Vicious circle or cycle

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  1. vicious cycle one trouble leads to another that aggravates the first

  2. vicious circle an argument that assumes that which is to be proved

  3. viciously in a brutal manner

  4. business cycle recurring fluctuations in economic activity consisting of recession and recovery and growth and decline

  5. fish scale scale of the kind that covers the bodies of fish

  6. vivacious vigorous and animated

  7. auspicious indicating favorable circumstances and good luck

  8. viciousness the trait of extreme cruelty

  9. vicious having the nature of evildoing

  10. vivaciously with vivacity

  11. food cycle (ecology) a community of organisms where there are several interrelated food chains

  12. tenacious stubbornly unyielding

  13. voraciously in an eagerly voracious manner

  14. vicissitude a variation in circumstances or fortune

  15. Celsius scale a temperature scale that defines the freezing point of water as 0 degrees and the boiling point of water as 100 degrees

  16. safety bicycle bicycle that has two wheels of equal size

  17. genus Encyclia large genus of epiphytic and lithophytic orchids of tropical and subtropical Americas and West Indies; formerly included in genus Epidendrum

  18. capricious determined by chance or impulse rather than by necessity

  19. Mohs scale a scale of hardness of solids

  20. genus Secale cereal grass widely cultivated for its grain: rye

VICIOUS CIRCLE definition | Cambridge English Dictionary

Examples of vicious circle

vicious circle

So it's this viciouscircle where you can't afford to get an education because you can't afford the bus fare.

From Huffington Post