Word for bad relationship
25 of the Best Words to Describe a Bad and Toxic Relationship
Not all relationships are going to be sunshine and rainbows, and anyone can end up in a bad relationship.
Not every bad relationship is the same, so there are some different words to describe a bad relationship that are useful for explaining how it is or how it makes you feel that can sum it all up.
Let’s take a look at some words to describe a bad relationship, what they mean and how you can apply it to your past or present situation. Here are 25 of the best words to describe bad relationships:
No one wants to be in a bad relationship with their parents, but it happens.
As sad as it may be to talk about, at some point questions may arise and you’ll need a word to summarize your relationship with your parents.
Here are 7 words to describe a bad relationship:
Use the word arduous if the relationship you share is one that is draining, both mentally and physically. An arduous relationship is one that requires you to put in a lot of effort, with very little reward, and tires you out.
If your relationship with your parents is this bad, here’s an example of how you can say it:
E.g. “It’s not a matter of not seeing eye to eye. Being around my mother is simply too arduous for me to bear.”
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A bad relationship does not have to be one where there is arguing and fighting all the time. It can mean that there is little to no communication, and no intimacy.
This would mean you are in a distant relationship.
E.g. “My father could be sitting beside me, yet I often feel like I could not be any farther away from him in this distant relationship of ours.”
Difficult is a good word to describe a bad relationship with your parents if you cannot seem to understand each other.
In other words, it feels like you are talking to a brick wall and you are unable to get anything through to them.
E.g. “I love my parents, but they are difficult to deal with.”
If you no longer have a relationship with your parents, or you rarely talk to them, then estranged is the perfect word to use.
It can be useful in either circumstance of you alienating yourself from them, or them banishing you.
E.g. “After almost six years of not uttering a word to each other, it’s clear that I’ve become estranged from my parents.”
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Parent-child relationships become hostile when either party becomes verbally or physically abusive to the other.
If you seem to always be fighting with your parents and cannot seem to agree on anything, hostile is your word.
E.g. “I dreaded living with my father through high school because the relationship was always hostile.”
Photo by David Garrison under pexels license
Often, by the time someone realizes they are in a pernicious relationship with their parents, it is much too late.
Pernicious can be used to describe a relationship where the parent causes the child harm gradually/subtly in some way, for example, by ruining their self-confidence, failing to provide basic needs, or even overfeeding.
While it may not be malicious, it does result in a bad relationship.
E.g. “My mother was my best friend growing up, but our co-dependence was suffocating and pernicious.”
A strained relationship is one that is constantly facing challenges or succumbs to pressure easily. It will seem like there is always something that is keeping you from living harmoniously.
E.g. “My relationship with my father became strained after he left us for a new family.”
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A bad relationship with a lover can stem from many angles, whether it is infidelity, financial woes, differences in ideologies, and so on.
You know your relationship best, so you should decide which word properly describes the state of your relationship.
Here are 7 words that you can use to describe a bad relationship:
Use the word complicated to describe a relationship that is complex and difficult to understand for anyone other than you and your lover.
It can mean that there are intimate issues that only the two of you can figure out that strain your relationship.
E.g. “There’s a lot of history between Tim and me, and many ups and downs. What can I say? It’s complicated.
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A failed relationship is one that has broken down completely and that is only heading to a breakup. It means that the relationship is over or is at the end of its rope.
E.g. “We’ve been at it for 4 years and nothing has changed. Consider this relationship failed.”
A fragile relationship is one that has been dealt a severe blow and is in a state where both parties have to walk on eggshells around each other in fear that things might worsen.
E.g. “It’s been a fragile relationship since I stopped trusting her after she cheated on me again.”
As the name suggests, a problematic relationship is one that poses problems to either person.
For instance, a relationship where being with the other means you take on a lot of debt, or where there is a baby mother/father drama that you have to get dragged into.
E.g. “I couldn’t stay in that problematic relationship with Junior any longer because his addiction was starting to affect my life. ”
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Every relationship goes through ups and downs, but if it seems like there are more downs than ups, you can describe your relationship as unstable.
It means that there is no balance and you aren’t able to be in sync with each other.
E.g. “We rushed into things so I’m not surprised our relationship was so unstable. It had no foundation.”
Photo by Vera Arsic – Under Pexels License
Some say an uphill relationship is the same as a downhill relationship since both typically end in disaster, so you can use these words synonymously.
It means that no matter how much effort you put into making the relationship work, it never seems to be enough and it is hard to accomplish anything together.
E.g. “Our relationship was always an uphill struggle, but I was too dumb and in love to see that it was going nowhere. ”
A relationship becomes toxic when it starts to do you more harm than good. This is worse than a bad relationship and is unhealthy for both individuals involved.
If you are in a toxic relationship, here are some words you can use to describe it:
Abuse can come in many forms, whether it is verbal, physical, sexual, emotional, material or financial. If your relationship fits any of those slots, you can use abuse to describe it.
E.g. “Even though Mike never put his hands on me, he was verbally abusive and those words battered me more than his fists could.”
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Some relationships can break you down and wear you out over time. It can drain the life out of you, and make you feel like you aren’t yourself anymore.
If you can relate, use the word debilitating like this:
E. g. “A debilitating relationship can age you ten years!”
If you know that your relationship is wrong, and others have shared that they don’t think the relationship is healthy for you, you can use the word illicit to describe it.
It is good to use because that type of relationship is not encouraged.
E.g. “I can’t help but get reeled back into my illicit affair with my brother-in-law.”
Toxic relationships often involve one partner manipulating the other, sometimes by playing mind games, or holding something over the other’s head.
An example of a manipulative relationship is one where a partner encourages the other to spend money on something outside of their budget because of guilt or threatens to keep the other from their child if they ever leave.
E.g. “I’m glad I got away from that manipulative relationship with my ex who was using me to pay off his student loans. ”
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If you feel like you were being controlled in a relationship, oppressive could very well be the word you are looking for to describe it.
It can also mean that the partner is dragging the other down in some way or preventing him/her from doing the things he/she likes.
E.g. “I was never able to finish my degree while I was in my oppressive relationship with Keira because she was afraid I wouldn’t need her once I got a good job.”
Tumultuous is a good word to use if your toxic relationship is full of turmoil and chaos. It means that the drama becomes overwhelming or unbearable and causes you great distress.
E.g. “It wasn’t always a tumultuous relationship. There was once a time when we were like two peas in a pod.”
Siblings may fight at any age over what seems like petty issues. However, there comes a point where sibling relationships become so bad that it feels like it’s better to have no relationship with them at all.
These 5 words to describe a bad relationship may help to describe the rift between you and your sibling:
Use the word contentious when there always seems to be an argument or fight because you never agree on anything and will always seem to butt heads. In other words, it may seem like your sibling is an enemy.
E.g. “I avoid family functions because of the contentious relationship between my brothers and me.”
Dysfunctional relationships are those that don’t seem to function quite right. It is good to use if you don’t have a close relationship with your sibling, or don’t seem to connect. Here’s what you can say:
E.g. “Although we’re fraternal twins, we’re oddly dysfunctional and act like we didn’t come from the same womb together. ”
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Fraught is a word you use if you are in a relationship with your sibling that is full of issues. There is always drama and it stresses you out.
E.g. “The relationship I share with my sister is fraught, and it is in our best interests to limit our communication.”
Photo by Retha Ferguson under pexels license
An insufferable relationship is one that can take an emotional, physical or financial toll on you.
You can use this to describe a relationship where your sibling leeches off you in some way, whether it is by borrowing money and not repaying it, or by always making silly mistakes that you will have to fix.
It is good to use when the relationship has gotten to a point where you cannot bear it anymore, and you just want to find peace.
E. g. “My brothers are insufferable! They make me want to yank my hair out!”
Photo by Andriyko Podilnyk on Unsplash
A tense sibling relationship is one that seems to have a dark cloud looming over it. This may be because of an unresolved issue, or as some people like to put it “an elephant in the room” that makes it awkward or uncomfortable to be around each other.
E.g. “After five years, my brother still has not apologized for his role in the way his wife treated our mother so things are tense between us.”
Life is short, so remember to value the good people in your life and stay away from negative energy.
Once you’ve found the best words to describe a bad relationship, try to fix it or just walk away.
250+ Words To Describe A Relationship (Good and Bad)
When we consider words to describe a relationship, it’s important to think of what we do and what we don’t want in a relationship.
There are countless adjectives to describe relationships, but some of the most important ones are positive words that denote a healthy, stable relationship.
Some people might use words like “boring” or “monotonous” to describe a good relationship, but for the majority of people, these are not the type of adjectives they would use.
It can be very individual, based on what someone is wanting in a relationship.
Words To Describe a Good Relationship
So, what are some words to describe a good relationship?
Some people might use words like “fulfilling”, “enjoyable”, or “meaningful” to describe a good relationship. These adjectives denote that the relationship is satisfying and provides happiness and fulfillment.
A good relationship is one where both partners feel loved, supported, and valued and is based on trust and mutual respect.
They have open and honest communication, and are able to resolve conflicts in a healthy way.
You won’t find ‘perfect’ on this list.
That’s because there’s no such thing when it comes to relationships, but a good relationship is one where both partners are willing to work through the tough times.
They are committed to each other, and understand that no relationship is perfect.
Words To Describe A Healthy Relationship
If you’re looking for a healthy and fulfilling relationship, then make sure to look for these qualities:
- accepting
- adaptive
- adorable
- adoring
- adventurous
- affectionate
- agreeable
- alive
- appreciative
- artistic
- attractive
- beloved
- blended
- boisterous
- bonded
- brave
- bright
- brilliant
- calm
- candid
- careful
- caring
- cheerful
- close
- close-knit
- cohesive
- comforting
- commitment
- committed
- communicative
- communicators
- competitive
- considerate
- dependable
- devoted
- dignified
- discrete
- diverse
- doting
- dutiful
- easygoing
- eccentric
- encouraging
- energetic
- enthusiastic
- extravagant
- fair
- faithful
- familial
- flawed
- flexible
- forgiving
- fostering
- friendly
- fun
- funny
- generous
- genuine
- giving
- good
- gracious
- grateful
- growing
- happy
- hard-work
- harmonious
- healing
- healthy
- helpful
- honest
- hopeful
- imaginative
- imperfect
- important
- individual
- innovative
- integral
- interesting
- intimate
- inventive
- jokers
- journey
- jovial
- joyous
- keen
- kind
- listening
- love
- loved
- loving
- loyal
- lucky
- modern
- modest
- natural
- nuanced
- nurturing
- optimistic
- passionate
- peaceful
- playful
- pleasant
- positive
- private
- proactive
- quirky
- rapport
- reasonable
- relaxed
- reliable
- religious
- remote
- reserved
- respected
- respectful
- responsible
- romantic
- routine
- safe
- scrupulous
- sentimental
- serious
- sharing
- sincere
- solid
- sophisticated
- spiritual
- stable
- strong
- successful
- supportive
- sweet
- team
- team-players
- tender
- tight
- togetherness
- traditional
- trusting
- trustworthy
- unconditional
- understanding
- unique
- unselfish
- untraditional
- valued
- warm
- welcoming
- wild
- wonderful
Words To Describe a Bad Relationship
A bad relationship however, is one where partners do not feel loved, supported, or valued. Instead, there may be a lot of fighting, uneasiness and the communication is mostly negative.
Bad relationships are often based on mistrust and dishonesty. These are just a few of the words that can be used to describe an unhealthy relationship:
- aggressive
- aloof
- argumentative
- belittling
- boring
- calculated
- callous
- careless
- cheating
- co-dependant
- cold
- conditional
- controlling
- deceitful
- degrading
- dramatic
- dull
- erratic
- estranged
- exhausting
- gas-lighting
- guarded
- hateful
- hurtful
- jealous
- judgemental
- lonely
- lying
- mean
- miserable
- negative
- one-sided
- sad
- scary
- selfish
- smothering
- stifled
- strained
- superficial
- suspicious
- toxic
- uncaring
- uncertain
- uneven
- unfair
- unfaithful
- unfulfilling
- unhappy
- unjust
- unloving
- unreliable
- unsafe
- untrusting
- untrustworthy
- upheaval
- violent
How do you describe your relationship? Or the relationship you want for yourself?
For related articles, be sure to check out:
- Words To Describe Someone You Love
- 160+ Words To Describe A Friend
- 250+ Kind Words To Describe Someone
- 300+ Words To Describe Family – Adjectives For Family
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12 signs of an unhealthy and painful relationship
March 2, 2017 Relationship
An unhealthy relationship in a couple is sometimes difficult to recognize, as the damage is not immediately evident. However, they are slowly poisoning life. There are several ways to distinguish healthy relationships from destructive ones.
Signs of an unhealthy relationship
1. Your partner constantly competes with you
For some inexplicable reason, your companion constantly compares himself to you and wants to show that he is better and cooler in everything. Often such a demonstration takes place in public, and every word you say becomes a hook for a fierce argument. Your partner uses every opportunity to assert themselves at your expense and devalue your achievements.
In a healthy relationship, both partners improve themselves and develop harmoniously. In an unhealthy relationship, you are perceived as a rival who must be defeated in any way in order to get the palm.
2. You feel like your energy has been sucked out of you
Relationships affect our health and well-being. If you've been sleeping less, lost or gained weight, and are constantly feeling like a squeezed lemon, you may have an energy vampire near you.
Such people feed on the energy of other people and rejoice every time they take away other people's strength. In such relationships, you physically lack the resources, strength and desire to do something. Apathy covers you, and your own failure and depression come to the fore.
3. You are always to blame for all mortal sins
In an unhealthy relationship, the partner does not see the cause of problems and failures in his actions and always tends to shift the blame to others, especially to you. You find yourself to blame for everything, including his mistakes and things beyond your control.
Your only task is to take the hit and not to piss off your partner, preventing his more frequent outbursts of anger. Sometimes you want to run away from it and stay away from your companion.
4. They constantly want to change and improve you
Do not forget that a mature and strong relationship is based on accepting a partner for who he is. In unhealthy relationships, you are compared to others, while you are openly told or politely hinted that you would do well to change something in yourself in order to become better.
Perhaps you should lose weight or gain weight, cut or grow your hair, change your image or throw away half of your wardrobe. You always lack something in order for your partner to be completely satisfied with you.
5. Partner talks only about himself
Your companion is unable to sympathize and empathize with others. These people have problems with emotional intelligence and empathy. The partner is not able to put himself in the place of another person, and he does not set himself such a task, because he considers himself the center of the Universe. Does he talk about himself all the time? It seems that next to you is an exemplary narcissist.
Narcissists are so carried away and absorbed in themselves that they do not notice what is happening around them at all. As a rule, such people talk a lot about themselves and often interrupt others, do not ask any questions and, in principle, do not know how to listen. The needs, desires and feelings of such a person always turn out to be more important than yours, since in their picture of the world everything should revolve around their person.
6. All your actions are criticized
Everything you do or say is a priori bad. No matter how hard you try, your companion will always find a reason to find fault and criticize you and your thoughts. The cooked omelette will be too salty, and the dress too short.
You will always be wrong. There is no point in making excuses or proving the opposite — all the same, there will be new reasons for dissatisfaction. No evidence and arguments will help - such a person hears only himself.
7. Your partner controls all your actions
Your companion is literally obsessed with the desire to subdue your whole life. He certainly needs to know where and with whom you are, what you eat and what you are wearing now. Even if you meet with pregnant girlfriends, they will definitely call you and offer to pick up early.
Sometimes such control can be mistaken for care, but in fact your partner felt like the master of your life. People who are in healthy and harmonious relationships understand that having their own life and hobbies outside of the relationship is normal and even beneficial for the couple.
8. You are jealous of everyone and everything
Sometimes jealousy is a pleasant feeling. We are all a little flattered that someone else likes us, and we are jealous (which means they love us). But the main thing in everything is the measure. Some people turn into real tyrants, try to completely subjugate their soulmate and perceive it as property. Sometimes it comes to public humiliation with a showdown.
The partner does not trust you, reads all your messages and makes scandals because of harmless Facebook conversations*. Jealous people see treason in everything and can easily lead to hysteria with their questions. Goofy, terrorizing jealousy inevitably destroys your self-esteem, you begin to fear the wrath of your partner.
9. Partner is constantly offended
Your life is not without drama, and all your actions offend your partner to tears: he pouts, leaves, clearly shows how badly you did, and demonstrates how much you hurt his feelings. After this, you feel like a bad person, a cruel monster, and your companion enjoys the scandal.
Any attempt to talk ends with a new insult and an accusation of misunderstanding and your lack of emotional intelligence. It is possible that your partner is deliberately using this tactic to manipulate your guilt.
10. Partner has not learned to speak your love language
Often people misunderstand the needs of a partner. At first, there is nothing to worry about: you can make up for everything if you want. It is possible and necessary to learn to speak the same language of love. Problems arise if for a long time the partner has not understood what you like and what you really need in love, and not him.
Psychologists identify five love languages: words of encouragement, time, gifts, help, touch. We all need something different from each other. It is important to understand what language of love your companion speaks. Imagine that your love language is time. It is sad if the partner does not understand this and tries to atone for his absence in your life with gifts.
11. Your biorhythms are too different
You still couldn't find a common language and agree on the best time to go to bed and what time to get up. Your partner lives while you sleep, and vice versa. As a result, you get upset and worried when your companion has been playing computer games all night, but slept through your only day off.
In a healthy relationship, it is possible to find a balance and change habits so that both feel comfortable. In an unhealthy relationship, this becomes a cause for mutual frustration.
12. You stopped having sex
It's hard to argue with human nature: physical intimacy and a regular sex life are a necessary attribute of a healthy and strong relationship.
If there is no intimacy in your relationship and tactile contact is reduced to a minimum, this indicates serious problems in the couple's life.
What to do if you saw these signs in your relationship
At least this is a reason to think and sound the alarm.