What keeps a man interested

24 Ways To Keep A Guy Interested & Secrets To Get Him Hooked


If you are struggling to understand how to keep a guy interested in you, you are definitely not alone. This essentially happens in many relationships, but the solution is quite simple. Just like for women, small but genuine physical and emotional gestures matter for men. Of course, everybody has different expectations from a relationship. However, certain things are universal, most likely to please your loved one.

Also, always be respectful and avoid treating him as a personal object. Furthermore, it’s essential to not pass judgements about him and his personal traits. Always try to have an open dialogue with him and make him feel listened to and appreciated. In this article, we have listed a few secrets that can help keep your boyfriend hooked to you. Keep scrolling to know what they are.

How To Keep A Guy Interested: 24 Secrets To Get Him Hooked

1. Have Confidence In Yourself

Before you get into this whole process of keeping a man interested, ask yourself, are you confident in yourself? High self-confidence and self-esteem levels have been known to positively influence romantic relationships. A little bit of self-doubt is completely natural and something most people grapple with, but that does not mean that you question or second guess your every move. You should be able to have faith in your capabilities and relationship. Engage in positive self-talk even if you may not believe it completely, and invest time and effort into yourself. Make sure to take time for yourself, do things you enjoy, pick up a new hobby, and appreciate the progress that you make in every sector of your life. Believe in yourself and your relationship, do not give in to the moments of doubts, and your man will be forever engaged with you.

2. Do Not Be Too Clingy And Needy

When you have just recently fallen in love, it can get difficult to keep your hands off your partner. You may want to spend the majority of your day with him, do things together, and constantly be in his presence. This may be romantic, but you must remember that both of you had a life before you got together. A healthy relationship is where both partners have enough time and space for themselves. Hence, if you are struggling to figure out ways to keep your man interested, remember this golden rule – give him and yourself space, and allow him to feel your absence.

Related: 14 Effective Ways To Get Him To Commit In A Relationship

3. But Do Not Be Too Aloof

The key is to strike the right balance between being there for him and giving him space. In your plan to give him space and keeping him interested, do not get very distant from him. The whole point of two people being in a relationship and sharing their life is to be able to lean on each other in difficult times. Learn to analyze the situation and understand when he needs support. You can also discuss this with him to try and understand his needs.

4. Appreciate Him And Compliment Him


Who does not like being showered with compliments? It is high time we break away from the myth that only women like to hear compliments. Men like it too. Do not shy away from expressing your love for him and complimenting him on his personality, looks, intellectual capabilities, etc. Praise him every now and then, and this simple yet effective way will keep him smitten with you for an eternity.

5. Keep It Light, Fun, And Playful

As you grow old and your relationship matures, the probability of both of you giving in to the pressures of life increases. You will have to constantly battle work issues, family problems, health complications, etc. Amidst all the stress and hard work, do not kill your inner child. Remember to have fun and relieve stress by spending playful moments with each other. Simple things like chasing each other in the kitchen, trying gardening together, taking up an art project, etc., will go a long way in keeping your man interested in you and valuing you for your ability to keep it light and lively.

Stylecraze Says

You may also ask him out by surprising him with tickets to his favorite concert, stand-up comedy, or a game night and make him interested in you.

6. Be The Real You

The idea of being someone else and pretending to like things he likes may seem tempting but do not fall into this trap. It is nice to show interest in what he likes and put effort into understanding it better but pretending to love it as much as he does is highly unadvisable. It is important to be the real you and not pretend to keep him interested. This may work momentarily, but it will be extremely difficult to keep up with it in the long run. Let him value you for your interests and choices.

Related: 17 Practical Tips To Make Him Miss You Like Crazy

7. Be Spontaneous

Are you constantly worrying about how to keep your man interested? One way you can do that is by being spontaneous. Spontaneity does not demand you to do something new, exciting, and adventurous every day of every week. But, you can surprise your man once or twice a month. This can be something as simple as booking a table at his favorite restaurant or something adventurous like scuba diving sessions, karate classes, hand boxing lessons, etc. , to treat his adrenaline junkie spirit.

8. Take Over In The Bedroom

Try something new in the bedroom regularly to keep the spark alive in the relationship and keep him hooked. Everybody has unique preferences in terms of what they like in the bedroom, and while you should always communicate the same with your partner, it is also important to remember that men also enjoy it when the woman takes charge. Take control, lead things, and make him swoon over you and your confidence. If you are hesitant to do this or feeling shy, there are lots of resources available on the web. They will help you ease into the process and show you how to enjoy it.

9. Never Stop Flirting

Usually, once the honeymoon phase of a relationship ends, a routine sets in. Avoid this and try to keep your relationship fresh, passionate, and exciting. Keep flirting with your guy to make him feel wanted. Try to come up with interesting pick-up lines or simply just look for them on the web. Go back to the honeymoon phase of your relationship and do the things he liked back then.

10. Take Into Consideration His Zodiac Sign


Zodiac signs reveal a lot about the person. If you are having trouble reading your man and figuring out his likes and dislikes, find out what his zodiac says. There are several star signs quizzes available online – sign him up for those to understand his emotional, sexual, physical, and intellectual sensibilities. There are several books also that you can read to deeply understand your man’s zodiac sign and act accordingly.

11. Share Your Vulnerabilities With Him

If you need emotional or any other kind of support, do not shy away from asking for help. This will not only help you deal with your problem better but also make your man feel important. He will enjoy the fact that he was the first person you thought of in your hour of need. In the future, he may also do the same. Through this, you will make a special place for yourself in his life. If not emotional support, you can ask for help for something as simple as a grocery run, advice while buying a new phone, etc.

Related: How To Talk To A Guy – 10 Simple And Useful Tips

12. Do Not Be Afraid To Commit


Commitment is one of the many keys to a successful and healthy relationship. If the man you are interested in is getting around to the idea of being exclusive with you, and you have also begun to feel certain about him, do the same in return. Through a strong commitment bond, you and your partner can build a great life together, lean on each other when needed, and create beautiful moments you will be able to cherish for a lifetime. Knowing you are there for him, he will never think of leaving you.

13. Do Not Play Hard To Get

It is fine to keep your man a little curious about you to keep him interested and excited to know more, but do not go overboard with it. Playing games and making it extremely hard for him to get you not only adversely affects your relationship but also makes him lose interest in you. The whole point of being in a relationship is to derive happiness from it. If being with you demands constant effort and strategizing, he will eventually want to leave you.

14. Busy Or Not, Keep Having Sex

Many couples make the mistake of forgetting sex as they get increasingly involved in the responsibilities of adulting, like professional challenges and family commitments. However, no matter how hard it gets, never take sex for granted. Sex allows you to build not only physical intimacy but also emotional intimacy with your partner. Make sure that you and your partner have a decent amount of sex to keep things interesting in your relationship.

Stylecraze Says

You may surprise him by wearing his favorite role-play costumes or unexpected lingeries to enhance the mood in the bedroom.

15. Do Not Be Afraid Of Conflicts


Not every conflict is bad, and conflicts help a great deal in improving the quality of communication you share with your partner. Speak your mind and give your partner space to speak his. Your partner will greatly appreciate the fact that he can share everything with you without being scared of you judging him. This will not only keep him interested in you but also love and respect you immensely.

16. Do Not Drag Your Fights

Despite putting in numerous efforts to have a calm conversation about things that bother you both, sometimes things can get out of hand, and you may end up arguing with your guy. The golden rule is to never go to bed angry with each other. Learn to put aside your ego and apologize if you think you were wrong. Seeing you, he will also learn and do the same when required.

17. Keep It Interesting Over Text

If you are struggling with figuring out how to keep your long-distance boyfriend interested, then this tip can be useful for you. Text messages are a great platform to be both loving and naughty. Drop some love messages now and then. Spice it up with some naughty messages that will make him look forward to meeting you. You can also text him about some roleplay ideas you want to try with him.

18. Do Not Make His Friends Your Friends

It is great that you and your partner are sharing a life, but that does not mean you have to share every aspect of it. Give him the liberty to meet his friends by himself, meet new people, and go on adventures without you. Having the same group of friends will not allow him to take a break from you, which might get overwhelming. The key to keeping him interested is to let him breathe and have personal space of his own.

19. Ask Him Important And Thoughtful Questions

A relationship is not always about having fun and keeping it light. What makes a relationship great is being able to talk about everything. Do not shy away from asking him deep and thoughtful questions about his life and past experiences. The questions can be about work, school, parents, friends, hobbies, etc. It will show him that you genuinely care about him. However, do not be repetitive with your questions. Listen to him properly when he answers the questions. Do not just ask the questions for the sake of seeming interested.

20. Cook For Him


Who does not love a delicious meal? Cooking for someone is probably one of the most beautiful ways to express that you love them, and there is no harm in trying it out yourself. Try your hand at cooking or baking some of his favorite dishes. Do not worry about getting the dish absolutely right. What counts the most is your effort and willingness to try out different things for him. Lastly, if you think you cannot handle cooking yourself, get your favorite food delivered at home and have a nice date night.

21. Communicate Openly

Communicate freely and do not keep things bottled up inside you. If you are uncomfortable talking about certain things, you can text him. If you are thinking about what to text him to keep him interested, the answer is pretty simple – speak your mind. This will ensure smooth communication and keep you both interested in each other. If you think your texts sound very serious, you can tone them down by using his favorite emojis.

22. Make An Effort To Smell Good

There’s nothing like the feeling of your significant other putting on a sexy perfume. Try to figure out his favorite scent, or experiment with some basic yet attractive scents like vanilla, citrus, rose, orchid, lavender, sandalwood, peppermint, etc. For date nights at home, you can try using scented candles to create a romantic atmosphere.

Related: 21 Things Men Want In A Relationship Desperately

23. Dress Up For Him

One way to make your guy feel important and keep him interested in you is to dress nicely for him. Everyone appreciates it when their partner makes an extra effort for them. It is one of the few ways to show your partner that you want to please them and care about their needs while also loving yourself enough to make an effort to look great!

24. Commit To Dealing With Past Trauma

While it is not easy to come to terms with past trauma, choosing to deal with your mental health is a great step in improving the health of your relationship as well. This is something that will help you reach out to your partner and communicate your needs better. Your mental health journey will be long and painful but make sure to take it at your pace.

While these tips on how to keep a guy interested will help you keep him hooked initially, you must also know that long-term serious relationships are seldom built without love and respect. Only apply these when you have genuine feelings for someone. It is disrespectful to use someone’s feelings to prove a point. However, if you do like the person, do not be too harsh on yourself while pursuing them, and remember to love yourself. Be true to your feelings and let the guy know your intentions without overwhelming them. Things will slowly but surely fall into place.

Frequently Asked Questions

What attracts a man to a woman?

Some of the traits men find attractive in women include self-confidence, a sense of humor, independence, and sexual compatibility.

Does ignoring a boy get his attention?

Possibly. Ignoring a boy can keep him on his toes and keep him guessing, but it can also backfire and make him think you are not interested, and the connection may fizzle.

Key Takeaways

  • In a relationship, small gestures go a long way in keeping the partners connected with each other.
  • Accepting, acknowledging, and appreciating your man for the person he is, helps build a strong bond of love, care, and respect.
  • Working on improving your own skillset while giving them their own personal space, would keep them eager and confident to reach back to you.

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How to Really Keep a Man Interested: 10 Golden Secrets

In this article we will talk about how to keep a man interested.

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Last week, I visited my best friend Anaya’s place for her mother’s birthday.

The very next day Anaya’s boyfriend called her for a short drive. She was out for about two hours and came back home with tear in her eyes but went straight to her room.

That night, I asked her about what happened and why she was so upset. To my surprise, she told me that her boyfriend, Rohan had broken up with her.

They were together for almost three years, and their relationship seemed perfect. So, the breakup came out as a shock to me.

Anaya told me Rohan didn’t feel the same about their relationship anymore. He didn’t want to stay in a relationship where he was not invested and interested emotionally. 

I could understand Rohan had all the right to communicate his feelings.

But I felt bad for Anaya. It was a shock for her. She told me her fear of abandonment was getting stronger as every man in her life seemed to lose interest in her eventually. And she felt she simply wasn’t able to keep a man.

This led me to dig a bit deeper into this issue. I started researching the topic and read the opinion of many relationship experts on how to keep a man interested.

Are you also with a partner who doesn’t seem to show much interest? 

Do you want to make a conscious effort to keep your man interested and in love with you? If yes, you’re in the right place.

In this article you’ll find some practical tips that can help you enjoy an exciting and loving relationship with your man.

The Importance of Keeping Your Guy Interested

Romantic novels and movies taught us that true love doesn’t require much effort. However, the reality is a long-lasting relationship takes a lot of work, says Lisa Blum, Psy.D. 

And of course, there has to be a mutual effort between you and your man to keep the relationship exciting and fun.

When you’re trying to keep your guy interested, it’s not about chasing him or letting him take advantage of you.

Men often become complacent and stop making efforts once they get comfortable in a relationship. Which drives women mad.

However, women get comfortable too. They stop taking care of themselves, seeing their friends, and doing the things they love. They place their energy on the relationship instead of focusing it on themselves.

To spice things up again with your man, all you have to do is focusing your energy on being the best version of yourself, both inside and outside the relationship.

Be that special person he fell in love with, and things will start to change eventually. Know you might ask, “How can I do that exactly?”

Well, let’s focus on that.

How to Keep a Man Interested In You

Here are some expert tips you can rely on to keep a man interested – even if you have just slept with him and he’s playing hot and cold.

These tips will help you make him fall for you again. They will also help you grow as a partner.

1. Express gratitude and appreciation

Though they never confess it, men like being appreciated. When you praise your boyfriend or life partner for his qualities, personality, or the things he does to make you feel special, he feels valued.

Taking your man for granted is the worst thing you could do in a relationship. Simply expecting him to be there for you would push him back. It’s always better to acknowledge his efforts and express gratitude.

When you acknowledge and appreciate his efforts, it makes your man feel loved, says relationship coach Jordan Gray. The best part is that you can start praising him from this moment onward, regardless of how many years you’ve been together. This is the most basic and effortless way to keep your man interested in you.

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2. Prioritize communication over complaints

In a relationship, people start knowing each other inside out. It’s a good thing to understand your partner’s strengths and weaknesses. 

But it’s wrong to expect from your boyfriend that he must read your mind. 

Because when he fails to do so, it hurts your expectations. And without even realizing it, you start complaining and blaming him for things beyond his understanding.

Complaining won’t do any good for the relationship. If you want your man to stay interested in the relationship, start communicating your heart out. In 2021, a team of researchers also confirmed that communicating clearly about your needs with your partners prevents confusion in a relationship.

3. Respect his personal space

Don’t panic when your boyfriend spends time with his friends or away from you. It’s okay to convey that you’re missing him at times. But constantly checking on him when he spends some time away from you isn’t a healthy behavior.

You need to respect his personal space and show your trust him. This also presents you as an emotionally independent and confident woman – which men find quite attractive.

When a man feels free to be himself in a relationship, his interest increases.

So, avoid being too clingy or insecure whenever he’s spending time apart. Instead, give him time to miss you.

4. Maintain an individual life outside the relationship

As I mentioned, while nurturing your relationship, it’s also essential to maintain an individual life outside of that relationship.

Don’t forget to meet your friends, pursue your career goals, and become a better version of yourself in every area of your life.

It’s not healthy to burden your partner with the responsibility of making you happy, marriage blogger, Patty Newbold tells Bustle.

Keeping your man interested doesn’t mean controlling his life or taking your decisions based on his approval. In fact, the opposite is true. It’s about developing a deeper understanding that nothing could deteriorate your relationship.

Making a few adjustments and working on becoming a better partner is great. But never compromise on things that make you unique just to please your man and spend more time with him.

Although at first you may think you’re being there for your partner, it might cause resentment and frustration into your relationship in the long term.

5. Don’t feel insecure about his female friends

When your man is away, you should show confidence and trust. That’s the behavior of a woman who knows how to keep a man interested.

However, this is not easy. I know. Especially if you know he’s hanging out with female friends and colleagues.

Now, let me tell you this: if he spends time with his female friends or colleagues, the best thing you can do is behaving as if you don’t care. This is the only thing that will make you stand out.

Remember, it’s his life, and you don’t want to be the toxic girlfriend who controls his actions.

There’s no need to be insecure if he has just some female friends or colleagues. Instead, start working on developing a secure attachment style.

Also, it would be difficult for you to get along with his female friends if you don’t know them very well.

So, consider spending some time with them, and try to get to know them better and become friends with them.

Your man would appreciate this effort which can reinforce his interest in you.

Feeling jealous is normal when you see your guy with other women. But as long as he respects you when he’s hanging out with his female friends, you shouldn’t act jealous.

If anything in particular is bothering you about his female friends, you should assertively share those concerns with him and handle the situation maturely.

Above all, trust him and give him sufficient space to lead his personal life.

Obviously, if you see him flirting with one of his friends or coworkers, you may want to consider giving up on that relationship. Because in that case he would be crossing the line.

Important update: Every relationship is different and unique. If you want your partner to stay in love with you, you should talk about your situation with an experienced relationship coach. I just discovered a platform that might be what you need. It already worked for 3 of our readers. And if you book a session today you will get a $50 discount.

6. Put some effort into looking good

Another important habit here is to take good care of your appearance. And you should do it no just to look good, but also – and especially – to feel good about yourself.

So, don’t miss out on your workout or grooming routines.

Regardless of the many years you’ve spent together, dressing well to impress your man is a way of reminding him what he liked about you when you two met.

Psychologist Sonali Kukreja suggests that maintaining a good physical appearance is one of the most effective ways to keep a partner interested.

This also shows you love yourself and take good care of your physical and mental health.

When you make a conscious effort to look your best, it reflects in your personality and it positively affects your confidence. It keeps your man attracted and hooked to you.

7. Try new things together

Explore new things with your partner if you want to keep the spark alive.

Spending enough time together develops familiarity and comfort between partners. And over time both the partners stop making efforts to please each other. Or they tend to do it less.

However, if you want to keep your man interested, trying new things together is one of the best ways to reconnect and revitalize your relationship.

Explore new places, try new experiences, and get out of your comfort zone together. It will help you remain interesting and irreplaceable to your guy in the long run.

Inviting newness and creativity into your relationship brings excitement and pleasure. This shows your man how passionately you want to grow with him.

8. Don’t shy away from taking the initiative in bed

If you’re comfortable being physically intimate with your guy and try new things in bed, this tip will keep your relationship on track. 

Try to learn about his fantasies and surprise him by trying them. If you always depend on your man to initiate things in bed, your love life may become monotonous.

Instead, start taking control in bed from time to time to enhance his curiosity. 

Your confidence and boldness are the most alluring qualities that can keep your man attracted to you. Men appreciate it when women show interest in new sexual experiences and initiate the first step, confirms psychosexual therapist Dr. Ruth.

9. Encourage him to pursue his passion and interests

“Go and have fun. If it makes you happy, I’m happy.”

This should be your attitude.

Men who are passionate about their hobbies and interests love to see this reflected in their partners. It’s no secret that they want to have a partner who understands and appreciates them for who they are. 

It’s okay if you don’t like the sport he loves to play, but you can always encourage him to keep participating.

Even if you and your partner have different hobbies and personal interests, you can talk about your passions and learn from each other. Your man will appreciate the effort if you show interest in things he enjoys and finds fascinating, writes Ratika Rai.

When you talk about his interests and passions openly, he ultimately feels drawn toward you. Listening to your guy’s likes and dislikes and encouraging him to follow his passions are incredible ways to keep him interested.

Recommended read: Feminine Energy: What It Is and 9 Ways to Increase It

10. Avoid playing hard to get

It’s fine not to open up very soon in a relationship and take things slow. It’s great to be busy and pursue your hobbies.

You can be playful and leave him excited and curious to know you further.

However, being mysterious on purpose and making him wait for you on purpose isn’t the best approach to build a long-term relationship.

Playing too hard to get can negatively affect your relationship. Most men recognize when a woman is playing games and it’s usually a turn off for them.

A much better approach is to express your feelings to let him know that you also want to be with him.

Try to understand his needs and expectations. This helps keep your man interested and foster a long-lasting healthy relationship.

Chat with an experienced relationship coach right now and save $50. This service has already worked for three of our readers.

How to Keep a Man Interested in You: Final Thoughts

Everyone likes to be in a loving and fulfilling relationship.

However, in any relationship both partners should take full responsibility to maintain the spark alive in the long term.

With time, couples somehow get busy with daily routines and lose that spark.

As soon as both partners stop making efforts for each other, all the excitement start to fade away, and life becomes boring.

But you can still take charge to fix things and lead a fulfilling life with your partner. If you feel your man is somehow losing interest, you can always do something about it.

Whether you’re in a relationship or not, you can only be in charge of your actions and emotions.

Here’s a summary of the things women can do to have a loving and successful relationship with their men.

  1. Express gratitude and appreciation,
  2. Prioritize communication over complaints,
  3. Respect his personal space,
  4. Maintain an individual life outside the relationship,
  5. Don’t feel insecure about his female friends,
  6. Put some effort into looking good,
  7. Try new things together,
  8. Don’t shy away from taking the initiative in bed,
  9. Encourage him to pursue his passion and interests,
  10. Avoid playing hard to get.

Photo by Tiraya Adam on Unsplash

How to interest a man: simple rules that work

ManPhoto: pexels.com

Sympathy between the opposite sex does not always arise at first sight. Sometimes months or even years pass from the moment of acquaintance to the relationship. After all, before you win a man, you need to hook him with something.

Ideally, in order to interest a man, you need to learn a little about him: who he is, what he does, with whom he communicates, how he spends his leisure time. This information will help to outline the strategy and draw the attention of the object to itself. But if the information is not available and you have to act here and now, it’s not scary. His behavior itself will tell you what tactics to use and what psychological techniques to use. nine0003

Genuine attention

Nothing catches a man like attention to his own person. Some of them love to talk about themselves, and the woman can only listen to his words and periodically ask questions on the topic, showing her participation. The interlocutor is listened to, interested in his opinion. And smart women at the same time try to note the personal qualities of a guy, for example:

  • clear diction;
  • intelligence;
  • beautiful handwriting; nine0014
  • ability to behave in society;
  • professional skills.

You can go over the opponent's appearance - praise the hairstyle, unusual eye color, excellent physical shape, style of clothing. It always works and gives results - not only women love compliments.

Using this tactic, any guy can be interested, especially if he likes to be in the center of events. The main thing is that attention should be sincere. If he feels false in words or actions, then the effect will be the opposite. nine0003

Similarity of interests and outlook on life

People united by the same interests do not need to specifically look for common ground. The conversation starts by itself, common topics are easily found. One area of ​​activity, general leisure, is a guarantee of interest from a man. Especially if a woman is well aware in this area. And to interest a guy in communication, having discovered common topics, is easy - just a few leading questions are enough.

This method is especially effective if relationships are established at a distance. The similarity of interests pushes for further communication and development of relations. There are many examples when one person lives, for example, in Moscow, but is looking for acquaintances in Novosibirsk, because he constantly goes there on business trips. And this is where one area of ​​activity can play a key role. nine0003

By the way, if the spouses have common hobbies or they work in the same field, then the marriage grows stronger year by year, and the partners' interest in each other does not fade away.


The less we love a woman, the more she likes us.

The same with men. You can ignore a man to interest even more. For some, indifference works flawlessly. It awakens a genuine interest in a woman, at the level of instincts. The desire to accomplish a feat and dedicate it to the lady immediately wakes up, which so casually rejects it. To strike her imagination, to remove indifference from her face - that's the main goal! nine0003

A man always expects attention and habitual flirting from a woman. He does not doubt his own irresistibility, and the lady for some reason does not make contact. At first, this leads to confusion, then offends and outrages, and then he decides to get the "trophy" at any cost. This technique has been perfected for centuries - it is very effective and helps to interest an adult man.

A game of contrast

This game is able to unsettle anyone - that's why it's good. To interest a guy you like, you need to become unpredictable for him. Attract him with your virtues at the first meeting, lure him with a look and ... immediately show complete indifference to his person. Get distracted by others, mind your own business, and then again casually turn your attention to him. Oh, how it attracts men! After some time of such a game, exhausted and confused, he will fall at the feet of his tormentor. nine0003

Tactics of surprise

To interest a stranger, you need to do more than just get to know him. It is necessary to make sure that he remembers the first meeting for a long time, so that it periodically pops up in his memory and evokes some feelings. Unexpectedly fall under his feet, knock him down, make an unusual request or statement, make a good joke - any spontaneous action will arouse his interest, even through irritation. Often, relationships between people are tied precisely after such acquaintances. Well, on the first date, all that remains is to warm up the man’s interest in his person. nine0003

The conquest of a man is an exciting thing. This is flirting, new sensations, emotions, vivid feelings. The main thing is not to overplay - everything should be as natural and at ease as possible. Pexels One can argue with this statement, because there are many ways to attract the attention of a man and make him fall in love. How to do this and how to make the chosen one think only of you, the only one, told Harini Natarajan and experts from Marie Claire magazine. nine0060

Take care of yourself

The phrase “Men love with their eyes” has a certain basis. This does not mean that a male representative is not able to love a woman with an ordinary appearance. But it will be much easier to win his attention and love if a lady:

  • takes care of her skin, nails and hair;
  • is neat and devotes enough time to hygiene;
  • has a sense of style;
  • often smiles.

For many representatives of the stronger sex, a sincere and sincere smile is one of the most attractive features of a woman. If you want to win a man's heart, smile at him often and sincerely. nine0003

Act like a lady

In most cases, a man will support the tone of communication that a woman sets. If you want to win the heart of a gentleman, not a longshoreman, behave accordingly. Do not allow vulgarity in behavior and dress. Do not use profanity, do not discuss vulgar topics, avoid greasy jokes.

Demonstrate your erudition and become interesting to the interlocutor. Author of the book How to fall in love with yourself. Psychology of seduction ”Anatoly Frolov recommends monitoring a man’s reaction to a conversation in order to change or deepen the topic in time. Show your strong character traits, self-confidence and purposefulness. A truly man can only love a woman who knows her own worth. nine0003 Act like a lady: Pexels


To win a man's heart, Voice magazine recommends praising him more often. Note that the chosen one looks sexy in today's outfit or, for example, jokes wittily. Hearing praise from the lips of the chosen one, a man will feel self-confidence and a desire to win her.

You don't have to give compliments every minute. Be sincere and praise the guy when he deserves it so that the compliment does not turn into rude flattery. nine0003

Show respect

Many women think they can easily be 15 to 20 minutes late for a date. An interested man will easily wait for the chosen one without saying a word. A few years ago, one could agree with this, but today it is better to forget about such “rituals”.

The time of a modern man is too expensive, so a woman does not have the right to dispose of it at her own will. Respect your chosen one and yourself, be punctual. When you go on a date, don't forget to put your phone in your bag. By laying out your mobile phone on the table, you subconsciously let the interlocutor know that you are not too interested in him and further relationships. nine0003

Make a man feel important

Relationship expert Adam LoDolce says men love to feel needed. The time when a woman could not do anything without the help of a man is long gone. But if you want to make a man fall in love with you, stop boasting about your strength, independence and the habit of solving all your problems on your own.

Even if you can change a tire without help or catch a mouse running around the apartment, do not do it in the presence of your chosen one. Ask a man for help. According to emotional intelligence specialist Harini Natarajan, subconsciously he will feel needed and will want not only to fulfill the request, but also to reciprocate feelings. nine0003 Make a man feel his importance: Pexels

Shift the time of meetings

Starting to meet someone, men arrange dates in the evening. Going to the theatre, opera or restaurant is out of their daily schedule. To make a man fall in love with you and make him think about himself more often, move the time of meetings by a day.

According to the experts of Marie Claire magazine, in this way a woman will gradually become an integral part of the daily life of the chosen one. When planning a schedule for the day or week, he will think not only about business, but also about her, and about the next date. nine0003

Show genuine interest and keep the conversation going

Increasingly, men and women meet and communicate online. In this case, it becomes more difficult to impress and fall in love with the chosen one.

How to make a man fall in love with you at a distance? Do not limit yourself to banal questions about how the day went and what the interlocutor ate for lunch. Ask for something original. For example, “What do you dream about?”, “How was your childhood?”, “What achievement are you most proud of?” or, for example, "What superpower would you like to have?". Such questions will let a man understand that a woman is sincerely interested in him, his life and will push for a personal acquaintance. nine0003

How to attract a man's attention with words? Share something personal with the other person. Tell a couple of facts about yourself that you think are really important. Don't be afraid to be too outspoken. Hearing such words, the interlocutor will begin to trust, relax and take the initiative in the dialogue, and most importantly, he will want to share something in return.

Demonstrate a sense of humor

How to make a man fall in love with you with words? Show him a great sense of humor. Many men consider it to be one of the sexiest traits in a woman. According to experts from Elle magazine, humor will help defuse the situation, smooth out awkwardness and make a man fall in love with you. At the same time, it is important not to violate one unspoken rule: jokes, even the most harmless ones, should not concern either the interlocutor himself or the people around him. nine0003 Show a sense of humor: Pexels

Let him miss you

When a woman falls in love, she wants to spend every free minute with her partner. Perhaps, at first, a man wants the same, but you should not burden him with your presence 24 hours a day.

Spending time apart is good for couples. This makes it possible to pay attention to yourself, your friends, hobbies and sports. So there will be new topics for conversations with the chosen one. At the same time, a man begins to get bored and thinks about a woman much more often. nine0003

Don't try to change a man

If you want your chosen one to really fall in love, don't treat him like a project in which you need to fix something.

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