What does the saying nice guys finish last mean

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Where Does The Phrase "Nice Guys Finish Last" Come From?

"Nice guys finish last" is not from some pickup artist. Although it’s been co-opted as a justification for certain men’s bad behavior and a popular lament (or is it a humblebrag?) to describe others' lack of prospects, the term originally was about finishing last in the baseball standings.

The New York Times obituary for Leo Durocher remembers him as "perhaps major league baseball's best example of the win-at-all-costs manager, one who viewed the game not as a challenging pastime for talented athletes but as a sports relative of guerilla warfare...Durocher always placed heavy reliance on physical and psychological intimidation of the enemy, the army of foes that, to him, included the umpiring crews. To him, base hits, hook slides and sharp-breaking curveballs were important, but equally so were sharp spikes, beanballs and umpire-baiting." So, suffice to say, he was not a nice guy.

Durocher spent 24 years as manager of the Brooklyn Dodgers, New York Giants, Chicago Cubs, and Houston Astros after a mediocre 17-season career as an infielder. It was while he was managing the Dodgers in 1946 that he uttered the eminently quotable phrase.

He was evidently proud of his contribution to our popular lexicon, even going so far as to name his 1975 autobiography Nice Guys Finish Last. In it, and in an excerpt published on the University of Chicago website, he recounts the tale:

The Nice Guys Finish Last line came about because of Eddie Stanky too. And wholly by accident. I’m not going to back away from it though. It has got me into Bartlett’s Quotations— page 1059, between John Betjeman and Wystan Hugh Auden—and will be remembered long after I have been forgotten. Just who the hell were Betjeman and Auden anyway? It came about during batting practice at the Polo Grounds, while I was managing the Dodgers. I was sitting in the dugout with Frank Graham of the old Journal-American, and several other newspapermen, having one of those freewheeling bull sessions. Frankie pointed to Eddie Stanky in the batting cage and said, very quietly, “Leo, what makes you like this fellow so much? Why are you so crazy about this fellow?” I started by quoting the famous Rickey statement: “He can’t hit, he can’t run, he can’t field, he can’t throw. He can’t do a goddamn thing, Frank—but beat you.” He might not have as much ability as some of the other players, I said, but every day you got 100 percent from him and he was trying to give you 125 percent. “Sure, they call him the Brat and the Mobile Muskrat and all of that,” I was saying, and just at that point, the Giants, led by Mel Ott, began to come out of their dugout to take their warm-up. Without missing a beat, I said, “Take a look at that Number Four there. A nicer guy never drew breath than that man there.” I called off his players’ names as they came marching up the steps behind him, “Walker Cooper, Mize, Marshall, Kerr, Gordon, Thomson. Take a look at them. All nice guys. They’ll finish last. Nice guys. Finish last.”

It’s almost all true. Durocher may have given himself just a little too much credit in coming up with the sort of saying that would have staying power. In a 1993 biography of the fiery manager entitled The Lip, Gerald Eskenazi explains how newspaper headline writers were responsible for the pithiness of the phrase, but the sentiment was definitely all Durocher.

What he really said of Giants' manager Mel Ott, Eskenazi posits based on contemporary claims, was, "Do you know a nicer guy in the world than Mel Ott? He's a nice guy. In last place. Where am I? In first place. I'm in first place. The nice guys are over there in last place, not in this dugout."

But if we're going to nit-pick there's one more particular to address. According to The Yale Book of Quotations, which cites a New York Journal-American article from July 7, 1946, what Durocher actually said was, "The nice guys are all over there, in seventh place." At the time, seventh place would have technically been second-to-last in the eight-team National League. The nice-but-hapless Giants ended up finishing the season in honest-to-goodness last place and when the article was reprinted that fall in Baseball Digest the crucial switch from "seventh" to "last" was made.

There is a saying in America, "The good guys come last.

" What does it mean?: elshin — LiveJournal
Photo: Social networks.

We all met such guys who always do everything perfectly right, like in TV shows about love. They have no bad habits, look great, study hard, work, build a career. In general, everything that women talk about when it comes to the ideal man. But for some reason, these men are not popular with women, and women themselves prefer boors, whose behavior does not match this ideal man. It seems so illogical, but it's true. nine0019

Men have been greatly deceived by all these films, books in which a man charms a woman with flowers and courtship and ultimately wins the fight for her - after all, this is love. (Watch a woman they say, do things and you will be loved)... it absolutely does not work in real life. And here's why:

The human brain is arranged in such a way that it does not perceive what we get easily, without effort. When we spend a lot of effort and time to achieve something inaccessible, our body begins to produce dopamine - the hormone of joy (and the more interesting the pursuit, the more dopamine we produce). When a man shows constant signs of attention to a woman, she begins to get used to him, and dopamine production begins to fall (just like a drug addict who constantly gets a dose). That is why women prefer a different type of guys. Such guys who sometimes show signs of attention, then disappear (as if making it clear that you are not alone on this planet, there are others). This stimulates her interest and dopamine. The more interesting and inaccessible the goal of the chase, the more dopamine is produced. nine0021

As for the good guys: They don't have something that attracts people - it's fire. What is fire is spontaneity. Spontaneity is the delta between boredom and discomfort. When a woman sees that a man is easily accessible, that one has only to call him, he drops all his business and runs to her leg. He becomes simply uninteresting.

An easily accessible man devalues ​​all men in the eyes of women. And this is precisely the reason why it is difficult for a man to find a woman, and it is difficult for a woman to choose the best man from hundreds of potential admirers. Women see that men are easily accessible, they look after, give attention, gifts, go to restaurants, while completely
without demanding anything in return. They act like zombies.

Now imagine the situation if everything was a little bit the other way around. If a man were at the center of a woman's life. If women sought a man, hundreds of them wrote to him in hundreds of networks, and he would philosophically argue while drinking a martini - real women were gone. I am against the infringement of any social groups and against double standards. If a woman likes a man, she must take the first step to please him (And vice versa), but the problem is that the opposite already exists. I believe that there should be a clear balance in the issue of relationships. nine0021

• Why is it normal for a man to woo a woman?
• But is it considered shameful when a woman woo a man?

But back to the topic: What do you mean the good guys come last?
This means that a woman, using her high value, walks up with bad guys, and one day she decides enough is enough, it's time to have a family! Often already having a child. But bad boys are not family friendly. And then she remembers the good guys who are ideal for the family. And it is likely that a good guy, even to this day, has not had a relationship - because it's hard for him. And now... he comes last. But how honest will these relationships be? How real? How fair? nine0019 Maybe that's why in countries with such a mentality 4 out of 5 marriages break up. And the good guys keep coming last. See how simple it is? It's all about dopamine!? Write your thoughts, I answer interesting comments. Thank you.

Tags: best man, mentality, we were deceived, relationship, good guy


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