Understanding about life
Tips for Understanding, and Living, Life
“Life must be understood backwards, but it must be lived forwards.” – Soren Kierkegaard
Reflect for a moment on your life.
Does it seem complicated, mysterious, difficult, an overwhelming challenge? Or is it exciting, mysterious, complicated, difficult but manageable and positive?
Maybe it’s somewhere in-between these opposites. The truth is that each person’s life will have its ups and downs. No one will ever experience a completely trouble-free existence, devoid of obstacles and problems that require careful thought and planning to solve. The fact that life is so often unexpected may lead you to believe that it’s chaotic, that you have no choice, or that you’re going to have a predetermined outcome anyway, so why exert yourself?
To make the most of life, according to what many experts recommend, the wise move is to reflect upon what you have already done, what you’ve learned from actions you’ve taken in the past, and incorporate such knowledge and skills into what you take up now. You cannot live in the past, but you can make use of its lessons.
Where you go from here
Simply put, where you go from here involves a bit of dreaming, envisioning, mapping out a course of action, and then committing to it. Therefore, you need to live with an eye toward the future, working in the present, and making use of the knowledge you’ve gained in the past.
There’s no going back to re-do what’s already been done. You can, of course, make changes for the future, for the actions you’re about to take today and for all the days going forward, but you cannot reverse the past. It’s a fact. The past is done. It’s over. Now it’s time to get on with living today.
Dealing with regret
From time to time, however, it may happen that you experience a twinge of conscience, regret over things you’ve done before that have caused harm to others or yourself. All you can do is express your feelings and say you’re sorry, and then make sure that your actions from this day forward are a true reflection of your commitment to do better. Actions always speak louder than words, so if you want others to view you in a more favorable light, what you do now is what counts.
It is possible in some situations that others can’t get that memory of your past out of their minds and will continue to hold your previous actions against you. While this is painful to experience, all the words in the world won’t do a thing to change their minds. Only continued positive action on your part might do the job, although some people are so stubborn that nothing will ever persuade them.
It’s best if you move on from these individuals, for they’ll do you no good whatsoever in your effort to live a full, happy and productive life. Who needs someone who’s always picking apart everything you do, anyway? It’s so much better to surround yourself with positive and forward-thinking people who have the same values and interests as you.
Moving past disappointment and failure
What of all the disappointments and failures you’ve had? How can you make sense of those painful experiences and figure out a way to move past them? There’s no one-size-fits-all answer here, just more commonsense suggestions.
- Instead of harboring a grudge, commit to charting a different path from this point forward.
- Analyze your strengths and abilities and find ways to make use of them.
- Create short and long-term goals and action plans to achieve them. Then, get to work on them.
- Find one positive thing about each day. Celebrate it. Savor the feeling, for this will help motivate you to tackle tomorrow’s life challenges.
- Learn to live in the moment. Life is precious and short. All you have is now, so make the most of it while you are able.
To live your life to the best of your ability, understand what’s happened all the days up to now, and make use of any lessons you’ve learned. Do, however, keep a keen eye on where you want to go and who you want to be, since it is with solid goals in mind that you will be able to fully live and appreciate life.
Tips for Understanding, and Living, Life
“Life must be understood backwards, but it must be lived forwards.
” – Soren Kierkegaard
Reflect for a moment on your life.
Does it seem complicated, mysterious, difficult, an overwhelming challenge? Or is it exciting, mysterious, complicated, difficult but manageable and positive?
Maybe it’s somewhere in-between these opposites. The truth is that each person’s life will have its ups and downs. No one will ever experience a completely trouble-free existence, devoid of obstacles and problems that require careful thought and planning to solve. The fact that life is so often unexpected may lead you to believe that it’s chaotic, that you have no choice, or that you’re going to have a predetermined outcome anyway, so why exert yourself?
To make the most of life, according to what many experts recommend, the wise move is to reflect upon what you have already done, what you’ve learned from actions you’ve taken in the past, and incorporate such knowledge and skills into what you take up now. You cannot live in the past, but you can make use of its lessons.
Where you go from here
Simply put, where you go from here involves a bit of dreaming, envisioning, mapping out a course of action, and then committing to it. Therefore, you need to live with an eye toward the future, working in the present, and making use of the knowledge you’ve gained in the past.
There’s no going back to re-do what’s already been done. You can, of course, make changes for the future, for the actions you’re about to take today and for all the days going forward, but you cannot reverse the past. It’s a fact. The past is done. It’s over. Now it’s time to get on with living today.
Dealing with regret
From time to time, however, it may happen that you experience a twinge of conscience, regret over things you’ve done before that have caused harm to others or yourself. All you can do is express your feelings and say you’re sorry, and then make sure that your actions from this day forward are a true reflection of your commitment to do better. Actions always speak louder than words, so if you want others to view you in a more favorable light, what you do now is what counts.
It is possible in some situations that others can’t get that memory of your past out of their minds and will continue to hold your previous actions against you. While this is painful to experience, all the words in the world won’t do a thing to change their minds. Only continued positive action on your part might do the job, although some people are so stubborn that nothing will ever persuade them.
It’s best if you move on from these individuals, for they’ll do you no good whatsoever in your effort to live a full, happy and productive life. Who needs someone who’s always picking apart everything you do, anyway? It’s so much better to surround yourself with positive and forward-thinking people who have the same values and interests as you.
Moving past disappointment and failure
What of all the disappointments and failures you’ve had? How can you make sense of those painful experiences and figure out a way to move past them? There’s no one-size-fits-all answer here, just more commonsense suggestions.
- Instead of harboring a grudge, commit to charting a different path from this point forward.
- Analyze your strengths and abilities and find ways to make use of them.
- Create short and long-term goals and action plans to achieve them. Then, get to work on them.
- Find one positive thing about each day. Celebrate it. Savor the feeling, for this will help motivate you to tackle tomorrow’s life challenges.
- Learn to live in the moment. Life is precious and short. All you have is now, so make the most of it while you are able.
To live your life to the best of your ability, understand what’s happened all the days up to now, and make use of any lessons you’ve learned. Do, however, keep a keen eye on where you want to go and who you want to be, since it is with solid goals in mind that you will be able to fully live and appreciate life.
Understanding life. How to gain and improve understanding?
We constantly interact in our life with its different aspects. And we are best able to interact with things that we understand better than others. Understanding is based on both basic human skills, such as the ability to read, write, count, and so on, and professional skills. Indeed, without understanding, it is hardly possible to become a successful expert in your field. But what is understanding and how to understand the essence?
Professional understanding is essential to success in their activities. In everyday life understanding is necessary for correct interaction with the environment, and also help to avoid obviously dangerous situations. If a person understands that certain relationships or actions will lead him to misfortune - he will seek to avoid them. This reasonable behavior that helps man to cope with life, without special cases. nine0005
Understanding is the semantic perception of an object, as well as the identification of the most essential features of the object.
Understanding in general sense, means deep awareness object of study - be it a person, relationship, activity, thing, life or something else. Anyway, understanding leads to proper interaction with a specific object. It's getting obvious when we see the work of a specialist behind complex machinery. He handles her successful, because he understands how to deal with her work and understand how it works. nine0005
Do the same and non-specialist, if he wants to successfully interact with complex machinery. But there are many things in our daily lives that require understanding. And successful interaction with them due to the depth of knowledge about them. The more we know about something and what we are more experienced in applying this knowledge - the more successful the result of our interaction with the outside world.
The process of understanding - it's a long process of getting knowledge about the object, the application of these knowledge and observation. Mostly, essential to understanding interact with the object of study. If this is a specific person - it is important to communicate with him if this is a profession – it is important to improve in it. But it all starts with theory. theory gives path to practice, and without practice it is no longer there will be understanding. nine0005
The most important thing about this is this is study. Sometimes ready answers is already in the relevant literature, as for example, a math textbook explaining algorithm for solving certain problems. Sometimes, information can be found from others, more knowledgeable people who can share your experience. But there are situations where neither ready-made answers nor there is no literature, no experienced people. What do in that case?
In this case, you have to look for information in related and similar areas and try to apply it yourself. For example, if you want to understand a certain person, it will be useful to understand people in general, to know about their nature, desires, and so on. Wise people say that by perceiving one drop, one can comprehend the whole ocean. nine0005
Algorithms in everyday life
It is important to understand that algorithmic application process knowledge in everyday life is limited. Since there are many things in our life variables that interfere with one and the same algorithm for all things. That is, there is no universal absolute formula success or successful relationships with people or paradigms. Knowledge in this area are most often recommendations and just guide the person. Success, just as success in a relationship lies in areas of acquisition of certain qualities that contribute to business in one area or another. And it's all individual for every person. nine0005
What is the application algorithms in everyday life limited, does not mean they are not applicable. It says that there is no "Grail", which would provide the perfect chain actions that lead any person to success. More often than not, many successful algorithms created by humans suit them best. This explains why they might not work with other people.
To put it simply, that is history.
A man who knew nothing taught himself to imitate more successful people. And he had to cross the road.
He saw that one person had done it successfully just by looking around and walking down the road. When the man himself did so, he was hit by a car. Because he did not understand why it was necessary to look around. nine0005
The moral is that repetition without understanding does not guarantee success.
Learning is the process of gaining understanding
In order to understand something that needs to be studied. Process study lies in the classical combination theory and practice. This combination results in the acquisition of experience.
Experience is a set of acquired knowledge, skills, and impressions associated with any object.
Theoretical knowledge can give us insight without experience. This understanding is important for situations in which which do not require experience. For example, we don't need to make sure that an overdose of some substance is dangerous for the body. That fire can burn that you can drown in water, and being in an unfavorable social circle will lead to adverse consequences. There is things you just have to accept attention and not try to acquire in them experience. Such knowledge is a warning character. nine0005
But the process of learning about which is written concerns those things where theoretical knowledge cannot give completeness of understanding and ability to correctly interact with the object. For example, self-knowledge or knowledge of some area, cannot lie only in the area theoretical study. Also the situation business and with many other areas human life. Impossible without practice to assert possible success, if there is no well-formed experience.
The learning process consists of in the gradual acquisition of knowledge have basic knowledge first, then advanced, then narrower directed knowledge. After acquisition knowledge comes from practice and learning. This application of this knowledge in daily life when it comes to understanding yourself, relationships, life, etc. Practice interspersed with deepening into theory, and deepening in theory makes it possible for a new practice. nine0005
That is, it is not it's hard to understand something, it's important just with work on it, practice it. Only in the activity itself in some area understanding of this area is possible. Highly it often happens that having huge theoretical knowledge of a person, on actually unexpectedly for himself turns out to be incompetent in this deed human. This is common in many areas and in martial arts both in business and in dealing with people. Result such a person will be equal to the result extremely inexperienced and ignorant person. nine0005
As a result of permanent being in some area, a person becomes experienced and deeply knowledgeable in something. But this is subject to active learning process. Active process learning means more than just finding in some place, but also acquisitions knowledge, observations, attempts to diversify approach to interacting with objects. That is, this study is an attempt at something new and development of it. None new experience will not bring application the same algorithm throughout many years. It is the problem of the absence theories. nine0005
The application of new approaches will give new effective models of behavior with any object. After acquiring a successful experience, one begins to gain understanding. Without successful experience, it is impossible to talk about some kind of understanding. This is similar to the opinions of a poor person about how to earn money or advice to an athlete from a person who has never played this sport.
After acquiring a successful experience, one begins to gain understanding. Without successful experience, it is impossible to talk about some kind of understanding. This is similar to the opinions of a poor person about how to earn money or advice to an athlete from a person who has never played this sport. nine0005
Understanding lies through learning process. Learning process is to acquire knowledge and their application in practice. It is important to understand that such a learning process should continue until success. And after gaining a positive experience associated with conscious action which brought success, one might say that the person has gained understanding.
Examples of knowledge
At the level of life, understanding means a certain pattern of behavior and the perception of the world that brings happiness in the long run perspective. In other words, understanding life gives you the opportunity to act and be happy in this action. But understanding of life is a holistic knowledge about yourself, people, the world, society and so on. But the result leads to the goal of human striving for happiness. nine0005
Relationship level is an understanding of desires, fears, comfort conditions, nature and aspirations of his partner. In this case, understand the person means to know him better than himself because of side view ability along with an understanding of the man himself. This is achieved through observation, communication and interaction with a person. For this you need to know what a person wants, what he likes and don't like it, etc. Ability meet the needs of a partner lies in the knowledge of his needs. There was a story about a husband and wife eating ten years one dish that both do not could endure, but thought they liked it their partner. Understanding in this case came only when they started to quarrel about this unbearable dish. nine0005
In this way, understanding is also a specific pattern of behavior in a relationship with a certain person. This is how you should behave, but this is not follows. This is what I have to do, and this is not possible.
The fruits of understanding
Understanding life brings the best fruits if you approach it responsibly. To know something means to study it before revealing a successful interaction with it. For example, an antidote is made from snake venom in Siam (Thailand). This is an example of a successful interaction with poison that can be turned to good. The same example can be applied to humans. If you understand a person correctly and behave with him in the right way, he will show his best side. Some people need respect, some care, some authority, some power. All this can be understood only in the process of studying people. nine0005
In general, it is better to start the learning process with a study of the literature. If you just want to understand something, then start with fiction. The site has a list of recommended literature, as well as a separate article on the correct analysis of books.
Painting for the article - "The Massacre of the Innocents" by Brueghel. It is better to take a closer look at her in order to gain her understanding.
For a modern person, the search for the meaning of life is becoming more and more urgent: after all, every year the world becomes more complicated, and it becomes more and more difficult to hear one's own desires, goals and meanings. The fact is that every day we are faced with a huge information flow. Don't believe? Look at the number of your social media subscriptions: dozens of communities post hundreds of news every day, and this is just one channel for getting information. nine0005
How to learn to hear yourself in the current realities?
What is the meaning
Meaning is derived from "with thought". That is, to live “with a thought” means to comprehend oneself, one’s relationships with other people, one’s activities, and not live automatically, like a robot, because “everyone lives like that”. Perhaps living “like everyone else” just doesn’t suit you?
What do we mean by awareness? Living consciously means analyzing yourself, setting goals and striving to achieve them, as far as possible without being distracted by momentary pleasures. nine0005
The feeling of meaningfulness of one’s life also largely depends on the person’s belonging to a small (family, work team, friends) and a large social group (religious commune, nationality), involvement in some important cause or goal. A person begins to receive satisfaction from life, as he becomes part of the family, the work team and feels his need: he has certain tasks, duties, duty (which does not burden him, but, on the contrary, enriches him). nine0005
Tips for finding meaning
Here are some general guidelines that you can follow to give your life new meanings:
1. Vera
It is important enough for a person in this life to believe in something, to hope for something. It may be a religious belief, it may be a belief in some idea, or it may be a general belief in science, art, or just human kindness.
One of the outstanding psychologists of the 20th century and the founder of logotherapy (treatment with meaning), Viktor Frankl, while in a concentration camp, noticed that people who have a rich inner world, including religious people, had a higher percentage of survival: it happens to him as a test or punishment for a sinful life, which gives meaning to his suffering and allows him to survive with dignity the situation in which he finds himself” (“Say yes to life!”, V. Frankl). nine0005
2. Targets
Meaningful and elaborated goals endow life with meaning and give it a vector, a direction for activity. There are several main categories * in the planes of which people usually set goals for themselves:
To have (goals of a material nature: things, a car, real estate, etc.).
Know (everything that relates to education: courses, advanced training, diplomas, Ph.D. thesis, etc.). nine0005
Relate (what kind of relationship do I want with my husband / wife, with work colleagues, etc.).
Be (who do I want to be in this life? An architect, businessman, mother / father, philanthropist, etc.).
Take action (there may be some specific goals regarding professional growth or personal development. For example: complete the sales plan for the quarter, or lose 7 kg of weight by June, etc.). nine0005
* Based on the materials of the book "Neuroprogramming of a Successful Destiny", Kovalev S.
3. Business of life
It is important to find the activity that best aligns with your values, desires and aspirations. If you have not yet found such a thing for yourself, do not despair and continue to search and try. And it's best to stick to Theodore Roosevelt's rule in life: "Do what you can, with what you have, where you are!" nine0005
4. Altruism
Any selfless help to those in need. It may be some kind of volunteer activity in the framework of social assistance to the poor. It could be charity for the poor. Donations of clothing to orphanages, etc.
“In their critical situation, my patients relied on several kinds of meaning, both religious and secular, but nothing turned out to be more important than altruism” - “Existential Psychotherapy”, I. Yalom. nine0005
5. Hobby
Having an activity in your life that brings you pleasure, whether you get paid for it or not, also gives your life meaning and positive emotions. If there is no hobby in your life, be sure to get one for yourself. Try, be curious, do not lose the ability to wonder and surprise.

Sensual and bodily pleasures cannot be the meaning of life in themselves, but their absence significantly reduces the positive emotional background and overall satisfaction from life. Don't forget to treat yourself to delicious food, spending time with your loved one or family in nature. Go to the cinema, theaters and places that you like and charge with positive. nine0005
7. Individual development
Remember about your personal growth. Develop yourself as a professional in your field. Engage in self-development, overcome yourself and become better day by day. Self-development is quite an important point, but it is also important what kind of people you surround yourself with. Try to make sure that these are people who are interesting to you, who are interested in you, since a lot depends on the environment in which you are and develop. You influence the environment, but the environment also affects you. nine0005
8. Health
This includes taking care of yourself. Health of the body, mind. Exercise, eat healthy food. Do not forget to pay attention to information hygiene: do not sit too long at a computer, gadget or TV. Try to turn off all devices at least 2 hours before bedtime and do a regular digital detox.
In conclusion, I would like to say that the greatest influence on the sense of meaning in our lives is exerted by high-quality positive relationships with people. A group of scientists led by psychiatrist Robert Waldinger conducted the famous Harvard 75-year study of 2 groups of people: poor families from Boston and Harvard graduates. Scientists have set themselves the task of exploring and identifying what actually makes a person happy? At the end of the study and questioning of the subjects, psychologists came to the conclusion that neither a career, nor houses, apartments, cars and money, nor social status and achievements, but good, good relationships with people make people happy. nine0005
"The clearest finding we've made from 75 years of research is that good relationships make us happier and healthier," R.