Why do men love sex so much
Why Do Men Always Want Sex?
Understanding why men always want sex can give you a deeper understanding of the dynamics of your relationship. In this article, we’ll learn why men want sex all the time, signs that we’re frustrated, and what you can do (from a guy’s perspective).
Why Are Men Always Horny
For men, sex isn’t JUST about the physical. It’s connected to so many other aspects in our lives like confidence, self-worth, connection, and validation.
For some, it’s a means to feel valued/validated/needed by their partner.
For others, it’s a means of connection. Sure it might be hidden behind all that machismo, but in most, if not every guy, there’s a need to connect emotionally as well and the physical connection is a means to provide that.
Since sex is rooted in so many aspects of a man’s being, the desire for it seems non-stop.
Signs Your Man Is Sexually Frustrated
It’s true, men think with their dicks. And we’re not the most emotionally intelligent either. To be honest, I’m not sure if most men even realize sex is more than just about the physical. But whether it’s realized or not, it can’t be denied otherwise sexual frustration wouldn’t rear its ugly head in all these different ways.
1. Communicating Less
Sex is a means for emotional connection and when there’s little sex, there’s going to be little emotional connection. When we’re not feeling connected, you might find that we are not communicating with you as much, or wondering how your day was…you get the idea.
2. Emotionally Unstable (aka Being A Jerk)
Is the once stable and supportive man…no longer stable and supportive? Mood swings much? If his valleys seem lower than normal, the lack of connection stemming from the lack of sex could be destabilizing his emotional core.
3. He’s Spending More Time On His Hobbies
Do you find that he’s investing more time at the gym? Or golf? With his friends? Work? Not to say he shouldn’t be, but there is a healthy balance and if you feel like he’s not wanting to just be with you, he might not feel as connected with you. The more connected, the more time he’ll want to spend with you.
What You Can Do About His Sexual Frustration
Dealing with sexual frustration is a JOINT RESPONSIBILITY. Men need to be making EVERY effort to meet his partner at their emotional connection points. When that’s happening, then ladies…
1. Although It’s Not Your Priority, It Might Be His
If his priorities were always placed before yours, that would be horrible. Just how you need communication and emotional support, your partner may need sex. Again, not just for the physicality, but because of everything it’s tied to (validation, emotional connection, and more).
2. We Get Tired Too
Your reasons are ALL VALID. It’s when the excuses are consistent that it makes us feel less of a man and not wanted. Imagine everyday for a week, if he were too tired to talk about your horrible day? Or even 6 out of the 7 days he was just not emotionally available to you? It would be a horrible feeling and the same applies here.
Consistent excuses communicate a lot.
3. Paradigm Shift
It’s more than just sex for men. It’s really difficult because men and women often approach connecting with each other on completely opposite sides of the spectrum. This is a generalization, but women find connection through quality time, words of affirmation, emotional support. It draws them closer to their man and it culminates to sex. Men on the other hand, often feel the emotional connection through the physical.
I’m not proposing that women just give it up to keep a guy happy. Instead, I’m proposing to see his desire for sex as a desire to be close to you.
Up Next: How Sex Can Strengthen The Relationship
Why men love sex more than women
31 May 2018
Mpho Moagi
Image: Getty Images
FOR many couples, a new relationship usually comes with a high sex drive and you cannot get enough of each other. But for Zodwa Mlangeni*, the honeymoon never ended. Instead, a year into her relationship, she finds herself dealing with a peculiar sexual problem. “My man is obsessed with sex,” she complains. “It doesn’t matter what’s going on – work, deadlines, coming back home after a night out, being on my period or even me being tired - he wants it all the time.”
According to social psychologist, Roy Baumeister, it’s expected that your man will have a sex drive higher than yours. Through a study observing sexual habits between males and females, he asserts that men are more sexual than women. “The majority of adult men under 60 think about sex at least once a day. Only about one-quarter of women say they think about it that frequently. As men and women age, each fantasise less, but men still fantasise about twice as often,” he says, adding, “Men want sex more often than women at the start of a relationship, in the middle of it and after many years of it.”
Psychotherapist, Esther Perel, says the reason men seem obsessed with sex is that they experience it differently from women. “For women, it is more about the anticipation and how you get there. It is the longing that is the fuel for desire. Women’s desire is more layered on emotion,” she says. “Men don’t need to have nearly as much imagination. That doesn’t mean men don’t seek intimacy, love and connection in a relationship. They just view the role of sex differently. Women want to talk first, connect first, then have sex. For men, sex is the connection. Sex is the language men use to express their tender loving vulnerable side. It is their language of intimacy.”
Still, there is such a thing as being obsessed with sex. Owen Radian of Association for the Treatment of Sexual Addiction and Compulsivity (ATSAC), explains that sexual obsession is an addiction and that like all other types of addition, such as gambling, alcohol or drugs, it is a disease. “It is an increasingly common condition that is destroying lives just like substance addictions do,” he says. “People with low sex drives get addicted to sex too and it’s not just about watching too much porn, it includes any kind of uncontrollable sexual activity such as compulsively engaging in prostitution, social media driven hook-ups, exhibitionism (exposing parts of your body publicly), masturbation, serial affairs and repetitively frequenting sex environments such as strip clubs and sex shops.”
The following could be signs that he is obsessed:
¦ An unhealthy love of pornography that’s mostly watched in secret.
¦ Many sex addicts still masturbate even after sex.
¦ He’s extremely confident sexually and sometimes slightly aggressive.
¦ He becomes very angry and uptight if you withhold sex when he demands it. * Not her real name
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Why men love sex - Human psychology
Where there is no spiritual intimacy, there can be no ideal sex.
Richard Bach
Some women are seriously convinced that men are only interested in sex and do not need anything else from women. And so they wonder - why do men love sex? And do they only love sex, or is there something else that attracts them in women? Well, firstly, dear women, men love not only sex, and besides sex, they often need a lot of other things from women, which they also need, and which, by the way, not all women can give a man. Secondly, women also love sex, although not always as much as men, but nevertheless, they need it, which is natural. Moreover, there are women who are simply obsessed with sex, they are able to squeeze all the juice out of a man, satisfying their need for sex. So women are also interested in sex. And thirdly, why not love it - sex, because it is such a pleasure that you can get without negative consequences for yourself if you do it with your loved one? Good sex is good for health. But let's still discuss this issue in more detail and find out why men love to have sex.
So why does sex attract men, what is so attractive about it? The first thing to say is that sex is pleasure. And sex with the woman you love is a great, incomparable pleasure. You and I also know [should know] that all people seek pleasure and avoid pain, so they love, including sex, and do not like, say, to do hard work. Sex is attractive in itself, as a form of pleasure. And he is attractive, as I said, not only for men, but also for women. Although it is clear that there are many pleasures in life, including non-physical ones. But sex is one of the most basic and accessible types of pleasure for most people. That's why they love him. Let's now think about why sex is a pleasure? More specifically, why did nature make us enjoy sex? Well, after all, we need to multiply, right, in order to continue our kind. Therefore, a man should be attracted to a woman, and a woman to a man. And not just pull to chat about the weather, but for something more - for sex. In other words, people of different sexes must be sexually attracted to each other in order to, pardon the expression, mate and reproduce. After all, it is through sexual intercourse that children are obtained. This means that a person must love the process of reproduction, and in order to love it, he must enjoy it. That is why we enjoy sex. So, for a person, sex can be just a pleasure, but for nature it is a way to multiply us. As you can see, everything is simple and natural.
Only men, as inseminators, are more concerned about this process itself, that is, having sex, and women, as mothers to a greater extent, also think about caring for their offspring, so they need men not only for sex, but also for relationships . They need a man - who will take care of them and their children, who will provide for his family and protect her from various threats. Men, by virtue of their nature, strive to fertilize as many females as possible in order to make their offspring more numerous. This makes it more likely that it will survive. Rather, men can only think about the pleasure they get from sex with different women, but in the meantime, nature is doing its job. We have simply learned to deceive nature by using contraceptives in order to have fun and not have children. But at the same time, sexual attraction itself is very difficult for us to deceive. Yes, and you don’t need to do this - you just need to take sex and its consequences more seriously.
It is also important to understand that sex is a need. This is not a game, not an invention of a person, not one of his invented desires, but a natural natural need that must be satisfied in order to feel comfortable, both from a psychological and physical point of view. Whether we like it or not, we need to satisfy our needs, nature calls us to this. Therefore, regardless of our attitude to sex, we will want to do it. After all, we must deal with it, because we must multiply, we must continue our race, like all other living beings on this planet. Therefore, the need for sex is a very strong need. Not as strong, perhaps, as the need for self-preservation, but still very strong. No wonder Freud called the sexual instinct the basic instinct, because he saw what a strong influence it has on a person. So from the point of view of physiology, everything is simple and clear here - our libido [sexual attraction to a person of the opposite sex] is supported by hormones, they make a person want to be sexually active. And this desire is sometimes very strong if a person has not had sex for a long time. Some people are willing to do anything for sex, including violence. So men don't just love sex, they need it. They must satisfy this need of theirs, as, indeed, women do, just as they satisfy their needs for food, drink, sleep, and so on. Well, just as some people love to eat and sleep and love a lot of other things that are related to their basic needs, so some men, like some women, love sex very much, maybe a little more than necessary. There is nothing so terrible in this. Simply, I repeat - you need to have sex wisely, that is, thinking about the consequences. Then there will be no problems with him, or rather, with love for him.
The next important thing to know is that sex is not only physical, but also emotional pleasure, and even spiritual pleasure when it comes to sex between people who love each other. We usually call this sex - making love. People are drawn to each other not only on a physical level, but also on an emotional and spiritual level. It is true that more often than not, people feel mostly physical attraction to someone of the opposite sex, as the most obvious, but nevertheless, many of us talk about our love for another person because we experience this feeling, and not just about wanting to have sex with him. . And even men, despite their polygamy, still prefer to have sex not just and not only with a sexually attractive woman, but with a woman with whom they have spiritual intimacy. Maybe not everyone wants it, but many do. Or, let's put it better, men can have sex with different women, but they make love only with the woman they love, for whom they experience not only sexual, but also emotional and spiritual attraction. So not only animal instincts guide people, but also more elevated feelings.
Men also love sex because by nature they are hunters and conquerors who are constantly striving for new victories and new conquests, and hence for new sensations, new emotions. And in order to have sex with a woman, especially with a very beautiful woman, you first need to conquer her, conquer, seduce, captivate, buy, and so on. This is a kind of hunting or even a game in which a woman is a prey, a reward. Or rather, sex with a woman is prey, victory, reward, achievement. And having conquered one woman, a man turns his attention to other women whom he has not yet managed to win, that is, to persuade him to have sex or, as they say, to drag him into bed. Many men like this kind of hunting, for them it is an interesting, exciting, exciting activity. Some men devote themselves entirely to this emotional game. Usually, the more women a man has, the more confident he feels. In addition, a man shows a rather high and long-term sexual activity in relation to each new woman, female [read about the Coolidge Effect] precisely due to the fact that not only from a psychological, but also from a biological point of view, his desire for sex with different women is a natural desire for him.
Only now I do not recommend men to justify their infidelity with this desire. Remember that we are not animals, but people who, for their own good, must limit themselves in various desires.
In part, sex is also a way of socialization. After all, if a man is very successful with the opposite sex, if many women and girls show interest in him, and he has sex with many of them, at least presumably, then this success willy-nilly arouses admiration and envy among other men - they begin to treat such an alpha male more respectfully. That's how people envy big money and power, that's how a lot of women with whom a man has a very close relationship, other men can also envy. And this envy forces them to respect a strong and self-confident man who proves to himself and others that he is a real man, a real male. Sometimes, however, such envy causes a feeling of anger and hatred towards such a man, and even to some attempts on the part of other men to harm him. But there is nothing to be surprised at and there is nothing to be afraid of either - people tend to hate those whom they envy, and most of them always envy someone. Such is our nature. You have to be able to live with this. I believe that envy is a good incentive to strive for more and achieve success in life. The truth in this matter - in the matter of sex, it is better not to deviate from your own life values. For example, being devoted to the woman you love and your family is no less important than collecting women, and from my point of view, much more important. But every man has his own values, his own vision of life, so I will not cultivate my point of view.
In addition, sex, or rather orgasm, like all other types of pleasure, is in some way a drug, and therefore causes a certain dependence. They want to do it again and again, and over time, they even want to add some variety to their sex life, they want new, unusual sensations. People quickly become addicted to everything that is good, pleasant and very pleasant. Therefore, if a person is used to enjoying sex, then he will strive for it constantly. Many men like to have sex with a woman without any obligations, so to speak, and they also like to experiment in sex. It is understandable, when you do not need to bear any responsibility for anything and for anyone, and you can get pleasure constantly and in large quantities, then you begin to like such a life. But not all men like her, and therefore many of them still prefer to start a family, children, and even remain faithful to their wives. For this, a man and a woman must love each other, and not just want.
In general, the problem with a man's passion for sex begins when a man is only interested in sex and nothing else. This happens for various reasons. We will talk about them in other articles. In the meantime, keep in mind, dear women, that the more primitive a man is, the less interested he is in life, including in a woman. Let's say, in order to evaluate, not just notice, but evaluate the intellect of a woman, a man himself must be an intellectually developed person. In the same way, in order to be interested in the soul of a woman, a man must adhere to certain values, higher than those values in which a man seeks only to satisfy his base animal needs. If, apart from wine, sex, cigarettes and gambling, a man is no longer interested in anything in life, do not expect him to understand your inner world, to see you as something more than just a female. You know that there are people, in our case, men, who simply trample the beads with their feet, so throwing it in front of them is pointless.
More problems with men, or rather, with their love for sex, arise in women when a man loves sex with different women, and not only, and sometimes not so much with his beloved wife, and much less often problems arise when a man loves perverted sex, which is simply unacceptable for a woman. These problems can be solved if the man himself recognizes them and wants to change his attitude towards sex. Here, as with any other kind of pleasure, as with any other habit and addiction, you need to fight. There is nothing wrong with sex itself and never has been, so you can both love it and just be neutral about it, as if it were a very ordinary need, like, say, a need for food that just needs to be satisfied. It is bad when love for sex takes on such forms in which this love causes problems for both a woman and a man. And when a person has problems on sexual grounds, this is also not good, not good at all. But there is nothing wrong with these problems. All of them are solved in my subsequent articles, I will talk about these problems and how they can be dealt with.
Why do men like sex so much?
Why men are very... Relcome
Expert response
Rules for experts
Damn, I also really like sex, but only with my loved one. It is more pleasant for a woman in any way, for men, an orgasm is much weaker. So they don't really need
Because they are lustful monkeys)
9000 #
A generally no matter men or women, all people are divided into those who love sex and those who do not really need it
fuck men what's the problem?
Better with sexrobots.
Ivanova Ekaterina Ivanovna
If women Ebblel would have been more pleasant, they would attack people with the purpose of fucking
Conclusion conclusion : A woman is not a man! ))
Ivanova Ekaterina Ivanovna
If the women of the fuck were more pleasant, they would attack people with the purpose of Father
Girls want to share my emotions. I love oral sex very much. I take it in my husband's mouth almost every day. I wake him up with blowjobs often. Recently pleased her man with a deep blowjob. I lay down on the bed on my back, lower my head a little, slowly my husband puts it in his mouth, and so to speak, all the way, smoothly back and forth. God, how it excites me. It turns out very convenient to massage my chest, I finish several times just from excitement, I get very wet. After my husband finishes, I just swallow the sperm, as if she swallowed herself. The husband says that he has never experienced a more heavenly orgasm. After I kneel, arms and torso down, ass up (cancer, sorry), he enters the vagina from behind and *** me for about 30 minutes. Girls, you should have seen his erection after a deep blowjob. Even after he came, he is hard as a rock. And then he enters the ass. I ask him to be harder from behind, and five minutes later he ... comes again. Twice. Never in my life have I seen a man cum twice in a row. The husband after sex is directly glowing with happiness, wears it in his arms, gives gifts.
Love your men girls! All happiness 9#22
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but only with a loved one. It is more pleasant for a woman in any way, for men, an orgasm is much weaker. So they don't really need
It's weird, loving sex doesn't mean being a whore. I had only one man in my life, we met at the age of 18, he deprived me of my virginity, since then we have been together for 12 years. Very happy. One child.
It's not my fault that you are a feminist and men don't care about you. And I really sympathize with your man (I doubt that you have one).
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And nature gives the woman the installation to breed only with fit males.
Girls want to share their emotions. I love oral sex very much. I take it in my husband's mouth almost every day. I wake him up with blowjobs often. Recently pleased her man with a deep blowjob. I lay down on the bed on my back, lower my head a little, slowly my husband puts it in his mouth, and so to speak, all the way, smoothly back and forth. God, how it excites me. It turns out very convenient to massage my chest, I finish several times just from excitement, I get very wet. After my husband finishes, I just swallow the sperm, as if she swallowed herself. The husband says that he has never experienced a more heavenly orgasm. After I kneel, arms and torso down, ass up (cancer, sorry), he enters the vagina from behind and *** me for about 30 minutes. Girls, you should have seen his erection after a deep blowjob. Even after he came, he is hard as a rock. And then he enters the ass. I ask him to be harder from behind, and five minutes later he ... comes again. Twice. Never in my life have I seen a man cum twice in a row. The husband after sex is directly glowing with happiness, wears it in his arms, gives gifts. Love your men girls! All happiness
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