Yogi honey lavender stress relief tea side effects

Honey Lavender Stress Relief Tea

Yogi Honey Lavender Stress Relief Tea Ingredients

  • Rooibos Leaf (Redbush)
  • Chamomile Flower
  • Lemon Balm Leaf
  • Lemongrass
  • Spearmint Leaf
  • Peppermint Leaf
  • Lavender Flower
  • Sage
  • Stevia Leaf
  • Passion Flower Extract
  • Natural and Organic Flavors

Rooibos Leaf (Redbush)

Rooibos Leaf, a member of the legume family, is a shrubby African plant that is a bedtime favorite among South African herbalists, consumers and even physicians. This sweet, caffeine-free, relaxing herb supplies antioxidants and has also been traditionally used to support the immune system.

Chamomile Flower

Chamomile is a flowering plant in the daisy family that is native to Europe and Asia. The flower is a mild relaxant that supports balanced mood; hence a cup of tea made with chamomile is a time-honored herb used to promote sleep.

Lemon Balm Leaf

Lemon Balm (Melissa officinalis) has been traditionally used to soothe the nerves and to reduce every day stress.  It acts as a very mild sedative, is anti-spasmodic and traditionally used in teas to promote restful sleep. In addition, it provides a bright, pleasant lemon flavor and aroma.


Lemongrass is a tropical herb that is popular in Thai cooking. Traditionally, is has been used to support normal respiratory function. Lemongrass tastes great and is a warming herb that can support digestion.

Spearmint Leaf

Spearmint Leaf has been used for culinary and medicinal purposes since the time of the ancient Romans. It is mildly soothing and relaxing overall. Ayurveda says that this herb can help to clear the mind and senses. Like all mints, spearmint is a mild diaphoretic that can help support the respiratory system.

Peppermint Leaf

Peppermint is a perennial plant that produces light purple flowers and green leaves with serrated edges. Commonly used as a flavoring in products such as candy, chewing gum, toothpaste, and ice cream, peppermint also has been used traditionally to cool the body by promoting sweating, which can help support the respiratory system. Peppermint has also been widely used to support digestion and to soothe an occasional minor upset stomach.

Lavender Flower

Lavenders belong to the Mint family of plants, which includes many herbs such as sages, thymes, rosemary, savory, oregano, balms and mints. Often referred to as English Lavender Flower, so-called because it formed the basis of England's lavender oil industry in the 18th century, is a beautiful, delightfully fragrant herb. Lavender has been traditionally used to support balanced mood, as well as to help soothe occasional stress and support sleep.


Sage leaf (Salvia officinalis) is regarded by Ayurveda as specific for calming the heart, excessive desires and passions. In addition to the herb's antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, centuries-old theories that sage can improve memory appear to be borne out by modern research, as participants in a recent study given sage oil tablets performed much better in a word recall test. Experts believe the active ingredient may boost levels of a chemical that helps transmit messages in the brain.

Stevia Leaf

Stevia is a genus of about 240 species of herbs and shrubs in the sunflower family native to subtropical and tropical South America and Central America. The leaf is used primarily as a sweetener in South America. Locals there use it as a substitute for sugar for those who can't use sugar. Various glycosides, including stevoside - which is about 100 to 200 times sweeter than sugar - provide the sweetness. It is widely used as a non-sugar sweetener in other areas of the world, particularly in Japan.

Passion Flower Extract

Passion flower is a vine known for its beautiful white flowers with purple, blue, or pink calyx crown blooms. Native to the Americas, the plant is primarily tropical, but some of its 400 species can grow in colder climates. In traditional herbal medicine, passion flower has been used to support relaxation. The leaves are used to support a relaxed mood, soothe stress and tension and to support sleep.

Natural and Organic Flavors

Natural and organic flavors are derived from natural sources such as spices, fruit, herbs, roots, or many other plants or foods, whose significant function in food is flavoring.

Yogi Tea is touted as stress-relieving, but its sedatives can be dangerous | Sports

Yogi tea is sold in most grocery stores but is not approved by the FDA and has been linked to liver problems. Courtesy of CamyWest / Flickr

By Tameem Seraj

Winding down and enjoying a cup of tea sounds alluring after a taxing day.

Yogi tea products offer a Kava Stress Relief tea that claims to “ease tension and promote relaxation.” The product can be found in any store that sells groceries, such as Target, Ralphs and Walmart.

The tea gets its taste from a combination of cinnamon and carob pod. Carob is an ingredient used as an alternative to chocolate.

The ingredient responsible for the tea’s ability to ease tension is kava. Kava is a plant that comes from the South Pacific. It is used to help combat anxiety, stress and restlessness. However, the yellow and purple box may not be all it’s cracked up to be.

The Yogi tea’s claim to “calm the body and mind and encourage a good night’s sleep,” has not been verified by the Food and Drug Administration. In addition, several concerns have been raised about kava.

The National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine (NCCAM) said the FDA found “using kava supplements has been linked to a risk of severe liver damage.”

Side effects include having scaly, yellowed skin after long-term or heavy use of kava. Kava has been banned in Switzerland, Germany and Canada.

Tsen Huang, 29, tried the Kava Stress Relief tea after his mother bought it for him from an organic health supply store.

“It has a mild sedative effect that made me feel like I had just gotten out of bed from a good nap, but still feeling a little groggy,” Huang said.

He experienced no anxiety while drinking the tea. However, he did not like the groggy feeling it caused. Kava has also been said to cause drowsiness, so it is imperative to avoid driving and operating heavy equipment after drinking the Yogi tea.

Eileen Dinh, 23, is a tea enthusiast from Westminster. She often drinks tea at home at least once a week. She also visits different tea shops to taste their selection. Dinh decided to test the Yogi tea after a fellow tea enthusiast suggested it to her to combat her stress. Her stress comes from working night shifts at her job and many scheduling conflicts. She expected a strong herbal flavor, but she said after the cinnamon, the drink had an aftertaste of medicine.

“I don’t think it really does much of a difference to relax me … other than that, it’s a warm drink—and warm drinks usually relax me—but (it’s not) out-of-the-ordinary special,” Dinh said.

Dinh said the tea was weak and watery.

“It might not be what to most people who want to try tea expect, so I don’t think I would suggest it,” Dinh said.

Huang expanded on her meaning by saying kava tea is “exotic and very different.”

“It does not taste or feel like what ‘tea’ should be—an acquired taste that leaves very little to desire, unfortunately,” he said.

Huang said the kava tea’s effects vary depending on the individual, which may be why Dinh was not affected by it. There is a lot of tedious preparation involved to get the tea “right.”

Still, the warnings placed on the tea’s packaging raises red flags and may be enough to scare potential buyers away.

It warns consumers under the age of 18, pregnant women and breastfeeding women to refrain from drinking it. The packaging also suggests consulting a health care professional before drinking the tea if the buyer takes medication or frequently drinks alcohol.

With so many warnings on the product’s packaging and concerns over an ingredient causing liver problems, Yogi’s Kava Stress Relief tea does not seem worth trying.

When trying any product, be careful to look at labels and make sure what it contains.

Tea for nerves and stress - 5 best herbal teas for calming down and for depression

Nerves, nerves ... Someone was answered too harshly, shouted at a child for no reason, raised their voice at a loved one in vain . ..

Sometimes all this can be avoided by brewing a cup of warm fragrant herbal tea. He will calm our long-suffering nerves and make them strong, restore strength, relieve feelings of anxiety.

According to studies, regular consumption of certain teas reduces the release of the "stress hormone" cortisol during stressful situations, resulting in a subjective feeling of less tension and nervousness.

However, not every tea has a calming effect. It is about the most effective soothing herbs that we will talk about in our article. What varieties are the most useful?


  • How do herbs affect the nervous system?
  • Top 5 Calming Drinks
  • 6 More Tested Recommendations
  • Useful Video
  • Conclusion

How Do Herbs Affect the Nervous System?

Soothing herbal tea should contain the highest possible levels of enzymes and nutrients. Due to the fact that anti-stress herbs have different effects on the adult body, when choosing a drink, one should be guided by the expected result.

  1. A difficult day ahead. Drink tea with chamomile, bergamot and mint. You can also brew regular green tea.
  2. Sleep problems, depression, panic. Best suited teas with valerian, motherwort, lavender and hops.
  3. Arrhythmia and other heart conditions in which you need to calm down. Teas based on lavender, valerian, St. John's wort and hops help well.

Herbal tea is not an ambulance, not a pill or potion, and it will not give instant results. But it acts gently and has a long-lasting effect.

Top 5 Calming Drinks

Now let's take a look at the top 5 most effective calming herbs and teas.

1. Green tea

It is a super-antioxidant with a very peculiar effect on the body.

Antioxidants and flavonoids contained in it relieve depression and stress without affecting perception. And the calming effect of green tea is not accompanied by a decrease in efficiency, on the contrary, it increases. Fatigue goes away, mood rises.

Tea with jasmine, bergamot, lime gives a similar effect.

4 more varieties of tea to fight depression, see a separate article on our website.

2. Melissa

Melissa drink is a real find. With a pleasant taste and aroma, it gently relieves irritability, fatigue, depression and even headaches. "Weakness", insomnia and loss of strength disappear, and the mental state in general is normalized.

However, prolonged or excessive use of such a drink leads to a strong decrease in pressure, so it is necessary to control the number of doses.

3. Valerian

Herbal tea with valerian will help with insomnia, relieve nervous tension and anxiety . Irritability and anxiety will disappear.

In addition to its calming properties, it also has other positive effects: relieves sore throat, normalizes blood pressure and heart rate.

Valerian also has side effects. Large doses lead to drowsiness, attention is confused, vision and memory deteriorate. To avoid complications, valerian tea is drunk no more than twice a day, and before surgery with anesthesia, they do not drink at all.

Infusion with valerian was known to the ancient Romans as a powerful hypnotic.

4. Motherwort

Only motherwort leaves can be used to relieve nervous tension in teas. This is an antioxidant with a pronounced sedative effect.

It relieves spasms, calms the central nervous system, reduces susceptibility to external stimuli and acts as an anti-stress.

At the same time, there is evidence that motherwort improves cognitive function.

However, pregnant and lactating women should refrain from using it.

5. Chamomile

Chamomile flowers contain a lot of apigenin, which has a positive effect on the brain and nervous system.

It allows you to relieve stress and calm the nerves, relax and restore sleep, reduce panic and relieve muscle clamps.

Calming effect is not the only benefit of chamomile tea. This drink, harmless to almost everyone, relieves menstrual pain, fights sore throats, colds, flu. Its use is recommended for those who constantly suffer from migraines and headaches.

Chamomile herbal tea also improves memory and attention.

Other options

There are many other useful herbal teas. They are not addictive, have a pleasant taste and aroma, and are often at hand. To enhance the effect, you can add spices such as anise to them.

  1. St. John's wort . Valued for its relaxing and anti-inflammatory effects. Fights anxiety and fears.
  2. Mint . Drives away insomnia, relieves internal stress.
  3. Thyme . Suitable if you need a light sleeping pill and sedative effect.
  4. Adonis . Not only calms the nervous system, but also increases interest in life.
  5. Wormwood . Relieves nervous attacks and insomnia.

Also read the information on the infographic:

If you add a little honey to herbal preparations, the healing effect will increase.

6 more proven recommendations

Chronic fatigue, constant irritability and insomnia are a common occurrence in modern times. We have to use all available means to bring the nervous system back to normal. Medicinal tea, which can also be purchased at the pharmacy, can be combined with other remedies.

  1. Yoga, auto-training, psychotherapy courses. Taking care of the body and soul is an excellent way to calm the nerves. Relaxation exercises and breathing techniques, self-assurance and the ability to control oneself are a good help in the fight against irritability.
  2. Music. It has long been proven that music has a therapeutic effect. To do this, turn on the sounds of nature for half an hour (the sound of the sea and rain, birdsong) or the works of the classics (Beethoven's Moonlight Sonata, Schubert's Ave Maria, Bach's Italian Concerto, etc.).
  3. Daily routine normalization. Modern man, it seems, can only dream of this. But try to go to bed at the same time, eat on time, ventilate the rooms, do not forget about walking in the fresh air - and anxiety and irritability will quietly leave you.
  4. Walks. A leisurely walk will nourish the brain with oxygen. The main thing is to try to walk slowly through places that please the eye. Breathe slowly and deeply, relax. It is on such walks that the nerves calm down, and vital decisions can be made.
  5. Sleep. A full sleep with a relaxing bath beforehand, fresh air in the room where you will sleep, mint tea or warm milk with a little honey is a good cure for nervous tension - and in the morning you can work at a brisk pace again.
  6. Preparations. Increased excitability and nervousness are removed by such pharmacological preparations with the composition of tincture of peony, valerian, motherwort, hawthorn, corvalol, novopassit. They act faster than teas, but you should not abuse them.

Useful video

We suggest watching the following videos:


Healing infusion, music, fresh air and other ways to calm the nerves are becoming more and more relevant in our time. It is much worse to accumulate irritation and stress in yourself, to constantly experience irritation and anxiety. Gradually, these problems develop into serious diseases.

Having brewed a cup of tea with a calming collection, you will feel rested, self-confidence will appear and irritation will go away.

Stress - what it is and what to do to relieve it (cope with stress)

Updated July 24, 2021 Views: 181 154 Author: Dmitry Petrov

Hello, dear readers of the KtoNaNovenkogo.ru blog. Stress is a condition that haunts a person throughout life.

Either in childhood, an angry dog ​​runs after us, then the first trip to school, then waiting to see if we entered the desired university, then a new team at work, then a divorce or the death of a loved one.

What causes this feeling, and is it necessary? How to deal with stress, and what happens if you don't? What are the differences between acute stress and chronic stress?

Let's figure it out together, because in today's world, due to an excess of information and complex situations, the issue of stress is relevant.

What is it - stress

Stress is the body's reaction to danger or a difficult situation. This response has helped us survive throughout human evolution. In other words, it's defense mechanism , which was passed on to us from the animal world.

In this condition, the production of stress hormones increases in the blood - adrenaline and cortisol (what is this?). They are produced by such paired organs as the adrenal glands.

Although such a reaction is natural, it significantly harms the nervous system, and the psyche in particular. In addition to this, not all stimuli justify such a strong defensive reaction. That is, we sometimes burn out in vain, burning nerve cells in vain.

A Canadian pathologist and endocrinologist identified 4 main stages according to which the body reacts during stress:

  1. State of anxiety . Prepare to resist a difficult situation and challenge. The body secretes the necessary hormones and collects all the forces.
  2. Actually, the stage itself resistance . When a person uses all his resources to cope with a task.
  3. Exhaustion . When the body has spent all its strength, and you need to renew them. If during this period another stress factor appeared or the previous one continues, then the body no longer has the resources to continue to fight.
  4. Therefore, a state of chronic stress or a nervous breakdown may set in.

Depending on the type of personality, there are 3 types of reactions of people to stressful situations:

  1. Rabbit - reacts passively. Only for a while can activate their small resources.
  2. Ox - a person can resist for a long time when the forces are already at the limit of exhaustion.
  3. Leo - violently and actively reacts to a negative situation.

A common cause of stress is a mismatch between your expectations and reality.

For example, your distant ancestor walked calmly and did not plan to meet a saber-toothed tiger on his way. But having met him, he received a charge of hormones that helped him quickly make the right decision and effectively implement this decision (run away, hide, attack).

In modern life, the causes of stressful situations remain the same - our expectations have drastically diverged from reality. You didn't expect it, but it happened . The bully blocked the way, the boss scolded, they did not give the expected bonus, they lost their wallet, the child was left for the second year.

All these are "surprises" with a negative charge. Against the background of positively charged expectations, we get a serious “stress”, to which the body reacts in a way that has been honed over millennia - it stresses.

Symptoms of a stressful condition

Like any disease or pathological condition, stress manifests itself in different ways in people. The main symptoms can be divided into 4 groups:

  1. Physiological :
    1. increased sweating;
    2. change in blood pressure;
    3. tremor;
    4. dizziness;
    5. fever;
    6. increased muscle tone;
    7. dizziness;
    8. headaches;
    9. skin rash allergy;
    10. indigestion;
    11. anorexia;
    12. insomnia;
    13. libido disorder.
  2. Cognitive:
    1. impaired attention;
    2. memory impairment;
    3. difficulty in thinking and making the right decision;
    4. obsessive thoughts.
  3. Emotional :
    1. outbursts of anger;
    2. irritability;
    3. aggressiveness;
    4. tearfulness;
    5. increased anxiety;
    6. internal stress;
    7. feeling of guilt;
    8. feeling of helplessness;
    9. feeling of loneliness.
  4. Behavioral :
    1. fussiness;
    2. increase and aggravation of conflicts;
    3. increased addiction to bad habits;
    4. increase in the amount of time spent at work to forget about the problem;
    5. a large number of mistakes in a case that used to be good at performing.

Why so many negative symptoms in a seemingly protective reaction of the body, which saved the lives of all our numerous ancestors?

These are the side effects of stress hormone injections, which act in the manner of doping, ie. give strength and clarity of thought for a short period of time to get out of a stressful situation (for example, when attacked by a predatory beast).

Then comes the "hangover", marked by the body as exhaustion (physical, moral, emotional). Well, in our age, when people live in a stressful state for years (mortgages, loans, traffic jams, overcrowding), it turns out that they live in a mode of constant exhaustion.

Several tens of thousands of years will pass and the body's reactions will change, but at the moment the "cave period" of our history is 99% of the entire history of mankind. Therefore, our body reacts as it was determined by natural selection over millions of years of evolution.

We were given their genes by those who were very good at stress and survived.

Types of stress and what causes it

Depending on what causes stress, it is divided into 4 types:

  1. Informational . It is the most widespread in the modern world, since new information comes in a stream from radio, the Internet, advertising banners, television, smartphone applications, books, magazines. In addition, no one canceled the exchange of gossip, data and news in the family circle, at an educational institution, at work, when meeting with friends.
  2. Post-traumatic or psychological. Due to torture, catastrophe, hostilities, violence, a difficult diagnosis, being in captivity or prison, the death of a loved one.
  3. Emotional . Due to social reasons: guilt, conflicts, quarrels, problems in an educational institution, non-compliance with requirements, dismissal from work, verbal humiliation.
  4. Physiological . When the surrounding conditions do not correspond to a comfortable existence: heat, cold, hunger, increased moisture or dryness.

Depending on the duration and strength of the influence of the stress factor, acute and chronic stresses are distinguished . The first is characterized by a sharp reaction, which is manifested by tachycardia, headache, nausea, numbness, and an aggressive reaction.

Chronic stress is a serious threat to the body, which can cause neurosis, addiction to harmful substances. Manifested by constant fatigue, which does not go away even after rest or vacation.

Constant feeling of irritation, lack of joy when communicating with loved ones. Insomnia and health problems. Deterioration of all cognitive functions.

Resilience - how to cope with upcoming stress

If you know for sure that a stressful situation lies ahead, try reduce your reaction . To do this, you need to imagine in detail what should happen. In what place, under what conditions, what will you wear, what will the interlocutor look like (if this is a situation of conflict). After that, the feeling of uncertainty that caused anxiety will decrease.

After that, imagine all the possible unsatisfactory options that could end in a stressful situation. Find a way out of them. So, no matter what happens, you will have a backup plan "for all occasions. "

Also think of a time when you had a difficult situation and handled it well. Let this remind you that you can make the right decisions and find a way out of the current problem. Therefore, you can be sure that you will cope with the future.

Do you remember what mistakes you made in the past? What were the situations in which you could not emerge victorious? Analyze why this happened. This will prevent similar mistakes from being repeated.

Even if stress is not expected in the near future, such reflections leads to stress tolerance .

All of the above removes the main reason for plunging into stress - the effect of surprise and your unpreparedness for such a development of an event.

How to make stressful situations less frequent

There are tips that will work for those who have already plunged into a stressful state. They will help to remove the negative consequences and return a person to a full life. They will be discussed in detail below.

But as soon as you are more or less able to think soberly and get out of a constantly depressed state, then the first thing to do is try to rethink your desires , which you strive to realize and because of this you often find yourself in stressful situations.

Happy is not the one who has a lot, but the one who has enough.

What do families and schools teach us, so to speak? To be successful, to have a house, a car, a wife, children and all this at the highest level. Under this, loans are taken and all well-being hangs in the balance - whether you will have a job or not.

Corporate owners around the world collaborate with psychologists and understand that the one who is in constant fear works best (fired - consider life over, because everyone will be taken away). Therefore, even from school, people are taught to take loans, live in debt and be slaves to their own fear.

Cool down. Evaluate soberly - these are really your desires or your “status” (often imposed by the environment) requires it. It is foolish to suffer for what you do not need. There is an excellent video on this topic from a country where every third person is on antidepressants (USA):

Stop chasing what you might not need just because everyone around you is doing it. Spit on them and live the way you want.

There is a story about a man who assembled an expensive audio system with a phenomenal sound, spending a lot of money, nerves and effort on it. But in the end it turned out that he liked the sound from a cheap Chinese radio tape recorder worth a few dollars more.

How to deal with stress (relieve its effects)

How to relieve stress if it has already captured your nervous system and psyche? There are a very large number of options. Pick a few that suit you.

Food and drink

To relieve stress, do not eat too much food. But you can eat some foods that contain substances necessary to renew strength and reduce anxiety . These include:

  1. chocolate;
  2. green tea;
  3. mango;
  4. honey;
  5. chewing gum;
  6. something crunchy (chips, croutons, bagels).

The outside world

Sometimes in order to make the right decision, you need to get out of society. Go to a quiet place where you can be alone with yourself. So calmer and better thought.

Clean up in your apartment or on your desk. Because chaos can often weigh on us more than we think. Clean and free space promotes harmony in the head.

Look at in window . Move your eyes from one object to another. This will shift your attention from problems to the world around you.

Inner peace

A good sleep (what is it?) will always restore strength, but, unfortunately, it is not often possible to lie down for a long time. Therefore, at least 20-30 minutes will be useful to take a nap in order to restore your vital resources for several hours (tested on myself many times).

Meditation is an ancient method that is still relevant today. There are various techniques for which you do not need to go to a sage from China. On the Internet, there are a large number of different techniques, podcasts, specially relaxing music that is right for you.

Counting back and then forward is an easy way to focus your attention on this action. At the same time, the pace of thinking will become more even, do not dwell on the negative situation and obsessive actions.


Stretching is very relaxing. To do this, it is not necessary to be able to sit on the twine, but simply to do common well-known exercises. It brings inner harmony. You can also do yoga.

Running is a good activity that distracts from a stressful situation. Not only because of the novelty, but also because it produces hormones of joy from physical activity (tested on myself many times). But it is not always possible to go to the stadium. Therefore, even running in place near the desktop will also help.

Massage can be done even if there is no person nearby who is ready to help with it. A little essential oil and rub hands, shoulders, neck. Or throw a small ball on the floor, take off your shoes and roll it with your foot on the floor. Combing hair also relaxes the body.

Dance, sing, draw, even if you don't know how to do it. Creativity switches brain activity to the other hemisphere.


There are scents that will help tone the whole body:

  1. coffee;
  2. citrus fruits;
  3. lavender;
  4. tea tree;
  5. favorite flowers.


In the era of gadgets, it is a sin not to use special applications, since smartphones are always at hand:

  1. Calm - 50 meditation options and 16 tracks of calm music;
  2. Headspace - 10-minute meditation, which is divided into 3 parts: stress, nutrition, transportation;
  3. Daily Yoga - yoga guide for beginners;
  4. Mindshift - the application consists of tips on how to solve a particular life situation.
    Learn more