How mentally old are you

About - Mental Age Test

Welcome to the My Mental Age test !

What Is The Mental Age Test ?

Have you ever wanted to know 'what is my mental age ?'. Well now you can. The purpose of this test is simply to work out your Mental Age. We do this by asking you a series of questions and then applying some very clever analysis to your answers. Actually, it's not that clever at all but there's certainly a bit of age testing analysis going on and we'll stick with that. The more questions you answer that fit a certain age group, the more likely you are to fit into that age group.

At the end of the test, you will be given a single number which represents your mental age. It's as simple as that.

Why Should I Want To Know My Mental Age ?

Good question. Only you can answer that and if you are here it's probably because you are interested to find out. We don't know. In fact, we've got no idea at all but what we will say is that it takes only a few minutes and the results may change your life. Or they may not.

There's also the added benefit that you can do something about it. Many people who take the test just want to know how they fit in with life. As you get older, you usually get grumpier. That's not been scientifically proven of course but there's ample evidence to suggest that's the case. Therefore, being grumpy can usually be linked to an increase in mental age. In knowing this, the test can also be used to detect signs of increasing grumpiness. A bit like an early warning system.

Let's say you take the test in 2017. You are 35 and you get a mental age of 35. That's not bad. It shows a maturity towards life and a healthy dose of realism. Then, a year later (we do suggest that you take the test every year), you take the test again and get a mental age of 40 against your real age of 36. This is a warning sign. Your mental age is progressing faster than your actual age. You are heading into what we like to call the danger zone of 'Age Test Shock' (ATS for short).

A typical reaction when faced with age test shock (Image:123rf/vadymvdrobot)

The solution is simple. You need to get a grip before things get out of hand. Smile more. Try to complain less. It's all in the little things. The situation is usually never out of control (although we have seen some pretty serious cases).

Then, come back and take this test every year. Even twice a year and tell everyone you possibly can about the test to prevent others from the risk of age test shock. It's the only solution.

Why Create This Site ?

Because the people that created it were interested to know if it was possible to devise a simple test that more or less came up with the mental ages of the people that took the test (as decided by their friends and colleagues). We think it's reasonably accurate but results may vary of course.

In reality, of the 5 million times this test has been taken (seriously, 5 million times. ..) about around 7% or so of people have probably agreed with the results. We'd say that this is a good return but clearly others have different opinions.

Who Created The Mental Age Test ?

TabDesk Micropublishing. We create lots of small websites. Some of which are just a little bit of fun and others, like this one, that are extremely serious and can change people's lives.

We would link to the other websites but we've found out that if we do then certain search engines think we are doing dodgy stuff and we get in trouble. Which is a shame because we aren't and we'd really like you take other tests. We would roll around on the floor and get very upset about it but that would be embarrassing and a sad reflection of our mental age, so we won't. If you want to contact us, then just drop us an email at [email protected].

Just A Bit Of Fun

Finally, it's important to understand that My Mental Age is actually just a bit of fun. It's not scientific and it doesn't provide an accurate way of measuring your mental age.

Enjoy the test !

Testing Mental Age - Mental Age Test

The Official Way

In most cases, 'Mental Age' is considered as the age someone has relative to the intelligence shown by someone of that physical age. The concept is that as you increase in age through childhood to adulthood, your general intelligence increases and therefore there's a relationship between mental age and actual age. If, for example, you are actually ten years old but, through a series of tests are found to have an below average intelligence then you might be considered to have a 'mental age' of eight.

These tests are usually performed by a qualified psychologist and, due to the ages involved, are a range of cognitive, emotional and sometimes verbal assessments.

Needless to say, they can vary quite a lot and there's usually a fair amount of discussion on the validity or accuracy of these tests.

How Mental Age Relates To IQ

Intelligence Quotient (IQ) is an established method of measuring a person's intelligence. Historically, it was related to the relationship between mental age and physical age. (mental age / physical age x 100 = IQ). If the mental age - as computed via tests - was the same as actual age then the score was 100.

However, IQ is no longer measured like this and is typically measured now as a score based on a standardized test whereby the median (think middle) score is rated as 100. A higher score would be therefore rated as an IQ over 100. These tests vary but can often combine elements of mathematics, general knowledge and vocabulary.

The abbreviation IQ was first suggested by the pyschologist William Stern in 1912. It was a term he gave for his intelligence tests for the University of Breslau.

Is It True ?

If you've taken the tests and been given a high IQ and/or are a member of MENSA then you'll almost certainly think it is. Everyone else probably couldn't care less until some employer asks you to take the test !

Take The Age Test

How Does My Mental Age Work ?

A little bit differently. We use the significantly more accurate (no disrespect meant) methodology that your approach to life changes as you get older. Your views on things like pensions, life, health, money and all sorts of things change as you get older. It's not to say that you get happier or less happy - you can take the other tests for that. It's just that your view changes.

When the test first started, we asked people what age they actually were before starting. We then logged the results and started to build an average picture of what people of certain actual ages answered. There's plenty of exceptions where someone in their 60's might give answers we would expect from children but gradually it became clearer that older people veered towards certain answers and younger towards others. By changing the answers and changing the questions (and cross-referencing questions) we built a surprisingly clear picture of what we would expect from older and younger age groups.

Once the system had been taught, we removed the question and let it get on with itself.

For The Techies

Usually, the Mental Age Test uses a simple rule based scoring system to calculate the result. However, every now and again, just for fun, we use the original data to run the whole test through a multi-layer Neural Network. We are still experimenting with teaching the 'net' with the raw data to get the best results but it's getting closer and closer. We know that it's all presented as a bit of fun but actually, behind the scenes, every now and then, My Mental Age is using some pretty powerful processing to work things out !

Enjoy the test !

Test for an idiot, moron, imbecile online

Mental retardation, or oligophrenia, has 4 degrees of severity: debility (mild), unexpressed imbecility (medium), pronounced imbecility (severe) and idiocy (deep).

Today you can take an mental retardation test for yourself or another person online and for free.

Before passing the test for an idiot, moron, imbecile (outdated terms), read the modern interpretation of the concept of "mental retardation"


  • Degrees of mental retardation
    • Mild MR (debility)
    • Moderate degree of SD (imbecile not expressed)
    • Severe degree of MR (severe imbecility)
    • Profound degree of UO (idiocy)
  • Test for a moron, idiot, imbecile (UO)

Mental retardation is usually diagnosed in childhood because oligophrenia is a congenital disorder of mental (intellectual) development.

Congenital mental retardation (dementia) must be distinguished from acquired dementia (dementia). The difference is that the mentally retarded never reaches the norm of intellectual development, while the weak-minded rolls back from the norm, closer to childhood.

The concept of "oligophrenia" is narrower than "mental retardation", because mental retardation can arise not only from congenital defects and pathologies of the brain, but from the social, educational, pedagogical and family neglect of the child.

Modern professional lexicon no longer uses the terms debility, imbecility and idiocy in society, they have acquired a negative emotional connotation and are used to insult and curse.

This online "moron, idiot, imbecile test" will actually show the level (degree) of mental retardation (mental retardation).

In ICD-10 (International Classification of Diseases, 10th Revision), degrees of mental retardation are included in classes F70-F73 9

Slight mental retardation (old debility) corresponds to the level of development of a child of 9-12 years old. At the same time, the “moron” has an IQ of 50-69.

A child with a mild degree of mental retardation may look no different from normal peers. Debility will become apparent during training. 9

Profound mental retardation (idiocy) is diagnosed in physically adults with the mind of a child under 3 years old. IQ up to 20.

A person diagnosed with idiocy (profound degree of mental retardation) rarely lives more than 20 years. He is completely incapable of independence, cannot speak, correctly perceive the surrounding reality. Such people need constant supervision and care.

Those who wish can take the IQ test online and find out their IQ

And if your intelligence quotient (IQ) is at least above 70 (average level is 100 and above), then you are definitely not a mentally retarded oligophrenic: not a moron, not an imbecile, and even more so - not an idiot.

Interesting fact: IQ of the 43rd US President George W. Bush Jr. = 80 (below average level), while the US Air Force pilots are taken with an IQ of at least 140, and prestigious American universities - 150

Answer the questions of the test for a moron, idiot, imbecile quickly, do not look for the right answers - they are not here.

So, take an online mental retardation test :

1. Is it easy to get your attention, distract from something?


When how


2. Do you remember information quickly and for a long time?

Quickly and for a long time

Quickly, but not for long

Slowly, but for a long time

Slowly and not for long

3. Do you have developed abstract thinking?



Don't know

4. Do you have any speech problems?


A little


5. How rich is your vocabulary?

Very rich

Not very rich


6. How rich and varied is your speech?

Very rich

Not very rich


7. Is it difficult for you to retell in detail what you have read or heard?

Not difficult


Very difficult

8. Do you memorize material mechanically or meaningfully?

More mechanical

When like

More meaningful

9. Do you have negativism (unreasonable resistance to requests, demands, behavior opposite to people's expectations)?

Yes, often




10. Have you graduated from a comprehensive school?

Yes, I have a secondary general or vocational education

Completed incomplete secondary education

Completed correctional school

Studying at secondary school, will complete secondary education

Studying at school, will complete incomplete secondary education

Studying at correctional school (class)

Studying at college with a secondary education

I study at a school without a secondary education

11. Are you an independent person?

Yes, completely

Mostly, but not entirely

Little independence

Practically dependent

12. Are you suggestible (is it easy to convince you of anything)?





13. Were physics and mathematics easy for you?


More or less

Not easy


14. Can you say that you have more practical skills than theoretical knowledge?


Equal skills and knowledge

More knowledge than skills

Not enough of both

15. Have you mastered any profession, specialty?


I am mastering

I am going to master


16. Are you dependent on the opinions and influence of other people?




17. Do others take advantage of you?




18. Do you often use formulaic expressions, speech stamps in a conversation?




19. Does it ever happen that you argue (arguing, discussing) about things you don't really understand?




Almost none

20. Do you easily suppress your biological desires?


When like

Not easy

I find it extremely difficult to suppress them

21. Do you behave loosely?



Extremely rare


22. Can you notice some clumsiness, sweeping in your movements?


I think so

I think not


23. Do you have any neurological (not mental) disorders?



Don't know

24. Do you have anomalies of physical development?



Don't know

25. Could you call yourself a person with little conflict?



Don't know

26. Can you say that you are obedient and manageable?




27. Do you pay much attention to your appearance?




28. Where are your food and sexual instincts?

On the first

Not the first

The last

29. Do you have any mental disorders?



Don't know

30. Do you have any close relatives with mental or neurological disorders?



Don't know

This test for a moron, an idiot, an imbecile does not at all claim to make a diagnosis of "mental retardation". Similar, like any other psychiatric diagnosis, can only be made by a psychiatrist after an appropriate complex psychodiagnostics.

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