What does thick skinned mean
THICK-SKINNED definition | Cambridge English Dictionary
The earliest ones didn't look like the large, thick-skinned beasts we know today.
From National Geographic
What's thick-skinned and leathery, about the size of an egg, essential for guacamole and sold eight for a dollar?
From NPR
Thinking that boys are emotionally thick-skinned is one reason why boys may have an even harder time than girls adjusting to divorce.
From Huffington Post
You have to be thick-skinned to attempt to put your work into the world.
From Huffington Post
The remaining tiny, thick-skinned grapes presaged an intense vintage.
From San Francisco Chronicle
I must have been thick-skinned.
From Huffington Post
A combined thin-skinned/thick-skinned structural style is recognized.
From the Cambridge English Corpus
Tertiary deformation is characterized by a combined thin-skinned/thick-skinned structural style.
From the Cambridge English Corpus
Figure 8 illustrates, in principle, how interacting thick-skinned reverse faulting and thin-skinned thrusting may result in thinning of sequences by out-of-sequence thrusting.
From the Cambridge English Corpus
Only a very underbred, thick-skinned person would attempt it.
From Project Gutenberg
Aside from his high opinion of his own importance as an officer of the law, he was rather a thick-skinned individual.
From Project Gutenberg
The judge was frankly a tough case, untouched by religion and conscience, and thick-skinned as to public opinion.
From Project Gutenberg
It has occurred to me," he added innocently, "that it takes an uncommonly thick-skinned and unromantic dub to tour about covered with hay.
From Project Gutenberg
You were deucedly insolent--but my people are thick-skinned.
From Project Gutenberg
These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors.
Thick-skinned Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster
: having a thick skin : pachydermatous
: callous, insensitive
: impervious to criticism
became thick-skinned about his own work
- affectless
- callous
- case-hardened
- cold-blooded
- compassionless
- desensitized
- hard
- hard-boiled
- hard-hearted
- heartless
- indurate
- inhuman
- inhumane
- insensate
- insensitive
- ironhearted
- merciless
- obdurate
- pachydermatous
- pitiless
- remorseless
- ruthless
- slash-and-burn
- soulless
- stony
- stoney
- stonyhearted
- take-no-prisoners
- uncharitable
- unfeeling
- unmerciful
- unsparing
- unsympathetic
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Word History
First Known Use
circa 1545, in the meaning defined at sense 1
Time Traveler
The first known use of thick-skinned was circa 1545
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Dictionary Entries Near
thick-skinnedthick skin
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“Thick-skinned. ” Merriam-Webster.com Dictionary, Merriam-Webster, https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/thick-skinned. Accessed 12 Dec. 2022.
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Kids Definition
: having a thick skin
: not easily bothered by criticism or insult
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90,000 “thick -skinned” you or “thin -legged” - KP.ruKomsomolskaya Pravda
Naukanauka: Club of Curious
Svetlana Kuzina
November 27, 2006 1:00
The degree of our vulnerability was taken by the American scientist
- He, you, you, you try to piss me off!
There are many classifications of a person's character - according to temperament, attitude towards others, perception of life and even sexual fantasies. Another was proposed recently by the American psychologist Ernst Hartman. He formalized in scientific terms what was already known at the everyday level: there are “thick-skinned” and “thin-skinned” people. Hartman introduces the concept of "boundaries of the psyche" that separate a person from the outside world, which can be fragile or strong. In his opinion, communicating with different people every day, we constantly move our personal boundaries, keeping a partner at a distance or allowing him to come close. Thus, we protect our "I" from the outside world.
Having compiled a special questionnaire - a test for the strength of psychological boundaries, Hartman tested it on two thousand people. And I came to interesting conclusions.
People vary greatly in the thickness of their protective barriers. For some, they are very permeable, for others everything comes through as if through a thick wall.
The thickness of the protective barrier even relates to the acuity of the perception of signals from the senses. For example, thin-skinned people are more likely to be affected by loud noises and bright lights.
The psyche of women, as a rule, is less protected than the psyche of men.
People with thin barriers are more suspicious, and they often have interesting, vivid, memorable dreams.
People with denser boundaries of the psyche enter into marriage more easily, but receive less pleasure from his carnal pleasures.
All of us have thicker “skin” with age.
People with thin psychic boundaries are often creative individuals. They tend to change their views under the influence of experience. Their mood changes frequently and for no apparent reason. These are not necessarily mentally unstable individuals, and they are no more prone to mental illness than others. But having very thin barriers can be very dangerous.
On the other hand, a person with too thick psychic boundaries often experiences difficulties in contacts with others.
Differences in this trait appear at the age of 3-4 years. But much depends on life experience and the ability to defend yourself from the outside world.
Determine the boundaries of your psyche
You must rate the correctness of each statement in relation to yourself on a scale of five points from "1" (totally wrong) to "5" (this fully applies to me). "2" means "more wrong than true", "3" - "sometimes", "4" - "more true than wrong".
1. My feelings imperceptibly flow from one to another.2. It is very easy for me to remember my childhood feelings.3. I am easily offended or offended.4. I spend a lot of time on dreams and fantasies.5. In fiction, theater and cinema, I prefer clear plots that have a definite beginning, middle and end.6. A good organization can only be called one in which everyone clearly understands their responsibilities and it is clear who is responsible for what.7. Everything has its place, and everything should be put in its place.8. Excessive closeness with other people sometimes scares me.9. Good parents are always a little bit children.10. I can easily imagine myself as some kind of animal.11. When something happens to someone close to me, I feel like it happened to me.12. When I take on a job, I do not like to be bound by a plan of action, but in many ways I follow my intuition.13. The characters in my dreams often change into one another, turn out to be different people. 14. Often it seems to me that extraneous, mysterious forces influence me.15. It is impossible to draw clear boundaries between normal people, neurotics and just crazy people.16. I am a down to earth, practical, realistic person.17. By nature, I could be a poet, an artist, an artist.18. Sometimes I hear someone calling my name, but when I look around, I do not find anyone.
It is necessary to add up all the points for all 18 items, except for 5, 6, 7 and 16. The points for these four questions should be counted in reverse: 1 for 5, 2 for 4, 4 for 2, 5 for 1. With such a flip, 3 points, as the middle point of the scale, remains three points.
- an average person with average "borders" usually scores 35 points; - 50 or more points - your barriers are too thin; - 20 or less - too thick.
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Thick-skinned Thick-skinned | What is thick-skinned? a tendency to be unresponsive, insensitive, rude and indelicate.
— What happened to me? the man muttered as he regained consciousness after the operation. Thick-skinned doctor: - You were in a car accident and you were operated on. "So I'm in the hospital?" — Mmmm… Yes, mostly.
— You need to go for treatment in the mud. - And what, doctor, will help? - Well, I don’t know if it will help or not, but at least you will get used to the earth.
You can't catch thick skin. Not a person, but a refrigerator. No emotion. The scale of insensitivity and insensitivity is shocking and annoying. The first impression: impenetrable, terry selfishness and inveterate unresponsiveness are hidden behind thick skin. In fact, thick-skinned often hides not emotional poverty or callousness, but skillfully organized self-defense from constant irritating external influences.
The philosopher Osho writes: “Millions of people have chosen to avoid sensitivity. They became thick-skinned, and only to protect themselves so that no one could hurt them. But the price is very high. No one can hurt them, but no one can make them happy."
Thick skin is a scar left after a coven of deceit, treachery and injustice. The great teacher Vasily Sukhomlinsky stated: “It is difficult to imagine anything else that disfigures the soul of a child to a greater extent than the emotional thick-skinnedness generated by injustice. Experiencing an indifferent attitude towards himself, the child loses sensitivity to good and evil. He cannot figure out what is good and what is evil in the people around him. Suspicion, disbelief in people settles in his heart, and this is the main source of anger.
The same Sukhomlinsky saw one of the causes of thick skin in the wretchedness of thought: “The wretchedness of a word is the wretchedness of thought, and the wretchedness of thought leads to moral, intellectual, emotional, aesthetic “thick skin”. ”
“A thick-skinned person does not see sideways glances,” says an Afghan proverb. Thick-skinned people are more resistant to stress, less responsive to human assessments, labeling, less worried about unconstructive criticism, attacks and insults from other people. Thick skin is not emotional. It is a fact. But you can’t accuse her of immorality and shamelessness along the way. Conscientiousness does not depend on the fact that sensitivity and responsiveness are on the reservation.
Theodore Dreiser in Sister Kerry! He writes: "The thickest-skinned representative of the human race even hears the voice of conscience at the moment when desire pushes him to evil, and this voice sounds the louder the more serious the crime."
Thick-skinnedness is a psychic border, a Rubicon between the outer and inner worlds of a person. This is a kind of indicator of how a person is protected from harmful influences and influences of the outside world. Thin-skinned people do not know how to build a border wall, so they take everything to heart, are more susceptible to all outside influences, they are emotional - most often they are women.
Woman and man's thick skin is a special topic. In the candy-bouquet period, there were no signs of thick skin. The man, like a romantic, fell in love. It can be seen that for especially thick-skinned people, the Cupids have crossbows in store. It all started when everything settled down and legalized. Emotionality and insensitivity, water and flame converged. If one of the spouses does not show wisdom and prudence, the marriage will be in jeopardy. Yuri Tatarkin writes: “The hands of most women are well-groomed and manicured, so they are simply forced to put on a black mitt to keep thick-skinned men.”
It seems to a woman that next to her is not a man, but a thick-skinned hippopotamus:
Thick-skinned, thick-lipped,
And there are four teeth in her mouth.
If he opens his mouth,
You might faint!
Immediately there is a desire to re-educate, remake a man in his own way, instill in him sensitivity and emotionality. The energy of tenderness, affection, softness is generated by a woman, but a man himself must accept this energy. He himself must uproot his emotional thick-skinned. This will happen when he realizes that he is behaving awkwardly, like an elephant in a china shop, that with his tactless and indelicate behavior he shocks and greatly offends a loved one, that with his unresponsiveness he causes real pain to the woman he loves. The thick-skinned will understand that his jokes do not work, but only offend the woman. What happens in the circle of the same thick-skinned friends does not roll with a woman. She does not understand self-pranking and considers the jokes of a thick-skinned man, at least not appropriate.
It would seem that thick skin cannot be a tool of manipulation. An, no. V.P. Sheinov in the book "Hidden control of a person" gives such an example. A student does not want to attend the lessons of one of the teachers. But just skipping her lessons will call the parents. Then he decides to use the intemperance of the teacher in the language: when she is pissed off, she can call her names.