What is entp personality
This Is the ENTP Personality Type: The Flexible, Formidable Socialite
Open-minded and can see the big picture, with great people skills? You are probably an ENTP.
If you’ve ever wanted to learn more about your personality type, the Myers-Briggs type indicator (MBTI) is a personality assessment that has been around for years and can help you understand more about yourself.
If you’ve ever heard someone state “I’m an INTJ” or “I’m an ENTP,” the MBTI is what they are referring to. It assesses four different domains, each represented by a different letter, to help you figure out your typology.
If you are extroverted and intuitive, you may be an ENTP.
The Myers-Briggs personality test is based on the work of Dr. Carl Jung and was developed by Isabel Myers during World War II. The MBTI has 16 personality types, and each personality type has specific traits.
The ENTP personality is one of those types.
How rare is ENTP a personality?
ENTP personality types are relatively rare. The ENTP personality type is present in 2% to 5% of the population. This is low compared with other personality types.
According to Myers-Briggs resources, an ENTP personality type would be:
- E: extroverted
- N: intuitive
- T: thinking
- P: perceiving
ENTP personality types welcome social interaction with others. They are interested in finding patterns and seeing the bigger picture when interpreting information.
If you have an ENTP personality, you may tend to use more logic when making decisions. You might also tend to be more open to new information and flexible in adapting to life’s ups and downs.
Strengths of the ENTP personality may include:
- creativity
- intelligence
- enjoyment in debating issues
- excitable
- assertive
- rational
- logical
- outspoken
- flexible
- energetic
Weaknesses and opportunities
Weaknesses of the ENTP personality type may include:
- neglect of routine aspects of life
- difficulty focusing
- argumentative
- dismissive
- intolerant
- easily bored
- having a distaste for order
ENTPs are often described as innovators and visionaries.
Characteristics of ENTP types may include:
- relishing a good debate and using logic and reason to back their ideas
- thriving in high energy atmospheres where they can be independent
- coming up with creative solutions to problems
- being more independent in relationships
- being insensitive to other’s feelings
- having trouble making decisions and often waiting for something to happen
- having difficulty with staying in the here and now; being more future-oriented
If you are an ENTP, you might think differently than other people. In relationships, your conversational style and independence may be challenging to others.
With thoughts and actions
If you are an ENTP, you likely have an extroverted, intuitive way of thinking.
In your thoughts and actions, you may be able to:
- recognize the bigger picture
- draw patterns and connect ideas
- absorb information quickly
- develop new ideas quickly
- emphasize logic over emotion
Because of this thinking style, ENTPs tend to be in creative or entrepreneurial professions.
With loved ones
In relationships, ENTPs can have a quick wit and excellent people skills.
In relationships, the ENTP type may:
- enjoy socialization
- communicate well
- may be competitive or argumentative
- work on improving the relationship
- have exciting ideas about new things to try
- show interest in how other people’s minds work
If you are an ENTP, one of your strengths is bringing excitement to a relationship, whether this is new ideas or activities to do together.
ENTPs can be very independent, so they might benefit the most from being with a personality type that understands their independence and brings a different perspective to the relationship.
They are attracted to intelligent people who they can have engaging conversations with.
ENTPs are most compatible with:
- INFJ — introverted, intuitive, feeling, judging
- INTJ — introverted, intuitive, thinking, perceiving
INFJ’s (aka the insightful visionaries) are a good match because both types may enjoy intellectual conversation and balance out the logical-emotional sides of each other.
INTJs (aka the conceptual planners) are another good match for ENTP personality types due to their excellent communication skills as well as their willingness to solve problems and be honest about any issues in the relationship.
All About the ENTP Personality Type
The ENTP Personality Type
ENTPs are inspired innovators, motivated to find new solutions to intellectually challenging problems. They are curious and clever, and seek to comprehend the people, systems, and principles that surround them. Open-minded and unconventional, Visionaries want to analyze, understand, and influence other people.
ENTPs enjoy playing with ideas and especially like to banter with others. They use their quick wit and command of language to keep the upper hand with other people, often cheerfully poking fun at their habits and eccentricities. While the ENTP enjoys challenging others, in the end they are usually happy to live and let live.
They are rarely judgmental, but they may have little patience for people who can't keep up.
What does ENTP stand for?
ENTP is an acronym used to describe one of the sixteen personality types created by Katharine Briggs and Isabel Myers. It stands for Extraverted, iNtuitive, Thinking, Perceiving. ENTP indicates a person who is energized by time spent with others (Extraverted), who focuses on ideas and concepts rather than facts and details (iNtuitive), who makes decisions based on logic and reason (Thinking) and who prefers to be spontaneous and flexible rather than planned and organized (Perceiving). ENTPs are sometimes referred to as Visionary personalities because of their passion for new, innovative ideas.
ENTP Values and Motivations
ENTPs are energized by challenge and are often inspired by a problem that others perceive as impossible to solve. They are confident in their ability to think creatively, and may assume that others are too tied to tradition to see a new way. The Visionary relies on their ingenuity to deal with the world around them, and rarely finds preparation necessary. They will often jump into a new situation and trust themselves to adapt as they go.
ENTPs are masters of re-inventing the wheel and often refuse to do a task the same way twice. They question norms and often ignore them altogether. Established procedures are uninspiring to the Visionary, who would much rather try a new method (or two) than go along with the standard.
How Others See the ENTP
ENTPs are typically friendly and often charming. They usually want to be seen as clever and may try to impress others with their quick wit and incisive humor. They are curious about the world around them, and want to know how things work. However, for the ENTP, the rules of the universe are made to be broken. They like to find the loopholes and figure out how they can work the system to their advantage. This is not to say the Visionary is malicious: they simply find rules limiting, and believe there is probably a better, faster, or more interesting way to do things that hasn’t been thought of before.
The ENTP is characteristically entrepreneurial and may be quick to share a new business idea or invention. They are confident and creative, and typically excited to discuss their many ingenious ideas. The ENTP’s enthusiasm for innovation is infectious, and they are often good at getting other people on board with their schemes. However, they are fundamentally “big-picture” people, and may be at a loss when it comes to recalling or describing details. They are typically more excited about exploring a concept than they are about making it reality, and can seem unreliable if they don’t follow through with their many ideas.
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How rare is the ENTP personality type?
ENTP is one of the rarer types in the population. ENTPs make up:
- 3% of the general population
- 4% of men
- 2% of women
Famous ENTPs
Famous ENTPs include Steve Jobs, Walt Disney, Thomas Edison, Benjamin Franklin, Richard Feynman, Leonardo da Vinci, Niccolo Machiavelli, John Stuart Mill, Jon Stewart, “Weird Al” Yankovic, and Conan O’Brien
ENTP Quotes
"ENTPs tend to be independent, analytical, and impersonal in their relations with people, and they are more apt to consider how others may affect their projects than how their projects may affect others."
- Isabel Briggs Myers, Gifts Differing
"ENTPs are the most reluctant of all the types to do things in a particular manner just because that is the way things have always been done."
- David Keirsey, Please Understand Me II
"Don't tell an ENTP that we can't fly a rocket to Mars, build a 200-story skyscraper, or communicate over two-way wrist radios. That will be an invitation for the ENTP to prove you wrong."
- Otto Kroeger, Type Talk at Work
Facts about ENTPs
Interesting facts about the ENTP:
- On personality trait scales, scored as Enterprising, Friendly, Resourceful, Headstrong, Self-Centered, and Independent
- Least likely of all types to suffer heart disease and hypertension
- Least likely of all types to report stress associated with family and health
- Scored among highest of all types in available resources for coping with stress
- Overrepresented among those with Type A behavior
- Among highest of all types on measures of creativity
- One of two types most frequent among violators of college alcohol policy
- Among types most dissatisfied with their work, despite being among the types with highest income
- Commonly found in careers in science, management, technology, and the arts
Source: MBTI Manual
ENTP Hobbies and Interests
Popular hobbies for the ENTP include continuing education, writing, art appreciation, playing sports, computers and video games, travel, and cultural events.
ENTP Inventor | Identity Code
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The ENTP type is also called the Debater.
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Double-check the type at the end of the page if there is any doubt that this is your personality type.
Make the most of 's knowledge of the Personality Code for the 16 areas of life with the ENTP Inventor's Guide.
ENTP is a person who:
- E (extraversion) - recharges energy from new events, actions and people
- N (intuition) - likes to work with ideas and abstractions
- T (thinking) - operates with logic in decision making
- P (perception) — prefers freedom and unpredictability.
In Russian corresponds to the type of intuitive logician extravert irrational.
ENTPs are passionate innovators who are always on the lookout for new, intelligent solutions to complex problems and creative ideas. As real inventors, they have an inquisitive mind and high intelligence, they strive to understand the surrounding systems and principles. They bring to the world their unconventional approach and analysis, as well as a systemic impact on things. The inventors of ENTP are very contagious, active and energetic. People love their whimsical ideas. They are witty and often seem eccentric. They are visionaries who are transforming the world with their ingenuity and ability to see the big picture. Logic and intuition are successfully combined in them with natural charm and charm.
According to the statistics of people with ENTP type in the world:
- 3% of the total population
- 4% of men
- 2% of women
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Inventors love to brainstorm ideas and ideas. They prefer not to follow the beaten path and challenge to bring something new into this world. Inventors are a fountain of ideas. And developed intuition allows them to easily anticipate events and accurately assess prospects.
But for all their ingenuity, they experience difficulties when they have to deal with a description or elaboration of details. More often it may seem that they are more interested in coming up with something than bringing the idea to life. And indeed it is. Inventors do not have a balanced mindset. As a result, they can endlessly and chaotically sort out their ideas, jumping from one to another, and leave them unfulfilled. Inventors are more focused on collecting information and coming up with a concept than materializing. If the ENTP doesn't learn how to finish what they start, then at their worst they will remain a fruitless dreamer.
People with this personality type are very flexible. A new problem or difficult circumstance is an occasion to offer a unique solution. They intuitively understand situations and think very quickly, which allows them to easily adapt along the way and feel good in an unfamiliar field. If the Inventors have to do monotonous, routine work without the opportunity to realize their creative potential, they die of boredom.
Among famous personalities of this type:
- Benjamin Franklin
- Thomas Edison
- Leonardo da Vinci
- Niccolò Machiavelli
Freethinking is another hallmark of the Inventors. They love non-standard people and do not accept frames and restrictions. Inventors value freedom of action and following their creative vision. With a broad outlook, they are well-informed in various areas of life, which makes them interesting interlocutors.
When it comes to expressing feelings, this is not the Inventor's strong point, so they may feel awkward and uncomfortable here. People with this personality type are great at using logical thinking, but have difficulty in the emotional realm. They do not see much value in showing feelings.
Knowledge and their subtle sense of humor endear them, but they can easily, albeit unintentionally, hurt other people. If the ENTP does not learn to listen to himself and the feelings of others, he will become too harsh and aggressive.
- Idea generators. Inventors easily generate new ideas. They are constantly thinking about new concepts, open to experimentation and always ready to try and implement them. ENTPs are creative individuals who use a creative approach to complete the most difficult tasks.
- Experimenters. Inventors are good at inventing things that never happened. Their irrepressible energy and passion for the new is simply amazing.
- Optimism and cheerful disposition. People with this personality type are incredibly charming and friendly people with whom you never get bored.
They bring an element of novelty and fun to everything they do, remaining optimistic even when they fail. Endless energy and a thirst for novelty give them the opportunity to always move forward.
- Flexibility. Inventors adapt easily to change and remain flexible. If plans have changed, it's not a problem. They easily adapt to a new business and task and just enjoy the process of finding possible ways.
- Independence. Inventors always make their own decisions. Strong intuition and logical thinking suggest the right paths and new opportunities. ENTPs are self-confident and do not rely on outside opinion.
- Quick thinking. Inventors think fast, grasp ideas on the fly, process information with ease, and produce new results instantly.
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