Whats anti social

Antisocial Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster

an·​ti·​so·​cial ˌan-tē-ˈsō-shəl ˌan-ˌtī- 


: averse to the society of others : unsociable


: hostile or harmful to organized society

especially : being or marked by behavior deviating sharply from the social norm


psychology : of, relating to, or characteristic of antisocial personality disorder

Although community placement before discharge reduces subsequent antisocial behavior, most have apparently required outpatient mental health services indefinitely … Nathaniel S. Lehrman






  • aloof
  • asocial
  • buttoned-up
  • cold
  • cold-eyed
  • cool
  • detached
  • distant
  • dry
  • frosty
  • offish
  • remote
  • standoff
  • standoffish
  • unbending
  • unclubbable
  • unsociable

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Example Sentences

She's not being antisocial; she's just shy at parties. she's not antisocial, just extremely shy

Recent Examples on the Web By studying the brains of the zebrafish, the team pinpointed a possible cause of the antisocial behavior. Will Sullivan, Smithsonian Magazine, 29 Nov. 2022 Violence, rape, crime, and other forms of antisocial behavior increase, and when more men have to compete for fewer women, the economic and social prospects for men decrease. Tomas Chamorro-premuzic, Forbes, 10 Nov. 2022 Some tallied antisocial behavior of masked and unmasked people in public, such as pedestrians who ran red lights and bicyclists parking in no-parking zones. Byscience News Staff, science.org, 20 Oct. 2022 Narcissistic, borderline, and antisocial personality disorders are in the Cluster B group, too. Erica Sweeney, Men's Health, 10 Nov. 2022 Satz countered in his closing argument, saying that doctor testimony proved Cruz doesn't have a mental disease, but an antisocial personality. Emily Shapiro, ABC News, 11 Oct. 2022 But if people are striving due to external motivators—like money, prestige, or social status—they’re likely to feel unfulfilled and may even act in antisocial ways, research shows. Jamie Ducharme, Time, 5 Oct. 2022 Johnson creates a magnetic antihero, volatile and antisocial. John Defore, The Hollywood Reporter, 18 Oct. 2022 Psychopathy, an antisocial disorder where someone lacks empathy, remorse, and the ability to control their behaviors. Erica Sweeney, Men's Health, 13 Oct. 2022 See More

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Word History

First Known Use

1790, in the meaning defined at sense 2

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“Antisocial.Merriam-Webster.com Dictionary, Merriam-Webster, https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/antisocial. Accessed 12 Dec. 2022.

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Kids Definition



an·​ti·​so·​cial ˌant-i-ˈsō-shəl 



: unfriendly sense 1


: being against or bad for society

especially : being or exhibiting behavior that is very different from accepted behavior

Medical Definition



an·​ti·​so·​cial -ˈsō-shəl 

: hostile or harmful to organized society: as


: being or marked by behavior deviating sharply from the social norm


: of, relating to, or characterized by an antisocial personality, the antisocial personality disorder, or behavior typical of either

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[ an-tee-soh-shuhl, an-tahy- ]

/ ˌæn tiˈsoʊ ʃəl, ˌæn taɪ- /

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unwilling or unable to associate in a normal or friendly way with other people: He's not antisocial, just shy.

antagonistic, hostile, or unfriendly toward others; menacing; threatening: an antisocial act.

opposed or detrimental to social order or the principles on which society is constituted: antisocial behavior.

Psychiatry. of or relating to a pattern of behavior in which social norms and the rights of others are persistently violated.


a person exhibiting antisocial traits.

OTHER WORDS FOR antisocial

1 unsociable, retiring, misanthropic.

2 disruptive; intimidating.

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OPPOSITES FOR antisocial

1 gregarious; genial, affable.

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Origin of antisocial

First recorded in 1790–1800; anti- + social


an·ti·so·ci·al·i·ty, nounan·ti·so·cial·ly, adverb

Words nearby antisocial

antiskating, antiskid, antislavery, antismog, antismoking, antisocial, antisocialist, antisocial personality, antisocial personality disorder, antisolar, anti-Soviet

Dictionary. com Unabridged Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2022

Words related to antisocial

alienated, introverted, standoffish, ascetic, asocial, austere, cold, cynical, hermitlike, misanthropic, reclusive, remote, reserved, retiring, solitary, uncommunicative, unfriendly, unsociable, withdrawn

How to use antisocial in a sentence

  • If the twin who gets more harsh parenting is also the more antisocial one, then that would suggest that there’s some kind of environmental component, and it’s not genetic.

    Americans are still spanking their kids. A new study shows how harmful that is.|Caitlin Gibson|April 12, 2021|Washington Post

  • The researchers found that the child who was hit or yelled at more often was consistently more likely to display delinquent or antisocial behavior.

    Americans are still spanking their kids. A new study shows how harmful that is.|Caitlin Gibson|April 12, 2021|Washington Post

  • There is no evidence that this induced change in free will beliefs has any effect on morality, such as antisocial behavior, cheating, conformity, or willingness to punish.

    Do We Have Free Will? Maybe It Doesn't Matter - Facts So Romantic|Jim Davies|April 7, 2021|Nautilus

  • They couldn’t connect with me, saw what they believed was me pulling away and becoming antisocial.

    Traditional school isn’t always the way to go, and I wish my parents had seen that earlier|Kenneth R. Rosen|February 5, 2021|Washington Post

  • He rejects attempts to over-psychologize his subject while admitting that he reportedly was exceedingly antisocial in many of his traits.

    Did Stalin’s rise to power foretell the butchery that came next?|Robert Service|October 30, 2020|Washington Post

  • He was said to have had “antisocial issues,” withdrawing and refusing to participate in class.

    We Already Know What Adam Lanza’s Real Motive Was at Sandy Hook|Michael Daly|November 26, 2013|DAILY BEAST

  • Surfing, skating, punk rock—these were all very antisocial and rebellious at their births, but are now billion dollar industries.

    U.S. Open of Surfing Turns Into Riot|Mark Lukach|July 31, 2013|DAILY BEAST

  • He had all his digits and limbs and, to my knowledge, had committed no antisocial acts with his legally obtained explosives.

    Who’s Safe With a Gun? Don’t Ask a Shrink|Gary Greenberg|May 12, 2013|DAILY BEAST

  • But boys and men who feel like losers in a deeply divided society develop antisocial habits.

    South Africa Rallies Against Fatal Gang Rape|Eusebius McKaiser|February 10, 2013|DAILY BEAST

  • But when this witness began to act out in antisocial ways, his mother sent him off to foster care.

    Jerry Sandusky Trial, Day Four: ‘Was Mrs. Sandusky Home?’|Diane Dimond|June 15, 2012|DAILY BEAST

  • Again a crowd—a mob is an example of this—may be distinctly antisocial, if we attach any ethical meaning to the term.

    The Behavior of Crowds|Everett Dean Martin

  • It is antisocial in a case expressly meant by its final cause for the triumph of sociality; 2.

    The Posthumous Works of Thomas De Quincey, Vol. II (2 vols)|Thomas De Quincey

  • And so many survival reactions outlast their usefulness, becoming essentially antisocial and antisurvival.

    The Short Life|Francis Donovan

  • Antisocial beings are almost always mentally and physically dawdlers, who are incapable of continuous mental or physical labour.

    The Non-religion of the Future: A Sociological Study|Jean-Marie Guyau

  • Even such antisocial persons as outlaws frequently move in bands and have their chiefs.

    Society|Henry Kalloch Rowe

British Dictionary definitions for antisocial


/ (ˌæntɪˈsəʊʃəl) /


avoiding the company of other people; unsociable

contrary or injurious to the interests of society in general

Derived forms of antisocial

antisocially, adverb

Collins English Dictionary - Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012

Antisocial personality, sociopath (GDP) - Psychologos

The book "Introduction to Psychology". Authors - R.L. Atkinson, R.S. Atkinson, E.E. Smith, D.J. Boehm, S. Nolen-Hoeksema. Under the general editorship of V.P. Zinchenko. 15th international edition, St. Petersburg, Prime Eurosign, 2007.

Article from chapter 15. Psychology of anomalies

Film "Sherlock. A Study in Pink"

Antisocial individuals have little to no sense of responsibility, morality, or interest in others. Their behavior is almost entirely determined by their own needs. In other words, they have no conscience. Whereas the average person imagines at an early age that behavior has certain limits and that pleasure must sometimes be delayed in consideration of the needs of others, antisocial persons rarely take into account the desires of others but their own. They behave impulsively, strive for immediate satisfaction of their needs and cannot tolerate frustration. Antisocial behavior has a number of causes, including membership in a criminal gang or criminal subculture, a need for attention and elevated status, a loss of contact with reality, and an inability to control impulses. Most teenage criminals and adult criminals have some interest in other people (family or gang members) and some moral code (don't betray a friend). In contrast, the antisocial person has no feelings for anyone but himself, and feels no guilt or remorse, no matter how much suffering he has caused others. Other characteristics of an antisocial personality (a sociopath for short) include an unusual ease with which to lie, a need to agitate or arouse oneself without concern for possible injury, and an inability to change one's behavior as a result of punishment. Such individuals are often attractive, intelligent, charming people, very easy to manipulate others, in short - good masters of deception. Their competent and sincere appearance allows them to get a promising job, but they have little ability to stay on it. Their restlessness and impulsiveness soon leads to a failure that reveals their true nature; they accumulate debts, abandon their families, swindle the firm's money, or commit crimes. Once caught, they speak of their remorse so convincingly that they are often rescinded and given another chance. But the anti-social personality rarely lives up to his claims; what she said has nothing to do with her deeds and feelings.

Two characteristics of an antisocial personality are considered indicative:

  • a) lack of empathy and interest in others;
  • b) lack of feelings of shame or guilt, inability to repent of one's actions, no matter how reprehensible they were (Hare, 1980).

On the nature of the antisocial personality

What factors contribute to the development of the antisocial personality? Current research focuses on biological determinants, parent-child relationships, and thinking styles that contribute to antisocial behavior.

Biological factors

There is a lot of evidence in favor of the genetic causes of antisocial behavior, especially criminal. Twin studies show that identical twins have twice the concordance for criminal behavior than related twins, indicating that such behavior is partially heritable (Rutter et al., 1990). Adoption studies show that adopted sons' criminal cases are more similar to those of their biological fathers than to their adoptive fathers (Cloninger & Gottesman, 1987; Mednick et al. 1987).

Many studies have addressed the hypothesis that antisocial individuals have low excitability, which causes them to seek stimulation and the sensations that impulsive and dangerous actions bring to them (see Mogey, 1993). For example, one study compared two groups of male juvenile delinquents selected from a juvenile court detention cell. One group included adolescents with a diagnosis of an antisocial personality, and the other group included adolescents with adjustment reactions to negative life events. The experimenters measured their galvanic skin response (GSR) during stress (see Chapter 11). Fake electrodes were attached to both legs of the subjects and they were told that after 10 minutes they would receive a very strong but safe electric shock. The subjects were able to see a large clock, so they knew exactly when it was supposed to happen. In fact, there was no electric shock. At rest and in response to visual or auditory stimuli, there were no differences in GSR between these groups. However, within 10 minutes of waiting for an electric shock in the group with adaptive reactions, significantly more tension was manifested than in the group with antisocial behavior. At the moment when, according to the clock readings, an electric shock was supposed to take place, in the majority of subjects with adaptive reactions, GSR indicated a sharp increase in anxiety. None of the antisocial subjects had such a reaction (Lippert & Senter, 1966). Low excitability in response to disturbing stimuli can prevent antisocial individuals from learning the lesson of the punishment they have received, since they will not, like most people, experience it as a nuisance and will not worry about foreseeing it again.

Social factors

Although children who develop antisocial behavior may have a biological predisposition to it, studies show that they are also exposed to an environment conducive to antisocial behavior (Rutter, Qumton & Hill, 1990; Cadoret & Cain, 1980; Cloninger & Gottesman, 1987).

The quality of parental care received by a child who is prone to hyperactivity and behavioral problems greatly affects whether he develops a full-blown antisocial personality (Loeber, 1990). One of the best indicators of children's behavioral problems is the level of parental supervision: children who are often left unsupervised or poorly supervised for a long time are much more likely to develop a pattern of criminal behavior. A closely related variable is parental indifference: children whose parents do not participate in their daily lives (for example, do not know who their children are friends with) are more likely to become antisocial. When parents interact with children with behavioral problems, the interaction is usually characterized by hostility, physical abuse, and ridicule (Patterson, DeBaryshe & Ramsey, 1989). It seems that in such families, parents often ignore the child or are not at home, but, nevertheless, when the child commits an offense or otherwise angers the parent, he is given a severe spanking. Confirmation that these parental shortcomings are the cause and not just a correlate of children's behavioral problems is the fact that interventions aimed at overcoming these shortcomings can successfully deal with children's behavioral problems (Lochman et al, 1991). Biological and familial factors contributing to behavioral problems often overlap. Children with behavioral problems often have neuropsychological problems resulting from maternal drug use, poor intrauterine nutrition, pre- and post-natal toxicity, abuse, birth complications, and low birth weight (Moffitt, 1993). Such children are more irritable, impulsive, clumsy, overactive, inattentive, and learn material more slowly than their peers. This makes parental care more difficult for them, and they are at increased risk of abuse and neglect by their parents. In turn, the parents of these children are most likely teenagers or have psychological problems themselves that contribute to ineffective or rude, ineffective parenting. Therefore, in addition to having a biological predisposition to destructive antisocial behavior, these children experience parental treatment that encourages such behavior. In a study of 536 boys (Moffitt, 1990) found that those who had both neurophysiological deficiencies and an unfavorable home environment scored 4 times higher on the aggression scale than boys who had neither neuropsychological deficiencies nor an unfavorable home environment.

Personal factors

Children with behavioral disorders process information about social interactions in such a way that they develop aggressive reactions to these interactions (Crick & Dodge, 1994). They expect other children to be aggressive towards them, and interpret their actions based on this assumption, instead of relying on signs of a real situation. In addition, children with behavioral disorders tend to consider any negative action directed at them by their peers (for example, if someone took their favorite pencil) is not accidental, but deliberate. When deciding what action to take in response to a perceived peer provocation, a child with a behavioral disorder will choose from a very limited set of responses, usually including aggression. If such a child is forced to choose something other than aggression, he makes chaotic and ineffective reactions and, as a rule, considers everything except aggression to be useless and unattractive. Children who think of social interaction in this way tend to exhibit aggressive behavior towards others. Retribution may await them: other children beat them, parents and teachers punish them, and they are perceived negatively by society. These responses, in turn, reinforce their belief that the world is against them and cause them to misinterpret the future actions of those around them. This can create a vicious circle of interactions that support and inspire the child's aggressive and antisocial behavior.


Over the past two decades, borderline personality disorder has been the subject of considerable attention in popular print, clinical and research publications in psychology. The diagnostic category for borderline personality disorder was only included in the third edition of the DSM in 1980. However, clinicians have long used the term "borderline" to refer to people who appear to be teetering on the edge between severe neurotic manifestations (such as emotional instability) and bouts of psychosis (Millon, 1981). See →

Antisocial behavior and its forms

Antisocial, or delinquent (lat. Delinquo - to commit a misdemeanor, to be guilty), behavior means a chain of deeds, misdemeanors, petty offenses that differ from crime, that is, serious offenses and crimes punishable according to the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation . The main feature of such behavior is the commission of actions that are contrary to ethics and morality, irresponsibility, ignoring laws and the rights of other people. Sometimes all these violations of behavior are called "deviant behavior", which does not accurately reflect the essence. Deviance (asociality, or deviation from accepted norms) is a broader concept, therefore it includes not only delinquency, but also other behavioral disorders: addictive, suicidal, conformist, fanatical, narcissistic, autistic.

Antisocial behavior usually begins with school truancy and joining an antisocial peer group. This is followed by petty hooliganism, mockery of the younger and weak, taking small pocket money from the younger, stealing motor vehicles without the purpose of stealing, and fraud. Usually, antisocial behavior is the most common cause of proceedings in commissions for the prevention of juvenile delinquency. Antisocial behavior has become widespread in large cities, where conditions are often created around numerous leisure centers (discotheques, beer bars) that facilitate the involvement of adolescents in various types of criminal activity.

In the International Classification of Diseases (ICD-10), antisocial behavior is considered within the framework of "antisocial personality disorder". Its signs appear already in childhood: lack of emotional attachment to parents and loved ones, lies, cruelty towards animals, weaker children, aggressiveness. Such children often get involved in fights, commit hooligan acts; they also tend to skip school, come home late, wander, steal. In adolescents, antisocial behavior is characterized by a general lack of responsibility and sense of duty. They do not fulfill their household duties, are not reliable in all respects, do not cope well with professional duties, violate ethical and moral standards, and commit direct offenses: fraud, theft, forgeries. Antisocial adolescents are irritable, impulsive, prone to aggression, which is especially often manifested in the home (beating animals, younger peers, etc.). Antisocial behavior is usually combined with promiscuity (frequent sexual relations with different partners). At the same time, there is no remorse for their actions, on the contrary, they constantly blame other people for something. They get bored with everything very quickly, including interpersonal relationships with specific people. They are not able to maintain long-term normal relationships with friends, family members, etc. Antisocial behavior is usually combined with the use of various substances that change the mental state, in some cases with gambling, i.e. combination of antisocial and addictive behavior. Individuals with antisocial behavior already in early adolescence begin to smoke, consume alcohol and other euphoric substances, they early engage in promiscuity, usually with their peers, and are prone to sexual aggression. Antisocial persons are prone to destructive actions, damage to other people's property, and arson in adolescence.

Here is an excerpt from A. Loy's story "The Diary of Lenochka Sosnovskaya" (quoted by Ts. P. Korolenko and T. A. Donskikh, 1990), in which the author described the features of the antisocial behavior of her heroine. The situation of a conversation with a doctor in the venereology department is described: “Eduard Konstantinovich sat down at the table, pointing to a chair with a nod of his head. I sat. Now only a polished surface separated us, on which papers lay in disarray. He took cigarettes out of a drawer.

- Do you smoke?

-Yes! I challenged. He gave me an inquisitive look and held out the pack. We smoked. After a pause, he asked:0003

- Did you study well at school? I looked at him in surprise.

-So-so, average.

“Really looks like Alain Delon,” an unwelcome thought flashed through my mind.

-Why didn't you study further? What did he get attached to! What's it to him?

-I didn't want to. I liked hanging around cafes more than studying. Remember how it is: “I don’t want to study, but I want to get married!”

-I remember, I remember, - continues.

-So I followed this advice. I took it and fell in love. Yes, so much so that she picked up syphilis. Is it possible to love more? “She fell in love with syphilis! 3 sounds?!

Adolescents with antisocial behavior are characterized by a desire for vagrancy, parasitism, and a lack of desire to participate in socially useful work. Almost half of the adolescents registered with the Inspectorate for the Prevention of Juvenile Delinquency (42.3%) do not work or study. They explain this by the fact that it is boring for them to study and work, it is much more interesting to spend time in the company of friends. When asked where they get the money, some answer that they live on the money of their parents, others do not hide the fact that they live on the funds of one of the members of the company or on the general money of all members of their microgroup; when asked where the common money comes from, they usually refused to answer.

Here are some examples. Teenager T. 14 years old. Lives with his mother and stepfather. The mother is emotionally cold, she cares only about the material side of the girl's life. The stepfather is busy with his work, he does not pay attention to the girl. T. from an early age "does not obey" his parents. Capricious, naughty, prone to deceit. The mother drew attention to the fact that from the age of five the girl strove to sing "criminal songs" that she heard somewhere on the street. From the age of nine, T. runs away from home, does not return for the night, spending the night in the entrances, “because you can smoke freely, but she is bored at home.” I first tried alcohol at the age of 10, since that time I have been drinking periodically in the companies of older teenagers. Declares that "you won't do anything to me anyway, I'll go to jail or a brothel." Communicates with people who abuse various drugs. He constantly skips school, because “study is not interesting, boring”, he prefers to spend time with friends. He has a negative attitude towards his mother and stepfather, he believes that they do not need her, but only interferes.

Adolescent L., aged 17. Doesn't work anywhere. Education is not complete secondary. She was brought up in an orphanage. Doesn't know the parents. Has an older brother and sister. The brother is in prison. He practically does not communicate with his sister, as the sister "despises her." According to the sister, it is known that the patient's mother abuses alcohol. The girl studied poorly due to lack of interest in school, often left the classroom. Starting at the age of 13, she ran away from the orphanage, went to other cities, wandered. Sexual life from the age of 14. From the age of 11 he occasionally uses alcohol, from the age of 14 - surrogates (windshield wiper), inhalants (gasoline, Moment glue, nitro paints). I like the effect of alcohol more. The main motivation for drinking alcohol is hedonistic. Seeks to drink, "to make it more fun and joyful." He considers drinking alcohol one of the ways to get "high", although he can do without it. Drinks only when treated, at someone else's expense. She was registered with the police for hooliganism and theft. He likes to be "active", constantly communicate with someone. It does not tolerate loneliness, everything quickly gets bored. Strives for leadership among peers. Does not feel sympathy for others, lives "today". The main thing in life is to have fun.

Teenage delinquency in the overwhelming majority of cases has social causes - first of all, shortcomings in education. From 30 to 85% of adolescents with antisocial behavior grow up in an incomplete or deformed family - with a newly appeared stepfather or stepmother. Of considerable importance are neglect, upbringing by the type of "hypoprotection". The growth of antisocial behavior among adolescents is facilitated by social upheavals that lead to fatherlessness and deprive family care. Delinquency is not always associated with anomalies of character, with psychopathy. However, with some of these anomalies, including extreme variants of the norm in the form of character accentuations, there is less resistance to the adverse effects of the immediate environment, greater susceptibility to harmful influences. A.A. Vdovichenko (1976) found various types of character accentuations and psychopathic states in 66% of adolescents with antisocial behavior.

Features of the type of upbringing of adolescents with antisocial behavior

A study of adolescents with antisocial behavior showed that in most cases there were clearly unfavorable conditions for family upbringing; they were expressed in insufficient attention to them by parents, lack of warmth, emotional attachment from one or both parents. In a number of cases, the families were incomplete, the children were brought up by their mother, mother and stepfather, the home environment was characterized by frequent quarrels, scandals, and a constant conflict situation. At times, this tense situation led to big scandals with mutual insults, after which the teenagers left home. Parents had little interest in school performance and the inner life of a teenager. At best, the care of parents was reduced to providing children with food and clothing. Adolescents did not form a positive parental image, there was no emotional attachment to the house, there was no desire to come home.

Adolescents did not receive enough information. This concerned, first of all, formal school knowledge; did not develop interest in reading, love of books. Reading books was usually associated with unpleasant emotional reactions, experienced as a load, an uninteresting business. At home, it was replaced by watching TV shows of an exclusively entertaining nature. Tastes were formed in accordance with fashion and coincided with the values ​​of mass culture. In adolescence, images of goodies were formed, which were, as a rule, movie stars, popular rock singers, and sometimes bards. The most typical was the weak representation of constructive socially positive motivations: the desire for a beautiful and easy life, which was supposed to come by itself, without any serious efforts, came to the fore. Ethical and moral criteria were poorly presented and were mostly superficial: the feeling of empathy, moral responsibility for others, and the need to fulfill one's duty were poorly expressed. There were frequent loves based on sexual attraction, but persistent attachments did not develop. The main attitudes were formed: to live for today, not to think about the future, while life's difficulties were not overcome, but simply not taken into account, everything in life flowed as if “by the will of the waves”. Behavior was largely chaotic, highly dependent on the search for pleasure in different situations. The "carnal" range of entertainment included staying in companies, smoking, early use of alcohol, drugs (at first, always only in the company of acquaintances). For the sake of ‘pleasure’, teenagers skipped classes at school, did not prepare lessons, deceived parents and teachers. No remorse arose, fear of punishment in most cases was practically absent, which to some extent could be explained by the domestic situation, but mainly by the personal characteristics of the subjects. In addition, mechanical behavior was of great importance: immediate pleasure is more important than more distant punishment.

According to Ts.P. Korolenko and T.A. Donskikh (1990), one of the characteristic features of adolescent girls with antisocial behavior is increased activity. From early childhood, they drew attention to themselves with restlessness, capriciousness, and a constant desire for communication. It was difficult to involve them in any work, productive activity. They did not like to play games traditional for girls: “dolls”, “cooking”, “daughters-mothers”, etc. hooligan actions: setting fire to mailboxes, damaging elevators, painting walls, etc. There was no interest in schoolwork, which was expressed in frequent tardiness and missed lessons. They often did not prepare homework assignments, at best they copied them off. Girls deceived teachers, parents, and also their peers, without feeling any remorse. Along with this, they tried to make a good impression on adults, demonstrate their awareness, emphasize independence, arouse interest, flirt, dress extravagantly, use cosmetics, try to be fashionable.

At home, such teenagers were bored, and they wanted to spend as little time as possible within its walls and communicate with their parents. If for some reason leaving the house was impossible, they preferred to talk on the phone for a long time. The content of these telephone conversations did not concern any business topics related, for example, to the discussion of school classes, homework, solving mathematical problems, etc. Relationships with mutual acquaintances, love stories, interpersonal conflicts, quarrels, plans for spending time together the next day and evening, organizing parties, country trips, modern fashion, the "black" market, various ways to get "high" were usually discussed. In the absence of a telephone at home, they preferred to watch television programs for a long time if the latter were of an entertaining nature.

Adolescents with antisocial behavior spend time outside the home quite typically. It primarily involves socializing in a group that includes other adolescents with antisocial behavior. The heterogeneous composition of such companies is not sufficiently stable, since other people are very easily accepted. Each of the groups has favorite places to spend time: in summer - the streets of the central part of the city, places near hotels, restaurants, cinemas, parks, squares, sometimes railway station areas, embankment, in winter - free apartments of one of the members of the group in case, for example, of departure parents, often not fully completed buildings, as well as basements of residential buildings, attics, garages, summer cottages. As a rule, each group spends time in its own area.

In the structuring of spending time among such adolescents, hedonistic motivations predominate; desire for pleasure. They are practically at the mercy of their desires, they do not pay attention to the possible adverse or dangerous consequences of their actions. This is obviously connected with the well-known psychological mechanism of action on the principle of immediate satisfaction of desires, obtaining pleasure at any cost, regardless of more distant results. The fear of punishment was not very pronounced and did not delay the development of deviations in behavior.

A distinctive feature of the antisocial behavior of adolescents is the numerous sexual relationships they enter into with unfamiliar or even unfamiliar people. Adolescents with antisocial behavior often visit brothels in which there are individuals who have committed repeated crimes, convicted, released after the end of their sentence. Often, attention is drawn to the striking contrast between the safe environment of one's own home and the environment in which adolescents with antisocial behavior tend to be. It has been established that sexual contacts themselves in isolation from a specific environment, for example, at home, were of no interest and there was no active desire for them among adolescents.

Adolescents with antisocial behavior are in constant conflict with the people around them. They have no understanding of the rights of other people, they are not capable of sympathy, which is combined with the desire for shameless exploitation of all those who succumb to this, including, first of all, the closest people. To achieve their egocentric goals, they are not shy in choosing means: they can deceive, betray, blackmail. Such adolescents are also little aware of public interests, social requirements for a person. Only their own desires, impulses and emotions were put at the forefront. They don't know much about anxiety. Attention is drawn to cynicism, demonstrative disregard for ethical norms of behavior.

Let's take the following observation as an illustration. Teenager O., aged 16, is registered with the Inspectorate for the Prevention of Juvenile Offenses. Doesn't study. Education 9 classes. Doesn't know the father. The mother was deprived of parental rights due to alcohol abuse. Recently he lives with his aunt. Previously, she lived with her grandmother, with whom she often quarreled. Sometimes he visits his mother, but does not stay with her for more than a few days, which he explains by his mother's drinking. He has been drinking alcohol since he was 9 years old. Smoked since 8 years. She studied poorly, often skipped school. She liked to be on the street for a long time, in the company of friends and girlfriends. In connection with the thefts committed by her, from the 7th grade she was transferred to a special school. After drinking alcohol, he likes to walk the streets, find fault with passers-by, whom he seeks to offend. Sexual life from the age of 13. She considers herself "very amorous", but her "love passes quickly." Often enters into sexual relations with casual partners. She talks about it without hesitation, laughs, is not going to change anything in her life. prone to lies. Getting into difficult situations, she tries to arouse sympathy, which is in contradiction with her previous statements and does not correspond to reality.

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