Stereotypes of bipolar

Living With the Stigma of Bipolar

Written by Gabe Howard

Medically Reviewed by Neha Pathak, MD on November 20, 2017

As a person who lives with bipolar disorder, I have faced a lot of stigma and discrimination, from extreme examples, such as being fired from my job, to small things, like a doctor assuming that I’m on disability (when I’ve never been on disability).

People tend to make blanket assumptions about my life based on a lot of false stereotypes surrounding bipolar disorder and those of us who live with it. People believe we are unable to work, can’t be in stable relationships, and must live off our parents, among other things.

These misconceptions hurt, and they can slowly chip away at someone’s self-worth and confidence.

For example, I own my own home, drive a nice car, have an adorable puppy named Peppy, and love my 75-inch television. When people begin to realize that I’m not the version of someone living with bipolar disorder that they have in mind, a sort of “mental gymnastics” begins to take place.

Rather than take my life at face value, as they would for anyone else, they try to make the undeniable facts in front of them fit within their stereotypes of what a person with bipolar is like.

First, they start to wonder if I’m in debt up to eyeballs or if I come from a wealthy family. I’m not in debt -- I avoid debt like the plague and don’t even have a car loan -- and, while my family is comfortable, my retired, truck-driving father isn’t going to be featured on an episode of Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous.

Then, when they learn that my wife has a good job, there is an “a-ha” moment in people’s minds. They know that I work in mental health advocacy, so they assume my job is some sort of “jobs program” for people with mental illness, rather than a hard-earned career at which I’m quite accomplished. People further assume that my wife makes all the money, and I’m mooching off her success.

I’ve endured comments like, “I wish my son/daughter would marry someone with a steady income like Gabe’s wife. ” I mean no disrespect to my wife when I say this, but, in fact, I make more money than she does, and our accomplishments are equally shared. We are both successful. We achieve together and share equally in the spoils of my success and hers. To have my contributions erased based solely on the knowledge of my illness is a devastating blow. That it is unwarranted and untrue makes it all the worse.

I wish people would stop and consider why they feel compelled to force people with bipolar disorder to fit in a specific box. It’s nonsense, if you stop and think about it. Do they think the same thing about every single person with any illness?

We all have different levels of abilities, intelligence, and value systems. While all of us living with bipolar disorder do have our illness in common, that is really where the similarities end. Treat us the same as you would everyone else, because we are just like everyone else.

Myths People, Including You, Still Believe About Bipolar Disorder

It’s hard to believe that some myths and stereotypes about bipolar disorder continue to circulate. We’re here to dispel them and set the record straight.

Bipolar disorder is a complex neurocognitive condition characterized by shifts in mood.

There are a handful of types of the disorder, and more features and specifiers that make each person’s diagnosis nuanced. The manifestations of the disorder can also change as a person ages.

Manic episodes can manifest as bouts of overflowing energy, increased confidence, and a sense of invincibility, among other symptoms. Depressive episodes can bring about feelings of hopelessness, lack of motivation, and suicidal thoughts.

Types of bipolar disorder

The encyclopedia for all things psychiatry is the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (5th ed.). It lists the types of bipolar disorder and their diagnostic criteria. Of these, bipolar I and II disorder are the most common types:

  • bipolar I disorder
  • bipolar II disorder
  • cyclothymic disorder

Treatment for bipolar disorder can incorporate any combination of:

  • medication
  • talk and behavioral therapies
  • nutritional adjustments
  • exercise and lifestyle changes
  • a strong emotional support network

The difference a solid routine makes for the condition is significant and evidence-based.

With support and the right care, it’s very possible to successfully manage bipolar disorder.

Sometimes, even people living with the disorder can get caught up with self-doubt and believe the exaggerations of their condition.

Myth: ‘My bipolar disorder is going to ruin any chance I have at a meaningful relationship’

FACT: While having bipolar disorder can present significant challenges to one’s romantic and intimate life, healthy, fulfilling relationships are absolutely possible.

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Research does indicate that people with bipolar disorder marry and divorce at higher rates, are more likely to experience sexual dysfunction, and feel less satisfied in their relationships — but that’s not the end of the story.

When both partners have a continuing education approach to bipolar disorder depression, recognize what the early stages of bipolar disorder psychosis are, and learn how to predict or possibly prevent manic episodes, they can cultivate their relationship and adapt to whatever comes their way.

Myth: ‘I can drink alcohol or use cannabis as much as the next person who doesn’t have bipolar disorder — not that big of a deal’

FACT: Substance use is a serious and common co-occurrence among people with bipolar disorder. Research shows that alcohol, cannabis, and other recreational drugs can worsen mania and interfere with your meds.

Not convinced? Here are some stats:

  • A review of multiple studies found at least 40% of people with bipolar I disorder will experience a substance use disorder (SUD) during their lifetime. At least 20% of people with bipolar II disorder will.
  • An existing SUD can make managing bipolar disorder more difficult.
  • Men with bipolar disorder develop an SUD more often than women with bipolar disorder.
  • A high rate of manic episodes and suicidal ideations is also linked to an increased risk of SUD.
  • Certain folks with bipolar disorder are uniquely at risk of an SUD, including veterans and transgender people.

You can manage bipolar disorder and also have a healthy and robust social life. Many people use substances to relax, or with the hope to calm an episode of mania, hypomania, or hypomanic symptoms. There are other ways to achieve the same goal, like with self-care and exercise.

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Myth: ‘It’s not me, it’s bipolar disorder — I don’t have to apologize’

FACT: You never have to apologize for having bipolar disorder. But you can and should take varying degrees of responsibility for harmful actions that may stem from bipolar disorder episodes, treatment changes, or decisions to suddenly stop medication unsupervised.

If you’re comfortable sharing your diagnosis, letting people know you are managing a mental health condition can help them understand and contextualize what they might observe.

As Dr. Descartes Li, director of the bipolar disorder program at the University of California, San Francisco, and professor of psychiatry explains, sharing your diagnosis with select people may provide crucial support in times of crisis.

“Having family members or friends who are aware of your situation, who can jump in and help out when needed, can be literally a lifesaver,” he says.

For those in your life who may already know, and who were hurt or otherwise negatively affected by your actions, making amends in real time can help preserve those core relationships.

How to make amends

Depending on your level of closeness with someone, you can be specific in how you make amends.

There’s a difference in saying “I’m sorry” versus “I apologize.” Sorry expresses personal regret without accepting responsibility, and apologizing takes responsibility for an action, not necessarily with any sentiment behind it.

When you manage a condition that can cause interpersonal conflict or complication, here’s how you can acknowledge an action and move past it while maintaining the relationship, according to Janet D. Stemwedel, San José State University associate professor of philosophy:

  1. Name the action.
  2. Apologize.
  3. End on a high note, without rationalizing.

No need to share your diagnosis if the person you’re apologizing to is not in your trusted circle or you’re not comfortable.

“Sorry goes a long way,” Li says, “but you don’t have to acknowledge a 100% responsibility” or apologize for having a mental health condition.

He adds that sometimes sudden changes in behavior can stem from recent treatment adjustments under your prescribing clinician.

But other times, people may still need to take a degree of responsibility for actions that may take place after stopping meds without professional supervision.

Myth: ‘My meds are going to make me less creative’

FACT: Medication may affect your life in unforeseen ways, but relying on bipolar disorder episodes for productivity works against overall well-being.

Evidence suggests people with bipolar disorder are highly creative, and in fact over-represented in artistic occupations at large. Worries about medications’ impact on creativity is a major contributing factor to some people with bipolar disorder when considering treatment via medication.

It’s also a prevailing inaccuracy. Some experts have said their clients find creative space to explore when on their prescribed medication since it provides clarity.

Taking medication is still considered the cornerstone of treating bipolar disorder in most cases.

Myth: ‘I can go off my meds when I feel better’

FACT: Stopping a medication “cold turkey” can be incredibly dangerous. Changes or adjustments to medication should only be made in full concert with your healthcare team.

Not taking medication as directed by your doctor is called “nonadherence.” It’s very common at some point or another while managing bipolar disorder long term.

Li observes that nonadherence can occur when people are far out from acute episodes, feel stable, and sometimes wonder why they’re still on medication: “I don’t even feel like I have an illness anymore,” you may say to yourself.

When that happens, Li urges, “What I want you to do is come and talk to me, and let’s have a discussion about it.” Clinicians are used to, and expect, patient needs and goals to change.

Ultimately, it’s important to always be transparent and honest with your doctor about how you’re feeling, and what you want out of your treatment.

Myth: People with bipolar disorder can control their moods if they really want to

FACT: Bipolar disorder is a very real neurocognitive and chronic mental health condition. It cannot be wished away with positive thoughts and requires a consistent treatment regimen.

Bipolar disorder develops in the very synapses of the brain and presents from the inside out.

You wouldn’t tell someone with a broken arm to control their pain, right? And so it is with bipolar disorder.

Language matters

When it comes to talking about bipolar disorder, we choose to specify “shifts in mood” versus the stigmatizing imagery of “mood swings. ” The latter implies a constantly moving, random wildness.

Psych Central stands for resilience for the person and respect for the biochemical complexity of each mental health condition.

Myth: Bipolar disorder = swinging between depression and aggression

FACT: Mood shifts caused by bipolar disorder exist on a broad spectrum. It’s actually inaccurate to say all people with bipolar disorder go back and forth from mania and depression.

Type of Bipolar DisorderManiaHypomaniaSymptoms of HypomaniaEuthymiaDepressionSymptoms of Depression
Bipolar I disorder
Bipolar II disorder
Cyclothymia disorder

Different types of bipolar disorder include particular mood types. To receive a diagnosis of:

  • bipolar I disorder, you must have episodes of mania. Bipolar I disorder may include depression but it’s not necessary to receive a diagnosis.
  • bipolar II disorder, you must have both hypomania (a less severe presentation of mania) and depression (which can be severe).
  • cyclothymia disorder, only some symptoms of hypomania and some symptoms of depression are needed to receive a diagnosis. These symptoms occur at the same time for periods on and off within a 2-year phase, each time.

In all three types of bipolar disorder, when a person is not having an episode, they experience what’s called euthymia, which is simply a calm state.

While depression is among the most commonly experienced mental health conditions, mania is rarer and less understood by the general public. The next myth on this list discusses mania in more depth.

Myth: Energy surge? Sociable? Confidence and spontaneity? Mania can’t be that bad

FACT: The energetic high of mania may seem like a plus, but it’s often misunderstood.

Some folks with bipolar disorder admit they look forward to manic episodes as they offer respite from depression and the invigorating benefits of euphoria, self-confidence, and increased productivity.

In her famous, radically honest account of her own bipolar disorder, Dr. Kay Redfield Jamison writes that mania can feel like becoming the best possible version of yourself, the “liveliest, most productive, most intense, most outgoing and effervescent.”

However, having a manic episode can be unsettling and exhausting, as manic or hypomanic symptoms can last for hours to months. When untreated, manic episodes can lead to hospitalization and trigger psychosis. Symptoms include but are not limited to:

  • talking fast
  • racing or intrusive thoughts, sudden flood of ideas or interest in new ventures
  • insomnia yet operating on a “full tank”
  • irritability, restlessness
  • fidgety with clothing or having body tics (known as psychomotor agitation)
  • impulsive behavior (like excessive spending or other conduct that can cause sexual, legal, interpersonal, or medical consequences)

Myth: Kids can’t get bipolar disorder

FACT: Bipolar disorder can occur at any age.

Some research has found that around 4% of kids under 18 have bipolar disorder. Children as young as 5 have been diagnosed and treated for bipolar disorder.

Confirming a bipolar disorder diagnosis in children can be particularly difficult as their moods already may change more suddenly than adults, and prescribing medication to young patients can be less optimal. Kids also demonstrate warning signs of bipolar differently than adults.

Myth: Bipolar disorder stems from childhood abuse or dependence on substances

Fact: Not necessarily.

Not all people with bipolar disorder have experienced both or either, but there are some links for some folks.

You can read more on all the evidence-based causes of bipolar disorder research has found so far here.

A family history of mental health conditions and the presence of trauma or adversity in childhood plays some role in the appearance and severity of bipolar disorder in people who’ve received a diagnosis.

And among the types of bipolar disorder outlined in the DSM-5, substance or medication induced bipolar disorder is also its own category.

Myth: Bipolar isn’t a ‘real’ disability

FACT: Bipolar disorder is a protected disability per the Americans with Disabilities Act and the Social Security Administration, though substantial documentation is required to access accommodations.

Many people with bipolar disorder experience severe impairment in multiple areas of their life. Adjustments and accommodations — particularly regarding work and interpersonal relationships — may be needed to allow some people with bipolar disorder to reach their fullest potential.

Bipolar disorder is a neurocognitive condition that can have serious impacts on everyday life when not treated. There are different types of bipolar disorder, and a person can receive a diagnosis as young as childhood. It’s more than mania and depression, and there are periods of calm.

Though lifelong, the condition is manageable with consistent routines and treatment. You can live with the condition and enjoy a healthy, creative, productive, and full life with meaningful relationships.

"Pull yourself together and don't be sad!" 10 stereotypes that people with mental illness face

Mental health is not an easy topic even in 2022: there are still too many stereotypes in society about schizophrenia, post-traumatic stress disorder and bipolar affective disorder. For many people, depression is just a blues, and “bipolar” is a fictional illness of millennials.

On the occasion of the Day of Bipolar Disorder, which falls on March 30, we, together with the pharmaceutical company Gedeon Richter, decided to sort out the most popular misconceptions of Russians about mental health. The list is based on a 2021 Gedeon Richter and VTsIOM survey, in which respondents were asked to describe their attitudes towards people with mental disorders and bipolar disorder.

1. “Bipolar” is a fictitious disease that has become fashionable in recent years

Statistics: 7% of respondents consider bipolar disorder a far-fetched disease

Mental disorders are “real” ailments and deserve the same serious, if not more serious attitude towards yourself. In countries with prosperous economies, where the diagnosis of mental disorders is better developed, depression is in the top 3 most dangerous diseases along with stroke and coronary heart disease. At the same time, BAD, according to WHO, is diagnosed in 45 million people worldwide.

The exact cause of bipolar affective disorder is currently unknown. There are supporters of the fact that bipolar disorder is diagnosed most often in people who have a hereditary predisposition to this disease. Others believe that biochemical changes in the body lead to bipolar affective disorder, as a result of which an imbalance of neurotransmitters occurs.

2. A person with bipolar disorder is dangerous to society and cannot start a family
Statistics: 39% believe that patients with bipolar disorder are dangerous to society

Mental disorders can really affect the ability to socialize. Symptoms of depression and bipolar disorder can destroy personal relationships, reduce the quality of work or academic performance, and provoke rash acts. But this does not mean that people with BAD are more aggressive or dangerous to others. With the right therapy and medication, they have a high chance of going into remission and living a full life.

Bipolar disorder diagnosed in Catherine Zeta-Jones, mother of two, singer Mariah Carey, who also has two twin children, and many other successful and successful people in their personal lives.

3. Healthy sleep and sports will help to cope with mental disorders

With "bipolar" and depression, serious chemical changes occur in the body that need to be treated with medicines, and not with exercises and Brussels sprouts. But a healthy lifestyle certainly helps to support the body in such a difficult period. While smoking and alcohol, on the contrary, can aggravate the situation and further harm mental health.

4. People with bipolar disorder have mood swings several times a day
Statistics: only 47% of respondents know what bipolar disorder is.

According to a survey by Gideon Richter and VCIOM, every second Russian does not know what a BAR is. Many people think that bipolar affective disorder is a split personality or an illness in which a person's mood changes several times a day.

In fact, the main symptom of BAD is the alternation of periods of depression and mania. The depression phase can last from several months to a year and is accompanied by apathy, despondency, lack of energy, decreased mental activity and concentration. Mania can last for several weeks, during this period a person is as energetic, happy, optimistic and euphoric as possible.

5. During the period of mania, a person with bipolar disorder feels well

During the period of mania, people with bipolar disorder feel a surge of energy, actively implement their ideas, are as communicative and efficient as possible. But there is a downside - this is not the usual healthy energy, but manic behavior, accompanied by constant anxiety. Until a person realizes the idea, he can not eat, not sleep, and even endure the toilet until the last. The body is exhausted. The more active the period of mania, the worse the depression then proceeds.

6. Depression was invented to make money

According to WHO statistics, depression is the most common mental disorder and one of the main diseases leading to disability worldwide. About 264 million people worldwide suffer from depression, and women are more prone to this disorder than men.

There are two types of depression. Unipolar is a separate disorder, which is accompanied only by a negative phase of mood, without a positive outcome. Bipolar - part of the bipolar disorder, which is replaced by periods of mania. With unipolar depression, a person does not return to an active lifestyle and high performance without the help of a specialist and medication.

7. All mental illnesses appear after severe shocks

Statistics: most symptoms of bipolar disorder manifest themselves at the age of 15-24 years, the second peak of incidence occurs at the age of 45-54 years.

It is generally accepted that mood disorders develop due to trauma, shock and neurological diseases. However, the exact cause of bipolar affective disorder is still unknown. Some experts believe that BAD is more often diagnosed in people with a hereditary predisposition, while others are inclined to believe that chemical changes in the body lead to this.

The situation is similar with depression - often it is inherited. But prolonged exposure to stress can indeed provoke chemical changes in the body and lead to a depressive disorder.
According to WHO, mental health is influenced by social, cultural, political and environmental factors, such as national policies, social protection, standard of living, working conditions and community support.

8. Mental disorder is immediately noticeable upon meeting
Statistics: Bipolar affective disorder affects about 1.5-6.5% of people worldwide, or more than 45,000,000 people.

Most often, when meeting a person, it is impossible to understand that he has depression or "bipolar". In the period of mania, people are very sociable, sociable and quickly win over. When depressed, a person does not reveal to everyone he meets his suicidal thoughts and endless apathy. Typical phrases like “don’t be sad” give the impression that a person is not understood. Cheerful and active behavior becomes a defensive reaction and an attempt to prove that everything is in order.

9. Only weak individuals need psychotherapy, a strong person can cope on their own

It is important for people diagnosed with mental illness to receive qualified help. A person may be depressed, not see a way out of the situation, suffer from obsessive thoughts. Being depressed, a person loses the desire to live, work and build relationships. In this case, only a specialist can help.

For the treatment of bipolar disorder, cognitive behavioral therapy can be used as an adjunct to drug therapy to help patients identify and deal with irrational thoughts, judgments, and emotions. This changes the way the brain works, which affects the change in its biochemistry.

10. Mental disorders are incurable

Now almost all mental illnesses can be treated: with the right medication and therapy, you can achieve a stable remission for the rest of your life. Drugs help to restore the imbalance of biochemical processes in the brain, and psychotherapy helps to work with thoughts, emotions and behavior.

In modern practice, in particular, the drug with the active substance cariprazine is used. It simultaneously acts on dopamine D2 receptors, which are associated with the onset of mania in bipolar disorder, as well as on D3 receptors, which are responsible for depressive episodes. It is believed that during mania, the level of dopamine in the brain increases, while during depression, on the contrary, it decreases.

Thus, with a lack of dopamine, the drug increases the activity of D2-D3 receptors, and with its excess, it reduces the activity (blocks) of D2-D3 receptors, allowing the patient's condition to stabilize.

In any case, we must remember that the success of treatment of bipolar disorder is affected by the speed of diagnosis: the longer the time period between the appearance of the first episode and the start of therapy, the more difficult it will be to go into remission.


Popular misconceptions about mental disorders

False, often outdated ideas about the nature of mental disorders lead many of us to treat sick people with prejudice, shun them, feel shame and embarrassment in their presence. It is not uncommon for people with mental disorders to become victims of violence and discrimination.

Misconception No.

1: People with mental disorders are dangerous and violent

Most people with mental disorders are not more violent and dangerous than any mentally healthy person. It has been proven that a young mentally healthy unemployed man between the ages of 18 and 25, especially if he is under the influence of alcohol or drugs, is the greatest danger in society. The mentally ill (if we exclude those with alcoholism and drug addiction) commit less than 2% of all violent crimes. The vast majority of violence is committed by mentally healthy people.
In the environment of almost every person there are people suffering from one or another mental disorder, and most of us do not notice the manifestations of the disease.

Misconception #2 - People with mental disorders are unpredictable

There is a small percentage of illnesses in which a person's behavior can actually be unpredictable. This includes people suffering from severe psychosis (especially hallucinations and delusions), people with antisocial personality disorder, people suffering from alcohol and drug addiction.
However, the vast majority of people with mental disorders retain the ability to adequately perceive ongoing events and people around them. They will behave in any situation in the same way as any healthy person, that is, within the framework of accepted behavior.

Misconception No. 3 - people with mental disorders have fewer rights

Despite any, even the most severe physical or mental illness that has befallen a person, he remains a Human. He retains all the same inalienable rights to life, a dignified existence, respectful attitude, freedom of expression, etc., as any healthy person.
There are no criteria for separating or degrading the rights of people with mental disorders from the rights of others.

Misconception No. 4 - people with mental disorders are disabled

Most people with mental disorders continue to live a normal life, raise children, follow the established rules of communication and life in society, be responsible for themselves and loved ones and work at a level corresponding to their knowledge and experience. Like any healthy person, they can be excellent and responsible workers and do their job well. It is not uncommon for people with serious psychiatric problems to work in responsible jobs and have the support of colleagues who are aware of the illness. Among people suffering from mental disorders, there are doctors, teachers, politicians, students, schoolchildren, entrepreneurs, engineers…

Misconception #5 - people with mental disorders are at the "bottom" of society

A person can be at the "bottom" regardless of whether he is physically and mentally healthy or not. Like any disease of the body, mental disorders do not know social status, financial well-being, career achievements, fame or recognition. A mental disorder can strike a completely successful and prosperous person in the prime of his career.

Misconception No. 6 - people with mental disorders are weak

A weak and vulnerable person may be due to stress or illness, physical or mental. Weakness of character is not the cause leading to a mental disorder. Like any somatic (general) disease, mental disorders can be caused by genetic, biological, psychological and social factors.

False idea No. 7 - people with mental disorders are possessed

The emergence and manifestation of mental disorders is not associated with the presence or absence of religious beliefs in a person, the level of his spiritual development, "God's punishment" or otherworldly forces. A depressed person has not been possessed by a demon and is not possessed by the devil. He suffers from a real, biologically and genetically determined disease that requires qualified help from a psychiatrist.

Misconception No. 8 - people with mental disorders are stupid

The level of intelligence and education is not directly related to mental health. People with mental disorders can be creative, capable, have unique talents, be hardworking and successful. Exactly the same as any mentally healthy person.


Crazy, schizophrenic, deranged, lunatic, schizoid, psychopath, deranged, crazy, insane, etc. - often these definitions are the vocabulary of the ordinary person or the media to characterize people with mental disorders.
Instead of such offensive and insulting words, you can use the principle of "people first": if a person is diagnosed with "schizophrenia", instead of "schizophrenic", say "a person suffering from schizophrenia."

Formerly an artist, now…

Often a diagnosis turns into a stigma, a label that drives a person to despair, destroys relationships with family and friends, and hinders recovery. The one whom people previously identified as a loving spouse, a caring father, an excellent auto mechanic, a reliable business partner, having become ill with schizophrenia, in the eyes of other people turns into a "schizophrenic".
A mental disorder is a disease. Man is a man.
He remains the same father, husband, and great guy who knows about carburetors and engines, just having temporary mental health issues.

Stigma is worse than …

Stigma is many times worse than mental disorders themselves in terms of its impact on a person's life and on his family . Stigma robs 9 out of 10 people with mental disorders of the opportunity to seek qualified help, live a normal, familiar life, communicate with friends, work colleagues, spend free time with their family, raise children.
Rejection from others often prevents a person with a mental disorder from getting a job.

Stigma undermines faith and knowledge

Stigma creates barriers to strengthen the faith of a person and his family in the possibility of recovery and finding joy and peace.
Thus, according to statistics in Russia, only 10-25% of people suffering from mental disorders seek qualified help.

The mission is to help

The provision of mental health care is as stigmatized as the disorders themselves.
Feeling an illness, people are afraid to turn to psychiatrists, which aggravates the disease and increases the duration of treatment. Problems in the provision of mental health care exist in any country in the world. However, the vast majority of psychiatrists strive to help their patients.

Upbringing does not play a role

Even 50 years ago, faced with the manifestation of a mental disorder in a person, the cause was looked for in poor upbringing, blaming parents for illiterate behavior. The identification of the biological and hereditary causes of the development of mental disorders proves that upbringing is not related to the emergence of a particular mental disorder in children.

Don't be ashamed

Mental disorders are real medical illnesses. They should not cause shame in the person who is ill, just as his family, friends and work colleagues should not be ashamed because they know this person. Mental disorders are no more shameful than diabetes, heart failure, or a broken leg.

Affects all

All of us, to one degree or another, share the wrong view of mental disorders. Stigma lives in the minds of the sick, their relatives, friends, associates, sometimes even among the professionals who provide them with assistance. This applies to each of us. We, our relatives, friends, those around us, society, suffer from mental disorders and stigmatize them.

Each of us can change the situation

Stigma will not disappear overnight. However, each person can do a lot to make the lives of people suffering from mental disorders a little better.