Another word for personality development
personality development synonym | English synonyms dictionary
1 character, disposition, identity, individuality, make-up, nature, psyche, temper, temperament, traits
2 attraction, attractiveness, character, charisma, charm, dynamism, likableness or likeableness, magnetism, pleasantness
3 big name, celeb (informal) celebrity, famous name, household name, megastar (informal) notable, personage, star, well-known face, well-known person
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See also:
personal, personally, persona, personate
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PERSONALITY Synonyms: 19 Synonyms & Antonyms for PERSONALITY
See definition of personality on
- nounperson's character, traits
synonyms for personality
- charisma
- charm
- identity
- makeup
- nature
- psyche
- self
- temper
- temperament
- complexion
- disposition
- dynamism
- emotions
- individuality
- magnetism
- singularity
- likableness
- selfdom
- selfhood
See also synonyms for: personalities
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The definition of a cult being “a misplaced or excessive admiration for a particular person or thing, a cult of personality, surrounding the leaders.”
The negotiations between the city and the trust had stalled in part because of the personalities involved.
There’s plenty of personality here, starting with the Wrangler-like grille and headlights.
To achieve that, content creators need to appeal to their audiences like never before, working on building unique brand personalities, collaborating with Instagram influencers in favor of celebrities, and staying authentic above promotional.
Thereby, you can shout out to customers according to their personality, behavior, likes and dislikes, research and information, and previous liaisons with your business.
It takes a very unique personality to become one of us and that has nothing to do with gender or race.
The data collected from our use of digital services can be packaged in a way that gives companies insight into our habits, preferences, and even our personalities.
These base pairs of A’s, T’s, C’s, and G’s determine your hair color, your height, your personality, your propensity for disease, your lifespan, and so on.
It could be, for instance, that people with fewer social connections may have other issues — personality or behavioral issues, or whatever — that make it harder to maintain social connections.
Typologies of personality have been around with us since the days of Hippocrates and others.
- big cheese
- big enchilada
- big kahuna
- big name
- celebrity
- dignitary
- famous person
- heavyweight
- high-muck-a-muck
- luminary
- mogul
- notable
- personality
- public figure
- star
- superstar
- top banana
- worthy
- character
- entity
- essence
- essentia
- essentiality
- individuality
- marrow
- personality
- quintessence
- self
- soul
- spirit
- substance
- texture
- aces
- big cheeses
- big deals
- big guns
- big names
- big shots
- big stuffs
- bigwigs
- celebs
- cynosures
- famous persons
- figures
- heavyweights
- heroes
- hotshots
- immortals
- lions
- luminaries
- magnates
- mahatmas
- major leaguers
- names
- notables
- personages
- personalities
- somebodies
- someones
- stars
- superstars
- the cheeses
- worthies
- ace
- big cheese
- big deal
- big gun
- big name
- big shot
- big stuff
- bigwig
- celeb
- cynosure
- famous person
- figure
- heavyweight
- hero
- hotshot
- immortal
- lion
- luminary
- magnate
- mahatma
- major leaguer
- name
- notable
- personage
- personality
- somebody
- someone
- star
- superstar
- the cheese
- worthy
- card
- clown
- crank
- customer
- eccentric
- freak
- nut
- nut case
- oddball
- oddity
- original
- personality
- wack
- weirdo
- affection
- aspect
- attribute
- badge
- bag
- bearing
- bent
- caliber
- cast
- complexion
- component
- differentia
- disposition
- distinction
- earmark
- endowment
- essence
- essential
- faculty
- flavor
- frame
- idiosyncrasy
- inclination
- individuality
- lineament
- mannerism
- mark
- mood
- nature
- originality
- particularity
- peculiarity
- personality
- point
- property
- quality
- singularity
- specialty
- streak
- stripe
- style
- symptom
- temperament
- tendency
- thing
- thumbprint
- tinge
- tone
- trademark
- turn
- virtue
Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.
The influence of the family on personality | Article in the journal "Young scientist"
C From birth, a person enters society. It grows, develops and dies in it. Human development is influenced by many various factors, both biological and social. chief social factor influencing the formation of personality is family.
Families are completely different. Depending on the composition of the family, relations in the family to family members and in general to people around looks at the world positively or negatively, forms his views, builds relationships with others. nine0003
Relationship in the family also influence how a person will build in the future his career, which way he will go. The family gives a person a very a lot, but may not give anything. There are incomplete families and families with disabled children, etc. It goes without saying that relationships and upbringing in these families are fundamentally different from upbringing in the usual full family. The upbringing in large families is also different; in families where conflicts between parents are frequent; in families with different styles upbringing, that is, how many families, so many options for upbringing personality. In addition, a person may not become a person if he has no own opinion, no own convictions, if he obeys whatever they want from him. In this case, too, much depends on families. nine0003
AT connection with the special educational role of the family, the question arises of how do things in a way that maximizes positives and minimizes negative influences of the family on the behavior of a developing personality 1, p.21. To do this, it is necessary to clearly define intra-family socio-psychological factors that have educational value.
Exactly in the family, a person receives the first life experience, makes the first observation and learns to behave in different situations. Very important, that what parents teach their child is backed up with concrete examples so that he can see that in adults the theory does not diverge from practice; otherwise it will start imitating negative parent examples. nine0003
Among various social factors influencing the formation of personality, one of the most important is the family. Traditionally, the family is the main educational institute. What a person acquires in the family, he retains throughout life. The Importance of the Family due to the fact that a person is in it for a significant parts of your life. In the family, the foundations of personality are laid.
In the process of close relationships with mother, father, brothers, sisters, grandfathers, grandmothers and other relatives in a child from the first days of life begins personality structure is formed. nine0003
Raising children enriches personality of an adult enhances his social experience. More often all this happens unconsciously in parents, but lately young parents began to meet, consciously educating also myself. Unfortunately, this position of parents did not become popular, despite the fact that it deserves the closest attention.
AT Parents play a big and responsible role in every person's life. They give the child new patterns of behavior, with their help he learns the world around him, he imitates them in all his actions. This the trend is getting stronger due to positive emotional the child's relationship with his parents and his desire to be like his mother or father, grandparents, etc. When parents realize this regularity and understand that the formation of personality of the child, then they behave in such a way that all their actions and behavior in general contribute to the formation in the child of those qualities and such an understanding of human values that they want him transfer to. Such a process of education can be considered quite conscious, since constant control over one's behavior, over one's attitude to other people, attention to the organization of family life allows educate children in the most favorable conditions conducive to their comprehensive and harmonious development of personality 2, p.53. nine0003
Everybody stages of development require a person to adapt to new social conditions that help a person to be enriched with new experience, to become more socially mature. Many stages of family development can be foreseen and even prepare for them. However, there are times in life which cannot be foreseen, since they arise instantly, as if spontaneously, for example, a serious illness of one of the family members, birth a sick child, the death of a loved one, trouble at work and etc. Such phenomena also require adaptation from family members, as how they have to find new methods of relationships. nine0003
Family is of great importance for the development of personality. Children deprived of opportunities to directly and permanently participate in the life of a small a group consisting of relatives and people close to them lose a lot. This is especially noticeable in young children living outside the family - in orphanages and boarding schools. The development of the personality of these children often proceeds in a different way than for children brought up in a family. mental and the social development of these children is sometimes delayed, and the emotional slows down. The same thing can happen to an adult, since the lack of constant personal contact is the essence loneliness, becomes a source of many negative phenomena and causes serious personality disorders. nine0003
Many people behave differently in the presence of other people than when remain alone. Moreover, if a person feels benevolent, good attitude of those present, then he most often appears a certain incentive to such actions that will cause approval the people around him and help him appear in the best light. If a person feels an unfriendly attitude, then he has resistance manifested itself in a variety of ways. Good an educated person overcomes this protest with a conscious effort. nine0003
In a small group where friendly relations reign, the team has a very strong effect on a person. This is especially manifested in the formation of spiritual values, norms and patterns behavior, style of relationships between people.
The family has its own structure, determined by the social roles of its members: husband and wife, father and mother, son and daughter, sister and brother, grandfather and grandmother. Based These roles develop interpersonal relationships in the family. Degree participation of a person in family life can be very diverse, and in Depending on this, the family may have more or less influence. nine0003
The family plays a colossal role in the life and activities of society. The functions of the family can be viewed as from the standpoint of the realization of goals society, and from the position of fulfilling their obligations in relation to to society.
Due to its reproductive function, the family is the source of continuation of human life. This is the social group that initially forms the personality of a person. The family contributes to the increase creative and productive forces of society. Family enters into society of new members, passing them the language, manners and customs, the main patterns of behavior that are obligatory in a given society, introduces a person into the world of spiritual values of society, controls the behavior of its members. The social functions of the family are manifested not only in relation to children, but and in relation to spouses, since life in marriage is a process, playing an important role in the life of society. One of the main functions family - creating conditions for the development of the personality of all their members. The family satisfies the various needs of the individual. nine0003
Birth children are pleased not only from the consciousness of the continuation of their kind, but it also makes it possible to look more confidently into the future. People in the family take care of each other. Also, the family is satisfied with a variety of human needs. In the married life of a person, most clearly a feeling of love and mutual understanding, recognition, respect, a sense of security. However, meeting your needs associated with the performance of certain functions of the family. nine0003
Unfortunately families are not always do their job. In such cases, there is a problem antisocial role of the family. Families that do not perform their functions do not able to provide its members with the security, necessary conditions life and mutual assistance, if some values. Also, when a family raises the emotionally immature people with a weakened sense of danger, with human qualities, far from social norms, it harms its people. nine0003
Considering the role of the family in the life of every person, it must also be noted psychological function, since it is in the family that all those personality traits that are of value to society.
Every person on throughout his life, as a rule, is a member of two families: parental from which he comes, and the family that he creates myself. Life in the family of parents accounts for periods approximately up to youthful age. During the period of maturity, a person gradually acquires independence. The further, the more life, a person accumulates professional and social experience, and everything family plays a big role for him. nine0003
Character emotional relationship of parents to the child can be called parental position. This is one of the most important factors that shape personality. There are several variations of this factor, from dominance to complete indifference. And constant imposition contacts, and their complete absence is harmful to the child. Very important establish contact with the child so that later you can talk about child giving. To the child, first of all, you need approach without exaggerated concentration of attention, but also without excessive emotional distance, that is, contact is necessary loose rather than tight or too loose and casual. It's about about such an approach, which can be described as balanced, free, directed to the mind and heart of the child, focused on his actual needs. This should be an approach based on a certain independence, moderately categorical and persistent, which is a support and authority for the child, and not imperious, a command order or a compliant, passive request. Violations contact with the child manifests itself in several characteristic forms, for example, excessive aggressiveness or the desire to correct child's behavior.
FROM the earliest age, the correct developmental process is carried out in first of all thanks to the care of the parents. Little child is learning their parents to think, speak, understand and control their reactions.
Thanks to personal patterns, which are for him parents, he learns how to treat other family members, relatives, acquaintances: whom to love, whom to avoid, whom to reckon with more or less, whom express your likes or dislikes when holding back your reactions. The family prepares the child for a future independent life in society, conveys to him spiritual values, moral norms, patterns of behavior, traditions and culture of their society. nine0003
Guides, matched educational methods of parents teach the child looseness, at the same time time he learns to control his actions and deeds according to moral standards. The child develops a world of values.
AT this multifaceted development, parents, by their behavior and their own They give a child great help by example. However, some parents can impede, slow down, even disrupt the behavior of their children, contributing to the manifestation of his pathological personality traits. nine0003
Child, brought up in a family where personal models for him are parents, receives training for subsequent social roles: women or man, wife or husband, mother or father. Besides, quite social pressure is strong. Children are usually praised for behavior appropriate to their gender, and censured for actions inherent in the opposite sex. Proper sexual education for children the formation of a sense of belonging to one's gender is one of the foundations for further development of their personality 3, p.124. nine0003
AT each family objectively develops a certain, far from always conscious education system. This also means understanding goals. education, and methods of education, and consideration of what is possible and what should not be allowed for a child. 4 tactics can be distinguished upbringing in the family and the 4 types of family relations that correspond to them, which are the prerequisite and result of their occurrence: dictate, guardianship, “non-intervention” and cooperation. nine0057
Diktat in the family manifested in the systematic suppression of initiative by parents and self-esteem in children. Of course, parents can and must make demands on their child, based on the goals upbringing, moral standards, specific situations in which it is necessary make pedagogically and morally justified decisions. However, those of them who prefer orders and violence to all kinds of influence, face the resistance of the child who responds to pressure, coercion, threats of hypocrisy, deceit, outbursts of rudeness, and sometimes and outright hatred. But even if there is resistance broken, along with it comes the breaking of many personality traits: independence, self-esteem, initiative, faith in yourself and your abilities, all this is a guarantee of an unsuccessful personality formation. nine0003
Guardianship in the family - a system of relations in which parents, providing their labor satisfaction of all the needs of the child, protect him from any worries, efforts and difficulties, taking them upon yourself. question about active the formation of personality fades into the background. Basically, parents block the process of seriously preparing their children for reality for threshold of home. Such excessive concern for the child, excessive control over his entire life, based on close emotional contact is called hyperprotection. It leads to passivity lack of independence, difficulties in communication. There is also the opposite concept is hyper-guardianship, which means a combination of an indifferent parental attitude with a complete lack of control. Children can do whatever they want. AT as a result, when they grow up, they become selfish, cynical people who are not able to respect anyone, they themselves do not deserve respect, but still demand the fulfillment of all their whims. nine0003
System interpersonal relationships in the family, based on the recognition of the possibility and even the expediency of the independent existence of adults from children, can be generated by tactics “ non-intervention ” . It is assumed that two worlds can coexist: adults and children, and neither one nor the other should cross the line marked by such way line. Most often, this type of relationship is based on passivity of parents as educators. nine0003
Cooperation how the type of relationships in the family suggests mediation interpersonal relations in the family common goals and objectives of the joint activity, its organization and high moral values.
Family, where the leading type of relationship is cooperation, acquires special quality, becomes a group of high level of development - team.
Many parents with bated breath are waiting for the so-called transitional age in their children. For some, this transition from childhood to growing up happens completely imperceptibly, for someone it becomes a real disaster. Until recently, an obedient and calm child suddenly becomes "prickly", irritated, he now and then comes into conflict with others. This often leads to ill-conceived negative parental response. Their mistake is that they trying to subjugate a teenager to their will, and this only hardens, pushes him away from adults and, worst of all, breaks the growing person, making him an insincere opportunist or still obedient up to the loss of his "I". nine0003
teenage independence is expressed mainly in the desire for emancipation from adults, release from their guardianship, control. In need of parents their love and care, in their opinion, they have a strong desire to be independent, equal to them. How will the relationship develop in this difficult period for both parties and after it, depends, mainly way, on the style of upbringing that has developed in the family, and the opportunities parents to rebuild - to accept the feeling of adulthood of their child. nine0003
Exist 3 styles of parenting - authoritarian, democratic and permissive.
At authoritarian style, the desire of the parent is the law for the child. Such parents oppress their children. They demand unquestioning subordination and do not consider it necessary to explain to him the reasons for their instructions and prohibitions.
They are tightly control all spheres of a teenager's life, and they do it not always correct. Children in such families are usually isolated, their communication with parents are violated. Some teenagers go into conflict, but more often children growing up in such a family adapt to the style of family relationships and become insecure, less independent. nine0003
Democratic the style of family relations is the most optimal for education. Democratic parents appreciate in the behavior of a teenager and autonomy and discipline. They give him the right be independent in some areas of his life; without prejudice to the rights simultaneously require the fulfillment of duties; they respect his opinion and consult with him.
Control, based on warm feelings and reasonable care, usually not too annoying teenager; he often listens to explanations why Don't do one and do the other. Formation adulthood under such circumstances occurs without special experiences and conflicts. nine0003
At concession style, parents almost do not pay attention to their children; do not restrict, do not prohibit anything. Adolescents from such families often fall under bad influence, can raise a hand against their parents, they have almost no value.
How much families, so many options for education. Depending on this personality development takes place. Only a person can become a person who wants to achieve something in life, has his own goals and stubbornly going to their achievement. This is a man with a stable system norms, values, having strong convictions, as well as his own opinion on every issue, able to defend his point of view. nine0003
Formation personality is associated with the influence on a person of various factors, such as biological as well as social. Every little thing matters from genes to nutrition. The slightest mistake - and a person can lose your individuality, to become “like everyone else”. Each of we want to make a career, start a family, raise children. Everyone has different self-esteem, needs and level of claims, and this is also is one of the factors influencing the formation of personality along with family, etc. In the family, a person receives his first social experience, takes the first steps, says the first words. On the formation of personality A person is influenced not only by his mother and father, but also by other family members. nine0003
Highly it is important that the little man is brought up in a friendly atmosphere, so that in the process of education, parents do not have disagreements about the methods of his upbringing, so that the child is not witness to conflict. Otherwise, it may grow into an asocial personality that harms not only others, but also oneself.
Family - the main source of all the right deeds on the path of life personality and the eradication of errors in education is possible. nine0003
Zemska M.
Family and personality. - M., 2009. - 133 p.
Lisina M.I. Family and personality formation. - M., 2006. - 180 s.
Mindel A.Ya. Education and development of the personality of a teenager. – M., 2007. - 225 p.
Clinical Clinical Hospital No. 5 - Organic Personality Disorder
State Budgetary Institution of Public Health of the City of Moscow
Psychiatric Clinical Hospital No. 5 of the Department of Health of the City of Moscow
+7 (495) 445-55-25, +7 (496) 724-33-33
Moscow region, Chekhov, s. Troitskoye, 5
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This mental illness is caused by damage to the brain as a result of trauma, intoxication, infection. Thus, here we are dealing with the consequences of gross damage to the tissue of the central nervous system. nine0003
This type of mental pathology is little known among the general public. Meanwhile, among the patients of our hospital, organic personality disorder is only slightly inferior to schizophrenia in frequency. This is not surprising, because adverse effects on the brain are extremely common, especially among the male population (take, for example, chronic alcohol intoxication and brain injury).
Common diagnosis: Organic personality disorder due to mixed diseases. A similar formulation of the diagnosis began to be used in Russia from 1990s, as the Tenth Revision of the International Classification of Diseases (ICD-10) was introduced into practice. It means that the patient has an organic brain lesion due to a combination of two or more causes.
As follows from the name of this disease, organic psychosyndrome is the leading one in its clinical picture.
In its mildest form, this syndrome is an asthenic condition with weakness, fatigue, instability of attention, and decreased performance. There is emotional lability, a tendency to sentimentality, tearfulness, which is combined with irritability. The patient often complains of headaches, especially in unstable weather (meteorological dependence). There are also frequent complaints about poor transport tolerance, stuffiness, that is, situations when the oxygen concentration in the room air is reduced. In children and adolescents in the presence of this syndrome, sleepwalking or sleepwalking is sometimes noted. nine0003
As the psychoorganic syndrome worsens, disturbances in thinking, memory, and emotions increase. Thinking becomes viscous, detailed. When talking about something, the patient begins to go into insignificant specific details, distracting from the main topic. Vocabulary becomes poor, in speech there is a tendency to unjustified repetition of the same phrases and words, sometimes there is a tendency to primitive rhyming of everyday speech. Mental processes in these patients are characterized by inertia, with slow learning when performing any tasks. Memory decreases - both for recent and distant events. Critical abilities are broken. The patient can correctly distinguish between good and bad, but in relation to others he easily does wrong things, makes tactless statements. Emotions are characterized by rudeness, primitiveness, negative character traits that were characteristic of a person in the past, but which he previously tried not to flaunt, are sharpened. Boastfulness, exaggeration of one's own merits, which can be associated with euphoria, is characteristic. It can be replaced by a dreary-evil, gloomy mood. From time to time there are violent affective outbursts (that is, states of strong emotional arousal), even for minor reasons. Often this happens unexpectedly for others. In this state, the patient loses control over his actions, his consciousness narrows, as it were, - the person does not pay attention to anything other than the momentary task of “punishing” an imaginary or real offender. It is by this mechanism that many of our patients commit socially dangerous acts, including murder.
With growing organic changes in personality, social maladjustment occurs. Children and young people have learning difficulties, and adults are downgraded or lose their jobs. Relationships with loved ones worsen. Patients resort to alcohol or drugs as a distraction from their problems. Meanwhile, in patients with a psychoorganic syndrome, pathological forms of alcoholization and drug addiction occur more often than others, including amnesia (memorization) of events associated with intoxication, alcoholic deliriums (“delirious tremens”). Thus, the risk of criminal acts of patients increases even more. nine0003
Against the background of the progression of the psycho-organic syndrome, neurological disorders, including convulsive seizures (paroxysms), join. Children have nocturnal diuresis, which is one of the forms of paroxysmal disorders.
Treatment includes drugs that improve metabolism and blood circulation in the brain, in particular nootropics. In addition, anticonvulsants are used.