Ginkgo biloba headaches
12 Benefits of Ginkgo Biloba (Plus Side Effects & Dosage)
Ginkgo biloba is rich in antioxidants and can help reduce inflammation. It may also be beneficial for heart health, brain function, and eye health, along with several other conditions.
Ginkgo biloba, or maidenhair, is a tree native to China that has been grown for thousands of years for a variety of uses.
Because it’s the only surviving member of an ancient order of plants, it’s sometimes referred to as a living fossil.
While its leaves and seeds are often used in traditional Chinese medicine, modern research primarily focuses on ginkgo extract, which is made from the leaves.
Ginkgo supplements are associated with several health claims and uses, most of which focus on brain function and blood circulation.
Here are 12 benefits of ginkgo biloba.
1. Contains powerful antioxidants
Ginkgo’s antioxidant content may be the reason behind many of its health claims (1, 2).
Ginkgo contains high levels of flavonoids and terpenoids, which are compounds known for their strong antioxidant effects (3).
Antioxidants combat or neutralize the damaging effects of free radicals (4).
Free radicals are highly reactive particles that are produced in the body during normal metabolic functions, such as converting food to energy or detoxification (4).
Yet, they also have the potential to damage healthy tissues, contributing to accelerated aging and disease development (4).
Research on ginkgo’s antioxidant effects is promising. However, it remains unclear exactly how it works and how effective it may be at treating specific diseases.
SummaryGinkgo contains potent antioxidants, which fight the damaging effects of free radicals and may be behind most of its health claims.
2. Can help reduce inflammation
Inflammation is part of the body’s natural response to injury or invasion by a foreign substance.
In the inflammatory response, various components of the immune system are recruited to fight against the foreign invader or heal the injured area.
Some chronic diseases trigger an inflammatory response even when there is no illness or injury present. Over time, this excessive inflammation can cause permanent damage to the body’s tissues and DNA (5).
Years of animal and test-tube research shows that ginkgo extract can reduce markers of inflammation in both human and animal cells in a variety of disease states (2, 6, 7).
Some specific conditions in which ginkgo extract has shown to reduce inflammation include (8, 9, 10):
- arthritis
- inflammatory bowel disease (IBD)
- cancer
- heart disease
- stroke
While this data is encouraging, human studies are needed before drawing concrete conclusions about ginkgo’s role in treating these complex diseases.
SummaryGinkgo has the ability to reduce inflammation caused by various conditions. This may be one of the reasons it has such broad health applications.
3. Improves circulation and heart health
In traditional Chinese medicine, ginkgo seeds were used to open “channels” of energy to different organ systems, including the kidneys, liver, brain, and lungs.
Ginkgo’s apparent ability to increase blood flow to various parts of the body may be the origin of many of its supposed benefits.
One older study in people with heart disease who supplemented with ginkgo revealed an immediate increase in blood flow to multiple parts of the body. This was attributed to a 12% increase in levels of circulating nitric oxide, a compound responsible for dilating blood vessels (11).
Similarly, another 2008 study showed the same effect in older adults who were treated with ginkgo extract (12).
Additional research also points to ginkgo’s protective effects on heart health, brain health, and stroke prevention. There are multiple potential explanations for this, one of which may be the anti-inflammatory compounds present in the plant (13, 14, 15).
More research is needed to fully understand how ginkgo affects circulation and heart and brain health.
SummaryGinkgo can increase blood flow by promoting the dilation of blood vessels.
This may have applications for the treatment of diseases related to poor circulation.
4. Reduces symptoms of psychiatric disorders and dementia
Ginkgo has been repeatedly evaluated for its ability to reduce anxiety, stress, and other symptoms associated with Alzheimer’s disease and cognitive decline linked to aging.
Overall, research results are inconsistent in this area.
Some studies show a marked reduction in the rate of cognitive decline in people with dementia using ginkgo, but others fail to replicate this result.
For example, one review of 21 studies revealed that when used in conjunction with conventional medicine, ginkgo extract may increase functional capabilities in those with mild Alzheimer’s (16).
Another review evaluated four studies and found a significant reduction in a spectrum of symptoms associated with dementia when ginkgo was used for 22–24 weeks (17).
These positive results could be related to the role that ginkgo may play in improving blood flow to the brain, especially as it relates to vascular types of dementia.
Overall, it’s too soon to definitively state or refute ginkgo’s role in treating dementia, but recent research is beginning to make this piece clearer.
SummaryIt cannot be concluded that ginkgo treats Alzheimer’s and other forms of dementia, but it might help in some cases. The chances of it helping seem to increase when used alongside conventional treatment.
5. Improves brain function and well-being
There is some speculation that ginkgo may enhance brain function in healthy individuals.
A handful of small, older studies support the notion that supplementing with ginkgo may increase mental performance and perceived well-being (18, 19).
Results from studies like these have given rise to claims linking ginkgo to improved memory, focus, and attention span.
However, a 2012 review of research on this relationship concluded that supplementing with ginkgo did not result in any measurable improvements in memory, executive function, or attention capacity (20).
While supplementing with ginkgo may improve mental capability, more studies are needed.
SummarySome research shows that ginkgo may improve mental performance in healthy people, but the data is inconsistent.
6. Can reduce anxiety
Some research indicates that supplementing with ginkgo may reduce symptoms of anxiety.
A handful of animal studies have observed reductions in anxiety symptoms that may be attributed to the antioxidant content of ginkgo (21, 22).
In one 2007 study, 170 people with generalized anxiety were treated with either 240 milligrams (mg) of ginkgo, 480 mg of ginkgo, or a placebo. The group treated with the highest dose of ginkgo reported a 45% greater reduction in symptoms of anxiety, compared to the placebo group (23).
While supplementing with ginkgo may reduce anxiety, it’s still too early to draw any definitive conclusions from the available research.
SummarySome research shows that ginkgo may help treat anxiety, though this is likely due to its antioxidant content.
7. Can treat depression
A review of animal studies suggests that supplementing with ginkgo may help treat symptoms of depression (22).
One human study in 136 older adults also found that ginkgo biloba extract could improve symptoms of depression and reduce levels of S100B, a marker of brain injury, when paired with an antidepressant (24).
Another study showed that older adults with post-stroke depression who took ginkgo biloba extract alongside an antidepressant for 8 weeks experienced significant reductions in symptoms of depression compared to taking an antidepressant alone (25).
Nonetheless, depression is a complex condition that may have a variety of root causes.
More research is needed to better understand the relationship between ginkgo and how it may affect depression in the general population.
SummarySome studies in animals and humans suggest that ginkgo biloba may help reduce symptoms of depression, especially if used alongside other treatments.
However, more research is needed.
8. Can support vision and eye health
Very little research has investigated how ginkgo relates to vision and eye health. However, early results are promising.
One review showed that people with glaucoma who supplemented with ginkgo experienced increased blood flow to the eye, but this didn’t necessarily translate to better vision (26).
Another 2013 review of two studies evaluated the effect of ginkgo extract on the progression of age-related macular degeneration. Some participants reported an improvement in vision, but this wasn’t statistically significant across the board (27).
Many of these positive results seem to be related to increased blood flow to the eye.
It’s unclear if ginkgo would improve vision in those who don’t already have vision impairment.
More research is needed to determine whether ginkgo can increase vision capacity or slow the progression of degenerative eye disease.
SummarySome early research shows that supplementing with ginkgo may increase blood flow to the eyes but not necessarily improve vision.
More research is needed.
9. Can treat headaches and migraines
In traditional Chinese medicine, ginkgo is a very popular treatment for headaches and migraines (28).
Very little research is available on ginkgo’s ability to treat headaches. However, depending on the root cause of the headache, it may help.
For example, it’s well known that ginkgo has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects. If a headache or migraine is caused by excessive stress, ginkgo may be useful (3).
Additionally, if a headache is related to reduced blood flow or constricted blood vessels, ginkgo’s ability to dilate blood vessels may improve symptoms (15).
On the contrary, some migraines are caused by the excessive dilation of blood vessels. In this situation, ginkgo may have little to no effect (29).
Keep in mind that these examples are just inferences and don’t substitute hard evidence.
If you want to try ginkgo for your migraines, it’s unlikely that it will cause much harm. Just be aware that it may not necessarily help.
SummaryBecause of its ability to increase blood flow and reduce inflammation, ginkgo may be an effective treatment for some types of headaches. However, more research is needed.
10. Can improve asthma and COPD symptoms
Some research indicates that ginkgo may improve symptoms of asthma and other inflammatory respiratory diseases like COPD.
This is attributed to the anti-inflammatory compounds in ginkgo, which may allow for reduced inflammation of the airways and increased lung capacity (7).
One older study in 75 people evaluated the use of ginkgo extract alongside glucocorticosteroid medication therapy for managing asthma symptoms (30).
The levels of inflammatory compounds in the saliva of those who received ginkgo were significantly lower than those who received traditional medication alone (30).
Another 2013 study in 100 people evaluated the use of a mixture of Chinese herbs, which included ginkgo, for treating COPD symptoms (31).
Those who used the herbal formula reported a considerable reduction in cough and bronchitis at a 3-month follow-up, compared to the control group (31).
At this point, it cannot be determined if this improvement can be attributed to ginkgo alone, or if it was a synergistic effect of the other herbs used in the treatment group formula.
While these results are encouraging, more research on this specific application of ginkgo is needed.
SummaryGinkgo may treat symptoms associated with respiratory diseases because of its anti-inflammatory effects. More research is needed.
11. Reduces PMS symptoms
Preliminary research indicates that ginkgo may help treat both the physical and psychological symptoms of premenstrual syndrome (PMS).
One older study in 85 college students revealed a 23% reduction in reported PMS symptoms when consuming ginkgo (32).
Interestingly, the placebo group in this study also experienced a slight reduction in PMS symptoms, though it was much lower, at around 8. 8% (32).
Further research is needed to better understand the cause and effect relationship between ginkgo and PMS symptoms.
SummaryGinkgo may help reduce PMS symptoms, but more research is needed.
12. Treats sexual dysfunction
Some sources indicate that ginkgo may treat issues related to sexual dysfunction, such as erectile dysfunction or low libido.
Ginkgo has the ability to improve blood levels of nitric oxide, which improves circulation via the dilation of blood vessels (11).
As a result, ginkgo may also be useful for treating various symptoms of sexual dysfunction by improving blood flow to those areas of the body.
Some research has investigated using ginkgo to treat sexual dysfunction caused by the use of antidepressant drugs (SSRIs). Results indicated that ginkgo wasn’t any more effective than a placebo in these cases (33).
Additionally, there may be an interaction between ginkgo and SSRI medications, which could render them less effective (34).
One 2008 study evaluated the use of ginkgo to increase sexual desire and contentment in females who were concurrently undergoing sexual psychotherapy (35).
The combination of ginkgo and therapy were effective over a longer term compared to a placebo, but supplementing with ginkgo alone was not.
The rationale for using ginkgo to treat sexual dysfunction makes sense, but research does not support it at this time.
SummaryGinkgo may improve symptoms of sexual dysfunction due to its impact on blood flow. However, research has not proven it to be effective.
Potential side effects
It’s important to talk to a doctor before including ginkgo in your routine.
For most adults, the risk associated with taking ginkgo is relatively low, but there are cases in which ginkgo could cause serious harm (34).
If you are allergic to plants that contain alkylphenols or taking certain medications, you should not take ginkgo.
Possible side effects include (34):
- nausea
- diarrhea
- dizziness
- headaches
- stomach pain
- rash/allergic reaction
Ginkgo has the potential to interact unfavorably with certain medications. Some interactions could increase the risk of bleeding (34).
Possible adverse medication interactions include (34):
- blood thinners (Warfarin, aspirin)
- SSRIs/MAOIs/antidepressants (Prozac, Zoloft)
- NSAIDS (ibuprofen, naproxon)
SummaryAs with any supplement, it’s important to consult a doctor before taking ginkgo biloba and discontinue use if you develop any negative side effects or adverse medication interactions.
Ginkgo biloba is commercially available in the following forms:
- capsules
- tablets
- liquid extracts
- dried leaves/tea
Most of the current research reflects results used with purified ginkgo extract. Do not eat raw ginkgo seeds, as they are poisonous (34).
One of the limitations of the studies on ginkgo is that they did not use standardized dosing.
However, the bulk of the evidence seems to support the safety of taking 120–160 mg divided into several doses throughout the day (34).
There is no clearly defined maximum dosage, but it’s wise to start with a lower dose and work your way up to ensure tolerance.
Most research has not evaluated doses greater than 600 mg per day, so it’s probably not a good idea to exceed this amount.
Additionally, keep in mind that it can take several weeks before you begin to notice any effects.
SummaryGinkgo comes in various forms and seems to be most effective when taken in several doses throughout the day that total 120–160 mg.
The bottom line
Ginkgo biloba has strong anti-inflammatory and antioxidant capacities and an ability to improve circulation.
Together, these characteristics have the potential to affect numerous body systems and diseases, although the science behind it still has some catching up to do.
While ginkgo has been used for centuries, it’s not completely understood how it works. Much of the available research is inconsistent or inconclusive, and it’s important to keep that in mind.
As with any herbal supplement, there are risks involved. Ginkgo could lead to serious health complications if you are allergic or taking certain medications.
If you’re thinking of including ginkgo in your regimen, be sure to consult a doctor first.
Efficacy of Ginkgolide B in the prophylaxis of migraine with aura
Clinical Trial
. 2009 May;30 Suppl 1:S121-4.
doi: 10.1007/s10072-009-0074-2.
Giovanni D'Andrea 1 , Gennaro Bussone, Gianni Allais, Marco Aguggia, Florindo D'Onofrio, Maurizio Maggio, Franca Moschiano, Maria Gabriella Saracco, Maria Grazia Terzi, Vittorio Petretta, Chiara Benedetto
- 1 Headache and Cerebrovascular Center, Villa Margherita Neurology Clinic, Arcugnano, 36057, Vicenza, Italy.
[email protected]
- PMID: 19415441
- DOI: 10.1007/s10072-009-0074-2
Clinical Trial
Giovanni D'Andrea et al. Neurol Sci. 2009 May.
. 2009 May;30 Suppl 1:S121-4.
doi: 10.1007/s10072-009-0074-2.
Giovanni D'Andrea 1 , Gennaro Bussone, Gianni Allais, Marco Aguggia, Florindo D'Onofrio, Maurizio Maggio, Franca Moschiano, Maria Gabriella Saracco, Maria Grazia Terzi, Vittorio Petretta, Chiara Benedetto
- 1 Headache and Cerebrovascular Center, Villa Margherita Neurology Clinic, Arcugnano, 36057, Vicenza, Italy.
[email protected]
- PMID: 19415441
- DOI: 10.1007/s10072-009-0074-2
In a multicentric, open, preliminary trial, we evaluated the use of ginkgolide B, a herbal constituent extract from Ginkgo biloba tree leaves, in the prophylactic treatment of migraine with aura (MA). Fifty women suffering from migraine with typical aura, or migraine aura without headache, diagnosed according to International Headache Society criteria, entered a six-month study. They underwent a two month run-in period free of prophylactic drugs, followed by a four month treatment period (subdivided into two bimesters, TI and TII) with a combination of 60 mg ginkgo biloba terpenes phytosome, 11 mg coenzyme Q 10, and 8. 7 mg vitamin B2 (Migrasoll), administered twice daily. A detailed diary reporting neurological symptoms, duration, and frequency of MA was compiled by patients throughout the trial. The number of MA significantly decreased during treatment (from 3.7 +/- 2.2 in the run-in period, to 2.0 +/- 1.9 during TI and to 1.2 +/- 1.6 during TII; Anova for repeated measures: P < 0.0001). There was also a statistically significant decrease in the average MA duration, which was 40.4 +/- 19.4 min during run-in, 28.2 +/- 19.9 during TI, and 17.6 +/- 20.6 during TII. Total disappearance of MA was observed in 11.1% patients during TI and in 42.2% of patients during T2. No serious adverse event was provoked by Migrasoll administration. Ginkgolide B is effective in reducing MA frequency and duration. The effect is clearly evident in the first bimester of treatment and is further enhanced during the second.
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Stark Pharm Ginkgo Biloba - Mental Clarity Supplement
Plants are a source of biologically active substances to support literally all systems and organs of the body, improve many functions and normalize well-being in general. Therefore, plant extracts are actively used in many nutritional supplements with targeted effects. These include ginkgo biloba extract, which, in the form of a supplement to the diet, has many positive effects on the body, first of all, a special benefit is noticeable for cognitive functions and brain function. In the article we will describe the effects of this plant, what it is used for, how best to use it - using the example of the supplement "Ginkgo Biloba Extract" from the manufacturer Stark Pharm. You can buy this dietary supplement by clicking on the link in the previous sentence. nine0003
The ginkgo biloba tree is a very ancient species, and its beneficial properties for the body were known several thousand years ago. In particular, the following effects are noted:
- Strengthening the cardiovascular system, normalizing blood circulation
- Antioxidant effect (protection at the cellular level)
- Improving the cognitive abilities of the brain and thought processes
- Maintain mental clarity and improve memory
- May reduce symptoms of anxiety and depression
- Maintenance of vision and eye health
- Increasing the general tone and improving well-being
- Helps with dizziness and disorientation
- Relieves asthma symptoms
Taking ginkgo biloba extract has a complex effect on the body and improves overall well-being.
So, it has a versatile effect on the cardiovascular system. Increases blood flow and blood flow to vital organs and limbs (this helps to get rid of the feeling of cold in the hands and feet). According to one study (, taking ginkgo biloba caused a 12% increase in nitric oxide levels, which is especially beneficial for athletes. nine0003
Ginkgo biloba extract provides prevention of heart disease and seizures in the elderly. Improves blood supply to the brain in case of deterioration of memory, hearing, vision, and also normalizes intracranial pressure.
Due to the improved blood supply to the brain, mental alertness is stimulated. It also supports the ability to think clearly, has a positive effect on memory, improves mental performance and mental concentration.
Thanks to the complex effect of ginkgo biloba extract, headaches and migraines can be reduced. This refers to the impact on the root of the problem (and not the symptom, which is the pain itself), that is, as a result, the headache occurs less often and less. Namely, ginkgo biloba has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties, able to counteract excessive stress. Also, if headaches are caused by constricted blood vessels and reduced blood flow, ginkgo biloba, due to its ability to slightly dilate blood vessels, will help prevent them. nine0003
The antioxidant effect of ginkgo biloba extract helps protect cells from oxidative stress. It is able to neutralize the destructive effects of free radicals, thereby maintaining a healthy cell structure, which in turn is realized in faster recovery at the cellular level and slowing down the aging process.
Ginkgo biloba is able to reduce the symptoms of premenstrual syndrome (both physiological and psychological) by 23%.
Each capsule contains 80 mg of an extract containing 19.2 mg of flavone glycosides and 4 mg of terpene lactones - this meets the highest quality standards.
Take 1 capsule 1-2 times daily with meals or on an empty stomach.
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GINKGO BILOBA - 66 patients reviews after using - All pharmaciesMoscow
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Biloba Forte (30 pcs)
295 ₽ 9000 60 pcs. Taking tanakan regularly saves me. In the past exacerbation, literally a few pills relieved me of pain, and they did not return for more than a year. This autumn the pain started again, I had to take the drug regularly. As long as I take it, it doesn't hurt. nine0003
Lyubov Markova, November 23, 2014
does it work if you just brew gingo biloba leaves?
Lubov, November 17, 2014
I decided to drink Ginkgo Biloba for age prevention, I bought it in Egypt, please advise me to drink or until nothing bothers me, I should not start and try!!!
Alena Nevzorova, November 11, 2014
How to take the drug? What course? I heard that you need to take it for half a year, then take a break ... Tell me how to take it ?? nine0003
Tatyana Lyashko, October 20, 2014
so, I can't understand what effects of this drug, negative or positive. I just took a pill. (for the first time, I want to undergo a course of treatment that I attributed to myself) and I read your comments. and I'm already feeling bad, though I'm not joking. It's called cured!
I drank Bada Ginko Biloba from Amway for two months, the noise in my head disappeared.
LAZ, August 14, 2014
After 3-4 days of taking dietary supplements from the Evalar company, I became very irritable and broke down at almost everyone who lives with me in the house. could because of anxiety, which rolled in waves throughout the day, slept 4-5 hours a day. All side effects disappeared 2 days after I stopped taking the drug. nine0003
Galya, August 6, 2014
For six months I was worried about tinnitus, which appeared after suffering from acute respiratory viral infections, I started taking Tanakan, after a month the noise disappeared, my heart cardiogram improved.
Ksenia Kirichenko, July 28, 2014
Hello! Does it help against side effects after treatment with antipsychotics?
larena, July 24, 2014
Very good for migraine, but you have to take breaks, otherwise the migraine starts to win.