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Why does a person cry when he is sad?
Is crying good or bad? Do animals have emotions?
Answered by Ekaterina Antonova
analytical psychologist
If you try to offend her cub in front of a cat, you risk testing the sharpness of her claws for yourself. But this will not happen because the cat loves the kitten. The instinct associated with the protection of offspring is triggered.
If you try to take a bone from a hungry dog, you will provoke a reaction very similar to anger. Although in fact it is also an instinct.
Animals have no emotions. But there are instincts that, when triggered, resemble them. So, when a dog is abandoned by its owner, it whines because the instinct of affection is triggered. When grief occurs in a person, he most often cries. Crying is perhaps the safest way to express sadness.
Under stress, the body synthesizes toxic substances: leucine-enkephalin and prolactin, which are excreted only with tears , and emotional, when tears appear during a nervous shock. Under stress, the body synthesizes toxic substances: leucine-enkephalin and prolactin, which are excreted only with tears. It is no coincidence that when a person cries, he feels lighter.
But etiquette dictates that crying in public is not good, and men should not show their emotions at all.
Under the influence of public opinion, a person learns to suppress tears in himself, but this does not mean that sadness goes away. Negative emotions accumulate and sooner or later find another way to splash out. A person can vent evil on loved ones, drink an extra glass of alcohol, smoke or fight. Restraint of emotions affects the nervous system and can cause cardiovascular disease.
It turns out that tears are the best way to relieve nervous tension and remove harmful substances from the body. In addition, they normalize blood pressure, increase the body's resistance to infections and reduce the risk of developing diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
They have one more useful property: they influence other people. So, children often cry to get attention. And it helps! They are approached, pity, warm, fed and solve their other problems. It works for adults too. Even William Shakespeare called tears "weapons of women."
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Can animals express emotions?
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You cry, it will become easier.
.. Or won't it? Truth and myths about tears
- Christian Jarrett
- for BBC Future
Image copyright, Getty Images
We used to think that when a person cries, it becomes easier for him: a kind of catharsis sets in, tears purify the soul and lighten the heart... But, on the other hand, crying in public is a sign of weakness, isn't it? ? Researchers claim that both are wrong.
When Theresa May announced her resignation from the post of Prime Minister in Downing Street, it was noticeable: just a little more, and she burst into tears. And this did not fail to note the journalists. Photographs of Mei, barely holding back her tears, hit the front pages of newspapers.
Observers were quick to point out that the Prime Minister finally showed her human face, shedding her mask of isolation and arrogance.
Even many of May's critics admitted that they felt sympathy for her at that moment.
It seems that shedding tears in front of TV cameras is good for a politician's reputation.
But how we perceive such scenes, with sympathy or cynical grin, depends on our own ideas about crying and its consequences for a person.
These perceptions, psychologists from the University of Queensland (Australia) emphasize, in turn affect how much you tend to cry yourself and how you feel afterwards.
"How often a person cries, how they feel afterwards, and whether it helps them cope with emotional tension, most likely depends on their ideas and expectations associated with crying, social context and past experience," emphasize in a recent study report by Lee Sharman and her colleagues.
Image copyright DANIEL SORABJI/AFP/Getty Images
Image captionOn May 25, the front pages of the British press were filled with photos of the prime minister on the verge of tears.
Some took it sympathetically, some shrugged.
To investigate this connection, Sharman and colleagues invented the first ever standardized crying attitude test.
First they asked a small group of volunteers a set of open-ended questions like "What do you think crying in public might do to you?"
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Then, based on the responses they received, they created 40 possible statements, such as "crying makes you feel better" or "crying makes you vulnerable."
After that, two groups of hundreds of volunteers on the Internet assessed for themselves the validity of these statements on a seven-point scale.
Researchers led by Sharmain deduced three main types of ideas about crying from their responses:
- Crying alone is good.
Those who fall into this category agree with statements like "crying helps me when I'm shocked or overwhelmed by something" or "I know I'll feel better if I cry."
- Crying alone is useless. "After crying, I feel worse when I am alone." "After crying, I feel even worse."
- Crying in public is harmful . "I am ashamed when I cry in front of strangers", "It seems to me that I am judged when I cry in the presence of colleagues at work."
These are the first results of a systematic study of people's beliefs about the benefits or harms of crying and how they are influenced by various factors such as personality or gender. It is worth noting that these are mainly representations of white people living in the West.
Participants in the study had neither an overtly negative nor overtly positive opinion about crying alone.
But still they were more inclined to disagree with the statement that it is harmful (average result - 2 points, when 0 means completely disagree, and 7 - completely agree with the harmfulness of crying).
Summarizing the results of the responses, we can say that the participants thought that crying alone is unlikely to harm you and may even be beneficial.
Image copyright, James Williamson - AMA/Getty Images
Image caption,Crying on the sports ground is perceived differently than tears in the meeting room (pictured with British Swansea goalkeeper Lukasz Fabianski after the team's relegation match) from the Premier League
Collective beliefs about the benefits or harms of crying are often based on the stories of others.0003
For example, American psychologist Randolph Cornelius analyzed 72 popular media articles on crying published over 140 years up until 1985 and found that 94% of them described tears as helpful.
Many well-known scientists and physicians have proclaimed the cleansing benefits of crying.
For example, Henry Maudsley (a famous British psychiatrist, after whom one of the hospitals in south London is named) argued that "sadness, which is not allowed to pour out in tears, can soon make the internal organs cry.
However, modern researchers generally come to the opposite conclusion: after crying, you often feel even worse, and there is no smell of catharsis. At best, its effect is very moderate.
It is also interesting what happens to us when a sad film makes us cry. According to some experiments, this greatly worsened the mood of the volunteers.
However, one of the recent studies showed that tears during a sad movie only worsen the mood at first, but after an hour and a half the mood improves significantly.
In general, the picture that the results of recent research paint for us is this: tears do not lead to catharsis at all, after them we most often do not feel better.
Image copyright, Getty Images
Photo caption,When we see someone cry, we want to support them
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What about tears in public? The results for Sharmain were close to the average here too - the participants hesitated and did not want to evaluate crying in the environment of other people too unambiguously.
Indeed, the consequences of tears in public can be different.
For example, one 2016 study found that, in general, whiny employees were considered less competent - especially men (for the purity of the experiment, participants were shown drawings, not real people).
However, an attempt by the same researchers to replicate the results in the second experiment failed.
Another study found the importance of social context: those prone to tears were rated more harshly if they were at work and if they were men.
Some studies suggest that women who cry at work were more likely to be seen as weak and manipulative.
Of the others, quite the contrary, it was tearful men who deserved a negative reputation in the team.
Image copyright, Getty Images
Image caption,From an early age, we are brought up in a certain way regarding the open expression of emotions, and these rules often depend on the sex of the child
It is important to note that women in those studies were generally viewed as less competent employees, no matter how they behaved - even compared to men who allow themselves to shed tears surrounded by work colleagues.
However, crying in public can have its benefits. For example, people instinctively want to emotionally support a crying person - seeing a crying face, we rush to help. This is confirmed by the example of Theresa May.
Sharmain's study showed interesting differences in how people view tears.
For example, those who were accustomed to trusting their emotions, not being ashamed of them, and relying on the emotional support of others were more likely to think that crying is good both in solitude and in public.
Well, those who believe that there is nothing useful in crying and are not very friendly with their emotions, these people do not control them well.
image copyrightAlexander Hassenstein - FIFA/FIFA via Getty Images
Image caption,Tears are far less cleansing than we might think (pictured is an aged Pele crying at the 2013 Ballon d'Or ceremony
Sharmain and her colleagues believe there is a link between
"It is possible that those who find crying unacceptable and think that society expects them to behave positively suppress their own emotions, embarrassed by their open expression", she says
Researchers have developed a new scale that will make it easier to find out if this is true.
It is likely that there is a dynamic relationship at work here: say, if you are firmly convinced that it is shameful to cry in public, then if this happens to you, this experience will not bring you anything good.
If this hypothesis is confirmed, then it will be quite in the spirit of modern psychology to believe that how these emotions affect you depends on your views on emotions.
For example, people who see benefit in a bad mood suffer less from it when it happens to them.
Of course, we should be careful when we try to understand the thoughts and state of another person, but perhaps Theresa May's usually reserved manner is due to her own negative attitude towards the display of emotions in public.
Perhaps Theresa May learned from her sympathetic reaction to her emotional farewell speech that this kind of openness has its benefits. But it was too late to save her political career.
"It may very well be," Sharmain writes, "that attitudes toward crying change throughout life as a person experiences various social and interpersonal consequences of crying and draws appropriate conclusions for himself."
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