.
Learning Disorders
Phil now works at a school teaching children with special needs. And at the same time, he studies them, trying to identify problems in working memory and their relationship with the ability to learn. More and more parents come to Phil who complain about the school results of their children. Surprisingly, as a rule, these results are not associated with ADHD, and intelligence tests say that children are smart and capable of a lot. nine0003 Source
Phil suggested that these children have learning disabilities. They are almost no different from their peers, but it is much more difficult for them to read, count and write. After studying the literature, Phil learned about the existence of 4 such disorders:
Because of these problems, children learn worse and slower. The successes that they theoretically could achieve, in practice, turn out to be much more modest than expected.
These children score moderate to high on intelligence tests, but have difficulty with correct pronunciation, speed reading, spelling, and counting. nine0003
Phil met the famous researcher Lee Swanson, who devoted himself to the study of working memory disorders. Swenson suggested that reading, writing, and counting all depend on working memory. It is logical that the phonological loop also serves as the core of the development of such disorders, because all these problems are associated with symbols and words.
Both reading and writing require a person to keep meaning in the active memory zone, extract word meanings from long-term storage, and integrate them with the information received. All this happens in working memory. nine0114
Based on this assumption, Swenson developed a range of working memory tests that can be used to diagnose current or future learning problems. One of the tasks often used by scientists is filling in the gaps in the text. Its implementation requires both understanding the text and presenting its semantic picture, as well as searching for the right word and coding it into a series of small motor actions carried out when writing.
Phil later met with Wayne Lazar and Frank Yatchik, who demonstrated that learning disorders can be associated with the frontal cortex, the left parietal cortex, and the area of the brain that links the two hemispheres, the corpus callosum. nine0003
See also
How do depression and epilepsy affect memory?
The left hemisphere of the brain is most often activated when performing verbal communication tests, so the idea of the influence of problems in the development of the phonological loop has gained currency. Swenson suggested that children who find it difficult to read may not speak the text to themselves, because of which they have impaired short-term memory. And here we need to remember about speed reading, within the framework of which it is pronunciation to oneself that is considered the main reason for the slow pace of reading. nine0003
Fila wondered why people with problems in the verbal component of working memory do not have problems with intelligence. Swenson suggested that perhaps such patients use different compensatory strategies, such as relying on visual memory instead of auditory memory when learning.
Subsequent experiments showed Phil that not only the phonological loop is the cause of all the troubles of his students. In fact, students with learning disabilities also had problems with another component of working memory, the visual-spatial notebook. They performed poorly on visual memory tests if they had problems with numeracy, and vice versa. nine0003
Phil found a graph that clearly shows that children with reading or numeracy problems perform worse on verbal memory tasks, and if both disorders appear together, then verbal working memory worsens even more. At the same time, visual working memory proper only affects counting skills and the situation when both impairments are present.
Phil delved into the study of the visual-spatial component and found that it can be impaired in children with another symptom - developmental coordination disorder (~ 6% of the population). Alex, a boy from Phil's class with such a disorder, is very clumsy. His drawings look strange because he has difficulty drawing details. He has poor control over his body and his postures, which makes it difficult to communicate with him. In gym class, Alex often becomes the object of ridicule because he can't even throw and catch a ball. nine0003
In addition, Alex has bad posture, and sometimes he can't figure out which hand to use to solve a particular problem.
Longitudinal (long-term) studies of such children for 3 years have shown that they subsequently develop problems with reading and understanding speech. Therefore, it is important to notice a developing disorder in time and develop an individual child education program. Tracey Alloway has shown that children with these problems find it difficult to solve problems where it is necessary to determine the size of an object, its position in space, or the distance to an object. nine0003
From a neurological point of view, the coordination disorder may be due to the immaturity of the motor part of the neocortex, which is responsible for transmitting motor commands to the body. Unfortunately, this underdevelopment of the cortex often persists into adulthood, leading to social and emotional problems.
Apparently, the underdevelopment of the visual-spatial notebook gradually covers the entire working memory, affecting the phonological loop as well, which causes problems with reading. nine0114
Phil realized that the association of impairments in working memory components with learning disorders can be used to detect the latter in a timely manner. He began to use a special battery of tests for working memory (Working memory test battery for children) to diagnose disorders and develop special training programs.
Such programs include special exercises aimed at training motor skills and attention. In addition, since there are few treatment options today, Phil suggested physical therapy, the main idea of \u200b\u200bwhich is that the more you move, the more you learn to do it right. He tried to create a favorable and comfortable environment in his classes, because one of the problems of such children is low self-esteem, which is formed partly due to the ridicule of peers. Phil encourages children to be resourceful: for example, if they can't write something down, he suggests using other means of memory - a voice recorder, a whiteboard, etc.
The example of Phil and his students shows that poor working memory can be a risk factor in the development of learning disorders. And this means that it can be used to screen such children in order to develop special training programs for them in time to help compensate for cognitive deficiencies.
Information Processing Disorders
Depression and Ruminations
Franz, Ernst, and Edgar are three talents who, in adulthood, faced a serious disorder that robs working memory of resources. They suffered from sudden mood swings, felt oppressive loneliness, and sometimes could not force themselves to do anything, even eat. Psychiatrists labeled all the symptoms with a simple but meaningful name - major depressive disorder. nine0003 Source
Three young people, as well as persons with similar diagnoses, were asked by scientists to undergo a study. The goal was to understand how their disease affects working memory. To do this, we used the “n-back-task” technique described above.
It turned out that in patients with depression, the activity of the prefrontal cortex was significantly higher than in ordinary subjects .
However, this did not affect the results of the task. Additionally, patients showed strong activity in the anterior cingulate gyrus. nine0003 Fronto-parietal network and cingulate gyrus. Source
The prefrontal cortex is the hub of many cognitive functions, it plays an important role in organizing the communication of the neurons of the cerebral cortex with the ancient limbic structures of the brain that we traditionally associate with emotions. It is this area of the brain that is identified with the central processing unit of working memory, which was identified by Alan Baddeley. Disruptions in the work of the central processor can lead to pathological changes in this area (decrease in neurons and their connections with each other), and cause problems of emotional control. nine0003
What is the reason for the increased activity in this area? Apparently, this is an attempt by the brain to compensate for emotional influences, to slow down unnecessary thoughts so that working memory manifests itself at full capacity. Moreover, hyperactivation may be a brain strategy to compensate for the decrease in neuronal size that occurs with depression. Similar observations were later confirmed in metastudies.
Three of our heroes - Edgar, Ernst and Franz - also hyperactivated some other zones (for example, the right temporal gyrus). However, a number of areas with reduced activity (insular cortex) were also observed. Moreover, it has been shown that the degree of hyperactivation correlates with the level of complexity of the task being solved. nine0003
Perhaps, as Joseph Callicot suggested, this is a kind of signal of neural inefficiency: the brain is not able to control its hypernetwork, which is why different areas of the brain are turned on to perform the same task, the activity of which can overlap - contribute to each other or interfere.
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The specific distribution of brain activity in depressive disorder serves as a diagnostic tool. It is logical to assume that if you normalize brain activity in certain areas, then you can reduce the symptoms of depression. Such inhibition is carried out with the help of medications and transcranial electrical stimulation, in which a weak electrical current is supplied to the desired area of the brain. It changes the ability of neurons to excite (their activation threshold). nine0003
Bipolar Personality Disorder Source
Vincent and Abraham decided to take part in the study of working memory because at times they felt they couldn't remember anything. In this study, they met Frank, Ernst and Edgar, who had a depressive disorder combined with a bipolar disorder.
All of them from time to time experienced an oppressive feeling of the futility of being, which was replaced by manic hyperactivity, a feeling of endless internal energy and an unbridled desire to move. nine0114
The scientists asked them to test their working memory with the Ray Complex Figure task. Participants are shown a drawing of a large number of details. You need to remember it, and after a while draw it from memory.
Source It turned out that participants perform worse on a memory task, which, in fact, involves all components of working memory. Also, low results were demonstrated when performing verbal and visual tests. At the same time, increased activity was observed in the prefrontal region, temporal cortex, and posterior parietal cortex. Scientists have suggested that this is an artifact of the brain. Perhaps these results indicate that these patients generally remember differently, using different strategies. All this points to disturbances in the work of the central processor, which controls selective attention. nine0003
What if everything goes wrong all at once?
OCD - obsessive-compulsive disorder Source
Doctors diagnosed Nikolai with OCD, obsessive-compulsive disorder. A talented person is afraid of germs, constantly washes his hands and avoids round objects. Such strange behavior occurs because a person is seized by an obsessive thought (obsession) that causes an obsessive action (compulsion): “A microbe from this fork can provoke a terrible disease, you need to urgently wipe everything with an alcohol wipe.” For some, ritual actions are an obsessive check of something (“Did I close the door?”), For some, it is a constant cleaning of oneself and surrounding objects. nine0003
See also
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Since some thought is constantly swirling around in your head and causing compulsions, it is possible that such a condition manifests itself in the form of hyperactivation of the working memory network. At the same time, a certain signal (pattern) is repeated in the head - “an obsessive thought is spinning”. Scientists observe activity in different areas of the brain depending on the nature of the compulsive actions. nine0003
The researchers found that Nikolai had problems with cognitive function - inhibition. Studies have shown that patients with "check" rituals showed lower results on the Stroop test (inhibition task) and GO / NO-GO tasks than patients with "cleansing" rituals.
Visual-spatial working memory impairment is more common in OCD. However, a number of scientists suggest that the violations are not specific, but show working memory problems in general and depend on the complexity of the task. It is possible to diagnose OCD by testing working memory not only in patients, but also in immediate family members, since this disorder is believed to be genetic in nature. nine0003
Knowing that the central processing unit of working memory suffers in such patients, try to guess which area of the brain will show altered activity? That's right - prefrontal.

We already know that working memory tests can identify areas of the brain with impaired activity. Patients with OCD and their relatives show increased activity in the fronto-parietal network, and this may support the idea that OCD is associated with all components of working memory, including the episodic buffer that links current information with knowledge from long-term memory. nine0003
Perhaps this activity is related to the need to retain irrelevant thoughts that come into working memory in part precisely because of the influence of memories stored in long-term memory. And in this case, as with other disorders, there is drug therapy that allows you to slow down the brain, as well as behavioral therapy based on training the brain and working memory (cognitive training), which allows you to better control thoughts.
The connection of all the above disorders with working memory allows you to diagnose problems in time and monitor their impact on a person.