Questions to ask a friend you just met
27 BEST Questions to Ask Someone You Just Met (and Bonus Tips!)
Casual questions to get to know someone
These questions are great for getting to know casual acquaintances a little bit better. Engaging in small talk and taking an active interest in others is a great way to build rapport and develop a deeper connection.
Breaking the Ice
Sometimes you meet someone and need a bit of an icebreaker activity to get to know each other a little bit better. Using questions from this list is a great way to do that, but you can also play some icebreaker games. Brightful Meeting Games is a collection of online social games built for connecting family, friends and co-workers. Give it a try, it's free!
27 of the Best Questions to Ask Someone You've Just Met
Simply host a Question of the Day game room and get started having fantastic conversations. Easy as that!The next time you want to take your conversations to the next level, hop on over to Brightful and we’ll take care of all the hard work. The best part is it’s free!
The game will automatically give everyone a timer as well as an interesting conversation starter prompt. Head on over to Brightful to get started in seconds!
1. What shows are you into?
Probably at least one or two shows they mention will be shows that you’ve seen and can talk about, and even if not, then you can get them to explain what the shows are about and what they like about them.
2. What’s your favorite movie or movie genre?
If you’re familiar with the genre, mention a few of your favorites. If you’re not familiar, ask if you can watch it together sometime. And if you’re not a movie person, ask what they like about movies.
3. What’s your favorite sport?
This will give you an opportunity to ask a few specifics about it. It’s also a great way to get to know someone who you think might be into the same sports you are. If you both follow the same sport, you can expand the conversation into favorite players and teams.
4. What is your favorite food or restaurant?
This gives you an opportunity to talk about your favorite food or restaurant, or to ask about theirs. And if you’re eating a meal with this person, you’ll probably end up going to the restaurant they like.
Try Brightful Meeting Games for free5. What are your favorite books, magazines, websites, or blogs?
You can ask a few follow-up questions about specific books, magazines, websites, or blogs, or you can ask why they like those specific things. Or you can just ask them what they like about reading.
6. If you could visit anywhere in the world, where would you go?
This will give you a chance to talk about the place you’d like to visit. It’s also a great way to figure out if you have similar travel interests.
7. What’s your favorite activity to do alone?
This will give you an idea of what they like to do when they have time to themselves.
And if you also like that activity, it might be something you can do together.
8. What’s your favorite thing to do when you have time off?
This will give you an opportunity to ask them to do something with you that they enjoy doing, or it might give you some ideas for things to do together when you have time off.
9. What are some fun things to do in your city?
This will open up a conversation about the things they like to do in their city, and if you’re not from their city, you might get some ideas for places you want to visit when you’re in that city.
10. What are some things that you’ve always wanted to do but haven’t?
This might give you some ideas to do with them if they end up doing some of the things that they’ve always wanted to do.
11. What do you like to do when you have free time?
This is a great way to get to know someone better. It gives you an opportunity to ask follow-up questions and also to offer to do something together.
12. What’s something you’ve always wanted to try but haven’t?
If they’ve already done what they’ve always wanted to do, you might get ideas for things you want to do together. Or you might be able to help them accomplish their goal.
13. What do you like to do that’s fun and relaxing?
This will give you an idea of how you can relax and have fun together. It also shows a bit of their personality and their values
14. What’s your favorite thing to do with your family?
It gives you an idea of how they like to spend time with their family and if you might like to do things with their family as well.
16. What qualities do you like in a friend?
This gives you the opportunity to explain what you like in a friend and also to ask about some of their qualities.
17. What are some things that you like to spend your money on?
This question can also be a good way to find out what kind of person they are by showing what kind of things they value.
18. What are some things that you’re always willing to pay a little more for?
Maybe it's coffee, or some other indulgence that they refuse to compromise on. This little detail can reveal a surprising amount of what this person values.
19. What are some things you always try to buy local?
Buying local is a great way to support the community, does this person believe in buying local?
20. What’s a fun thing you used to do as a kid?
This question ought to bring a smile to their face as they recount the things they used to do as a young kid.
21. What are some things that you always wanted to do as a kid?
It's fun to talk about dreams and ambitions. Maybe they wanted to be a firefighter?
22. What’s something you always wanted to try but haven’t?
If they’ve already done it, you’ll get ideas of things you can do together. Or you might be able to help them accomplish their goal.
24. What’s something you always wanted to try but haven’t?
If they’ve already done what they’ve always wanted to do, you might get ideas of things you can do together. Or you might be able to help them accomplish their goal.
25. What kind of music do you like?
Music always bring people closer together. Try to see if your tastes match!
26. What kind of movies do you like?
Maybe you can bond over talking about the storyline or your favorite actors
27. What kind of books do you like?
This will give you an opportunity to talk about your favorite books. Science fiction? Autobiographies? A person's favorite genre can say a lot about them!
50 Fun Questions To Ask Someone You Just Met (To Get To Know Them)
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So you’re on a date, or maybe you’re chatting to someone new on a friendship level. Either way, you want to drive the conversation forward. But what questions do you ask someone you just met? What’s “natural” and “normal” but also fun, engaging and interesting? How can you make conversation flow? Well my friends, we’re here to fill you with inspiration! Here’s 50 fun questions to ask someone you just met!
Questions To Ask Someone You Just Met
So before we get into our mighty list, what are the “guidelines” when it comes to questions to ask someone you just met?
After all, the average American hasn’t made a new friend in 5 years and we all know that first-date nerves are a thing, so it’s perfectly normal to feel “out of touch” for how to get into this.
The good news is – the guidelines aren’t too strict when it comes to questions to ask someone you just met. It’s simply worth remembering to:
1) Start With Things That Are Simple
We’re going to cover the “basics” to get you started here, and these are the kind of questions you usually want to begin with. These are the “natural” / “normal” ones we referred to. They’re easy ones to ask – especially when it comes to a complete stranger!
2) Share As You Go Along
Remember, this shouldn’t be an interview! It should be a two-way thing!
So as you ask questions, and listen to their answers – also respond with your own thoughts / feelings / stories related to what they say.
Then (where relevant) answer your own question yourself too – let them into your answer to that. It helps them to get to know you better that way, too.
3) Dig Deeper As You Get To Know Them
As the conversation flows further, you can then move into more of the fun, different questions to ask someone you just met. This is where it really becomes interesting, as there’s actually more you can talk about with a (near) stranger, than you perhaps may think!
4) Don’t Push Anything That’s Too Personal
Now it’s worth bearing in mind that – because these are questions to ask someone you just met – there’s got to be a limit to how personal you get!
Remember, you don’t need to find out everything in one go, and it’s important to get to know someone better to understand them and what they’re comfortable with.
If you ask a relatively “risky” question and they respond openly and positively to it, then sure – you can build on it further from there.
But really try to read the person to better understand where the limits are initially, and if you’re not sure – play it safer!
5) Enjoy & Appreciate It!
Getting to know someone new is fun and exciting – so relax and enjoy it!
Don’t worry about the right or wrong things to say. Just use this article to get ideas and inspiration, then see how conversation flows.
Be inquisitive, take a genuine interest and simply see how well you can connect!
50 Fun Questions To Ask Someone You Just Met
Let’s get stuck in with 100 fun questions to ask someone you just met.
Have a read, familiarise yourself with the kind of conversation starters you might like to go for, and then have confidence!
Not everyone you’ll instantly click with – and that’s okay. But these questions will help you to get to know them better. So let’s start from the top…
Standard Questions To Ask Someone You Just Met
Let’s begin with the safer, more standard questions to ask someone you just met.
With each of these questions, I’m going to also type out some additional prompts, because you can expand on these quite easily.
When you do this, it makes it a more interesting and in depth conversation. So…
1) What do you do for work?
It’s the standard work question, right? But this one can actually be pretty interesting too!
If they tell you a job and you’re not quite clear on what exactly that entails – ask about it. Don’t just say “cool.” Prompt further with things like:
- So what does that entail?
- What sort of things do you have to do?
You can also ask how long they’ve done it for, how they got into it and if they enjoy it. Take a genuine interest!
2) Did you go to college / uni?
Another good question to ask, is if they went to college / university. What did they do once they left school and how did they find that adjustment?
This one can create some pretty wild and funny stories, especially when it comes to Uni-life.
You can also then share your own too (if you went!) and find out what the experience was like for them, relating it to your own.
This is good to do, even if you took slightly different paths – as it’s interesting!
3) How long have you lived here?
Next up – ask them how long they’ve lived in the area. You may also like to ask if they like the area and what they think of it.
If they’ve not lived here all their life – ask them where they lived before and what it was like there. How was it different? Do they like it more or less here?
You can also find out what they think of it – whether they like living in the area and why / why not. Where did they live before? And how is it different?
Do they have many friends here, compared to back home? (Another very interesting one!) This actually leads me onto my next question…
4) Do you know many people here?
Do they have the same friendship group as they had at school if they haven’t moved away? Do they have a busy social life?
And how about their family? Do they live close by? Are they close with their family?
Family is a great topic of conversation when it comes to getting to know someone as the relationship they have with them, can be very revealing.
Just bear in mind that it can become a touchy subject as not everyone is lucky enough to have parents still around – or the relationship that they’d like with them.
So you can ease into this conversation by asking about people as a whole, then develop it from there, based on their answer.
It’s just a less direct, more sensitive way to ask, that also creates countless avenues for different conversations to come out of it.
If they do seem comfortable speaking about their family however:
BONUS: Do you have any brothers or sisters? Are you close with your parents?
There’s heaps you can talk about on the family front!
5) Do you have any pets?
This is a nice, light, easy topic. You can also ask to see pictures and it will lead onto a pretty big question… “Are you more of a cat or dog person then?!”
(Some may say this could be a deal-breaker, right?!)
6) What do you do in your free time?
Another standard question to ask someone you’ve just met, is to find out about their hobbies – what they’re into and enjoy doing.
With this one, think about other ways you can phrase it however. So you could ask:
- Do you ever play [this sport] or do you like doing [this thing?]
- What are you up to this weekend?
[And] is that what you usually do? Is that what you enjoy then? - Do you get much free time? [And] how do you usually spend it?
- What do you like getting up to then?
It’s just a lighter and more casual way of asking.
7) What kind of shows are you into?
Asking what a person enjoys doing can actually lead on pretty nicely to the topic of tv shows, series or movies.
You could say something like:
- Are you watching anything good right now?
- Have you seen [this]?
- So I just started watching [this]? Have you seen it?
- What kind of things do you watch on tv?
- Have you heard that [this show] is coming back again?
You could also talk about books, podcasts, blogs – like this one! 😉 – or YouTube channels. See how conversation flows!
8) What kind of music do you like?
Music is another good topic to talk about with someone new too – especially if you’re into it and have a fairly good knowledge of different types of music.
You can talk about genres, artists, specific songs, what’s in the charts, and even things like live music gigs or concerts.
Play any instruments yourself? Or like the odd karaoke? Then this too, can be tied in!
9) What’s your favourite kind of food?
Next up – one for the foodies! Or, even if you’re not a massive foodie, talking about food (and related topics), is always a nice easy conversation topic with people you’ve never met before. Why? Because everyones got to eat! You can ask things like…
- So what’s your favourite kind of food?
- Are you more of a sweet or savoury guy?
- Do you like cooking?
- What’s your favourite meal?
You may also like to open it with, “Have you tried [restaurant name]?”
This is a great question to ask someone you just met if you’re a bit of a foodie and want to find out what kind of food they like too… but want to do so more casually / subtly.
When it comes to dating, it’s also creates an easy opening for them to say something like…
“Oh we will have to go soon!”
Recommended Read: How To Tell If Someone Is Flirting With You
10) Where do you like to go out?
Last but not least then, in our first section for the more “standard” questions to ask someone you just met – you can always ask where they like to go out.
- Where do you usually go on the weekend then?
- What’s your favourite pub / bar?
- Are there any cool places or hidden gems you recommend?
Now let’s just get this clear – you’re not asking because you’re going to follow them there! (Creepy, or what?) Instead, it’s more to see how similar they are, and what sort of “vibe” appeals to them.
You may even realise you hang out in the same places. (Oh how crazy it is that you haven’t bumped into each other before now!) Or, it can lead onto the topics of the best things to do in your town / city, and other activities that you both enjoy.
Questions To Ask Someone You Just Met
So once you’ve warmed up with some of the standard questions to ask someone you just met, you can then start to step it up a notch! For example…
11) Have you done much traveling? What’s been some of your favourite places so far?
12) What places are on your bucket-list? Where would you most like to go next?
13) Are there any experiences or activities you’ve always wanted to do?
14) What’s one thing that would absolutely terrify you? (We’re talking adrenaline activities etc!) And what’s the scariest thing you’ve ever done?
15) Are you quite a skilful person? What do you think you’re good at? Let’s compare! On the flip side, what are you absolutely terrible at?! (Like DIY for example!)
16) If you could do any job in the world, what would it be?
17) Do you have any crazy life goals? What are you passionate about? What kind of things do you want to do? / Who do you want to be? (This is a potentially deep question but it still suits many conversations – depending on the kind of person you are and the kind of person they are!)
18) What did you used to want to be when you grew up? (Oh, those were the days!)
19) Do you have any siblings, and how well do you get on with them? Did you used to get on with them well, growing up?
20) Who do you think you’re the most similar to – your Mom or your Dad?
Let’s Keep Them Coming…
21) Are you a sporty person? What’s your favourite sport? To both watch and play?
22) Are you more of a countryside or city guy?
23) What do you do to relax? Or switch off?
24) What are you most scared of? (And early days, when you’ve just met someone – it’s okay if they go for something light and funny like “spiders!”)
25) What do you think is the BEST way to spend money? And what do you probably spend the most money on?
26) What would you do if you had unlimited money? Dream car? Dream home? What would you get?!
27) What’s your go-to alcoholic drink? Let’s talk about drinks! (You could also lead this on to talk about shots, and challenge each other to having one of those if you’re at a bar, getting to know each other!)
28) Do you have any guilty pleasures when it comes to food?! Or any weird food combinations you actually love?! (Come on, don’t be shy confessing! This is always a fun question to ask someone you just met!)
29) Would you ever go out to a bar or restaurant on your own?!
30) How do you feel about alone time? Love it? Hate it? And do you have much of it?!
Interesting Questions To Ask Someone You Just Met
31) How long have you been single and how do you find it? (Or if you’re looking for questions to ask a new friend, equally, asking questions about dating or talking about their relationship status, is just as interesting!)
32) Do you think you’re a flirty person? And good at reading signs?
33) What’s your dating history like? Have you been on many dates?
34) Do you have any crazy or funny dating stories? Share your best ones!
35) What do you think is the most attractive quality in a person?
36) Who’s your biggest celebrity crush? (Or crushes – hey, they might have quite a few!)
Psst, like these types of questions? Then here’s 50 Questions About Love to keep them coming!
37) What are your friends like? And how are they the same / different to you?
38) How confident would you say you are as a person? (Lead into this one by sharing how you think you are!)
39) What were you like as a kid, and how do you think you’ve changed as you’ve grown up?
40) What do you miss most about childhood? (Let’s reminisce!)
Onto The Last Ones…
41) If you could go back to any age of your life for a year, what age would you go back to and why?
42) How did you find school – both socially and academically? What was that like for you?
43) Are you a religious or spiritual person at all? (Make sure you’re completely respectful with this one. )
44) Would you say you’re more of an introvert or extrovert? And how do you find it, meeting new people?
45) How would you best describe yourself? And how do you think others would describe you?
46) What kind of person are you at a party? The dancer? The drinker? The wild one?! Let’s talk about that!
47) Are there any wrong assumptions that people often make about you, based on how you look or how you act? Or anything that people often find surprising about you / only realise in time?
48) Are there any conspiracy theories that you believe in? (Yes, we are getting into this! It’s certainly an interesting discussion piece!)
49) Do you have any pet peeves? (The funnier, more entertaining these are, the better – and remember to share your own… without coming across as negative of course!)
50) What motto do you live your life by? (Let’s see how positive a person they are!)
So There We Have It!
That’s it – 50 questions to ask someone you just met to get the inspiration flowing! Has this filled you with heaps of question ideas? I hope so!
Want to start a conversation with a stranger? Click here for the first steps, then follow it up with some of these questions to then keep conversation flowing!
- Want to keep it nice and light? Then here’s 50 Funny First Date Questions.
- Getting to know someone on a friendship level? Then here’s 100 Interesting Questions To Ask Friends.
- And if things are starting to progress here’s the Top 20 Most Important Questions To Ask When Dating. (Uh huh, I know, you’re fully equipped with questions after all of this!)
The key with all of this is to have courage and confidence! So keep working on that.
Take care. Wishing you all the best.
300 questions to your boyfriend
Getting a lot of one word yes/no answers from your boyfriend? If you are familiar with this, then we will help you talk to him!
Guys can be notoriously reserved when it comes to talking. The questions that you will find below will help you start a conversation, and further establish a connection with him. Remember: do not give up, ask questions and encourage him to give you more detailed answers.
Of course, there are guys who are more than happy to talk about themselves and will talk over and over again. During a conversation with one of these guys, these questions will help you get to know him better and understand who he really is.
Remember that every guy is different. Some questions are great for some guys, but not at all for others.
📖 Content:
- Best questions
- Funny questions
- Personal questions
- Questions about his past
- Questions about people
You will have to choose which questions you think would be best for your boyfriend and which questions you really want to know the answer to. So, with all that, let's get started!
Which Halloween movie should I watch?
Halloween is just around the corner. Complete these spooky questions and find out which Halloween movie you should watch!
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The best questions to ask your boyfriend
1. What would your ideal day be like?
That's a good question, because every guy has an answer. Therefore, this is the perfect start for a conversation, after which you will learn more about what he likes to do.
If you can do what he likes (and vice versa), then you both will have much more fun with each other.
2. What did you learn too late?
This is a question from a distance, after which you will know what regrets he has. What would he like to do or learn but never did? This will give you an idea of what he wants in the future.
3. What are your complaints about yourself?
This one will let you know what his standards are. After all, if he has standards, most likely he expects other people to meet these standards.
Also, if he is hard on himself in many ways, he is more likely to be successful. If he is soft to himself, then most likely he has no desire to improve himself.
4. How often do you feel completely exhausted?
This question is a good indicator of how stressed he is. You can ask what makes him tired, and also find out what he worries about the most.
N e w !
5. If money didn't matter, where would you live?
This is a great question to see if you're a good match. If you both want to live in similar places, this is definitely a good sign. But if he wants to live in the countryside in a cold climate, and you want to live in the city and in the warmth, then this does not bode well. This is good to know if you plan to be together for a long time.
6. Who was the most toxic person you knew?
We all know people who make the world around them worse. After this question, you will find out what your boyfriend considers the worst of the worst in people.
You may both despise the same aspect of a person, or you may not. Either way, you'll find out what behavior he despises.
7. What were the last two books you read?
Does your boyfriend read? Find out by asking this question. If you are a voracious reader and he is not (or vice versa), this can be a problem. But if you both read the same amount, then you have nothing to worry about.
🤓 We offer you: Questions to ask your friends
And who knows, maybe this way you will learn about a cool new book.
8. What are your habits that annoy other people?
Yes, annoying habits. You will want to know about them. After all, if the two of you live together, these annoying habits will quickly turn from cute to frustrating. We all have annoying habits, and feel free to warn him about yours.
9. What makes you nervous?
Being nervous is a common human trait. So why not find out what makes your boyfriend feel uncomfortable? It is highly likely that this may be public speaking. But if possible, press it for more examples.
10. What makes you more angry than it should be?
This is a really important question. You want to know what pisses him off so you can avoid it. And if you can't avoid what makes him angry, you may need to find a new boyfriend. This also applies to you - if you are often angry with him, then with a high probability, you will want to reconsider your relationship. Because when there is too much anger in a relationship, it is incredibly toxic.
📖 We offer you: 100 questions to ask your girlfriend
11. What movie was so sad that you will never watch it again?
This is a great question to learn a little more about his emotional side. You will be able to see what is really suffocating him. You will also be able to check if he is emotional at all or not.
This is good to know anyway, because if movies don't make him emotional, then don't expect him to openly talk about his emotions in the future.
12. What are the two most important lessons you learned from previous relationships?
The main thing is not to be jealous. Yes, he had partners in the past. And these relationships are worth hearing about, because you can discover a lot for yourself.
You can find out what he expects from you based on the experience of previous relationships. You can also learn what to expect from him and how he acts when things don't go well.
13. What disgusting and unhygienic things do people who annoy you do?
So how clean and hygienic is your boyfriend? If you're going to end up taking your relationship to the next level, it's better to find out sooner rather than later.
Basically, if this list is long, it means he's a pretty clean person. If he just shrugs and says, "I don't know," then he's probably pretty dirty and unkempt.
We offer you: Best friend questions
14. Do you have a habit that you rarely see in other people?
We all have strange habits, and it's time to learn about it! Just remember not to be overly judgmental. After all, you probably also have some strange habits.
15. What do most people overestimate or underestimate about you?
This question is not so much about how other people see your boyfriend, but how he sees himself. You'll find out what your boyfriend thinks about how the world sees him, and how that contrasts with how he sees himself.
If his answer sounds strange, then this is a bad sign. If he sounds modest, then this is probably a good sign.
16. What should you do but never will?
This is a slightly odd question that can give you many answers. He's great for an interesting conversation starter because he's likely never been asked about it. But whatever the answer is, it will probably be quite interesting and instructive.
17. What was the best thing about raising your parents when you were growing up?
Ah, family. This is sometimes a sensitive topic, but you can learn a lot about someone by learning about their childhood.
Just remember to let him talk, don't make assumptions, and never treat his family negatively. People quickly become defensive when you speak ill of their family.
📖 We offer you: 250+ questions for a guy: Get to know him.
18. What do you most expect from aging?
This will be an interesting question for your boyfriend, because you will get either a funny answer or a serious story about how he wants to live after retirement. In any case, this is a great question.
19. What is the biggest sign of a person's weakness?
This is a really interesting question. His answer will tell you a lot about how he sees the world around him.
In fact, whatever the sign of weakness is, it will be what he will find fault with the most. And the opposite of this sign of weakness will be what he really admires and aspires to be.
20. What did you really try to love but couldn't?
Seeing who made him love something, you can see who he is trying or tried to please. You can also see how ready he is to confront this person or group of people. In addition, you will learn more about what he likes and what not.
21. What makes you different from most people?
A great question to ask your boyfriend who will show you how he feels, how he fits into society. If his answer contains many differences, he probably considers himself an outcast. If he has nothing to say, then he feels that he fits well into society. There is nothing wrong with either answer.
22. What was the best mistake you made? A mistake that turned out to be really successful.
This question won't give you much information about your boyfriend, but it's a really entertaining question. You may hear an interesting story. Who doesn't love good stories?
🤓 Here are 250+ questions to get to know someone
23. If you could drop everything and go on a trip, where would you go?
This question is similar to the question “where would you live” above. But instead of finding out where your guy wants to live, you can find out what kind of vacation he likes.
It's always good if you both like the same things. This means you have more things to do together and more things to talk about.
24. What are the most courageous and, conversely, the least courageous things that you have ever done?
This is a fun question that could lead to some cool and interesting answers. You can also find out how seriously he takes the concept of masculinity and what that concept means to him.
25. How do you feel about animals, domestic and wild?
It's a good question to ask for the simple reason that if one of you hates animals and the other loves them, then when you move in together, one of you will be unhappy. This is good general information that can lead to a cool and long conversation.
Fun questions to ask your boyfriend
- How often is your brain on auto-pilot?
- What do you think aliens will look like?
- Which site does not exist, but should exist?
- What inedible thing would you like to eat?
- Where is the craziest place you have ever danced?
- How should the toilet paper hang, roll end facing out or in?
- What is the spiciest thing you have ever eaten?
- What stupid thing are you proud of?
- What unnecessary products or services do you consider necessary?
- What's the best conspiracy theory you can come up with right now?
- If a job/career had slogans, what would they be?
- What do people really need to relax?
- What is the nastiest thing you have drunk?
- What hairstyles will go with certain characters?
- What does your brain do when you think about the thought process?
- If flowers had a taste, what would each color look like?
- What fictional villain made you really hate?
- What's the best stress reliever you can buy/make for less than $20?
- How often do you enter a room and forget why you entered the room?
- What is the strongest animal you can defeat with your bare hands?
- How would you like to die if after death you are forever placed in a room with people who died in the same way?
- What will an amusement park filled with your biggest fears be like? What attractions will be there?
- What would an amusement park be like, designed specifically to make you happy?
- What would you never want to know about how it's made and how it works?
- What names have been ruined for you because you knew someone terrible with that name?
- If you had a remote control to control any type of machine, what would you use it for?
- What are you doing in an incredibly inefficient or pointless way that you keep doing because you've always done it?
- What's the coolest thing scientists could discover while exploring the ocean?
- What's the funniest/weirdest thing they told you while drunk?
- If you were allowed to make a billboard in the center of your city, what would it be?
- If you had complete genetic control over plants, what would the coolest tree look like?
- What condiments do you keep in the fridge and what do you leave in the cupboard/pantry?
- What non-traditional ice cream toppings do you think would be great?
- How much ice cream should I put on a cone?
- If animals were as smart as humans, what kinds of jobs would they be uniquely qualified to do?
- Do fish have necks?
- Think of the best duel.
Who will he be between?
- If everyone in your country could hear you at the same time, what would be the phrase that would make most people instantly hate you?
- If you were forced to take part in a dance competition, what song would you choose to dance with?
- You have unlimited desires, but every time you make a wish, what you love most is erased and disappears from the world. How many wishes will you make, and what will you make? (And no, you can't wish for things not to disappear after your wishes)
- What crazy things would you do if you were ever rich?
- How would the world be different if there were health potions?
- What did you Google last?
- What prank do you do regularly?
- What is the strangest text or phone call you have received by mistake?
- If you were given immortality, but on one condition, what condition would that prevent you from accepting immortality?
- If you could change your name, what epic name would you choose?
- Why do you think we dream?
- If you could change gender for a period of time of your choosing, would you do it? And if so, by how much?
- What event from the past would you most like to see recorded?
- What cool idea would you like to implement if you had enough money?
- If you were on a chase, what song would you like to listen to on the radio?
- If you had a cult, what would it be like?
- What non-military veteran are you?
- What routine work do you fear the most?
- If wars were abolished, what would be the most interesting way for countries to resolve their differences?
- What is legal but still feels illegal?
- What rarely works the way it should?
- What should be the next shoe promotion?
- What product shocked you that no one thought of making a better version?
- If you could make a candle with any scent, what would it be?
- If you could place a curse on your worst enemy so that any household item emits a blood-curdling scream at random intervals, what item would you choose for such a curse? (The curse will switch to a new version of this item if they buy a replacement.
- What would be the first thing you would do if you gained the ability to fly?
- Where and when did you fart at the most inopportune moment?
- In what era of the imaginary future would you like to live? (For example, as in 1950-k, where there are many twists and sparkles)
- What would be different if it were socially acceptable to say anything openly and frankly about everything?
- What is the coolest flag to use?
- What band would be cool to see live if their name literally described the band? (i.e. if you take Guns and Roses, you would literally see roses and guns on stage)
- If you had a secret lair like Batman or Superman, what would it be like?
- What do you like least about the activity you love the most?
- If you were a play figure, what objects or clothes would you be with, and what phrases would you say?
- If you could do something first, what would be your achievement?
- How well do you think you would survive if you were lost in the woods for two weeks?
- Which label would you like to use?
- What do you like to spend your time on the most?
- What is your dream car?
Personal questions to ask your boyfriend
- What are you afraid of in the future?
- What scares you the most about yourself?
- What is the worst dream you have ever had?
- What makes you overly emotional?
- What is the fastest way to make you angry?
- What event made you a more mature person?
- What's on your to-do list?
- What is the most difficult truth you have ever encountered?
- How would you like your funeral to be?
- What makes you the happiest?
- What would your personal hell be like?
- How gentle are you?
- What routine task have you mastered and can do perfectly?
- What creepy thing do you do on a regular basis?
- What quirks does your body have?
- What harsh truth about yourself can you tell me?
- How many bad things happen to you because of you?
- What is it like to be you?
- When did you really try your best - just your best - and it still wasn't enough?
- When are you really you?
- If your life were a book, what would be the title of the chapter of this period of your life?
- What incredibly common life experience did you miss out on?
- What steps would you take to fulfill your lifelong dream?
- When are you a snob?
- What do you want written on your tombstone?
- What would it be like if you reached your full potential?
- How curious are you?
- Are you lucky?
- What is your favorite song?
- How do you deal with procrastination?
- What weird things are you into?
- How would you change your appearance if you had the opportunity?
- How easily do you change your mind?
- How do you care? Are you caring?
- Under what circumstances did you feel the most lonely?
- What makes you feel alive?
- How well do you think you can read the emotions of others?
- What makes you interesting?
- Who makes you feel uncomfortable when you are around?
- In what situations are you different from yourself?
- What do you value most?
- What sounds fill you with fear?
- Which word describes you best?
- How nervous do you think you are?
- What are you really obsessed with?
- Who or what is holding you back?
- How often do you get into arguments with people on the Internet?
- How adventurous are you?
- What do you want out of life?
Questions about your boyfriend's past
- What were the turning points in your life?
- What is the most painful message you have ever received or sent?
- What event has returned to you from your past and is haunting you?
- What did you hide from your parents?
- What was the most embarrassing moment you had at school?
- What was the smartest thing you did as a child?
- What unique and unusual games or activities did you play as a child?
- What's the weirdest thing you've seen at work?
- What was the worst injury you had as a child?
- The moment you were most famous?
- Have you ever stolen anything?
- How was it expressed when you were the coldest?
- If you could go back and change only one decision you made, what decision would you change?
- When was the time when you gave up on caution and just decided to do something?
- If your whole life was recorded but you could only choose one hour to watch, what scenes would you go back and watch?
- What is the most memorable call you received or made?
- What places have you been to but can never go back?
- What movie title best describes your life?
- What changed you for the better, and what changed you for the worse?
- Who did you intentionally remove from your life?
- What did you do in the past that people remember over and over again?
- Who is the nicest person you have ever met?
- Where is the most interesting abandoned place you've been?
- What were your favorite children's books?
- What is your most beautiful memory?
- What do you still cringe at when you think about what you did when you were younger?
- How much have you changed in 5 years?
- What did/didn't you say that you regret?
- What story about you is told by most people?
- What is your worst gag story?
- What is the most American thing you have ever done? (Regardless of whether he is an American or not).
- What is the most risky thing you have ever done?
- When was the last time you were really wrong?
- What bridges have you burned?
- What is the most uncomfortable thing you have to tell someone?
- What is the most memorable vacation you have taken?
Questions about the people in your boyfriend's life
- How well do your family members get along?
- Who in your life has the most positive outlook on life?
- What was your closest friendship that broke up?
- What stupid things did you convince your friends to do?
- What is the most embarrassing thing someone has told you about?
- Who is most likely to be a serial killer in your life?
- What happened to your best friend from elementary school?
- How often do you talk to members of your extended family (grandparents, aunts and uncles, cousins)?
- What scandals have occurred in your circle of friends?
- Who is the black sheep in your family?
- Who is the most difficult person you have to deal with on a regular basis?
- What are the three most important things you learned from your parents?
- Who in your life is full of unreasonable confidence in his opinion?
- What secret is someone hiding from you, but you already know everything?
- What plausible rumor can you come up with right now about a celebrity or a friend in your circle of friends?
- When did you think you knew someone but they turned out to be a completely different person?
Relationship questions to ask your boyfriend
- What is the best marriage or relationship advice you have ever received?
- What is your number one rule in relationships?
- What is the role of a wife?
- How do you get an idea of what a good relationship is?
- What could be the best and worst things about a long-term relationship?
- Who has the healthiest relationship in your life with their significant other?
- What do you think are the pros and cons for you as a relationship partner?
- How much work does a couple have to put in to have a strong relationship?
- How serious does it have to be before a married couple goes to a family psychologist?
- What did you learn about relationships from watching your mother and father?
- What does a day in the life of a married couple in a very healthy relationship look like?
- Besides cheating, what can your significant other do so you can end the relationship?
- What can a person do besides appearance to instantly become more attractive to you?
Questions about your boyfriend's worldview
- What group of people can't you take seriously?
- What is the most disturbing thing you have had to accept?
- What makes you always cringe?
- Something small that makes a big difference?
- What is the most annoying thing you face every day?
- Who is closest to being a perfect human being?
- What makes you feel old?
- What is the saddest story in history?
- What is considered normal and accepted by society, but really should not be?
- What are your personal tips for living a wonderful life?
- What is the worst emotion?
- What do people most often take for granted?
- What quote are you tired of hearing?
- What must your child do for you to disown him?
- What was the most intriguing internet mystery you've ever come across?
- When is the best time to act first and ask for forgiveness later?
- What surprises you when so many people say they don't know how to do it?
- What was the biggest lie your teachers told you when you were at school?
- What have you tried based on the hype around it and didn't live up to your expectations, even if other people are crazy about it?
- What would you like to be told about in the past so you don't have to learn from your mistakes?
- What is the dumbest thing that many people believe?
- When was the last time you felt that your perception of reality had changed significantly?
- Who do you know has some belief that is easy to prove false and wrong? What is their belief, and how do they justify it?
- If you see money on earth, where is the line between when you take it and when you leave it?
- What is the most useful compulsory lesson to be added to public schools?
- If you knew you were wanted for a murder you didn't commit, would you turn yourself in?
- What was not as bad as you thought, and what, on the contrary, was much worse than you expected?
- What hurtful comment your parents left stuck in your head?
- What is the biggest waste of money for you?
- Is there anything you need advice about?
- Whom do you aspire to be more like?
- What do you argue about most often?
- What do you think will cease to exist in your lifetime?
- When was the best time in history to live?
- What used to be only for the rich but is now mostly associated with poverty?
- What is the most annoying question you get asked regularly?
- What do you think is the best period in a person's life?
- What do you think has become too socially acceptable?
- What is the cutest thing you have seen someone do?
- What is worth spending time on?
- What behavior makes you think that a person has a lot of followers?
- What bad experience should everyone have?
- What would you like to stop doing?
- What did you reluctantly try once and then become a devoted fan?
- What did you boycott about?
- What places have become much better or worse because of technological advances?
- What industry does not recognize that it is obsolete?
- What is the dumbest social issue that people are arguing about?
- What social problem deserves more attention?
- What is the best way to travel?
- What more does the world need?
- Do you agree with the statement that happiness lies in ignorance?
- Where could you settle?
- What makes a person appear ignorant or intelligent?
- What's the best advice you've ever been given?
- What minor inconvenience bothers you more than it should?
- What advice from the future would you give to your present self?
- What have you seen on the Internet that still haunts you?
- What lie would you never want to know the truth about?
- What's the worst text message you ever wake up to?
Fun questions to ask your boyfriend
- What movie changed the way you see the world?
- What kind of vague entertainment do you like?
- What game did you spend the most time on?
- What is the most romantic and sweetest movie you still like to watch?
- What song can't you listen to?
- What movie do you never get tired of watching over and over again?
- What can you add to any film to make it better?
- What do most movies/series get wrong about?
- What was the worst movie ending you've ever seen?
- Who would be the best fictional character to be the best friend?
- What movie scene traumatized you when you were a child?
- What are the positive and negative effects of the growing popularity of social networks?
- Which minor character in a work of fiction or play was more interesting than the main character?
- What TV show has been running for too long or is still running but should have been canceled a long time ago?
- What is your favorite and relatively unknown YouTube channel?
- If you had to start a podcast, what would it be about?
- Which TV series intro do you never miss?
- What's your favorite GIF?
- What music videos made a strong impression on you?
- What movie have you seen but still don't know what it is about?
- What old movie plots today simply fail because of modern technology?
- What TV cliché never happens in real life?
- Who was the most villainous hero and the most heroic villain?
- How do you find new shows/music?
- What is the strangest thing you have seen or heard from the media?
- What is the best documentary you have seen?
So that's the end of the list, but I have a little bonus for you! Below are some of the things you want to watch out for and these are red flags in a relationship.
We offer you: Funny questions
Red flags in a guy
If you notice any of this in your boyfriend, it's a big red flag. Don't ignore it. You should seriously consider whether you want to continue the relationship. In fact, I would recommend ending the relationship if you notice any of this. It is better to go through a little pain now than to go through a lot of pain, a painful divorce or breakup later.
Someone or something is always to blame for his failures.
Usually people of this type do not see that they are the cause of their own problems. They don't realize that they could have avoided their troubles by taking some action. They do not realize that they themselves can solve their problems. Because they don't see or feel guilty, they see no reason to improve or change.
He is cruel to animals or people for no reason or just because it's funny.
This probably means that there is cruelty in him. And he will be cruel to you too if he hasn't already started. I have never seen a man become less violent, so don't expect your boyfriend to change. Just leave while you can.
He lies a lot about minor things and won't admit he lied when confronted with evidence.
Lying to avoid trouble is quite common. I am now talking about strange and unfounded lies for no reason. For example, he might tell you about an uncle he doesn't really have, or lie about how he got a certain shirt for no reason.
🤓 We offer you: ❤️ Questions 99+ couples Trivia
Seriously, just run. I have come across this several times. The little lie is the one you eventually found out about. But there are also big lies, where you have no idea where there is a lie and where is the truth.
Everyone else doesn't see him as the cool guy you see in him.
Yes, you probably can't see the forest for the trees. We've all been there. You are in love, so you turn a blind eye to their shortcomings. But if everyone around you doesn't like your boyfriend and is trying to warn you about him, you should listen.
Sometimes you can be blinded by your short distance with him. Turn on your awareness to look at your boyfriend from the side - as if it were someone else who is watching him and his actions. And don't make excuses for the truth you see.
Questions for a guy to get to know him better, interesting questions for dating
To get to know someone better, you need to find out something about his personality, beliefs, likes, dislikes and hobbies.
It often happens that you meet an interesting person, but you do not know how to start a conversation with him. What questions can you ask a guy? Where to begin? What topics to cover?
We have prepared for you a list of effective questions that will help you get to know a guy better and open him up for you.
355 questions you can ask to get to know a guy
1. Where do you most want to go?
2. What is your favorite book?
3. What is your favorite show from the 90s/noughties?
4. What's the best Halloween costume you've ever had?
5. What is your dream job?
6. What is your favorite word?
7. What was your first job? What plans do you have for the future?
8. What brings you here?
9. How long have you known our mutual friend?
10. How do you like to spend your time when you are not working?
11. What are you reading now?
12. What was the first concert you attended?
13. What was the worst job you had?
14. What emoticons do you use most often?
15. If you could win an Olympic medal in any sport, what sport would it be?
16. If you could change your name, what would it be?
17. What movie or TV show best describes your week?
18. What was the last message you sent to anyone today?
19. What is your favorite memory?
20. What surprises people about you?
21. Who or what was your biggest teacher?
22. What did you do that made you incredibly happy?
23. Knowing what you know now, what advice would you give to your 18 year old self?
24. If you could instantly become an expert in something, what would it be?
25. What was your favorite subject at school?
26. What is your hidden talent?
27. If in the future you had to eat one dish for every meal, what would you eat?
28. If someone played you in a film, who would you like to be?
29. If you could spend a day in someone else's place, who would you like to be? Why?
30. What did your mother/father teach you that completely changed your life?
31. What have you been thinking about lately?
32. What was your first career as a child?
33. What does success mean to you?
34. What's the best advice you've ever been given?
35. Do you have a place in the city that makes you happy?
32 unusual questions to understand a guy better
36. If you could invite three people, dead or alive, to a dinner party, who would they be and why?
37. How can I win a gold star with you?
38. What energizes and excites you?
39. What qualities do you value in the people you spend time with?
40. What would you be famous for?
41. What does your dream day look like?
42. If you didn't have to sleep, what would you do in extra time?
43. What bad habits do you have?
44. What job would you never work at?
45. If you had to choose only 3 adjectives to describe yourself, what would you choose?
46. What do you care about?
47. What is your dream that you haven't realized yet?
48. Name a thing you promise to do but never do?
49. What did you have to give up in order to reach your current level of success?
50. Has anything happened to you that you could not explain?
51. Is there anything about you that other people misunderstand? For example, things, habits, actions. Give an example.
52. What are you most grateful for today?
53. If there was anything else you could do in your life, what would you do differently?
54. What are you most afraid of?
55. Do you have a hero?
56. Have you been in the army?/Will you join the army?
57. Do you have a gun?
58. What quality do you envy in others?
59. What is the best advice you have ever received?
60. What skills would you like to have?
61. How do you want to be remembered?
62. Do you like trying new things?
63. Are you a picky eater or do you like to try new foods?
64. How would your best friend describe you in five words?
65. Are you usually friends with your exes?
66. How many serious relationships have you had up to this point?
67. Have you ever dated someone of the same sex?
38 deep questions to really get to know a guy
68. Have you ever lost someone close to you? If so, who was it and when?
69. If you are in a bad mood, do you prefer to be left alone or to have someone cheer you up?
70. What is the best way to cheer up on a bad day?
71. What is your ideal weekend?
72. What's the most creative date idea you can come up with?
73. Do you prefer chocolate or flowers?
74. What do you think of the best friends of the opposite sex?
75. Do you judge a book by its cover?
76. Can you call yourself aggressive?
77. What is your main life philosophy? When did you first realize this philosophy and apply it?
78. What would you like to change about yourself physically?
79. What would you change about yourself spiritually or emotionally?
80. What is the first thing that comes to your mind that changed your life?
81. Are you a religious person? What are your beliefs?
82. Do you consider yourself an introvert or an extrovert?
83. What is your favorite thing to do with friends?
84. Who is closer to you, mom or dad, and why?
85. What was your favorite pastime as a child?
86. What was the best period of your life?
87. What was the worst period in your life?
88. Is what you are doing now what you always wanted to do as a child? If not, what did you always dream of doing as a child?
89. What was your best vacation ever?
90. What makes you feel like a realized person?
91. Have you ever been to another country?
92. What is your favorite book/movie of all time and why did you enjoy it so much?
93. Do you have a favorite artist or author?
94. What do you think destroys relationships?
95. What is more important to you, looks or intelligence?
28 relationship questions to get to know a guy
96. What do you like most about the people you like?
97. Would you ever return the one who cheated on you?
98. Is forgiveness important to you, or do you think it's better to hold a grudge?
99. How do you feel about sharing your password with a partner?
100. Do you like to cuddle up or do you sleep more alone?
101. Do you have pets?
102. At what point do you think a person is ready for marriage?
103. What kind of parent do you think you will be?
104. What are the three most important values you would like to instill in your children / future children?
105. What would you do if your parents didn't like your partner?
106. Do you value the opinion of your parents/friends when it comes to your relationship?
107. Who is the person with whom you can talk about anything?
108. Are you passive-aggressive?
109. Do you believe in love at first sight?
110. When was the last time you broke someone's heart?
111. When was the last time you had a broken heart?
112. Would you move for love?
113. What was your very first job?
114. What brand and model was your very first car? Did you buy it yourself?
115. Have you ever kept a diary?
116. What are you most grateful for?
117. What hobbies do you like to do when you are alone?
118. Do you believe in second chances? Could you give a person a third chance?
119. Is there something that people have never understood about you?
120. If you had to write your biography in one sentence, what would it be?
121. What do you think of the perfect vacation?
122. What have you learned from your past relationships?
123. What do you think about online dating?
124. Have you ever met someone on a dating site or app?
25 questions for a guy that will make the conversation interesting
125. What is on your wish list this year?
126. When did you feel the biggest adrenaline rush?
127. Have you ever used soft drugs?
128. Do you drink alcohol? What do you like to drink?
129. What soft drink do you drink most often?
130. What is the craziest thing you have ever done and would you do it again?
131. If a genie were to grant you 3 wishes right now, what would you wish for?
132. What do you regret most in life? What are you most proud of?
133. What do you think about when you are alone?
134. Do you enjoy your job or do you prefer to do something else?
135. What did you want to be when you were younger?
136. Why did your last relationship end? Who initiated the breakup, you or your partner?
137. How long did your most serious relationship last?
138. How long was your shortest relationship?
139. How old were you when you first started dating?
140. Did you study at the university? If so, what was your specialty, did you like to study for this particular profession?
30 non-standard questions to a man, revealing the real personality
141. What was your biggest mistake in life and what did you learn from it?
142. Where do you most often go on vacation?
143. What are your five favorite films?
144. What are your favorite songs?
145. What qualities do you admire in your parents?
146. How would you describe your best friend?
147. Is your best friend your childhood best friend now? If not, describe your childhood best friend.
148. What is your favorite hobby, what do you like to do alone?
149. Have you ever had exotic pets?
150. Have you ever been arrested or spent the night in prison? If yes, why?
151. What can't you live without even a day?
152. What is the most spontaneous thing you have done lately?
153. What is the craziest thing you have ever done for love?
154. What annoys you the most?
155. Why do you think you are still single?
156. What is your favorite color combination?
157. What achievement are you most proud of?
158. What dream do you still have to fulfill?
159. What are you most afraid of?
160. What three things do you value most in a person?
161. What five people are you closest to?
162. What is the biggest struggle you have overcome?
163. If you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be?
164. What was the most exciting thing that happened last year?
165. What is your favorite beer?
166. What worries you most in the modern world?
167. Who is closer to you, mom or dad?
168. If you could change something about yourself, what would it be?
169. If you could change something in the world, what would it be?
170. Who was your favorite teacher and why?
171. What kind of sport do you like?
41 questions to build a relationship with a guy
172. What is the strangest thing about you?
173. What would your best friend say is your best quality?
174. Who is your favorite historical character?
175. What made you choose the university where you studied?
176. If you could say one thing to yourself right now, what would it be?
177. What is your favorite clothing brand?
178. What is your favorite subject at school?
179. What food could you not live without?
180. Dogs or cats?
181. Have you ever been arrested?
182. How old were you when you had your first child? Or at what age would you like to have a baby?
183. What was your best birthday?
184. What is your zodiac sign?
185. What worries you?
186. What would you like to know how to do something?
187. Where would you like to go, where you haven't been yet?
188. If you had a lot of money, what would you do with your time?
189. Are you a lark or an owl?
190. What time do you usually wake up in the morning?
191. What time do you usually try to go to bed?
192. Have you ever gone on a serious diet and stuck to it?
193. What was the last book you read? And when?
194. Where do you usually get news?
195. Do you get bored quickly?
196. Do you prefer big or small cities?
197. Have you ever been on a roller coaster? Do you like them?
198. Do you like to run?
199. What are your personal goals for the next 5 years?
200. What do you consider your greatest achievement so far?
201. Do you prefer real or fake Christmas trees for the New Year?
202. If you could get away with anything, what would you do?
203. Who is your greatest hero?
204. Were your parents strict with you?
205. What is the stupidest rule your parents have set for you?
206. Until what time were your parents allowed to go out?
207. When was your first kiss?
208. What is the biggest risk you have ever taken?
209. Why are we here?
210. Have you ever dyed your hair?
211. If heaven is real and you die tomorrow, where would you go, heaven or hell?
212. Do you believe in fate?
213. What is your favorite gem?
25 questions that will help you to know the inner world of a guy
214. Do you go in for sports regularly?
215. How do you think people often look at you?
216. If you could erase what you did in the past, what would it be?
217. What song makes you unconditionally happy?
218. If you could have someone's life, whose would you take?
219. What is your favorite fictional character?
220. If I asked you at the age of 5 what would you like to be when you grow up, what would you say?
221. Are you afraid of something from the other world?
222. If you could take us anywhere in the world right now, where would you take us?
223. What do you regret the most?
224. If you died tomorrow, what would you like to do?
225. Can you identify a moment in your life when you were the happiest?
226. What song makes you sad?
227. If past lives are real, what was yours like?
228. If you believed in reincarnation, what would you like to be in your next life?
229. Have you ever seen something that you cannot explain?
230. What is your greatest achievement?
231. What would you do if you had only 24 hours to live?
232. If you could do something without consequences, what would you do?
233. What is the strangest dream you had?
234. Have you ever cheated on a test?
235. What is the darkest thought you have ever had? What about the darkest thing you've never told anyone about?
236. What is the craziest thing that happened to you when you were drunk?
237. Is there any thought, idea, current event, or fear that worries you deeply?
238. Do you have brothers and sisters? How old are they?
239. What do you consider your biggest fear? (This question can really talk about depth or lack thereof in a person.)
40 reflection questions to get to know a guy
240. Is there anything that calms you down? A place or thing that makes you feel at ease?
241. What is the biggest pain you have ever experienced?
242. What is bothering you?
243. Have you ever broken a bone?
244. Have you ever had a major operation?
245. Do you like nature or do you prefer to stay indoors?
246. Have you ever been camping?
247. Have you ever gone canoeing or rafting?
248. What is your favorite song and why?
249. Do you have a favorite book? A line in a literary work? Poem?
250. Which scene in the movie made you feel the most?
251. Do you have a role model? If yes, then who is it?
252. What do you do and where do you go when you need to be alone?
253. What makes you feel like you need to be alone?
254. Would you like to live forever?
255. What political position do you firmly believe in?
256. Do you consider yourself a liberal, a communist, or something else?
257. Can you remember a time in your life when you felt most alive? Tell me all about that memory.
258. Have you ever been caught lying?
259. When did you feel the worst in your life?
260. Do you trust yourself?
261. Do you easily trust others?
262. In what situation did you most feel like a failure? And the most successful?
263. Tell me about facts or hard truths that you prefer to ignore but know you shouldn't.
264. When did you feel that you were living a full life? When did you feel wrong?
265. When did you lie for the first time and what was it?
266. What was the first secret you kept from anyone? What is the biggest?
267. Are you a religious or spiritual person? Tell me why and how.
268. Have you always had the same political convictions? Did something affect them?
269. Where do you find the meaning of your life?
270. Have you ever been in love? Tell me about the times when it was.
271. Tell me about times when someone broke your heart.
272. Why did you cry for the last time?
273. Have you ever cried for joy?
274. What did you do when you hurt someone?
275. If your life were a movie or a book, what would you call it?
276. When did you hurt yourself the most?
277. What is the biggest change you have ever made that made you the most proud of yourself?
278. Think about the people you love most in life, what do you do for them?
279. Is home for you a place or a feeling? Describe this place or describe this feeling.
280. If you could be anywhere but where you are now, where would you be and what would you be looking at?
50 questions about the past, God, happiness, the universe and more
281. Have you ever doubted your sanity and why?
282. What is your most precious childhood memory?
283. Have you ever had dreams about a past life?
284. Do you have recurring dreams or nightmares?
285. Do you believe more in destiny or in the fact that we ourselves are the creators of our destiny, because we are controlled by free will?
286. Do you believe in extraterrestrial life? Think about why yes or why no.
287. Do you think we are the most advanced species in space, or are there more advanced civilizations besides us?
288. How would you react if you were presented with irrefutable evidence that God does not exist?
289. What would be your thought process if you were presented with irrefutable proof of the existence of God?
290. What do you think was before the creation of the Universe?
291. Do you believe in other dimensions and parallel universes?
292. How do you define art?
293. If you had the opportunity to get rid of the pain in your life, would you choose it? Why yes or why not?
294. Is it worth living solely for the sake of pleasure (without suffering)?
295. What do you think happens after death?
296. If you could know the date of your death, would you like to know it?
297. Would you take advantage of the opportunity to become immortal?
298. To love or to be loved?
299. How do you define beauty?
300. Where does happiness come from? Define what happiness means to you.
301. Do you consider yourself truly free? If yes, why? If not, what is holding you back?
302. Deja vu: is it something mystical or just a coincidence?
303. What is your father or mother like at home? How does he or she behave differently outside the family?
304. If you were given the choice to choose how you would die, how would you die?
305. Tell me a really really stupid joke that makes you laugh.
306. Choose two of the following: Physical Chemistry, Lifestyle Compatibility, Emotional Compatibility, and Intellectual Compatibility.
307. If you were forced to vote for one of the greatest dictators in history (Hitler, Mussolini, Mugabe, Mao, Saddam or Stalin), who would you choose and why?
308. Show me a piece of music or a movie scene that made you cry.
309. If you could have any animal in the world as a pet, what would it be and why?
310. If you have the opportunity to explore the oceans, go into space, or visit 50 different countries, which one would you choose and why?
311. Do you think that men are more rational and women are more emotional?
312. Which of the negative emotions: greed, anger, jealousy and hatred, in your opinion, affects you the most?
313. Which of the positive emotions: compassion, positivity, enthusiasm and initiative, is your greatest strength?
314. If you could be the president of your country for an hour, what would you change?
315. What is the purpose of your life?
316. Has the pain of others ever brought you joy? Be absolutely honest.
317. What is your greatest strength outside of work?
318. If you had a choice: turn into a zombie or die, what would you choose?
319. If you had to choose one thing, what is the most important value you would teach your children? Honesty, kindness or courage?
320. What are five things you like about yourself?
321. Name one bad quality in a partner that you can put up with.
322. Name one worst quality that you cannot tolerate in a partner.
323. Do you like video games?
324. If you received a $5,000 free check right now, how would you use it?
325. Name one really amazing thing that made your heart beat faster and cause an adrenaline rush.
326. Do you shower at night or in the morning?
327. Tell me about a time when you were so awkward in love that you wanted to disappear right now.
328. Tell me a song or a movie that will make you cry.
329. Have you ever been unable to sleep? What do you do with your time then?
330. Tell me about your biggest love regret that made you want to turn back time?
331. Do you believe in the future of mankind?
332. Do you believe in materialism or spirituality?
333. If you were forced to choose one religion on this planet, what religion would it be and why?
334. How long does it usually take you to be completely yourself with someone you just met?
335. What was the most romantic and loving thing you have ever done for someone?
336. Have you ever been truly in love?
337. What is the most daring thing you have ever done in your life?
338. Do you have addictions? Are you prone to addiction?
339. Have you ever been in a fight?
340. How do you deal with pain?
341. What is your mantra from day to day?
342. Have you ever spent the night in a hospital?
343. What quote do you like more than any other?
344. Which living celebrity do you dislike the most?
345. What attracts you the most?
346. What repels you the most?
347. Do you like to "keep everything under control" in bed? Or vice versa?
348. What is your antihero?
349. Would you say that you have changed a lot in a year?
350. How would you characterize the purpose of your life?
351. Where did you grow up?