Signs he cares about you

30 Signs He Cares More Than He Says

Guys aren’t always the best at communicating their feelings. This is why some women are left wondering, “How does he feel about me?”

Whether you’re trying to read between the lines with your crush, your ex, or you just want to figure out how your new boyfriend – wondering how much he cares about you can be exciting and maddening at the same time.

That’s why we’re showing you all the signs he cares more than he says.

Keep reading!

If he’s keeping his feelings close to the vest, don’t sweat it. Here are listed the top thirty signs he cares deeply about you.

1. He expresses his appreciation

One of the biggest signs that he cares deeply about you is whether he makes you feel appreciated.

Research suggests that when a partner regularly expresses appreciation for their spouse, they promote feelings of positivity, heighten well-being, and boosts relationship happiness. 

Expressing appreciation is so powerful that it has even been linked to reducing chronic partner pain.

When a guy says he cares about you, he may do this through compliments and expressions of gratitude.

2. He’s honest with you

“He said he cares about me, but how do I know for sure?” Without saying a word, he will show he cares about you when he’s honest with you.

By being honest with you, he silently shows you that he wants to strengthen your relationship and build trust.

Related Reading: How Important Is Integrity in Relationships

3. You feel important when you’re together

How to know if a guy cares about you? One way to tell that he cares deeply about you is by judging the way you feel when you’re together.

Do you feel dejected or sick to your stomach when you’re together, or do you feel valued, respected, and like you’re the one person in the room?

If you answered the latter, it’s a great sign that should leave you saying, “I know he cares.”

4. He respects your boundaries

One tip for how to know if a guy cares about you is to see how he responds to your personal boundaries.  

A man who cares about you will respect your desires, will never second-guess you, manipulate you, or try to micromanage your life.

Related Reading: The Importance of Healthy Boundaries in Marriage

5. He plans surprises

Fun signs he cares more than he says is when he goes out of his way to surprise you with something you like. 

This could be a surprise road trip, your favorite chocolate bar, or a romantic night out.

6. You make him laugh

One way to test him to see if he cares about you is to make him laugh.

The Journal of the International Association for Relationship Research found that couples who laugh together are happier and more satisfied than couples who don’t share a sense of humor.

If he cares deeply about you, he’ll laugh at what you say even if it wasn’t all that funny because he’s just that smitten with you.

Also Try: 

Does He Make You Laugh Quiz?

7. He doesn’t mind making sacrifices

How does he feel about me?

If you’ve been wondering, “How does he feel about me?” Here’s a hint: he cares if he’s willing to make sacrifices to be with you.

If he is willing to skip football with the guys to come and watch a ROM-COM, he isn’t into just being with you. You’ll be able to confidently say: “he cares for me.”

8. He knows how to listen

One sign he cares deeply about you is if he listens to you when you’re talking.

Listening without playing on his phone or interrupting you are both signs that he’s taken a genuine interest in your life and wants to get to know and understand you.

Related Reading: The Importance of Art of Listening in a Relationship

9. Little gifts pop up

Another sign he cares about you is if he brings you gifts.

From flowers to something as small as bringing you a keychain from his recent business trip means that he was thinking about you when you weren’t around – and that’s a great sign!

10. He asks you questions

When a man says he cares about you, you’ll know he means it when he asks you questions.

Research published by Harvard University found that being curious about a partner is a sign that your love is alive and well.

Staying curious is one of the big signs he cares more than he says.

Related Reading: Questions to Ask Your Girlfriend & Know Her Better

11. He’s an expert at conflict resolution

“How does he feel about me?”

One of the signs he cares deeply about you is if he’s willing to do what it takes to resolve any conflict between the two of you. He cares if he is willing to communicate, apologize, and work through any problems you’re having.

12. He remembers little things about you

If your guy remembers your favorite childhood memory, the name of your middle-school boyfriend, and knows what candies are your favorite, it’s a good sign that he’s falling for you.

Related Reading: The Little Things That Make a Relationship Stronger

13. He notices changes in you

One of the signs that he cares deeply about you is if he notices things about you, like whether you’ve bought a new shirt or changed your hair. 

This means he’s interested and paying attention.

14. He consults you before making decisions

When a guy says he cares about you, he’ll show it by checking in with you before making any decisions that will affect both of you, such as moving, taking a new job, or (if you aren’t together) dating someone new.

Related Reading: How to Treat Your Wife

15. He gets protective

A man will show he cares about you by the way he acts when something bad happens to you. 

If he gets protective of your physical and emotional wellbeing, you’ll know that he has great affection for you.

16. He values your opinion

You’ll know he cares deeply about you if he always shows respect for your opinions and suggestions.

Related Reading: Steps to  Take Care of Your Relationships

17. He’s always checking in

Thinking about your ex and wondering if he still cares? A guy who checks in with you via text or phone call post-breakup is a man who still has you in his sights.

If he isn’t your ex, checking in throughout the day is still a great sign that you’re on your man’s mind.

18. He takes an interest in your hobbies

You’ll know he cares about you if he takes an interest in your interests. This means he wants to be a part of your life on a deeper level.

As a bonus? 

SAGE Journals found that sharing hobbies promotes happiness in couples.

Related Reading: How Important Are Common Interests in a Relationship?

19. You’re affectionate together

One sign he cares deeply about you is if he goes out of his way to hold your hand or put an arm around you when you’re together.

Not only is this flirty and fun, but touch also releases the oxytocin hormone, which promotes bonding.

20. He smiles when you smile

One of the big signs he cares more than he says is if he can’t help but smile when you smile. 

This means that your happiness moves him on an emotional level.

21. He isn’t afraid of sacrifices

Another sign he cares about you is if he’s willing to make sacrifices for you. 

If he’s willing to stay up late just to see you even though he has an early morning, take it as a sign that “he cares for me.”

Related Reading: How Important Is Sacrifice in a Relationship?

22. He’s always there when you need him

When a guy says he cares about you, he’ll show it by how he treats you.

If he is your ride-or-die, I’ll-be-there-anytime-you-call guy, then it’s a great sign that “he cares for me.”

23. His socials go quiet when you’re together

A 2019 study found that 51% of couples say their partner used their phones when they were trying to have a conversation with them. Further studies show how crippling checking your cell can be to a relationship.

One big sign he cares deeply about you is if he puts his phone away when you’re around and gives you his undivided attention.

Related Reading: How Your Cell Phone Is Destroying Your Relationship

24. He always makes eye contact

You’ll know he cares about you by his body language and the physical reactions he makes when you’re around.

Does he blush when you compliment him? Does he maintain eye contact when you’re talking? If so, this is a great sign he has a big crush on you.

25. You act like a team

One of the signs he cares more than he says is by treating you like a partner, not just a crush.

Partners have common relationship goals and work as a team when it comes to problem-solving and decision making.

26. Communication is on point

Does he care about me? 

One of the biggest signs he cares about you is if he is an excellent communicator.

Communication is the best way to get to know each other, resolve issues, and express your feelings. If your man is willing to communicate, it means he wants to build something strong with you.

Related Reading: Effective Communication Skills in Relationships 

27. You’re friends with each other’s friends

Does he care?

To get the answer, check out your closest group of friends. Is he one of them? Moreover, are you friends with any of his friends?

One Cornell University study found that the number of friends a couple shares can strengthen their relationship. If your man has involved you in his inner circle of friends, it’s a good sign that he cares deeply about you.

28. He thinks about your future together

When a man says, he cares about you and thinks about your future, believe him.

If he isn’t interested in starting a life with you, there’s no way he would risk you getting attached by bringing up a future together.

29. You never go to bed angry

How does he feel about me?

One tip on how to know if a guy cares about you is how he reacts to arguments.

Does he shut you out and give you the silent treatment, or does he refuse to go to bed angry? 

If he wants to make up before bed, it’s a great sign that both you and your feelings matter very much to him.

Related Reading: Ways to Make up After a Fight With Your Partner

30. He opens up to you

Men aren’t always comfortable being vulnerable. That is why one sign that he cares deeply about you is if he opens up and shares his deepest, most personal secrets with you.

Opening up means he trusts you and wants to build something real with you.


Men and women don’t always communicate the same way. This can be frustrating, especially when you want to know where your relationship is headed.

So, does he care? Decipher his love language by reviewing these thirty signs he cares more than he says.

If he truly cares about you, he will respect your opinion, support your decisions, listen and communicate, and try to make an emotional connection with you.

If your man does three or more of the signs listed in this article, you can bet that he cares about you more than he can say.

These are all signs of a loving partner who is going to make you a very happy woman.

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25 Subtle Signs He Deeply Cares About You

A man is so reserved about emotions that you may even wonder if he is interested in you. He may not be direct but certainly leaves some signs he cares about you. Which signs are we talking about? How do we discover them? Here is a tip! Just pay a little more attention, and you will be able to see the caring side of your partner. Still not convinced? Don’t worry! We are here for you.

This article lists 25 subtle signs that your significant other cares for you. Keep scrolling!

In This Article

25 Subtle Signs He Cares Deeply About You

1. He Is Protective Of You

If you find he is protective of you and goes out of his way to guard you against anything that might harm or upset you, understand what he is leaving unsaid in the relationship. Another tell-tale sign is him grabbing your hand instinctively while crossing the road or when in a crowd. You can take it as a reassurance that he intends to protect you in every situation.

2. He Puts Your Happiness Before His Own


When a guy pays attention to the things that make you happy, it is a clear sign that he is interested in you. He will often try to do the things that make you happy. Sometimes, this can even mean he will end up doing things that go against his liking. For instance, if a guy is a fan of action movies but goes to the theatre to watch romantic movies just because you like them, you know he sincerely feels for you.

3. His Body Language Is Different When You Are Around

The body language of a person can reveal a lot about their feelings. If the guy is interested in you, he will be making eye contact with you. He will also be on the lookout for ways to remain near you. In some cases, the guy may become nervous or feel jittery when you are near him. All these are classic body language signs that he cares deeply about you.

4. He Is Curious About Your Dating Life

Wouldn’t you be interested to know if the guy you like is single or taken? The same holds true for a guy as well. When he is interested in you, he will try to find out if you are single or have someone in your life. In most cases, a guy may not ask the question upfront. But he will try to find out in a subtle manner. If he does not care for you, he will not bother to know the dating scene in your life.

5. He Reveals His Relationship Status

This is a big one. He will try to convey to you that he is single. He may not say it straight, but may drop hints so that you understand on your own or ask him about it. This is a way of him opening the door for you to initiate.

6. He Tries To Connect Over Common Interests


You two may be very different in your personalities and temperament. But if he has any feelings for you, he will try to find out any common hobbies or areas of interest. In other words, he will try to seek out those things over which you both can bond and spend some time doing them or even talking about them. It is a way for him to find a deeper connection with you, even if it is something as common as relishing ice creams after having your meal.

7. He Showers Compliments On You

When a guy cares about you, he will try to make you feel nice. One of the ways to do so is to offer you compliments and try to bring a smile to your face. He will always find a reason to say something good about you. It can be anything – right from the way you laugh to the dress you are wearing.

8. He Tries To Keep In Touch


If a guy makes an effort to text or call you regularly, you can be sure that he wants to know if you are okay. He may just send a Good Morning message every day or end his day with a Good Night Whatsapp to you. While this may seem very common, it does indicate that you are on his mind and he wants to check on you.

9. He Is A Little Possessive

No guy can stand to see his girl hitting on someone else or another guy flirting with her, even if he has not expressed his feelings for her yet. If your guy reacts possessively or shows traces of jealousy when you pay attention to another guy, know that you are on the right track. He may even pass an unflattering comment about the guy. Do not read too much into the comment as he is just trying to find out your reaction to his comment. Rather, pay attention to the reason that led him to react in this manner.

10. He Pays Attention To What You Say

A guy will listen to every word you say if he truly cares for you. Whether you want to vent your anger or share a funny incident, you will always find him ready to listen to you. He would sincerely pay attention. You will not find him getting distracted by random things. He may even ignore his phone when you start talking.

11. He Values Your Opinion

Everyone faces big and small issues in life. If a guy seeks your opinion about anything that is bothering him and he values the opinion you share, you must be glad. This is one of those easy-to-tell signs that your guy cares for you enough to seek your opinion. It means he trusts your judgment.

12. He Notices The Little Things About You

Sometimes, it is the small things that can make big revelations. If someone cares for you, he is sure to notice the small things about you and keep them in his mind. For instance, if you like your coffee strong with an extra shot of milk, he will make a mental note of the same. The next time you both sit down for coffee, chances are you will not have to repeat your preference. If you see him paying attention to such details, know that he genuinely cares for you.

13. He Is Ready To Change or Drop Plans For You

It is easy to see that a guy deeply cares for you if he is ready to drop his plans for you. If he drops his plans with his friends because you need his help, it clearly shows he cares for you. In essence, he is telling you that you matter to him above everything else.

14. He Takes Your Side

When a guy cares for you, he will go to any length to show his support for you. He will stand up for you in public even if he may underline your minus points in private. If someone tries to hurt you or say something harsh to you, he will safeguard you. You can count on him to defend you, no matter what the issue is and who all are involved in it. To put it simply, if your guy always takes your side in front of others, it is a strong sign that he cares for you.

15. He Introduces You To The Other People In His Life


If he considers you precious for him, he will want to take you home to meet his near and dear ones. It is just his way of letting his family and his dear friends know that you are very special to him and he wants them to gel with you easily. He may not seek their approval yet but he wants them to know about you.

16. He Apologizes Sincerely

Some guys find it difficult to admit that they are wrong. But if a guy cares about you and he realizes that he is wrong, he will apologize sincerely for his mistakes. He may even go out of his way to undo the damage and make you smile. It is not an attempt to pacify you. It is his feelings that have compelled him to own up to his mistakes in front of you and seek your apology.

17. He Treats You Differently

Guys who truly care for someone will treat them differently than someone who is just their friend. If you have started taking a special place in his heart, it will reflect in his behavior and how he treats you. For instance, you may find him holding the door open for you when you enter a room. Chivalry may not be what he usually practices, but if he does it for you, then it should be evident that he cares for you.

18. He Tries To Impress You

If your guy cares for you, he will make an effort to impress you. He may try to make you laugh or share his adventure stories. He may even give you gifts. Whatever he may do, you should not overlook the reason behind his actions. They are an indication of what he feels for you.

19. He Invests Time And Effort To Look Good Around You

Not every guy pays attention to how he looks when he is around you. Some guys may simply not bother about their appearance. But if you see that a guy is investing his time, energy, and effort to look his best in front of you, there should remain no doubt in your mind. This is one of the nice and subtle signs that he cares about you more than a friend.

20. He Bonds With Your Friends And Family

Have you noticed that he tries to be extra sweet when he is in the company of your family members? Or did you find that he attempts to be nice to your friends and makes an effort to know them better? These are signs that he truly cares about you. By getting to know the people in your life, he is trying to become familiar with them and place himself in your inner circle.

21. He Looks For Excuses To Be With You

No matter how busy he may be, he will always find time to be with you. He will look for excuses so that you both can be together. He may even create situations that will compel you two to spend time together. All these undoubtedly mean he cares for you and wants to be with you more often.

22. He Surprises You


When a guy makes an effort to surprise you for no particular reason at all, know that his feelings for you are genuine. He may not always choose to surprise all. But if he has done that with you, he cares for you and wants to see you happy. The surprises may not always be something grand and elaborate. However, they will reflect what he feels for you.

23. He Becomes Excited When You Are Excited

A lot of people become excited over a lot of things. But if you find that a guy is excited because you are excited, make no mistake of misreading his feelings. His action indicates that your happiness and excitement impact him and he becomes equally excited. This could be a clear sign that he cares for you and what makes you happy could make him happy too.

24. He Likes You For Who You Are

Guys are often attracted to a girl based on their looks. But when a guy starts appreciating a girl due to her character, values, and personality, it means he is attracted to her beyond her physical features or beauty. If you find that your guy likes you for who you are and you can let your guard down in front of him, it is a sign he really cares for you as a person.

25. He Follows Your Posts On Social Media

In this digital age, everyone is present on social media. If you find that the guy you like is always keeping track of what you post on social media, it can mean that he likes following your activities on virtual platforms. You may see that he takes an active interest in your posts and always likes or comments on them. These are all signs that he really cares about you.

Although people have unique ways of expressing their feelings, certain signs can be common. The above list of the signs that your man cares about you contains some easily identifiable ways to know that you are their priority. If a man cares for you, they will showcase it to you without beating around the bush. And eventually, you will know that you mean the world to them. They are a keeper if they love to spend time with you and make you feel special. So, as the center of his universe, you must also shower your man with love and affection.

Key Takeaways

  • Men are very reserved when it comes to expressing their emotions.
  • Your man may fail to express his feelings to you directly, but he may be showing that he cares about you through his body language.
  • If a man is protective of you, compliments you, and notices the little things about you, he probably cares deeply about you.

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10 Signs a Man Really Likes You

A man's body language, facial expressions, and verbal expressions can tell you a lot about how he really feels about you. However, you need to be able to interpret them correctly, because our personal desires and dreams can prevent us from understanding whether a man is really in love or his feelings are just a figment of our fantasies. That is, we can overestimate or underestimate someone's true interest in us, based on our own needs.

The good news is that instead of acting like a detective trying to piece together disparate signals, you can use these proven signs to help clarify whether a man likes you or not.

His facial expression

If you want to know if he is really in love, then pay close attention to his facial expression during your communication. In particular, dilated pupils can be an indication of interest and arousal. This is also confirmed by the results of numerous studies - when the centers responsible for receiving pleasure are activated in our brain, dopamine is released into the bloodstream, causing the pupils to dilate. This is how our body reacts to emotional arousal - for example, when we look at something that attracts us. However, similar signs are observed in a number of other cases: for example, if you are in a dark room, then the pupils increase in size so that more rays fall on the retina; or if the person is in severe physical pain or is under the influence of drugs. By eliminating these reasons, you can make sure that the reaction of the pupils of your man really indicates his keen interest in relation to you.

By the way, if you find a man so attractive that your own pupils increase in size, be sure he will appreciate it (only subconsciously). In the second half of the 20th century, an experiment was conducted in which two photographs of the same woman were shown to different men. On one of them, her pupils were of the usual size, on the other, they were enlarged. As a result, the subjects liked the second photo much more. They described the woman with dilated pupils as "softer", "more feminine" and "attractive", while the real photo received less flattering comments ("cold", "selfish"). Interestingly, all the men subsequently admitted that they did not notice the difference in the size of the pupils. Nevertheless, the results of the experiment undoubtedly pleased all women in love.

If a man raises his eyebrows, licks his lips or smiles so that his front teeth are visible when talking to you, this also indicates that he is interested in you.

Another study showed that men who talk to a woman they find attractive may experience an increase in salivation (because salivary testosterone levels increase dramatically). Therefore, if you feel that the man next to you swallows more than usual, or his salivation increases, this can be one of the clear signs that he is not indifferent to you.

His Body Language

Looking more closely at non-verbal cues, it's important to understand what your man's body language is saying. The posture when a man sits with his legs apart can be annoying on public transport, but when he does this when talking to you, then this is already a good sign. This non-verbal signal indicates his interest in you - that is, he is open to you.

Active gestures also indicate that it is important for a man to impress you. If the movements of his hands seem somewhat exaggerated, then he obviously subconsciously wants to attract your attention, demonstrating his looseness and strength. The looser his posture (that is, the more space in space he takes up), the more obvious his desire to show his importance and win your favor.

How important communication with you is for a man will tell you the position of his feet. If, when you are talking to him, his feet are directed towards you, then he is passionate about the conversation and your person. If one or both feet point in the other direction, he tends to leave or is not too interested in the conversation.

His gaze and the distance between you

Another unmistakable indicator of his interest is that he seeks to close the distance between you. For example, if someone else joins your conversation with him, he will instinctively approach you. Also a reliable signal is his desire to maintain eye contact with you. And it's not just that - if a couple of people continuously look into each other's eyes, then this has a striking effect on their perception of each other.

Joan Kellerman, a psychologist at the University of Massachusetts, conducted an experiment in which strangers looked at each other for two minutes. The results of the study demonstrated that two people who maintain continuous eye contact increase their heart rate and attraction to each other ( read also: "11 Strange Reasons Why a Man Falls in Love with a Woman").

If a man does not miss the opportunity to put his hand on your shoulder or lightly touch your hand with his palm, this is a clear sign of his interest. Tactile communication is very important for a man in love.

He really listens to you

When a person is very interested in you, he listens to you without being distracted by extraneous factors. This behavior is both a way for him to win you over and an opportunity for him to show that you matter to him. If he remembers all the topics you talked about and reminds you of the smallest details of your answers, then he is definitely in love with you.

He compliments you

It would seem that this is obvious. Research from the University of Kansas confirms that a man always finds a way to compliment the woman he likes. This is a kind of way to confess your love and admiration without saying the frank phrase "I love you."

Pay attention to what kind of compliments a man gives - do they concern your physical characteristics or inner qualities? Of course, both of them speak of his attraction to you, but if in his praise he focuses only on external data, then his interest in you is most likely limited to them. Complimenting your kindness, sincerity and devotion shows that he truly appreciates and cares about you.

He asks you personal questions

A man in love wants to know more about the woman he likes. It's great if he asks you a lot of questions, but their context is just as important as their number. For example, a man interested in you will want to know your opinion on any issues, your interests and aspirations. Asking when an exhibition of a famous artist opens or where the nearest toilet is is just information he needs, not specific to you.

By asking you personal questions, he not only hopes to get to know you better, but also seeks a deeper inner connection between you.

He includes you in his plans

Another clear indicator of his interest in you is that he seeks to include you in his plans. He doesn't try to look hard to reach, he doesn't play cat and mouse, he doesn't force you to take the initiative all the time, but he does everything to spend time with you. He quickly responds to your messages, answers calls (only if he is not out of range or does not take part in important negotiations). In a word, it does not disappear, demanding decisive action from you, but initiates further communication at any convenient opportunity.

However, things are not so simple here. Pay attention to exactly what plans he offers you, and at what point? If his interest in you has an exclusively sexual connotation, then he can invite you on a date just a couple of hours before it starts. This type of behavior even has its own name - "call of the flesh" (from English - "boot call"). These dates, which are called at the last moment, are notable for their ill-conceivedness. Even if you like spontaneity, consider whether the purpose of these meetings is only to satisfy his needs. If he makes joint plans in advance, then you can be sure that he is trying to please you and think over quality time for both of you.

The time he sends you messages also matters. If your communication is only gaining momentum, then a good sign of his interest is the time of the messages sent to you between 12.00 and 17.00. This means that he waited a while after the start of the day so as not to distract you from business, but also did not write too late - before you had time to feel unimportant and underestimated.

He introduces you to his friends and family

Meeting important people in his life is another sign that he is in love with you and has serious intentions. Inviting you to meet up with friends and family not only allows him to show you a different side of himself, but also helps him imagine you in his future, among those he cares about, in a familiar environment. A man wants to see how you will interact with his loved ones in order to understand for yourself whether you have the potential for a life together.

In addition to introducing you to his friends and family, he also hopes to get their impression of you. If their opinion is meaningful to him, then further invitations to family events and meetings with his friends, undoubtedly, indicate that he is very serious.

He fulfills your small requests and comes to the rescue in a difficult situation

If a man goes out of his way to do something good for you, he definitely cares about you. Whether it's a morning coffee bought especially for you, or setting up a new program on your laptop at your request - with such small actions, he expresses his affection for you. And he does them not because he is obliged to you, but out of his own free will.

His words convey how he feels about you

Sometimes the best way to understand how a man feels about you is to pay attention to what he says to you. Even if he does not utter the cherished words "I love you", they may be implied in something else. The phrase “I miss you” said by a man confirms the fact that you are an important person in his life, with whom he would not want to part.

In addition, a man in love usually worries about your well-being and expresses his concern. For example, he will remind you to put on a raincoat before leaving because it's cold outside, or he will ask you to tell you when you get home to make sure you're safe. The simplest requests and phrases that we rarely attach importance to are actually very important for understanding the essence of the relationship.

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Maria Tyumerina

How to understand whether a man uses you or loves you: signs of deceit

If you find one of the signs described below in a relationship with a partner, this is an occasion to think about his intentions.

How to understand that a man is using you?

1. Under various pretexts, he asks for financial assistance

Anyone can find themselves in a difficult financial situation. But if this is not your spouse, with whom you always share joys and difficulties, nothing justifies a man who solves his problems at your expense. The person with whom you started dating and whom you care about will not ask you for money to pay for their personal needs.

2. He is interested in what you can provide him

Often such people are willing to discuss what you have and do not have in their lives. “This is presented, of course, as the fact that they are proud of your achievements. And it’s not always about material values,” says interpersonal coach Greg Mikaelson. - If you or people close to you have a high social status, you are known and you are accepted in circles of interest to your partner, then you can also be of interest to him. Especially if he has big career ambitions or if he craves publicity and fame.”

3. He only shows up when he feels bad

He always thinks of you only when he feels lonely, wants to talk or wants intimate relationships.

“It is sometimes especially difficult to leave such partners. Sometimes these people really suffer from depression or mental disorders and find in you the resource that helps them cope. Therefore, they will do everything to keep you. From such men one can often hear: “I can’t live without your support, only you understand me” and even “I will commit suicide if I lose you.”

During the period of falling in love, this can be read by you as an extraordinary passion, a magical feeling that you have found that very soul mate in each other. This is the most common trap women fall into,” Mikaelson says.

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