Skins characters personality types
Discussion: Skin's Characters + Personality Types: skinsfans — LiveJournal
Discussion: Skin's Characters + Personality Types: skinsfans — LiveJournal ?-
alluringcliche (alluringcliche) wrote in skinsfans,
So I was reading about Meyer's Brigg personality types and I started wondering what personality types our fave Skin's characters would be. It's also been discussed on this forum:
Anyway it's kind of interesting especially with all the sometimes surprising things they think about why in relation to their personality types.
For those of you who don't know what Meyer's Briggs is there's a description here:
It's basically four letters that show all the different parts of your personality. More details on each type:
Series 1/2
Tony- ENTJ "ENTJs have a natural tendency to marshall and direct"
He's def (at least in Series 1) extroverted and judging, and he usually goes by his intuition and thoughts>feelings. People like this...FDR and Harrison Ford.
Michelle- ESFJ "great entertainers", "easily wounded"
She's extroverted, but likes facts, and easily judges situations.
Sid- ISFP for whom "organized education is difficult" and spontaneous bursts of feeling maybe ISFJ who "need to be needed
He's more of an introvert and can easily change his mind about people (tony). Not sure about him.
Cassie-INFP never lose their sense of wonder
I feel like this is Cassie, but she was let down and idk what happens then.She becomes a lot more judging.
Anwar- ESFP. See Chris. Possibly ENFP. N is a little more zany, which Anwar is, but I also feel like he has some more concrete values and I don't know how to express the difference here.
Maxxie-ISFP...the type of the performer
Chris- ESFP "Wheres the party?
Easiest one ever.
Effy- INTJ/ INFJ she projects an air of self-confidence like an INTJ, but I feel like underneath she has weighty convictions and lots of extreme feelings like INFJ.
Pandora- INFP sense of wonder, that's her
Series 3/4
Freddie- ENFJ "know and appreciate people" (Alt. INFJ)
Cook- ESFP See Chris
JJ- INTP- analytical
Thomas- ENFP "warm and affectionate"
Emily- INFJ/INSJ "under appreciated", "convictions"
Katie- ESFJ. See Michelle.
Karen- ENFP. Just because, extroverted, intuitive (about Freds), Feeling, Perceptive.
Naomi- ISFP "beat of a different drummer"

What do you guys think? And do you think any other type of personality test or something like astrology or some other indicator explains the Skins characters well?
(team outcasts if this counts at all, just curious though)
Tags: *team: outcasts, - random
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What Fortnite Skin Are You, Based On Your MBTI?
By Gabrielle Huston
Fortnite debuts new skins every week, but some suit certain personalities more than others. Which skins match different MBTI types line INTJ and ENFP?
Fortnite is a cultural phenomenon that shows no sign of slowing down. New players join the bandwagon every day, booting it up on just about any platform they could hope for. It can be a jarring world to experience and many gamers feel they'll never catch up with the dedicated players. But little rewards like skins keep them joining the matches.
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In a game as huge in scale as Fortnite - and only getting bigger, with new characters added all the time - it can be hard to know which skin to pick though. Instead of sifting through pages of characters online, why not pick a character based on MBTI personality type?
16/16 INFJ - The Advocate
The Astra skin wonderfully represents the idealistic, dreamy personality of the INFJ. They say that still waters run deep and it's too true of INFJ people. They are highly artistic and creative while valuing deep, close personal relationships.
However, this can also mean they are difficult to get to know.
INFJs in the Astra skin show just how deep and mysterious they are, but also how there are wonderful secrets to unfold at the end - just like among the stars! It's also not too assuming and doesn't draw too much attention when they don't want it. The Astra skin is available on the marketplace with an "Epic" rarity level.
15/16 ENFP - The Champion
ENFPs are champions just like Freddie Mercury told us. Their enthusiastic personalities just ooze charisma and they seem to have endless stores of energy. It's no surprise that the Diamond Diva skin is best suited to their no-apologies lifestyle. ENFPs are some of the few people self-confident enough to carry around a diamond-encrusted handbag.
This rare skin shows off the ENFP's strong communication and people skills -- even as they struggle to follow the rules. These qualities make them trendsetters and leaders just like the Diamond Diva.
14/16 ISTP - The Crafter
People with an ISTP personality learn by experience, love trying new things, and are self-confident and easy going. That's why the Airheart Skin, modeled after one of history's famous flying women Amelia Earhart, is perfect for them!
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The Airheart skin combines all the action and fun of flying across the ocean with the risk-taking thrills that ISTP personalities crave. This skin can come available on the marketplace, but it's rare - so be sure to buy it the next time it swoops in. Who knows - her flight knowledge might help fans find the black box from the plane crash.
13/16 ESFJ - The Caregiver
ESFJ people are the world's most loyal best friends. They dedicate their lives to helping others and they are so practical and dependable. Their friends and family know they're always around for support. The Flutter skin in Fortnite is a fairy who, like an ESFJ, is always there even when you don't know it.
ESFJ personalities can sometimes be sensitive to criticism and approval-seeking since they dedicate their whole lives to others. The delicate wings and clothes of the Flutter skin portray this part of them perfectly alongside the determined gleam in their eye that means they will always get up again and keep fighting.
12/16 ISFP - The Artist
ISFPs are doers, not dreamers. They're peaceful, not argumentative. They're aware of their environment, not distractable. All these traits fit perfectly with the Deep Sea Dominator skin which puts the player in a deep-sea diving suit complete with the seaweed.
This skin is at the "Epic" rarity level and includes an octopus buddy for back bling. The ISFPs strong connection to their environment is a natural fit for wanting to explore the world's mostly-unexplored waters. The gut feelings they develop for situations will allow them to quickly react to any unexpected fish, wave, or suit malfunction that gets thrown their way.
11/16 ENTJ - The Commander
The Fyra skin looks ready to lead her people into battle with a thunderous war cry - exactly what ENTJs are best suited for. They love to plan which makes them excellent strategists and wonderful leaders. They also won't shy away from making the hard calls; ENTJs make decisions based on logic and objective information.
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ENTJs are sometimes called ruthless - just like the look in Fyra's eyes - but they're really just driven and assertive. ENTJs know what they deserve and aren't afraid to ask for it. That's why a Pokemon like Mewtwo fits perfectly with an ENTJ. Fyra is an "epic" level skin, only appearing once a while in the marketplace.
10/16 ISFJ - The Protector
Fortnite's Ark skin depicts an angel with a flowing golden dress and a halo and wings to match. She doesn't resemble Mercy from Overwatch or Muriel from Paragon (RIP) in the slightest. Her dutiful gaze and heavenly demeanour make her a perfect match for the ISFJ personality types who are reserved, warm-hearted, and responsible. This inclusive, welcoming spirit is one of the reasons that Fortnite has ended the console war.
ISFJs, like any good guardian angel, have an eye for detail and a sensitive soul. They may neglect their own needs - but angels don't have needs like humans do, so it's the perfect storm. The Ark skin has a Legendary rarity though, so be sure to save up those V-Bucks for the day she appears.
9/16 ENTP - The Debater
ENTP personalities love to think and reflect on their lives and the future, rather than worry about the here-and-now. This is perfect since the Madcap skin hasn't even been released yet; it was leaked for a pending release!
ENTPs love to talk and debate, reserving judgement until the very last minute. As a thoughtful, reflective mushroom, Madcap is more than accustomed to all this listening. They love to explore the world around them and value knowledge above all else.
8/16 INFP - The Mediator
The Far Out Man skin is part of Fortnite's Flower Power set and it's practically made for INFP personalities. INFP people are marked by their strong intuition, their deep care for and interest in the people around them, and their idealistic dreams. These are all things that the hippie community thrived on.
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There are even in-game concerts like Travis Scott's for these hippies to join in on! The skin is of an "epic" rarity, only being spotted around once a year in the market. The INFPs are so laid back though, that they can wait.
7/16 ESTJ - The Director
The Grill Sergeant is the person people call on in hardship; they know what to do, how to get it done, and their confidence is contagious. This is exactly the dependable style of ESTJ personalities. They're hard-working if a little overly practical for some people. But when the going gets tough, the stability is the most reassuring.
ESTJs and the Grill Sergeant skin go hand-in-hand. They may be a bit bossy and argumentative at times, but they're loveable, too. They pack a punch and aren't easily offended - exactly what is needed in any fast-paced, often stressful business.
6/16 INTP - The Thinker
INTPs are the quiet, reserved, thoughtful individuals among the screaming masses. They are flexible and think outside the box - making the Focus skin a perfect match. The comfortable, moveable gear allows these personalities to keep their options open to switch lanes at the last minute.
Focus is a rare skin just like it's rare to see one in-game; these players are always darting around. They're independent and unpredictable with a single objective in mind. They may seem distracted or aloof, but in reality, they've just lost track of the world while planning their next strike.
5/16 ESTP - The Persuader
Persuaders are funny, energetic, and passionate about their causes. The Dummy skin suits them perfectly as they bounce back from every crash when people expect them to give up. They recognize when action is needed and take it without hesitation. These players are probably among those who made Fortnite one of 2020's most-tweeted games.
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ESTPs are impulsive and competitive - not to mention occasionally dramatic - but the durability of the Dummy skin equals their thick skin and ESTPs thrive anyway. Not to mention how they're always persuading everyone else to join in the mischief.
4/16 INTJ - The Architect
INTJ people are highly analytical, creative, and logical. The Delirium skin, part of the Arcane Arts set, is made for them. The ordered world of the INTJ includes a sense of competitive pride and planning in advance that would be perfect for the study of old, forgotten magics.
Delirium has an "epic" rarity in the marketplace. Keep an eye out for this skin since INTJs will probably be killing it in the season 5 (and beyond) competitive scene. INTJs are always on the lookout for possibilities and, in this case, to kill everyone else.
3/16 ESFP - The Performer
The Double Agent Wildcard skin was made for the spontaneous ESFP personalities. ESFPs are very perceptive about other people's feelings and are the best friends to go to for a rant. They know exactly what people need whether it's a night in binging Netflix or a night out on the town.
The Double Agent Wildcard skin shows off ESFPs' favourite place: the spotlight. As performers, they excel, and what is a double agent if not the world's highest-stakes acting job? Plus, ESFPs get bored easily which isn't likely to happen when they're under constant threat of being found out.
2/16 ISTJ - The Inspector
ISTJs are natural Black Widows: dedicated, loyal, practical, and observant. As the game brings in more pop culture characters - part of their marketing plans to keep the game relevant - Black Widow is one of the best suited. This skin is rotated in and out of the market shop as part of the Marvel collection.
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ISTJs prefer taking in the present moment, keeping their space orderly, and getting the job done. Black Widow's sleek white suit provides all the mobility required for stealth missions with straps to add pockets and holsters for equipment. Considering the rational, logical working style of an ISTJ, a spy receiving direct orders is a perfect choice. And, as Fortnite is threatened by Marvel baddies like Galactus, a Marvel avenger is the obvious choice.
1/16 ENFJ - The Giver
The ENFJ type has all the best qualities of a Luchador wrestler: they seek approval, have a wide social circle, and aren't afraid to take a hit. These qualities all make the Dynamo skin a perfect match. Those desire to please the crowds runs deep even if they need a moment to themselves sometimes.
Like many performers and athletes, the ENFJ has a tendency to go too hard on themselves, blaming themselves for mistakes they couldn't control. Thankfully, their love of their fans pulls them quickly back into the action.
NEXT: 10 Hilarious "Cranking 90s" Memes Only Forntine Fans Will Understand
Characters | Skins
- We will search among the characters of the fandom
Skins: First generation (9)
Skins: Second generation (9)
Skins: Third generation (10)
Skins: Other characters (75)
0 0 0
Mother of Liv Mallow and her sisters. She is fond of esotericism and pays little attention to her children.
Alex Henley
Alexander "Alex" Henley
0 0 0
Full name Alexander Hanley. Gay. Appears in the sixth season and becomes close friends with Liv Malo.
Alo Creevey
Aloysius "Alo" Creevey
one 0 0
Full name - Aloysius Creevy. The son of farmers. Best friend of Rich Hardbeck. In the sixth season, he becomes the father of Mini McGuinness' child.
Anwar Kharral
Anwar Kharral
0 0 0
Best friend of Maxi Oliver. Has a flexible approach to Islam, uses alcohol and drugs, despite the fact that his religion does not approve of it.
Angela Moon
Angela Moon
0 0 0
Mother of Pandora Moon.
Anita Hardback
Anita Hardbeck
0 0 0
Mother of Rich Hardbeck.
Anna Richardson
Anna Richardson
0 0 0
Michelle Richardson's mother. She had many husbands.
Anthea Stonem
Anthea Stonem
0 0 0
Mother of Tony and Effy Stonem.
Bibi Kharral
Bibi Kharral
0 0 0
Mother of Anwar Kharral.
Walter Oliver
Walter Oliver
0 0 0
Father of Maxi Oliver. Will stand up to anyone who mocks Maxi because of his orientation. At first, he is against his son's dancing career, but in the end he admits that Maxi can dance professionally.
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Gregory South
Gregory South
0 0 0
Father of Mini McGuinness, lives separately from Mini and her mother. Optional, does not fulfill promises.
Grace Violet
Grace Violet
0 0 0
AKA Grace Blood. Best friend of Mini McGuinness and Liv Malo. She begins to distance herself from Mini when she sees Franky's example, and in the first episode, she strikes up a friendship with Franky's underdogs, Rich and Alo. Dated and almost married Rich Hardbeck. Dies at the beginning of the sixth season.
Graham Miles
Graham Miles
0 0 0
Father of Chris Miles. Left the family after Peter's death.
D.S. Blunt
DS Blunt
0 0 0
A detective who investigated the death of Sophia, a girl who committed suicide after taking drugs.
JJ Jones
Jonah Jeremiah "JJ" Jones
0 0 0
Full name - Jonathan Jeremiah Jones. Best friend of Freddie McLair and James Cook. Sick of autism, often shows tricks. Was in love with Effy Stonem, but gave in to her friends. In the fourth season, he begins dating Lara Lloyd.
0 0 0
Gay, dating Maxi Oliver.
James Cook
James Cook
3 2 0
Best friend of Freddie McLair and JJ Jones. He is in love with Effy Stonem and starts dating her in the third season, but after a few months they break up. Killed Effy's psychiatrist at the end of the fourth season.
James Fitch
James Fitch
0 0 0
Catty and Emily Fitch's mischievous younger brother.
Jackie Oliver
Jackie Oliver
0 0 0
Maxi Oliver's mother.
Jenna Fitch
Jenna Fitch
0 0 0
Mother of Emily and Cathy Fitch.
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0 0 0
Adoptive father of Frankie Fitzgerald.
0 0 0
Adoptive father of Frankie Fitzgerald.
Jim Stonem
Jim Stonem
0 0 0
Father of Effy and Tony Stonem.
Gina Campbell
Gina Campbell
0 0 0
Mother of Naomi Campbell, hippie.
John T. Foster
John T. Foster
0 0 0
Treating psychiatrist Effy Stonem.
Johnny White
Johnny White
0 0 0
Local gangster, drug dealer and bandit.
Josh Stock
Josh Stock
0 0 0
Brother Abigail Stock, seduced Michelle for revenge on Tony Stonem for his sister.
Jal Fazer
Jalander "Jal" Fazer
0 0 0
Full name - Jalander Feyser. A talented clarinetist who defies stereotypes. She met with Chris Miles and was pregnant by him, but after his death she had an abortion.
0 0 0
Teacher at Bristol High School.
David Blood
David Blood
0 0 0
Father of Grace Violet (Blood). Becomes principal of Bristol High School in season five.
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Daniel Tomone
Daniel Tomone
0 0 0
Brother of Thomas Thomone.
0 0 0
Cathy Fitch's boyfriend at the beginning of the third season. Football player.
Uncle Keith
Uncle Keith
0 0 0
James Cook's uncle who works at the local pub. Arranges quizzes.
Uncle Muneer
Uncle Muneer
0 0 0
Uncle of Anwar Kharral, often rude jokes on Anwar. DJ at Anwar's seventeenth birthday.
Istiak Kharral
Istiak Kharral
0 0 0
Father of Anwar Kharral. Quiet and reserved person.
Karen McLair
Karen Mclair
0 0 0
Sister of Freddie McLair. She took second place in the vocal competition "Looking for the Sex Bomb".
Kevin Hardbeck
Kevin Hardbeck
0 0 0
Father of Rich Hardbeck.
0 0 0
Daughter of Johnny White
Casey Ainsworth
Cassandra Ainsworth "Cassie"
2 0 0
Full name - Cassandra Ainsworth. Sick of anorexia. Met Sid Jenkins. After the death of Chris Miles, she left Bristol.
0 0 0
Biological sister of Frankie Fitzgerald.
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Kosoke Tomone
Kosoke Tomone
0 0 0
Mother of Thomas Tomone. He does not like Pandora and believes that she is a bad influence on her son.
Chris Miles
Christopher "Chris" Miles
one 0 0
Full name - Christopher Miles. Constantly takes different pills. In the first season, she courts Angie, a psychology teacher, and in the second, she begins dating Jel Feiser.
Cook Sr.
Cook Sr.
0 0 0
James Cook's father, showing no interest in him.
Katie Fitch
Katherine "Katie" Fitch
0 0 0
Full name is Katherine Fitch. Twin sister of Emily Fitch. Katie has a very high opinion of herself and wants to take the place of the queen of the company, owned by Effie Stone. Katie's homophobia leads to problems between the sisters when Emily realizes that she is a lesbian.
Catherine Creevey
Catherine Creevey
0 0 0
Alo Creevy's mother.
Lara Lloyd
Lara Lloyd
0 0 0
Works with JJ Jones, has a nine month old baby.
Leo Mclair
Leo Mclair
0 0 0
Father of Freddie and Karen McLair.
Leon Levan
Leon Levan
0 0 0
Father of Nick and Matty Levanov, wrote a book about self-development.
Liv Malone
Olivia "Liv" Malone
0 0 0
Full name - Olivia Malo. Best friend of Mini McGuinness and Grace Violet. He likes parties and easily converges with people.
Lynton Fazer
Lynton Fazer
0 0 0
Brother Jal Fazer, rapper.
Personality types of anime characters | Relaza
There are 16 personality types. Each anime character can be attributed to one of them. Below is a small selection of the most popular anime characters based on data from the Personality Database (PDB).
Choose who you associate yourself with or take a test to determine your personality type. Read the description of the psychotype to compare how similar it is to you. If there is no complete match, then you chose the wrong character or made a mistake somewhere in the test, take the second test or look at the description of the next personality type until you see a complete match.