Introvert sports person
Understanding The Introverted Athlete
Understanding The Introverted Athlete
An introvert is not a shy, socially awkward, quiet being who doesn’t like people. They also aren’t people striving to fit in with an extroverted world. Introverts are over-sensitive to dopamine. If around crowds of people for too long, they feel drained. It takes them being alone with their thoughts or crafts to re-energize themselves.
Extroverts are the opposite, in that they don’t get enough dopamine, and feel energized when they are around crowds of people. They thrive around crowds because they feel drained when they are by themselves. An introvert isn’t necessarily a shy person; they just would rather interact in one on one situation. They don’t waste their time around people putting on acts for a crowd, because they don’t feel the need to do that in social settings.
If they are comfortable being in one on one situation, then they want to meet people of substance and value rather than someone who will put on a show for them. It’s in their nature to be aware of these things because it is a huge part of how they function.
So how does this affect the sports world? With personalities like Dwight Howard, Shaq, Chad Ocho Cinco, and other outgoing athletes, it’s easy to overlook the fact that introverted athletes do exists, and are among the elite. Kobe Bryant, Michael Jordan, Reggie Miller, Jerry West, Larry Bird, are all introverted athletes who undoubtedly contributed an immeasurable amount of value to their sport. Although it was a little easier for them to be introverts because of dominance in their sport, even they often got a bad rap for their relationships with the media and or fans. The smooth talking athlete is admired more because of their good relations and ability to connect with the media and their fans.
The perfect example of this manifested in the late eighties where an introverted basketball player by the name of Larry Bird was pitted against a smooth talking showman extrovert by the name of Magic Johnson. Their rivalry was pitted with societal labels such as “black against white” “big city party guy against small town farmer boy”. Reality was, this was a classic showdown of “introvert vs extrovert” The media valued Magic Johnson’s easiness and sense of humor over Bird a man of few words.
Kobe Bryant is seen as a cocky jerk. He gives his professional and honest opinion when answering questions on his profession.Michael Jordan is also often seen as rude when it comes to his relationship with the media. He doesn’t spend too much time occupying our television sets with being on shows, interviews, or even a ton of commercials. Ever since retirement, he’s done pretty well with staying out the public eye.
Athletes with this type of introversion offer a unique dynamic to their sport. They are incredibly focused individuals. They don’t wait for anybody to work on their game, they can go shoot or workout by themselves. Do you think Jerry West skipped out on going to the gym because none of his friends wanted to join him? Larry Bird spent hours in the gym alone with their thoughts, a hoop, and a basketball.
The sounds of “swishes” echoed the gym, rather than chatter from others.
If you’re a coach and you have an introvert(s) on your team, support them. It may seem like they don’t fit in, or don’t like their teammates. That’s far from the truth. Rather than pressure them to constantly engage in the group setting, take the opportunity to help them get to the next level as an athlete if that is what their desires are. They will put an immense amount of focus into that goal.
This is not to say that the introverted athlete is better than the extroverted one. It’s just to say that they are different, and should be supported in different ways.
--Adapted from nextlevelmovment
10 Athletes Who Are Definitely Introverts
- Michael Jordan--Jordan is often listed as the greatest introvert athletes of all time.
- Tiger Woods--Woods has been criticized for being a bad team competitor, but the truth is that the golf legend is simply an introvert.
- Kobe Bryant--Bryant's introverted personality has often been misinterpreted as being cold and standoffish.
- Larry Bird--Bird is shy and introverted. He always shied away from attention when he was playing.
- Derrick Rose--Rose's introverted nature was the subject of a 2012 article in GQ Magazine.
- Jerry West--West was reportedly introverted since childhood.
- Pete Maravich--Maravich has often been classified as a social introvert.
- Reggie Miller--Miller although now a broadcaster was often labeled as a introverted athlete.
- Darrelle Revis--Revis is an introvert and shies away from attention off the field.
- Steve Smith--Smith considers himself to be an "extreme" introvert.
Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World That Can't Stop Talking
Athletes Who Are Definitely Introverts
An introvert is a person who recharges their batteries by being alone. Although alone time can be difficult to find when you’re a famous professional athlete, these introverted athletes take time to themselves. Athletes who are introverts might need more space than their extroverted team mates. Several famous NBA players, golfers, and football stars are introverts. Some of these athletes have come across as “cold” because of their introverted nature, while others flat out admit that they are “extreme” introverts.
Who is the most famous athlete who is an introvert? Michael Jordan tops our list. The NBA champion is often listed amongst the greatest introverted athletes of all time. Tiger Woods has been criticized for being a poor team player, but the truth is that the golf legend is simply an introvert. Larry Bird is shy and introverted. He wasn’t one to seek out the spotlight when he was playing for the NBA.
Derrick Rose’s introverted nature was the subject of a 2012 article in GQ Magazine. He says, “It seems like the better I play, the more attention I get. And I can’t get away from it. You play great, you get attention. But I hate attention. It is weird. I’m in a bind. The more you win, the more they come.” Steve Smith considers himself to be an “extreme” introvert.
Michael Jordan is often listed amongst the greatest introvert athletes of all time.
Tiger WoodsTiger Woods has been criticized for being a bad team competitor, but the truth is that the golf legend is simply an introvert.
Kobe BryantKobe Bryant’s introverted personality has often been misinterpreted as being cold and standoffish.
Larry BirdLarry Bird is shy and introverted. He always shied away from attention when he was playing in the NBA.
Derrick RoseDerrick Rose’s introverted nature was the subject of a 2012 article in GQ Magazine. He says, “It seems like the better I play, the more attention I get. And I can’t get away from it. You play great, you get attention. But I hate attention. It is weird. I’m in a bind. The more you win, the more they come.”
Jerry West was reportedly introverted since childhood.
Pete MaravichPete Maravich has often been classified as a social introvert.
Reggie MillerReggie Miller is often labeled as a introverted athlete.
Darrelle RevisDarrelle Revis is an introvert and shies away from attention off the field.
Steve SmithSteve Smith considers himself to be an “extreme” introvert.
Sports for extroverts and introverts
Sports, as well as any active physical activity, are extremely important in the life of a modern person, regardless of his occupation. But do not forget that all people are different: comfort for one may have the opposite effect for another. The level of stress during training partly depends on the type of personality of a person: he is an extrovert or an introvert. What kind of sports to do, having certain inclinations of character? We deal with the teachers of the Department of Physical Culture and Sports of the Kazan Cooperative Institute.
Each personality type has its own characteristics, which implies some nuances for creating comfortable sports. In this matter, comfort is an important element on the way to regular physical activity.
“These two concepts in the sports field are not entirely acceptable. In sports there is a leader, a captain and other roles. People who do them can be either extroverts or introverts. It cannot be said that one type of activity is suitable for one and contraindicated for others, but there are still certain features of the choice, ”says Nikolay Bobyrev, Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, teacher at the Department of Physical Culture and Sports of the KCI.
For introverts, those sports that require awareness and full involvement in the process are more suitable. This includes yoga, running, stretching. These activities help to immerse yourself, which is characteristic of closed personalities. As for team sports, here introverts can also show themselves. In practice, leaders and captains of an introverted character warehouse are often encountered. The reason for this is their restraint and endurance, which instill confidence in the team.
For extroverts, active and team sports are more suitable, such as football, basketball and volleyball. You can also highlight crossfit, cycling, functional training, various dance styles and other activities. The listed activities require involvement in the group and focus on external factors that occur during training. This also includes spectacular sports competitions, such as rhythmic gymnastics and figure skating, where there is a direct “communication” between the spectator and the athlete. An open personality type can also give preference to running, having achieved good results in it.
There are also related classes that will suit both extroverts and introverts. These are martial arts - boxing, kickboxing, karate. They combine both communication with an opponent and a high level of concentration.
When choosing the right type of training for yourself, do not forget that pure extroverts and introverts are quite rare. Usually a person combines the features of both types, depending on the current circumstances and atmosphere, so it is impossible to clearly determine what will suit one or another individual. Everything is learned by trial and error, the main thing is to try and find your own, and teachers in physical education and sports will help you with this!
The best sports for extroverts and introverts
We have noticed how many people around us choose an active lifestyle. Even those who avoided physical education lessons at school, becoming older, understand that in vain and begin to catch up. We come to sports for different reasons, but the task for all is the same - to always be healthy and active. A large presence of sports schools and sections allows you to choose any sports activities, but sometimes it is difficult for us to do this, because your favorite sport, for example, does not suit your character.
What is it about? The fact that we are different in personality type, which means that we manifest ourselves in different ways in doing something.
Comfort for one may have the opposite effect for another.
By personality type, a person is either an extrovert or an introvert. And it is important to understand this when choosing a particular sport for yourself, and sometimes for your child. Often, it depends on the type of personality, what will be the level of load during training.
We will leave all the psychological difficulties to specialists in this field, and we ourselves will try to figure out which sport to prefer, knowing your personality type.
Everyone knows that sports are constant training, loads, overcoming yourself, but do not forget that if you experience discomfort while exercising, then it may not be your willpower or endurance, but the fact that you, for example, , an introvert by nature, but do a sport that is comfortable for an extrovert.
In this regard, comfort is an important element on the way to regular physical activity. It cannot be said that one type of activity is suitable for one and contraindicated for others, but there are still certain features of the choice.
What kind of sports should introverts do ?
Introverts are characterized by some closeness, concentration, while doing they are completely immersed in the process.
Ideal for such people:
- pilates
- yoga
- running
- stretching
- airstretching
Of the dances, the most suitable option is contemporary.
But do not take everything literally, in fact both psychological types are ready and like to take time for themselves, and some introverts have time to "withdraw into themselves" by doing strength training.
Many introverts are also successfully involved in team sports, often such athletes become leaders in the team, its captains. Their endurance and restraint inspire confidence in the team.
Which sport should extroverts choose?
Active and team sports such as football, basketball and volleyball are what an extrovert needs. If we talk about fitness, then these are: crossfit, bootcamp training, cycling, functional training, various dance styles, etc.
These activities require involvement in the group and focus on external factors that occur during training.
Spectacular sports such as rhythmic gymnastics and figure skating, where there is a direct "communication" between the spectator and the athlete, also suggest a more mobile and open type of personality.
Extroverts are quick to switch, which means that they are suitable for various activities, there are excellent runners and masters of aerial yoga among them. If you see an athlete who is fond of an unusual sport, be sure that he is an extrovert.
There are also related activities that are suitable for both extroverts and introverts. These are martial arts: boxing, kickboxing, karate. They combine both communication with an opponent and a high level of concentration.
In what other activities can you combine comfort for both types?
Today, some sports studios offer their visitors bootcamp workouts, which are distinguished by interval sets of exercises for all muscle groups.
At first glance it may seem that this is an activity for extroverts, but this is not entirely true.
Classes in the gym with active complex exercises that constantly replace each other, the opportunity to meet new people and share your interests with them, exchanging thoughts, emotions and knowledge in the process, all this will appeal to an extrovert, and what an introvert will find in these classes for himself ...
Rhythmic music, semi-dark club lighting will help a closed person to discard awkwardness and join the process with his head. Such training will not only help bring your body into the desired shape, but will also help get rid of the complexes, as well as increase self-esteem.
When choosing the right type of training for yourself, it is important to remember that a person's personality types never appear in their pure form. More often than not, we combine features of both types. It all depends on the current circumstances and the surrounding atmosphere. Therefore, listen to your feelings, choose the type of sports that brings pleasure.
Our time gives everyone the opportunity to choose, many clubs and sections have adopted computer technology and successfully conduct training not only in the gym, but also online. Some athletes, having tried this type of exercise, were satisfied. Most likely, these people are introverts, because online training allows you to be in comfortable conditions for yourself, to act at your own pace and at a convenient time.
Of course, extroverts will be satisfied with offline training, because they need to get collective emotions, to work with friends.