Quotations about depression

It’s Hard. 13 Quotes that Illustrate Depression • Youth Dynamics

Depression is heavy. If you’ve experienced it, you know just how significant its weight can be—and bearing the burden of that load? Far too many will carry it silently due to shame and stigma. But that doesn’t need to be the case.

Surveys show that over 40% of Americans are grappling with depression or other related mental health symptoms right now. Really, a number that’s not surprising given the grief and trauma that’s affected so many of us over the past year.

That said, it’s about time we start a conversation on the topic. We can save lives by making it easier for those suffering to reach out for help.

So, without further ado. Here are thirteen of our best quotes to raise awareness and illustrate depression.

Quote 1: A human being can survive almost anything as long as she sees the end in sight. But depression is so insidious, and it compounds daily, that it’s impossible to ever see the end. – Elizabeth Wurtzel

Quote 2: It’s so difficult to describe depression to someone who’s never been there because it’s not sadness. -J.K. Rowling

Quote 3: People think depression is sadness. That it’s crying and dressing in black, but people are wrong. Depression is the constant feeling of being numb. It’s being numb to emotions, being numb to life. You wake up in the morning just to go back to bed again. – Unknown

Quote 4: You don’t understand depression until you can’t stand your own presence in an empty room. – Unknown.

Quote 5: Having anxiety and depression is like being scared and tired at the same time. It’s the fear of failure but no urge to be productive. It’s wanting friends but hating to socialize. It’s wanting to be alone but not wanting to be lonely. It’s caring about everything, then caring about nothing. It’s feeling everything at once, then feeling paralyzingly numb. – Unknown

Quote 6: If you feel everything intensely, ultimately, you feel nothing at all. – Elizabeth Wurtzel

Quote 7: There are wounds that never show on the body that are deeper and more hurtful than anything that bleeds. – Laurell K. Hamilton

Quote 8: Depression is like a heavy blanket. It covers all of me, and it’s hard to get up. But there’s comfort in it too. I know who I am when I’m under it. – Unknown

Quote 9: I wanted to talk about it. Damn it. I wanted to scream. I wanted to yell. I wanted to shout about it. But all I could do was whisper, “I’m fine.” – Unknown.

Quote 10: Sometimes, all you can do is lie in bed and hope to fall asleep before you fall apart. – William C. Hannan

Quote 11: Depression is living in a body that fights to survive, with a mind that tries to die. – Unknown

Quote 12: It’s not always the tears that measure the pain. Sometimes it’s the smile we fake. – Unknown

Quote 13: I think the saddest people always try their hardest to make people happy because they know what it’s like to feel absolutely worthless, and they don’t want anyone else to feel like that. – Robin Williams

Are you struggling?

If you’re having a hard time, know that there are people out there who care! Reach out to a friend, family member, or seek out a mental health professional.

If you’re in crisis, here are a few resources to help:

If you live in the United States, call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 800-273-TALK (800-273-8255). They have trained counselors available 24/7. Stop a Suicide Today is another helpful resource.

Befrienders Worldwide and the International Association for Suicide Prevention are two organizations that provide contact information for crisis centers outside of the United States.

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Depression Quotes That Capture What You're Feeling

You'll laugh. You'll cry. And then hopefully you'll feel just a little bit less alone in your struggles.

“Depression doesn’t heal itself and there is no ‘cure,’ which is why ongoing treatment is so important,” says Hanna Simmons, PhD, a clinical psychologist and therapist in Denver, Colorado. “Don’t blame yourself for your mental illness—there are many reasons that it strikes, including trauma, a genetic predisposition, as a side effect of other health conditions, or for no clear reason at all. But focus on doing things that help you feel better and keep moving forward in your life.”

This can include seeking professional help from a psychotherapist or getting medication. There are also lifestyle changes—like getting enough sleep, adopting a meditation practice, spending time in nature, and going for a walk. (Here’s why health and psychology professionals say walking is one of the best exercises.)

Another thing that can help? Reading quotes about depression. Depression quotes can help you realize that others can relate to the way you feel… and they may even help brighten things up a bit.

The Healthy

It’s like losing a sense

“Depression is being colorblind and constantly told how colorful the world is.” —Atticus poetry

Not sure if this describes you? Here’s how to tell if you have depression.

The Healthy

Sometimes it’s numbness, not sadness

“People who have never dealt with depression think it’s just being sad or being in a bad mood. That’s not what depression is for me; it’s falling into a state of grayness and numbness.” —Dan Reynolds, Imagine Dragons

You may have atypical depression, one of the 9 different types of depression.

The Healthy

If you can’t believe yourself, believe your loved ones

“Listen to the people who love you. Believe that they are worth living for even when you don’t believe it. Seek out the memories depression takes away and project them into the future. Be brave; be strong; take your pills. Exercise because it’s good for you even if every step weighs a thousand pounds. Eat when food itself disgusts you. Reason with yourself when you have lost your reason.” ―Andrew Solomon

Family is one of the 10 keys to true happiness.

The Healthy

The worst thing to lose is yourself

“Depression is feeling like you’ve lost something but having no clue when or where you last had it. Then one day you realize what you lost is yourself.” —Unknown

Depression can stem from anticipatory grief, defined as when you anticipate a loss that hasn’t happened yet.

The Healthy

Never forget: You are a survivor

“In my opinion, living with manic depression takes a tremendous amount of balls. Not unlike a tour of Afghanistan (though the bombs and bullets, in this case, come from the inside). At times, being bipolar can be an all-consuming challenge, requiring a lot of stamina and even more courage, so if you’re living with this illness and functioning at all, it’s something to be proud of, not ashamed of. They should issue medals along with the steady stream of medication.” ―Carrie Fisher, Wishful Drinking

These are the 8 signs of bipolar disorder everyone should know.

The Healthy

It becomes a way of moving through the world

“The hardest thing about depression is that it is addictive. It begins to feel uncomfortable not to be depressed. You feel guilty for feeling happy. ” ―Pete Wentz

Feeling guilty makes depression that much harder. Here’s how to stop feeling guilty all the time.

The Healthy

Drop the fake smile

“Depression is your body saying, ‘I don’t want to be this character anymore. It’s too much for me.’ You should think of the word ‘depressed’ as ‘deep rest.’ Your body needs to be depressed. It needs deep rest from the character that you’ve been trying to play.” —Jim Carrey

Presenting a false happy face is a type of emotional labor. This can be exhausting and hurt your health.

The Healthy

Even Olympians get depressed

“After every Olympics I think I fell into a major state of depression, and after 2012 that was probably the hardest fall for me. I didn’t want to be in the sport anymore. I didn’t want to be alive anymore. I think people actually finally understand [depression is] real. People are talking about it and I think this is the only way that it can change.” —Michael Phelps

Find out how 16 people just like you deal with their depression.

The Healthy

Depression isolates you from loved ones

“A big part of depression is feeling really lonely, even if you’re in a room full of a million people.” —Lilly Singh

Try these 50 science-backed tips to not feel lonely.

The Healthy

The magic cure!

“Whenever someone tells me to ‘Just be happy,’ I want to yell, ‘Oh, hey, depression’s gone! Why didn’t I think of that?’ But usually I just roll my eyes instead.” —Anonymous

This is just one of many things never to say to a person with depression.

The Healthy

Repeat after me: Depression is not the same as sadness

“It’s so difficult to describe depression to someone who’s never been there, because it’s not sadness. I know sadness. Sadness is to cry and to feel. But it’s that cold absence of feeling—that really hollowed-out feeling.” —J.K. Rowling

Do you know these warning signs of depression?

The Healthy

At least with paint, you feel like you accomplished something

“What they don’t tell you about depression is that sometimes it feels a lot less like sadness and a lot more like the emotional equivalent of watching paint dry.” —Alexis, Tumblr

Check out what psychologists wish people knew about depression.

The Healthy

The real fear of depression isn’t dying, it’s living with yourself, forever

“I was so scared to give up depression, fearing that somehow the worst part of me was actually all of me. ” —Elizabeth Wurtzel, author

Did you know that scientists have found a gene for depression?

The Healthy

Now turn that frown upside down… even if it means standing on your head

“The only thing more exhausting than being depressed is pretending that you’re not. ” —Anonymous, Twitter

Sound like someone you know? Try these 12 ways to help someone who’s depressed.

The Healthy

I’ll take one depression, on the rocks

“Sometimes I just think depression’s one way of coping with the world. Like, some people get drunk, some people do drugs, some people get depressed. Because there’s so much stuff out there that you have to do something to deal with it.” —Ned Vizzini, author

Do you have any of these signs of high-functioning depression?

The Healthy

Hope is giving your pain meaning

“The broken will always be able to love harder than most because once you’ve been in the dark, you learn to appreciate everything that shines.” —Anonymous, Twitter.

Here are 21 depression memes to help you feel a little better.

The Healthy

But will depression give you a foot rub?

“In addition to my other numerous acquaintances, I have one more intimate confidant… My depression is the most faithful mistress I have known—no wonder, then, that I return the love. ” —Søren Kierkegaard, philosopher

Here’s how to deal with a depressed spouse.

The Healthy

Legit question

“Before you diagnose yourself with depression or low self-esteem, first make sure that you are not, in fact, just surrounded by a**holes.” —@Debihope, Twitter

It could be both, actually: Nicer people are more prone to depression.

The Healthy

Well, that’s depressing

“Our Generation has had no Great war, no Great Depression. Our war is spiritual. Our depression is our lives.” —Chuck Palahniuk, writer

If you agree, take this test to help see if you have depression.

The Healthy

If you can’t survive tomorrow, just survive today

“That’s the thing about depression: A human being can survive almost anything, as long as she sees the end in sight. But depression is so insidious, and it compounds daily, that it’s impossible to ever see the end. The fog is like a cage without a key.” —Elizabeth Wurtzel, author

Check out this intriguing brain treatment that helped one woman finally emerge from the fog of depression.

The Healthy

Repeat after me:

“My mental health problems are real and they are valid. I will not judge myself for the bad days when I can barely get out of bed. I will not make myself feel worse because someone else appears to be handling their mental illness better than I am handling mine. Recovery is not a competition.” —Matt Joseph Diaz, Tumblr

Not sure how to start recovering? Try these science-backed ways to help depression.

The Healthy

Follow Dory’s advice and just keep swimming

“I am in that temper that if I were under water I would scarcely kick to come to the top. ” —John Keats, poet

One thing that helped Keats deal with his depression: Getting out in nature.

The Healthy

Sometimes the annoying people are right

“To those struggling with anxiety, OCD, depression: I know it’s mad annoying when people tell you to exercise, and it took me about 16 medicated years to listen. I’m glad I did. It ain’t about the ass, it’s about the brain.” —Lena Dunham, American actress

What you do counts: Are you doing any of these daily habits that raise your risk for depression?

The Healthy

This question? Again? Really?

“If you know someone who’s depressed, please resolve never to ask them why. Depression isn’t a straightforward response to a bad situation; depression just is, like the weather.” —Stephen Fry, author

Here are short inspirational quotes that will bring a smile to your face.

The Healthy

Well this kinda explains Charlie Brown, to be honest

“This is my depressed stance. When you’re depressed, it makes a lot of difference how you stand. The worst thing you can do is straighten up and hold your head high because then you’ll start to feel better. If you’re going to get any joy out of being depressed, you’ve got to stand like this.” —Charles M. Schulz, cartoonist

These 29 cartoons will help you get through this week.

The Healthy

Explaining is exhausting

“It is very hard to explain to people who have never known serious depression or anxiety the sheer continuous intensity of it. There is no off switch.” —Matt Haig, writer

P.S. Here’s how to just say no to the annoying things in your life, like people who keep asking you to explain your mental illness.

The Healthy

How can I be depressed? Watch me.

“Being sad and being depressed are two different things. Also, people going through depression don’t look so, while someone sad will look sad. The most common reaction is, ‘How can you be depressed? You have everything going for you. You are the supposed number one heroine and have a plush home, car, movies… What else do you want?'” —Deepika Padukone, Indian actress

Although, to be fair, counting their blessings is one of the things happy people do every day.

The Healthy

Hold on to this hope: You can get better from depression

“Getting better from depression demands a lifelong commitment. I’ve made that commitment for my life’s sake and for the sake of those who love me.” —Susan Polis Schutz, poet

Here’s how to hang on to your hope when the going gets tough.

The Healthy

So whatever you do, just keep fighting

“Depression is like a war—you either win or die trying. ” —Anonymous

These are the foods that can help fight depression.

The Healthy

Hello darkness, my old friend…

“Because that’s the thing about depression. When I feel it deeply, I don’t want to let it go. It becomes a comfort. I want to cloak myself under its heavy weight and breathe it into my lungs. I want to nurture it, grow it, cultivate it. It’s mine. I want to check out with it, drift asleep wrapped in its arms and not wake up for a long, long time.” —Stephanie Perkins, author

It’s not all bad: Smart people have a darker sense of humor, according to science.

The Healthy

I have a heartache, not a headache

“Mental pain is less dramatic than physical pain, but it is more common and also more hard to bear. The frequent attempt to conceal mental pain increases the burden: It is easier to say ‘My tooth is aching’ than to say ‘My heart is broken. ’ —C.S. Lewis, author

Broken heart syndrome is a real thing, actually.

The Healthy

It’s past time to ditch the stigma about depression

“Whether an illness affects your heart, your arm, or your brain, it’s still an illness, and there shouldn’t be any distinction. We would never tell someone with a broken leg that they should stop wallowing and get it together. We don’t consider taking medication for an ear infection something to be ashamed of. We shouldn’t treat mental health conditions any differently. Instead, we should make it clear that getting help isn’t a sign of weakness—it’s a sign of strength—and we should ensure that people can get the treatment they need.” —Michelle Obama, former First Lady of the United States

Postpartum depression in men is a very common mental illness that rarely gets attention.

The Healthy

#wisdom, 7th Century style

“If you are depressed, you are living in the past. If you are anxious, you are living in the future. If you are at peace you are living in the present.” —Lao Tzu, philosopher

Want more mantras? Try one of these 14 daily mantras to help you reach your goals.

The Healthy

The sun always comes out eventually

“The sun stopped shining for me is all. The whole story is: I am sad. I am sad all the time and the sadness is so heavy that I can’t get away from it. Not ever.” —Nina LaCour, author

Here’s how to know if it’s clinical depression or everyday sadness.

The Healthy

In the end…

“The pupil dilates in darkness and in the end finds light, just as the soul dilates in misfortune and in the end finds God.” —Victor Hugo, author

This factor predicts whether or not your depression will return.


  • National Institute of Mental Health: "Depression. "
  • American Psychological Association: "Overcoming Depression: How Psychologists Help with Depressive Disorders."
  • Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration: "Good Mental Health Is Ageless."

Originally Published: October 21, 2019

Charlotte Hilton Andersen

Charlotte Hilton Andersen, MS, is an award-winning journalist, author, and ghostwriter who for nearly two decades has covered health, fitness, parenting, relationships, and other wellness and lifestyle topics for major outlets, including Reader’s Digest, O, The Oprah Magazine, Women’s Health, and many more. Charlotte has made appearances with television news outlets such as CBS, NBC, and FOX. She is a certified group fitness instructor in Denver, where she lives with her husband and their five children.

Depression quotes ▷ Socratify.Net

See the people behind me? They rush to work, not paying attention to anything. Sometimes we get so bogged down in our daily responsibilities that we forget to enjoy the beauty of life. We are like zombies. Raise your eyes and take the earphones out of your ears. Say hello to someone you see. Hug someone if you think the person is in pain. Help someone. You have to live each day as if it were your last. One thing people don't know about me is that I had depression a couple of years ago. I never told anyone about her. I had to find my own way to overcome it. The person who did not let me be happy was ME. Every day is precious and let's treat them the same way. There is no guarantee that tomorrow will come, so live today! nine0003

© Keanu Reeves, 30 quotes

Your amazing brain can take you from poverty to riches, turn you from a loner to everyone's favorite, lift you out of depression, making you happy and joyful - if you use it correctly.

© Brian Tracy, 27 quotes

Depression is like a lack of values. An inner void with nothing to fill. This is not fear, but the absence of something important in your life. There is no joy, there is only heaviness from such an existence. This happens when a person has too little love, interest, relationships in life. It is a hunger for values. When the feeling of hunger grows to insatiable, depression sets in. nine0003

© Alfred Lenglet, 4 quotes

I worked at the circus du Soleil. This is the best circus in the world. And I am the star of the great circus. This is touring in New York. And I'm the main character. A dream, the pinnacle of a career... And I'm bored. Not interested. Unfortunately. Why? And creativity is over.
I repeat the same thing every day. There is no development. They do not allow to develop, because the formula for commercial success is consolidation and repetition. And I get depressed. Something is wrong. I am not there. The depression lasts for several months - terrible, severe . .. Although everything is perfect, everyone loves me, they carry me in their arms! And now I'm looking for an opportunity to get out of this wonderful, profitable, promising contract. And I break out. And the depression goes away. nine0015 That is, you need to understand what exactly and in what place is wrong - this time. And to find the strength in yourself to take a step out of this place is two. And it always hurts a lot. Very difficult. And absolutely necessary.

© Vyacheslav Polunin, 7 quotes

Tell me how you feel.
- Everything is fine. If only a little depression.
- I see. What caused it?
- Probably because I started the Apocalypse.
- Apocalypse? Do you think you started it? nine0015 - Well, yes, you see, I killed the demon, Lilith, and accidentally released Lucifer from hell. Now he runs everything, and we want to pin him down.
- Who are we?
- Me and my brother. And another angel.
- Do you mean the angel? Shoulder?
- No, our name is Castiel, in a raincoat.
Dean enters the conversation:
— Well, you understand. The guy hasn't been himself for a month now. But he did not arrange the Apocalypse.
- Not him?
- No. There was just another demon, Ruby. She got him hooked on demon blood. He visibly clung to her. My brother did not wish evil. He was just stoned. Are you cutting? Heal him as soon as possible, otherwise we need to catch monsters all over the country. nine0003

© Supernatural, TV, 713 quotes

Don't ask for anything, don't expect anything, and take everything calmly. I reason like this: “What people say or think about me is none of my business. I am who I am and I do what I do just for fun - that's how this game works. A wonderful game of life on its own field. There is nothing to gain and nothing to lose, there is nothing to prove. No need to turn inside out - for what? Because I am essentially a nobody and always have been a nobody. ” This came to me about ten years ago during a deep depression when I was sitting in a Roman hotel. I repeated it to myself like a spell. Since then, many amazing things have happened in my life. nine0003

© Anthony Hopkins, 22 quotes

Yesterday I got depressed
Hanging curtains gray
And ignited black thoughts.
And I did not drive the vile scoundrel,
I was all beaming, her beckoning,
And with an offended muzzle
She left me.

© Igor Guberman, 522 quotes

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Quotes about depression. Sayings and aphorisms about depression.

Sayings, aphorisms and quotes about depression.

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How does depression come on? Gradually, and then suddenly. And then one day you wake up and you are afraid to live on.

• Ernest M. Hemingway

Depression, Life, Fear




In principle, all nations passed through this stage. When you had already done everything, when the period of satiety began, depression began, degeneration began. All these transgender toilets, same-sex marriages, all these utter nonsense with humanism that turns into its opposite... And where is the most antidepressants consumed? Most antidepressants are consumed in the most prosperous countries. So here we are, where this well-being is still far away - there is something to "gnaw out". Well, for now, this is our happiness. nine0003

• Mikhail I. Weller

Humanism, Depression, Sarcastic Quotes, Happiness




I'm getting depressed. No, nothing serious is happening: no crocodile tears, no tranquilizers, no lack of appetite, no desire to close oneself and not see anyone. It just got me.

• Anna Gavalda

Appetite, Depression, Fatigue




You are not alone and the world does not wish you harm. It is you who hurt yourself and your loved ones. And until you decide to stop swimming in unhappiness, no medicines and no doctors will help you ...

• Lady Gaga

Depression, Wise quotes




took me yesterday 9004 − 9004 depression,
hung gray veils
and kindled black thoughts.
And I did not drive the vile scoundrel,
I was all beaming, her beckoning,
and with an offended muzzle
she left me.

• Igor M. Guberman

Depression, Humor




Do not look at friends harshly

Unexpected affectionate word
Heals hidden depression

• Igor M. Guberman

Depression, Friends, Relationships




I was remembered for "Carnival Night" - cheerful, cheerful. I came to the screen happy and optimistic! It seemed to me: nothing can break me, I will definitely break through! And depression will never touch me. But that person from my early films is no more.

• Lyudmila M. Gurchenko

Sad quotes, Depression, Optimism




Laziness and depression are the signal system that you are not living. nine0003

• Vladimir V. Dovgan

Depression, Laziness




Nobody advertises this diet, but it is the most effective of all. Depression For Weight Loss. Do you want to lose weight?
Get divorced, fall in love with someone who doesn't love you, live alone and be sad from morning to evening. Extra pounds will melt like snow in the sun. Your body will become slender again and will be able to serve you well - of course, if you survive. nine0003

• Frederic Beigbeder

Depression, Health, Beauty, News, Advertising




What is depression? - this is when you go to the Internet and have nowhere to go.

• Zemfira

Depression, Internet




Enthusiasm cannot whip a person up for a long time. There are natural rhythms in all work. A relatively long violation of them leads to anguish, to depression. nine0003

• Fazil A. Iskander

Depression, Cognitive quotes, Rhythm, Enthusiasm




Children started smoking in the wrong saucers They started smoking for the same reason adults do - because it helps relieve anxiety and depression. You too would be anxious and depressed if you had to put up with your parents enrolling you in college before you knew which corner of the crib stinks worse! Then they fill you with some nonsense, drag you across the city to some pointless building. Look, no wonder kids started smoking - it helps! nine0003

• George Carlin

Depression, Kids, Life quotes, Smoking




Be busy. It is the cheapest medicine on earth - and one of the most effective.

• Dale Carnegie

Depression, Life, Medicine, Efficiency




Problems should be solved, not pilled.

• Jim Carrey

Depression, Issues




We all start with the common mistake of tender puberty when you want sex and you mistake it for love. But in twenty years, the dumbest user learns not to confuse these things, and moves on to the next level of delusion. PMS, and you think that everyone is a bastard. Clinical depression, and you're sure you're just tired. It seems that the whole world has gone crazy, but in fact you are the only one who has set off.

• March Ketro

Depression, Delusion, Love, Fear




In November, every decent person should fall into depression for three to ten days. If for some reason you don’t roll around like an aluminum spoon, this indicates an insufficiently fine mental organization. Therefore, at least do not confess to anyone, do not disgrace yourself.

• March Ketro

Seasons, Depression, Humor




Those who truly love cannot be depressed. Depression occurs only in those who are fixated on themselves. And the lover thinks about the other person, about the one he loves. And even if a loved one feels bad, he will not give up and will not be depressed. He is not up to tears. Angel de Coitiers

• Angel de Coitet

Depression, Beloved person, Feelings, Emotions




Depression is when it's easier to manually unload the brick car.

• Vladimir L. Levy

Depression, Life quotes




Depression is the laziness of a conscientious person, not giving himself the right to be.

• Vladimir L. Levy





Depression stretches its hands wide into human affairs.

• Vladimir L. Levy

Depression, Life, Mood




Who can fight Clark Gable? We got on well. Every time someone was tired or depressed on the set of Gone with the Wind, it was Gable who cheered that person up. Then the papers started saying that Gable and I weren't getting along. It was so funny that we took it as a joke. Since then, our standard greeting has become: "How do you not get along today?". nine0003

• Vivien Leigh

Depression, Myself




There is also a positive in falling. You don't have to be afraid of this. Even depression, I like to fall for a while, it is nutritious for me. And to be all the time in some kind of stability, in contentment... This, it seems to me, is some kind of piece of meat, not a person. Man must suffer!

• Renata M. Litvinova

Depression, Positive, Stability, Suffering




Well, just sit there, sucking longing out of your finger to justify laziness, overgrow with apathy. And such class irreconcilability bubbles between who you are and who you could become. Well, sit like that, swearing angrily through your teeth and sobbing, like clay, that you didn’t find a potter for yourself, so that colored clip cuts would spin in your head, how wonderful everything was in life yesterday. A set-up happened again, unplanned love, a tectonic phase shift - well, it's stupid, after all: this life rolls over you, breaking, and you can only twitch and roar. nine0003

• Vera Polozkova

Apathy, Depression




Going to bed but don't see the point in waking up? Congratulate yourself - it's depression.

• Dmitry Puchkov (Goblin)

Depression, Life, Mood, Awakening




A recession is when your neighbor is left without a job. Depression is when you yourself are left without a job. Recovery - when Jimmy Carter is left without a job. nine0003

• Ronald Reagan





Depression is not sadness. It's a cold lack of feeling.

• JK Rowling





This is a reflection of my face. On such disastrous days, I often look at it. I don't understand anything in this face. The faces of other people are endowed with meaning. Mine is no. I don't even know if it's beautiful or ugly. I think it's ugly - because I was told so. But I don't care. In fact, I am outraged that such properties can be attributed to a person at all - it's like calling a handful of earth or a piece of rock handsome or ugly. nine0003

• Jean-Paul Sartre

Depression, Beauty, Personality




Don't care, don't care! Everything will work out somehow and work out. No, not everything. I can deal with anything. With anything. Let them eat and glorify, even if they burst from honors. But - lie, lie! After all, every word is a lie, every newspaper is a lie, you turn on the telly - a lie, you open any book - a lie. Lies, only lies, naked lies, and nothing but lies! nine0003

• The Strugatsky Brothers

Depression, Lies, Despair, Honors




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