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Certified Sex Addiction Therapists • SexHelp

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About IITAP: Certified Sex Addiction Therapiststech5help2021-01-20T17:55:51+00:00

The International Institute of Trauma and Addiction Professionals (IITAP) is an organization dedicated to providing premier training, certification and resources for sexual addiction practitioners. Through IITAP, those suffering from a sexual addiction or compulsive behavior have access to certified practitioners, resources, treatment options and referrals to get the help they need.

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The History of IITAP

Dr. Patrick Carnes has been training therapists in the task approach to addiction recovery for more than 20 years. He created the International Institute for Trauma & Addiction Professionals (IITAP®) as an organization to provide the structure for the trainings as well as the administration necessary to provide and manage the CSAT education and certification. IITAP assesses the qualification of each potential candidate, requires ethical standards and, once the therapist is fully certified, ongoing continuing education so that the CSAT trained therapists are as skilled as possible in their work with clients.

Though the certifications were originally administered by another organization, IITAP has been in existence for approximately 10 years. IITAP continues to work to train therapists all over the world so that there is qualified, CSAT trained help where ever someone is seeking it. We have made great strides but know that there are still many areas where there is no CSAT trained help or that is severely underserved. If you are a therapist and want additional information about the CSAT training and certification program, visit www.iitap.com or send us a message.

Certifications IITAP Offers

CSAT®: Certified Sex Addiction Therapist Training and Certification

The Certified Sex Addiction Therapist (CSAT®) training provides therapists with an expertise not acquired by other “professionals”. Dr. Patrick Carnes created the CSAT training to teach therapist the “task approach” to addiction recovery. Dr. Carnes, author of many books including Out of the Shadows, found that those struggling with sexual addiction had greater recovery success if they worked through the tasks.

He wrote Facing the Shadows which is a workbook containing the first 7 (of 30) of the recovery tasks. The Recovery Zone workbook is the continuation of the tasks.

CSATs are trained with over 120 hours of classroom time and a minimum of 30 hours of supervision with a CSAT trained Supervisor to assess clients and help guide them through the task work. It is a rigorous process and provides a level of expertise that the 1-2 day workshop certifications cannot provide.

If you are a therapist and interested in becoming a CSAT trained therapist, visit www.iitap.com for more information. If you are someone seeking help, you can find a CSAT trained therapist in your area on iitap.com.


PSAP®: Pastoral Sex Addiction Professional

The PSAP certification is designed to equip ministry professionals who are encountering sexual issues in their congregations. This training will provide practical tools and cutting-edge education to equip churches to respond effectively, biblically, and compassionately to individuals struggling with sexual issues.

Topics include:

  • Pornography use
  • Affairs and infidelity
  • Sexting
  • Clergy sexual misconduct
  • Sexual trends with adolescents and youth groups
  • Church discipline issues
  • Sexual addictions / Compulsive Sexual Behavior Disorder (CSBD)
  • Sex offending
  • The 12 step recovery system
  • Partner and family support
  • Betrayal trauma
  • Trauma
  • And more

Ideal PSAP Candidates include pastors, lay counselors, counseling/care ministry professionals, small group leaders, deacons, elders, and para-ministry professionals.


CPTT: Certified Partner Trauma Therapist

IITAP’s network of certified sex addiction therapists are recognized as experts in the field of addiction.

As a Certified Partner Trauma Therapist, you will have access to valuable tools and support for your practice:

  • Obtain tools for treating partners, and trauma, as a result of a loved one’s addiction
  • Receive intensive, experiential training
  • Grow your practice or treatment center through the CPTT network
  • Gain access to exclusive behavioral assessments
  • 24/7 access to the IITAP professional network


CMAT: Certified Multiple Addiction Therapist Certification

Have you ever had a client that, regardless of how much work he or she does, always relapses? Almost 50% of people suffering from an addiction have more than one addiction. Not assessing for multiple addictions and identifying how they interact with one another can inhibit or delay a client’s recovery. Because of this IITAP has developed the multiple addiction certification to help practitioners treat co-occurring disorders. Practitioners have the opportunity to expand their knowledge in the following areas:

  • Chemical & Alcohol Dependency
  • Financial Disorders
  • Eating Disorders


Sex Addiction Materials: IITAP Media Kit

Thank you for your interest in SexHelp and in educating the public about sexual addiction. Download our Media Packet for access to in-depth information about sexual addiction, our treatment programs and additional resources. To schedule a speaking engagement with Dr. Patrick Carnes, please contact Kelly Reece. To schedule a speaking engagement with Dr. Stefanie Carnes, please contact us.