A mother daughter thing
Open for Business: It’s A Mother Daughter Thing
It’s A Mother Daughter Thing
Boutique retailer It’s A Mother Daughter Thing moved Oct. 1 to 3862 W. Chestnut Expressway in the Orchard Plaza shopping center. Previously in Battlefield Mall, owner Stacy Thomas said she spent roughly $6,000 in relocation and renovation costs for the seven-employee business. Thomas signed a three-year lease with Sturdy Real Estate for the 1,200-square-foot space, declining to disclose the rate. She said nine vendors rent space in her shop for an undisclosed fee to sell custom-designed products, which include art, jewelry, shirts, tumblers and wreaths. Thomas said she started the business seven years ago in Virginia under the name Aroma City but rebranded upon moving to Springfield in 2019 to be near her mother, Janet Eaton, who is now one of the shop’s vendors. Additionally, Thomas said her daughter, Brittany King, works part-time at the shop.
Phone: 910-260-3914
Hours: 11 a. m.-7 p.m. Monday through Thursday, 10 a.m.-7 p.m. Friday and Saturday, and noon-6 p.m. Sunday
Web: Facebook.com/MotherDaughterThing
Ozarks Legacy Law
After rebranding this summer, Ozarks Legacy Law LLC expanded Oct. 11 into Christian County. The estate planning law firm owned by David Payne opened a Nixa office at 830 W. Mount Vernon St. in the West Side Plaza shopping center. It’s the third location for the firm, which started in 2009 as David Payne Law LLC. The company rebrand occurred in June, Payne said, in conjunction with the pending opening of the Nixa office and hiring of attorney Bill Petrus. Payne said the firm focuses on estate planning and small-business representation, declining to disclose startup costs for the 1,750-square-foot office or the five-year lease rate with Magers Management Co. LLC. Payne started his practice in Aurora and added an office in Republic’s Wildwood Plaza in January 2020. Payne said Petrus, who has over 30 years of law experience, leads the Nixa office’s three-person staff.
Hours: 8 a.m.-5 p.m. Monday through Friday
Phone: 417-719-1199
Web: OzarksLegacyLaw.com
Hog Tide Bar-B-Que
Aurora-based Hog Tide Bar-B-Que LLC added a second restaurant with an Oct. 21 opening in Willard, at 304 E. Jackson St., Ste. 1B. Hog Tide owner Drew McNatt said the eatery fills space in the East Shopping Center formerly occupied by Jackson Street Deli, which shuttered last year. McNatt said he has family in Willard, adding his restaurant also frequently caters school district events and sponsors some of its sports teams. Additionally, Hog Tide operated a food truck last year in Willard for several months. The 15-employee eatery also has a drive-thru – a feature his 4-year-old Aurora shop doesn’t have. He declined to disclose lease terms or startup costs. Hog Tide’s menu includes sandwiches, St. Louis-style spareribs and barbecue platters of pulled pork, beef brisket and smoked chicken.
Fried okra, sweet cornbread and loaded baked potato salad are among the sides, according to its website. Entree prices range $9-$22.
Hours: 11 a.m.-8 p.m. Tuesday through Saturday and 11 a.m.-2 p.m. Sunday
Phone: 417-308-3525
Web: HogTideBBQ.com
It's a Mother Daughter Thing Personalized Hand Stamped
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Mom constantly gives her teenage granddaughter clothes to her taste, and then is offended that she wears them.
Mom, in her stubbornness, will overstubborn any donkey. For five years she has been giving my daughter, who is in her teens, things to her taste. And of course, it does not match the taste of the child. She refuses to wear such things, but her mother, with perseverance worthy of better use, continues to give clothes to her granddaughter. And then he takes offense at both his granddaughter and me. It was I who raised such an ungrateful child!
My mother always had big problems with taste. She herself grew up in a rather poor family, so her main requirement for clothes is "so that for centuries: not to demolish herself, but also to pass on to her grandchildren." So she dressed and dresses herself, so she dressed me.
But when I was growing up, everything was sad with money too. Therefore, reluctantly, I accepted my mother's position to buy for growth and what is stronger. I acquired an abundant and varied wardrobe, for which I am not ashamed, already when I began to earn money myself. Before that, I had to put up with my mother's principles in terms of clothing.
When the money came, I tried to dress up my mother, after all, not an old woman yet. But she looked at the things I proposed in such a way that it became clear that in this she would not even lie in a coffin. As she said, it all looks too clownish, not serious, and she is no longer a girl to be dishonored in this. This is where my attempts to revise my mother's wardrobe ended.
At first, my mother criticized my way of dressing. She did not like everything, everything seemed somehow disposable, frivolous and unreliable. Whether it's her thing - as twenty years ago she bought herself a skirt with a jacket, and wears it. And her mother also wore a dress on holidays. And this dress had every chance to pass also to me.
But then my mother resigned herself to the fact that I was already an adult, I was earning my own money and I would buy things for myself that I like. She did not stop grumbling at me about this, but now it was no longer in such an ultimatum form. I managed to defend the independence of my closet from my mother.
When I got pregnant, I really wanted to have a girl. I already imagined all these elegant dresses, bows, pigtails, shoes and other cute girly attributes. Fate went to meet me - I gave birth to a daughter.
Mom immediately brought a bunch of things for her granddaughter, some of which are still left even from me. I left some of them, which were in decent condition, and took the rest to the trash, because it was frankly rubbish. When my mother found out about this, she almost had a heart attack. So she didn't scold me for a long time. But then this story was forgotten.
Since then, my mother regularly carried things for her granddaughter, but this time new ones. True, they looked as if they were made during the Soviets, and then lay for a long time in some closet, carefully lined with mothballs. No, they didn't smell of anything, but they looked the same. I have never even come across such clothes for children, although after the first mother's gifts, I set out to find something similar - I failed.
But the child was small, he didn't care, it doesn't matter to me what to wash, but my mother is pleased. Moreover, out of all her mother's outfits, the daughter grew up with lightning speed, and then the gifts were erased, ironed and given to her mother until better times.
- My sister will have grandchildren, I will tell her. Save so much money! - Mom rejoiced, carefully putting away things in a bag.
I was not sorry, I also gave away the things I bought. Anyway, my husband and I did not plan a second child, so why should they just take up space on the shelves? It was not my plan to keep them until my own grandchildren.
The situation got worse as the daughter grew older. She did not become a fashionista, but she had her own style from the age of eleven. Yes, and from childhood I tried to listen to what my daughter wants to wear. Because I knew very well that if you buy something that she did not like, she would not wear it. Neither threats, nor persuasions, nor promises will move her from this point of view.
Grandmother's gifts didn't work like that. She considers it below her dignity to consult even with me, what to say about a small child? And for five years she and her granddaughter have been fighting, in which I am completely on the side of my daughter.
From the age of eleven, when she formed a comfortable style for herself, her daughter categorically refused to wear what her grandmother gave her. And I understand her. Things were frankly old women, not for a young girl.
- But it takes a long time, otherwise you buy her jeans almost every month. And these pants will not be demolished! - Mom was indignant, shaking the designated item of clothing in front of my face. I agreed that they would not be demolished, because no one would wear such frank squalor of their own free will. I could not even understand what fabric they were made of, but they did not bend well.
Also rejected were a blouse with terrible shoulder pads, a jacket from the opera "Farewell to Youth", a scary coat that looked like an overcoat and other nice things. And after all, everything was new, I can’t even imagine for whom they sew it. Are there really many like my mother?
My daughter flatly refused to wear it all. No matter how much grandmother stamped her feet, no matter how much she clutched at her heart. When she realizes that she once again did not convince her granddaughter of anything, my mother attacks me - it's my fault, I raised such an ungrateful child!
Well, it's not my fault that my daughter has taste! In addition, my mother was repeatedly told not to give clothes to her granddaughter, you still won’t guess. But she is stubborn, she knows everything better than anyone.
That's a week about my daughter's birthday. Turns seventeen years old. And I'm very interested in what mom will give this time.
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news, family, parents, education, advice, children
Belarus News / Children
10.08.2021 07:00
All parents should teach their children different things from early childhood.
This is how the child will be developed and will know useful things that will definitely be useful to him in life.
In particular, if the parents have a daughter, then she needs to know some things about boys from childhood. Then she will be able to avoid many mistakes in dealing with them and not harm herself.
In addition, she will be able to build her personal life without making mistakes. But what things should a girl's parents tell her about boys? Let's get to know them.
1. You don't have to please everyone.
You need to make it clear to the girl that it is not necessary for all the boys to like her. Some may not like it, and there will be nothing to worry about. Each person has their own preferences, which is why we may not like someone. The main thing is to continue to believe in yourself and not suffer about it.
2. Boys can be weak.
Not all boys and men can be strong in life. Some of them may turn out to be weak, who will not be able to stand up for themselves and protect a woman. Moreover, strength should not be at the head of the choice of a man, but sincere feelings for him. So the girl will be able to choose her man with her heart.
3. You yourself must choose with whom to communicate.
From early childhood, a girl should have her own opinion, and she herself should choose with whom she communicates. If she does not like a person, then she should not communicate with him. So it will be possible to teach the girl independence. In addition, she will have her own opinion, and not be dependent on someone.
4. Courtship does not always mean feelings.
Even if a man courts a woman, he does not always truly love her and wants to be with her. Behind the courtship may be a desire to take possession of her and then leave. Therefore, a girl should not be led by a man, even if he looks after her beautifully.
5. If a boy treats you badly, then you don't need to hold on to him.
It doesn't matter if she is a girl or a woman, she should not cling to a man. Especially if he treats her badly, cheats, insults, beats and so on. From an early age, a girl should understand this and not hold on to such men. Then she will be able to find a worthy man and remove from her life those people who are unworthy of her.
Author: Sergey Tumanov
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