What personality type is scorpio

Which Myers Briggs Type is Closest to your Zodiac Sign?

Did you know that Carl Jung—who first identified the four cognitive functions Myers and Briggs later developed in their personality work—Sensation (S), Intuition (I), Thinking (T), and Feeling (F)—was not only interested in typology, but also in astrology?

In fact, Jung defined astrology as “the science of antiquity” and concluded that astrological insights provided an important “psychological description of [a person’s] character.”

Unlike personality type assessments, we can’t scientifically prove astrology. However, it can still be an interesting self-development tool for those who trust that the position of the skies can have an effect on our personalities and behavior.

Curious to know which Myers and Briggs type is closest to your zodiac sign? Here are our best guesses.


Known for their energetic attitude and sense of adventure, Aries has much in common with both ESTP and ISTP personalities. Like ESTPs, Aries live in the here-and-now and are eager to tackle new challenges that come their way. They’re very action-oriented and tend to become bored quickly.

What’s more, people with this zodiac sign personality show the flexibility and problem-solving nature of the more reserved ISTP. In fact, both ESTPs and ISTPs share with Aries an inclination and enthusiasm for learning new things through hand-on experience.

Taurus: ISFJ, ISFP

Famed for having a bit of a stubborn streak, people with the Taurus sign are, in many ways, similar to ISFX personality types. Like the Introverted ISFJ and ISFP types, Tauruses can be hard to get to know, but they’re lovingly devoted to their closest relationships.

In addition, Tauruses know that slow and steady wins the race. You can see that in their irreproachable sense of commitment and perseverance.

Gemini: ESFP, ENTP

The joyful and communicative Gemini has a lot in common with both ESFPs and ENTPs. After all, these personalities feel best when they have a chance to lift other people up with their quick wit and charming optimism.

Similar to their ENTP peers, Gemini are incessantly curious and seek to analyze and comprehend the world around them. They love to be surrounded by intellectually stimulating people, but sometimes have little tolerance for those who can’t keep up. There could be some overlap with INTPs here, too. 

Cancer: INFJ, ENFJ

Caring and empathetic, Cancers share similar traits to XNFJs. They tend to be very emotionally invested in their relationships, and will go to the ends of the earth to prove their loyalty to their friends and loved ones.

Both ENFJ and INFJ types might identify with the sensitivity of Cancers. These types strive to bring kindness into every interaction and can have intense responses to art and nature. Cancers are also typically intuitive, which allows them to read (and sometimes misjudge) the people around them.


If there’s someone who knows how to light up a room, it’s a Leo! Despite sometimes appearing to be vain or ego-driven, like their ESFP and ENTJ counterparts, Leos are actually very generous and emotionally supportive towards their loved ones.

In fact, these gregarious types may be comfortable in the spotlight, but they also know when to step back and let others take the lead. The balanced Leo loves seeing others succeed.


Down-to-earth and meticulously organized, Virgo is closest to XSTJ personalities. As Sensor types, both ISTJs and ESTJs thrive on logical endeavors and focus on getting things done in the most efficient way.

What's more, a balanced Virgo can also be level-headed in situations where other types could become easily overwhelmed. They are definitely someone you’ll want by your side in times of crisis.

Libra: ESFJ

Friendly and warmhearted, Libras share some characteristics with the ESFJ personality type. Like ESFJs, Libras are socially considerate, but they also love being appreciated by other people. In fact, in their effort to accommodate, and make others feel comfortable, Libras may sometimes avoid conflict at all costs.

Scorpio: INTJ

Often described as manipulative and mysterious, Scorpios get a bad rep. The reality? They’re just true to themselves. Like INTJ personalities, Scorpios are usually introspective and prefer to keep their feelings to themselves. Yet, they don’t shy away from conflict and can surprise others with their brutal honesty.

Similar to their INTJ counterparts, Scorpios are very loyal to their loved ones, so once their trust is broken, it can be lost forever. If there’s something to admire in the Scorpio personality, it is how they stay true to their values, no matter what others might say or think. 

Sagittarius: ENTP, ENFP

The fun-loving Sagittarius will probably see themselves in the affable and outgoing ENXP personalities. Just like their Sagittarius counterparts, both ENTPs and ENFPs enjoy exploring new ideas and exciting experiences.

In addition, Sagittarius personalities are the ultimate cheerleaders. They always see the best in every situation and enjoy helping others fulfill their creative potential. When you’re having a bad day, you can count on a Sagittarius to cheer you up with their childlike sense of wonder.  

Capricorn: ISTJ

If you’re an ISTJ, you might identify with the zodiac sign of Capricorn. At their best, Capricorns are responsible, goal-oriented individuals who strive to produce their best work in an organized and disciplined manner. At their worst, they can become incredibly self-critical and/or resentful towards anyone who doesn’t meet their high standards.

Besides their boundless ambition and incredible work ethic, both Capricorns and ISTJs tend to value tradition and build their lives around it. If you have a Capricorn in your life, you’ll know they take their relationships seriously, as they don’t want anyone wasting their time.

Aquarius: INTP

Independent and free spirited, Aquarius personalities seem to be closest to INTP types. Like INTPs, Aquarius are deep thinkers who show non-traditional inclinations. Both Aquarius and INTP personalities wish to follow their own individual path, and they are often suspicious of people who enjoy doing things conventionally.

In addition, both Aquarians and INTPs are interested in exploring the world of ideas and abstract thought. Hence, they can often seem detached from others: they need to be alone to think things through. If you have an Aquarius in your life, it’s likely they’re a life-long learner, very socially aware, and/or someone who challenges you to think outside the box.

Pisces: INFP, ENFP

People with this zodiac sign personality are often described as dreamers, and I think they fit XNFPs to a T. After all, both INFPs and ENFPs are Feeler types with a compassionate and idealistic nature.

INFPs may relate more to the creative inner world of a Pisces, whereas ENFPs might see themselves reflected in this zodiac sign’s capacity for flexibility and camaraderie. Still, as free-flowing personalities, Pisces can sometimes use their empathy to tune into other people’s problems so they don’t have to tackle their own. They might also struggle to be assertive for fear of hurting someone’s feelings.

The bottom line

For centuries, people have tried to decipher the meaning behind the stars and astrology continues to fascinate today. Whilst there’s no scientific evidence that the positions of celestial bodies can directly affect us, there’s an interesting overlap between zodiac signs and personality types. When combined, Western astrology and the Myers and Briggs system may help us enhance our understanding of personality.

2022 Myers-Briggs Personality Type, According to Your Zodiac Sign

You’ve probably taken your fair share of personality tests in your professional life; assessments like Myers-Briggs, DISC, and StrengthsQuest can help uncover insights into your communication style, combative tendencies, and internal motivations. In your private life, you might rely on your zodiac sign for clues to your romantic and familial relationships. But what if you combined the two? If your Myers-Briggs personality type and zodiac sign align, you’re probably on a great track to professional and personal success. Did we get yours right?


INFP: People born under the Aquarius sign are generally altruistic and intellectual. As humanitarians, they’re known for being friendly to everyone they encounter. INFP personality types are also known for this quintessential loyalty and idealism, which is why these two are a natural pair.


ISFP: The introverted, kind ISFP personality types align well with the Pisces sign because of their shared sensitivity and intuition when it comes to dealing with people. ISFP personalities are known for being artistic as well, which complements Pisces’ passion for creativity.


ESTJ/ENTJ: Put simply, Aries are leaders. Their aptitude for taking charge comes from their organizational skills and competitive nature, which are traits they share with the ESTJ and ENTJ personality types. ESTJs are known for their practical, organization-driven leadership, whereas ENTJ types make their mark with their decisiveness.


ISFJ/ISTP: ISFJ and ISTP are both Myers-Briggs types that have distinctive warmth and a commitment to their loved ones. Similarly, the Taurus sign signifies patience and a loving demeanor. These types and signs combine to denote kind, calculated individuals who are determined to be there for people.


ESFP: The extroverted ESFP type and outgoing Gemini are a logical personality match because of their mutual desire for communication and fun. This type and sign both aim to bring a positive approach to new people and environments and thrive when doing something unfamiliar.


INFJ: Both the Cancer sign and the INFJ type are deeply intuitive when it comes to reading people and situations. For this reason, people under this personality category are generally cautious and stay true to their own values.


ENFJ: The generous, bold Leo sign is a natural pair with the ENFJ type because people with this personality are bold leaders who make decisions with their heart. The Leo is known as one of the most emotional zodiac signs, which complements the warmth ENFJ types are known for.


INTJ/ISTP: Virgos are meticulous and practical, which makes them very detail-oriented — just like INTJ types, who are known for their ability to organize a job and see it through. ISTP types are also results-oriented and logical, making these three personalities a match made in the stars.


ESFJ/ESTP: Understood to be the most romantic and social of the zodiac signs, Libras are inherently charming and diplomatic, just like their ESFJ and ESTP counterparts. ESFJ types in particular are notably popular, and ESTP personalities are energetic risk-takers.


ENFP: As strong leaders, Scorpios have powerful, passionate tendencies that align well with ENFP types’ energetic and spontaneous side. ENFPs and Scorpios tend to see the potential in everything and try to live life to the fullest.


ENTP: The outgoing, quick-witted ENTP types are great at reading people — and just like their Sagittarius counterparts, they love to travel and experience tons of stimulation and change. Both types love a challenge.


ISTJ/INTP: The serious Capricorn is practical and disciplined, just like the INTP type, who has strong internal motivation and a logical, methodical brain. ISTJ personalities align well with these two types because of their quiet dependability.

Looking for more Myers-Briggs insights? We've got you here and here!

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Gabrielle Gresge

Gabrielle Gresge is a Chicago native and journalism student at the University of Missouri. While not chasing deadlines, she enjoys giving campus tours, exploring her new home, and missing her old one. She loves to write about these experiences in her own handwriting at gabriellegresge.wordpress.com.

Scorpio: characteristic of the sign - ELLE

Scorpio (from Latin Scorpius) - the eighth sign of the zodiac, belongs to the water element. Representatives of this sign are distinguished by temperament and charisma, as well as the ability to easily captivate others with their idea. However, they are just as easily carried away by themselves, forgetting about their previous beliefs. Scorpios are active and active, they easily take on new tasks, although they do not finish the job if it does not bring them pleasure or seems boring.

Scorpions are extremely emotional - first of all they are guided by their momentary impulses and desires, forgetting about the mind. Sensual experiences form the basis of their life. Scorpios are hedonists, they love a beautiful life, pleasure and comfort. They are very ambitious and ambitious, strive for fame and recognition, and go to any lengths to achieve their goals. Because of these qualities, they are often seen as aggressive and even cruel.

Inconsistency and inconstancy are typical features of representatives of this zodiac sign. Scorpios are often called people of mood: during the day they experience a whole kaleidoscope of emotions, instantly moving from a state of apathy to unbridled fun or aggression, and then again become complaisant and calm.

Scorpios live with passions, their life is unthinkable without love. They are instantly carried away by the object of adoration, but just as quickly they cool down to him, having achieved what they want. Sexuality is an integral feature of Scorpios. Representatives of this sign enjoy great success with representatives of the opposite sex, easily and passionately fall in love themselves, but often easily change their choice. Impermanence is one of the main features of Scorpios, who feel the movement of life, being in a whirlpool of passions.

The negative qualities of Scorpions are jealousy, irascibility and resentment. They do not forgive betrayals and are ready to see betrayal even in the most innocent situation. Scorpios are very demanding towards others. At the same time, the virtues that the constellation of Scorpio endowed its representatives with include emotional devotion, selflessness and the ability to rejoice in other people's successes.


The Scorpio man is independent, decisive and powerful. He does not consider other people's opinions and does only what he sees fit. He is passionate and impulsive, prone to adventure and risk. Among the typical hobbies of representatives of this sign are extreme sports and. Without thinking about the consequences, the Scorpio man lives only in the present moment.

Scorpio men easily conquer women with their charisma and charm. Scorpions love to make broad gestures - they do not skimp on gifts and surprises, relationships with them are a real storm of passions and experiences. Scorpio men do not tolerate rejection and do not compromise, they are maximalists, accustomed to getting their own at any cost. Sometimes this determination borders on obsession. Having achieved a woman, Scorpio men expect admiration from her and recognition of their undeniable authority. Sometimes they become somewhat narcissistic and inattentive to the feelings of other people.

A Scorpio man can be conquered either by a bright and unpredictable personality like himself, or by an inaccessible and mysterious girl who will be outwardly indifferent to his courtship and will force him to fight for his favor.


The Scorpio woman is a charming, passionate and attractive person. She is constantly surrounded by fans who are fighting for her attention and affection. Women born under this sign are amorous and romantic. They surrender to feelings without looking back, ready for anything for the sake of their beloved. Over time, they become jealous and demanding. Scorpio women are bored of being in a stable, even relationship, they constantly need new emotions and experiences, so if a partner does not give her these emotions, she arranges scenes or looks for a new object of love. In a relationship, a Scorpio woman is waiting for worship and the unquestioning fulfillment of all her desires. She is used to being the center of attention, she is constantly on the move, easily joins new companies and can support any conversation. She does not miss a single party, while invariably becomes the main character of the evening. Representatives of this sign love to be admired, and are not afraid to become the main topic of discussion. Sometimes in the desire to attract attention, they overdo it and begin to behave somewhat defiantly.


An ideal couple for Scorpio will be a representative of the constellation Pisces or Cancer. Pisces - the same sensual, but easily inferior to leadership, will become faithful companions, able to extinguish the excessive irascibility of their other half. Cancerians, who are ready to give more than they receive, are also suitable for Scorpios, who will appreciate the mystery and nobility of their beloved.

The most difficult thing for Scorpions will be to build relationships with Aries, Leo and representatives of their own sign. Two born leaders will constantly fight for power in a pair, which sooner or later will lead to the completion of the novel. No one wants to make concessions or submit. However, in these cases, a short but vivid and passionate romance is possible.

Celebrities born under the sign of Scorpio


Fedor Dostoevsky, Pablo Picasso, Martin Scorsese, Bill Gates, Leonardo DiCaprio, Gerard Batler, Roman Abramovich, Kelvin Klywin, Matthew Maccar Ethan Hawk.

Scorpio Women

Indira Gandhi, Vivien Leigh, Grace Kelly, Catherine Deneuve, Sophie Marceau, Whoopi Goldberg, Meg Ryan, Demi Moore, Julia Roberts, Winona Ryder, Anne Hathaway, Emma Stone, Scarlett Johansson, Katy Perry .

description of the sign, compatibility, rating of persons

General characteristics of the sign of Scorpio

Scorpio is a strong sign, but at the same time passive. Communicating with one of its representatives, you will certainly notice this. Scorpio will never give out his indignation, will not attack you with his fists, but will accumulate resentment, which will then result in poisonous revenge. Withstanding time, Scorpions achieve certain results, which is why they have almost no strong enemies, nevertheless, the circle of ill-wishers is constantly growing.

Scorpio seems purposeful from the outside, but in truth only in small things. He will not infringe on himself in some way for the sake of unrealizable future prospects.

Sign of Scorpio

The relation of the representative of this sign to the surrounding world depends on what he was able to achieve in his life. Unfortunate scorpions are often selfish and greedy, and those who are at the top of Olympus do good deeds to a large number of people.

Scorpions are selfish by nature, but philanthropy is not alien to them. Nevertheless, this quality must not only be encouraged, but even cultivated in him, due to the fact that he is not capable of it himself.

The majority of people born under this sign have a bright personality and leave no one indifferent to their person. Throughout their lives, Scorpios face a large number of trials, thanks to which they cultivate ambition and will.

Misbehaving with Scorpio - similar to ordering your death wish with sarcasm

Different Scorpio people have different types of traits and characters. Under this sign one can meet mystics and materialists, slaves of their own low passions and humanists, people of rare stupidity and colossal intellect. When you get to know a Scorpio, you will see that he is an interesting person, but at the same time dangerous. It will be almost impossible to relax in his presence.

Usually, Scorpions are not interested in the opinions of others, but they express their own even when this is not required at all, forgetting about decency and tact. Their judgments are independent to such an extent that they sincerely and easily refute a fact known to everyone, and it will be unrealistic to convince them. In addition, they do not want to compromise or simply do not know how.

Some experts in the field of astrology distinguish three types of Scorpions: noble, poisonous and "gray lizards".

How to spot a Scorpio: They won't talk if they don't talk. But once they do, they can talk for hours

The noble ones are reasonable and fair, almost not selfish and have high intellect. The poisonous ones are merciless and greedy, vindictive and embittered. The latter variety is weak, therefore not so dangerous. They can be outwardly harmless, shy, quietly hate, but with the right opportunity to bite the hand of even a loved one.

The men of this sign are cunning and strong at the same time, so it is difficult to defeat them, both in behind-the-scenes fights and in open fights. They have a sharp mind, but are unemotional. Decisions are made independently of anyone, trusting only their own choice.

A Scorpio woman can appear defenseless and weak, but at the same time possess incredible strength. She has the ability to subjugate anyone who comes into her field of vision. Scorpios have a very developed intuition, but most of them simply change the future the way they want. In her feelings, a woman of this sign cannot find a middle ground - she hates and loves very much at the same time, often the same man.

Scorpio Man

Element of Scorpio

Scorpio is a water sign. People born under it are usually unpredictable, impetuous and open in expressing their power. Scorpio is always associated with a turbulent stream that demolishes everything in its path. No obstacles are able to keep him and stop him.

The life of a Scorpio is always full of bright events and restless. It gives the impression of going down a mountain river with a large number of waterfalls and rapids. Only having reached adulthood, Scorpio begins to understand where to direct the energy that has fallen to him, and until that moment he chokes on water and earns bruises, hitting against pitfalls.

Scorpio differs from Cancer in that it does not care about the treasures of the bottom of the sea at all. He is just like Pisces will not look for the most suitable and safe course for himself. The water of the sign of Scorpio boils endlessly, and if it suddenly calms down, it is better to be alert, because after a calm, a strong storm always comes.

Career in the life of Scorpio and the profession of this sign

Scorpions are given the ability to influence people. In addition, they are brilliant speakers, perfectly combining a variety of communication techniques. In this regard, among the representatives of this sign, you can meet many politicians, sales consultants and insurance agents. It is better not to dwell on this, because the Scorpio personality has many facets. For example, talented artists, outstanding philosophers and sought-after occultists can come out of them.

Scorpions will find a common language and be able to negotiate even with the most demanding and capricious partner. The gift of a peacemaker is in their blood, so resolving any conflict for this sign is a simple task.

Scorpio at its worst: having power

Scorpions can also be realized in the field of medicine, most often in diagnostics. They are not afraid to take risks and resort to non-traditional methods of treatment, therefore they often perform complex operations that require in-depth knowledge and qualifications.

Among the Scorpios, you can meet a large number of inventors, however, there are few implementers among them. If there is an experienced performer-colleague next to this sign, this will help Scorpio achieve triumph in various branches of science.

Scorpio Woman

Love, sex, marriage and compatibility

In the field of love, Scorpions are considered dangerous partners, inflicting wounds in the hearts of others, without even intending to do so. Their married life is disharmonious. For the most part, representatives of this sign turn into domestic tyrants, or because they quickly adapt to the situation, lose their "I" and are in a state of discomfort.

Outwardly, they give their chosen one a lot of freedom, but secretly suffer from jealousy and suspicion. Sometimes they even stoop to spying and reading other people's letters, which does not paint them in any way. From a partner, Scorpios expect complete trust and never forgive him for such oversights.

If Scorpio takes a leading position in a couple, he first feels like the happiest person in the world, after that he tries in every possible way to condemn the partner for his weaknesses, and himself for having made the wrong choice.

Why you will love Scorpio: he is strong and sexy. Scorpio will make you fall in love before you know it

People of this sign can feel real joy on the love front only with a person who, depending on the situation, can insist on his own or make concessions.

Marriage, far from ideal, Scorpio can combine with a stormy romance on the side, into which he rushes headlong, regardless of the opinions of others. Scorpios build their happiness without taking into account generally accepted norms and traditions, because they are convinced that no one has the right to judge and give advice on what not to do and how to live better.

In terms of sex, the life of Scorpios during the entire life period does not go smoothly enough. In their youth, they behave chastely and are quite satisfied with platonic experiences. In adulthood, they already have sufficient experience, and not always positive.

Scorpios incredibly, almost magically, attract people of the opposite sex. They are greedy for lovemaking and liberated in bed so much that they look illegible and licentious from the outside.

Scorpios are the most unconditional lovers you can be rewarded with

However, as much as Scorpios do not like erotic pleasures, they are still ambitious and can sometimes absolutely abstain from sex if they realize that their reputation will affect their career growth. Scorpions are often offered to use an intimate relationship to arrange their own lives, they begin to resent this, rejecting the proposal, and then secretly regret it.

Even without starting a full-fledged romance, Scorpios continue to attract and charm their new victims. They are insanely charming, and not everyone is able to resist their natural charms. Scorpios opt for interesting, attractive and smart partners. They distribute their vibes extremely generously, which can negatively affect their reputation in the business community.

It should be noted that a short-term affair with a representative of this sign is perceived by their partners as a bright and grandiose event in life, all because they are erotically unpredictable, and this strikes people right in the heart.

Scorpio love

Scorpio health

Most often, Scorpio is born healthy and resists diseases until old age. His body has the ability to independently accumulate its health. In addition, Scorpios are in good physical condition, enjoy sports and moderate physical activity. True, when they reach adulthood, they acquire a tendency to obesity.

Gifts of nature fate makes up for Scorpions with their eternal bad luck, constantly confronting them with difficult trials, accidents that cannot but affect the state of the nervous system.

Scorpio can adhere to a certain diet, do a set of exercises every day and follow the daily routine, but at the same time spoil everything with negative thoughts, and sometimes with drugs.

Scorpions give real advice, not sugar coated

Scorpions also have diseases of the cardiovascular system, the exacerbation of which occurs in the most difficult periods of life.

Another sore spot for most Scorpions is the legs and back. Diseases of the spine, as well as varicose veins, make themselves felt in adulthood and old age.

Scorpio's Culinary Preferences

Scorpios in most cases follow a certain diet or adhere to one particular cuisine, considering it the best of all. They do not keep their brutal appetite within the framework, realizing that they will lose extra pounds without any problems by applying physical activity.

Scorpios usually drink a lot of liquids, which include not only tea, coffee, juices, water, but also alcohol, although this is not entirely healthy. Therefore, it is advisable to replace the liquid with vegetables and juicy fruits, and exclude coffee, red and black tea and switch to green tea.

People of this sign should consume daily dairy products, meat, especially veal and beef.

Scorpions are sensitive to odors, so fragrant seasonings can provoke various manifestations of allergies in them.

Scorpio Child

Scorpio, even a very small one, manifests himself as a real warrior. He is assertive, stubborn, brave, generally endowed with a fighting character. The parents of such a child are constantly faced with difficulties in raising him, because he always stubbornly stands his ground and does not make the slightest concessions, and if adults give up slack, he will begin to twist ropes out of them.

Scorpio, like no one else, needs a loving mentor, but at the same time quite firm. A child born under this sign needs to be disciplined so that he can take precedence over his emotions, become independent of mood swings and other influences. It is important to develop in the child the ability to sympathize, endure, show condescension towards people and forgive them. A strong character is an incomparable advantage of Scorpios. However, without warmth and sincerity, they will not be able to communicate with others and enjoy interacting with loving people.

Scorpio has patience, but when you run out of it, you better beware

It is important for adults not to forget that Scorpio has his secrets, even though they are innocent and childish. Do not invade his inner world using brute force, because everyone should have their own territory, closed from others. The right to privacy is especially zealously defended by adolescents of this sign. Parents try to be cunning in order to keep the child under vigilant control and receive information about what he is doing.

Scorpio-children have a large supply of energy and vitality. It seems that they are completely impossible to tire. However, it is difficult for representatives of this sign to cope with their destructive impulses. Most difficult in adolescence. Scorpios must expend energy for peaceful purposes, improve self-discipline and get used to regular work, therefore astrologers advise doing various sports and dancing.

Scorpio baby

Strong intuition is another equally important feature of this sign. If there is discord in parental relationships, the child himself will understand this, because realizing what someone else's secret or secret is, they gain power over people.

Personalities born under the sign of Scorpio

Maria Kozhevnikova, Pavel Priluchny, Ksenia Sobchak, Olga Orlova, Dmitry Dibrov, Pavel Borodin, Mikhail Lomonosov, Fyodor Dostoevsky, Roman Viktyuk, Lolita Milyavskaya, Galina Vishnevskaya, Ivan Turgenev, Victoria Tokareva, Marina Khlebnikova, Gennady Seleznev, Arkady Raikin, Roman Abramovich, Eldar Ryazanov, Nikolai Karachentsov, Lev Trotsky, Evgeny Primakov, Igor Talkov, Mikhail Ulyanov, Lyudmila Gurchenko, Amalia Goldanskaya, Venedikt Erofeev, Hillary Clinton, Emma Stone, Katy Perry, Julia Roberts, Demi Moore, Auguste Rodin, Christopher Columbus, Astrid Lindgren, Joe Dassin, Leonardo DiCaprio, Pablo Picasso, William Herschel, Bill Gates, Peta Wilson, Diego Maradona, Alfred Sisley, Fernando Magellan, Chris Norman, Whoopi Goldberg, Niccolo Paganini, Vanessa May , Erasmus of Rotterdam, Alain Delon, Cesare Lombroso, Maya Plisetskaya, Nestor Makhno, Eros Ramazzotti, Indira Gandhi, Ted Turner.

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