Difference between confident and cocky
The Difference Between Confidence & Cockiness
Your resource for building powerful sports programs
November 3, 2021 • Athletic Administration • Coaching
by JJ Weber, M.Ed., Director of Team Weber Consulting
If confidence bolsters sports performance, does cockiness vault performance to a higher level? The confidence versus cockiness debate has endured for decades.
Cockiness is often equated with supreme confidence. In the sporting world, several terms are used interchangeably to describe “high confidence”: self-assuredness, self-belief, boldness, brashness, swagger, and cockiness.
To delineate between confidence and cockiness, a few points should be considered:
- Is there a difference between confidence and cockiness?
- If so, what differentiates confidence from cockiness?
- How do you develop confidence?
Is There a Difference Between Confidence and Cockiness?
Confidence is an athlete’s belief in their physical, technical, emotional, and mental abilities to perform well in a particular athletic situation.
Confidence exists on a continuum; the greater the self-belief, the more successfully an athlete performs. On a confidence scale, the upper end is high confidence, not cockiness.
In reality, cockiness is an over-statement about one’s abilities or an over-emphasis on past achievements.
Confidence revolves around self (belief in one’s abilities), while cockiness is steeped in comparison (belief one is superior to other athletes).
Confident athletes are primarily focused on doing and working to reach their potential while cocky athletes are primarily focused on talking and bragging about their accomplishments.
Cocky athletes are trying to convince others and, at a deeper level, themselves that they can succeed, achieve, or perform at a high level. In that sense, cockiness is shaky confidence at best.
What Differentiates Confidence From Cockiness?
Confident athletes have a growth mindset. A growth mindset is an attitude or belief that an athlete can develop the necessary mental, physical, technical, and tactical skills to achieve their athletic goals. Confident athletes are driven to find a way to succeed and understand the effort and time needed to develop and improve skills.
Cocky athletes have a fixed mindset. They see themselves as natural-born athletes or athletically gifted. Cocky athletes rely on their natural ability, rather than work ethic, because they feel they are already a step ahead of everyone else.
Confident athletes focus on the process. The process is building your game through action, self-reflection, learning, and re-adjusting to grow as an athlete. Confident athletes find the lesson in losses.
Cocky athletes focus on outcomes such as wins, records, statistics, awards, and accolades. Losses are dismissed as aberrations, therefore, nothing much is learned after a bad performance.
Confident athletes find a way. They take personal responsibility for their performance. After a loss, confident athletes go back to the drawing board to see if there is something they can do differently for the next competition.
Cocky athletes find an excuse. They never take the blame or responsibility for a bad performance. A bad result is seen as something or someone else’s fault.
Confident athletes welcome feedback and accept constructive criticism. Confident athletes learn from failure rather than letting it define them.
Cocky athletes see criticism as unfair or misguided. Criticism is viewed as a personal attack and rarely used as feedback to improve performance.
Confident athletes challenge themselves. Challenges are seen as opportunities to explore potential, no matter the outcome.
Cocky athletes rarely put themselves in a position to be unsuccessful; it’s a threat to their ego. When faced with strong challenges, cocky athletes back off and give up more easily.
Confident athletes focus on team success. They look for ways to contribute. Confident athletes see themselves as a part of the whole.
Cocky athletes focus on individual success. Personal statistics are more meaningful than team play. Cocky athletes have issues building relationships with teammates.
How to Develop Confidence
Sport confidence is an essential mental skill developed from tangible sources. For an athlete to develop high self-belief, they must roll up their sleeves and do the mental and physical work to proactively build their confidence.
The following are specific strategies/ sources of confidence:
- Highlight past successes. Identifying successes doesn’t mean boasting about accomplishments. Positive memories produce constructive emotions that contribute to future successes. In addition, past successes can provide a roadmap for future competitive performances.
- Find strengths – Competing from strengths is a tremendous asset heading into a competition. Just as pointing out weaknesses diminishes belief, identifying strengths boosts an athlete’s confidence.
- Train at a high physical level – Improving strength, explosiveness, flexibility, speed, agility, reaction time, technique, and tactical skills give athletes a sense of mental power.
- Cultivate mental skills – The same is true for mental training as physical training. Developing specific skills such as goal setting, focus, self-efficacy, persistence, resilience contributes to a sense of readiness.
- Prepare fully – On competition day, following a specific routine, packing your equipment bag early, warming up properly signals a sense of preparedness to perform at a high level.
- Practice imagery/ visualization – Experiencing success in your mind’s eye adds to confidence by reducing doubt. Mental rehearsal is experiencing success before a competition. Success, real and imagined, are valuable sources of self-belief.
- Manage mental game – Understanding how to deal with mistakes, emotions, and pressure enhances confidence. When an athlete knows how to respond in tough situations, they are better prepared for handling unforeseen circumstances in competition.
Cockiness is an empty promise. True success is earned by having a high level of self-belief.
JJ Weber, M.Ed. is the Director of Team Weber Consulting, a company geared towards human potential and mental training. JJ has a Sport Psychology degree from Temple University. He is a member of the American Association of Sport Psychology and the International Society of Sport Psychology. For questions, you can contact him at [email protected] or through TeamWeberConsulting.com.
athletic administration, coaching, coaching advice, confidence, player confidence
What is the Difference Between Confidence and Cocky
January 1, 2021
by Hasa
4 min read
The main difference between confidence and cocky is that cockiness/being cocky involves conceit and overconfidence, which often stems from insecurity while confidence involves self-assurance, which comes from an understanding of one’s abilities or qualities.
Confidence comes from your pride and belief in your own abilities and achievements. Being confident is a very good trait, but being cocky is not. Cocky means conceited and boldly or brashly self-confident. Sometimes, it is only a very fine line between confidence and cocky.
Key Areas Covered
1. What is Confidence
– Definition, Features
2. What is Cockiness
– Definition, Features
3. What is the Difference Between Confidence and Cocky
– Comparison of Key Differences
Key Terms
Confidence, Cocky
What is Confidence
Confidence is a feeling of trust in one’s abilities, qualities, and judgement. In other words, it is the self-assurance that comes from an understanding of one’s abilities or qualities. Confidence comes from true self-worth – from one’s pride and belief in one’s own abilities and achievements. They also possess a sense of inner calm that stems from their self-assurance.
A confident person is not blind to one’s own flaws and has no problem admitting to being wrong. This is because he is willing to learn from his flaws and mistakes. Moreover, confident people are aware that they don’t know everything and are happy to learn what they don’t know. They know that they are no better or worse than others. Therefore, they have no problem listening to others and learning from them. Unlike cocky people, confident people don’t act superior to others and boast about themselves.
What is Cockiness
The word cocky is used to describe who is conceited or confident in a very brash or bold way. This word usually has a negative connotation as it characterized by an offensive display of conceit, superiority or self-importance. Moreover, we usually use this adjective to describe young people.
A cocky person usually has an exaggerated sense of his own importance and abilities. He or she may brag about their skills, talents and achievements. They may also love to talk about themselves a lot. This is a type of overconfidence. A cocky person may ignore the skills and abilities of others around them or show a distinct lack of interest in others. They may also try to make others feel inferior, consciously or unconsciously. Interestingly, putting others down may make a cocky person feel better about himself.
When a person is cocky, he will believe that he knows everything, and he has nothing to learn from others. Cocky people hate listening to others’ opinions and views. They will also try to prove that they are right, and others are wrong. It’s believed that cockiness often stems from insecurity. This is why people often boast about their abilities and achievements while trying to demean others.
Difference Between Confidence and Cocky
Confidence is a feeling of trust in one’s abilities, qualities, and judgement while cocky means conceited and boldly or brashly self-confident.
The word confidence has a positive connotation while the word cocky has a negative connotation.
Reaction to Mistakes
Confident people aren’t afraid to admit their mistakes and are willing to learn from their mistakes. Cocky people, on the other hand, rarely own up to their mistakes and will try to put the blame on someone else.
Moreover, cocky people often act as if they are superior to others, but not confident people.
Others’ Achievements
Cocky people always try to demean others and their achievements, but confident people do not try to demean others’ achievements.
Root Cause
Cockiness often stems from insecurities and fear, while confidence stems from self-assurance.
The main difference between confidence and cocky is that cockiness/being cocky involves conceit and overconfidence, which often stems from insecurity while confidence involves self-assurance, which comes from an understanding of one’s abilities or qualities.
Image Courtesy:
1. “3566942” (CC0) via Pixabay
About the Author: Hasa
Hasa has a BA degree in English, French and Translation studies. She is currently reading for a Masters degree in English. Her areas of interests include literature, language, linguistics and also food.
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How to become a daring, impudent and self-confident woman?
Until a few decades ago, girls were taught that modesty and shyness were their main virtues. In the 21st century, these qualities are much less valued. Success, both in personal life and in the profession, is more likely to be achieved by bright, self-confident women.
How to develop in yourself these qualities that give advantages in society and not become an impudent woman, from whom others run away? Where is the fine line between strong personality and boorishness?
Audacity is a personality trait that allows you to actively and openly speak about your interests and defend your opinion. A daring woman will not hide her eyes and clutch a handkerchief with traces of tears in her hands.
A person with audacity is open and direct, he always directly answers the requests of other people, is active in choosing his actions.
Insolence is expressed in disregard for the feelings of other people. An impudent person is self-centered, he lacks empathy, and all thoughts and actions are aimed only at satisfying his ego.
Is there a difference between not hurting another and not hurting yourself? Of course have. This is the essence of the difference between impudence based on self-confidence and arrogance based on the principles of disrespect for other people and ignoring social and moral norms.
An impudent girl will skip the line in any public place. While the daring one will not let herself be bypassed. A daring character will not put up with insults addressed to him, the insolent one will begin to offend first.
An impudent person does not care how others treat him, he does not know the pangs of conscience. Until a certain time, such behavior can bear fruit, but in the end the woman will realize that she is left alone. A worthy person will not be able to put up with rudeness and dismissive attitude for a long time.
The main quality that will allow you to become successful and happy is self-confidence. It is this personality trait that should be worked out and strengthened.
If we were talking about a man, then this quality was not put in the first place among the signs of self-confidence. For a daring and confident woman, an understanding of external attractiveness is the main feature.
Existing stereotypes impose many characteristics, the possession of which puts a girl in the category of beautiful. Any non-compliance with the standard (excess weight, for example) can lower a woman's self-esteem.
A self-sufficient girl loves herself and considers herself irresistible regardless of natural abilities: with a full figure, short legs, narrow lips. Moreover, he loves in whole, and not in parts. And he will not allow anyone to criticize his external data.
A self-confident lady can go out without hair and make-up without hiding her natural face from people. Men do not let such women pass and a priori consider them the first beauties.
Strength of personality
A woman has a high self-esteem and a well-formed system of values and principles. Such a person does not try to serve, to please, does not feel reverence for anyone. There is faith in their resources, knowledge and experience.
The ability to negotiate and listen to others
A self-confident girl calmly perceives any information and analyzes it. If it turns out that the opponent's point of view is correct, the woman will accept it with gratitude for the experience presented. She will not earn points for herself by belittling another.
Self-sufficiency and responsibility for one's life
Confidence leads to the fact that a woman takes full responsibility for everything that happens to her. She does not blame her mother, friends or husband for failures and problems. The girl understands that she ended up at this point and in this position thanks to the actions and actions that she herself performed.
The ability to admit a mistake and choose a different direction
One cannot live without falls and failures. A self-sufficient woman knows this. She will analyze her thoughts and actions, find a mistake and correct it. At the same time, such a girl will not engage in self-discipline, realizing that no one is immune from mistakes and the wrong path.
Ability to make quick decisions
Self-confident girl knows strengths and weaknesses, available resources. Therefore, she makes decisions quickly enough, without unnecessary doubts and long-term hesitation.
Healthy psyche
A rare person is free from fears and complexes that are laid in early childhood and requires some work to get rid of them. A self-confident person understands the psychological characteristics of his personality, knows how to accept them, and not get hung up on unpleasant moments.
Insolence is the second happiness
“Insolence” and “insolence” are synonymous in Russian. Why does the presence of such a contradictory quality in assessments become happiness, and what does it consist of? Insolence is a character trait that allows you to neglect other people's feelings. As a result, there is a complete concentration of a person on his own "I". An impudent person is an egoist who easily forgets about morality, rules and other high social attitudes. He hunts for profit and comfort. Why stand in a long line and waste time when you can get ahead? Why wait until a boring monologue is over when it's easier to interrupt it? Brazen people are materialistic. They are not inclined to bear the experiences of another person. They do not care what others think and feel, they do not think about the consequences. You will say: “As it comes around, it will respond,” to which they will boldly answer: “When it responds, then we will think!”
A daring person knows how to forget about moral principles for his own benefit. Why remember the rules of decency, and worry about the result, when it is easier to respond to a caustic remark with an even more caustic comment? Do you adapt to your distracted husband by memorizing his schedule and reminding him of an important meeting? A daring person will leave everything as it is. And will not regret. Do you, coming tired in the evening, cook dinner through force? But the impudent lady does not like this option. If the husband wants to eat, then he has three options: cook for himself, order food at home, or, in a successful scenario, take his tired nymph to a restaurant to improve her mood.
Insolence rarely interferes with its owner. His views on life are such that the current model of behavior fits harmoniously into them and does not cause discomfort. Rebuff impudent receives infrequently, but sad about it for a short time.
But what about harm to others? For an impudent person, this does not make sense, and the moral and ethical problems of behavior do not bother him. Having offended a loved one, he does not suffer and does not self-flagellate. Because of this, ties with people quickly fall apart. Few people are able to linger in the life of such a person for a long time. It happens that feelings take over, and impudence becomes a punishment, but this does not happen so often, but mostly in books with a high moral content.
Open expression of her opinions and needs
A notorious, shy girl with low self-esteem is often afraid to openly say what she thinks or refuse a person. A confident woman declares her needs and openly says what she thinks is necessary, defends her point of view.
What to do with appearance?
First of all, you need to understand that each of us is created by nature, the universe, and any standard is just a model of beauty imposed in a particular society. What was considered charming 100 years ago is today regarded as disgusting.
High self-esteem implies acceptance of oneself in any form. Of course, a woman can see her weaknesses, but does not belittle her self-worth because of them.
An objective analysis will help you understand what is desirable to correct at the current moment and take the necessary measures to this end. But even before achieving results, you should love and groom yourself.
For example, a girl wants to lose extra pounds in the abdomen and decides to limit herself to fast carbohydrates. But she will not consider herself ugly until she gets the result and suffer, weighing every day.
Stay calm when under pressure
Do you explode or cry when something makes you angry or upset? Being tough doesn't mean not having emotions, but it does mean controlling them so you can think clearly and make rational decisions. If you tend to overreact to unwanted news, start monitoring your emotional background. Before you do anything, take a deep breath and count to ten. This well-known trick is needed in order to get together, and it really works. After 10 seconds, the first surge of emotions will subside a bit. Direct your energy in the right direction instead of splashing it on other people. Gymnastics, journaling, and meditation are good ways to set your emotions in a positive direction. After you get rid of all unnecessary emotions, you will be able to answer for yourself the question of how to become tougher in character.
Personal care, clothes
Lack of humiliation does not mean that you can neglect the rules of hygiene and basic care procedures. Appearance always matters. “Meet by clothes”, remember?
Agree, when there is dirt under the nails, and hair in tows lie on the face, it is hard to be self-confident. And people will not perceive such a woman as a strong personality. We don't buy blue chicken and yellow subcutaneous fat in the store.
Clothing for a confident woman is one in which she feels comfortable and appropriate. A girl may love ripped jeans and oversized sweaters, but she understands that for an interview at a large, reputable company, she’d better wear pumps and a strict business suit.
Daring girls, as a rule, attract attention with bright accessories, eye-catching make-up, costume with provocative elements.
Don't be selfish after making mistakes
Mistakes are an inevitable part of life. Tough people use their mistakes as tools to teach them how to succeed next time. If you tend to let mistakes get the best of you, or worse, blame someone else for your own miscalculations, then you have the wrong attitude towards failure. Try to approach your mistakes in a different way. Learn to recognize them (primarily to yourself). It's a misconception that in order to be tough, you have to act like you're always right. In fact, the opposite is true: tough people are ready to admit their mistakes, so that they can then correct them.
Posture, self-control
A confident woman walks calmly, with a straight back, not waving her arms like a soldier on a parade ground. Her whole figure expresses dignity and readiness to stand up for herself.
Stooping is always perceived as humiliation, a desire to hide from others, or as oppression of worries and problems. Straight shoulders, beautiful posture, proudly raised head give out a confident and daring woman.
Shyness is emphasized by clasped hands, downcast eyes, as well as the habit of scratching the nose, ears or pulling hair. Try to look into the eyes of the interlocutor, keep your palms in front of you.
A confident girl always reflects inner harmony and calmness. The best expression of these qualities is a friendly smile. Daring girls do not walk around with a frown and an expression of universal grief on their faces.
Look problems in the eye
Don't try to avoid problems by running away or pretending they don't exist. The ability to "face" reality will help you make practical decisions that will ultimately lead to positive change. If you bury your head in the sand, problems will only accumulate. Resist the temptation to ignore problems by indulging in escapist behavior. Drinking alcohol, sitting in front of TV in the evenings, sleepless nights on the Internet, gambling and other similar forms of destructive behavior will distort the perception of reality.
Ability to defend personal boundaries
You should not allow manifestations of any kind of aggression or disrespect in your address. You should immediately stop attempts to cross the boundaries beyond which there is personal space.
No need to be rude in response to rudeness, you should calmly explain what kind of attitude you will not tolerate and why.
A self-confident person knows how to refuse, say "no" if the request is contrary to his interests or basic life principles. There is no need to be afraid to seem like a “bad” girl, only you can decide what actions you are ready to do.
Remember your goals
Direct all your energy towards achieving your goals. If you really want something, do your best to achieve it. A great desire should help you to drop modesty in order to receive some benefits.
It is important that your values are true, otherwise the motivation will be insufficient.
Use every opportunity to get closer to your goals. Be determined and act if life gives you a chance. Otherwise, someone else will take your place, and a more enterprising person will take the benefits that you deserve with your skills and work.
Is it possible to develop insolence?
Not every person can be bold. Take as an example a slow and concentrated phlegmatic. He is in no hurry, constantly in his thoughts, completely immersed in the process. Before committing any offense, he will think it over dozens of times. He will analyze each of his answers 20 times, check it for correctness and adequacy. Before committing any of his actions, a closed melancholic will experience uncertainty, strong feelings. He will not be able to answer a rude word, let out tears, will try to completely hide his real state. It will be extremely difficult for such people to develop insolence.
However, audacity will become a natural phenomenon for a bright extrovert, which can be permanent, temporary. With a lack of decisiveness, a painful reaction to the rudeness of people around, their direct words, worrying about emotions, it will be very difficult to develop this character trait. It's hard, but possible.
Build Strong Connections with Others
There is power in numbers. It is easier to build a wall around yourself than to reach out and establish deep relationships with other people. Earning and maintaining people's trust is no easy feat. It may sound strange, but showing vulnerability to others is actually an important part of being tough. Show your family, friends and colleagues that you deserve their trust and love. Respond quickly to emails and calls and be there for people when you need it. Take on a leadership role in your community. You can dedicate time to helping others, coaching a small team, say at work or at the amateur sports level. Bet in your community!
How to become bold and self-confident - Women's and men's portal: useful articles, tips, instructions
HomePSYCHOLOGY OF PERSONALITYHow to become a daring, arrogant and self-confident woman?
Until a few decades ago, girls were taught that modesty and shyness were their main virtues. In the 21st century, these qualities are much less valued. Success, both in personal life and in the profession, is more likely to be achieved by bright, self-confident women.
How to develop in yourself these qualities that give advantages in society and not become an impudent woman, from whom others run away? Where is the fine line between strong personality and boorishness?
Audacity is a personality trait that allows you to actively and openly speak about your interests and defend your opinion. A daring woman will not hide her eyes and clutch a handkerchief with traces of tears in her hands.
A person with audacity is open and direct, he always directly answers the requests of other people, is active in choosing his actions.
Insolence is expressed in disregard for the feelings of other people. An impudent person is self-centered, he lacks empathy, and all thoughts and actions are aimed only at satisfying his ego.
Is there a difference between not hurting another and not hurting yourself? Of course have. This is the essence of the difference between impudence based on self-confidence and arrogance based on the principles of disrespect for other people and ignoring social and moral norms.
An impudent girl will skip the line in any public place. While the daring one will not let herself be bypassed. A daring character will not put up with insults addressed to him, the insolent one will begin to offend first.
An insolent person is indifferent to how others treat him, pangs of conscience are unknown to him. Until a certain time, such behavior can bear fruit, but in the end the woman will realize that she is left alone. A worthy person will not be able to put up with rudeness and dismissive attitude for a long time.
The main quality that will allow you to become successful and happy is self-confidence. It is this personality trait that should be worked out and strengthened.
If we were talking about a man, then this quality was not put in the first place among the signs of self-confidence. For a daring and confident woman, an understanding of external attractiveness is the main feature.
Existing stereotypes impose many characteristics, the possession of which puts a girl in the category of beautiful. Any non-compliance with the standard (excess weight, for example) can lower a woman's self-esteem.
A self-sufficient girl loves herself and considers herself irresistible regardless of natural abilities: with a full figure, short legs, narrow lips. Moreover, he loves in whole, and not in parts. And he will not allow anyone to criticize his external data.
A self-confident lady can go out without hair and make-up without hiding her natural face from people. Men do not let such women pass and a priori consider them the first beauties.
Strength of personality
A woman has a high self-esteem and a well-formed system of values and principles. Such a person does not try to serve, to please, does not feel reverence for anyone. There is faith in their resources, knowledge and experience.
The ability to negotiate and listen to others
A self-confident girl calmly perceives any information and analyzes it. If it turns out that the opponent's point of view is correct, the woman will accept it with gratitude for the experience presented. She will not earn points for herself by belittling another.
Confidence leads to the fact that a woman takes full responsibility for everything that happens to her. She does not blame her mother, friends or husband for failures and problems. The girl understands that she ended up at this point and in this position thanks to the actions and actions that she herself performed.
The ability to admit a mistake and choose a different direction
One cannot live without falls and failures. A self-sufficient woman knows this. She will analyze her thoughts and actions, find a mistake and correct it. At the same time, such a girl will not engage in self-discipline, realizing that no one is immune from mistakes and the wrong path.
Ability to make quick decisions
Self-confident girl knows strengths and weaknesses, available resources. Therefore, she makes decisions quickly enough, without unnecessary doubts and long-term hesitation.
Healthy psyche
A rare person is free from fears and complexes that are laid in early childhood and requires some work to get rid of them. A self-confident person understands the psychological characteristics of his personality, knows how to accept them, and not get hung up on unpleasant moments.
A notorious, shy girl with low self-esteem is often afraid to openly say what she thinks or refuse a person. A confident woman declares her needs and openly says what she thinks is necessary, defends her point of view.
What to do with appearance?
First of all, you need to understand that each of us is created by nature, the universe, and any standard is just a model of beauty imposed in a particular society. What was considered charming 100 years ago is today regarded as disgusting.
High self-esteem implies acceptance of oneself in any form. Of course, a woman can see her weaknesses, but does not belittle her self-worth because of them.
An objective analysis will help you understand what is desirable to correct at the current moment and take the necessary measures to this end. But even before achieving results, you should love and groom yourself.
For example, a girl wants to lose extra pounds in her stomach and decides to limit herself to fast carbohydrates. But she will not consider herself ugly until she gets the result and suffer, weighing every day.
Lack of humiliation does not mean that you can neglect the rules of hygiene and basic care procedures. Appearance always matters. “Meet by clothes”, remember?
Agree, when there is dirt under the nails, and hair in tows lie on the face, it is hard to be self-confident. And people will not perceive such a woman as a strong personality. We don't buy blue chicken and yellow subcutaneous fat in the store.
Clothing for a confident woman is one in which she feels comfortable and appropriate. A girl may love ripped jeans and oversized sweaters, but she understands that for an interview at a large, reputable company, she’d better wear pumps and a strict business suit.
Daring girls, as a rule, attract attention with bright accessories, eye-catching make-up, costume with provocative elements.
A confident woman walks calmly, with a straight back, not waving her arms like a soldier on a parade ground. Her whole figure expresses dignity and readiness to stand up for herself.
Stooping is always perceived as humiliation, a desire to hide from others, or as oppression of worries and problems. Straight shoulders, beautiful posture, proudly raised head give out a confident and daring woman.
Shyness is emphasized by clasped hands, downcast eyes, as well as the habit of scratching the nose, ears or pulling hair. Try to look into the eyes of the interlocutor, keep your palms in front of you.
A confident girl always reflects inner harmony and calmness. The best expression of these qualities is a friendly smile. Daring girls do not walk around with a frown and an expression of universal grief on their faces.
Do not allow any kind of aggression or disrespect in your address. You should immediately stop attempts to cross the boundaries beyond which there is personal space.
No need to be rude in response to rudeness, you should calmly explain what kind of attitude you will not tolerate and why.
A self-confident person knows how to refuse, say "no" if the request is contrary to his interests or basic life principles. There is no need to be afraid to seem like a “bad” girl, only you can decide what actions you are ready to do.
An indicator of self-confidence is the ability to defend one's positions without hesitation and speak out on any issue. Even if among a hundred people you are the only one who has the opposite point of view, do not be afraid to voice it.
In any situation, it is important to remain calm and radiate confidence. Retain the right to make mistakes under any circumstances.
A woman is an emotional being and has the right to express her feelings. But a daring and confident lady will not dwell on negative emotions for a long time and reproach herself for her mistakes. Try to always and in everything find a positive grain and maintain inner harmony.
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Bless the obstacles and difficulties, they provide an opportunity for growth and new knowledge.
Some people tend to think that modesty, self-doubt and timidity spoil their lives, preventing them from achieving their goals, but if you become arrogant, find the strength to go over the heads of other people, then you can achieve the desired results.
They are looking for a way to become arrogant, anticipating that a streak of luck and crushing victories will immediately begin in life. The main problem is that many of us mistakenly confuse arrogance with such human qualities as purposefulness and self-confidence. Namely, these last character traits allow you to adequately assess your merits and capabilities, achieve your goals, correspond to a highly raised punk, without losing your moral character.
Often arrogance in its pure manifestation is a quality that allows a person to hide self-doubt or his own complexes from prying eyes. Most often, impudent behavior is inherent in people with intellectual or moral inferiority. With the help of inadequate actions and feigned audacity, they distract the attention of others from other, not always worthy, character traits.
Feel the difference? In moderation, as well as in the context of certain situations, it is necessary to show impudence. We are taught from kindergarten that everyone should protect themselves and their interests. And, if a person adequately perceives his character traits, understands that it is important to maintain a balance between arrogance and self-confidence, but does not dare to enter into polemics with others, then he should pay attention to some psychological tricks. Below we will try to describe the techniques, following which, you can understand how to become arrogant without harming anyone with your arrogance.
- 1 9 principles of an impudent person
- 2 Be impudent, but live according to your conscience
- 3 Is impudence really the second happiness: 4 weighty arguments
- 4 4 steps to become impudent and enjoy life a situation from life about why it becomes bolder stands carefully
9 principles of an impudent person
Try on masks.
Imagine that you are a completely different person. There is an actor inside each of us. Try yourself in the role of a brazen hero from a Hollywood masterpiece.
The essence of this exercise is that it is often difficult to show some character traits because they are unusual for us. By trying them on in a play role, you reduce the discomfort caused by the fear of the unknown, and in the future you can use different behaviors in real life.Try to completely copy the image of the actor who at one time struck you with his arrogant, self-confident behavior. Stand in front of a mirror and rehearse. If you like the image you see, you can practice in everyday life.
Watch your self-esteem.
Are you worse than other people? No. And in some moments, perhaps much better. Thinking about how to become arrogant, take a piece of paper and write on it point by point all your virtues. The ones you can brag about. Now imagine that you are in a large circle of people. Do they all have your benefits? Hardly. Realizing your own importance, you will stop relegating yourself to the background in life situations that require pressure and arrogance. -
Your point of view has a right to exist.
Try to defend your opinion in any dialogue. Forget about what others think of you and your opinion. For you, only your opinion is valuable, not the thoughts of others. What if you are embarrassed to express your opinion?
First, carefully work out point 2, reading this article will also help in this. Secondly, stop avoiding unpleasant conversations, over time you will understand that any dialogue is easier for you, your thoughts have become logical due to the fact that you actively express them, so a confident position will be formed. Thirdly, confidence combined with common sense helps to be a little bolder in matters that are important to you. -
Stop thinking about others all the time.
Are you looking for an answer to the question of how to become bolder and more self-confident, but at the same time you are afraid of doing something wrong and getting a disapproving reaction? Why are you afraid that others will think badly of you, criticize you.People criticize everyone all the time. You can be criticized by the majority, whether you show a leadership position or choose to stand aside. Stop choosing negative thoughts: there are two points of view in any situation, so start sticking to the one that is beneficial to you. Live your life doing the things that fit your picture of the world.
Say “no” more often.
If there are people around you who turn to you with requests at any opportunity, learn to refuse them. Multitasking negatively affects your academic performance, and therefore the quality of life. Don't let yourself be "carried with water". But do not rush to extremes, suddenly deciding to refuse everyone and always. It is necessary to help, it forms in you self-confidence and satisfaction with life. However, do not do this to the detriment of yourself and your plans. If you refuse someone an objectionable occupation, you will not be known as an impudent person, but you will be principled and self-sufficient.These concepts are much more important than impudence, perceived in a negative context.
Expand your social circle.
How to become bolder and more self-confident if you communicate daily with the same people who have learned your reaction to any action? Even if in an important occupation for you, being in your usual social circle, you decide to show a leadership position that was previously unusual for you, you will most likely remain incomprehensible and will be met with the phrase “What is it with you?”. Get out of your comfort zone. Meet interesting interlocutors, establish old contacts, strengthen business ties. You can learn a lot of important and interesting information for yourself. You will learn how to competently build a dialogue, joke and even make fun.
Surrounding people are an inexhaustible source of information, skills and abilities. The wider your social circle, the more adaptive your behavior model becomes, you can more easily adapt to the situation and show the qualities necessary to achieve success at a particular moment - impudence or confidence, kindness or compassion. -
Change jobs.
If you sit in one place for 10 years and grow into it with roots, then it is almost impossible to change without changing anything around you. The display of arrogance and confidence will not be taken seriously, but can cause additional problems, especially if you decide to become a little arrogant and defend your position with your boss, although at the same time you have been willing to endure everything as it is for years. In a new professional field, you can express yourself as you please. The only thing is that it is better to train the qualities you need in yourself even before this global change. If there is no need to change jobs, then try to spend your free time more actively. Sitting in a "mink" it is impossible to change the character, you know that! -
Drive away all doubts.
Do you think how good an impudent person is and is it worth striving for such an ideal? After all, you never liked the “arrogant woman” sneaking ahead of you in line.Then answer yourself the question, what exactly did you not like about it? Perhaps the fact that she can afford to go ahead, and she had the audacity, but you do not? And would you refuse to go first, and not stand in line for an hour, if you had the opportunity? Just do not get confused in the concepts of permissible arrogance and outright rudeness and humiliation of other people. Always be human first.
Choose your friends carefully.
If there is an impudent person in your environment who constantly complains about life and imposes his opinion on you, stop communicating with him. As long as this person is around, uncertainty and failure will follow you everywhere. We consider arrogance as a manifestation of strength of character in the circumstances necessary to achieve goals, but not in its weakness.
Be arrogant, but live according to your conscience
The most important rule on the way to gaining self-confidence is to respect your opinion. Of course, any sane person understands that his opinion is not always correct. But, if you plan to learn the same basics of behavior as an arrogant person behaves, then try to show character and defend your point of view to the last. Training will allow you to work out and consolidate in practice this model of behavior.
In the future, when self-confidence, moderate arrogance and purposefulness become your usual character traits, you will learn to recognize the rightness of other people. But, during the period of developing skills, it is important to fight to the last and not retreat. But do it with dignity, confidence and a smile on your face. Remember: your goal is not to humiliate the other person, but to achieve your goal through perseverance, which sometimes requires being a little bolder, but never requires causing discomfort to other people. Do not go too far and do not insult other people, they do not deserve it.
How to become arrogant: 4 proofs why you should be arrogant + 4 steps to becoming arrogant + 15 ideas on how to become arrogant step by step + additional ways to feel even more arrogant + a life story about why on the way to arrogance you should not forget about the feelings of other people.
While others are climbing the corporate ladder, meeting gorgeous girls and skydiving, are you in your fifth year as a sales assistant in a mobile phone store because your own insecurities prevent you from getting more out of life?
Then we have a plan for you on how to get arrogant. This path is not easy, but worth it, and here's why.
Is impudence really the second happiness: 4 weighty arguments While a modest guy will gather his courage to get acquainted with the young lady he likes, the impudent one will already flirt with her to the fullest (well, or he will get a turn from the gate and will not be a bit upset about this).

A little more about what impudence is and what it gives a person in this video:
Although in fairness, it must be said that impudence has its dark sides:
Advantages and disadvantages of impudence
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4 steps on how to become arrogant and enjoy life
Well, have you been even more inspired to groom and cherish arrogance in yourself? Weren't you afraid of the shortcomings of arrogance? Then here's a step by step plan for you.
Step #1: Understand your appearance.
Women don't let well-groomed, well-groomed men, believe me! Yes, and colleagues look at them quite differently. Self-esteem, and with it arrogance, grows exponentially.
How to take care of yourself at home?
Therefore, go to the gym for a good figure, to the barbershop for a stylish haircut, to the store for fashionable clothes. Get out of the wardrobe all those stretched grandfather sweaters, worn jeans and sweatshirts in the color of childish surprise. Do not forget about light daytime perfume and neat hands.
According to statistics, 75% of girls pay attention to their hands, 70% to tightened buttocks and 62% will not be able to resist a beautiful embossed press.
Step No. 2. Learning from those who have already succeeded
D'artagnan is one of the most famous impudent people in world literature and cinema
You are looking for your sources of inspiration and charge yourself with the impudence virus from them.
Step #3. Take small steps towards a big goal
How to achieve your goal: 12 tips
Start with small but daily steps. Here are 15 ideas to inspire you:
Item # | Action to develop audacity |
1 | Return an item that didn't fit. |
2 | Skip the checkout line at the supermarket. |
3 | To make a remark to people making noise in theatre, cinema, exhibition, etc. |
4 | Ask a friend to repay a debt, even if the amount is small. |
5 | Ask the cafeteria to clean the table if it is dirty or change the cutlery. |
6 | Reprimand the person who threw the trash past the bin. |
7 | Refuse to take work home on weekends or stay after work for several days in a row. |
9 | Refuse to meet someone if you are tired, irritated, or just don't want to see them.![]() |
10 | Confess to friends in some "shameful" but funny habit or hobby. For example, finally tell them that you are crazy about Turkish TV shows or the work of Stas Mikhailov. |
11 | Stop a person in a conversation if he goes beyond your boundaries, you feel anger, resentment, etc., speak openly about your feelings. |
12 | Treat a stranger to coffee on the street or in a cafe, even if you have been hopelessly married for a long time. |
13 | Come to a company where you don't know anyone and chat with a stranger for at least 10-15 minutes. |
14 | Enter the store, long and meticulously choose goods (clothes, appliances, etc.) with the seller and leave with nothing, without apologizing or making excuses |
15 | Compliment a woman you know - a friend, neighbor, colleague.![]() |
Important: if timidity is your middle name, you should not rush into the pool with your head and complete all tasks in half a day. One day - one small step towards impudence. In this case, the revolution should be "velvet".
Step #4: Be arrogant to the extreme and enjoy it!
As you know, in any business, including the development of arrogance, there is no limit to perfection. When you feel more confident in the little things, move on to new levels, for example:
Extreme is a great way to believe in yourself
come to your boss with an idea for a new project, innovation, etc. or start your own, albeit small, business;finally invite a girl you like for a long time;go on a trip alone. And no organized tours and a big company - just you and this wonderful world!
A solo trip will help you feel more confident
have a heart-to-heart talk with the person you hold a grudge against or quarreled with. As a result, it may turn out that you just misunderstood each other.
Top 10 self-confidence tips
A simple action to become more daring.
Insolence is the second happiness.
A real situation from life about why it becomes impudent to stand carefully
So, recently I began to notice how my friend Sveta, a thin and vulnerable girl, is moving away from me. And when I bothered her and asked what was the matter, she was silent, like a partisan under interrogation. I had to ask a third friend from our company. It turned out that Sveta was unpleasant when I discussed the new girlfriend of the guy she liked in front of her. But since they did not have an affair with Svetlana, I decided that this topic was not painful for a friend. But in vain! We talked and peace was restored in just ten minutes. After this purely girlish story, I once again became convinced that you need to be very careful about the feelings of others and not be silent if something hurts you. Sincerity is the best policy.
So if you have found your ideal recipe for becoming arrogant, let it be a way to feel more confident, punchy and strong, but not to assert itself at the expense of other people. Be a sort of kind wizard who knows how to get his way, but conjures (shows character), only for the mood and a special occasion.
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How to become attractive and self-confident? This question is asked by millions of girls and women. Uncertainty breeds indecision, shyness and over modesty, creates problems in communication and often becomes the main cause of failure.
To become self-sufficient and self-confident, everyone needs to overcome this inferiority complex. And it's not that hard. Of course, if a girl or woman is capable of objective introspection.
They are greeted by clothes!
No need to reinvent the wheel. To make a proper impression on others, you should take care of your appearance.
Make-up should be moderate and appropriate to the appearance: the color of the skin, hair, in harmony with clothing. Now there is a lot of information available, both in books and on the Internet, that will allow you to look good and become attractive and confident.
Involuntary respect and interest are most often caused by clothes in a classic business style: tight-fitting not very short dresses/pencil skirts, jackets and suits.
Hair should always be clean and well-styled, it is desirable to have a beautiful manicure. Thinking about how to become stylish and confident, do not be afraid to change your wardrobe. Beautiful and inexpensive dresses and suits are often sold in online stores. Also, do not forget about shoes, which must match the clothes, be clean, without scratches and damage.
Accuracy should be combined with simplicity and positive attitude.
A smile will come to the rescue
Arrogance and aggressiveness always give rise to negativity. Negative people can be leaders too. This energy is strong enough. However, a positive image and a sincere smile inspire confidence. What matters is the attitude towards the world. Look at the world around you without fear and aggression, perceive what is happening without negative emotions! This will allow you to be calmer and not flutter with panic at the least irritant.
Do not be afraid of obstacles. Just tell yourself: “I can do it, I can handle it.” This is a reliable way to become bold and confident.
"Indifference" does not mean indifference
It is important to try not to take your failures to heart. Whatever happens, do not fall into despair. To brush aside failure, accept it with a smile or indifference. After each incident, rules should be developed so as not to step on the same rake next time.
Don't look back
Introspection is not self-flagellation. With age comes the understanding of some things that at a younger age seemed not so important.