The best type of personality
Ranking the 16 Myers and Briggs Types from Most to Least Polite
Some personality types are known for being extremely polite in every situation while others couldn’t care less what people think of them and their manners. While politeness depends a lot on culture and upbringing, some personality types are definitely more polite than the rest!
What Personality Types are Most Polite?
Ever wondered which of the 16 personality types are most and least polite? Check out this list and see if you agree with the ranking!
People who fit the ESFJ personality type can usually be recognized by their big hearts and kindly manner. ESFJs are warm and welcoming and their love of tradition means they value good old-fashioned manners highly. This personality type embodies the politeness of the past, always keeping the utmost respect for social rules. They behave in exactly the way that is expected for every situation, making ESFJs the most polite personality type of all 16.
Thanks to their ability to intuit other people’s emotions, INFJs are usually very polite and sensitive. This personality type tends to be reserved and private so you can expect any exchange with them to be courteous. INFJs will very rarely let you know what they’re thinking, making them extremely polite, especially around strangers.
3. ISFPs
ISFPs are spontaneous and creative, always seeking beauty in their surroundings. They tend to be quiet and respectful, with a strong moral compass that sees them behave in a way that is polite in most scenarios. This personality type can sometimes be too polite, however, to their own detriment. In their attempts to avoid conflict at all costs, ISFPs will often submit to the ideas and interests of others which can put them in uncomfortable situations.
As a compassionate and caring type, INFPs are usually very polite. They are sensitive to the feelings of others, so they are careful with their wording and how they approach difficult topics. The only time INFPs let their politeness slip is if they feel their values are being challenged. In these situations, they can react strongly and will fiercely defend their right to an opinion.
At the top of the list of priorities for ESFPs is making sure they and everyone around them are having a good time. This fun-loving personality type loves surrounding themselves with positivity and enthusiasm so they can usually be relied on to be polite and convivial. The only time the politeness might slip is when they get bored, which can happen easily. Then you might find yourself dropped like a tonne of bricks as they go in search of a new source of entertainment… which is not so polite!
Integrity and honesty are two of the core characteristics of the ISFJ personality type. ISFJs always take care to conduct themselves with the utmost decency. At the same time, their practical and straight-shooting personality type means that sometimes they can be a little too honest.
This personality type can also fall into the habit of disapproving of change, making them overly traditionalist and can come across as impolite.
ENTPs are easy going and adaptable. Criticism just bounces off them like water off a duck's back. This means that ENTPs are rarely impolite deliberately. On the other hand, they also have a natural stubbornness where they can come across as being impolite in some circumstances, especially if you try to challenge them.
Known for their optimism and upbeat personality, ENFJs are known for being fun to be around. They are very aware of the needs of others and this makes them naturally polite. Where their politeness slips it's when they’re in a rush. ENFJs tend to take on lots of activities and responsibilities so they can get overwhelmed. You might find they’re often running late or hurrying past you without holding the door, or even forgetting your name. Don’t worry, deep down they don’t mean anything by it. They’ll do their best to be polite when they have less on their mind.
Quick, charismatic and a little chaotic, the ESTP personality is one of the most dynamic and bold of all the 16 types. This type isn’t afraid to get straight to the point. They value directness in their communication and this can sometimes come off as impolite. However, if you can get into the groove of the ESTP way and keep up with their fast-paced lifestyle, you’ll forgive their impoliteness because you’ll be carried away by their playful, infectious personality.
10. ISTP
ISTPs are known for being adaptable and super practical. This personality type is often reserved and rules with common sense. They value their personal space hugely which means that ISTPs can often push other people away. While this has a perfectly reasonable motive, for personalities who aren’t used to it, ISTPs can come across as rude.
11. ENFP
Talkative and a bit self-absorbed, ENFPs aren’t always the most polite personality type. ENFPs have a tendency to talk about themselves a lot and they’re not great listeners. They can also take things to heart quickly, building up resentment towards people who they think have done them wrong. This personality type is fun and their energy is electric but they’re definitely not winning awards for being the most polite personality type!
12. INTJ
Where INTJs slip up is in the air of superiority they can give off. INTJs have a strong belief in their own intellect and a high level of self-confidence. When you pair that with their low emotional EQ, you get a personality type that often rubs people the wrong way. Though they don’t mean to be impolite, INTJs can often come across as know-it-alls.
13. ENTJ
Of all the personality types, ENTJs are arguably the ones who care least about other people’s opinions of them. This is not a personality type who sugarcoats things or cares what others think of them. They are decisive, assertive and extremely blunt. Once you realize this is just the ENTJ way then you’ll be fine. But if it’s your first time encountering one, you’d be forgiven for reading their super dominant persona as impolite. Where ENTJs save themselves is with their charisma, which helps them win people over regardless of how polite they are.
14. INTP
As one of the most logic-based personality types, INTPs can be blind to the needs of others. Where INTPs slip us is when they are completely absorbed in their own imaginations. They tend to be insensitive and hyper critical of other people and this means they’re not always fun to be around.
15. ISTJ
What drives ISTJs is their sense of duty. They are meticulous and detail-oriented in their approach to work and they are committed to upholding their responsibilities. These are brilliant strengths but they can also lead ISTJs towards conflict. This personality type has a tendency to be inflexible and tactless and this can often make them seem difficult to outsiders.
16. ESTJ
ESTJs have a huge number of strengths, but politeness isn’t necessarily one of them! This personality type prizes efficiency, dedication and focus above all else. What this translates to is a tendency to be perfectionists and workaholics who can come across as more than a little intense. ESTJs can also be judgmental of others who don’t follow their beliefs and can come off as narrow-minded.
These are the 16 personality types from most to least polite as I see it! What do you think? Let us know in the comments!
Here's what your Myers-Briggs personality type says about you
MBTI, or Myers-Briggs Type Indicator, isn’t a new personality test — in fact, it was developed by Isabel Briggs Myers and Katharine Cook Briggs in the early 1960s. But its recent explosion on social media has turned it into somewhat of a “scientific” (or more accurately, pseudoscientific) version of asking someone for their zodiac sign. What are the basics, and what does it all mean?
MBTI is really based on function, with things like extroverted intuition and introverted sensing. But these can be confusing, and when it comes to the pop-psychology aspect of MBTI, is often not really what people are talking about. Instead, it’s simplified into eight letters, of which you receive a combination of four.
The options are being either introverted or extroverted, intuitive or sensing, thinking or feeling and perceiving or judging — these are represented by I or E, N or S, T or F and P or J. And even though Myers-Briggs is a personality indicator, these types only have a little to do with your personality, and have more to do with how you process information and behave.
For example: Introversion and extroversion aren’t about whether or not you love to go out and party or stay at home with a book, but rather about how you feel most comfortable and where you feel you learn the best and get the most energy.
Someone who’s introverted would get their energy and learn the best on their own, would probably be described as “reserved” and might have trouble getting outside of their own head to acknowledge the outside world. And someone who’s extroverted would thrive learning in group settings, might not think as deeply about things before doing them (or just be easily excitable) and thrive in new, exciting situations.
To find out your type, there are plenty of quizzes online to help you. 16Personalities is popular, but is considered to be pretty unreliable in terms of its quiz. Though, it has some great explanations you can find about the types below to find expansions on how you could act in the workplace or a relationship.
Most people recommend you read about MBTI types and type yourself, but if you’re really desperate to have a site tell you, I recommend Truity’s quiz.
Here's what each personality type says about you in a nutshell:
INTJs are introverted, intuitive, thinking and judging. They love learning and gaining new knowledge, but can be a little cold, especially when it comes to new people. They value being rational, fair and most importantly, correct. They’re independent and can give great logical advice to people that will help them in the long run, but also might come across as hypercritical, even of loved ones.
INTPs are introverted, intuitive, thinking and perceiving. They’re ultra-logical and can solve any puzzle, but can tend to get too stuck in their own idea of what’s right and become dissatisfied with the world around them — if they’re not already disconnected from it, that is.
Open-minded and curious, INTPs love to follow new pursuits, but can be impatient if it doesn’t click right away. These perfectionists struggle with things not being done right.
ENTJs are extroverted, intuitive, thinking and judging. An ENTJ is a leader in pure stereotype of what a leader means. They’re confident, quick-thinking and charismatic, but can quickly fall into a domineering “my way or the highway!” approach that leaves a bad taste in people’s mouths.
That being said, they can accomplish any task and are full of ambition, but their ability to handle emotions, both their own and other people's, can be lacking.
ENTPs are extroverted, intuitive, thinking and perceiving. ENTP is also the ultimate devil’s advocate. They like to see all sides of a situation … before arguing that their side is correct, of course. ENTPs can be impractical and unfocused, but when their brilliance strikes (and it usually does) their ideas and passion could move mountains. They can also be a little insensitive despite their charisma, and can flip back and forth between expressing intolerance for others and charming them.
INFJs are introverted, intuitive, feeling and judging. These creative, sensitive types have a strong moral compass that leaves them itching to do the right thing, but they’re incredibly sensitive to the principles and ideas that motivate them to do that work being criticized.
INFJs are passionate dreamers, but easily get discouraged when things don’t go right and quickly burn out. They’re quiet but care about others, both emotionally and practically, even if sometimes their imagination gets ahead of them.
INFPs are introverted, intuitive, feeling and perceiving. INFPs are empathetic idealists, but they’re also incredibly vulnerable. They’re some of the most sensitive people around, and struggle with people-pleasing as well as their own criticism, which can make working with them difficult and frustrating.
Kind and creative, INFPs have a strong passion to do good for others in any way they know how. While sometimes their tendency to get overemotional and self-critical can be frustrating, INFPs just want to help.
ENFJs are extroverted, intuitive, feeling and judging. If there’s one thing an ENFJ wants to do, it’s get involved. Reliable, kind-hearted and hard-working, the ENFJ seems to never stop chugging, but their tendency to take on other people’s problems (even if you don’t ask them to) can lead to burnout. They’re intensely idealistic and can condescend people that don’t follow that worldview, seeing them as people who just need to be taught the right way of thinking.
ENFPs are extroverted, intuitive, feeling and perceiving. Cheerful and playful, ENFPs see the world as a place full of shiny colors and new things to experience. They’re bright, fun conversationalists who are enthusiastic, caring and considerate. But their lack of focus, restlessness and sometimes over-enthusiasm can be overwhelming.
ISTJs are introverted, sensing, thinking and judging. In a crisis, an ISTJ is who you want around. Direct and logical, an ISTJ can command a room with their presence and use their vast swaths of knowledge to help in any situation. The downside? If help requires breaking the rules, they won’t do it, and when it goes wrong, they’ll blame themselves. Though sometimes insensitive, you can always count on an ISTJ for honesty.
ISFJs are introverted, sensing, feeling and judging. Dedicated and protective, ISFJs are committed to helping loved ones and offering support to as many people as they can, as often as they can. Though logical, ISFJs have an imagination typically reserved for intuitive types. Overextending themselves can be a problem for ISFJs, and when this does happen, they’ll often repress it and become stressed or passive-aggressive. ISFJs are also incredibly and stubbornly resistant to change.
ESTJs are extroverted, sensing, feeling and judging. It’s easy to rely on an ESTJ, as they’re notoriously stable and dependable people. Their organizational skills and love for order is helpful, and their patience gives them an edge over many other thinkers. But, they can be judgy and rigid, and oftentimes have trouble relaxing or being their true selves without worrying about how others perceive them. An ESTJ might be more worried about looking smart than embracing their natural intelligence.
ESFJs are extroverted, sensing, feeling and judging. The helpers of the MBTI, ESFJs are always willing to lend an ear or a hand to solve problems. More practical than many feelers, ESFJs are excellent planners and doers with even better people skills and vast amounts of warmth and sensitivity. But, they can also be inflexible, over-concerned about other people’s perceptions of them and incredibly needy and vulnerable to criticism. Negativity, from themselves or elsewhere, can lead to a complete shutdown.
ISTPs are introverted, sensing, thinking and perceiving. Energetic and willing to help, an ISTP's inclination to solve problems correctly and quickly makes them another type you’d want to help you in the event of a disaster. But while many other helpers stay within boundaries, ISTPs actively decide they want to break them. They’re easily bored and prone to risky behavior. They’re also incredibly reserved and don’t always do the best with the emotional aspect of things.
ISFPs are introverted, sensing, feeling and perceiving. Charming and passionate, an ISFP makes for an excellent friend and companion. ISFPs are warm and creative, but can be easily stressed out and prone to being a little too competitive, and a little too hard on themselves when they lose. Rocky self-esteem aside, ISFPs often are artistically talented or otherwise skilled creatively.
ESTPs are extroverted, sensing, thinking and perceiving. While an ESTP will always be direct with you and tell you what they think, they have a tendency to be insensitive and struggle to focus on the bigger picture, often honing in too much on details they think need fixing. Paying attention and rule-following also aren’t really skills of the ESTP, but their original thought process and ability to make astute observations help them.
ESFPs are extroverted, sensing, feeling and perceiving. ESFPs are bold, original and sometimes attention-seeking. They love being around other people and despise conflict. But, ESFPs are also easily bored and can’t focus or plan on much of anything. Despite this, they’re fun-loving and true showmen, making them always entertaining and fun to be around even when practicality fails — though ESFPs aren’t dreamers, they’re doers, which takes some measure of this.
Knowing your personality type isn't only a fun way to connect with others, but it's also a great way to gain real insights into your strengths and weaknesses. So, if you haven't already taken the test, be sure to do so!
Personality types | 16Personalities
Imaginative, strategic thinkers with a plan for all occasions.
Creative inventors, with a strong belief in the power of knowledge. nine0009
Brave, resourceful and strong-willed leaders who always find a way - or make a way.
Smart and curious thinkers who never turn down an intellectual challenge. nine0009
Quiet and mystical, but inspiring and relentless idealists.
Poetic, kind and altruistic personalities, always ready to stand up for a good cause. nine0009
Charismatic and inspiring leaders who captivate their listeners.
Enthusiasts, creative and sociable free minds who always find a reason to smile. nine0009
Practical and factual people whose reliability is unshakable.
Very responsible and kind protectors, always ready to protect their loved ones. nine0009
Excellent administrators, unsurpassed specialists in process and people management.
Extremely caring, sociable and popular people, always ready to help. nine0009
Brave and practical experimenters, masters of all kinds of techniques and tools.
Flexible and charming artists, always ready to explore and experience something new. nine0009
Smart, energetic and very receptive people who truly enjoy risk.
Spontaneous, energetic and tireless merry fellows - where they are, it's never boring. nine0009
What is the best personality type, according to science
There are many different personality types in the world, 16 to be exact, according to the Myers-Briggs typology.
Let's look at one of the most kind and noble personality types - INFP ("idealist").
INFPs are people who will ultimately change the world because they are the ones who never stop trying to change others for the better. They are energetic, they are idealists, and in general just great people.
Perhaps you belong to this noble personality type. This is easy to determine by the following signs:
You can see the good in people, even if others do not see it.
INFPs will befriend and protect people that most others shun.
People take advantage of your kindness.
Because of their kind-hearted nature, INFPs can even endanger themselves, as dishonest people often take advantage of their kindness.
You may need to control your kindness so that you don't become angry at the whole world.
Parties do not attract you, volunteer work is another matter.
Introverts to the core, INFPs tend not to go to discos. However, volunteering at the animal shelter will keep them happy for the day. That is why others respect such people very much.
You are extremely devoted to people and your principles.
There is no truer friend or partner than an INFP personality. When things don't go well, you can count on the INFP to be by your side and support you. nine0109
Bad relationships just stick to you and you can't figure out why.
INFPs often link their fate with unworthy people who take advantage of their kindness, devotion and openness. Worse still, INFPs usually don't break out of such relationships, because leaving someone is unthinkable for them, and besides, they hope that they can change their partners.
INFPs don't understand why this is happening to them, primarily because they find it hard to understand that people can be cruel for the sake of being cruel. If this happens too often, INFPs may stop trying to form a relationship altogether. nine0009
You live in your fantasy world.
INFP is one of the most creative personality types. People of this type have a very vivid imagination, among them there are many visionaries and dreamers who rarely live in the present. They are characterized by a fine mental organization and a certain isolation from the realities of life.
You value your partner.
Lucky is the one who has established relationships with people of the INFP type. After all, they do everything possible to make their partners feel happy, loved and protected. People of this type often give gifts "just like that", without any reason. nine0009
You like to listen more than talk.
INFPs don't demand too much attention. However, they love to listen and often act as the one to whom they pour out their souls or cry on the shoulder.
When you do speak, speak from the heart.
One thing that INFPs can never be blamed for is insincerity. On the contrary, they often lack tact and at times are quite harsh. It is important to remember that they are not trying to offend others at all, they are simply very honest. nine0009
Self-improvement is very important to you.
INFPs see many opportunities for inner development. Thus, they love to read books about self-improvement and are also interested in various programs that can enrich their inner world.
It's pretty easy to upset you.
Most INFPs are people on the inside, so it's not surprising that they are quite vulnerable. It's even good that they can "withdraw into themselves", hide from the troubles that are not uncommon in everyday life.