Quotes about embracing yourself

Top 20 Be Yourself Quotes to Embrace the Skin You’re In!

Personal Growth


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The only person you should try to be better than is the person you were yesterday. These top 20 be yourself quotes will help remind you of your self-worth and encourage you to embrace yourself for exactly who you are – flaws, quirks, and all.

It’s time to be unapologetically YOU!!

We are constantly told who we should be, how we should feel, what we should do and where our limits are… but it is up to us to decide the path we want to walk in our own lives.

Here are the best quotes of all time on how to be yourself!

READ MORE: 200+ You Are Amazing Quotes to Delight You or Someone You Love

1. Embrace who you are

Be yourself; everyone else is already taken.

– Oscar Wilde

2. You are beautiful as you are

Beauty begins the moment you decide to be yourself.

– Coco Chanel

3. Stop comparing yourself to others

When you are content to be simply yourself and don’t compare or compete, everyone will respect you.

– Lao Tzu

READ MORE: 70 Simple Living Quotes to Embrace the Joy of a Simple Life

4. Don’t worry about what people think of you

Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don’t matter, and those who matter don’t mind.

– Bernard M. Baruch

5. Be yourself completely

To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment.

– Ralph Waldo Emerson

6. You are you

“Today you are You, that is truer than true. There is no one alive who is Youer than You.”

– Dr. Seuss

7. Don’t try to be someone else

Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life.

– Steve Jobs

BE INSPIRED: 30 Happy Personal Habits to Adopt for More Joy

8. Be brave enough to be yourself

Being different isn’t a bad thing. It means you’re brave enough to be yourself.

– Luna Lovegood

9. Have faith in who you are

Always be yourself, express yourself, have faith in yourself, do not go out and look for a successful personality and duplicate it.

– Bruce Lee

10. Your life belongs to you alone

You only have one life to live. Make sure it’s yours.

– Eleanor Brown

11. Inspire change

Change the world by being yourself.

– Amy Poehler

12. Be anything you want

In a world where you can be anything, be yourself.

– Etta Turner

3. Live a life of purpose

“Find out who you are and do it on purpose.”

– Dolly Parton

READ MORE: Less is More: 21 Reasons to Make it Your Life Mantra

14. Be the best version of yourself

Always be a first-rate version of yourself, instead of a second-rate version of somebody else.

– Judy Garland

15. You are worthy

Be yourself because an original is worth more than just a copy.

– Suzy Kassem

16. You are perfect

Do not wish to be anything but what you are, and try to be that perfectly.

– St Francis de Sales

17. Allow yourself to be

Amid a world of noisy, shallow actors it is noble to stand aside and say, ‘I will simply be.“

– Henry David Thoreau

18. Shine bright

To shine your brightest light is to be who you truly are.

– Roy T. Bennett

READ MORE: 101 Positive Thinking Quotes for Good Thoughts & Vibes

19. Let love guide you

Let yourself be silently drawn by the strange pull of what you really love. It will not lead you astray.

– Rumi

 20. Ignore the haters

Don’t you ever let a soul in the world tell you that you can’t be exactly who you are.

– Lady Gaga

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The Best "Be Yourself" Quotes to Embrace Who You Are

The Best "Be Yourself" Quotes to Embrace Who You Are
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Medically reviewed by N. Simay Gökbayrak, PhD — By Sandra Silva Casabianca — Updated on February 14, 2022

If you’re looking for inspiration on how to embrace who you really are, these quotes may be a starting point.

You are a unique result of the events you’ve experienced, the people you’ve interacted with, and the temperament you were born with.

Yet, from time to time, it’s natural to lose clarity on who that “you” is.

For one, change is a constant in life. But also, facing other people’s expectations and demands — particularly of those you love — can sometimes get in the way of embracing yourself.

Maybe that’s why American poet Ralph Waldo Emerson once wrote that “To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment.”

And here you are, en route to achieving it. We at Psych Central salute you. We honor you. And we hope these inspiring quotes are good company on your journey.

“You laugh at me because I’m different, I laugh at you because you’re all the same.

― Jonathan Davis, singer and songwriter

“If life is a stage and you are your own agent, then don’t hesitate to play the character you wish to play.”

― Richelle E. Goodrich, author and poet

“Once I began to realize that there were no rules and that my path didn’t have to look like everyone else’s, I relaxed and my whole world opened up.”

– G. Brian Benson, award-winning author and inspirational speaker

“Let today be the day you stand strong in the truth of your beauty. Journey through your day without attachment to the validation of others.”

― Steve Maraboli, author and behavioral science academic

“You’ll never know who you are unless you shed who you pretend to be.”

― Vironika Tugaleva, author, poet, and activist

Nobody is wired wrong because there’s no wrong and right in the way we are.”

― Hannah Hart, YouTube personality, author, and actress

“Being yourself means shedding all the layers of looking good, wanting to be liked, being scared to stand out, and trying to be who you think people want you to be.

― Jeff Moore, creator of Everyday Power

“‘Whatever you did today is enough. Whatever you felt today is valid. Whatever you thought today isn’t to be judged.’ Repeat the above each day.”

― Brittany Burgunder, certified professional coach and author

“Courage doesn’t always roar. Sometimes courage is the quiet voice at the end of the day saying ‘I will try again tomorrow.'”

— Mary Anne Radmacher, writer, artist, and workshop leader

“I can be changed by what happens to me. But I refuse to be reduced by it.”

— Maya Angelou, legendary writer, poet, and civil rights activist

“Kites rise high against the wind, not with it.”

― Winston Churchill, former prime minister of the United Kingdom

“Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don’t matter and those who matter don’t mind.”

— Dr. Seuss, children’s author and filmmaker

“We are all faced with a series of great opportunities brilliantly disguised as impossible situations.

— Charles R. Swindoll, evangelical Christian pastor, author, and radio personality

“Take care not to listen to anyone who tells you what you can and can’t be in life.”

Meg Medina, author and Newbery medalist

“Don’t ask yourself what the world needs, ask yourself what makes you come alive. And then go do that. Because what the world needs are people who have come alive.”

— Howard Thurman, author, educator, and civil rights leader

“To be beautiful means to be yourself. You don’t need to be accepted by others. You need to accept yourself.”

— Thich Nhat Hanh, Buddhist monk, author, peace activist, and founder of the Plum Village Tradition

“I do not seek the approval of people who do not approve of me.”

― Maria Koszler, writer, poet, and artist

How you love yourself is how you teach others to love you.”

― Rupi Kaur, poet and author

“Just because you are blind and unable to see my beauty doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist.

― Margaret Cho, comedian, actress, and author

“The freedom to be yourself is a gift only you can give yourself. But once you do, no one can take it away.”

― Doe Zantamata, author

“Never apologize for burning too brightly or collapsing into yourself every night. That is how galaxies are made.”

― Tyler Kent White, writer and poet

“You are your own teacher. Investigate yourself to find the truth ― inside, not outside. Knowing yourself is most important.”

― Ajahn Chah, Buddhist monk and teacher

“You were born an original. Don’t die a copy.”

― John Mason, author and speaker

“Live life as though nobody is watching, and express yourself as though everyone is listening.”

― Nelson Mandela, revolutionary, political leader, civil rights advocate, and former South African president

“Dance above the surface of the world. Let your thoughts lift you into creativity that is not hampered by other people’s opinion.”

― Red Haircrow, writer, psychologist, and educator

“I challenge all of us to accept our negative traits as eagerly as we embrace our positive qualities. Ignoring our faults gives them power, understanding our shortcomings gives us the opportunity to do better ― and be better.”

― Gabe Howard, host of the Inside Mental Health podcast

“My brown girl, love the skin you’re in. And embrace who you are within.”

― Christina Ward, Psych Central Editor

“These lyrics in ‘Encanto‘ stand out to me: ‘What could I do if I just knew it didn’t need to be perfect? It just needed to be?’ Because it’s so true. It’s OK to just be you — no perfection needed.”

― Susanne Arthur, Psych Central Editor

“I am a spirit, who has a soul, and lives in a body. It’s so easy to get consumed with the temporal, I like to remind myself my true nature is unseen and unmoved by the cares of this world.”

― Kristin Currin-Sheehan, Psych Central Editor

“The power of loving and being yourself is that even if nobody else is around, you’re always in great company.”

― Sandra Silva Casabianca, Psych Central Editor

Last medically reviewed on February 14, 2022


Medically reviewed by N. Simay Gökbayrak, PhD — By Sandra Silva Casabianca — Updated on February 14, 2022

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90,000 Acceptance Quotes | Quotes from famous people

“Pain exists only in resistance,
Joy exists only in acceptance.
Even events filled with pain,
Become joyful,
When we accept them with an open heart;
Even events filled with joy,
Turn into painful ones,
If we do not accept them.
There is no such thing as a bad experience…
There is simply resistance to what is.”

— Jalaleddin Rumi Persian-Tajik Sufi poet 1207 - 1273

Pain, Heart, Joy

“Give me $10 million and I will fail any amendment to the constitution.”

— Franklin Delano Roosevelt 32nd President of the United States hundreds, and millions are thinking about how to circumvent the law.”

— Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin Acting President of the Russian Federation 1952

About the law

“In the morning I like to be God's helper. I open the window and crumble white bread for the pigeons. Probably, in the same way, someone from above sent "heavenly manna" to weary travelers. We are not aware of many things. After all, the pigeons did not think to raise their heads and see me looking out of the window on the fifth floor. They began to peck, cooing about miracle and faith. Man, unlike all other representatives of the planet, in addition to the soul, is given a spirit, therefore, only when the meaning of life is acquired, we realize the meaning of the word "happiness". And it is not male or female, young or mature, constant or rare. It's just accepting the world in yourself. I don't go to church because it was built by human hands and influenced by political views. I don't visit psychoanalysts, which are fashionable today, because they nod in response, speak capital wisdom, but are not able to hear the quiet cry of my soul. I do not knock on the thresholds of clairvoyants and priests, because I have nothing to predict and there is nothing to forgive me for. They say that if you have found peace and accepted yourself, then you have nothing more to look for. But what is there to argue, a person is just an attempt to be ... "

— Oleg Roy 1965

About life, about wisdom, about men, about God

“There is no such thing as a person. There is only bondage and limitation. Their total amount is a person. You think you know yourself when you know what you are. But you never know who you are. The personality only seems to exist, just as the space inside the jar seems to have a certain shape, volume and smell of the jug. Understand that you are not what you think you are. Fight with all your strength against the notion that you can be named and described. It is not right. Refuse to think of yourself in terms of this or that. There is no other way out of the misfortune you have created for yourself by blindly accepting facts without investigation. Suffering is a call to search, any pain requires exploration. Do not be lazy to think.“

- Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj 1897 - 1981

Pain, Unhappiness, Search, Power

This translation is pending. Is the translation correct?

“Happiness exists only when there is acceptance.”

— George Orwell English writer and publicist 1903 - 1950

About happiness

“From now on, start thinking in these terms: you are the cause of your life, your world. This is the meaning of spiritual quest: taking full responsibility for one's own being.
Suffering has no external cause - the cause is within. You always abdicate responsibility, but the external is only a pretext.
Yes, suffering is caused by external causes, but nothing external creates it. When you are insulted, the insults come from the outside, but the anger is from within. Anger is not caused by an insult, does not arise as a result of an insult. If there were no energy of anger inside you, the insult would remain powerless. It would just pass by without disturbing you.
There are no causes outside of human consciousness; causes exist only within you. You yourself are the cause of everything in your life, and to understand this is to understand one of the most fundamental truths. To understand this is to begin the journey of transformation.”

- Osho Indian religious leader, founder of mystical teachings 1931 - 1990

About life, about truth, about the world, about travel

"No sound decision can be made without taking into account not only the world as it is, but also the world as it will be.

— Isaac Asimov American science fiction writer, popularizer of science, biochemist 1920 - 1992

About the world, About the decision

“Making a final decision can sometimes look like a civil war within yourself.”

— Jim Rohn American speaker, business coach 1930 - 2009

About the war, about the decision

“Commented on the adoption by the Latvian Saeima of amendments to legislation that provide for criminal liability “for denying the Soviet and Nazi occupation of the republic”“

— Alexey Konstantinovich Pushkov Russian statesman and public figure 1954

“Love is an active action, not a passive acceptance. It is “standing in…” not “falling somewhere.”

- Erich Fromm German sociologist, philosopher, social psychologist, psychoanalyst 1900 - 1980

In its most general form, the active nature of love can be described by the statement that love means first of all giving, not receiving.

About love

„Do not accept people as they are, and do not tolerate them. Tolerance means a feeling of deep dislike, which at any time can turn into hatred. Acceptance also has a negative connotation. You accept what you don't like. I tell you, don't accept people as they are. Just love them for who they are.”

— Sri Sri Ravi Shankar 1956

About men, about hatred, about feelings, about time

“Christianity teaches not to be afraid of suffering. For God himself, the Son of God, suffered. Only one path is open before man, the path of enlightenment and the rebirth of life - the acceptance of suffering as a cross, which everyone must carry and follow him, the Crucified on the Cross. This is the deepest secret of Christianity, of Christian ethics. Suffering is associated with sin and evil, just as death is the last test of man. But suffering is also the path of redemption, enlightenment and rebirth. This is the Christian paradox about suffering, and it must be accepted and lived out. The suffering of a Christian is the free acceptance of the cross, the free bearing of it.

— Nikolai Aleksandrovich Berdyaev Russian Christian and political philosopher 1874 - 1948

About Christianity

About life, about death, about men, about God

“In the end there is no right or wrong choice - there is only your choice and its consequences . And all this is your invaluable life experience. The opportunity to rise to a new level comes with self-acceptance. Suppression is useless, and incredibly harmful. Therefore, you need to get to know your real self, accept yourself, forgive and try to become better. For myself, first of all. We came into this world solely for happiness. Only a happy person spreads good around him.“

- Elchin Safarli Azerbaijani writer and journalist

About men, About happiness, About the world

“Dual thinking means the power of simultaneously holding two conflicting beliefs and accepting them both.”

— George Orwell English writer and publicist 1903 - 1950

About strength, About thinking

„ Vulnerability, taking a hit, and not trying to slip, earn, steal, and hide somewhere and devour it.

— Pyotr Mamonov Soviet and Russian actor, musician and poet 1951

„Love is an active action, not a passive acceptance. It is “standing in…”, not “falling somewhere”. In its most general form, the active nature of love can be described by the statement that love means first of all to give, and not to receive.”

— Erich Fromm German sociologist, philosopher, social psychologist, psychoanalyst 1900 - 1980

About love

the product of the decisions a person has made. One who does not make decisions for the consequences of which he is responsible is not realized as an individual. The ego, the self, the personality - whatever you want to call it - comes into existence and grows through the process of making responsible decisions.“

— Thomas Szasz American psychiatrist 1920 - 2012

Thomas Szasz, "Words of Wise"

Men, Decision, Personality

“Self-approval and self-acceptance is the key to positive change in our lives.”

— Louise Hay 1926 - 2017

About life

"The Way of the Warrior is the decisive, final and absolute acceptance of death. " , can be called acceptance in another way. You stop fighting with life and accept it as it is, then everything turns bright pink for you.”

- Kristina Kashkan 1983

About life, About color, About flowers

"Treat every decision with the same passion as someone in love."

- Donald Trump 45th President of the United States 1946

making each decision reverently, like a lover.

About decision

“If life is a school, then decision-making is an exam. And we rent them all our life.“

— Agabek Sultanov 1938 - 2007

About life, about school, about decision

“I believe that only key decision makers should be brought together for any meeting. It is better for everyone else to do their direct duties at this time. If more than three or four decision makers are gathered in one room, you can be sure that an essential part of the problem is precisely the excessive number of participants in its solution. “

- Bill Gates American entrepreneur and public figure 1955

“Business at the speed of thought” , page 307

Problems, Decisions, Time

"The reason for the final decision remains unknown to the observer, and often to the decision maker himself. "

Option: The reason for the final decision remains unknown to the observer, and often to the decision maker himself.

Men, Decision

“The Turks put pressure on Israel to block the adoption of a resolution on the Armenian genocide by the US Congress. Shimon Peres made a fuss, and the ADL is again ready to pretend that there was no genocide. Peres' position on this issue does not surprise me: at a reasonable price, he would have lobbied for Holocaust denial at the UN level.“

— Anton Borisovich Nosik Russian startup manager, journalist, public figure and blogger 1966 - 2017

Source: Armenians and we http://lj.rossia.org/users/dolboeb/1015186.html, Anton Nosik on LJR (August 27, 2007)


“Obligatory at certain intervals for all believers in general, confession, moreover, for some of them becomes an indispensable obligation during special, exceptional events in their lives; these include: acceptance of a hierarchical degree, reconciliation with the Church in the event of an accidental falling away from it, etc. ”0012

About life

“It turns out that it is not obvious to everyone that those methods of making party decisions that stopped working twenty years ago will not lead to success today.”

— Boris Sergeyevich Kashin Russian mathematician and politician 1951

“ Redistribution of nomenclature”

About the decision, About success

“Having a happy ability to please, Dantes so acquired the love of the Dutch envoy Baron Heckerene, who was then in St. Petersburg, a very rich man, that he, being childless, adopted Dantes, with the only condition that the latter take his surname.
Regarding the adoption of the name of Hekeren by Dantes, someone, jokingly, then spread a rumor in the city that the soldiers of the Cavalier Guard Regiment, distorting the names - Dantes and Hekeren, said: “What happened to our lieutenant, there was a dentist, and now he suddenly became a doctor .”“

— Alexander Nikolaevich Ammosov Russian poet, officer 1823 - 1866

In prose

About love, About men

those countries or individuals who are guilty of gross violations”

— Aleksei Konstantinovich Pushkov Russian statesman and public figure 1954

“What would you advise to say to those who advocate the adoption of the Russian language as the state language?
Invite them to a cafe and make friends with them. See the result.”

— Svyatoslav Ivanovich Vakarchuk Ukrainian rock musician, songwriter 1975

Excerpts from the chat on the Okean Elzy page occupation.“

— Toomas Hendrik Ilves Estonian politician, diplomat, journalist, President of Estonia 1953

“I think that one of the greatest tragedies for Russia is the adoption of Orthodoxy.”

— Vladimir Vladimirovich Pozner Russian TV host, journalist, politician 1934

Art live (Interview with E.Telpiz) http://vladimirpozner.ru/?p=3492//Cher Ami (Kurgan) - 2010
About faith in God, Orthodoxy and Christianity

“The best referee is not the one who is not noticed, but the one who has the character to make a decision, even when it is very, very difficult. If the referee gives three penalties in a match, you notice him. But he's still a good judge. It is always easier to walk away from a decision than to accept it. But you must decide. And don't be afraid of it.“

- Pierliji Collin former football judge 1960

On decision

“We need to accept our uniqueness, and not compared to ourselves with other people.

- Miranda Kerr Australian Supermodel 1983

On Situations, situations, situations, situations, situations, situations, situations. when you feel so good that you think: “May this last forever!” rarely happen. Perhaps we feel truly alive precisely in these moments, which are united by one feeling: we don’t want to add or take anything away - complete acceptance.”

- Christina Kashkan 1983

"Compassionate and respectful acceptance of others is possible to the extent that one has access to understanding and acceptance of the dynamics of one's own personality."

- Nancy McWilliams 1950

insights. Nor will he be able to provide a deep and contagious conviction of greater work efficiency after personal therapy. But if the analytic concepts I have outlined provide a structure that enables the sensitive therapist to experience and draw inspiration from complex affective, intuitive, sensual, and mental responses to the suffering patient, I may consider my task accomplished.

About men, About understanding, About personality

“We will not be subject to laws that we did not participate in, and authorities that do not represent our interests.”

— Abigail Adams authorities

“Pressure is your friend. Working as an arbiter, I realized how important it is to make decisions under pressure, in difficult moments. For many, decision making is fraught with stress, but if you are used to it on the playing field, it will come in handy in life as well. You make a decision and move on.”

— Pierluigi Collina former football referee 1960

About life, about the decision

“A person truly becomes a person only at the moment of making a decision.” Never drive yourself into silence. Never allow yourself to be a victim. Acceptance should not be the definition of your life, define yourself.”

— Harvey Weinstein American producer 1952

About life

“The degree of freedom of a society is determined not by the amount of permitted information, but by the level of development of this society, its complexity. A fool cannot be free; it is not for nothing that he is called a "limited person." He is limited in everything, including in making personal decisions. "

- Dmitry Lvovich Bykov Russian writer and poet, journalist, film critic, screenwriter 1967

About men, About fools, About decision, About freedom

"The sexual revolution, a large role in which second-wave feminists played led to paradoxical consequences: an expanded and in-depth understanding of sexuality became the basis for many speculations. The acquisition by women of a certain sexual freedom occurred with the adaptation of this to the world of patriarchal values, where the pleasure of a man comes first. Often a woman had the possibility of self-realization only if she accepted the male rules of the game: you are a woman, which means you are sexy and accessible. And there was no (and is there now?) a clearly defined age threshold beyond which a woman would be protected from attention to her body as a sexual object. 0012

— Daria Triden

for MAKEOUT magazine

About women, about pleasure, about the world, about the game

“Obituary: an example of an autobiography attached to an application for admission to paradise.”

— Many Slavomir Vrublevsky 9002 teenagers go through a period of violent denial of their dependence on their parents. The child is in a hurry to become an adult and rejects all continuity with his own childhood, not realizing that the very fact of this denial, better than anything, proves that he is not yet an adult. The sign of the final completion of the “transitional age” is the complete cessation of this denial, which begins with the “denial of denial”, and ends with the complete acceptance of one’s own childhood as an organic part of one’s biography.”

— Maxim Solokhin

About parents, about age, about childhood, about addiction About Decision

“Men still rule the world, and I'm not sure they're good at it. And only 17 countries are headed by women. 17! We do not use the full potential of half the world's population. This means that when it comes to making decisions that affect our world, women are not allowed on this negotiating table.”

- Sheryl Sandberg 1969

About women, about the world, about decision

“Leadership is about making risky decisions. And leaders must be experts in business.”

— Akio Morita 1921 - 1999

About business, About decision

people, and he is called to protect the interests of the people. But if a tribune, turning away from the people, harms them, diminishes their power, impedes their freedom, such a tribune removes himself from office, for he is not fulfilling his duty. He who overthrows democracy is no longer a tribune. I propose to decide whether Marcus Octavius ​​can hold the position of tribune, since he prevents the adoption of a law that will give the Roman people shelter, bread and work. Appeal to the people.“

- Tiberius Sempronius Gracchus (tribune of the people 133 BC) ancient Roman politician -163 - -133 BC

On Law, On Democracy, On Freedom, On Power

“In itself, the adoption of this anti-social law is a crime, because in fact it is an anti-constitutional coup, since the mechanism of the social state proclaimed in the Constitution is dismantled, two constitutional norms are directly violated, and the state dumps most of its social obligations by deceiving citizens. It can be said that this is such a social default of the Russian state, which simply rudely refuses to fulfill its obligations established by law. But the very fact that the very adoption of the law was accompanied by gross violations is exactly what it means to be drawn into a crime.”

— Sergey Yuryevich Glazyev Russian economist, politician 1961

About Putin's monetization law
, Permanent Senate of Russia. Provincial Games: Samara, Irkutsk, Orenburg. Sergei Glazyev: referendum against Putin's monetization, http://archive.svoboda.org/, 2010-12-16, ru]

On the law

“Maybe months or weeks will pass before the moment when the time comes for adoption solutions. We will be where our Fuhrer directs us.”

- Heinrich Himmler one of the main political and military figures of the Third Reich 1900 - 1945

June 13, 1931.

About the decision, About the time

“I beg you, who drinks kefir anyway. Well, who among us has ever drunk kefir? (In response to Alexander Kulikov’s remark that kefir and kvass also contain ppm, when Dmitry Medvedev’s bill was adopted, which prohibits motorists from driving with even a minimal amount of alcohol in their blood.

— Lyubov Konstantinovna Sliska Russian statesman and politician Petersburg, the Dutch envoy Baron Heckerene (Heckerene), a very rich man, that he, being childless, adopted Dantes, with the only condition that the latter take his surname. Regarding the adoption of the name of Hekeren by Dantes, someone, jokingly, then spread a rumor in the city that the soldiers of the Cavalier Guard Regiment, distorting the names - Dantes and Hekeren, said: “What happened to our lieutenant, there was a dentist, and now he suddenly became a doctor. ""

— Louis Gekkern 1792 - 1884

About love, About men

“By his signature under the “language” law of the Ukrainianophobes Kolesnichenko-Kivalov, Speaker Litvin legitimized the occupation regime in Ukraine. He consecrated gangster methods of decision-making within the walls of parliament. Neither the Constitution nor the regulations are working anymore, there is no need to adhere to any laws or formalities. Lytvyn confirmed that KGB officers, like communists, cannot be former.

— Oleg Yaroslavovich Tyagnibok Ukrainian politician 1968

Source: Svoboda and UDAR are outraged by the signing of the "language" law http://rus.newsru.ua/ukraine/31jul2012/svoydl.html to say to those who advocate the adoption of the Russian language as the state language?
Invite them to a cafe and make friends with them. See the result.”

— Svyatoslav Ivanovich Vakarchuk Ukrainian rock musician, songwriter 1975

Excerpts from the chat on the Okean Elzy page

This transfer is pending. Is the translation correct?

“Enlightenment means taking full responsibility for one’s life.”

— William Blake English poet and artist, mystic and visionary 1757 - 1827

About life

we delay making a decision, trying to distract ourselves. Because we want to be safe and experience only pleasant emotions. Running away like this can and does make things easier now, but in the long run it only makes things more difficult because you lose control of the situation. And a person is subsequently driven by the motive of distraction, rather than the need to address the decision.“

— Aleksey Khristinin

The book "On the way to change. How to rewrite the script of your life"

About men, About emotions, About feelings, About the decision

“Understanding that life can end at any moment gives freedom. You become freer in making decisions when you remember death.“

— sashaternovoj

About life, about death, about understanding, about decision

to pull out all the fears ever possible from the heart. How incredibly stupid. And that you will never get them out. And you live with them. And then I saw how much I denied and deny in life. And power is acceptance. Control is acceptance, because without acceptance you will never change anything. If you want to change reality, first accept it, and do not deny it. Accept, formulate, and you will know exactly what you need to change. But it all starts with a yes. Yes, it is I, Baal, and I am more.

— Franz Wertvollen writer, educator, musician

Source: “About Flying Serpents. Naples."

about life, about fear, about reality, about power

“A person almost immediately makes a decision, for which he subsequently seeks confirmation or refutation. This is what takes up most of the time. And not the decision itself, as many believe.“

— Aleksey Khristinin

Therefore, when a person says that “yet he doesn’t know what to do” or “hasn’t decided yet”, this means that he has not yet collected the required number of “for” or “against” in favor of his decision.

Men, Decision

This translation is pending. Is the translation correct?

„“Being true is different from what is taken to be true, be it one, or many, or all, and is by no means reducible to this. There is no contradiction in the fact that something is true that everyone takes for false". By "laws of logic" I mean not the psychological laws of acceptance for truth, but the laws of truth. If truth is thus independent of being recognized by someone or something, then the laws of truth are not psychological laws: they are boundary stones set in an eternal foundation that our thought can overcome but never move. That is why they have authority for our thought, if it wants to reach the truth. They do not have the relation to thought that the laws of grammar have to language; they do not make explicit the essence of our human thinking and change along with its changes.“

— Frege, Friedrich Ludwig Gottlob 1848 - 1925

On Truth, On Law, On Change, On Thinking

This translation is awaiting consideration. Is the translation correct?

"For me, judgment is not just the assimilation of a thought, but the acceptance of its truth."

— Frege, Friedrich Ludwig Gottlob 1848 - 1925

decision making. And also, emotional state, for that period of time.“

— Alexey Khristinin

About the decision

“Question: what is needed in order to plan the day as efficiently as possible?

Probably planning. Everything. You don't need any mobile apps. You don't need any super cool methods of 5 minutes, 10 minutes, 45 minutes. You just need to sit down and turn on your brain and plan exactly what you want to do with your tomorrow. And that's exactly what, ladies and gentlemen, people don't do.

The verb "plan" is like the verb "think". If you come up and say to a sixth grader: "Alyosha, thoughts." Alyosha will think that he understands you. But does he understand? Definitely not. Because what is the process of thought, people do not know not that in the sixth grade, people do not know this until the very grave. Many manage to live like this.

So is the verb "to plan". Not many people know exactly how planning is done, what it consists of. And the most important element of planning is decision making. That is, this is the very thing on which 80% of humanity is formed. This is what distinguishes people from slaves. A slave is unable to plan because a slave is unable to make decisions. Because every decision is a responsibility. It is you who decides that your world will be square, not triangular or round or even an exagon. It is you who decides that your world will be orange, not purple, green, yellow, red, white, and so on.

And that is why people are so afraid to make decisions, to make choices, because it excludes all other possibilities.”

— Shot of Life

wonderful makes a person more open to accepting scientific knowledge about its origin.“

— Zafar Mirzo 1972

About life, About men

“A person who has not known wisdom is not able to move from the platform of the mind to the platform of the mind. Because it is beyond his understanding. Accordingly, the acceptance and comprehension of other people's thoughts is alien to him. The resulting misunderstanding often becomes the reason for accusations against someone who thinks in somewhat different categories than the way it is usually accepted in the understanding of society.

— Alexey Khristinin

The semantic representation of the reader (listener) often differs from the true concept of the author's stated thought.

About wisdom, About men, About understanding

20 uplifting quotes about self-compassion for a rainy day | by Study Hard Party Never

It's not only dark outside. If you need support this week, here are 20 self-compassion quotes to help you accept yourself and calm down.

NB: this is a translation; original article — K.R.

  1. "Self-acceptance is my way of not confronting myself." Nathaniel Branden, "The Six Pillars of Self-Esteem"
  2. "In a world that struggles day and night to make you like everyone else, being yourself means fighting the hardest battle a person can fight and never giving up." . E. E. Cummings
  3. "Compassion for oneself means nothing more than to do ourselves the same kindness that we would do to others. " Christopher Germer, The Mindful Path to Self-Compassion
  4. “If a man is out of step with his comrades, he may be hearing another drummer. Let him walk to the beat of the music he hears, no matter how measured or distant it is.” Henry Thoreau, Walden
  5. “You've been criticizing yourself for years and it hasn't helped. Try to approve yourself and see what happens.” Louise Hay, "You Can Heal Your Life"
  6. “The most frightening thing is to fully accept yourself.” Carl Jung
  7. "Our task is not to look for love, but only to look for and find all the barriers that you have built against it within yourself." Rumi
  8. “To be human does not mean to live in a particular way; it means living as life has made you, with your personal strengths and weaknesses, talents and challenges, idiosyncrasies and quirks.” Christine Neff, Self-Compassion: Stop Hitting Yourself and Leave Insecurity Behind0489
  9. “Writing your own history can be difficult, but not nearly as difficult as running away from it all your life. Accepting your weaknesses is risky, but nowhere near as dangerous as giving up love, belonging, and joy—the emotions that make us most vulnerable. Only when we have the courage to explore the darkness will we discover the infinite source of our light.” Brené Brown, The Gifts of Imperfection
  10. “Feeling compassion for ourselves in no way relieves us of responsibility for our actions. Rather, it frees us from self-hatred that prevents us from responding to our lives with clarity and calmness.” Tara Brak, "Radical Acceptance"
  11. “When I loved myself enough, I started to give up everything unhealthy. It meant people, jobs, my own beliefs and habits, everything that kept me from growing. Now I see it as self-love." Kim McMillen, “When I Love Myself Enough”
  12. “Compassion is not some kind of personal growth project or an ideal that we try to live up to. The ability to have compassion begins and ends with the ability to have compassion for all these unwanted parts of ourselves, all these imperfections that we don’t even want to look at. ” Pema Chodron
  13. "An important component of self-compassion is the ability to feel empathy for both parts of yourself, both the part that regrets the action taken and the part that took the action." Marshall Rosenberg, Nonviolent Communication
  14. "No amount of self-growth makes up for lack of self-acceptance." Robert Holden
  15. “People are like stained glass windows. They glow and shine when the sun is out; but when darkness sets in, their true beauty is seen only if there is a light burning within.” Elisabeth Kubler-Ross
  16. "The most unfortunate people must learn the main thing: how to look at themselves through the prism of sincere compassion and treat themselves accordingly." Martha Beck
  17. “You can feel compassion for yourself, and it's not self-pity. You simply admit, "It's hard, it hurts," and show the same good-hearted desire for the suffering to decrease or stop, which you would show towards a good friend if he were fighting with the same pain, grief or unpleasantness that you are.
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