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Abraham Arden Brill | Encyclopedia.com
views updated May 11 2018
The American psychiatrist Abraham Brill was born on October 12, 1874, in Kanczugv, Austria (then Galicia) and died on March 2, 1948, in New York City.
His father was a noncommissioned officer in the Austrian Army who served with Maximilian in Mexico. After spending his childhood in Austria, Brill emmigrated to the United States in 1889 at age fifteen, without his family and with almost no money. He worked to support himself through high school and college, graduating from New York University in 1901. He received an MD degree from the College of Physicians and Surgeons, Columbia University in 1904.
Brill worked as a psychiatrist in the New York State Mental Hospital System at the Central Islip State Hospital under the tutelage of Adolph Meyer and August Hoch. From 1902 to 1907, he traveled in Europe, first to Paris and then, at the suggestion of Frederick Peterson, to Zürich; there he learned about Freud's new science, psychoanalysis, from the staff of the Burgholzi Psychiatric Clinic (which included Eugen Bleuler and Carl Jung).
He returned to America a year later and accepted a position as assistant physician of mental disease, Bellevue Hospital, which he held until 1911. In 1909 he attended the Clark University Conference, traveling with Freud's party from New York. He became the first practicing psychoanalyst in America and interested a small group of New York psychiatrists in psychoanalytic ideas.
In 1911, Sigmund Freud urged Ernest Jones to establish the American Psychoanalytic Association (APA) with James Jackson Putnam as president, and Brill as secretary. Brill refused to participate and instead, on February 12, 1911, with fifteen other physicians, founded the New York Psychoanalytic Society, several months before the APA was established in May of that year. From that time to the close of the First World War the New York Psychoanalytic Society was kept alive, practically single handedly, by Brill. He was the expositor and public advocate of psychoanalysis par excellence. He spoke at medical, neurological, and psychiatric societies, and to lay groups as well. He lectured to social workers, the New York City Police College, the Education Department of NYU—many of these lectures were reprinted in professional journals and lay publications. During the 1930s he presented a weekly radio broadcast lecture on mental health themes.
Of greatest importance for the dissemination and promulgation of psychoanalytic ideas in America were Brill's translations. Brill translated into English the major work of Sigmund Freud, some of Carl Gustav Jung's works, and Bleuler's Textbook of Psychiatry. His own publications included numerous journal articles and important books, including Psychoanalysis (1921). His The Basic Writings of Sigmund Freud was published in 1938.
Abraham Arden Brill's importance to psychoanalysis was also as a leader of both psychoanalytic and psychiatric institutions. Brill became a member of the APA in 1914. He served as president of the APA in 1919 and 1920 and again from 1929 to 1935. He was president of the New York Psychoanalytic Society from 1911 to 1913 and from 1925 to 1936.
His influence on psychoanalysts both in New York and the United States was at its zenith between 1929 to 1936. During this period he played a central role in restricting membership in the New York Society and in the APA to physicians. He defied Freud, who was supportive of lay analysis, because of his concern about "quackery," medical treatment by poorly trained or unauthorized practitioners. It was Brill's conviction that the survival of psychoanalysis in the United States depended on maintaining its medical identity.
Brill also played an important role in achieving autonomy for the APA within the International Psychoanalytic Association (IPA). These organizational and credential principles were maintained until overturned by the settlement of a lawsuit brought against the IPA, the New York and Columbia Psychoanalytic Institutes, and APA by a group of psychologists in the 1980s. From the years immediately preceding World War II and until his death in 1948, Brill was displaced first by the Americans Bertram Lewin and Lawrence Kubie, and then by the Viennese psychoanalysts who emigrated to New York to escape Nazi persecution. However, he remained a proud and respected figure who more than any other psychoanalyst was responsible for the growth of psychoanalysis in the United States.
Arnold D. Richards
See also: Frink, Horace Westlake; International Psychoanalytic Association; Lay analysis; New York Psychoanalytic Institute; United States.
Hale, Nathan G., Jr. (1995). The rise and crisis of psychoanalysis in the United States: Freud and the Americans 1917-1985. New York: Oxford University Press.
International Dictionary of Psychoanalysis Richards, Arnold
views updated May 23 2018
BRILL, ABRAHAM ARDEN (1874–1948), Austrian-born psychoanalyst. Brill studied with *Freud in Vienna, and to him belongs the main credit for introducing Freud's writings to the English-speaking world. Beginning in 1909 with a translation of Studien ueber Hysterie (1895; Studies in Hysteria
, 1936), written by Freud jointly with J. Breuer, Brill continued over the years to present a systematic translation of most of Freud's work. In 1911 he founded the New York Psychoanalytical Society, and was appointed head of the Psychiatry Clinic at Columbia University.
While Brill's most significant contribution to psychoanalysis was his translation of Freud, he was a talented psychoanalytic practitioner and did some noteworthy research especially on necrophilia. He made an historic contribution to the integration of psychoanalytic concepts into psychiatry. Brill's own writings include Freud's Contribution to Psychiatry (1944) and Psychoanalysis: Its Theories and Practical Application (19223).
G. Zilboorg, History of Medical Psychology (1941), 504–6; New York Times (March 3, 1948), 23.
[Danah Zohar]
Encyclopaedia Judaica Zohar, Danah
Dr. Abraham Arden Brill (1874 - 1948)
Abraham Arden Brill (October 12, 1874 – March 2, 1948) was an Austrian-born psychiatrist who spent almost his entire adult life in the United States. He was the first psychoanalyst to practice in the United States and the first translator of Freud into English.
Brill was born in Kańczuga, Austrian Galicia. He arrived in the United States alone and penniless at the age of 15. Working continuously to finance his studies,[2] he eventually graduated from New York University in 1901 and obtained his M.D. from Columbia University in 1903.[3] Ernest Jones commented with admiration: "He might have been called a rough diamond, but there was no doubt about the diamond".[2] Brill spent the next 4 years working at Central Islip State Hospital on Long Island.[3] Brill married Dr. K. Rose Owen, with whom he had two children. He died at Mount Sinai Hospital in New York in March 2, 1948.[3]
After studying with Eugen Bleuler in Zurich, Switzerland,[1] he met Freud, with whom he maintained a correspondence until Freud's death in 1939.[1] He returned to the United States in 1908 to become one of the earliest and most active exponents of psychoanalysis, being the first to translate into English most of the major works of Freud, as well as books by Jung. His first translation of Freud appeared in 1909 as Some Papers on Hysteria;[3] and while the quality of his translations might at times be challenged, his overall contribution to the fostering of psychoanalysis in America cannot.[4] He campaigned for academic recognition of his field, lectured at Columbia University, and became clinical professor of psychiatry at New York University.[1] He maintained a psychoanalytic practice as well.
In 1911 he founded the New York Psychoanalytic Society (or Institute) and later helped found the American Psychoanalytic Association.[1] The library of the New York Psychoanalytic Institute is named in his honor.[1] Although opposed in principle to Lay analysis - "psychoanalysis...can be utilized only by persons who have been trained in anatomy and pathology"[5] - rather than split the International movement, in 1929 he made a tactical concession to Freud,[6] and as head of the New York Psychoanalytic Society, sanctioned the limited introduction of lay analysts to the profession, which had previously restricted its ranks to medical professionals. [7] During the 1930s he played a key role in finding employment for psychiatric professionals exiled from Nazi Europe.[8] Once sympathetic to homosexuals, he revised his views and wrote in 1940 that "even so-called classical inverts are not entirely free from some paranoid traits".[9] E. L. Bernays consulted with Brill on the subject of women's smoking.[10] One of his last pieces of writing - his preface to Eric Berne's 1947 study, The Mind in Action - commends Berne's ability to "expound the new psychology without the affectivity of the older Freudians", placing his tribute in the context of himself "having read everything written on Freud and psychoanalysis since I first introduced him here".[11]
[https://archive.jta.org/1948/03/04/archive/dr-abraham-brill-pioneer-psychiatrist-and-translator-of-freuds-works-dies-at-74'''Dr. Abraham Brill, Pioneer Psychiatrist and Translator of Freud’s Works, Dies at 74. March 9, 1948]
Dr. Abraham Arden Brill, one of the world’s leading exponents of psychoanalysis and a pioneer psychiatrist, died here yesterday at 74. Born in Kanczuga, Austria, he came to this country as a youth and studied at Columbia University. Later, he returned to Europe and studied under Dr. Sigmund Freud, whose works he brought to public attention in this country by publishing them in English.
Brill is credited with introducing numerous psychiatric terms into the American language. In addition to his translations of the works of Freud and of Dr. Carl Jung, he publisher numerous works of his own in the field of psychoanalysis, including “Psychoanalysis — Its Theories and Practical Application,” and “Fundamental Conceptions of Psychoanalysis.”
BRILL, ABRAHAM ARDEN (1874-1948) The American psychiatrist Abraham Brill was born on October 12, 1874, in Kanczuga, Austria (then Galicia) and died on March 2, 1948, in New York City.
His father was a noncommissioned officer in the Austrian Army who served with Maximilian in Mexico. After spending his childhood in Austria, Brill emmigrated to the United States in 1889 at age fifteen, without his family and with almost no money. He worked to support himself through high school and college, graduating from New York University in 1901. He received an MD degree from the College of Physicians and Surgeons, Columbia University in 1904.
Brill worked as a psychiatrist in the New York State Mental Hospital System at the Central Islip State Hospital under the tutelage of Adolph Meyer and August Hoch. From 1902 to 1907, he traveled in Europe, first to Paris and then, at the suggestion of Frederick Peterson, to Zürich; there he learned about Freud's new science, psychoanalysis, from the staff of the Burgholzi Psychiatric Clinic (which included Eugen Bleuler and Carl Jung). He returned to America a year later and accepted a position as assistant physician of mental disease, Bellevue Hospital, which he held until 1911. In 1909 he attended the Clark University Conference, traveling with Freud's party from New York.
He became the first practicing psychoanalyst in America and interested a small group of New York psychiatrists in psychoanalytic ideas.
In 1911, Sigmund Freud urged Ernest Jones to establish the American Psychoanalytic Association (APA) with James Jackson Putnam as president, and Brill as secretary. Brill refused to participate and instead, on February 12, 1911, with fifteen other physicians, founded the New York Psychoanalytic Society, several months before the APA was established in May of that year. From that time to the close of the First World War the New York Psychoanalytic Society was kept alive, practically single handedly, by Brill. He was the expositor and public advocate of psychoanalysis par excellence. He spoke at medical, neurological, and psychiatric societies, and to lay groups as well. He lectured to social workers, the New York City Police College, the Education Department of NYU—many of these lectures were reprinted in professional journals and lay publications. During the 1930s he presented a weekly radio broadcast lecture on mental health themes.
Of greatest importance for the dissemination and promulgation of psychoanalytic ideas in America were Brill's translations. Brill translated into English the major work of Sigmund Freud, some of Carl Gustav Jung's works, and Bleuler's Textbook of Psychiatry. His own publications included numerous journal articles and important books, including Psychoanalysis (1921). His The Basic Writings of Sigmund Freud was published in 1938.
Abraham Arden Brill's importance to psychoanalysis was also as a leader of both psychoanalytic and psychiatric institutions. Brill became a member of the APA in 1914. He served as president of the APA in 1919 and 1920 and again from 1929 to 1935. He was president of the New York Psychoanalytic Society from 1911 to 1913 and from 1925 to 1936. His influence on psychoanalysts both in New York and the United States was at its zenith between 1929 to 1936. During this period he played a central role in restricting membership in the New York Society and in the APA to physicians. He defied Freud, who was supportive of lay analysis, because of his concern about "quackery," medical treatment by poorly trained or unauthorized practitioners. It was Brill's conviction that the survival of psychoanalysis in the United States depended on maintaining its medical identity.
Brill also played an important role in achieving autonomy for the APA within the International Psychoanalytic Association (IPA). These organizational and credential principles were maintained until overturned by the settlement of a lawsuit brought against the IPA, the New York and Columbia Psychoanalytic Institutes, and APA by a group of psychologists in the 1980s. From the years immediately preceding World War II and until his death in 1948, Brill was displaced first by the Americans Bertram Lewin and Lawrence Kubie, and then by the Viennese psychoanalysts who emigrated to New York to escape Nazi persecution. However, he remained a proud and respected figure who more than any other psychoanalyst was responsible for the growth of psychoanalysis in the United States.
Arnold D. Richards
See also: Frink, Horace Westlake; International Psychoanalytic Association; Lay analysis; New York Psychoanalytic Institute; United States.
Bibliography Hale, Nathan G., Jr. (1995). The rise and crisis of psychoanalysis in the United States: Freud and the Americans 1917-1985. New York: Oxford University Press.
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Eric Berne
Introduction to psychiatry and psychoanalysis for the uninitiated. The main book on transactional analysis
Eric Berne
A Layman's Guide to Psychiatry and Psychoanalysis
© 1947, 1957, 1968 by Eric Berne
© Fet A.I., Russian translation, 2017
© Design. LLC Eksmo Publishing House, 2022
* * *
Preface to the first edition
This book is, for many reasons, one of a kind. Its author is a psychiatrist and psychoanalyst of the highest qualification, a staunch follower of Freud. But still, I read a few chapters first to make sure of this. Unlike those people who completely trust some theory and immediately become its ardent supporters, Dr. Berne maintains an objective and unflappable position and at first gives the impression of a captious tester, and not a passionate admirer of Freud. nine0003
Mind in Action [1] begins with a kind of biological survey of the general aspects of mental development. Accessibly and clearly, without difficult-to-understand scientific terms, it explains the natural functions of the brain, expressed through feelings and actions, how to control them in children and adults, and the body's reaction to the world around it as a whole. The special gift with which Dr. Berne is endowed allows him to substantiate and describe abstract mental processes in a simple and exciting way that holds the attention of even a strict psychoanalyst reader. It is only after following the author's thoughts over several chapters that the reader realizes that Dr. Berne consistently adheres to Freud's ideas. nine0003
Reading the book, I could not even imagine that, as a psychoanalyst, Dr. Bern is almost forty years younger than me. He belongs to the post-war period in the history of psychoanalysis and therefore regards Freud's work as an integral part of the development of psychiatry as a whole. In other words, Dr. Bern is one of the young followers of Freud, who can be likened to a new generation of Egyptians who "did not know Joseph." They are able to take a new path and expound a new psychology without the enthusiasm of the old students of Freud. nine0003
The theory of psychoanalysis was already in place when Dr. Berne mastered it, so he is able to consider the whole of psychoanalysis, from fons et origo [2] to deviations, and easily separate the wheat from the chaff. I have read everything that has been written about Freud and psychoanalysis since it was first known in this country, and Dr. Berne has succeeded in telling about "the psyche in action" in such a way that his book will be interesting and instructive not only for the general public, but also for for psychoanalysts and psychotherapists. nine0003
Dr. A. A. Brill (1947)
Preface to the third edition
It's good to know that the demand for this book hasn't waned in twenty years. I wrote it while serving as a medical officer in the army during World War II, and when every night I had to choose between the clatter of my typewriter and the clatter of slot machines in the officer's club. As a rule, I settled on the latter. The book was first published in hardcover under the title "Psychic in Action". It received positive and even enthusiastic reviews and was subsequently published in England and translated into Swedish, Italian and Spanish. At 19In 1957, Simon & Schuster produced a second paperback edition in a "high quality series" entitled An Introduction to Psychiatry and Psychoanalysis for the Uninitiated, and a few years later a cheaper paperback edition was published by Grove Press under the same title. version. Thus, two competing publications were on sale at the same time. In total, over 250,000 copies were sold in all forms.
The rapid development of drug and group therapy over the past ten years has led to radical changes in the practice of outpatient, hospital and community psychiatry, and transactional analysis and other new approaches have gradually gained the upper hand in areas in which psychoanalysis did not give satisfactory results. As interest in the book persisted, it required significant revision as a mark of respect for the reader. nine0003
After long and careful consideration, I have decided to retain the section on body types as a reminder that the brain is inseparable from the body. This is often overlooked by non-medical psychotherapists, especially those trained in the social sciences. In part one and almost all of part two, I interpret man as an energy system. From this point of view, Freud's theory is the best approach to psychology. At the same time, I follow the "strict" version of Freud, which separates the sexual instinct from the death instinct, and assigns an equal place to Eros and Thanatos. This makes the material much easier to explain and better fits the historical events of the last thirty years, which are not easily understood from the theory of libido alone. They become much clearer if we introduce Poul Federn's concept of "mortido". nine0003
I have included articles by a number of my colleagues in the book. Dr. Joe Duzey wrote a chapter on transactional analysis, and Mrs. Hilma Dixon, Mrs. Mary Edwards, Dr. Muriel James, and Dr. Ray Poindexter wrote sections on their specialties. They know their trades better than I do, and Dr. Dusey presented the information about transactional analysis in a much more objective way than I could have done. And I am grateful to all of them.
Carmel, California, September 1967 E.B.
Preface to the second edition nine0050
In my experience, few relationships are as satisfying as those between a satisfied author and a satisfied publisher. Each message received by the author gives him both material and spiritual food. And if the critics and the public are also satisfied, the author does not need to wish for more. The reception given to the first edition of the book in America, England, Sweden and Italy during the last ten years, with rare exceptions, has been a source of joy for me. And the friendly advice of the publisher, Mr. Henry W. Simon, played a significant part in this. nine0003
Rereading the book a decade later, I found it quite attractive. At times I would have Wild's famous reaction, "I wish I had written this!" My only regret was that because of the war I had to give up a broader scientific perspective, which affected some of the details. And I'm glad that now I have the opportunity to review them.
Speaking of changes in this edition, I deleted the section "Man as a social animal" because I wanted to devote a separate book to this topic [3] .
In addition, a chapter on the new "magic cures" of psychiatry has been added, a chapter on group therapy has been rewritten, and a separate fragment on shock therapy has been adjusted to fit the new data. Notes for Philosophers has been revised and the bibliography updated with new books, although some of the old books still seem better than the new ones. Also, some paragraphs have been changed due to the emergence of new methods. The non-specialist interested in information about modern psychiatry and psychoanalysis will in most cases find it in this book. The notes refer to reliable sources where additional details can be found. nine0003
Carmel, California, March 1957 E.B.
Author's Foreword
The purpose of this book is to explain the dynamics of the human psyche to those who wish to understand its nature, and not to play with words and memorize definitions. I have tried to present ideas on a practical level that gives as clear and simple a picture of complex phenomena as possible. In all cases, where it would not look too clumsy, I have avoided complex terms. I do not seek to make a salon psychiatrist out of the reader, but I want to help him understand himself and others better. An extensive bibliography is provided for those interested in further details, and a concise dictionary has been added for those in need of professional terminology. nine0003
Each psychiatrist has his own approach to people based on his clinical experience. The ideas below build on what my teachers taught me (principally Dr. Eugene Kahn, former professor of psychiatry at the Yale Medical School, and the late Dr. Paul Federn of the New York Psychoanalytic Institute), with changes that have arisen from my own reflections. , observations and interpretations of psychiatric and psychoanalytic literature. My teachers, who did everything possible for me during my years of study, are otherwise not responsible for what is written in this book. Undoubtedly most of the ideas presented here, like those of any dynamic psychiatrist, are based on the writings of Sigmund Freud. However, I alone am responsible for emphasizing and phrasing, and no group of psychiatrists or psychoanalysts has authorized me to represent them. nine0003
To avoid claims on the part of the professional reader, notes have been added at the end of the book in which he will find the necessary reservations and restrictions regarding what was said in the main text. If you are unable to obtain any of these books in the usual way, look in the yellow pages of your telephone directory for the address of your local psychiatric literature store, or contact the publisher of the book in question directly.
For a clearer understanding, along with a glossary of scientific terms at the end of the book contains a brief semantic dictionary. nine0003
"He" in the context of the book means a person in general, without division by gender. And the word " she " - that some phenomenon is more common in women than in men. " Us" is "most of the psychiatrists I have the most respect for." " Is" ("is") - means "appears to be so, in the opinion of most thinking psychiatrists, and in my own experience." And " apparently" means " appears to be so on a number of occasions and is supported by the opinion of one or more psychiatrists whom I deeply respect, but I'm not quite sure about it. " " nine0078 Philosopher "I call everyone who likes to reflect on what they read. Stresses are said to be " relieved", " relieved", or " satisfied". The last expression does not sound quite right, but it avoids repetition and emphasizes that “tension” and “desire” are almost synonymous. On reflection, I retained the term mental illness, although it is not so necessary in spoken language, it is difficult to replace it with another term in writing. In the same way, I retained, not without hesitation, the words " neurotic " and " neurotic", because it is problematic to find a replacement for them that fits Freud's circle of ideas.
The pseudonyms of the patients described in the case histories are not chosen randomly, but almost all are taken out (with some “Americanization”) from historical and mythological sources related to this subject. This may intrigue some readers, but will not confuse those who are not. Case histories represent types, not individuals, and any resemblance in features or external circumstances to any living person is unintended. nine0003
Many of these stories illustrate common occurrences, and some of them depict certain types of mental illness and emotional disturbances. In other words, they describe pathological personality types. Situations and reactions arising under such conditions are able to surprise the reader with their unusualness. But this is not so much a qualitative as a quantitative difference. But on closer inspection, the reader will realize that, even when the reactions of the subjects described are striking in their intensity, the very nature of the reactions is by no means exceptional. nine0003
These stories, as if under a microscope, help to better see the features that a person sometimes notices in himself and in others. They are not always detected at first glance, but may become apparent over time. "Mentally ill" people do not have any special instincts, it's just that the instincts that are common to everyone manifest themselves in a different way.
I am grateful to my listeners, both military and civilian, to whom I spoke in California, Utah and Washington. Their questions, comments and objections helped me achieve greater clarity of wording. But I especially appreciate the help of the following people. nine0003
(222 ratings)
Eric Berne
On this page you can read the online book "Introduction to Psychiatry and Psychoanalysis for the Uninitiated. The Essential Book of Transactional Analysis by Eric Berne. This book has an age limit of 16+, belongs to the genres: "Foreign educational literature", "The arts". The work touches on topics such as "depression", "pathological addictions". The book “Introduction to psychiatry and psychoanalysis for the uninitiated. The main book on transactional analysis "was written in 1947 and published in 2022. Enjoy reading!
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+2.0 Great nine0003
Thoroughness of examination
Effectiveness of treatment
Attitude towards the patient
Informing the patient
Would you recommend a doctor?
Checked (1)
Visited in March 2021
Derzhvina-ul. Derzhavina, 28
March 8, 2021
at 09:08
+2.0 Great nine0003
Thoroughness of examination
Effectiveness of treatment
Attitude towards the patient
Informing the patient
Would you recommend a doctor?
Checked (1)
Visited in March 2021
Derzhvina-ul. Derzhavina, 28
February 16, 2021
at 21:18
+2.0 Great
Thorough examination
Efficacy of treatment
Attitude towards the patient
Informing the patient
Would you recommend a doctor?
Tested (1)
Visited in February 2021
"Toast" on Derzhavina-st. Derzhavina, 28
October 15, 2020
at 17:06
+2.0 Great
Thoroughness of the examination
Effectiveness of treatment
Attitude towards the patient
Informing the patient
Would you recommend a doctor?
Checked (1)
Visited in May 2020
"Gastrocenter"-ud. Factory, 4/1
October 3, 2020
at 15:57
+2.0 Great nine0003
Thoroughness of examination
Effectiveness of treatment
Attitude towards the patient
Informing the patient
Would you recommend a doctor?
Checked (1)
Visited in August 2020
Derzhvina-ul. Derzhavina, 28
September 25, 2020
at 09:41
+2.0 Great
Thorough examination
Efficacy of treatment
Attitude towards the patient
Informing the patient
Would you recommend a doctor?
Tested (1)
Visited in September 2020
"Toast" on Derzhavina-st. Derzhavina, 28
August 20, 2020
at 05:53
+2.0 Great
Thoroughness of the examination
Effectiveness of treatment
Attitude towards the patient
Informing the patient
Would you recommend a doctor?
Checked (1)
Visited in August 2020
Derzhvina-ul. Derzhavina, 28
August 12, 2020
at 11:35
+2.0 Great nine0003
Thoroughness of examination
Effectiveness of treatment
Attitude towards the patient
Informing the patient
Would you recommend a doctor?
Checked (1)
Visited in August 2020
"Gastrocenter"-ud. Factory, 4/1
August 2, 2020
at 17:59
+2.0 Great nine0003
Thoroughness of examination
Effectiveness of treatment
Attitude towards the patient
Informing the patient
Would you recommend a doctor?
Checked (1)
Visited in August 2020
"Gastrocenter"-ud. Factory, 4/1
May 20, 2020
at 13:09
+2.0 Great nine0003
Thoroughness of examination
Effectiveness of treatment
Attitude towards the patient
Informing the patient
Would you recommend a doctor?
Checked (1)
Visited in May 2020
"Gastrocenter"-ud. Factory, 4/1
February 20, 2020
at 06:46
+2.0 Great nine0003
Thoroughness of examination
Effectiveness of treatment
Attitude towards the patient
Informing the patient
Would you recommend a doctor?
Checked (1)
Visited in November 2019
Derzhvina-ul. Derzhavina, 28
February 15, 2020
at 18:42
+2.0 Great
Thorough examination
Efficacy of treatment
Attitude towards the patient
Informing the patient
Would you recommend a doctor?
Tested (1)
Visited in September 2019
Gastrocenter - ud. Factory, 4/1
January 25, 2020
at 12:55
+2.0 Great
Thoroughness of the examination
Effectiveness of treatment
Attitude towards the patient
Informing the patient
Would you recommend a doctor?
Checked (1)
Visited in December 2019
Derzhvina-ul. Derzhavina, 28
January 21, 2020
at 07:18
+2.0 Great nine0003
Thoroughness of examination
Effectiveness of treatment
Attitude towards the patient
Informing the patient
Would you recommend a doctor?
Checked (1)
Visited in January 2020
Derzhvina-ul. Derzhavina, 28
December 2, 2019
at 12:53
+2.0 Great
Thorough examination
Efficacy of treatment
Attitude towards the patient
Informing the patient
Would you recommend a doctor?
Tested (1)
Visited in December 2019
"Toast" on Derzhavina-st. Derzhavina, 28
November 11, 2019
at 10:51
+2.0 Great
Thoroughness of the examination
Effectiveness of treatment
Attitude towards the patient
Informing the patient
Would you recommend a doctor?
Checked (1)
Visited in November 2019
Derzhvina-ul. Derzhavina, 28
October 21, 2019 07:44
+2.0 Great nine0003
Thoroughness of examination
Effectiveness of treatment
Attitude towards the patient
Informing the patient
Would you recommend a doctor?
Checked (1)
Visited in October 2019 Derzhavina, 28
September 30, 2019
at 16:35
+2. 0 Great
Thorough examination
Efficacy of treatment
Attitude towards the patient
Informing the patient
Would you recommend a doctor?
Tested (1)
Visited in September 2019
"Toast" on Derzhavina-st. Derzhavina, 28
August 19, 2019
at 19:03
+2.0 Great
Thoroughness of the examination
Effectiveness of treatment
Attitude towards the patient
Informing the patient
Would you recommend a doctor?
Checked (1)
Visited in August 2019
Gastrocenter Factory, 4/1
August 13, 2019
at 08:59
+2. 0 Great nine0003
Thoroughness of examination
Effectiveness of treatment
Attitude towards the patient
Informing the patient
Would you recommend a doctor?
Checked (1)
Visited in August 2019 Derzhavina, 28
July 8, 2019 08:42
+2.0 Great nine0003
Thoroughness of examination
Effectiveness of treatment
Attitude towards the patient
Informing the patient
Would you recommend a doctor?
Checked (1)
Visited in July 2019
Derzhvina-ul. Derzhavina, 28
May 17, 2019
at 18:39
+2.0 excellent
Checked (1)
Gastrocenter - ud. Factory, 4/1
March 16, 2019 08:32
+2.0 excellent
Checked (1)
"Gastrocenter"-ud. Factory, 4/1
February 5, 2019
at 09:56
+2.0 excellent
Checked (2)
Visited in February 2019
"Gastrocenter" -ud. Factory, 4/1
January 14, 2019
at 08:36
+2.0 excellent
Checked (2)
Visited in January 2019
"Gastrocenter"-ud. Factory, 4/1
December 3, 2018
at 15:15
+2.0 excellent
Checked (1)
"Gastrocenter"-ud. Factory, 4/1
December 3, 2018
at 08:07
+2.0 excellent
Checked (1)
"Toast" on Derzhavina-st. Derzhavina, 28
November 29, 2018
at 11:41
+2.0 excellent
Checked (2)
Visited in November 2018
"Gastrocenter"-ud. Factory, 4/1
October 29, 2018
at 17:19
+2.0 Great nine0003
Thoroughness of examination
Effectiveness of treatment
Attitude towards the patient
Informing the patient
Would you recommend a doctor?
Checked (1)
"Toast" on Derzhavina-ul. Derzhavina, 28
October 15, 2018
at 10:08
+2.0 excellent
Checked (1)
"Toast" on Derzhavina-st. Derzhavina, 28
September 7, 2018
at 08:54
+2.0 excellent
Checked (1)
"Gastrocenter"-ud. Factory, 4/1
July 9, 2018
at 17:36
+2.0 excellent
Checked (1)
Gastrocenter - ud. Factory, 4/1
July 6, 2018
at 15:54
+2.0 excellent
Checked (1)
"Gastrocenter"-ud. Factory, 4/1
May 22, 2018
at 14:45
+2.0 excellent
Checked (1)
May 17, 2018
at 07:36
+2.0 excellent
Checked (1)
April 18, 2018
at 07:59
+2.0 excellent
Tested (1)
December 14, 2017
at 10:42
+2.0 excellent
Checked (1)
October 1, 2017
at 02:51
+2.0 excellent
Checked (1)
Clinic "Astra-Med" on Kirov-st. Kirova, 46
natalia sh.
July 13, 2017
at 22:35
+2.0 excellent
Checked (1)
May 11, 2017
at 12:23
+2.0 excellent
Checked (1)
April 13, 2017
at 11:42
+2.0 excellent
January 12, 2017
at 06:44
+2.0 excellent
Checked (1)
October 12, 2016
at 18:44
+2.0 excellent
June 14, 2016
at 07:22