Touchy feely personality types
How Each Personality Type Responds To Physical Touch
Testing After Post Let's see
How Each Personality Type Responds To Physical TouchPhysical closeness is often a way for people to express their feelings, while for others it is something that makes them extremely uncomfortable. Here is how each personality type is likely to respond to physical touch.
INFJs are not the most physically oriented people, and may have trouble when others invade their personal space. They are often extremely sensitive, which causes them to react very strongly to any kind of physical stimulation. INFJs can become overwhelmed when someone attempts to intrude on their space, and may really dislike it when people touch them without being asked. With someone that an INFJ is very close to, they will often enjoy showing affection in a physical way. This is often best done on the terms of the INFJ, and will make them uncomfortable if it isn’t someone they care for deeply.
They are often not great with physical activities, and may not be the most athletic individuals.
ENFJs will often use physical touch as a way to show their affection for other people. They are extremely caring people, who love to be close to others. When they can utilize a gentle touch as a way to console someone, ENFJs will definitely take advantage of this. They are very aware of the emotions of others, which makes them want to find ways to help people feel better. Sometimes physical affection is the best way to help calm people, and create a warm and loving environment. ENFJs often enjoy being close to the people they love, and will usually use physical touch as a way to express this.
INFPs are generally not the type of people to initiate physical contact, but that doesn’t mean they don’t enjoy it. If their friends find themselves wanting a hug, or a snuggle, then INFPs are often more than happy to oblige. The people they care for wanting to be close to them, certainly won’t upset an INFP. They will be great at initiating contact in a romantic relationship, and probably want to be physically close to their partner all of the time. They often crave that sort of closeness, and might even appear a bit clingy to the person they are dating. They enjoy touching them, and feeling as close as possible to them, especially when they truly love someone. INFPs are affectionate people, and physical touch is just another way to show people how they feel.
ENFPs are often extremely physical people, and truly love being touchy feely with others. They will often be rather cuddly with the people they care about- whether it be family, friends or romantic relationships. ENFPs especially love touching and snuggling up to the person they are dating, and might want to be physically close to them all of the time. They are often rather sexually driven people as well, but this is mostly because they crave that sort of physical closeness. ENFPs might even be good at different athletic activities, even though they also have a tendency to be a bit clumsy.
They enjoy physical activities, and often love to work with their hands.
INTJs are very independent people, who enjoy having their own time and space to themselves. They will often become uncomfortable if people attempt to invade their personal space, and dislike physical touch from strangers. INTJs usually strongly dislike when someone comes into their personal space without permission, and will see that as a sign of disrespect. This sort of contact is reserved for the people closest to them, and is only permitted to those special people. When INTJs care for someone though, they can often become comfortable enough to open up in that way. They enjoy being physical close to their loved ones, and can often use this as a better way to express their affections. Since INTJs aren’t verbally emotional or open people, sometimes hugging their loved ones can be an excellent way for them to show that they care. INTJs are often thought to dislike physical touch, but this is not always the case. They simply dislike when strangers invade their personal space, since they often see this as a sign of disrespect.
ENTJs aren’t the most physical individuals, and don’t always enjoy being touched by others. They dislike if someone invades their space without being allowed, but will often let it slide in order to keep the peace. ENTJs are rather firm and serious individuals, so they might not enjoy being hugged or touched in general. If the ENTJ understands that people close to them are touching them as a way to express their feelings, they will be perfectly comfortable with this. They are intelligent individuals, and even though they aren’t always eager to be touched, they understand where other people are coming from in this way. Within a romantic relationship ENTJs are more than happy to be physically close to their loved ones though, and consider this the only people who are always allowed to invade their personal space.
INTPs do enjoy their space, but this is usually in an emotional capacity. If the people the INTP cares for want to hug or touch them, they will often be okay with this. They usually enjoy being physically close in a romantic relationship, and this can even be a good way for them to express themselves. Since INTPs aren’t always great at verbally showing affection, sometimes hugging or cuddling their romantic partner can be a really useful way for them to express their feelings. Allowing this person to invade their physical space in this way, shows just how much they truly enjoy their presence. INTPs might even be surprisingly good at sports or any type of physical activity.
ENTPs might dislike when strangers decide to invade their personal space, but are usually perfectly fine when family and friends do. If they know someone and care for them, ENTPs do not mind being touched. They are probably very physically affectionate within romantic relationships, and usually enjoy being close to their loved ones. ENTPs will often be rather touchy feely with someone they care about, whether this is in a playful or affectionate way. ENTPs don’t become uncomfortable with physical touch or different physical activities in most situations.
ISTJs are often private people, but they are not against physical affection. They are usually comfortable with hugging or touching the people they feel closest too. They definitely dislike if a stranger is invading their personal space, simply because that appears rude and disrespectful to the ISTJ. When it comes to their loved ones though, ISTJs often enjoy expressing their affections physically. They enjoy hugging and touching the people closest to them, and might even enjoy cuddling with their romantic partners. ISTJs are actually surprisingly good at physical activities, and will often enjoy sports or different physical work.
ESTJs are often very physical people, but this is only with people that they know. ESTJs might become angry with strangers invading their personal space. They might even become rather aggressive in a need to defend themselves against someone who is being disrespectful. When it comes to their loved ones though, ESTJs are often rather physically affectionate. They enjoy being close to the people they care about, and are more than happy to give and receive hugs. They are also very comfortable with sports or different physical work or activities.
ISFJs are very affectionate people, and enjoy being able to make other people happy. They will often enjoy giving and receiving hugs to their loved ones. ISFJs are not afraid of physical affection, especially when it comes to the people they care about most. Any way that they can express love towards others, is something that an ISFJ will truly enjoy. ISFJs do enjoy their personal space when it comes to strangers, but will often let things slide in order to keep the peace. If someone crosses an inappropriate line though, the ISFJ will often become very upset with this person.
ESFJs are usually extremely physically affectionate people, and enjoy being close to their loved ones. They are often very cuddly within romantic relationships, and enjoy giving massages or laying close to one another. ESFJs are often comfortable with their friends being physically affectionate as well, and often enjoy giving hugs. They might dislike when strangers invade their personal space though, even if they don’t say anything about. They often prefer to keep the peace and will let it slide even if it makes them feel uncomfortable. If someone crosses an inappropriate line though, the ESFJ will be sure to put them in their place. They do have boundaries with strangers, they just don’t usually have them with their loved ones.
ISTPs often enjoy working with their hands and are usually great at sports or different physical activities. They are also usually more physically affectionate people than they are verbal. When ISTPs care for someone they often use physical touch as a way to express their feelings. They enjoy feeling physically close to the people they care about and often don’t mind hugs and cuddling in a romantic relationship. They are rather independent people, but do enjoy physical touch quite a bit.
ESTPs are actually very physical people, especially with those they care about. They enjoy hugging and cuddling with their loved ones very much. ESTPs love to feel close to people, and will often become rather unhappy if they go to long without physical touch. Their desire to be close to people can often make them rather sexually driven people as well. ESTPs are often good at sports or different physical activities, since they love working with their hands and bodies.
ISFPs are very physical people and truly enjoy observing the beauty in the world around them. They often enjoy giving and receiving hugs, even if they don’t always initiate this. They enjoy feeling close to their loved ones, and might want to constantly be touching their romantic partners. ISFPs enjoy physical touch as a way to express themselves, and often love being close to people in this way.
ESFPs are often very physical people and enjoy using their bodies as a way to express themselves. They are often very touchy people, who enjoy giving and receiving hugs. If someone they love doesn’t hug them often or find ways to be physically affectionate, ESFPs will often become hurt and upset by this. They truly enjoy physical touch as a way to express their emotions, and love when people want to be close to them. ESFPs are often really good at different physical activities as well.
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here. Sign up for less than $70/week.The Love Language of Each Introverted Myers-Briggs Personality Type
This is how each introverted Myers-Briggs personality type shows and receives love.
Dr. Gary Chapman developed the 5 love languages to articulate what helps a person feel loved. By understanding how other people show and receive love, you can strengthen your relationships — as well as pinpoint what helps you feel good. The following is a bit of an oversimplification, but the five love languages according to Dr. Chapman are:
- Words of affirmation — connection through sincere dialogue
- Quality time — connection through attention
- Receiving gifts — connection through thoughtful giving
- Acts of service — connection through shared responsibility
- Physical touch — connection through bodily contact
Introverts make up about fifty percent of the population, so chances are good that someone in your life identifies as an introvert. Although they are often misunderstood as “anti-social,” the opposite is true; introverts desire deep relationships but only with a few trusted individuals. Just as introverts are diverse, the love languages they speak are diverse as well. So, use the suggestions below as a starting point, and remember that each of us comes with unique life experiences that influence what we need in our relationships.
ISFJ: Acts of Service
The ISFJ is the “golden retriever” of introverts. Caring and dependable, they work hard and take their commitments seriously, sometimes finding it hard to say no because they don’t want to let anyone down. Although they are introverts, they love spending quality time with “their people,” and they are likely to remember little details about others, such as their favorite flavor of ice cream or their shoe size. Above all, what defines an ISFJ is their practical support of others. They are the ones who will offer to pick up the kids from school, get that package mailed, or cook dinner — without even being asked. They know what needs to be done to keep everyone in their circle happy and comfortable, as if it’s a sixth sense.
So, acts of service is a surefire way to connect with an ISFJ. Do simple things to ease their daily burden and help them avoid burnout. They will appreciate being loved in the same way that they show love to others — especially because their hard work is often taken for granted.
Another way to connect with an ISFJ is to participate in acts of service together. ISFJs enjoy tradition and working behind the scenes. Volunteer at an animal shelter or round up donations for a local charity. For ISFJs, simple and supportive acts keep connections strong.
ISFP: Physical Touch
Nicknamed “the adventurer,” the ISFP is an independent soul. Creative and risk-taking, they love activities that engage the five senses, such as art, music, or a sensual meal. Their focus on the here-and-now means they may at times disregard the future, but the upside is they soak up all that the present moment has to offer. Gentle and sensitive, ISFPs are attuned to their loved ones’ emotions and will feel a sharp sting when others disregard theirs. But their easy-going and accepting nature ensures that the discord probably won’t last long.
If the ISFP in your life is your romantic partner, seek ways to connect through the love language of physical touch. Express your love through hugs, hand-holding, calming back rubs, sensual kisses, and more. When respectful and wanted, these physical gestures will help this passionate introvert release stress.
If your ISFP is a friend, find opportunities to experience or create art together. Shared creative activities that involve the five senses — singing, photographing wildlife, listening to music — will appeal to ISFPs. Or, if they fully embrace their daredevil spirit, try rock climbing, snorkeling, or any other adrenaline-pumping activity. Afterward, give them plenty of space to retreat and recover alone in their ISFP cocoon; they are introverts, after all.
ISTJ: Receiving Gifts
Estimated to make up about thirteen percent of the population, ISTJs keep the wheels of the world turning. Ever-reliable, and with a tireless work ethic, these independent introverts can be counted on to get ‘er done. However, ISTJs rarely get the praise they are due because they typically work behind the scenes and don’t seek the spotlight. And, with a commitment to duty, rules, and tradition, ISTJs show their appreciation for others through actions, not emotions. Calm and cautious, with strong attention to detail, they are practical people who find practical solutions.
Speaking the love language of the ISTJ requires a delicate balance between showing your gratitude and respecting their disinterest in anything they deem as overly emotional. A thoughtful gift will show you appreciate their hard work. But keep things practical and uncomplicated. A gift they can use — the power tool they need to finish the job or the missing ingredient to their cake — will go further than something purely sentimental.
ISTP: Physical Touch
Likely the most physical of all the introverted Myers-Briggs personality types, ISTPs crave novelty, freedom, and autonomy. Curious and independent, they enjoy new experiences and spontaneous adventures, like a road trip with no destination in mind or a meandering hike through nature. Because their mind is on whatever project they’re currently working on, like tuning an antique violin or coding a new app, ISTPs are not ones for sentimental discussion. Although they might feel uncomfortable offering you emotional support, they will happily guide you toward a practical solution.
Because ISTPs fully engage all five senses to interact with the world, learn to speak their language of physical expression. Although originally intended to refer to touch, like pats on the back and hugs, this love language can just as easily be spoken by rolling up your sleeves to build or create something together. Different than acts of service — the idea here isn’t to relieve someone of a burden — joint projects will draw the ISTP closer to you. And it might even result in getting a few items crossed off your home repairs list.
INTJ: Acts of Service
To love an INTJ is to love a “mastermind.” Driven by logic, INTJs focus on getting the job done, efficiently and well. Their dedication to work (usually at the expense of the touchy-feely), means they are likely to seek solutions, not hugs. Although great at making grand plans for the future — from lowering carbon emissions to researching new advances in AI to throwing the “optimal” cocktail party — INTJs tend to neglect their own emotional needs, seeing them as irrelevant to the goal. For example, they may succeed in their plan to improve their company’s carbon footprint, but feel unhappy with the results. To the perfectionistic INTJ, it could always be better!
If you love an INTJ, you’ll likely find that acts of service offer the greatest connection and support. True, they like to be the ones who do it themselves, but you can help them focus on their master plans by taking care of the “little” stuff of life, like emptying the dishwasher. INTJs feel the burden of responsibility. When you shoulder some of the load, you free them up to get back to work — which, for many of them, is play.
INTP: Words of Affirmation
Heavy on logic and light on emotion, the INTP is brilliant but prone to overthinking. Trying to see the forest for the trees, they intensively analyze each fir and cedar they cross. And their focus on process over product means they aren’t too concerned with leaving the forest, anyway. As a result, INTPs are vulnerable to intellectual burnout, like overworked lights on a Christmas tree.
That’s why their love language, in a sense, is words of affirmation. Although not one for idle chatter, the INTP will be happy to sit with you (their trusted someone) and dig deep into their latest ideas, whether it’s a fan theory about their latest binge, political commentary, or their thoughts on a new scientific discovery. Words of affirmation are the way to this introvert’s heart — as long as those words are straightforward and unadorned. So, listen to their thoughts, validate their enthusiasm, and contribute your own intellectual analysis where you can. INTPs love hearing opposing viewpoints, and yes, they may even play “devil’s advocate” just for fun — so don’t take it personally if they challenge everything from your beliefs on religion to your choice of antivirus software. But remember, this probably isn’t the time to get mushy. Big ideas are the only things under this conversational microscope.
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INFJ: Quality Time
INFJs could be described as the most contradictory of introverts. Their personality pendulum swings from quiet and reclusive to outgoing and fun-loving, depending on the situation and their energy levels. They enjoy spending quality time with their loved ones, but they often find themselves unwittingly playing therapist, due to their strong intuition and wisdom about life. And, being deeply empathetic, they will be there for you when you need them most, even putting your needs ahead of their own. But they truly are introverts — and emotional sponges — so they have limits to how much they can give to others before risking an introvert hangover.
So, INFJs speak the love language of quality time. As the rarest Myers-Briggs personality type, INFJs are frequently misunderstood and thrive when someone finally “gets” them. Use quality time to dive deep into their inner world, making it about them, not you. Talk to them about what’s on their mind, let them vent, and get deeply personal. Play therapist to them for once. The key word here is quality, so put down your phone, turn off Netflix, and fill your INFJ’s depleted emotional bucket with some undivided attention.
INFP: Words of Affirmation
If you have an INFP in your life, you know how wonderful their optimism can be. Hopeless romantics, with open hearts and big feelings, INFPs look for the good in all things — in even the worst situations or the crustiest people. They are deep thinkers who find comfort in their daydreams and vivid inner world, and they are naturally gifted in creative endeavors like the arts, literature, and music. Although humdrum tasks — like doing laundry or paying bills on time — might fall by the wayside, they find tremendous value in life’s little things — like a sunset or a mug of hot tea on a wintry night. In other words, for INFPs, meaning matters.
So, the surest way to connect with an INFP is through words of affirmation, gently spoken. This introverted personality type is sensitive and will take things to heart; careless or critical words will deeply wound them. Tell them how much you appreciate them. Tell them what you love about them. Tell them what makes your relationship with them so meaningful to you. A calm exterior often protects their sensitive hearts, so be patient and positive with these optimistic souls. And, remember, INFPs are introverts, so their love language may at times require that your words of affirmation be silence.
Was the love language I described accurate for you? Let me know your thoughts in the comments below.
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Personality types according to socio-psychological qualities
There are many personality typologies. Each of them offers its own division of people into types. This typology is based on socio-psychological qualities (level of sociability, degree of responsibility, independence, etc.) and offers 12 types, in the descriptions of which you can recognize yourself and your loved ones. And in order to better know yourself, your strengths and weaknesses and determine the vector of personal development, sign up for the online program "Self-Knowledge".
Stuck type
People of this type are intractable and prone to protracted quarrels. Often they act as the aggressor in the conflict. They clearly divide their environment into friends and enemies.
They have a thirst for justice, are principled and make high demands on themselves. They have a stable belief system.
At the same time, they are touchy and vindictive, presumptuous and ambitious, suspicious and jealous. A sense of justice, which, as we have already said, sometimes reaches fanaticism and pushes others away from a person of a “stuck” type.
Introverted type
Characteristic features of people of this type are isolation and unsociableness. Such people are vulnerable and secretive. They do not like to share their experiences and other information about themselves with other people. They try not to let anyone into their inner world.
Cold and weakly attached to their loved ones. Restrained, principled, calm. Carefully consider each of their actions.
Pedantic type
Representatives of this type are accurate, reliable, conscientious and serious. But at the same time, they are prone to excessively strict observance of formalities, tediousness, obsession. They try to make important decisions for them to be made by someone else.
Excitable type
People who are classified as excitable type are characterized by poor control of their own emotions, actions and motives, increased social impulsivity. On this basis, they often have difficulties in communicating with people and even conflicts.
They repel those around them with their temper and irritability. Excitable people are unrestrained and suffer from outbursts of anger. At the same time, they can be feignedly flattering and helpful, hypocritical.
Demonstrative type
The demonstrative type is characterized by the manifestation of such qualities as excessive aggressiveness and suspicion. In view of this, they constantly oppose other people.
People of this type always strive to be the center of attention. They can attract attention by any means available to them. The same is true for achieving other goals - they achieve results at any cost: lies, pretense, scandals, etc.
Dystimic type
Representatives of this type are constantly in a sad, dreary, dull, pessimistic mood. They are closed and laconic.
Serious, highly moral, fair and conscientious. But they are always isolated from the team, passive - this prevents them from making friendly ties.
Anxious-fearful type
Such people are characterized by excessive painful experiences. They are not self-confident, timid, suspicious, self-critical and shy.
They are also diligent and friendly. Although the fearfulness and some defenselessness of people of the anxious-fearful type often turns them into an object of ridicule.
Cyclothymic type
The cyclothymic type is characterized by mood swings: periods of decline and periods of rise. The behavior of people of this type is contradictory, it is difficult to predict it. They love different adventures.
During periods of emotional upsurge, cyclothymics are energetic and persistent; during periods of decline, they perceive troubles very sharply and painfully. Such a change of mood tires them.
Hyperactive type
Representatives of this type are characterized by frequent mood swings and rapid transition from one emotional state to another. They are characterized by an accentuated experience of happiness and anxiety.
People of the hyperactive type are independent, energetic, have a desire for leadership, frivolous, irritable and irresponsible.
Emotive type
People of the emotive type are characterized by sensuality and impressionability. Representatives of this type are very vulnerable and painfully experience any adversity.
They are afraid of failure, sensitive to any criticism and prefer a narrow social circle, consisting of like-minded people. All grievances are kept in themselves. They know how to rejoice in the success of other people, they are compassionate, altruistic and compassionate.
Exalted type
Changeable mood, increased talkativeness and distractibility to external events. Among the qualities one can also single out artistic taste, artistry, altruism, brightness of feelings, compassion.
Representatives of the type are very attached to their friends and like the interlocutors. Although their excessive pathos, impressionability and a tendency to panic sometimes repel people.
Conformal type
Comfortable people are very sociable, even talkative. They are not independent, their own opinion is usually absent, they adapt to others. They do not stand out from the crowd and strive to be the same as everyone else. They obey, avoid leadership positions, tend to conformism.
What type would you classify yourself as? Why do you think so? Share in the comments! Also try to analyze the behavior of people from your environment and attribute them to any of the described types.
We wish you success!
Key words:1Self-knowledge
What is exaltation, or Who needs other people's problems - T&P
medieval medical practice. In fact, the word "exaltation" describes the state of mind that is characteristic of people who have difficulty controlling themselves, but easily tire those around them.
Exaltation is called an extremely excited, primarily ecstatic state. Many people are inspired, while not every football fan can be called exalted after the goal of their favorite team. The main thing here is that an exalted person may not have a special reason for joy.
Karl Leonhard
T&P has written more than once about different types of accentuations, but the affective-exalted type of temperament has not yet been touched upon. Recall that accentuation is a certain combination of clearly manifested character traits, in which a person's vulnerability to certain psychogenic influences increases. People with accentuations are normal in the generally accepted sense - however, sometimes their relationships with the world around them and with themselves are more complicated than those of people without such vivid manifestations. The first such temperaments were singled out into a separate group and classified by the German psychiatrist Karl Leonhard. One of the ten temperaments he described was just the affectively exalted type.
Leonhard called exaltation "the temperament of anxiety and happiness." From passionate jubilation to deadly longing, such people are one step away (or an ambiguous look, a friend’s inattention, sad news on the radio, a drop of coffee spilled on a shirt, whatever). It only saves that the way back to happiness is just as short for them. In psychology, the tendency to such abrupt changes in the emotional state is called increased lability.
In people with an exalted personality type, emotions are elevated to a cult. People with such a temperament not only do not hold back the manifestations of feelings, but also consider emotional experiences to be the most important component of human life. Often they seek to realize themselves in areas such as religion and art, and this makes sense: such people are distinguished by good taste and sensitivity. They often achieve success in creativity - largely because the value of a work of art is determined by the final emotional impact on the viewer / reader / listener, and it is quite logical that this is better for someone who is himself capable of a high intensity of sensual experiences.
There are many exalted personalities among actors, because it is natural for them to generate a stream of emotions, you just need to learn to direct it in a constructive direction. Constructive, according to Leonhard, exaltation becomes when strong-willed abilities are added to it. In this combination, it turns into passion: delight and despair begin to be expressed in actions, and not in feelings and ideas, which is typical of a simply exalted person.
One step separates such people from passionate jubilation to mortal anguish. The way back to happiness is just as short for them
Another strong (or weak) trait of exalted personalities is compassion. A TV show about the hardships of life in concentration camps or a puppy with a broken paw can drive them to despair; they experience the ordinary trouble of a friend more painfully than the victim himself. In an impulse, they are ready for real feats of altruism and self-sacrifice. And people around often use this: to borrow money from an exalted person, it is enough to convince him that, for example, buying a new car for you is a matter of life and death.
Increased emotionality in people of this type manifests itself in various ways: they are sociable, smiling, often fall in love and talk a lot, but at the same time they are touchy and prone to alarmism. People with this temperament often argue, but as a rule, it does not come to open conflicts. Fear in an exalted personality tends to increase sharply, and even in frivolous situations its physiological manifestations will be noticeable - trembling, cold sweat.
An exalted type of personality can be well illustrated with the help of heroes of fiction. With their thoughtless impulses and emotional outbursts, they inflame passions and turn the course of the story, for which the authors love them. A similar exemplary type was created by Dostoevsky in The Brothers Karamazov. His heroine Katerina Ivanovna is going to marry Mitya Karamazov not because she loves him, but because she is passionate about the idea of saving him. At some point, inspired by the idea of making her rival Grushenka a partner in this matter, she invites her to her place. Katerina Ivanovna spiritually and enthusiastically speaks to the guest, but when she realizes that Grushenka has laughed at her, the heroine has a severe mood swing, which ends with the fact that “Katerina Ivanovna had a seizure. She sobbed, spasms choked her. With approximately the same amplitude of emotional fluctuations - from proud happiness to tragedy - she lives throughout the entire novel, at the end of which she finds herself in severe hysteria during the trial of Mitya. Shakespeare's Romeo can be called a vivid example of a male exalted image. The hero is constantly in an extreme state of excitement and either suffocates from the happiness of being close to his beloved, or does not find a place for himself due to the tragedy of forced separation.
Romeo is simply incapable of average experiences and finds reasons in everything to strengthen his own feelings.
Exalted personalities win over those around them with the ability to empathize, sincerely rejoice at other people's successes and sympathize with grief. But the repulsive features of people with this temperament are about the same: excessive anxiety, a tendency to panic, drama and "increase the volume" for no apparent reason. Often, effective communication with exalted people is possible only when their emotions begin to wane, and the best recommendation for them is to try to reduce the significance of the events they are experiencing.
How to say
Incorrect: "The Spanish Inquisition arranged terrible exaltations for all dissidents." That's right: executions.
Correct: “I have no life at all with this exalted lady: she either soars in the clouds, or beats in hysterics.”
Correct: "Fedya's exaltation tired the whole group: screams, indignation and the struggle for the truth he alone understood were his faithful companions.